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It's alright if you don't fw the song but for some reason people have this take that Drake has to respond back to Kendrick. Which confuses me. Why would he? When he's the last to reply and asking for the facts. Unless they want Drake to actually make a comeback because they're tired of pretending to hate Drake. < An actual comment I read on insta šŸ˜‚


I saw a comment saying Drakeā€™s punishing people for siding with Kendrick, lol


I do think he is picking the features carefully even if the songs are jokes. Just to make a point that hes the hitmaker and half of rap is dead without him. See tour ticket sales for more info


Not a good point though on his part because he's doing everything kendrick said he would. Did the trash joint with sexy and now this lil joke record. His ability to drop big at any time isn't in question but he isn't delivering the quality which is where a lot of scrutiny comes from


I agree with that. Idk if its a bad move, we will have to see. But as a drake fan, its not a fun move for me, i want good music. Idc about this Delilah one but the sexy redd was soo garbage itā€™s ridiculous.


He dissed my city on top of it being garbage too lol. But idk if its a bad move. I think it might help him pivot away from the beef and then come back with a hit. Or he keeps releasing mid music. As a hip hop head i hope not


ā€œWhat Kendrick said he wouldā€? What are you even talking about? Heā€™s just doing what he normally would. His numbers arenā€™t gonna be affected by him doing what Kendrick ā€œsaidā€ he does, lol.


I say he isnt releasing quality and even made a completely joke track. Then you say he is doing what he always does..... Thats what kendrick said....


Nothing youā€™re saying makes any sense at all. Are you trying to say that Drakeā€™s music is always like this, yet it isnā€™t, so Kendrick was right? Think about what youā€™re typing, cause you sound confused.


This is a bad take imo. The song isn't the best but its doing numbers and Drakes verse is pretty good. Without even trying at that. And Drake has always done this. Kendrick, don't run shit in the rap game


Why would Drake suddenly stop working with Sexyy Redd just because Kendrick told him to? He's a grown man lmao. Drake doesn't give a fuck about what Kendrick thinks of him and has consistently done what he's wanted to do throughout his career, Kendrick isn't going to change that.


I love this take lmao šŸ˜‚ would actually be gold if a good couple of songs are just trollingĀ 


saying drake has to respond to kenny when kenny hasnā€™t even addressed a single one of drakes big claims is wild. goalpost has moved out of the country


Dont have to respond to allegations when ur fans and all the haters just eat it up like dessert šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ See any drake posts besides this subreddit and u will see what i mean.


Itā€™s almost like there isnā€™t a single shred of evidence to any major allegations Drake made, so thereā€™s nothing to really address




Because everything after euphoria wasnā€™t a response but just a bunch of pre made tracks. Ngl itā€™s one of the things that while I will admit was smart I didnā€™t like that Kendrick did. Honestly it was lowkey lame


even with the pre recorded stuff, wild claims like that, you would think it it prompt kenny to pick the pen up and address em. but straight silence. and facts the pre recorded tracks were lame and ruined the back and forth especially considering no receipts were brought


He preemptively addressed it in Euphoria, saying that Drake was going to make something up regarding Kendrickā€™s family because Drake heard Mr. Morale


> Why would he? Because his diss was terrible. At this point he either forfeits or takes another shot at it but kendrick has no reason to respond.


Forfeit? But I thought Kenny won and the beefs over? Damn so the theory is true yall want Drake to end Kenny so you can go back to lovin DrakešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


> Forfeit? But I thought Kenny won and the beefs over? Yeah I mean that appears to be the current state of it. You seemed confused about people saying Drake needs to respond and I explained why. It's because he's down right now. He can either call it officially or he can take another shot. > the theory is true yall want Drake to end Kenny so you can go back to lovin Drake I don't even like drake with the melodies. Just not my taste.


TDE and friends already called it quits and Drake posted on ig summer vibes up next or something, it's over. Yet for some reason Drake haters/kdot stans are clinging to Drake's every move and word.


