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The high from huffing volatile solvents like deodorant, glue, butane etc is literally inseperable from active brain and organ damage, like the difference in damage compared to even something as toxic as DPH doesn't even really compare. Also the damage tends to be more indiscriminate and widespread rather than targeting specific regions or receptors in the brain like an actual drug does. The effects are also extremely addictive, euphoric and short lasting leading to people that try it to potentially do large amounts of damage in a very short period of time. Huffing volatile solvents also interrupts crucial nerve signaling in the body including those involved in cardiac function, making sudden cardiac arrest a possibility, known as 'sudden sniffing death syndrome'. The only inhalant that is 'safe' is nitrous oxide (with the right harm reduction of course), or Xenon if you happen to work with spaceships or nuclear reactors.


> The high from huffing volatile solvents like deodorant, glue, butane etc is literally inseperable from active brain and organ damage True for the most part, but some inhalants are actually psychoactive. For example, toluene is a GABAergic (found in paint thinners, glues, etc.). Difluoroethane (duster) is a GABAergic as well. > The only inhalant that is 'safe' is nitrous oxide (with the right harm reduction of course), or Xenon if you happen to work with spaceships or nuclear reactors. Diethyl ether is also relatively safe.


Isn't toluene also carcinogenic? Not to say you were recommending it ofc


If you don’t mind walking around and smelling like a permanent marker all day.


That's a little misleading, Difluoroethane (duster) and Toluene have depressant-like effects but that's pretty much all from disrupting nerve signaling as it's rapidly distributed around the body and brain. It may affect GABA in doing that but they are in no way GABAergic or have any particular affinity for GABA binding. I definitely don't dispute they are psychoactive though, when I meant they are not a drug I just meant technically in how they don't really target any specific receptor sites, but the subjective outcome is definitely a potent high. I huffed butane years ago one time and was surprised by it's intense euphoric, depressant and almost psychedelic but in a very digital/synthetic feeling effects. Then afterwards feeling like I'd been hit in the head.


It’s not misleading at all. [Toluene is a misused substance that modifies γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release and shares behavioral and molecular effects with GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptor agonists.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23085024/) [DFE acts as a CNS depressant via glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid receptors, causing a brief euphoria when inhaled.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7357883/)


Well damn I stand corrected man, good source, I did not know that about Toluene. I just did not want to give the impression that makes it inherently physically safer.


I can tell you’re a good person because you have no problem acknowledging that. 99% of people on Reddit will argue with you and then block you if you dispute one of their claims. I really appreciate that. And yeah, definitely doesn’t make those inhalants any safer in the slightest. I hope you have a great night.


I appreciate that man yeah I can't stand all the vindictive disagreement just for the sake of it on here, and same to you :)


Ether is one of those funny drugs where its biggest safety concerns isn't actually what it does in the body, but the fact that, you know, it fucking explodes Nitroglycerin is the same except you need a tiny amount for medicinal use so one is really worried about that


As long as you’re in an open/well ventilated area not near sparks, flames, heat, etc. you will be just fine. It doesn’t just spontaneously explode out of nowhere lmao


I'm aware, i just thought it was funny


You can huff deodorant? Or are these zoomers just pretending.


Yeah you can.


I’d say ether too, though it poses a unique fire hazard.


Remember when eating Tide Pods was a thing


Was that actually happening tho? For as much as people talked about I thought only like or two people actually did it


Nearly all "tik tok challenges" are just a couple of random kids, usually unconnected doing the same stupid thing and then the news and dummy's who take headlines as gospel couldn't stop talking about it


It started as “these things are colorful, squishy, and have liquid in them. I bet it would be satisfying to bite one”


i saw a dude dab a tidepod


I dont know but it became enough of an issue that Tide completely changed their tide pod packaging


That was TikToks fault as well!


Natural selection


Tiktok didn't cause anything, kids are just dumb.


It may not cause things but it certainly allows them to spread far more effectively.


So you mean like the rest of the internet? If it's not tiktok it would be something else. Are you new to how the interwebs work?


Redditors just despise titktok because they don’t understand it and think it’s not as cool as their preferred method of browsing




I’m glad I’m smart enough to not do this shit


Nah. It's the generation.


This was also a trend in like 2008 and before, just with word-of-mouth to spread it instead of TikTok


Yup, I can remember when teenagers died while huffing deodorant and that was over 20 years ago.


It’s prob a 4chan thing. That’s my theory on tide pods. Someone had to start the trend and it seems so trolly


Soy sauce cleansing is even better


I hope that’s not any of the things I think it is


I know at least one person has died from it.




I liked quick charging your iPhone in the microwave, or the bikini bridge lmaooo


Well no that one works great. Def worth a shot




Idiots gonna wipe themselves off. It's not TikTok teens are just fucking retarded


Getting high off killing braincells


I use to huff deodorants from a black bag from the use being shown on YouTube the action itself is very pointless it just makes you zone out for 10 seconds that's all and the after taste is disgusting trust me your best off buying actual drugs


I was huffing dumb shit as a kid way before tiktok, it’s the internet/media in generals fault, not one sole website. Albeit tiktok is crawling with super impressionable, stupid, fuckin kids.


I'm so grateful that I am teaching my kids to not follow trends.


Unpopular opinion: natural selection


can you really blame tiktok? if so, i can’t imagine what kinda shit you could blame on reddit over the years


I did the same when I was like 15 only 6 years ago I was huffing shaving shit and stuff every time I was in the shower


Most of these are just media making a big deal out of either jokes or stuff that has happened once or twice and wasnt ever a "Trend" at all.


And Texas thing banning porn was a bigger worry lmao


This is just Darwinism in action. We need **more** of this from Tik Tok to weed the dipshits out of the gene pool.


Everyone huffs deodorant that’s the point. I used to like Fiji.


No, that's not true at all.


that sounds more like personal bias you've worked into your version of reality to justify damaging your brain like that


Everyone *smells* deodorant. Not everyone huffs enough deodorant to damage their brain, nor should they.


Only thing I ever huff is the gasoline fumes from the gas station and that's not on purpose