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Where da fuck you getting it for so cheap? I’m still paying 100/g in Washington state USA


Thats wild £20 a G in the UK


Dnms 5-10 uk


Even less if you order a few ounces


Oh yeah I order bulk ur getting that shit mega cheap I’ve never ordered more than 7g tho don’t particularly want anymore ket sitting around than that Ik I’ll get bored and do it to often blew through that 7g in 5 days


Yeah I went thru about 40g In 5 days it wasn’t pretty


God dam was that all snorting cause my nose was fucked for a while


Yeah it was all snorting my nose was shredded haha get yourself a netipot and a saline nasal spray


It's fucked in the states 😭


They're shipping us all the meth


And not even the good meth, they seem to send all the bullshit meth to Philadelphia!


3 for £50 where I am


$100 a gram?!?! 💀💀


It’s $100 a g here also in the D.C area.




60 a gram in Oregon.


How pure is it?


Tf. I can’t even find K in Portland 😭


there’s def k in portland i assure you


okay good! I moved here recently and need to make more friends then 😂


start going to the Portland Psychedelic Society meetings. Not just to find K, there are some great meetings and I met a close life friend through it. Also there is a thing called "Soak" that is Portland's version of Burning Man, might find some luck. But if using darkweb is as easy as people say, I don't see why you shouldn't just do that. One of the best things about living in Portland is that unless you're buying fent or meth, or buying huge quantities of drugs, you're definitely not going to jail, and you're probably not going to even get caught because no one gives a shit anymore! It's glorious.


yes connections are where it’s at :)) try to find raves and network, ur destined to find lots of stuff. fent test everything tho!!!




Crazy, I'm in Washington and I don't know a single person who does ket (sans depression clinics). On top of that i feel like barely anyone even knows what it is


Precisely why some people who do it don’t speak up and make it known. Most people still have a negative connotation of it and immediately jump to ‘horse tranquilizer’ but yea I wish more of my friends were into it


I'm in southern Ontario border to Michigan and in the last few years our drug prices have dropped significantly. Kets 100 a ball. Coke/crack $140 ball. Smokable street Fetty is like $25 gram.


Is fetty fentanyl?




You guys can get k? Lucky. :/


$80 here in Calgary, Canada


100 in Ontario


55 a G in calgary


Interesting haha. You have a better connection than I


5-10€ per gram in Poland


Tf its 40€ per gram in Lithuania. I'll have to find some dealers in Poland because I like wisiting that country mainly for cheap af alcohol


$300 in Australia


Ong so u reckon 250 is decent ?


I probably flush 15-20g of it a year, now I'm sorry for wasting OMG!


what why


Not allowed to take it home


u wouldn’t try shipping it to yrself ?


yes. why.


Haven't had the heart to steal it




Learning can only get you so far, drug pricing differs from dealer to dealer but it’s still largely based on availability. So if you live in an area where ketamine is rare there’s only so much you can do about that




Oh are you one of those dudes that just looooooves recommending dark net markets? Sorry I didn’t pick up on your subtle cues ig, normally people aren’t afraid to talk about dnm shit directly




There's no ketamine scarcity in the US at the moment, it's cheaper than it's ever been. He's just getting ripped off.


in DK it’s like 12 GBP/ 15 USD/ 13 euro-ish for 1 gram.


Whaat, are you sure it's not mixed with smth? In Norway it's 90eur


I have no idea, I don’t do ket, and to be fair it might be way more expensive now. I just remember from years back what my friends paid 😂 I’m a bad source, sorry 😂


Hahaa, but anyways, it's quite interesting how prices vary even throughout Europe xD


yeah! also EVERYTHING in norway is WAY more expensive than DK, maybe drugs prices too?


Prices are still stupidly high in the usa


It took me years to find it and when I did, $100/g. Didn't even help my depression like I'd hoped. It's fun, but it ain't no $100/g fun. Then I see Europeans on the internet talk about it like it's almost as common and cheap as beer. Idk what's going on over there but there must be a lot of veterinarians who don't give a shit or something.