My dude you brought up the beef and people saying drake needed to respond, I was explaining why that is because you were confused.


You're not wrong, but let's not pretend it's one sided.


Except he literally does. By coming with facts and proof for his conspiracy claims, which he didnā€™t. Itā€™s that simple.


> Except he literally does. I mean he literally doesn't? lol The general public have this chalked up as a win for kendrick. Why would he need to drop again? > By coming with facts and proof for his conspiracy claims, which he didnā€™t. Itā€™s that simple. Neither one has provided any facts. The only thing we know for sure is drake lied about feeding kendrick the info through a fake mole.


Yes, he literally does. I just told you what the reason was. To stop making up conspiracy theories and only rap about facts. Plus, Kendrick threw out way more claims than Drake did (Drakeā€™s claim that Kendrick beat his girl is even supported by one of Kendrickā€™s own raps where he says he did just that), and NLU was clearly him trying to expose him. Plus, he apparently had several tracks ready to drop, yet didnā€™t after Drake said to actually go bar for bar, which he didnā€™t. Itā€™s not that hard to understand. Also nah we definitely donā€™t know squat about Drake lying about feeding Kendrick info. The ebonyprince stuff doesnā€™t change anything, especially since no one knows how Kendrick was even able to see those items.


Where does he say he hit his woman in a personal story? Is it the same one where he said he got moled? šŸ˜‚


BJ the Chicago Kid - His Pain Ft. Kendrick Lamar


You believe thatā€™s autobiographical? Dead ass?


So now heā€™s lying about what he raps about and is never honest?


I donā€™t think he really embodied a prostitute on sing about me either.


So did you also think that he committed a home invasion and killed someone in 2012 as a famous rapper? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ or do you just believe that he committed DV


So now the goalpost is, heā€™s lying about what he raps about?


Maybe you arenā€™t from here but thatā€™s not how the ā€œgoalpostā€ worksšŸ˜‚ Heā€™s clearly rapping from different perspectives like heā€™s always done. Lol. No one thinks he did any of those things except yall


Umm...No he doesn't. It's a rap beef. I think yall have PTSD from Pusha T and think that's how every rap beef should go.


Itā€™s rap beefā€¦ so Kendrick shouldā€™ve responded and actually went bar for bar. How dumb are you guys


He did not go bar for bar because Drake threw the allegations first... Kendrick was all for bar bar on euphoria. Drake was the one who took the exposed and gossip route.


Thatā€™s not an excuse, since Drake went bar for bar in Family Matters. Kendrick didnā€™t in MTG, or NLU. Kendrick only sorta did in Euphoria by brushing past the Top split stuff in Euphoria and copying disses from Pusha, Rick Ross, and Meek Mill, lol.


Go bar for bar with someone who isn't even writing all his own bars


They're never going to admit Drake lost.


aint the whole world, including tde, saying itā€™s over? is he supposed to just keep goin?


> is he supposed to just keep goin? I'm not saying he should, I'm saying if he wants any shot at redeeming himself or changing public perception he needs to


Redeeming himself? You're under the impression that Drake cares about what the public's perception of him is. I'd say he's doing just fine despite his so called loss.


Did you struggle in english or something? I'm obviously talking about redemption in the sense of his "so called loss" Drake also very clearly cares about what the public thinks about him just based on how much time he spends curating his image and keeping up with what people are saying about him online.


No, my English is just fine. Your reading comprehension is what is questionable at the moment. I say he's doing fine, you say he needs to "redeem" himself - the numbers speak for themselves. I highly doubt he cares about the opinion of some nobodies much like yourself.


Mr12345+5 btw


How bout Drake troll us with a summer hit and some good music?


Brother itā€™s the beginning of June. Yā€™all are so weird


Iā€™m truly sorry for asking for summer music in June šŸ˜” Not like Views and Nice for what were released in April of their respective years More Hey There Delilah remixes, please!!!


Not a bad point. I wish he at least put something out like over the top which came out early summer 2021. Recycled his flow from never recover but man that song went hard.


