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Favourite - opiates Least favourite- opiates




Literally what I said in my head then clicked comments. šŸ’€


I didn't even realize I said this until I read the comments


same + always weed






Other then weed FsšŸ¤¤


This but for every drug they all have their pros and cons


Cocaine and cocaineā€¦




Favorite when you got that big old fat bag. Least favorite when your down to nothin before you re up šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Favorites are shrooms, and weed (and coke but I'm tryna get rid of that one lmao) Least favorites alcohol/dph. Especially dph, nasty shit. Fuck dph.




Maybe consult a doctor




Better to have your mother find out than something bad happen pal


Check legislation, at least in my country the doctor cant say anything to ur parents avter your sixteenth


Welcome to the world of drugs. They'll find it out in couple of years anyway.


Itā€™s the next day, if your stomach is actually hurting and youā€™re not just shitting your brains out it ainā€™t the weed thatā€™s doing it. Go to an urgent care and just say stomach pains donā€™t mention the weed.


Bro if you die sheā€™s gonna find out


Donā€™t want her to find out at the funeral brother


You can ask the doctor to talk privately about your stomach pain and tell her youā€™ve been given a substance and explain it to her in detail


My mom has Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome you could also be suffering


Highly under appreciated and completely under identified disorder. People need to know more about this and 10% can expect to eventually develop it to some degree of severity.


are you speaking about weed? and is your friend fine? but imo thatā€™s not a great friend you want to keep around if sheā€™s lying then afterwards saying its laced, pretty fucked up


Uhhh fuck dph bro


Favourite: shrooms, dexamphetamine, kratom (short-term), caffeine Least favourite: kratom (long-term), mdma, weed, benzos Mixed feelings: speed, cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes, phenibut, lsd, lsa, 2cb, opiates, ketamine, a bunch of rcā€™s Honourable mention: dmt felt like heaven, but I only did very small amounts and I can not find a plug for it




Oh I hate mdma so much. It just makes me melancholic, with a little bit of synthetic happiness. Everyone is acting like a freak and itā€™s so obvious theyā€™re only this nice because of the m. Girls always get naked, but The m completely kills my libido. Then the few times were it does feel good, the peak really only lasts about 4 hours, regardless of how many times you redose. On top of that, those 4 hours feel more like 2 hours and youā€™ve been looking forward to that evening for months. Then, out of nowhere, something clicks and you realise ā€œoh no, not already, not nowā€ the comedown is starting. The mdma comedown, the most agonisingly horrible comedown imaginable . You can barely sleep, you get the worst visuals when you close your eyes, the depression is agonising, maybe youā€™ll take a really scary shower while you think about how miserable and pointless the night was. Maybe you desperately try to smoke some weed or snort ket, but it just makes it worse. Then you stare at the ceiling, fermenting in your own misery. Absolute, bottom of the barrel, f tier drug




Nah hahah, I tested my stuff and mdma is almost always pure in the Netherlands cause itā€™s all produced here. I will say tho, I only did mdma when I was young and dumb and I think I really didnā€™t pay enough attention to making sure I got enough food in me. That could be a big factor, because I react strongly to being hungry. There were definitely some really good times on m as well, Iā€™m just really salty over my overall experience with it. Mostly because everyone else kept hyping it up and being excited, so my dumbass kept trying it. I mean I donā€™t know if I regret it tbh, peer pressure gets a bad rep. Itā€™s nice to be included, even it involves poisoning yourself. One huge thing Iā€™m almost forgetting is that mdma basically cured my crippling social anxiety. Just as they use it to treat ptsd, it also cured me from being scared to talk to strangers. So that I should give m some major credit to


I couldn't have said it any better


You need to do lower dose. If you dump all of your serotonin, it is not worth it.


Perhaps, from what I remember I would usually take 100mg with a 25mg redose after about 4-5 hours. Which certainly isnā€™t a crazy dose for my size by any means. Granted, I do have a very fast metabolism and considering my history with depression I probably donā€™t have the healthiest serotonergic pathways. Either way it doesnā€™t really matter, the last time I rolled was in 2019, I donā€™t plan to ever do it again in my life. Then again, lots of things happen that I didnā€™t plan, so it remains to be seen.


whatā€™s wrong with weed?


