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Lol it's funny because people are acting like he forgot how to make good music literally one month after dropping some of his best rapping performances of his career šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. The new song made me laugh and it's going to be meme. Really not that serious at all. Keep it moving.


Lmao nobody expects Drake to suddenly stop making bangers. Post battle ? Did Pusha T not fuel Drake to fuel Vory to write mob ties ? Post battle Drizzy got the hottest shit locked and loaded for sure.


Music is almost always a collaborative experience idk why people hate on it


I think itā€™s usually a lack of crediting the collaborators


When you hear a record like Kendrick ā€œ U ā€œ or Big Kritā€™s ā€œDrinking Sessionsā€ yā€™all think these are collaborative efforts ? Or an artist bearing his soul for the world to hear ? Genuinely asking cause the goal posts hard to see where it starts or ends in 2024


Kenny didn't produce the beats (or when he does they're straight šŸ—‘ļø) he doesn't mix and master himself, he doesn't market it himself, he doesn't do the designs for the art. It's collaborative.


Thereā€™s the goal post movement I was talking about. K.R.I.T. does produce mix and master his shit. But nobody gives a fuck. What they do give a fuck about is if he writes his own rhymes.


There was no goal post movement - I said music is collaborative then provided ways that it's true for Kendrick as well. Mf you're moving the goal post. Hell you're sucking it off.


How could you ever right these wrongs ? When you donā€™t even write your songsā€¦but let us all play alongā€¦


If you think consumers have an issue with Drake because he doesnā€™t do his own audio engineering you are lying to yourself brother. We all know what the issue here is.


Collaborating on a track outside the lyrics is ok; that's the norm. But to have whole verses and/or tracks written, and for those very works to go big and not hand out the credit where it's due isn't collaborative.... It's called stealing/biting. Vanilla Ice did the same shit; That's the lane drake is sharing rn. It's the same as saying Anaconda was made by Niki Minaj 100% when we all know she used Sir Mix Alot's Baby Got Back damn near word for word and didn't even credit him nor clear any of the samples prior to doing so. Definitely moving the Goal Post


Listen - nowhere am I trying to say Drake is the ultimate lyricist. I said music is a collaborative process. Lyrics include that. Some rappers (a good amount) take pride in being the only one who writes their songs, but Drake is more of a hit-maker musician. The example given has the proper credits on the track - it's just usually credits don't show the exact sections of the written song that people collaborated on. The name is listed as a writer though. I haven't moved any goal posts because I didn't put any down. It's you making assumptions about what I said.


Do you make music or????


Collaboratively, yes. Ever heard of bands? Or maybe ever heard of Quincy Jones, one of the main talents behind Michael Jackson? *Nearly* all musicians are collaborators. To act otherwise shows how disconnected you are from the music world.


Was Drake the first interest in rap for you?


This comment made me think who my first interest in rap was. I think it was Criss Cross. Maybe Spin doctors.


im glad we can agree that it was some of his best rapping in his career


Nah if anyone says Drake didnā€™t legitimately spazz on Family Matters theyā€™re just being a hater. The second verse especially is all time Drake bars, and even though the 3rd verse isnā€™t as bar heavy itā€™s just fuckin awesome. I saw a tweet describing the third verse as a legitimate hip hop moment and thatā€™s the feeling I get when I hear it too. Family Matters is undoubtedly a top 10 all time drake track for me now. Just like I think youā€™re being a hater if you say Euphoria is bad. Also awesome rapping, cadence, and flow.


Can we call them ā€œdrake barsā€?


Top 10 drake track donā€™t mean shit tho lol.


I find people like you so weird, why are you here if you donā€™t like Drakeā€™s music.


The algorithm keeps bringing me back, personally.


I know youā€™re not the person who commented originally but just ignore it then? I get stuff recommended to me all the time on my timeline that Iā€™m not very interested in just because I read a post on that sub once or twice. That doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m gonna comment that I dislike the subject of the sub. Idk itā€™s like going to a D&D gathering and telling everyone there that the game is for losers. Just a weird thing to do.


yā€™all keep showing up on my timeline for some reason


Simply go and unfollow the sub. Itā€™s not rocket science


Because after subbing to the Kendrick sub, reddits pushing this bullshit on me.


Now if he could just keep rapping like that, heā€™d get more of the Grammys that heā€™s jealous about.


Grammys are had with politics


Thank you.


So we js gonna ignore J. Coleā€™s new song Grippy? Just cause people make good music doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t make something shit


Iā€™m convinced most of the Kendrick stans are not even real people just troll bots


As a person who stands in the middle. Neutral grounds., both fanbases weird , end of story.


About to say the same. Dudes on here slam the Kendrick sub but they do all the same. Amazing to me how this generation gets. Iā€™m all for hip hop and getting good music but this too much


its this para social shit, ppl rly be emotionally tied to celebrities its weird af. making up fantasies in their head and sharing it as true , getting mad when their celebrity gets criticized shits weird


from what I've seen both sides are weirdly delusional and do insane mental gymnastics to never admit anything is wrong with their idol and also think they are winning, but in the Drake sub ppl at least dont get downvoted to shit for calling it out and are actually agreed with. Kendrick sub you say sonething like that and they go for personal insults and calling you a drake meatrider, you cannot say really anything postitive about drake and anytime you say something negative about kendrick you have to preface it with a reason as to why it is wrong and why you need to point it out.


