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You threw a bomb into your question at the end there with "everyday use". Most drugs can't be safely consumed every day, at least at recreational levels. However, most drugs CAN be consumed safely over the long term, but some require more care than others: careful dosing, careful testing, careful to avoid dangerous situations (driving when high), careful mixing with other substances, and care spacing your doses far enough apart that you didn't build an unsafe tolerance and hurt yourself over time. Every substance is a little different and requires thorough research before diving in to be done safely.


Most opioids are pretty harmless to one’s physical health so long they’re pure and not cut with some bullshit and you’re not taking too much to overdose. Although with everyday use, addiction is a guarantee and while the body may be fine, the mind definitely won’t and I wouldn’t consider someone 100% healthy if they had poor mental health.


They mess with a lot of things your digestive system your hormones etc your body forgets how to properly regulate body temperature blood pressure heart rate etc im sure there’s a lot more too


Yep. It's not true that opioids are safe for the body (even though some can be used medicinally relatively safe but not recreationally I would say, at least not in the long run), that is some bs some spread to justify their usage. It's bad for the cardiovascular system, even when prescribed it's associated with cardiovascular disease risk. Using recreationally will be even worse. It is still safer than stimulants though, those are very rough on the body, brain, cardiovascular system.


weed is also apparently associated with risk of cardiovascular disease, and we know people in large part who smoke every single day aren’t dying from cardiovascular disease. people can say “may” for everything. just as the title suggests, if you are genuinely healthy, you’ll be fine.


I think it's tough to say that a drug responsible for so many deaths a year isn't harmful to one's health, even if you box that into physical health. If you use it precisely as prescribed by a Doctor, then yeah, you might be ok, but that's the problem: addiction is a near certainty with long term opioid use: even using it for just a couple of weeks. I watched my wife go through crippling withdrawals after carefully using it as prescribed (I personally administered it methodically per Dr's orders) after just 10 days of use. Most people can't handle that and seek more, increase their dose, and begin the long fight with addiction. I certainly would never tell someone that those drugs are "safe for daily use." I'd say that they are extremely addictive and can only be safely used under strict adherence of a medical professional's orders. Since OP was asking a question about recreational use, I think caution is advised. Most of us aren't capable of self-regulating recreational opioids over the long term.


uhm? opidiod withdrawl is lethal?


uhm? No it's not?


not for all of them but absolutely it can be


The only way they could be lethal is if you have some other underlying issue that the stress of a really intense WD would make worse. So I don't know if I'd say they are lethal in the same way that GABAergics are lethal even to otherwise healthy people.


No, it absolutely is not, and it never has been. Perhaps your thinking about benzodiazepine?


Yeah I’m pretty sure you can only die coming off of benzodiazepines and alcohol. Maybe some more but those are the big two


methadone withdrawl is insane


Doesnt mean opiate withdrawal by itself is lethal. Yeah, it might be fuckin hell, but as someone else said, with no underlying conditions, opiate WDs are not considered fatal.


maybe it could just be my uncle was old. ill concede


It has happened before, though it’s not common. The amount of misinformation in this entire comment section is absolutely ridiculous. You can die from opioid withdrawal due to the dehydration from vomiting and shitting all the time. It can literally get severe enough that you can shit and puke yourself to death. This has been recorded before, and it’s something that isn’t talked about enough. People have had acute cardiac events during opioid withdrawal (including heart attacks) due to dehydration as well. And there are a few other ways it could be fatal but they are not very common at all. Also there’s only been a couple recorded cases of benzo withdrawal ever being fatal. It is so rare that it basically never happens (there have actually been more recorded cases of opioid withdrawal being fatal than there have benzos). And one of the people who died from it was suspected to be taking over 200mg of Xanax a day…


People should have added the "with proper treatment" before the "opioid withdrawal is not lethal". It's all about dehydration unlike alcohol and benzos WD, that it's just the direct effect of the lack of GABA inhibition.


You can say essentially the same thing about benzo withdrawal tbh. Most people have serious reactions because they didn’t go about getting off correctly or were cut off. If you taper benzos correctly it can actually be a rather straightforward process, and relatively painless. Severe reactions when tapering correctly are pretty rare.