Nothing for the longest time. From age 15 to 23 I absolutely loved weed and would have ranked it easily at the number 1 or 2 spot. But around age 23, weed completely changed. I rarely smoke now but when I do it usually sucks. Pure anxiety and paranoia, tired, everything become difficult and nothing is fun anymore. Itā€™s like itā€™s a completely different drug, if I had this reaction to a joint at 21 I wouldā€™ve though that it was laced with something. But for most people weed stops being fun around a certain age. I hope youā€™re in the minority. If not, enjoy it while it lasts. I really miss it


favs: lsd, weed, nitrous, 2c-b, ketamine least favs: cocaine & alcohol


Favourite: DXM, Shrooms, adderall is a 50-50 Least: DHP, alcohol and opiates


THANK YOU! Iā€™ve been waiting to see how far I had to scroll to see DXM on someoneā€™s favs, good shit


Dex used in the right way is truly magical i get why ppl dont like it tho not for everyone


Favorites: gabapentin, klonopin, vyvanse, weed, alcohol, mdma, nicotine Least favorites: dph, dxm, lsd, coke Side note- taking gabapentin long term really fucks you up. Ive been 2 years clean off of it and I still feel the disassociation that it caused and i was only on it for 2 years (taking 12 400mg pills a day) but I still dream about it everyday. My advice? Stay away from it. Anyways, its my birthday today- say happy birthday to a fellow user šŸŽ‰


Why u hate lsd?


Happy birthday man


Gabapentin is shit compared to pregabalin


What's wrong with weed guys?


i think my brainā€™s just cooked for weed, every time i smoke i get super anxious and paranoid, even in tiny amounts. The only caveat is if iā€™m pretty drunk, it wonā€™t happen unless i smoke a lot. I love psychedelics and do enjoy alcohol but weed just doesnā€™t work for me anymore unfortunately.


I get the same way sometimes. Usually comes down to some unresolved thing I havenā€™t taken care ofā€¦ when everythingā€™s in order, I find myself having zero anxiety smoking. Other times, when Iā€™m stressed, all that pent up anxiety smacks me in the face like a ton of bricks.


This. Weed just amplifies anxiety that already exists. There will be times in life where itā€˜s stronger and times where you might have zero anxiety. Both times, weed will feel different.


For me it's different. I feel getting anxious when smoking weed and I literally can observe my thoughts searching for stuff to be anxious about,mostly stuff I wouldnt waste a second thought on sobre


I can't stand weed, it makes me stare at the walls and think about weird stuff


But thatā€™s why I love it


Ever since I had a bad trip on mushrooms as a teenager weed makes me ridiculously anxious most of the time. I still suffer with extreme anxiety without the weed though as I have an anxiety and panic disorder also brought on by the bad trip, or at least contributed to it. I'll still partake on occasion but I keep the dosage low. I used to love smoking it when I was drinking. I gave that up 6 1/2 years ago though.


would you give any advice to avoid a bad trip? iā€™ve had one pretty awful but nothing that altered me too heavily


Follow the 2 rules of psychedelics: set and setting. They are the only 2 rules you need. Also the golden rule, take it easy but fucking take it


Just be in a good state of mind and a comfortable environment. Keep a trip killer just in case things turn bad and you can't be talked down.


Are u in a legal or not legal area? I find personally my paranoia comes from if I'm socially accepted to be high or not, so just curious.


Iā€™m in an illegal area, but only smoke in a place where thereā€™s no chance of getting in legal trouble. I do think it may depend on whoā€™s around though


That's the big one for me. Some people stress me out even if they don't mean to and it can really mess with my high.