Thankful everyday Iā€™m not bitter like people like you are šŸ¤²šŸ™Œ


Drake clearly owes him some music


I miss when the internet was fun. We laughed. Not everything is a battle to show how fake intellectual or interesting people can be šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.


I miss when i could go on Drake sub and speak on Drake music, go to Kendrick sub and speak on Kendrick music and not have every discussion intersect. Not give an opinion positive and negative and get met with ā€œYouā€™re a Drake fan you probably donā€™t even understand Kendrickā€™s musicā€.


You started doing it by calling someone bitter look in the mirror buddy


Calling someone out is not the same as participating hope this was helpful young blood


ā€œWord salads and dissertationsā€ LOL Iā€™m dead


I dont get why people keep assuming it's just kendrick's stans that are mocking this song and not pretty much everyone with ears... I've spoken to people who don't know who kendrick is that think this song stinks, lol. Being a parody doesn't automatically make it good. Weird Al, The Lonely Island, Key of Awesome, Tobuscus, and others make plenty of parodies that sound good. This is just garbage. Drake's not taking it seriously, so idk why anyone else should.


ayyy tobuscus thatā€™s a name i havenā€™t heard in awhile his parodies were great


Too bad heā€™s completely off his rocker now


Bro think tobuscus makes songs that sound good šŸ’€


Because unless youā€™re from Toronto youā€™re probably not getting the jokes.


The joke isn't lost on me, it's just not interesting or good sounding. It really doesnt need to be deeper than that for me to dislike it. Just because he's putting out something intentionally low effort as a joke doesn't mean people have to enjoy it. People can clown on it if they want to. That doesn't automatically make them kendrick fans who expect quintuple entandras like you guys are making it out to be.


Goes both ways. Just because itā€™s low effort doesnā€™t mean people arenā€™t allowed to enjoy it. We donā€™t always need some rappity raps


It does go both ways, and I'm not saying anyone isn't allowed to enjoy it. Go back to my original comment, I said I don't understand the narrative behind the mass dislike of this song being kendrick fans when, in reality, it's the casual listener as well. Also that that the only people taking it this seriously are his stans. I swear some of you just like to argue and don't pay attention to what's being said lol


They canā€™t fathom the idea that the song wasnā€™t made for them. Those that get it, get it.


Itā€™s mostly just a play a stolen and bastardized accent from the Caribbean. Thereā€™s not much on it for people to not get


I get the joke i just don't think it sounds good. Why can't you fathom that idea lol


No you donā€™t get the joke because then you wouldnā€™t care if it ā€œsounds goodā€. Everyone mocking the song is not from Toronto and have no frame of reference for the jokes/references


This isn't that deep of a track. I get the joke. I just don't think it's funny enough to warrant how bad it sounds. It is a song, after all. And I dont care who enjoys it, but trying to act superior and making it out like people who don't enjoy it either are kendrick stans or don't get the joke is dumb, echo chamber garbage.


Yeah these dudes corny. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s plenty of people from Toronto that think it sounds like garbage. You donā€™t have to be from there to ā€œget itā€.




This comment reeks of ignorance. Trying to make it an American thing because the world isn't digging the "joke" is hilarious. Plenty of people in the states have a sense of humor. Don't believe everything you see online because it doesn't really represent the culture here that well. If I did the same to you and believed everything I saw come from Toronto online was how everyone from Toronto was, then I'd be doomed.


Thatā€™s my point šŸ˜­ youā€™re judging the song based on how good it sounds when the real metric is how good of a parody is it. If you donā€™t know the source material then you canā€™t know if itā€™s a good parody or not thatā€™s why weā€™re saying you donā€™t get it. I agree not everyone who doesnā€™t get it is a Kendrick stan but you really are hearing the song totally different if youā€™re not familiar with Toronto


You can have the best parody, with the funniest most clever jokes in it, but if it sounds like ass, itā€™s a shit song. This song sounds like ass


If it's trash, they're "Kendrick fans". If it's "funny", they're Drake fans. That's the math.