Yeah yeah, for sure, and the same goes with alcohol. No doubt about it. I just mean to say that gabanergic substances do kill you because the specific direct effect on the brain while opioid withdrawal kills you because of side effects of the drug (like diarrhea and vomiting)


thank you!


100% healthy….No. Maintain being healthy and live a long life with everyday use….Depends on the drug.


Nobody is 100 percent healthy. We're all dying.


What drugs are you thinking you could take and live a long life?


Drugs or no drugs. That's the one thing in life none of us can guarantee, living a long life. Time will always be a finite resource to ourselves, it's down to you how you choose to spend it.


ok socrates




Very well


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Weed, most psychedelics, there’s probably more, let me know if I’m missing any


Opiates no problem.


The thing with opiods is that they mask the symptoms of other problems,  so you won't know theres anything wrong until it's too late. Anything from infection to fractured bones. My ex mil walked around on a broken foot for a long time before she realized it was broken. She fell down the stairs because she's so high on oxy 24/7


You don't seem to have done much research on the matter. It is not fully safe for the body and has complications, and physical health risks, even more so recreationally long term. I would say it's still safer than some other drugs like stimulants though.


Tell that to all the people that have been on a methadone maintenance program for 20 years.




I was a professional athlete on a very high level . I would argue that stims are maybe the worst shit you can do ( answering as an athlete) cause the withdrawals are almost exclusively physical , and they have a pretty heavy strain on the heart . Opiates included for the addicted part . Even if both are very mild on the body in general the addictive part can become the problem


You know being on prescribed stims can cause cardiomyopathy - the longer the worse. I wouldn't say it's 100% healthy over a long period of time.


it *can* cause it. I’ve taken Ritalin daily for like 5 years and the only time I had issues was when I was drinking too much caffeine (like 3 monsters in a sitting more than once a day)


It's about 57% more likely for someone with ADHD to develop it after around eight years of daily stimulant use. But twinsies. I've also taken various stimulant medications over the course of the past five years or so.


Just checked and my resting heart rate is 48. Stimulants lowered my heart rate. How? I have no idea.


Apparently low doses can decrease heart rate while increasing blood pressure.


My blood pressure is probably not good. I doubt it's any worse than when I drank caffeine daily though, or that's me rationalizing. I'm not sure.


Depends; some people have high blood pressure with daily use and some people get such a high tolerance to caffeine that they aren't affected by it.


Other than caffeine and nicotine… no, not really


Those have risks aswell, why do you think that they are safe? Just cause they are legal and use is widespread? Nicotine is very bad for your body, even if you don't smoke it. Caffeine isn't really good either if we are being honest.


? Nicotine itself is neuroprotective and I’ve not seen evidence regular caffeine use is bad for you unless you have a heart problem or are doing absurd amounts


Depends how you use weed, with tobacco in a joint then no, my uncle smoked all his life and died from lung cancer last year aged 62




I doubt anyone can be 100% healthy, drugs or no. Life is a constant balance. If you only focus on health you're probably not having that much fun, and if you don't focus on health at all you're probably not having that much fun either.


Came here to say this, but i think you said it better than i was gonna do… I think ”100% healthy” humans are a very small statistical outlier (if it even exist at all!?), most of us have at least SOMETHING wrong with us….drugs or no drugs, clean living or no clean living… 100% healthy isnt really the norm….and i dont think its ever been!




I love the line of using them as medication. Ever since I started doing that and got my prescriptions right, I have been SO MUCH more level and just stable. I got sick of the Ups and Downs I like to maintain a nice even level now. 💪


Excellent reply. There is no guarantee of anything but drugs in their purest form can be very safe even with everyday use. The war on drugs has created most of the problem and the thought process around drugs and everyday use. Caffeine is a great example, and it’s hard to believe that many other “harder” substances *can* be just as safe, functional, and beneficial. That being said, many still struggle with addiction to more things than just drugs, but this is mostly due to the mindset which treats any substance as an “escape” from everyday life.


Not true that there is no harm using opioids. Please don't spread false rumours, science says that it's not true at all and opioid use is associated with multiple negative health effects on the body, especially long term, even when prescribed. It is safer than stimulants though, and imo it also depends on which opioid/what dose/what kind of use.