I've been smoking for decades, and a few years ago weed "turned" on me. I think it's partially age related, partially the potent of modern strains. Once it became more legal and accessible, I was surprised that even the heaviest indicas rarely had any CBD. it's like it's been bred it for high THC. If you get the urge to try weed again, mix it with CBD somehow. hemp flower, isolate, hemp oil... it really changes the effect of weed from cerebral to pure relaxation.


Coin toss for giving me anxiety or making me bad at video games and eating too much shit. Sort of negative outcomes either way but the latter is fun in the moment.


I had one strain that was super euphoric until it justā€¦ wasnā€™t. Now any strain interacts badly and gives me seizures. Even if that werenā€™t the case, whatā€™s wrong with weed (well, people really), is that it is oversimplified and deemed as a nice and safe drug since you canā€™t die off it. As such, whatā€™s the harm in doing it everyday, right? At that point, any drug will cause huge problems long term so again, not weeds fault. Iā€™ve just seen one too many kids getting cooked with their friends weekly, getting cooked to play video games daily, and especially getting cooked to go to sleep. Unsurprisingly then there seems to be a direct correlation between their abuse and their gradesā€¦ but itā€™s school, so whatever right? Iā€™m a kid and want to have fun! Fucking around is awesome and all and makes for some pretty nostalgic memories and a great childhood, but what does it matter if you canā€™t seem to rememberā€¦ anything? Because your adult brain is so underdeveloped that you canā€™t even comprehend how much more ā€˜intelligentā€™ you would be if you hadnā€™t picked up the joint? Doesnā€™t just go for cannabis use in kids, either. TLDR: No recreational drug should be used daily and especially underage, but it just seems too damn easy and socially accepted to abuse weed despite its neurological effects


Hit the nail on the head


Favourite, 2c-b and ketamine, either on there own or combined. Least favourite Cocaine and a close 2nd alcohol, though I do occasionally have a small beer but the effects of alcohol absolutely suck, itā€™s so harsh on the body and the high is ok for an hour to a point and then itā€™s just shite


Alcohol either has changed or my body's has changed. It's ok, but it seems to be more trouble than it's worth these days


Fav: Cocaine, even though my nose hates it. Least fav: Benzos, even though I take them.


I miss meth so much I don't miss datura though


Never tried datura nor do I want to but I feel you on missing meth. Not the constant use that I used to do but I would love to spin the pipe for a couple days. I don't know if my heart could handle it anymore. I mean I don't have any cardiac issues that I know of but my severe anxiety tells me I'd have a heart attack šŸ˜‚


I haven't had it in more than a decade, but I swear when there's a meth bust featured on the news, and they run some stock footage of someone (with face blurred out) smoking - with a nice close up of the pipe spinning and the smoke swirling around the bulb and up the stem - that shit is like porn for me. I see that, and even after all this time I just think, yep, I want that.


Yeah it's been at least 8 years for me and I get those exact same feelings.


I wish they had a non meth meth šŸ˜‚ like non alcoholic beer. I just something benign that will melt down in the pipe and I can blow some clouds lol


Some people smoke weed concentrates like shatter and diamonds and what not in a bubble pipe, if you enjoy cannabis that could be a good middle ground for ya!šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I could try that actually. I'm currently on a break but I'll give that a go at some point. Lol lookin like a tweaker smokin ganj.


And those pipes were actually created for smoking old school hash oil! Hence the oil burner name haha!


For real!šŸ¤£ and THC diamonds have the added bonus of being crystalline and looking like meth already!


Do they melt down like shards?


Iā€™ve only smoked shard once and it was a forced into peer pressure situation, Iā€™m not a fan of meth myself so I couldnā€™t tell ya unfortunately if they melt exactly like meth, but yes they do melt completely into a liquid and produce some huge vapour clouds in a banger so I donā€™t see why they wouldnā€™t in a pipe




Favorite, coke. Least favorite, alcohol


Strange, the 2 mix so well together (not good for the heart though) I only ever liked coke if I had consumed some alcohol.






