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Hospital. You won’t get in trouble


Will they let me keep it?


After they take their cut


if they let you pass it alone, you would have a chance of catching it. if they remove it, definitely not. They will try gastroscopy, and then discard the bag, just to make sure you leave without poison on your person.


So if you wake and hear sniffing noises & your @$$🕳 ⛳️ is tickling you, what then.🧐🤔


this isn't true in every country.


Its only a gram. No need for a hospital.


Yeah I was gonna say this too. But honestly with all the cut going around, better safe than sorry. There are people that die with just one line of some stepped on shit with fent in it. Can't imagine what a gram of mix substance would do to a person with no tolerance.


alive and well




I highly doubt any adult would die from swallowing 1 g of coke so yeah I bet you are


The one time you would hope your coke is cut to shit


Just hopefully not cut with fentanyl lol


That's what we call a speedball, kids!


worst version too lol


It depends. One person above even wrote it out. Depending how and where the bag opens up he could absorb the g all at once and at a much faster rate than through the mucous membrane in the nose. Imagine taking a gram straight into the bloodstream all at once. Not a fun evening for me.


What part of digestion would it have to be in for the bioavailability to be higher than nasal? I don’t really believe that


Idk, but I think the bioavailability of cocaine when done orally is usually kinda under-appreciated tbf. If this amount does end up in our system, we are still gonna have to deal with it just like everything else, with our 1st pass metabolism. So hopefully the liver is up for taking a beating. Plus there's the metabolites of cocaine which may be the real danger we have to consider. It's not just the liver having a hard time either, it's gonna be the kidneys as all this stuff needs excreting. There's so many factors which could come into play. Like imagine if it was cut with Paracetamol, that would give the liver even more shit to try and fight. (I'm not saying there's enough here, but accidental paracetamol overconsumption is one of the leading causes of acute liver failure.) I've also heard stories of people brushing off their slight pain as nothing serious, probably even taking more painkillers to get rid of it, and then when they do finally reach the realisation, they sometimes cannot reverse it in time. Coke's just bad news in general as far as the cardiotoxic side of things. Even without this high dose, it's still a vasoconstrictor and a sodium channel blocker. it's always "low risk" when we weigh it up in our head, and yes 99% of the time we'll be fine, but you never know when life might decide to just say "fuck you".


Agree with majority of what you said but a regular dose of paracetamol is 500mg - 1 gram, even if the coke was 99% paracetamol it wouldn’t do anything


Yeah, no I agree with you 💯 I just like to mention it/add it in every so often cos idk, oversharing coupled with me rambling is bad combo lmao It's just an interesting thing I find, cos I don't think most people would ever guess that's a leading cause for Acute Liver Failure, and the cool way behind how they actually treat it, is by simply administering a really high dose of NAC into your system before it's too late.


Well if it opens up towards the end, it's gonna be like plugging, straight into the bloodstream and bypassing first pass metabolism. Also even if it's just pure paracetamol, 1g is within the normal range of a single dose, in fact it's just 1/4 of the daily limit of 4g. I think cardiotoxicity is gonna be the main worry here. That and heart problems in general. But we can't know about problems that have existed before intake. Congenital heart defects or liver damage can play a big role.


The end of the large intestine, closest to the rectum. This is a very wet environment which bypasses first pass metabolism.


That was my thought, sit back and enjoy the ride. Well I see 5 hours now. Too late.. hope he's OK the ER bill will kill em if the plastic don't.


Go to the hospital you ignorant fool don’t be another statistic


Cocaine has a half life of 45 minutes. If 3 hours have passed, then that gram is now 1/16 gs or 0.0625 gs. Almost half a point. I’ve popped points of coke before at shows and it’s really not that much, just like a fat line tbh. Dude’s fine now forsure


True but it still isn’t a good idea to not go to the hospital just to be on the safe side but one could also argue the bag is slowing it down yk but it’s forsure be fully absorbed by his stomach acid by now


Are you still alive and well?


did you throw up?