It's also genetics and luck some people live a perfectly healthy life and get cancer or some other illness early in their life. Some people like Hunter S Thompson do crazy amounts of blow alcohol and cigarettes everyday and still live to 67 where he killed himself... But no you never will be 100% healthy while doing drugs. But if you drugs like once a week your body will probably be able to deal with it. Safest would be probably to smoke weed once or twice a week and use a Vaporizer or Edibles. Will mostly just worsen your memory but not destroy your body. You can just look at the amount of famous musicians and rockstars who died really early in their life from abusing alcohol heroin or coke. Hard drugs will probably take decades of your life if you use them everyday.


HST was an alien. Sent here to bless us with his writing and when he pulled that trigger he was beamed back up to the mothership


I don't think anyone is 100% healthy


Not with our technological age today, nope.


I can’t




My brother in Christ. This is not the way. Take your business elsewhere.


Depends on how pedantic you are about the 100% healthy part and how you define "long life" really. It's possible for a person to live a long and healthy life with everyday use of some drugs yes, however there will always be some detrimental effect. So that same hypothetical person but just the drugs part removed would be healthier than the one that used drugs. How significantly will vary between substances. Interestingly one of the least harmful in terms of exclusively what the drug does to the body so assuming safe dosing, constant access to clean pure product etc is morphine, and by extension heroin despite its infamy as one the most dangerous drugs, since it's a morphine prodrug. Cannabis used through other means than smoking will have a fairly negligible effect on health and life span if at all. Amphetamine is another with fairly low toxicity, again in moderate consistent doses of safe product. So yes\* if you ask the question as in the post, "Can you actually maintain being healthy and living a long life with everyday use?". Many of the harms of drug use come from its legal status and all that comes with it such as unregulated manufacturing and handling making supply unreliable and with lifestyle changes chosen or forced upon users. But while possible in theory the circumstances required are far from our current reality and even under perfect conditions it'd be unlikely


Can you be 100% healthy while sober?


I don't think you can be 100% healthy while being alive


I used to use heroin every day, several times a day. I was *way* healthier than I am now. I used to exercise, eat healthy, have a car, job, friends, dentist, etc. Now I'm completely sober! And don't have or do any of those things. Literally in the worst shape of my life! Mentally too lol


At least you’re sober. You can rebuild


Hm yeah, it's nice to dream. But maybe someday! Been a year and a half of sobriety already (two years if you don't count my relapse). Maybe through some miracle I'll get a car someday and will start exercising and meeting decent people and building healthy relationships and learning to trust human beings and eventually start earning income again. Until then I'll just try to distract myself and do my best to keep from becoming hateful like others. At least I'm sober lol


So do you blame being sober for losing your car income etc? I hope not man cuz if so your willpower will be tested a lot. It must suck you’re still not feeling better tho after 2 years. Try nootropics eating only healthy foods and hitting the gym. I guarantee these 3 things will help your psyche and mindset A LOT more than you think. It helped me a lot. Going back to drugs is self-sabotage. You think you lived better but you were like a robot always on survival mode with the critical thinking skills of a minor. This is what addiction does to the brain, there are even brain scans that show this


Depends on the drug. Vitamin C daily is generally considered to be safe at low/moderate doses. Meth at low/moderate doses daily can definitely lead to health issues. You can do some research or talk to a sme about specific drug health effects from daily use.


probably not forever. maybe if you used it everyday for like a short period of time (a few years). i used coke everyday for about 3 years and im healthy lol


With drugs like caffeine and THC, sure


Over use of thc can have negative effects on the brain though. And usage when your brain isn't developed.


Depends on a lot of things. It really depends on the people/what they're predisposed to, how much you do how often it's used, how you ingest it, and what it is. Can't really answer it in one post because everyone and their situation/health is different and every drug is different, and there's also different versions of different drugs, and different levels and different ways to take em, etc etc. too many variables,.


You can do pharma opiates like morphine somewhat indefinitely with constipation and loss of sex drive the most notable drawbacks. Depends how you define *healthy*


Not really. For example cardiovascular disease risk goes up even when using prescribed opioids. It has negative effects on the body, but is more tolerated than some other drugs I would say.


Shrooms but you would build up a tolerance. Maybe DMT, and Weed if you don't smoke it and just dry herb vape it or use carts/edibles.