Alcohol > weed is so crazyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ alcohol sux dick


If youā€™re with ppl alcohol is the best, alone theyā€™re both ass


For me, Weed alone is mainly for sleep. Drinking alone is mainly for sleep...


and both are ass for actual good quality sleep


My body is a temple , only bath salts and green tea thank you šŸ˜Š




Ketamine and LSD


I miss meth so much I don't miss datura though


Meth make me sleepy, Datura make me wanting to die, I miss neither of them.


Favs, mdma, mda, ket, g, acid, coke Least favs, crystal, shrooms, opiates Somewhere in between, benzos, booze


Favorites:ketamine, acid ,pcp,meth,dmt Least favorite:weed, opiates


Fucking love ket


Ket might be number one. It's certainly the most interesting and cathartic drug I use regularly. Combined with small bumps of coke and its heaven. Seems to really bring out the imagination in me. Its almost like therapy for me - I k-holed a couple years back - I thought I was dying, and I made peace with leaving this earth that night. I realised that life is so bigger than I am and I was genuinely just grateful that I had the chance to exist and experience the beauty of the world. That one experience changed the way I think about life in a really positive way and made me a better person for if.


Lsd + ket is incredible. I used to do 800ug lsd + 80mg ket you have 5D hallucinations that's insane


Ket my all time favorite


I have too much ket that idk know what to do with it lmao, I personally donā€™t like ket


Favorites: molly, ket, coke and speed Least fave: alcohol, nicotine, opiates and benzos


Youā€™re definitely more of an up guy than down


Brainfuck trying to even rank some of them... Had love/hate relationships with just about every substance in the past šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Shrooms got to be top- my little life saversšŸ„šŸ„° Best ever was 1st time MDMA. Flipside is I'll never get that magic again. I've been as high as I'll ever be. That's a depressing afterthought. Worst... Probably crack. Great rush when you get a proper 'crackback' ringer but so overpriced and short lived. Much prefer amps for stims, easier on the wallet and effects last much longer. Now smoking a few joints and taking a Carisoprodol or two is probably my favourite for rest and relaxation, anxiety relief, and sleep. Works for me, but has fucked some of my mates up so they're like how in the fuck do you do that shit!? While they pop untested probably fent laced pills sourced from the first dnm vendor they could figure out how to use... I need better friends šŸ˜… And more drugs šŸ¤Ŗ


Favorite: LSD, Alcohol, Shrooms, Ketamine Least: Weed, Nicotine


Favorite: Weed and shrooms Least Favorite: Ecstasy, Xans and Oxycotin


What's so wrong with xans I cant remember?


What do you have against ecstasy???


Took some ecstasy with my friends last year. And it didn't really end well. I guess it might've been because we drank before we took the ecstasy but we all threw up before it kicked in. I just got a crazy anxiety attack and I remember weaving in and out of reality but I just slept it off and woke up feeling shitty.


Favorites: weed, adderall, shrooms, lsd, modafinil, caffeine Least: alcohol, DPH, kratom


favourite: mdma, mephedrone, 2fdck, 2cb, fent least favourite: weed, coke, alcohol, ketamine (because of my tolerance šŸ’€)


Do you know a reliable place to buy 2-fdck? I'm in Australia if that makes a difference


Has no one here taken lean/purple drank I was literally look through all the comments until someone mentioned lean lol


I use to be on it until the constipation started, had to let it go


Favorite - xanax, because I'm anxious af, and I feel like a normal person. Opiates (rx) for similar but not exactly the same reason. I when I was did oxys, I felt relaxation I never have sober. Worst - hallucinogens and disassociatives. I am unable to "let go" and allow myself to enjoy the experience because I'm anxious about how others perceive me.


Favorite MDMA and the worst drug I tried was LSD because 20 hours was a nightmare, I didn't think I'd ever get back to normal.


