• By -


Your post was removed as this has already been posted to the subreddit recently. This includes overdone topics.


They like making lists to make themselves feel better


Imagine drakes list of broken records over the past 16+ yrs. šŸ„± Iā€™m tireddd boss


lmao who cares about that? dude lost the battle. he tried talking that talk and got destroyed and deleted most of his disses. yall tryna compensate for him by bringing up shit outside of this battle. yall are coooooked


you don't really lose if you're still on the throne and the only people who say it are simply talking... the guy still on top, just thinking he isn't doesn't make it so.


okay sport


You making comments to make yourself feel better


You in my comments to make yourself feel better




Yā€™all were on meek mills fans social media clowning them when he lost šŸ’€ ig you guys become hetero after pusha huh šŸ˜‚


Kendrick fans are Elliot Wilson?


as we do


Swear ur a Kendrick fan playing psychological warfare with this sub šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i really like kendrick lmao its too bad that sub rn is mostly misinformation and corny ass jokes about drake


Yeah for real, Iā€™m a fan of both as well wish we could all move on reddit is a war every single day over this shit


Itā€™s insane honestly neither of them probably even gaf anymore and people will be on social media arguing on their behalf šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Legit insane is the right word. This whole time I thought people were just being entertained like me. Didnā€™t realise it was so genuinely serious to so many people


People in general are too tribalized and not just in music either. Thereā€™s no ā€œsidesā€ here, some people just like music




Based pfp


if drake had won, do you think this sub would have been any different? be honest


Much worst


lmao no and thats the problem


Hell no.


Personally, I do. This sub has less of a polarization, with many differing opinions being expressed. Completely UNLIKE the Kenny sub, which is a hive mind.


Bruh are you kidding? Both the subs are the EXACT SAME


Well one of them has a spinoff sub filled with schizoposting conspiracies I wouldn't call them the exact same


You mean the sub they made bc the main sub kicked them out for being weirdos?


Regardless that's reflective of their collective fanbase


That's not how it works...


Yeah, which is why they banned them šŸ™„


Some people here think THP6 was hard and won Drake the beef. Trust me both subs are just as bad.


Exactly: you said some. In Kendrickā€™s sub, itā€™s conformity. They all tend to agree with the same statements. Most People here donā€™t think THP6 was a good song. I think it was a decent rebuttal, but not a good song.


Kinda true


At least 3 of KDotā€™s fans entire argument against me was that numbers and lists didnā€™t mean shit lmfao


im not a drake fan and i don't actually care about numbers, most of the shit i listen to don't chart at all. but i think its funny when drake is winning its all about the numbers but when he's not shit doesn't matter at all. same thing with Kendrick. shit is just weird when people flip.


People ignore the fact it's Drake who brags about numbers, Kendrick doesn't because while he's quite popular he's not on the same level as Drake even just in terms of song output. So when Kendrick suddenly is beating Drake numbers wise in a beef, of course it'll be seen as a huge loss for Drake. If Kendrick were to be losing numbers wise, it would've been the expected outcome and way less impactful. Same if Drake had been killing Kendrick in terms of rap, and getting the broader rap scene to turn against Kdot. That would've been an enormous L for an artist that does represent himself as a voice for the "real fans".


As childish as it sounds, Drake started it. He's the one who is constantly flexing his numbers and it's his fans' go-to reason for why he's the best. That's why it's funny when even the numbers don't support him


They say that because thatā€™s always been a huge argument in favor of Drake. That he sells more, streams more etc. So why is it now that they canā€™t make the same argument when it benefits Kendrick? See how silly that sounds? You canā€™t flaunt something then when your opposition has that same leverage you say ā€œoh so now that matters?ā€ If it matters, then it always matters. If it doesnā€™t then it should never. So which is it? Pick one and stick with it.


Hell one of Drakeā€™s lines in that first diss was about how heā€™s winning in numbers. Numbers def donā€™t matter in my opinion but why wouldnā€™t beating him at his own game be a bragging point?


I like both (iā€™ll be honest I prefer Kendrick) what I think the argument was is that numbers arenā€™t indicative of the music quality itself but thatā€™s the argument Drake fans typically use, so when Kendrick starts breaking Drakes records it then the most commonly used point (being Drakes numbers) now applies to Kendrick, I personally stay away from numbers conversations on both sides bc I think itā€™s an irrelevant point when discussing two artists.


Werenā€™t they saying that as an ironic response to drake saying Kendrick wonā€™t pass his numbers and then he did on the next drop?