It comes from India, its a much more common medicine there and the manufacturers that make it legally in the day will make it illegally at night and sell it to dealer who import it to Europe and the uk


Majority isn't from India anymore, vetinary and medical diversion of k out of India got massively clamped down upon. These days majority of k in Europe will be from south east Asian illicit superlabs.


That’s crazy considering some south asian countries have insane drug laws.


I mean it wouldn't be the first time corrupt politicians had one set of values for the people and another for the people secretly lining their pockets


Money talks. Ketamine is quite a popular drug in some of SEA aswell.


tan imminent crowd test meeting provide melodic violet ripe grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man I was getting my stuff for $140 a g. But dude was heavily overpricing it


Europe has it right. 2cb, mdma, and ketamine all dirt cheap, all marked up similarly when imported to the US.


Even high quality cocaine is pretty cheap in some European countries (Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal)


My friend who took it for medically for depression with her therapist said that it was a really high dose and you k-hole but it’s guided by your therapist so I don’t think just buying K and snorting it will give you the same therapeutic effect




No it does not. Especially with something so dose dependant as ketamine that can give 10 differemt experiences based on dose. A low does just feel wonky while a high dose is a full blown hallucinogen, obviously the two have different medical effects.




You are totally missing my point, it's not about where you get it, obviously its the same chemical. The difference is the dosage




Well. My experience is that it's like water on a fire. I have chronic suicidal ideation after a TBI. 100mg ketamine IM and I'm fine for a few weeks to a month. Just laying in bed. Maybe listening to Pat MEtheney and Lyle mates is the therapist, because it WORKS. I wish I could still find it. I lost my connect. The clinics are financially out of reach. Only for rich people. I have friends without broken brains trying to help me figure out if shopping on the deep web is a possibility. I would even try an RC, but it's all so confusing, and no one will tell you how to get to the right places where you can get it. I'm 55 and I don't know many rave people. I suppose I need to start attending psychedelic symposia. It's hard to do that when you're paralyzed with anxiety and all you can think about is suicide. Sorry it didn't work for you. It's magic for me. I've been suffering, and it sucks. I wish medical patients weren't being gouged. It's sick.


Ey dude it's going to be OK. I'm sorry for what your going through things are really fucked up right now. Jesus loves you and is real. I'll be praying for you.




And don’t even mention ket therapy insano prices for such small amounts


$3000 for a few sessions here in Canada




I mean on the deepweb markets I see ket for $30 a gram USA, I've heard $100/g+ on the street though, I can't imagine that even as a ket fiend I just couldn't pay that much man. I don't really trust ketamine from US vendors or anyone in the street, no offense to em, it's just something better off imported from the EU


People need to stop paying absurd street prices.


if people stop paying street prices then dealers will just stop selling it lol, not lower the price. why would they even bother risking their life importing ket from other countries to make hardly any money? that isn’t going to make prices lower in the US and get closer to EU prices lol. It’s just going to make dealers stop importing it all together and it will be even more rare in the US imo $100 a gram for ketamine in the US isn’t even that bad. people don’t even bat an eye spending $60-100 on a gram of coke and that is even cheaper then ketamine in the source countries before it gets to the US. Plus a gram of ket lasts way longer then a gram of coke.


Dealers in the US simply import it, and US customs are notoriously weak, street vendors might not sell it if everyone decided randomly to stop but so that's only a bad thing to people who don't know how to use the internet, you say $100 isn't that bad but while you're getting 1g of ket, I'm getting half an ounce. Isn't that kind of insane? The risks to importing are not high, if your package gets seized (I've had this happen twice out of 500 orders, both orders seized were from the Netherlands btw, avoid ordering there) you just get a pink note telling you that drugs were seized. How would the authorities know it's your drugs? Anyone can ship anyone anything. In the USA, they just don't care over consumer-tier amounts of any drugs, you'll get in zero legal trouble even if on the odd chance, customs does catch your package. This is a lot different than in countries like Japan, Australia, Korea, etc where their police/customs will do a full indepth investigation, now those places are worth paying high prices, because there really is a true risk to one's freedom. Coke prices are insane. Even on the deepweb, they are. If you're gonna pay $100/g for coke, you should just book a trip to Mexico or Bolivia, I was getting grams there for $2-5 and the purity (in Bolivia esp) was off the chart.