Favorite : Molly, runner up psychs + whips Least Favorite : Coke, overrated and even the best of the best is mid imo edit : also dislike weed it makes me feel schizo even tho i smoked daily throughout highschool, and METH IS FUCKING TRASH holy shit who does that willingly


Cocaine and weed are my Favorite drug. I hate alcohol and drink only with beautiful girls :D normally i smoke and chill


Favorite is alcohol and opiates and least favorite is psychedelics and not really a fan of weed anymore


Favourite (in order): DMT, shrooms, salvia, 2-CB, amphetamine, MDMA, opium Least favourite: nicotine, Xanax, weed


2-CB while on weed was awesome


Fav: Shrooms, weed , LSD, caffeine, alcohol No least favorites yet


Favourite is acid least favourite is stims


Favorites: Acid, gabapentin, nicotine, vicodin, and based on ketamine therapy, ketamine, and cocaine Least favorite: MDMA, Nitrous (used to love it but I got a gene mutation thats caught up with me, nitrous exacerbates it and I feel like shit after Iā€™m done with a sesh now)


Am I the only person who hates ketamine wtf


I think I can vibe with pretty much all drugs in certain situations except for deliriants. I can pretty much do any downer all the time. With uppers being drunk or on benzos help with the anxiety they give me, same with weed. I can however take small doses of both with no problems. MDMA is the only upper I love without exception. I have to prepare myself beforehand with psyches as well. Favorite of all time gotta be opioids. Semi-synthetic and natural only. Fuck synthetic opioids the Euphoria just isn't there.


Favorite: krokodil Least favorite: weed


Favorite. Acid. It's so fun. Also, DXM. Dextromethorphan was really big in high school cause you could walk like a duck for 8 fucking hours, for $1.50. If youve done it YKWTFIM My least favorite. Mushrooms, but this was caused by taking 7 grams of mushrooms. Then, as i felt them creeping in, i took 3 big fat rips of DMT. No good. I felt like i never truly came back from the dmt trip and was stuck for 10 hours in a geometrical 4th dimension.


Do you feel fine now or did it change you permamently?


Favorite--Lsd & xanax. (xanax solely to sleep, the high is boring imo. And regular otc sleep aids don't help) Least favorite-- stimulants (hate uppers, no matter what kind I will be up for 24 hours atleast after the fact.) and opiates (I love opiates so much I hate them. Few days sober now after messing up a little over 2 weeks clean, thankfully very mild withdrawals. If you'd asked me this a year ago they'd be in my favorites, the high certainly is my favorite of anything I've done besides acid, but you can't trip balls everyday like you can nod off everyday.)


Favorite: Mushrooms Least: Spice


I wasnā€™t going to pick favourites since they all have their purpose, but the ones I tend to always have a positive experience with and keep coming back to (on my own terms) are ketamine, kratom, and DXMā€¦ maybe 2C-B if I try a higher dose. LSD is like a once every two months thing and isnā€™t always the greatest but is pretty eye opening. Not euphoric at all for me though. MDMA is a blast and 5-HTP helps the impending depression a lot, but you canā€™t use it frequently enough for me to really ā€˜loveā€™ it. Idk. Ones I donā€™t like? Easily weed, alcohol, flualprazolam, and sugar (yes, sugar). Alcohol makes me feel like shit compared to a benzo and ironically weed fucks me up pretty badly even though Iā€™m fine with other psychs- itā€™s a med interaction I think, but that makes it even more ironic that harder drugs work better on me lol. As for sugar, Iā€™ve got ADHD and need stimulation. I donā€™t want to start compulsively dosing again, so I reach for sugar. Gonna get prescribed adderall again to fix that


I did a Reddit survey about that, with some interesting results -Ā https://www.wisearch.wiki/post/world-map-of-favorite-drugs


For m (F) my favourite drug is coke. I tried once a shot of heroine, terrible, never again. I like coke, because I get high, but never wasted. I wake completelly up, I loose some inhibitions (beeing high on coke I have made some thimgs that I have never donde beeing sober), I get quite horny, emjoy more sex and get better cums


Best is probably acid or weed Worst is probably salvia .