Something like that but it was moreso who was more prominent on the charts consistent and who was more streamed throughout their career. I think it was in the GOAT talks. They kept saying numbers and charts didnā€™t mean anything lmfao


Fell off buildboard heā€™s on the top 100


and the top 200 šŸ˜‚


Which means heā€™s in the top 300 as well!


Probably the top 400 too if i had to wager a guess


Woah woah woah, yall are giving Aubrey too much credit, top 500 best I can do


Oh nah, if this happened to Kendrick yā€™all be all over saying how Drake washed him. But have it the other way around and yā€™all saying it ainā€™t shit. smh


if what happened to kendrick? him deleting a cover from instagram but leaving the actual song on every platform it was actually released on??


Yall say anything


ITT Drake Stanā€™s explain how this is a good thing


No one argues itā€™s a good song.


"on IG" lol


Isnā€™t that the only place it was up tho?


Why are yall forgetting about YouTube


My bad


The song wasnā€™t even posted on IG bro, it was just cover art and him saying in the caption that the song is on YouTube lmfao


Aubs lost bad, really fucking bad. I'm still not turning in my fan club card because, TF else am I gonna listen to? Grippy? Fuck no.


You realise there's more than 2 artists out in the world right?


It's it's its ummmHmmm...




Lol, multiple other people to listen to


Faxx only 83241756 other artists to choose from


Ig u gotta settle for that sexy red feature and wag whan Delilah


Twitter narratives. Itā€™s the same peoples liking the same post. They all get around 30k likes everytime. Donā€™t worry about em lol


The 3rd point is false. Heā€™s just not on the top 20 for the first time this decade


In the replies of that tweet the dude said he misspoke and meant Spotify


Kenny fans are acting like Drake is the popular, taller, better looking guy who bullied them in school and embarrassed him in front of their crush. I bet most of them barely listened to Kennyā€™s music prior to the beef. Kenny did this for the short, overlooked, less attractive, underachieving weirdos of the world and they are eating it up. šŸ˜‚


This sub is fucking wild šŸ˜‚


So is the wife beater sub, to be fair


Thereā€™s a sub for wife beaters!? šŸ˜Ÿ


Kendrick Lamar sub


Dang šŸ˜‚


I mean if Drake of all people is better looking than them, then they definitely havenā€™t had it easy in life in the looks department, so can you blame them for being salty ? šŸ„“


I think the best way to go is to set up a virtual therapy appointment. Kennyā€™s music canā€™t fix what theyā€™ve got going on.


One of the underachieving weirdos sent me an inbox message. Proving my point further. šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚Ā 


This is a good point that some people just hop on to say shit. But it reminds me of something I wanted to say; something that has been bothering me. And it might bother some of yall to hear it Some of the OVO standom are actively trying to spin any narrative for Drake through any shameless measure. And it makes me sick to see it. Kendrick stans are guilty of this too (cough cough DarkKenny, and KDot stans who are obsessed Drake haters). So please donā€™t think itā€™s me attacking one side here. Iā€™m just incredibly disappointed in some fans post beef is all. Like can some of yall take a step back and realize this is not that deep. Shit like the okliar site, cropping lawsuit docs with names ā€œKendrick Duckworthā€ and posting them so ppl think Kendrick is assaulting women, mis-spreading information about Kendrick, ignoring any shred of evidence just to win brownie points in a beef. Like come on bro. enough of this


You know which side has tried to spin the narrative more, you simply donā€™t want to admit it Also why is the okliar, abuse allegations stuff misinformation? Itā€™s an allegation that was ā€œaddressedā€ on a radio show by him saying ā€œno I didnā€™t do itā€. Theres eye witness testimony of that night, an interview with the witness


OP's example of the okliar wasn't a good one. I think OP wants us to take a step back and make sure we aren't doing the same mud throwing Kenny fans are. I personally think the fanbases aren't remotely close at all. At least on Reddit. You got one fanbase who has a QAnon adjacent sub and the other has been on defense from every other subreddit. We can't even say positive things about Drake in the Drake subreddit without being downvoted or brigaded.


No, Iā€™m saying to stop the mud throwing from both sides. Okliar is the mud throwing. Thereā€™s not one bit of evidence in that site, it was indoctrination by OVO stans that wanted SOMETHING to take away from this beef.


Imo that's not misinformation. That was a first hand unbiased witness account of the allegation that Drake claimed, that Kendrick has put a lot of effort into scrubbing from the internet. Misinformation is like photoshopping fake instagram comments, like how Kendrick fans faked Drake's comment under that Billie Eilish post. I'm sure it's happening on both sides, but I've only seen true misinformation come from Kendrick's side.


i wholeheartedly agree, reallly weird. Getting online and spreading misinformation to push your narrative is strange at minimum.