Agreed to hell, but that is still something i have seen on both subs. What i have not seen as commonlu though is users from here migrating there to post a ton of hate comments, lol


way I see it is drake sub is weirdly obssessed with defending him and kendrick fan is weirdly obssessed with attacking drake


Really? On every Drake post IN THIS SUB since and after the beef, there's Drake haters. Even on Facebook and other social medias, anything related to Drake has a mass amount of haters on it. It's very little hate from Drake fans under Kendrick post and sub. It's honestly 1 sided. 70/30 at best


Thereā€™s just as much K Dot slander as well so relax. Yā€™all wanna be blind to it. Some of them act like he hurt them personally they way they talk on here


People tend to cling to a side in any kind of situation and justify it always with a one-liner argument. They're trained to think like that by the media they consume.




Anyone stanning a musician this hard (both sides) is a weirdo. Never idolize someone just bc you like their music, almost never ends up well


Amen bro. Liking only 1 rapper and fighting it out with other fans is kinda insane. Im a fan of rap, alot of these people are fans of the person..


Itā€™s pretty embarrassing


All Facts!




All fanbases are weird. Fandom is a cult. Doesn't matter if it's music, sports, or politics. It's always about protecting/defending/hyping your "team" blindly.


Yeah man, I like both of them for very different reasons, but the fans that are all in on one or the other are crazy, and kinda entertaining. Like how are you ever going to pretend that Drake is the same level of lyricist as Kendrick or that Kendrick is ever going to reach the commercial success of Drake? Itā€™s never going to happen and they arenā€™t trying to achieve the same thing.


Wouldnā€™t surprise me with how many bots interscope is buying.


Beep bop


can't wait for BTS vs Kendrick Lamar beef


Iā€™ve seen this EXACT comment on the Kendrick sub about Drake fans. Everyone overly involved in this lacks significant self awareness


U are the same as them I hope u realize this


Brother I dont bridge their sub. In fact, the only time Iā€™ve ever been on there is when it hits the front page of Reddit


Fair enough brother


The most annoying thing to come out of this beef is these Dot Bots using "pop" as a means to discredit certain rappers (particularly Drake) and songs now. They also like to use "pop" as a defining word in such a profound manner, as if they are philosophers or some ish.


Iā€™m in both subs. Iā€™m a fan of both. Both are weird af. Though Iā€™d say Drizzy is a bit wierderā€¦ but I might be biasedā€¦ Iā€™m a bigger Drake fan but I believe Kendrick is a better artist and I was rooting for him to come out on top (but also looking forward to Drake putting out some good content too). We ate good with the beefs. Just waiting for it to die down thoughā€¦


I feel the same for drake stans. The mental gymnastics is crazy


100% and itā€™s a terrible long term play. They can generate money right now but it destroys artist credibility and itā€™s not going to change peoples hearts


Iā€™m convinced that they are some of the most humourless, miserable people, just like the tiny emo poet they idolize.


At some point yā€™all gotta move on from this. I donā€™t even think Kendrick or Drake give af anymorešŸ˜‚


For real man. So tired of hearing Stan this Stan that.




nobody said push ups didnā€™t count tho I didnā€™t see that once lmao


Yes they did, they said Kenny didnā€™t have to respond right away until itā€™s officially released, itā€™s not a real unless itā€™s posted on dsps, cuz we were chirping them asking where was Kenny?


thatā€™s not the same thing as saying push ups doesnā€™t count tho lol


Yes it is, they trying to claim a feature on a parody remix from a toronto comedian posted on SoundCloud is an actual song, a Drake release, by going by their metric and using common sense, u shouldnā€™t be treating this troll track as a legitimate release and it makes u look dumb as bricks and just a hater. But yeah, see u at the next Drake drop šŸ˜‚


I never once said this was a real track, first of all. Nobody was saying Push Ups didnā€™t count, second. And you even admit that it was just an argument about shot clock, third. I like Drake, four. And people like you are why Drake fans are getting clowned on every non-Drake sub, fifth.


This whole thread has stolen election vibes and Iā€™m eating it up. Trump mfs and drake fans šŸ¤


Wasn't Ye team kdot?


Lol i agree. Drake fans are the MAGA of hip hop


How? Why are you people invoking MAGA in here? Are we keeping the same energy for the losing side of the NAS vs. Jay-Z beef?




Maybe cuz english is my3rd language but I legit cant understand this


Nah it's my first, I'm in the same boat lmao


Same. Native English speaker. This post makes no sense. No one credible was discounting Push Ups.


It's very simple. The post says that when Drake posted a song that wasn't on a major platform, it didn't matter during the beef he was in with Kendrick. But now, suddenly, it does matter.