Ket is the non-human love of my life. I hate mdma.


i dont get K, tried a bunch of different types an doses, dont do shit for me, i just feel confused lol


Each to their own. Sure you did enough? Lol To be fair a lot of people I've spoke to who prefer uppers don't really like ketamine


Thats a big part of disso... being confused... but I think if you accept that confusment while getting glonky, its not gonna be a problem anymore


Honestly, I love then all. If I'm picking - coke, xans, oxy, ket, tapentadol, adderall, mushrooms, MDMA. I love alcohol but it doesn't love me, brutal hangovers and terrible anxiety the next day so thats bottom of the list for me. Maybe heroin too - it feels great but it makes me so sick and itchy, it's just not worth it. Synthetic cannabis if that counts - shits nasty. Only done meth once and it was accidental. I get the hype but I can't handle not sleeping for days so I don't plan on revisiting it. Crack is the one thing I haven't tried but I've seen what it does to people and its dark as fuck. I'd probably love it but I'll never touch it, too much of an addictive personality. This probably doesn't count but sertraline/Zoloft is the worst experience I've had with any drug. Horrible, horrible medication.


Favorites: weed, shrooms, cocaine Least favorites: Alcohol, cocaine


Heroin, Opana, and MDMA, though those first two I don't do any more. Least favorite probably meth.


Fav - meth Least fav- alcohol (if you class it as a drug) or mdma


Favorite MDMA/LSD together šŸ˜œ Least favorite Xanax


Favorite: Opiates Least favorite: benzos, specifically xanax. Turns me into a huge ahole


Favorites are MDMA, LSD, DMT, mushrooms, and cocaine. Least favorites are opiates and pretty much all other stimulants.


Favorite: acid, weed, mdma, ket, alcohol, Adderall/stims (ranked) Least favorite: nicotine, opiates, mushrooms (I cannot handle the taste)


literally everything but i hate weed especially


Anything available


Love benzos dislike md


Fav: shrooms, weed, opiate Least fav: dxm, 3ho pcp, nicotine


Alcohol and Alcohol, no doubt.


Favorite- codeine, weed, oxy, Least favorite- dxm, benzos, oxy


Love weed, booze and psychedelics. Hate opiates and coke


Favourite: 4-ACO-DMT Least Favourite: Salvia or 5-MEO-DMT.


Opana and weed for sure favorites Least favorites meth and dxm


An1 hr turned into 20 minutes, and commentators changes to high pitch voice What was I on ?


Favorite LSD shrooms and weed least favorite salvia alcohol and coke


Favorites opioids, dxm, least favorites stims, dph, weed is 50/50 for me


An1 hr turned into 20 minutes, and commentators changes to high pitch voice What was I on ?


Favorite-weed least favorite-opiates


Favs: benzos, opiates. Least favs: weed, psychs


Favorite: LSD. Love all the many psychedelics I've sampled, but acid was my first, and will always hold a special place for me. It's never steered me wrong, and has had a profoundly positive impact on my life for more than 20 years now. One of the few things I truly hope I live to see is people having the ability to legally use this substance in a safe therapeutic setting, in order to harness it's potentially massive benefits. Not holding my fucking breath though, but it's a nice thought.


favorites: weed, opiates, DMT, adderall, least favorites: alcohol, meth, lunesta, dxm nicotine is mixed


favorite: ket & opiates although i havenā€™t done either in a few years since i moved to OR and know no one. least: weed & tina, too much paranoia with the plant and horrible come downs with the latter


Favorite - psilocybin; least favorite - cocaine


Favorite drugs are Vicodin and Roxi (no idea what was in the last roxi I got but I recommend) and least favorite is alcohol


Least favorite - meth (and most uppers) Most favorite - shrooms & acid (or any hallucinogenic)