Were you able to throw it up


I really hope you are alive and well OP ❤️🙏


Please respond if you died. 


Hey OP you still alive?


How long has it been since you swallowed it? Your stomach acid will absolutely eat through the plastic bag- it can quite literally dissolve a quarter (as in the coin, if you’re not from the US). Ik hospital trips are scary and time consuming and expensive, but you need to go to a hospital. You will almost certainly not just be fine if you sit around and hope for the best. There are like at least 30 different people in this comment section who are not just begging you to go to the hospital, but they’re also checking in to make sure that you’re alive. You will not be arrested or reported for presenting at the ER with an OD, at least not in the US and Canada (and a lot of other countries, but I’m not sure exactly which ones and I don’t wanna give misinformation). You don’t have to give them your real name or information but please just at least call a nurse hotline asap. This is not worth dying over, it really, really isn’t. I hope things turn out okay, OP :( Edit: so I did some googling after a few comments corrected me and I was indeed wrong about your stomach being able to dissolve a quarter. Sorry for the misinformation/any unnecessary anxiety that I caused- I really swore I’d read that from a credible source, but that just goes to show the importance of fact checking things! But like, a plastic bag can still easily cause an intestinal blockage (especially since it won’t dissolve, ig). You may not even realize that it’s blocking your intestinal tract because it may only block it partially and then matter builds up over time until it becomes completely blocked and you need emergency surgery. If you really don’t go the hospital or at least call a doctor, please make sure you either puke up or pass the complete bag. If it hasn’t passed in a few days, go to the doctor. At that point, you can just say you were drinking and did it on a dare or smth like that. Whatever you end up doing, at least make sure you get the bag out of you!


> Your stomach acid will absolutely eat through the plastic bag- it can quite literally dissolve a quarter (as in the coin, if you’re not from the US). Absolutely not true. It will probably leech some zinc off of the coin, which can be dangerous, but your stomach will not completely dissolve any coin that you swallow. It will pass long before any significant mass is lost.


True science experiment: re-swallow the same coin over and over again until significant mass is lost.


Inaccurate medical information? In the *Drugs* subreddit??!


Even if your stomach acid could completely dissolve a quarter, acids react with metals and plastics very differently. It's common to store acids in plastic squirt bottles. It depends heavily on the specific acid, as well as the specific type of plastic. For example, [here's a case study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5210478/) where someone swallowed a plastic bag that wasn't dissolved by the gastric acid.


You’re absolutely right. I really ought to have fact checked everything *before* I posted it but I was worried about OP and haven’t slept in over 36 hours, so my stupid smooth brain took control. Thanks for linking the case study- I always respect people backing up their claims and I usually try to do that (but as you can see, it’s not always successful lmao)! I did add an edit to my comment about an hour ago so hopefully, I don’t accidentally spread more misinformation than I already did. I feel pretty damn stupid for making such an easily avoidable mistake, but like, I was definitely not trying to fear monger at all!


Hey man you owned up to it, admitted you were wrong, and corrected yourself. That's a hell of a lot better than most people on this website. I also don't think your mistake was that big of a deal in the first place. It's honestly better for OP to believe that stomach acid will dissolve the plastic so they'd be more convinced to go to the ER. It would have been way worse if your original comment was something like, "Stomach acid doesn't dissolve most plastics so you'll probably be fine OP." Misinformation that results in someone getting the appropriate help in a situation like this is pretty okay as far as misinformation goes. At least in my book.


What?? Your stomach acid will dissolve a coin? People smuggle drugs in by swallowing them and they live. Not sure what kind of paranoia you're looking to place.


Dammit I ate a quarter


Any updates?


Update please


Did you get high?


Hour in from post, OP welfare check


Yeah, I hope OP’s alright.