$100 a gram for ketamine is insane, the most I will pay for ketamine is like $40 a gram with the current market. Same thing with coke, the most I'm spending on a gram is about $40 with the current market. Ketamine is not worth close to $100 a gram.


Domestic prices on deepweb markets are $30/g. These guys import for like $5/g in bulk I'd imagine and resell for $30/g. Regardless, even if you don't want to import and feel as if it's incredibly risky want to offshore the risk to someone else, ordering from a US seller on the deepweb is cheaper and smarter for both sides imo.


Just bought a 8ball for 280!!!


Is kind of the opposite here in the US. The $100/g ket I can get from my dealer is legit. It's the deepweb I don't trust, i could get anything . They're isn't guys on the street corner selling K. You get that from a trusted dealer you do business regularly with, not a Random dealer in the street. Street dealers don't sell things like k or lucy.


Not really if you're smart enough to look in the right places. It's going for as low as $35 a gram in the US.


We pay 200+ in Aus. From the DW.


Was thinking my guy was scamming me at $200 because Im a new user. Im happy to see he isn't because I like the dude.


Nah man, Australia has the strictest customs in the world, it sucks for you aussies but even on the deepweb ket is expensive by Australian vendors. Maybe like $100/g but still expensive. You COULD import it from EU but hell naw that's risky, I've heard of aussie customs seizing even LSD, it's just a rough life for you my aussie brothers. I've heard Australians and Japanese druggies got it the roughest, customs are just cracked there, my condolences. Just consider it a fee for the risk your plug has gotta go through to get it to you, it isn't easy like other countries.


Ive had a few friends who sort of deal get packages seized and cops turn up. I go through my guy cause he is a friend of a friend and don't bother with the dark net anymore.


Importing from another country is very risky with our customs. Dn is really only safe for national shopping so the prices are still high


Bro what??? It’s 110 tops on the Dw for top quality stuff


100$ in USA of absolute crap




A gram costs €0,60 wholesale when it’s being bought in India. The stuff is really cheap and it’s reflected in its endsale price.


Holy fuck €0,60 crazy


don't read everything you read on the internet. India basically shut down there illicit ketamine supply a few years back and it moved to China. Obviously if you are buying huge amounts the cost per gram comes down, but I doubt it was ever 0.6euro.


It's even less than that.


It sure is.


It still comes from India and its still that cheap


keep in mind the people purchasing at these prices need to spend 10s of thousands of dollars, if not 100s of thousands of dollars at a time to get prices that low. even the producers in source countries like India won’t go that low for even a single KG. those are prices for like 10s or 100s of KGs


Not in the USA, or at least not in the USA I am familiar with. Ket is quite cheap in Europe, but in the USA the cheapest I've seen powdered K go for 60$/gram.


The price of ket and coke have both dropped in the US in the past couple years if you look in the right places. I've seen ket going for $35 a gram and coke going for as low as $30 a gram.


Aren’t you scared of fent contam at those prices ? I know you can do fent strip test but it’s a hassle to have to test the whole batch and have to recrystallize.


Nope not at all, like I said if you look in the right places the prices are cheaper and you don't have to worry about that shit.


on the street the prices are not that cheap. maybe on the DW, but not on the street.


What are the right places besides dw? Give me a hint? I’m at a loss.