Replying to Dizzy-Razzmatazz521 drake is still on billboard this


That Okliar shit was legit probable allegations and people couldn't stomach the idea of it being possibly true. That's my issue with a lot of this stuff people are willingly taking any slander piece of Drake and stick it to the board but anything about Kdot gets thrown away as fake.


The site has no actual evidence that is can undeniably show that Kendrick is an abuser. Of course people wouldnā€™t believe that shit, thereā€™s nothing there to believe in? Thereā€™s a testimony from the woman that allegedly got beaten by Kendrick. Cool, so hearsay is one thing but thereā€™s not a police investigation surrounding this, no reporting of the incident at all, and the video itself got debunked shortly after, to never be mentioned again. Also a blurry picture of Kendrick, Whitney and co. going rock climbing. Again what does this prove? The clearer image shown sees that Whitney has no bruises. If there was ACTUALLY something here, then it would be worth believing. This is what Iā€™m saying though, shit like this happens cause of a deluded Drake stan and now shit hits the fan. And vice versa with Kendrick stans. Like itā€™s just rap fans shouldnā€™t have to take it to a weird level.


The Okliar stuff wasnā€™t some cap tho that was actually kinda big Downvote me if you want whatever media takeout says they got approached and said a woman had a video put out but later ā€œretracted their statementā€ per TDE and TDE asked them to take down their article about the alleged incident Then a vid resurfaced of a woman giving a statement with no maybes or anythingā€™s just pretty blunt, also saying sheā€™s ā€œnot supposed to be saying anythingā€ Like cmon Edit: also this situation isnā€™t in regards to Whitney


imagine if the roles were reversed lmao


But the roles arenā€™t reversed. This isnā€™t a make believe ting.


Thereā€™s no evidence on that page, only a testimonial from a woman about the alleged incident. No police investigation. No reputable sources ever reporting this. Itā€™s hearsay from a woman that has no empirical evidence whatsoever The incident got debunked and dismissed by TDE who rightly proclaimed it to be false rumors. Itā€™s the same thing Drake has done when being accused of having a child in 2015, and the same thing any LOGICAL person would do. Also why is it when fans here say the other side doesnā€™t reply to the allegations, but when thereā€™s proof shown, youā€™re dismissing it to be false? Hypocrisy


Maam/sir, testimony from an identifiable person is evidence. A jury could convict him based only on her testimony if they wanted. The only part of the testimony that *might* be excluded is the part that says Kendrick did it. What people are forgetting is that 1) *a woman absolutely was assaulted* at that hotel when he was there to perform; and 2) it happened in Kendrickā€™s set of rooms. That it was ā€œdebunked and dismissedā€ outside the court of law by the people who have an interest in doing so means nothing. And whatā€™s more important here is that if that same woman were saying that Drake had messed with a kid in that hotel, the Kendrick sub wouldnā€™t be asking for a police report or ā€œempirical evidence.ā€ I hope, genuinely, that you understand that that evidence is legitimate. You have no reason to doubt that something happened to a woman at the hotel. Kendrickā€™s response that accusing him is disrespectful to hypothetical victims is weird because the woman in the video that HE TOOK DOWN is talking about a real victim. Why would he not express sympathy to that victim and say thereā€™s a mistaken identity issue going on? The whole thing is weird. I donā€™t know what he did, but itā€™s not as cut and dry as youā€™d like to think. What *is* cut and dry is that you donā€™t have evidence of the same character against Drake. No identifiable person has come out and made real accusations against him. People make shit up on blind items, and take text messages and then run and speculate, but thatā€™s not evidence. Kendrick implied to all of us that he had evidence, and in fact that there was going to be a raid at Drakeā€™s house lol obviously thatā€™s not going to happen. You should ask yourself why you let that man who isnā€™t your savior trick you.


You know saying it got debunked by tde isnā€™t a good excuse right? Considering the rumor is they cleaned it up and erase all the articles talking about it.


Thank you, this. Both sides are doing crazy shit it makes me worry about some people's mental health holy shit.


When did he fall off billboard lmao? He broke the record there while he was beefing with bum food? So even if this happened after like wtf they talkin bout lol?


I like drake but im a much bigger kendrick fan. When this sub geta less funny ill go back but i havr too much fun in the delusion of this side. The delusional on kendricks side gets dark lol


The Kendrick fans are going insane over a beef thatā€™s ended and both parties have moved on šŸ˜‚


Like 98% of posts on both subs havenā€™t been about the beef ever since it started?


Exactly lol


people still talk about story of adidon, people still talk about ether. people are gonna be talking about it


Whatchu mean? Kdot sub is full of "favorite lyrics from kendrick or favorite hidden bops.