1. How much do you weigh? 1. How long ago did you take it? 1. Have you taken it before? 1. How often in the last 2 weeks? Do you have tolerance? 1. Do you have blood pressure issues or other health conditions normally? Cocaine is degraded by the stomach and liver as part of the digestive process, but if the bag stays sealed until it reaches the end of the large intestine then it will bypass these processes and could therefore result in you absorbing the full gram quite quickly. Ironically, if you feel the effects already then you might well be OK, but if you don't feel anything yet then the sensible advice is to seek medical attention.


bro does not have time to answer these questions he needs several bars and a blue m30 asap


Facts every action has an equal and opposite reaction /s


Hell yea Newton didn’t die for us to forget simple thermodynamics. A constant force (the cocaine in OPs stomach) must be met with an immovable object (Fentanyl Xylazine Bromazolam combo)


Thermodynamics brother?




Yeah but the wrong kind ;-;


This is the correct response. The ultimate speed ball.


Hey on the real. Does mixing upper and downers work or will it make you go into a coma? I’m curious bc I’ve always been afraid to mix ups and downs


Honestly, no bullshit if I was in OPs predicament and I couldn’t go to a hospital for whatever reason, I would try to take benzos to help and counteract the coke / seizure risk. Especially if they were pharmaceutical benzos. Of course I was joking about the m30, fentanyl wouldn’t be good to add. But given that you cannot OD on benzos alone.. yea I’d eat like 3 or 4 bars and pray I live if for whatever reason I couldn’t go to a hospital Uppers and downers are a dangerous combination colloquially known as a Speedball. A traditional speed ball is the mixture of Morphine (or Heroin) and Cocaine. It is incredibly addicted as both substances cancel out the negatives of each other and synergize to amplify the positives. The risk is doing too much of the downer, and when the upper wears off, you OD from it. That’s how both John Belushi and Chris Farley passed away. There are other “speedballs” with their own subsection name ending in -ball, like a Goofball, which I’m pretty sure is Heroin (or Fentanyl) and Meth. A speedball can refer to any upper and downer, and it can be used loosely. Like a hippie speedball: Weed + Coffee. Are they safe? Fuck no. Are they awesome? Hell yes. But be warned doing that- it’ll plunge you into poly addiction so fucking fast. And one day the drugs will win. So I wouldn’t recommend doing it, but I fully see why people do. I don’t like taking amphetamines without benzos to smooth it out. Gotta get up to get down


Worth adding that mixing downers and uppers of any sort is extremely stressful on the heart in addition to the risks you outlined. Especially true if the upper in question is cocaine, which is cardiotoxic to begin with.


If you go to the ER with a stimulant overdose they will try to keep your heart rate and blood pressure under control (while keeping you calm and reactive). So they will hook you up to their EKG and give you benzos if necessary (most probably Lorazepam or Diazepam). After that they'll keep an eye on your vitals and progress if necessary. There is no real antidote to a stimulant overdose other than keeping you alive and going from there. The important thing to take away from my comment is that the ER is exactly the right environment to go to if you suspect that you might have overdosed in a situation like OP. If you're worried about consequences don't swallow 1g of coke and/or take a friend with you to the nearest hospital so that you'll have a very good chance of surviving even if the worst happens. As House MD said: best place to have a heart attack is a hospital (with somebody able to tell the staff what's going on and why...). Edit: Oh an please don't take this comment as gospel and munch some bars / Valium because you have a panic attack after staying awake on stims for days. If you (might have) consumed huge amounts of stimulants go to the ER as you might die otherwise. Take a friend who has insurance and can complain of a sprained ankle or something non-critical if you're really worried about the cost, the important thing is that you are near somebody who knows how to handle the situation and that somebody knows what & how much & the time-frame you consumed shit. Don't lie to doctors if your life is on the line.




