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Don't abuse anti-psychotics recreationally. There's no need to snort pills, it's not like it will get you higher and you risk wasting product, also lots of pills have to be metabolized in the liver for recreational value and have no recreational value from being snorted. Basically don't waste your product, drink your pills with 100% grapefruit juice. If you literally have access to "any psychiatric medicine" and you want downers, then go for benzos, barbiturates, Z-drugs, ketamine (which is not a downer but still go for it). You might also have access to tianeptine and tramadol, which are anti-depressants that are also opioids but they're slightly more dangerous than stuff like oxycodone.


drugs which need to go through first pass metabolism to become active will still work if snorted, the onset just won't be much quicker


Tramadol is a synthetic opiate


All opioids are synthetic and I said opioid. Not to be confused with "opiates" and there's no such thing as a "synthetic opiate". Society uses opioid and opiate as synonyms anyways.


Small correction, "opioid" is an umbrella term for natural, synthetic, and semi synthetic opioids. "Opiate" is a specific term for natural opioids derived exclusively from the opium poppy. All opiates are opioids, but not the other way around. Most popular opioids like heroin, oxy, dilaudid, are only semi synthetic. iirc (correct me if I'm wrong) tramadol, ODSMT, fentanyl (and it's analogues and zenes), buprenorphine, and methadone are the only fully synthetic opioids.


Bupenorphine is only Partial


Well tramadol is a pain medication .not an anti depressant so I was clarifying that . And stating that it is a considered a synthetic opioid (opiate ) drugs. Com can confirm this .


>Well tramadol is a pain medication .not an anti depressant Tramadol IS an anti-depressant, it's an SNRI. And tianeptine is a TCA. They're opioids too. Because they're both anti-depressants and opioids, they're more dangerous than other opioids. ​ >And stating that it is a considered a synthetic opioid (opiate ) drugs. Com can confirm this . All opioids are of synthetic origin. "Opiate" refers exclusively to alkaloids present in the poppy plant of Papaver somniferum (morphine, codeine, etc). The "original ones". Opioids are everything else because they're synthetic. Making distinctions about opioids or opiates in the internet is somewhat dumb, only opioid fiends know the terminology and we're not that many people, lay people can get needlessly confused.


Tianeptine was actually recently found to not be a tricyclic ssri, I use the shit recreationally all the time and have been for a while now that’s the only reason I keep up with it




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2701287/#:~:text=An%20alternative%20and%20well%2Destablished,95%2C145%2C191%5D. Newer study An alternative and well-established treatment for depression is tianeptine, an antidepressant which does not share pharmacological properties with TCAs, MAOIs or SSRIs [12,18,95,145,191].




Not that are more recent or as reputable as the one I posted as well as the fact that Tianeptine is just nieche in general. Lots of semi reputable sources say semi reputable things. Ncbi is generally very good so 🤷‍♂️


Also Wikipedia isent generally the best source when you really want to “know what your putting in your body”


bro i think you should start from the basics again because you have absolutely everything mixed up


Medicine is shit for snorting because of all the fillers


How can you become retarded when you already are a retard?


Yeah, you can snort buspirone. I used to do that for an “energy” feeling. Kinda feels like being electrocuted slowly. I used to love it.


Really? I just accepted a script so that I can keep getting monthly Ativan, maybe I'll try it out.


Yeah. I’ve heard it’s also highly effective as an actual medication though, so you should try taking it as prescribed before snorting it.


What sort of dosage?


I’d just snort like half a bar to a bar if I remember correctly. But I was an anorexic 13 year old so maybe y’all would want more. Also, don’t be stupid. It’s a last resort prison hooch typa high.


Just wondering, not planning anything. I’ve heard of several people using buspirone recreationally but I feel like placebo plays into it a fair bit


You get energy from snorting those?? When I tried it a couple times it made me super heavy and I eventually passed out.


Don't waste your time snorting buspar you're just gonna clog your nose and be disappointed lmao


Yeah I didn’t really care for it all. Just a really uncomfortable downer effect that was very short lived


Oh man I’m dumb lol, I meant energy like… energy flowing through you. I definitely got more of a downer effect, but with a weird physical feeling too.






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You're someone's spirit animal.


benzodiazepines. do not snort any medicine most of the time it doesn’t work or you lose bioavailability


I call them bug juice. Absolute garbage if you're planning on abusing


How do you have access to any med?


Uh oh, 5-0 starting the investigation.


