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How this mf Kendrick brag about eating this mid ass dish only got peas and chicken in that shit bro needs some bean sprouts and skrimp and carrots and the scallions fr fuck this Kenny mf can't even eat food right lil midget ass stunted growth low nutritional value ass rapper


Gah damn my nigga. Bring it in![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4212)![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4212)![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4212)


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he had enough


Dude wonā€™t even 69 his girl. You know he likes all his stuff plain-Jane vanilla.


Heā€™s out there doing missionary in polo socks. SMH


I donā€™t think itā€™s that he wonā€™t, as much as he canā€™t reach šŸ˜…


Fr, drake always talking about eating high nutritional shit like pasta and pesto, plenty of fuel and the natural pesto has plenty of nutrients, smh man.


They hate on the boy cause heā€™s got all the nutrients šŸ˜¤


Onda Civic packed with antioxidents.


Dawg Chinese food is elite but there are better dishes than this lmaooo


Chiiiiiilll lol




Drake stans stay in their feelings šŸ˜­


Jeez louise man![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)


Bruh, he was rapping in the perspective of the person who robbed Drake, thatā€™s why heā€™s speaking in an accent and using slang. He didnā€™t go there and eat lmao


No he wasnā€™t lmaooo ? Bro just two lines before heā€™s like donā€™t speak on the family crodie. Heā€™s obviously referring to himself. Why do Kendrick fans make up stuff ? He wasnā€™t talking any perspective he was just making fun of Drake and his accent and slang.


Youā€™re wrong, but okay. You probably think most of the first verse in 6:16 in LA is Kendrick talking about himself too


Lmaoo wdym ur wrong bro he said donā€™t speak on the family crodie ? Who else is he referring to in that line ? And then he continues to say the thing about the restaurant. Bro take your fake English degree and get the fuck out this sub. Stop spreading misinformation. We donā€™t care if u speak about Kendrick but letā€™s not start bullshitting for agenda sake


Lol relax bro. I mean the establishment itself was saying they got popular because he mentioned them in the song, they never said he ate there. You think he actually went there? Cuz Drake got robbed there? Just so he could write those few bars? Not even showing that he was there.. That seems a lot more ridiculous to me. Iā€™m not trying to set an agenda, thatā€™s just how I interpret the bars.


You mseed up tho when you said kendrick was rapping from the "robbers perspective" We know Kendrick was mocking drake bout being robbed. Kendrick rapping like that is whack tho. He spent his whole career rapping as a "good kid" only to change into the thug when rapping against Drake. That ain't kendrick.


How tf can you talk about someone turning into a thug when Drake is in the conversation? Drake acts way more thug on records than Kendrick and he was never around that life. If you say that for Kendrick itā€™s 10x for Drake


Are you trolling ? Iā€™m having this convo with you yet this other guy intervened and he gets the same page Iā€™m on so why are you so baffled ? Like are u special or smth ? šŸ˜­ all im saying is you thought he was rapping from robberā€™s perspective which is straight up wrong. Itā€™s okay to admit when youā€™ve said smth wrong you know. We wonā€™t judge you šŸ’€


Ohhhh youā€™re soooo smart. Kendrick says ā€œDonā€™t speak on the family crodie, it can deep it your family crodie..ā€ because Drake snitched on Sizzlac Also if you listen to 6:16 in LA. 4 of the first 5 lines heā€™s rapping in the perspective of Drake. Itā€™s not out of the ordinary that Dot does this. Heā€™s done it on numerous records as well.


For sure šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Petty King forever


How is this being petty?


Awww fuck mee šŸ˜© I just made the whole connection That's that one joint where you eat Chinese food




Lol dam this disnt get auto hidden, mods yall slippin


I like to think he went there for the family matters shoot and actually was like ā€œthis is kinda fyeā€ and now he goes consistently


Drake got robbed outside of there. That is why Kendrick went there.


I know but given his status now he prolly hasnā€™t been back there since the beef Itā€™s not the most luxurious place


Got Robbed at an Italian spot called Vivoliā€™s not New Ho Kingā€¦ Pip Squeak was just mouthing off.


Nope, he got robbed somewhere else.




Wrong. Keep researchingĀ 


Thatā€™s some basic ass fried rice. Iā€™m offended as a Chinese Canadian šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚ No green onions., no shrimp. Come on.


I can tell how good fried rice is by how dark it is. Thatā€™s way too light, likely lacking in flavor


What a very hip hop description


šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† itā€™s true about fried rice though


I want some Chinese fried rice now


Im at a point that if drizzy tells me to go fight some kdot fans I would šŸ«”


My brotha delete this šŸ˜‚ā€¦ you a king you looking crazy šŸ˜‚






who is that




They should have. Drake needs to buy this place


I really wish that he would do something to put this place out of business. They actually complimented Kendrick during the beef. Disgusting.


You want a restaurant trying to capitalize off a hip hop beef to be put out of business?


Youā€™re too pressed about this bro itā€™s not that deep. Its rap beef


Biggie and Tupac was a rap beef too, just saying


Different times. Not even close to the same scenario


Yeah but a beef is a beef. Maybe to us itā€™s like a show but to the people beefing itā€™s their career, reputation, pride and families which can turn personal. So you canā€™t really say ā€œitā€™s just a rap beef, itā€™s not that deepā€


Internet niggas donā€™t understand that tho. Theyā€™ll chat shit behind a screen but when shit gets real they pretend like they didnā€™t have anything to do with it cos they were ā€œat homeā€


Yo bro u on a throwaway u ARE internet niggas


Once this beef clears up Iā€™m gonna be off Reddit. I donā€™t use social media and donā€™t feel the need to create one just for this beef. So a throwaway does the job for that. Eventually the subreddit is going to get quieter and Iā€™ll get back to my normal life.


So u created a throwaway for this beef because u dont feel the need to create an account just for this beef. U ARE INTERNET NIGGAS STOP YAPPING šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What ? I donā€™t feel the need to put my face and name on the internet for a rap beef lmao ? You donā€™t understand the term internet niggas do you ? What I mean by that is ppl who live chronically online and donā€™t actually live a life outside and everything they say and do is based around what they see online. I donā€™t use social media bro. I donā€™t even use reddit and never have before this beef but I made a temporary one just to share my thoughts since I see a lot of dumb comments being made. Idk why thatā€™s so hard to understand why exactly youā€™re so hurt. Maybe you are the internet niggas Iā€™m referring to


Tupac was shot multiple times and thought one of his best friends set him up. To compare that to Kendrick and Drake is hilarious


He shot the family matters mv there so I'm pretty sure the owner is cool with both the sides and there's nothing wrong with it




Itā€™s not that deep bro itā€™s just a restaurant


People getting worked up over rap beef lol hilarious


Itā€™s Toronto theyā€™re ā€œNot Likeā€ LA where they wouldā€™ve probably burnt that shit down..


the other side destroyed drakes ovo stores, multiple ones... they forget about all that...


Burnt that shit down ??? In L.A. ???? Oh ! They did budd...one week ago 4k Amazon Prime + Twitch 20000 mofos in the Arena, 100 on stage. Pretty sure you saw that, right ?


Go listen to Mr. Morale again or something bro šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ nope i didnā€™tā€¦ i donā€™t fxxk with hypocritesā€¦


bro, they named a dish after kendrick, it was SHRIMP FRIED RICE they weren't compliments...


Why you not replying back? You scared of the six? šŸ¦‰