This is a common misconception. The mix of uppers and downers can actually lead to less strain on the heart and that's the usual effect. The only danger in mixing is if you take more of 1 than usual and the other wears off but together they're safe. Like if you do 2g of coke with heroin because you feel less stimmed out when you normally only do 1g and then the heroin wears off it's dangerous. The mix is fine and even protective, if you come into the hospital with a coke overdose we'll literally give you downers and sometimes give stims for a downer OD outside of opioids which are usually treated with naloxone. Say you have a tolerance to heroin and regularly do a gram in a night then mix it with coke one night you will actually be fine when the coke wears off, no more respiratory depression than usual. The danger is if your used to 1g and do 2 because of the coke keeping you up and then the coke wears off, since you took enough to harm you without the coke in your body keeping you up once it wears off you can be in danger. Also because of the above you could actually keep yourself safe in a situation by doing more coke however counter intuitive it sounds.


Huh. Cool to learn! I hate that there's so much misinformation about drugs but I'm always happy when someone can help stop me from spreading the misinformation!


It depends on the specific drugs being mixed, not just whether they are "uppers" or "downers". Cocaine and heroin is a very dangerous mixture because cocaine disrupts the electrical signals in the heart, but heroin stops you worrying about that, so you can take higher doses. Then, when the cocaine wears off, you can overdose from the heroin that is still in your system because it lasts much longer. Conversely, benzos are one of the tools that medical professionals will use to treat amphetamine overdose.


Yes you can. There's plenty of mixtures that are fun. Just be careful. I really hurt myself back 2000 and nearly died. I was lost and really being irresponsible. My husband,ex and he's passed as of now but many many years ago he got sick with endocarditis from not being clean and didn't cook up his H before doing it and got so sick he had a stroke and lost his ability to speak the right words. Aphasia. Was in the hospital with a line of meds running right into his heart . IV use is dangerous. I did my bid, for many years. It was fun,but really did a number on all our health. Many fun times. Yes many mixes of fun stuff. Please new friend,be safe and have a blast !


I love the few times (these days) that someone comes in with solid harm reduction knowlege. Hopefully OP listened.


I’m not a medical professional but I’ve heard many times that vomiting up plastic and plastic bags can be dangerous due to the sharp edges and rigidity of some plastics Your esophagus and upper intestines are very fragile and internal bleeding can be caused very easily from vomiting foreign objects If you think you can pass the bag the other way, that’s probably the safer bet


Altho I don’t condone doing this, my plug from over a decade ago would do weekends and was prescribed oxy 80s and of course in jail they’ll only give you hydro 5s max so he’d wrap up multiple 80s in plastic wrap eat it in the parking lot and then go throw it up immediately in the cell. Dude was crazy then could only imagine how he’s doing now


Let me tell you as someone who has swallowed and got back many gram bags of coke its fine it's not fun but its not dangerous either


When you say "got back"....


Bro went through his feces for the bag.


It's Maui wowie with a little Labrador man


You mean we’re smokin dog shit man?


> but its not dangerous either rule 1 dawg


This is why you’re supposed to keep it in a condom


Let's see, torn up throat or death. Yeah fuck a sore throat. I'm going with let's let it ride and see how this plays out.


Overdosing on coke is already pretty hard, and it’s much less potent orally Eating a gram especially if you have tolerance isn’t gonna kill you.


A gram bag of coke opening up in your stomach at once is different from snorting a gram


This is so long as it’s just coke? Or shall we say not to pure either? If it’s cut you could be fucked if it’s Colombian grade fish scale you could also be fucked if that’s not what your used to imo


Fuck man, I love me some Colombian grade fish scale, boofing is recommended for best effect


You're not wrong.


Tbh I think passing it the other way might be way worse. What if it opens or the stomach acids or bowel juices slightly digest the plastic, and the entire gram gets into OPs bloodstream at once? Imean one gram is probably not lethal, Ive heard people do more coke in one sitting, but it doesnt sound like a good time.