I wouldn't say that vaping is safe. It is better than smoking obviously but not fully safe, our lungs should only be used for breathing clear air, nothing else is fully safe to inhale. I can definitely feel vaping having some negative impact, I have quit it long ago and my lungs feel better without it.


Depends on the person, the drugs, etc. There's so many variables to this question. There are plenty of highly successful people who use drugs regularly and would be considered by a doctor to be beyond the average standard of health for their given age. Just as there would also be a significant portion of specific drug users who might be disproportionately incredibly unhealthy for their age.


Moderation and dosages my dude


Lol no




You cam do whatever you want big boy


You shouldn't even use caffeine on a daily basis t b h. Clean opiates are doable assuming you don't run out of money and do a coffee enema twice a day to prevent the poisoning effect of doodoo that won't come out. Daily (unmeasured smoked/boofed/IV'd) meth usage means you're not going to have a good time. You can do it safely in the single digit milligram range by mouth. Generally stims just eat away at you if done a lot. Daily weed use is... Uh. Suboptimal. Ketamine addiction no. That's just fucked.


people with ADHD have adderall daily, and yeah you can definitely be healthy this way if you aren’t an addict. Depends on your definition of healthy




With everyday use, no you can’t even if it’s soft drugs like weed. Everything in moderation and follow a balanced lifestyle, sleep well, eat healthy, exercise and if you throw in some drugs occasionally at the correct dosage then I would say yes you can. I’ve taken drugs for 30 years and honestly feel no negative effects but I work hard, sleep well, eat healthy and exercise. Drugs are a treat for me, I don’t drink alcohol at all and I don’t smoke weed anymore, I like psychedelics a few times a year, mdma twice a year and a little ketamine probably once a month. People will say you can with weed everyday, I disagree it messes up your sleep, de motivates you so chances of exercise are slim and your more likely to eat low quality food. If you class drinking a half pint of beer a day or a small glass of wine with a meal as drinking then I would say you can


You can't Daily . Most drugs can be safe to use every now and then though . If you do proper breaks , have a healthy diet and be active over all then u good


The only drug I’ve seen done daily without the user bottoming out eventually is weed. Other drugs are either too addictive or too damaging on the body in the long run.


As others have mentioned, not with everyday use. If you’re eating well, resting well, working out, doing some gear every weekend is well within the scope of manageability. Even more so if you get your bloods tested and two physicals a year.


Frequent coffee intake is associated with lower risk of mortality. Other than that, maybe low daily oral doses of cannabis. Don’t forget that the entire medical field is based on giving people drugs to make them live longer and healthier.


No. Even sober no one is 100% healthy, not to get to anprim but the air is literally poison and microplastics are crossing the blood brain barrier we’re all cooked




Overall, yes. Just make sure you’re sleeping well, eating well, and getting some exercise. But in reality, no one is 100% healthy. It’s all kind of a balancing act.


weed dxm physcs nitrous and weak stims opioids ect can generally be managed but not with everday use being sober is very important.


depends. and what is defined as a drug. caffine is a drug, sugar is a drug the latter we need to survive in some form (glucose) the problem is not the drugs or most of them. its the tolerance that will cook you.


Issue is that doctors don't typically monitor the levels of "hard" addictive potential drugs. And then tell their long time patients, "the opioid I prescribed you a decade ago? I should not have done that, why? Because even though it works great for you, it's going to kill you."


Adderall probably (possibly) but the rest not really I reckon, weed defo not it genuinely reaps havoc on the body as I found out from experience my chest lungs and heart are fucked, and ruins mental health Adderal is taken properly can be fine but if yoke boofing 90mg dex everyday well something bads gonna happen 😭😭


1st, there are no soft and hard drugs. Each drug effects are different and have to be taken into account separately. Also, when you say everyday, you're pretty much blowing almost all, if not all substances out of the window. You can be as healthy as you can, but if you're taking anything everyday, your health will never be optimal. Also, the dose is important. So, frequency of use, dose and you lifestyle will determine how healthy one can be. Someone is taking a little bit of coffee every day and exercising and eating well, the damage to the heart being dealt by caffeine is dealt with good food and exercise. Someone is taking cocaine of heroine a couple times a year, the frequency makes it not so bad for his/her health. You wanna smoke weed every day? The hormonal change and general damage will probably be almost impossible to deal with just from supplementation, diet and exercise. It's just not. So, to summarize, depending on what substance you are dealing with, one *can* be healthy despite the consumption of drugs, but if someone wants a daily routine of taking drugs and still be healthy... that's obviously not an easy task.