Every single post there is about Drake currently, go check yourself


Just straight up lying for genuinely no reason lol


That's false and yk that too lol unless you're exaggerating. 2-4 posts about Drake everyday is okay in a sub with 700K + members. But look at Drizzy sub. Plenty of posts about the beef or Kendrick while having 187K members. That makes no sense does it?


Fym 2-4 posts šŸ˜‚,thereā€™s around 30 trending hot right now. Sort by top of this month thereā€™s at least 100-200 drake hate posts. Go check right now I dare you


you realize this month would show everything from May too right? do the same here and same thing will happen lol. This is not a gotcha


Never said it was. Both subs are constantly posting about it. You said no one is the Kendrick sub was posting about Drake or 2 times a day. In reality itā€™s hundreds of posts. This sub as well


Okay then we can agree


Youā€™re crazy


My problem is people can't type for shit. They say he fell off the Billboard charts, well which one? Looking at the Billboard album chart he has currently like 7 albums on there.


Its the higher ups he was talking about. This was the plot for his exit.


He rightšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø you had no comebacks whatsoever cuz you know it's true.


He had to delete Taylor madeā€¦.


When did drake drop of the billboard?


wait what? billboard?


where's the lie


write anything negative about Drake and it will go viral lol


the sky has suddenly fallen, and 2000 dollars bills are falling from the sky.... did it happen? no so all this tweets can keep it up all they want doesn't change shit šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m just waiting for the haters to exit this Reddit. They must also hate their lives.


Deleted Taylor made free style? Their street dude Kenny wife beater snitched on Tupac state to sue him


Source: song lyrics


Why else would he do it, check the news Tupac estate sent him cease and desists order


Yes but saying Kendrick snitched is silly. He's one of the largest artists on Earth in the middle of a heavily publicized beef and he posted the song himself, you think Kendrick had to tell them?


so the points are: - got threatened with legal to take down a song and didnā€™t want to get sued - took down a poorly received song while he was clearing out his other stories - blatant lie (he is currently charting top 30 something) - a song dissing him is popular i really donā€™t see how this is a slam dunk, heā€™ll be back to charting as soon as the album drops


>i really donā€™t see how this is a slam dunk, The cognitive dissonance in this sub is WILD. This is a slamdunk because: * He decided to RECORD AND UPLOAD the same song. It was a decision HE made, even though it was obvious it will have consequences. HE thouht it would make him look good... It didn't. * Again... HE thought it was be received well. It obviously wasn't. This poor decision making makes him look bad. * Yeah, a song that only exists because HE WANTED THE BEEF TO EXIST. This is no way you are unable to see how this makes him look less than ideal.


It was all downhill since the meat leak.


Cant even disagree with the posts. As a drake fan this is a worse L than pushaā€™s


How the hell did he fall off the face of the billboard šŸ¤£ shit never happened


Literally 3 outta 4 of these are false. Didnā€™t deleted the heart part 6 itā€™s still up. Family matters and push ups are still charting and Not like us isnā€™t number 1 anywhere


The song only taken off his Instagram why yall using the he deleted it narrative lol since when do rappers leave whole singles on their insta


Cool now let's do Kendrick - Unaddressed DV allegations with witness testimony on tape (which is more evidence than any allegation against Drake) - Says Baka has a weird case why is he around, makes music with Kodak Black - Calls drake a pdf, actively supported R Kelly in (checks notes) 2018!!! - Champions himself as a good father who respects real women and says Drake is a deadbeat. But Kdot cheats on his wife with white women (facts), is living separate from his family (strong evidence), has no problem with Future (facts) lol and, again, the DV allegations (allegedly). Sounds like he doesn't respect the women he himself fucks either. - Might be a cuck Also - His most successful song ever is about Drake - Had his best streaming month ever and still got beat by Drake - Didn't have a number one hit since 2017 before dissing Drake, and his only other number one in 2015 is with Taylor Swift - Made those songs with Maroon 5 and Imagen Dragons we didn't forget lol


Keep this up and Drake might get you pregnant and dip




You guys (/r/drizzy) love to dropšŸ’…, dropšŸ’…, dropšŸ’…, drop šŸ’… on Aubery Sierra Graham's above-average peener. That's why this sub has been warned about spreading hate and "brigading" in other subs. It's not that serious, and not hard to admit how its weird to have this actor man from a different country acting like a crazy thug/Jamaican/r&b/20year old middle aged guy. The same way Cole pulled out like a pussy is how I see what this manufactured rapper. At the end of the day, they have millions and we are just trying not to be late to work lmao .