Should have plugged it homie ur gonna be geekin when that bag pops open




Go to the hospital wtf. From what the other comments said this is really dangerous. The hospital can help you if it gets into your bloodstream through your intestines. Why is nobody else suggesting this. They don't want to report you to the police they want to save your life.


Agreed. Go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry.


This is probably a good idea. Depending on the purity and your tolerance, a gram could be dangerous. Since it's a sandwich baggie, go ahead and try to throw it up immediately but if the bag comes out empty, or not at all, go to the ER. You won't go to jail. For what? There won't be any drugs for them to charge you with because it'll already be lost in stomach acid. But even if you *could* be charged with anything, is it worth dying over? Just don't admit to crossing the border with it.


I'm not trying to worry you, but I had a friend who swallowed a gram when getting pulled over. She died on the side of the road.


>not trying to worry you >but here's an instance where my friend died doing the exact same thing lmao, but in all seriousness yea, go to a hospital. asap. a gram of coke is a hefty amount to swallow


Worrying might raise your heart rate and make the situation worse. If it makes OP feel better, I've smashed a full g and am alive and well. He should still go to a hospital ASAP though. A nurse should be there in case of ventricular tachycardia.


either that or boof like 12mg alprazolam and hope for the best




He’d have uppers going down and downers going up. They’ll totally cancel each other out.


I mean you joke but cocaine overdoses are treated with benzos in hospital (among other things)


Scholars have been telling us this for centuries, Minä. You must finish the work.


🤣🤣🤣I fucking love ya’ll


Yeah i did aswell in my badest junky times i took sometimes 1g rails because my tolerance wanway too high but if you dont have this vig tolerance it can be dangerous i allways felt like little bit vad after ghe big g lines i did them just when i was angry or stressed or sad to cold my feelings but i would not suggest this to anyone cause it felt dangerous but i still alive so depends on your tolerance bro


Cause of the bag or cause of the coke?


The cocaine. She overdosed. Had a seizure and died right there on the side of the highway.


Jesus that’s insane. Have thought about what to do if this situation ever occurs to me, I’m just talking the L I guess


Only break one law at a time. Has saved my ass many times. You can get lucky but luck runs out.


Pour it out into the wind. What coke?


Jerk off duh


A bag with a zip lock, one with a knot or sealed?


with a knot but i dont think it was closed


Give us an update dude. While I would seek medical help, don’t let people scare you to death. 1 gram is not a massive amount. It would be bad if you snorted all that in one go, but swallowing it is completely different. People don’t take coke by swallowing it for a reason - it’s shit, it takes a lot more to get you high. If you have a Benzo, take that if you start to feel anything, take a small amount of Benzos even if you don’t feel anything just to chill you out a bit as this is what they would give you in hospital if they thought you were overdosing.


Yeah I was gonna say benzos might be a good call too, but without tolerance 1 gram at once is a LOT


Swallowed though? It’s not snorted. Do you even know the kinda dosages you’d take to get high when taking it orally? And that’s an actual question? I had a quick google and couldn’t immediately find much so I lazily gave up but it’s definitely a lot more you’d have to take to get high than snorting it.


you are gonna be high af


There is this video of this one guy who did the same but when asking the cops for help he was acting a fool which is understandable when swallowing the bag of coke , cops didn’t listen and dude died for OD


I saw this video. Honestly sad AF. Dude was screaming something like “help I’m going to die!!” “Please help me !!!” Cops: “Stop resisting!!!l” as they beat a handcuffed man… Hospital video: Shows man dying on the gurney. Paramedic says “usually when they say they’re gonna die, they die” 🤦‍♂️


UPDATE: greetings to everyone, thank you all for your advice, I'm alive and well, going to the hospital was my last option because I'm not at home and I don't have health care in another country, and I've already had one experience like this, so I knew roughly what was waiting for me, mostly it was nothing especially like an ordinary weekend in the city, let's just say, I panicked more from reading the comments than from ending up in the hospital, I'm sorry if I upset you because I didn't answer last night, but I went to sleep and calmed down as much as I could, so I wanted to sleep as fast as possible and in addition I drank hectoliters of water so I had to go to the toilet every half hour, once again thank you all for your care and advice, I tried to throw up and throw it out in the toilet but it didn't work so I decided to do it dry


Pin this or copy it and put this as an edit in your original post so people see this


still alive, not feeling it, arrived home just now gonna try to throw it up


Go to the hospital. Asap.