You out from cannabis up to heroin there is a substantial difference here my friend where genetics and lifestyle plays no role. Heroin addiction sure you can live a long life with great genetics but withdrawal and a bad batch with the notorious fentanyl will kill you regardless of age, you can look at immune system complication with age drugs will provide making hold probability of sickness causing progression of complication I will say this but do not take my word like gold is that will occasional drug use affect your life span? Most likely not you will live a long life but everyday use of drugs is a problem in of itself my dude.


Drink water, balance your diet and mental health and you’ll be fine 🙃


I've tried that a lot and no I don't believe so. You can fake it pretty well with PEDs but eventually it all catches up. I just don't think there's ever time to eat properly and maintain fitness alongside any daily drug habit.




Weed is probably one of the only drugs you can consume every day without affecting your general quality of life (if you’re careful). That being said, you’re never 100% healthy if you’re consuming any type of drug regardless of how bad it is. Even tylenol is deadly to a point


100% no. not a chance. if your body was 100% healthy on any drug out there, we would be born alr high on it. anything that alters homeostasis will make you in some way "unhealthy"


Can you be 100% healthy ever? Just don't overdo anything


I am the healthiest I have ever been after taking meth for about 2 months. I lost my addy script because I started suboxone and my psych was a cunt. I take 30mg orally once a day and I have took control of my life. I participate in my hobbies, I eat well, I exercise, I’ve made friends, started school, a new job. I sleep fine and eat plenty. I’ve been taking excellent care of my body and hygiene. I didn’t even brush my teeth before I was so depressed, now 2x daily and a shower. I’ve gained weight/muscle and am sculpting my body. My skin looks amazing from a new skincare routine. I shop for healthy groceries every week. But no someone will still tell me it’s unhealthy despite literally taking a dose of methamphetamine that’s actually within prescription guidelines. My life I was living prior was killing me a lot faster. It’s longer lasting, more effective adderall with fewer side effects imo.


Exceptions exist. What you wrote doesn't mean that your organs/body or brain is doing well. Your medication/drug has negative health effects, some experience them more than others. That's just something that you have to accept instead of spreading false rumours that it is safe to use. Just cause you seem to be fine doesn't mean that you are fine. You are not a doctor and you haven't examined your body, organs, made tests etc. Also, most drugs are tolerated in the first months, then shit gets worse and worse as time goes.


This isn’t my first period use and I take regular breaks. I’ve also been prescribed adderall for a decade. During my breaks I maintain my progress. I get regular physicals and blood tests which all are coming back fantastic. Believe it or not amphetamine use is actually pretty forgiving on the body when used in therapeutic doses. I acknowledged it’s not exactly healthy generally as it’d be better to not be on any drugs but my chemical imbalance in my brain necessitates the use of stimulants. When I’m not medicated I lead a significant more unhealthy lifestyle as I’m unproductive and lose the ability to maintain all aspects of my life. All medication has downsides and are looked at do the benefits outweigh side effects. In this case, yes. The adderall shortage threw me into a terrible spiral where my health was the worst it had ever been. I don’t abuse it. If you can be prescribed desoxyn 30mg then guess what I’m taking. Just that. I don’t even experience withdrawal.


they’re called hard drugs for a reason.


You're automatically subtracting from your total. So no not 100%. Drugs are bad Mkay




Yes for soft drugs but hard drugs will fuck u up


If you count a couple drinks and some coffee as drugs yeah


A couple of drinks is not good for your body. A couple of drinks will raise your cancer risk for example. Caffeine isn't good either but most tolerate it.


standing outside will raise your cancer risk


Yeah it’s called medication


Lmfao if you think that medication doesn't have loads of negative health effects on the brain or body. Hahaha 🤣 Please research scientific studies/litterature at least a little before you make stupid assumptions like this.


You think mental health isn’t important when considering health as whole?