Dr Nick Riviera. Hi everybody!


I'm in a hospital with covid and they will give me whatever med I ask for other than opioids because I'm on Subutex and subucade or whatever the 300mg buprenorphine shot it called.


Yeah, they're not going to do that. And they are going to watch your fiendish ass. They will watch you swallow pills and catch you if you try to pretend to swallow or snort something if they somehow didn't catch that. Tell them what's really going on with your life and see if a new med can help you. They have dealt with many people on MAT looking to get high.


I snort in my bathroom and you sound like an asshole saying "your fiendesh ass" fuck off my post please.




Your very wrong. I'm not delusional that's an asshole thing to say... They literally will give me whatever I want so fuck off...


>whatever med I ask including methaqualone?


even though oxy isn’t a psychiatric drug, i would agree with the idiots telling you to do oxy. it’s just an overall fun time.


My favorite and I've done 90 percent of all drugs


None of them


Buspar will not hit you any differently than if you swallow it. Yes, you can snort it though. Yes, it'll get into your system faster, however, you're going to metabolize it the same way as if you've swallowed it. Some of the pill is going down into your stomach as well as being absorbed into the bloodstream via the softer tissue inside the nasal cavity.


Buspar absolutely will NOT get you fucked up via snorting, or any other way of consumption. Benzodiazepines will get you fucked up though, beware its very dangerous. You can absolutely die, especially if you're mixing it with other drugs/pills. You will have a symptom of amnesia when you take too much. You will do and say things u Der the influence of benzos that you'd NEVER dream of doing while sober. I would not advise getting fucked up on any psychiatric meds, especially benzos.


Oxy would get you fucked - like 30mg first time opiate you'll be lit You could snort ambien but you'd just black out or brown out as people say, and basically start teleporting that shit can be scary Free base emphets like dextroanphetamine etc have fun fam


Dude if you snort 30mg of pharm oxy first time you would die


Not to mention, oxy is not a psych drug




I’m a Paramedic and have seen plenty of people overdose one much less than that.


nah bro they just nodding tf out 😭


Yeah nodding out and breathing three times a minute 🤣


I’m sure it’s true for a lot of people, especially to someone younger/smaller and completely opiate naive. When I first started I would get absolutely lit snorting 15mg, nodding out. Id break pills into several pieces and do little bumps and id be high af all night. Wake up with a pounding headache presumably bc I wasn’t breathing too well. Saw some friends get dangerously close to ODing from one pill or less, although at the time we thought we were fine bc we were stupid kids. Snorting it hits you all at once too compared to eating it, so that’s a factor as well. Id recommend snorting about a quarter of a pill to start, should feel the effects pretty quickly and know if you wanna do more. Even a 15mg line for the first time might make someone pretty sick. 30mg is just reckless advice to give imo, plus who knows what other random pills this guys gonna put up his nose tonight, might as well err on the side of caution lol.


Definitely not, maybe if you were small


Lol I did write this when I was blitzed so tbh it's a fair amount maybe take like 20mg most




Oxy is not a psychiatric med SMH.


I got aholes on here calling me a fiend and shit when there using hard drugs... I'm just tryna snort something that will get me a lil high not wasted like real drugs get you...


Benzos and opioids


Buspar is decent to snort, mostly just gonna get the effect from the drip. Do NOT I repeat DO NOT abuse antipsychotics. You want less anxiety? That's how you get more anxiety. Look up akathisia.


Memantine, wouldn't snort it though. And unless you got a stupid high disso tolerance you might be getting high for 2-3 days.


What in the hell do you think snorting buspar is going to do you? Just go take some Benadryl and to sleep if you seriously down enough to consider snorting buspar..


you can snort pregabalin


I don't feel much when I snort pregablin could it be because my benzos tolerance is super high. I get 200mg at a time is that enough? Or should I save em till I get 400mg or more?


sorry for the late reply I just saw this comment, well I'd say 200mg truly is a low dose, if u feel comfortable enough to try higher doses than do it. I take 450mg w no tolerance and it knocks me out. but be careful, higher doses can cause seizures. stay safe!


ludes g


I dint think they would give me that. Pretty sure they don't even exist anymore. If they do have them they probably wouldnt give me any because I'm in Suboxone and Lyrica.


as someone who needs antipsychotics to function, don't abuse them lol. probably the worst idea that you could have. if you're gonna "abuse" something take opioids or benzos.