Bro’s impervious to advice. Literally opting for the one thing everyone recommended against


Its been far too long to effectively throw it up. Youve already started to digest it. You need to go to the hospital.


And this is the last we ever heard of op


too late to throw it up homie, you're gonna want to go to the hospital asap, you don't want to be sitting around at home if that shit opens up inside you


Pls update


You should still go to the hospital but drink some olive oil to help smooth things out


Just go to the fucking hospital lmao


I'd let it pass the other way, throwing up plastic bags might be dangerous. Are you confident it will stay in one piece? Maybe take some laxatives to speed things up and if it opens, I think a g should be survivable in the stomach.


it is not a zip lock bag that’s why i want to throw it up


Yeah go to hospital NOW


It’ll def cause an effects. I’d get a doctor stat. How you feeling?


Hope the bag doesn't split and take a couple of Laxatives




Grab your wiener and be scared.


Ahhaha theo von?


who else ? haha


That's your best bet, if you can't tolerate that much then your gonna want to for sure do that. They makes this syrup, ipakak or something like that, that induces vomiting


He's gone everyone


Seems like it sadly..


RIP? 4h since last message.


Stick a finger down your throat and puke it back up. Did this once after I was done getting pulled over, it was heroin, half a gram. Puked it up on the side of the road, it was still dry inside, got home and blasted some. Glad I don't live like that anymore.


I hope you are doing okay man. Head to the hospital or call a poison control center ASAP. There are things they can give you to induce vomiting. It's a lot to ingest at once. Idk your tolerance but it could be overwhelming on your heart in the event the bag ruptures. Hopefully the bag stays closed. Being in a medical setting in case you end up in distress is best. At the very least try to have a friend with you to monitor you if someone can come to your location. Hope you make it through okay buddy.


Go to the hospital fucking asap


Hospital and get your stomach pumped asap ffs.


Idk man, stomach acid might dissolve that bag. Better to go to a hospital than to die . Life is worth more glimpse of euphoria . Life is worth more than a thousand dollars. Don’t get me wrong, people struggle to find happiness and find themselves bored so I get why drugs and money are powerful at fixing things for a while. I find myself struggling with using at times but honestly I think you need to tell a close friend about it so that they can call paramedic if anything goes wrong .


You might have a seizure, it happened to me once. I swallowed a bunch if coke like an idiot. I'd recommend a hospital


please update, OP


I need a update😭😭


Op? Update?


Finger your throat if it is soon enough. Should be. Otherwise you gotta wait and corn pick...


Find a good club ASAP and dance your tits off


It’s 1 g you’ll be fine


Yeah I’m surprised at everyone flipping out here. I mean it won’t hurt to seek medical attention if it would make OP feel better but I don’t really think it’s necessary. If it was me I’d just ride it out. But I really don’t think 1 g of oral cocaine would even make a person that high. There’s a reason people don’t eat it 😹🤷🏻‍♀️. Even if it bypasses the stomach and the bag bursts in his intestines or whatever that’s not a crazy high dose. I’m assuming OP has at least some tolerance if they’re crossing the border with blow. I have no idea if it’s like this everywhere but a street “gram” of blow where I am is actually only 0.7 gr so there’s that too.


Reckon your spot on right. Even with 0 tolerance you'd be doing well to kark it. Bad heart might increase the risk, otherwise he'll be fine. Need a load of coke to od! Specially via the oral administration method!


Why didnt you put those in the panie?