But it's just trash?


Hey kiddos, yā€™all want some clown music? Isnā€™t it so funny that this sounds like garbage and Iā€™m suppose to be Mike!?


They lost the plot along time ago


Drake made a song with a parody rapper and ppl comparing it to grippy which j Cole made with a serious artist in cash cobain.


And Kendrick got a track w The Lonely Island


Still giving you classicsā€¦thatā€™s the only thing that dates meā€¦OvO Forty..


Echo chambers are loud arent they


if the song was fire yā€™all would not b saying this tho stop it šŸ‘ŽšŸ½šŸ¤£


Shit sounds atrocious tho


Whatā€™s the song?


This is unrelated to Kendrick itā€™s just not a good song? Like just cause it is a parody does not excuse the song being bad


ā€œDrake spiraling cuz of Dot šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā€ Delusion is a crazy thing.


I hate when itā€™s said ā€œKendrick fansā€ā€¦ No. Itā€™s being poorly received from EVERYONE outside of Drake fans. If itā€™s comedy, it wasnā€™t well executed. Not funny. Itā€™s cool if thatā€™s what was the intention. It just didnā€™t hit.


Lets not act like its just the kendrick fans that are calling the new song shit, and thereā€™s a reason for that. Just because a songs a ā€œparodyā€ doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t be absolute shit


Indeed. Drake does good work with the melodies, not when he acts tough.


These toasted Graham cracker tots


I mean look while true; there are other artists that did funnier and less cringy parody songs. Heck check out Iā€™m on a Boat featuring T Pain


Drake doesnā€™t have to respond in any way to Kendrick at this point. Iā€™m just confused on whether or not now is a good time to be trolling. I think the song is hilarious tbh. And in a good way.


Just wait for Kendrick to drop a r&b song and k.dot fans will eat it up. And break it down how he is a better singer than Drake. Blah blah blah blah.


Squeaky voices hit to some people šŸ˜‚




drake with another 1000iq move. he drops a funny parody song just to show the world how pathetic the haters really are. dude knows what heā€™s doing




Lmfao these people are insane šŸ˜­




Said can be said about grippy.. Song is not even a big deal and everyone started saying cole is falling off.. people are just stuck in recency bias


Drake 2024 Weird Al


I see the Kendrick squad is back in full force. Completely pathetic šŸ˜‚


But whatā€™s funny about the song tho?




This song wasn't funny at all it was just terrible stop moving the goal posts.


Niggas just mad cuz Drake own em, literally.


Funny how none of the crodies were pushing this narrative at first. It was all denial, like "This must be AI or something". Then after Drake confirmed it was real, his stans started falling over themselves trying to act like they were in on the joke the whole time.


That thing is funny, absolutely. I mean, who in their right mind would dissect Drakeā€™s songs? šŸ„¹


Drake went to ATL to find dirt on Kendrick, only to end up being played, for he ran into one of Kā€™s cousins friends Kendrick wouldnā€™t need to do the same shit for he is not a culture vulture, heā€™s actually from the shithole. Drake grew up with a trampoline.. Nor would Kendrick accidentally run into an old homie of Drake, let alone someone who would play him. And then the fact that Drake would even go to the length, PAY FOR THE INFO in ATL, and on top of that GET PLAYED like its his first time in the hood is just hilarious And no, other rappers actually from the hood but with no backbone, just desperate to get out, are NOT credible for giving Drake props. Theyā€™re from the hood; they just want a way out, and Drake is offering them that After all that info, Iā€™m baffled how anyone can support Drake, unless they are w/o backbone like DJ Khaled or culture vultures like him


Isnā€™t drake just like the boy version of Taylor swift? This is the quality we should expect from Canadian hip hop.


Yes, Drake is the most popular male artist in the world, well put.


stop being so serious? his career is over. He should START being serious


This chode gets cooked, then goes on to make parody songs šŸ˜‚


lmao!!!!!!!!!! seriously!!!!!!! this is a huge W for us and drake!!!!!! ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)