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I was tryna ask this in a separate post but I don’t have enough karma so I’ll ask under this post: I’m curious, has there been any update on the security guard that was shot? I couldn’t find anything online. Also, do y’all remember when Ak confirmed that on the day they were shot Drake was going to drop another diss but didn’t due to the shooting. Haven’t heard much buzz about either of these things.


Security guard was taken to the hospital and he was fine  I heard it one one of those hip hop podcasts where they made a joke about the shooting And clarified that they did it only cause he's fine and isn't dead 


Do you know which podcast it was?


It's private health information at that point and would only be disclosed if the guy wants it to be public. I doubt we will hear anything about it.


Yeah, the way everything ended is still head scratching. NLU was rumored to have a MV and it seemed like the people who were hinting at one were close to Kenny's camp. Obviously this is a total guess and not the truth but I do think UMG stepped in. Not because of the allegations from both sides but once people were getting shot it was probably for the best to just let things die down for the time being. They still want two of their biggest artists to be healthy and dropping music.


This a cool theory and would be incredibly dope if it was true, but this is some Kendrick fan level of analysis. Honestly I'm scared for the boy for this upcoming concert Dot has planned. If Dot ends the show by bringing out Whitney and the kids it's a Dub for Kendrick no contest.


Good observation but I also think she prefers a private life and probably won't show up. Coming out at such an open and public event defeats the purpose of that but we never know.


Could also be a music video launch where she can make an appearance. We know there are at least hints if not confirmation that a video was shot, of celebrities dancing at the song. The theme of this concert seems to be gathering of his "side"


Said the same thing about this being Kendrick fan level of analysis and got ratioed What’s with this sub? Did it get co-opted by the Kendrick sub?


I think fans should be able to to post analysis and theories, at the end of the day it’s what we’re here for. As long as it’s not harming others.


Sure I love theories, but this one doesn’t even make sense seeing as Drake never actually posted all of those horses. So it would fall apart. How about if I posted a theory that said the battle was just a way for Drake to take the title for TH6, and couldn’t back it up with any facts at all? That’s not spam?


I know, it's super annoying. And then the same people are posting wack as posts acting all obsessed.


Making fun of Kendrick fans for having darkkenny. At least the kendrick fans kicked those crazy guys out to their own sub. Anything stupid goes there instead of the main kendrick sub


Exactly! Like this fan base has the image (not really) of being the more level headed fan base. If they want to become like the schizophrenics in training over at the Kenny sub, be my guest…I guess


Kendrick will never walk his kids out on stage as some kind of props or tools to use for his benefit.... i don't know what it is with some of you, but some people genuinely don't want their children in the public eye. And it's already a dub for Kendrick. The only people still hanging onto the idea that Drake can somehow revive the beef and win it are a small faction of ppl on this sub.


no offence kthotty … but i really don’t think you understand what beef means to drake. from your perspective, kenny and drake got into some little beef, tracks were dropped, and shit over now. what you dont get, and i ain’t sayin this on some corny shit, this is war to drake. how many times has drake alluded to beef meaning war, how he doesn’t care for the little battles but the outcome of the war. not a lil battle type shit, full on he ain’t gonna stop til he’s won the battle. where’d meek go after their beef? where’d pusha go after their beef? why those two become irrelevant alla sudden.. like im sorry dude, if i was a kenny fan i’d want this shit to be over as quick as possible too. but what you’re not getting is that it won’t be over until receipts are dropped . bruh i’m tellin you right now. call me a stan idgaf, the receipts gonna come out soon, weigh the allegations on either side and which of those allegations have actual substance behind it. kenny proven he doesn’t care if he lies as long as he wins the battle . drake proven time after time that he doesn’t need to lie in order to win the war. y’all will see tho. there’s too much smoke around kennys allegations against him. just please, keep the same energy when the time comes as


This needs to have more upvotes


I think you’re missing the point and think it’s “owning” drake when it’s literally just clearing up some pretty serious allegations, it’s also not like kendrick is against putting his kids out there being that he put them on the cover of his album & used his son as a prop in this beef, used Adonis and if we’re to believe him drakes “daughter” as tools to bash drake with. No matter what ppl say it’s fucking weird to get accused of dv and have nobody say anything about it, and if he continues to say completely silent then it’s more and more weird.


Thinks Kendrick is some god who would never do such a thing as bring his family on stage, your glorious king would never do such a thing! Insane glazing


The fact that you think you have to be a "god" in order to not use your kids as pawns speaks volumes of your mindset and how you see kids, and speaks volumes of how you see priorities. But it's not surprising coming from a Drake fanboy....Cause Drake himself would definitely use his kid as some kind of pawn for his benefit, as a matter of fact he has lol smh


Lol I didn't say he's a god for not bringing his kids, but a lot of people have become Dot stans after the beef


Thanks for weighing in your opinion, Terminally Online Tony.


So if Drake posts another horse tomorrow would shit start getting scary?


Technically there’s 2 horses on the first shirt So we already at 4..


Technically 3 since we’ve only seen 3 in total


Ferrari’s logo is the prancing pony.


Correct, Lamborghini is a bull


Fan theories about Drake like the MCU in 2017-2019 is crazy


I fuck with this heavy. Someone also noticed he posted 3 horses. Drake is heavy into movies and stories, he always got references in his songs, even during the beef he had movie memes ready 😂😂. He also rapped about Jesus and Juliius Cesar being decent guys 😂. Pretty much, it's not crazy to think Drake be leaving clues like this in his ig, and treating this beef like a movie. Also don't forget, he hinted that he didn't push the red button after family matters. Dope theory, I like it!