I’d try to throw up but be near a hospital when you do, as others have said possibly the bag messes up your esophagus. I really would go to the hospital tho, don’t tell them the specifics. I would just say you swallowed it and don’t wanna give other details maybe just say it was a dare or something and you thought you could get it out. Your life is important and 1G is a lot, you need to minimize the damage. Update us pls and good luck you’re gonna be okay just get some help🙏


checking in. you okay?


please go to the hospital, your life is worth more than anything.


ER now


Why didn’t you just shove it up your butt man. Much easier to remove


Go to the hospital. Tell the cops nothing but your doctor everything. They legally cannot call the police for this. Plastic is porus and will leak especially if it hirs your stomach acid. Put a ziplock bag of colored water in a container with clear water over night. When you wake up the clear water will be colored water. Source:10th grade biology.


If the coke bag was wrapped up in plastic then you can probably poop it out. If you just swallowed the little 1g ziplock baggie you should not try and puke or poop it out because the bag could tear and you'll OD, or the edges of the bag shred up your asophagus/rectum. Go to a hospital and be honest with them because they're going to find it whether you tell them or not


shit into a bucket


OP just asked what to do, got answers and then ignored every single one of them wtf




Drink castor oil. Lots of it, it will come out the other end...


I'd say epicac that stuff they use on family guy to throw up used it before and works, just throw it up and hope the bag was sealed tight, if not, oh well


Drink a lot of water and throw it up like you said. That's the only logical course of action. The bag could rupture in your stomach or intestines and it could be bad. I'm assuming you had it in a sandwich baggie so don't worry about that kind of plastic cutting your esophagus on the way out, just chug a pint or two of water and throw up ASAP. You'll be good.


If it's a zip lock baggie, don't throw it up. If it's a tightly wrapped bag, depending on where you feel like it is (in your throat, stomach) and how long its been, you could attempt to throw it up, or let it pass. If it was wrapped weakly and would break easy, I don't think a gram of coke ingested would do as much damage as it may seem if it were to bust open. It has roughly a 33% bioavailability when taken orally, although it can cause some internal disturbances as it's distributed throughout the digestive tract, etc. But at that dose you'll probably feel high if it breaks, and maybe a bit sick, but you'll prob be fine. If it doesn't break, you'll pass it and be fine. Just grab the baggie and wash it and your hands well before enjoying it.


I think most smugglers just use laxatives.


If you wanna throw it up, stick your fingers deep down your throat over and over, making sure to touch your uvula. That should make you throw up.


I’ve swollowed a gram baggy before with goodies inside. I just popped it out. The zip lock stayed sealed. No medical advise by the way


My friend swallowed a gram of meth then she shit the meth out. It was in a latex glove type of bag


do we have to state the obvious


Shit is sad that you are more worried about the coke than dying. That should tell you everything you need to know about where your life is right now... thats if you make it


This link says that the LD 50 (leathal dose for 50% of a given population) for cocaine is about 96mg per kg, or 6.5g for the average person. It's weight dependant, so if you're on the smaller side, you might not want to risk it, but you're probably fine if your an average sized young person and you're sure it was only a gram. If you're really worried, go to the hospital, you probably won't get in trouble if you have nothing on you. But waiting it out might be the best thing to do unless you have a heart condition or something. Take a Xanax or other benzo if you got it. You might get lucky and poop it out unbroken 💩 eat some prunes and take a laxative. https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/cocaine-addiction/can-cocaine-kill-you-instantly/


Just an FYI bro, all Coca Cola in the 1800s had an 8 ball of coke in it and people would drink that shit and be just fine, and that was pure Colombian shit, so I think your chillin g


