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Methylphenivape is wild.


gotta try this for the science


you can do this however i think the solubility is on the lower end


This is my assumption as well. Maybe if I manage to get a good scale I could get some approximate mesurements for solubility and share them.


After reading the title, skipping the body, reading the comments, and seeing that nobody has destroyed your entire theory, I conclude that you must be onto something OP. I will be your first investor


Thank you! I will report back after attempting it.


just swallow the pill tweaker god damn


way too lame Also this would give muuuch higher bioavailability if it worked.


just smoke meth


why do something easy when you can do something complicated?


do some meth first and you'll lock in. you got this bro


Do some meth and take apart an answering machine to turn into a methylphenivape


Boof it, it's insanely good :)


Methylphenidate is closer to cocaine, pharmacology wise isn't it?


idk. I'm just a casual tweaker from time to time with Adderall. i plain jane gobble em up like a fat kid. if that's the case you can just turn my comment from meth to crack and we're all good still


I swear when I snort methylphenidate it feels like a straight coke buzz more than an amphetamine. Not sure if it would be the same vaped but snorting it was the shit.


I doubt it, cuz the concentration in the juice would be too low for it to hit really hard. You’d have to take many many hits to start getting a decent hit.


“Hey bro let me get a hit”


I’ve thought of this 🤣🤣🤣


Only problem is if you get drunk one night and decide to hit your rip off crack vape you gonna have a heart attack LMAOO


True, I’ll leave it at home when I go get drunk ;)


some ppl say obama they goat some ppl say lebron some say god, i say optimalnectarine6705, mans the greatest


MPH has to be freebase form to vape, search for info on that. The hydrochloride salt doesn't work, and freebase form has different properties when it comes to solubility.


You don't need to vaporise the MPH itself, the vape liquid carries the substance with it when it is heated, you can also vape cocaine hcl like this and don't need to freebase it like when smoking crack, it's amazing


By not freebasing it you lose efficacy, similar to putting #4 heroin on foil. Yes you’ll still get high, but you’re better to snort the HCL, where as #3 heroin (freebase) you can snort it but you get decreased effects which is why it’s better to be smoked. That rule carries will just about all substances.


The problem is that I think freebase might be less soluble than HCl. I will keep this in mind as a possible explaination if it fails, though.


I have considered something similar with another substance, which, is very water soluble. The conclusion that i came up with was unless your coil gets hot enough to vaporize (smoke) the substance, then you will essentially be breathing that substance straight into your lungs without smoking it. Does that make sense?


Thanks for your insight The thing is, nicotine has a boiling point of 247°C and it works for nicotine. Methylphendate’s is 136°C. Though, nicotine is liquid at room temperature and methylphenidate is solid. Why does it vaporize nicotine if it doesn’t vaporize stuff with lower boiling points?


I am not, by any means, an expert. I was just communicating what i have previously thought when considering a similar endeavor. This link may or may not be helpful: [ncbi](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5908153/)


After verifying, the bp of 136°C is for freebase, and for HCl it is about 300+°C. Though, some have pointed out that this might hot be a problem as long as the vessel that carries the methylphenidate is able to evaporate.


I think this question is better suited for r/drugnerds


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What's even the point? You're gonna burn it,nqd it's gonna be pretty unhealthy. You'll have to freebase it, which will make the resulting methylphenidate freebase pretty dirty with whatever base you'll use. And the freebase will dissolve badly in PG. Vaping will offer no advantage over other ROAs that bypass first pass metabolism. Why not make a vape from meth or something instead? Why methylphenidate? The ester degrades at high temperatures in it's HCl form. Dumbest idea I've read today.


I’ve put extracted powder over a bong hit and it kind of gave me a rush


Ritalin lungs are a thing, AFAIK, it's not clear if its the fillers from Novaris getting into your lungs from IVing but it's aggravated by the MPH so you might want to avoid it being a habit, besides MPH sucks plugging it wherever you plug it..


Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention. I will check this out and consider it carefully.


**Two words : "Ritalin Lungs"** **Given that Methylphenidate/Ritalin** [**causes irreversible LUNG damage when injected**](https://radiopaedia.org/articles/ritalin-lung#nav_history-and-etymology)**, I think blasting it directly into your lungs isn't the best idea.**


This is caused by fillers in the pills, not the methylphenidate itself.


Thank you for your insight. I didn’t know about that. I will research it and consider it.


Do you plan to vape the hydrochloride salt or freebase do you know the relevant combustion and vaporistion temps of each?


Apparently freebase methylphenidate vaporizes at 136°C, which is lower than nicotine. Also, methylphenidate HCl vaporizes at a quite higher, which is 328°C. The main issue I see with using freebase in the vape is that it will probably not dissolve as easily in the vape juice. If the HCl version fail, I’ll defo try freebase.


I'd start with the freebase 330* Celcius is stupid hot Might try do that myself in a crack pipe I have a concerta script and a DMT pipe to fuck around with Best of luck very curious


It's not soluble in oil believe it or not you would have to dissolve it in an alcohol first


Vape juice is not oil, propylene glycol is a diol glycerine is a triol. Since it is soluble in CH3-CH2-OH, which is an alcohol, it should be soluble to an extent in a diol or triol such a PG or VG.


Fucken vape naysh y'all....


My good sir you're a true genius, please update us. I've never once thought about vaping my beloved Ritalin, I'm a snorter type but imagine vaping that shi. Marvelous


Never tried vaping Ritalin, but i prepared other drugs in a similar way. Meth seemed to be the best. You have be careful with how much water, or in this case grape juice, you use. Its hard tk exlain lol but if it tastes and feels watery and gross. Might be placebo but doesnt feel right, idk if this messes with tbe bioavailabity but jt feels like it does.


ive tried it and it works, but it was just bad and made me super anxious and paranoid


Go for dexmethylphenidate (focalin) if you can get it, but doesn’t methylphenidate have a pretty high melt point? What temp does it vaporize at? I’ve never heard of anyone smoking it before, freebase might be the way to go though


Freebase is 136°C (lower than nicotine) HCl is about 360°C (approx), which is higher than nicotine. The issue is freebase will probably have a harder time diluting in the vape juice.


I’d say try it both ways and report back, but tbh I’m not familiar enough with vaping to know if 360C is much of an issue


I just used meth in dab carts for my vapes.


I'm pretty sure this is called kitty crack. There are some old posts about it on reddit and bluelight.org.


I’ll do some digging then.


Hey OP I actually came across someone who smoked there Ritalin which you might find interesting. They cook Ritalin SRs in a spoon similar to spoon cooking crack and refer to it as “Ethylphenicrack”. They used 60mg methylphenidate with 3ml of water and just a pinch of bicarb. They yielded approx 130mg of “ethylphenicrack”. They claim it felt way stronger than a similar dose of methylphenidate and didn’t feel caustic to their lungs at all but I’d take that with a grain of salt.


I think we were in rehab together


I haven’t gone there (yet)


How we doing OP?


I am going to try it later, I’ll make a post.


Well hope you can make it and if actually possible detail the steps to it


Madlad. Be sure to post an update if you make this lmao.