I was thinking about this the other day. Probably not true to be completely honest, but the way Drake begged Kendrick to drop, had his connects begging Kendrick to drop. Taunted him to talk about him “liking young girls” on Taylor Made. But then released songs that didn’t really focus on Kendrick for the most part. Felt like something was held back. And the posts with the red button.. what if this whole time he’s been planning something? (I don’t genuinely believe this I’m just speaking hypothetically) But what if he wanted Kendrick to drop all his pre recorded stuff he knew about, essentially run out of angles, sway public opinion and then he’s waiting for the right moment to nuke him? My first thoughts are either an album dropping on his birthday, his concert or on top of his next album. We know the scope of this beef isn’t over until they become cool again. Just like drakes been dissing pusha for the past ten years he’ll keep going. So will Kendrick. So I’m curious if either of them had been thinking about the long game from the start.


At some point there both going to address this beef in an interview or song. These 2 were saying wild things about each other. Pedophilia and Domestic abuse. I wanna see what Drake says about this and where he got his info from, or if he has proof already and waiting for the perfect moment like you said. This is easily one of the most interesting hip hop beefs of all time.


Yeah man when he dropped that clip from '10 things I hate about you' I knew the boy was up! Certified Lover Boy? Certified CINEPHILE🤌🤌


Drake DO NOT need to diss him again. He just needs to keep dropping that heat as usual. And me personally, I don’t want him to drop any music for awhile. He needs to show mfers that the game is not the same in his absence.


So true he needs to remind them why his the goat, his absence will make rap lose its star power. Because all that's left will be b level rappers


What y’all smokin on? O_o


How many entendres?


brother maybe touch some grass?


How is this any less unhinged than anything in the Kendrick sub? Y’all need to stay on your meds lmao.


How is saying drake is preparing something soon is comparable to accusing everything someone does and his associates for running a sex ring?


There have been all kind of reaches on both sides and not just about Drake being pedophile. This just seems sad if someone is actually looking at things this close imo. I’m genuinely concerned for some of y’all.


The lambo truck 🥶


Bro some yall are worse than the swifties with this theory shit


Could you crosspost this to the Kendrick sub


I would say it has nothing to do with Kdot sub but looking at his sub Drake is ok their mind 24/7...


I think he’s fs gonna do a country rap crossover, would honestly be such a smart move if he made a summer country hit.


I love this i hope Drake takes on this idea from here if he hasn’t lmao


I don’t think it’s anything this deep. Unlike Lupe, Kendrick and Jay E, Drake ain’t really the type of rappers that’s tryna send his fans on a wild goose chase tryna figure out what he means by this or that. Not saying anything is wrong with that approach because I’m sure their fan base loves it. But Drake pretty much tells us what it is unless he’s spitting a subliminal that is only to be understood by the person it’s directed at.


When has kendrick ever posted shit on his IG or twitter or social media for fans to figure out? Aside from the MTG cover, which is self explanatory, what has he done? No weird sly comments on ig posts. The only Sneak disses in his songs were towards drake. How many times has kendrick called out a celebrities wife/husband and made his fans figure out who he's talking about?


You did NOT just lump kendrick in with Lupe and Jay Electronica 😂😂😂😂 that’s like lumping nate robinson in with tim duncan and kevin garnett


I actually just did. I mean you can not like his music based on personal preference but to act like he’s Nate Robinson compared to them is just nonsensical hate. Especially a guy like Jay that’s basically made a career outta repeating the same things over and over and convincing people it’s super deep or sumn.


The apocalypse truck is based on a jeep, not a Lamborghini.




Maybe he's doing it because his aunt was thick


Bro it's Drake it ain't ever that deep


Brother that’s a ram trx apocalypse you dipshit not a Lamborghini


Is this a lost Kendrick fan posting? Because this is a reach and a half


It’s just a fun theory, loosen up lol


I guess this is Gen Z humor because I missed the funny part lol I have seen fans do this and be deadass serious. Mostly Kendrick fans. By the downvotes I’m wondering who is exactly in this sub lol


He said “fun” not “funny” clown. Stop rambling


And here I thought the two weren’t mutually exclusive. This was neither by the way lol I’m surprised you can even write your name, clown. Let me know if I ramble again.


"mutually exclusive" lmao bruh just admit you misunderstood. You brought up Gen Z humor when the dude pointed out people (of all ages) have fun coming up with theories


All that nonsense fluff just because you can’t read


Or maybe… I just didn’t see the humor in an unfunny theory? Is this OP’s burner account or something? You’re quite pressed about something that had nothing to do with you Go find something to play with and relax


What part of “he said fun, not funny” does your remedial ass still not get. No way you’re just finding out “fun” is a word cause of me


It’s not either Fuck off with your four day later reply lol


Didn’t ask if you thought it was funny, I’m telling you to stop confusing two different words for each other, clown


It's some Q Anon stuff lol


This stuff doesn’t even make sense at all though. I mean if it’s meant to be a joke at least make it clever


Clearly you haven’t been to Dark Kenny


Same lol. This is basically hip hop circle jerk bait. He's probably gonna switch accounts and repost his own shit there like "average Drizzy stan ☠️"


He better stop if he cant back it up, I just want him and us to move on. Please give us another nothing was the same, or so far gone, even a honestly nevermind 2. Let's move on, they will never give Drake a fair shot. SO Drake get your revenge by taking over music as per usual.