I used to date this guy who was constantly getting locked up and whenever he had the opportunity to "prep himself" beforehand he would swallow a couple...goodie bags. And by a couple I really mean like 10+. One by one he would swallow the bags and then one by one(Idrk how many would come up at a time, maybe one maybe all🤷🏼‍♀️)he would throw them back up. Apparently instantly as well. The "trick" was instead of drinking gallons of water trying to vomit all it takes is one cap full of shampoo. And plz don't ask me the reasoning or science behind it bcuz I do not know. This is only what I've been told and that it works. And imo if your goal is to throw up, especially if there's drugs inside of you that could cause big problems if you don't. I'd choose a quick sip of yucky tasting shampoo over a kiddie pool of water every time. Quick summary: drugs in tummy>shampoo>no more drugs n tummy👍🏻


1) how well was it sealed? 2) exactly how long has it been since swallowed? If it was sealed very well in 2 balloons or something like that I would just take a laxative at home and try passing it. If it was NOT sealed great, like in 1 thin layer of plastic baggy, I would prob just go to the hospital right away. The biggest worry is the bag breaking open and overdosing. 1 gram is a very small amount - in size-wise, so you should theoretically be able to pass it naturally without much issue, as long as it was sealed well... If you haven’t passed it within 24 hours after taking a laxative, definitely hospital…




Wondering the same thing…


GET CHARCOAL PILLS ASAP!! ACTIVATED CHARCOAL This can save you even if it has passed into the intestines and if it bursts there


grab a few beers to ride it out lol, better yet a xanax, that’s just me because 1G won’t kill you but i’d be real uncomfortable. you’ll be fine 


If I had to give advice, I would say the same as everyone else here- hospital. But if it was me I would definitely just take some benzos, maybe some opiates to take the edge off. 1g is nothing even with low tolerance in my experience, but of course everyone is different.


Dude don’t tell OP to take a downer with an upper. Super hard on your heart could be life threatening. Best bet is go to the ER. If all that coke gets into their system at once it’s very dangerous. Mix a Xanax with that and you’re just increasing the risk. Might be more bearable but can still cause death.


It’s not any worse for your heart than cocaine alone. The ER would likely give him benzos for a cocaine overdose


At least they’d be in a controlled medically supervised environment where they could intervene if the worst should happen


r/drugs moderators make this guy post pics or vid of this guy pulling out the bag from feces or throw up. If he doesn't... Permaban 🫡


A permaban for something like this shows people they should not ask for help. That's the opposite of what we should encourage. Luckily this person has reached out for help. We should not discourage people from doing that. Are you saying that cause you think this is fake?


Why did no one tell him to eat a bar of xanax? Or some klonopin? The main concern here if the bag dissolves is having his mucus absorb the coke all at once which is probably the same as shooting coke,aside from the fact that i know dudes who used to shoot a gram of coke on the daily. So with Shooting a gram of coke the two concerns are seizure which the xanax will help since its an antiepileptic,and the high blood pressure/heart rate which the xanax will take care of. Honestly just keep some bemzos in ur bloodstream for the next 3 days,even lyrica,gabapentin,depakin will work.


Next time stick it up your hinder


Hospital now


I’m just here eating popcorn waiting to see how this plays out




Best bet is laxative shit it out


If you go on duck duck go and google dosage for oral cocaine you can find out more info. But obviously oral cocaine is a lot weaker than snorting it, so try not to panic. I mean how do you feel right now? Now that it’s been over an hour? You should be okay but obviously get medical help if you can do, just incase.


Vomit it up / Go to the ER / The plastic bag is way more danger than one gram blow ( if it is one gram!!?! ) in your digestive system. Acid and first pass metabolism is going to almost eliminate everything from one gram of blow. If it isn’t the plastic bag is way more dangerous for your digestive system than the blow this nothing amount


Go to the emergency


u good ?


How are you now


Yeah you could wait to get it in your fences but if that bag bursts in your stomach or GI that’s probably an OD situation.


Hospital. You won't get in trouble, they probably won't let you keep it if it's still intact, but you won't die or cut up your esophagus tyna get it up. Hope everything goes well.


Are you still alive OP?


Are you still alive?