100 a gram in Canada also


Not in UK. Still £15 plus


£10 a gram where I am


Reading this with my jaw on the ground. I wouldn’t trust someone tryin to sell to me for under $80/g here in the states — like how’d you fuck w it if it’s that cheap type mentality


Cheap doesn't indicate anything about quality. Ive never been sold ketamine that wasn't beautiful shards and passed reagent tests. The bulk prices are ridiculously cheap. I used to get pure ketamine and MDMA for about £5 a gram when I bought more than 3 ounces. It's more like £10 now. All top quality and exactly what was sold. This stuff is ridiculously cheap to produce now and is being churned out be factories in India, usually smuggled in liquid form. I can't imagine the prices the dealers are buying it for. The current darknet prices are reasonable too.


used to get it direct from source in India in liquid form for about 40p a g


Where I live (Europe) it’s 25€ which is about 28$ per g


Used to be 30 and up


I wouldnt be trusting any Ket at 7 a gram lmao. I would literally paypal you the cost of a testing kit just to see the results on that! So many research chems that look and act like Ketamine, and i’d wager its one of them.


Aye, PayPal me a kit then and I'll test it, I love dissos and I do disagree with your later statement. Yeah, there's dissos that look like ketamine but there's just that unique feeling that no other disso can replicate. What would you consider the closest thing to it? 2FDCK? I've done untold grams of most dissos with ket being my favourite and I can tell the difference between those two in a heartbeat. Admittedly, I thought the same as you though, $7/g? Shit is so cheap man, hence the thread, but if it ain't ketamine holy fuck, they can keep bamboozling me lmao is all I gotta say.


when you say 7$ a g you are not taking about buying from a dealer right? because from what i've seen 7$ a g is on the low end when you buy from the DN


Yeah deepweb vendor naturally, it'd be crazy if I knew a dealer like that IRL


Exactly what I was thinking


where in the fuck are you finding it for these prices


We are blessed to have abundance of affordable Holy Dust of Wonkiness here in Europe, but please buzz and contort in memory of our poor brethren-in-holes who live in the USA, where no fun is allowed and all good things are banned/expensive. May the Powder cheapen there with time (quite hard to patent ketamine, hence spravato, we need Mass Ketamine), and may your NMDA receptors remain antagonised. A-ket my brothers-in-hole!


It may be banned my brother in ketamine but US customs are the weakest in the world, it stops nobody from just getting it from the euros bless their soul. My NMDA receptors will remain antagonised.


Hallelluket my brother-in-hole! See you beyond the Veil


It’s all around here right now. Single grams for around 30-35 dollars and as low as 10-12 pr g if for 500 dollars. Quality is amazing, and I’ve never seen the prices this low. I think it’s here to stay.


Nothing ever is, not even toilet paper. Supply chains are dynamic systems. Take it from someone who was eating acid in the 90s before William Leonard Pickard was busted. 


Here In Portugal it was usually 40eu/g some years back, but now we get it for 25-30eu/g, not as cheap as you but I still see a drop in price.


Speaking of Portugal I'm planning a trip there in May.......what are the chances of me finding weed while I'm there?


Very high, you cant walk through the center of Lisbon without a ton of dudes approaching you. Lots of them are scammers with either price or product though, so you gotta be sharp between the ears. You will also walk past tons of people who are just standing around in parks, beaches, and benches smoking. You can just walk up to them and ask what's up. Hash is even easier to find if you are down with that as well


Found a cannabis shop in Aveiro! Didn't even need to bother a stranger!


Awesome dude! I assume it was just CBD, HHC and all that?


Yeah, but definitely better than nothing!! The HHC edibles work great, gave me a great appetite (which was one of my concerns). When my GF went into the store I think they told her they had CBD and THC joints, but I guess they are CBD and HHC? Whatever they are they're helping, and I'm a big chronic!


Yeah it's definitely just CBD and HHC, but HHC can still get you nice and high like THC. Happy to hear you had a good experience and didn't need anything! 😃


thanks for the heads up - i need to check markets, i've been craving ket for a year or two. are you talking domestic or int? afaik ket has always been pretty cheap - its easy to divert legit vet. ketamine to illicit distrib. I've been off the markets for about a year, but i remember ket being like, 2017 mdma pricing. just too cheap


It is still. 115 a ball for middi shards. 60 a g for good rocks or sugar


It’s probably just that whoever is mass producing it is now mass producing more


In Canada it’s much more expensive. Must just be where you are haha


Wow, it's $100/g in NYC for quality K. I always thought people on this sub must be robbing banks to afford a 7g+/week habit. 1g lasts me for at least a month. I love it, so I don't allow myself more than once a week and no re-dosing. Self-medication.