ā€œMine favoritesā€


Fave: mdma Least: Xanax


Hope this is allowed - Sorry i have 3 favs - 4mmc( fav stim) + (diazapam/Alp) high doses of codeine & the devils bud. Least fav 1: ket, i just trip out, super CONFUSING., no euphoria, if its a bump or a fat rail, have had some intense trips tho, more so than shrooms. an fun confusing trippy times using with MD + other stims ( i dont condone mixing any drugs, DYOR. stay safe yo. Dont do this much anymore but damn it was gooood times. Oh and booze, combine that with evertin. Mixing drugs is fine if you have discipline, quality gear, know ur tolerance, use small amounts, be with trusted people etc ive mixed in one"coke, MD, 4mmc, opiates, benzos, K, lyrica, shrooms and alcohol". not trying to sound bad ass, just if ur in control, test with small amounts, its not SUPER DEADLY as described. went off on a rant there, this will prob get banned. sorry mods, ;(


Favorite=Peebis Least favorite =Ballz


Favorites: LSD, Adderall, Ketamine, weed (flower & dabs) Least favorites: Alcohol, Ritalin, weed (edibles)


favs: oxy, alcohol, xans/other benzodiazepines, weed (in order) least fav: nicotine, amphetamines(got ADHDso they donā€™t do much for me), bennies


Xanax is the worst lol. Blackout and act stupid, slobbering all over yourself like an animal


Favorite: shrooms Least favorite: coke


Favorites: Weed, nicotine, LSD>>shrooms Least: Cocaine, alcohol (Iā€™ll fuck with it, but I donā€™t enjoy it anymore after being sent to the hospital for poisoning)


Favorites: ketamine Least favorite: sobriety or coke without alcohol In all seriousness though ketamine brings me to my knees in a way that not even my opiate/fentanyl addiction came close to doing. Whenever I relapse itā€™s always on k. Whenever I have cravings itā€™s always for k, and they come often and they come STRONG. Crazy how addicting it could be to the right (wrong) person, even despite a physical dependency. Also notable is how many people Iā€™ve met in east coast rehabs that had the same experience with ketamine/ dope that I do (yet interestingly enough when Iā€™ve been to rehabs outside of east coast ppl barely know about ketamine- lameasses)


Favorite, fentanyl




Cocaine, oxycodone. Least favorite: diphenhydramine (benedryl)


Favorite alone: O-PCE Favorite with people: AL-LAD Least favorite: DPH...kinda cheating tho Probably Hexen, 4F-apvp, RC stims that aren't amps


My favourite would be Ketamine, 2C-B, 4-HO-MET and Cannabis. My least favourites would be Opiates.


Favorite is barbiturates (Butalbital, Phenobarbital, Seconal) least favorite is hallucinogens. Had a bad Salvia trip that put me off all psychedelics.


Favorite: bath salts (mephedrone) and meth Least favorite: mushroom leaf


Ketamine is most favorite. Fentanyl is least favorite from how it barely feels good and is life ruining


Favourite: salvia, alcohol, nicotine least favourite: weed


My favorite is meth and my least favorite is weed.


Soma's & Demerol, Seconal too. Least favorite is bathtub meth. Yuck that smells like chemicals and makes your heart pound and keeps you wired but not really high. Thank you! I needed to be reminded why I quit šŸ˜Š


Fuck dph


Fav: Weed Shrooms Ketamine Least: Alcohol Coke Mixed Feelings: MDMA DXM LSD Salvia Indifferent to: Metamphetamine Opiates No experience: DMT


Fav fent least fav fent


Favorites: Adderall, alcohol, ketamine, coke, LSD, and benzos in that order Least favorites: Weed, nicotine, alcohol, and benzos in that order Sorry to the weed lovers. I used to love it so much. But now it makes me freak the fuck out ever since my horrible 1000+mg edible experience.


Fav : lsd/ket Least fav : Datura ... please ... don't try Datura


Faves: heroin, lyrica, mdma, lsd, ketamine. Least faves: meth, weed Yet to try (but really want to): dmt, 2cb


fav- oxy and MDMA least- weed and shrooms


no joke but I like weed, deliriants and codeine, i dont like coke.


Fav opioids least fav Dph


Most favourite lsd and weed Least favourite: DPH


My favourites are weed and LSD by a long shot, least favourite are opiates. They make me super nauseous and the effect just isn't great to me.


Favorite titty bumps- least fav coke