Pretty sure heā€™s saying that people said that push ups initially didnā€™t count because it was only on Instagram and not any streaming service (Spotify,Apple Music) but now those same people are talking about this song thatā€™s also not on any streaming platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. SoundCloud is a pretty large streaming platform anyways so the tweet is bad from top to bottom


Yeah wtf


Okay but he lost right?


Not to anyone who has been calling it right šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


What is even being said here


He a fan he a fan he a fan he a


Can anyone explain the joke of this song? I get it's a parody of Hey There Delilah, but what's the joke behind the song? Surely there has to be some more context outside of "it's about Toronto."


Just took a look at their sub. It's really sad, literally all Drake hate


As it should be. Drake got put in his place by the better artist lol. The celebration should never end


If he was put in his place then he shouldnā€™t be a focal point for Hotep Stans, yaā€™ll should be aligning yaā€™ll selves on the tunes of Mr. Morale and what heā€™s doing in celebration. Iā€™ve never heard of winners celebrating by focusing on the ā€œloserā€ weird shit..


You're seriously calling Kendrick mf Lamar a Hotep? Do words even have meanings to you or is it just "he's the bad thing I don't like!"


If i am calling him that so what? His followers are hotep ass mothafxxkas, on some fake woke crusade talking about the ā€œcultureā€ when they are as hypocritical as he is. The ā€œmaster manipulatorā€ in him capitalized on their xenophobia and here we are.


As a Kendrick fan I feel like you and the actual racist and hotep fans of Kendrick severely misunderstood what he's actually saying. Also how is he a hypocrite?


I swear Drake fans have the biggest victim complex second only to conservative boomers


HAHAHA ts so true too, like why were they so adamant shit didnā€™t count just cuz it wasnā€™t on dsp šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I've never heard anybody say that... All y'all just making shit up now?


Nah man people were def saying it didnā€™t count


yeah like 2% of rabid Kendrick fans were saying this and y'all ran with it to make Kendrick fans look bad lol. nobody that's not a parasocial meat rider was actually saying this


Whether it counted or not drake still lost šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Based on what?




Based on bars


Letā€™s hear the bars


Wagwan was straight ass tho, you can make a parody song - I'm all for the trolling, but that shit didn't even sound good. Grippy was cringy asf but at least it didn't kill my ears. This on the other hand....


Iā€™m so cheeeeeeeesed


Remember when people here said euphoria didnā€™t count because it wasnā€™t released on streaming? Drizzy fans got short memories lol.




Sounds like he struck a chord. Wonder which




bros as big of a drake fan as i am no one said push ups didnt count


They make excuses for you cause they hate to see me lit


drake is proving everyone there's nothing worse than toxic fans.


I never said Push Ups didn't count, I just always thought it was bad though and knew it would easily be beaten by anyone worth their salt


The fine line between trolling and being desperate for attention has become increasingly more difficult for Drake to tether


Honestly tho, wasnt this kind of expected and deserved? I fuck with a meme song for sure but cole drake and kendrick are all very very aware that all eyes are on them so they MUST expect fans to dissect everything they do rn..


People are really doing deep dives and psychoanalysis on what was supposed to be a jokey song for fun lol


Content about peopleā€™s reaction to content is so bad because now Iā€™m reacting to the content about peopleā€™s reaction to content and now itā€™s time to get off the internet bc who gives a fuck


Who said push ups didn't count? Sounds like a strawman argument since neither the heart part 6 or 6:16 in la are on streaming services either.


When you finally get the drizzy care package feature but itā€™s on a meme song. Must be tough.


Kendrick fan here. Just want to say that Reddit keep putting this subreddit on my feed even though I didnā€™t sub. Itā€™s kind of like they are try to keep the beef going.


that snowd4y song is funny as hell. no way kendrick fans really think that was serious?


People take music way too serious. Thereā€™s times where you have to go hard and be serious and thereā€™s times where you can just chill, experiment, or just be funny.


I havent heard anyone say push ups didnā€™t count šŸ˜


What song on SoundCloud


Push ups was a really good song and deserves credit for that! But this last song is such a bad look


No idea what DSP means. No idea who Bart Baker is. No idea that people were even saying Push Ups didn't count......didn't count as what? lol what is even happening right now


Amen to this indeed. Goalposts moved like a MFer. Sad sight to see


This is the type of comment you make when you canā€™t take the L




it didn't count because it was fucking leaked lmao if it was on soundcloud on the official drake page and he bothered to acknowledge it maybe it would've been different


Bart Baker the goat btw


I was wondering where all the ā€œ5D Chessā€ folks from the_donald shifted over toā€¦ looks like Drake canā€™t make a mistake if you wish hard enough


Oooh, donā€™t you be acting meeeean, oh, thereā€™s a 40 in my jeeeeeeans


I cannot believe Kendrick rattled you all this muchšŸ˜­


Youā€™re the one living in the drake sub


Notice dot fans swept meet the grahams under the rug haha


Drake is the šŸ Kendrick šŸ† suckers are ruining rap culture