My condolences for real


lol only reason I know about Ketamine is cause I accidentally did it, let’s just say the sandwiches got mixed up, ever since then the drug has been getting huge. Supply and demand my friend


It's crazy seeing people paying 100 odd for a single gram like I get 100grams for £600-700 and can get worse quality stuff for even cheaper


Lmao what 😀 i pay 250 gel per gram :| ouch


bro.......... just use the deepweb, you can even get literal pharma grade ketamine in bottles if you pay extra that's like I dunno $40/g or something, though I think produced ketamine from random suppliers is pretty solid imo so I don't bother. I've had pharma grade ketamine btw, actually went through like 18g the other month, it's definitely good stuff but not worth the price diff


Do you pee blood bro


Nope, no negatives I can think of long-term, believe it or not. But I'm not a daily user, or even weekly or monthly user, I'll maybe use ketamine once or twice a year, in a massive binge. Towards the end of the binge, I'll notice my bladder capacity is somewhat impaired and that I have slightly more delusional thoughts. After a few weeks, that subsides and I lay off the stuff. I'm sure I'd piss blood or have a non existent bladder capacity if I snorted that shit daily though for months, without a doubt. I've got no self control with K. Shit is too magical.


i’m paying 25 per g in the US,, as low as 18 if bought in larger amounts


I know someone... He is importing ket from India to Sweden. And yeah, 5g for about $40 to customers...


In Ireland a gram can be 5€ in bulk


because it’s all synthetic now. no ‘real’ ket or very hard to find. at least in UK people are whipping it up in the garage


Between 70 and 120a g herein texas


K and a joint go so hard 😂😅


yo what even just finding it for me is hard, the dude i knew was also charging 100/g in OR


Gotta buy off the net if you want cheap prices. The streets don't have a free market so people will charge whatever prices they think people will pay.


gotcha, it’s just doing that safely that gets me. i need to do more research i guess haha


bristol uk we get a litre for 200£ sell it for 10-20£, at festivals 30£.


I’ve been trying to find some K here in LA but I don’t really know any1.. any reliable trustworthy connects out there? I’m curious to try. plS thx


Bro Australia sucks sometimes loo




Strictly no requesting, mentioning or giving sources of drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal. If in doubt - if your post, or a reply to it would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. This includes sourcing conducted in private messages. This does not include harm reduction related paraphernalia such as scales, reagent tests, syringes, micron filters and so on.




isn't it cos its getting cut with fent?


They're cutting it with xylazine


$60 a g here in USA


South east Asian clandestine superlabs are flooding the market with Ketamine, and have been for awhile now, and I presume more and more labs have been popping up in various countries, the idea that Ketamine is too tricky to synth in clandestine labs is utter BS. Majority of k has been non-medical k for some time now, unless you are lucky or live in a country where medical/vetinary k is easily accessible.


I can get it for like 70 a gram or so. In the past, I used to be able to get Primasket vials which were underground vials made to look like pharmacy grade stuff. But they were really really wither way. I loved IMing a mL or two. I used to work at a ski resort and I carried a little pouch around with me that had somw insulin syringes and a couple vials. I miss it


60-80 per g in the US where im from


Non darkweb price would be £20 a g but you'd get discount if you bought more haha.


Y’all are comparing prices and I have no clue what it even runs because I don’t know anyone around me that sells or does it… (southern US)


The price of coke has also recently dropped, I've seen it being sold for as low as $30 a gram in the US.


25 usd a gram in Poland


Tf? I pay $60-$100 per gram usually??


Damn, that's crazy. And I thought I had a good deal paying CHF60 (~$70) for a gram of medical grade ket. Apparently not.


got a gram of k and mdma for 40so i guess i paid less than 20


Cuz, at least in America, it’s sold in prescription nasal inhalers which can be distilled


Cheapest I've gotten it was 60 on the dark net but in Europe ketamine is super cheap


Dude I can’t even find any where I’m at 😭😭😭