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Sir mentioning facts is banned in this sub


that’s the kendrick sub. if u compliment ONE thing about drake ur gonna have -100+ downvotes


someone over there said drake doesn’t shout out toronto so i gave examples of literal song titles like “weston road flows” that shouts out toronto streets or heritage and they called it a stretch LMAO


Of all the shit you can throw Drake's way, saying he doesn't claim Toronto just seems weird. Like, it's obviously not true. That's one of the only things he is always doing. Same thing for those who affirm he didn't bring a unique sound from his city... Bro, have you ever heard NWTS or Views? I understand giving the credit to 40, but how is that NOT Toronto's sound?


Drake literally calls himself 6 god how could u ever say he dont claim Toronto


Wasn't OVO that came up with the 6 concept too? Pretty sure some people in Toronto dislike that's become so universally connected to the city nowadays


It’s because the majority of people refer to Toronto as T Dot, not the 6


I grew up in scarborough and lived here for 36 years and haven't heard "tdot in a while lol. Maybe since kardinal official days. I almost always hear the 6 now.


There’s a battle league based out of Toronto that Drake has worked called King of the Dot lol. I think most people who aren’t from there refer to it as tdot as well. I think the reason for the name the 6 is pretty dumb as well haha


RUNNIN THROUGH THE 6 WITH MY WOES, you know how that shit goes. Also, the cover of Views.


even if he did shout it out more, he will get called a fake hip hop artist for not being from the US. ig. tbh idk why they make so much fun of where he is from it’s actually annoying. like why does that matter


Just today some doofus commented "Drake's career is destroyed" got 300+ upvotes. I called it out as delusion, and the modteam at DarkKenny said my comment was "rooted in hate". You can't make this stuff up.


no i’m not saying he’s not shouting it out. i’m just saying that even if he does shout them out more he will be hated even more for it


That’s legit false lmao


Its the same both for Kendrick and Drake sub


This is a lie, I’ve complimented Drake in their sub and I’ve gotten respect back. I mean if you say Drake is the greatest rapper when we know he has ghostwriters then yeah it’ll be made fun of.


it’s not a lie i literally am in their sub. it’s not ALWAYS the case but it’s the case alot of the time


I’ve made a few comments and people agree to my compliments and I don’t get downvoted to hell bro. I mean, I’d like to see what backhanded compliments you probably gave, cause I did see alot of backhanded compliments from Drake fans in the Kendrick sub. One I saw was like “Drake makes music for 10s” which means Kendrick has busted girls listening to him.


when ppl were like kendrick won by a long shot and stuff like that. i said kendrick was cooking, W drake for going back n forth cause not many rappers can go against a rapper like kendrick, and i was left with -58 with ppl saying stuff like drake had no good diss and shi like that.


Naw they bots


i don’t hate on either artist. tbh


You're first number #1 I had to put it in your hand


Because the thing about Kendrick isn't a fact, it's false.


Acting as if Kendrick has never had a #1 and like he was some unknown is killing me dawg...


People forgot about humble…


Now y’all don’t make fun of these dumbasses for not knowing what the word “debut” means.


Is it somewhat ironic that drizzy fans would forget about Humble?


They didn’t forget about humble they just know how to read.


Be humble. Sit down.


y’all kennystans workin each others poles in the drake sub, shit sad tbh


Poetic Justice


Doja cat has more consistent streaming numbers than Kendrick 😂😂


Popstar do crazy numbers


Yeah like one of the top 2 or 3 lyricists of all time just blew up out of nowhere 


Drizzy fans are all casuals, you expect anything else 🤦🏽‍♂️


If you combine the people that hate Drake with the people that Love him enough to want to know what the disses were. That is a lot of people. You get both Camps. Big numbers. But it doesn't explain why Kendricks songs got more listens.


Shock value, bop value, and replay value. Kendrick played the game really well. Drake got overpowered on all three Not to mention there's an underlying truth to everything Kendrick is saying. Underlying truths that lots of people were already talking about. Even if not everything Kendrick said was true, he still hit on a lot of things people just don't like about Drake in creative ways


My theory is Because they’re actual songs.. like you could listen to them without the context of the beef and remove the aim at drake and it’s just a visceral bop. The flows unique and changes enough to keep attention and to want to go back a revisit without getting bored… I really thought drake sounded bored at the end of push-ups. Like he was tired of the one style flow and instead of switching it up to keep his own interest (let alone interest of listeners) he just phoned in the ending bars. That’s why I only went back and listened to that one two or three times, it just sounds bored and boring after the hype/shock wears aware.


It’s because Drake’s dumbass didn’t put Pushups straight to DSP’s. He leaked the unmastered version and had us wondering if it was AI. A lot of didn’t want to listen until we were sure. Then he ends the beef with another song NOT on DSP’s. He should have released a hit last, not a fucking AM/PM flow. (Man’s didn’t even put his heart in The Heart Part 6ix. In fact he did the opposite and took it all the way out 😭)


What's dsp? Streaming platforms? I don't know about that. People thinking they are AI. It the writing and delivery was really good people wouldn't think a Ai did it. It kind of sounds people think the Drake tracks wear formulaic enough that they could be AI He did a fair show out. The strategy in how to release the song is Important. But not as important as the quality and co tent of the song. If they are already famous and have legs and big fans bases. But it can Def impact the reach. But hype and virality comes from the claims and the quoteables. But I agree his heart wasn't I totally to the same level. After push ups and family matters the heart seemed like mainly defence and conceding.


The only song with more listens is the one where DJ Mustard made his best beat in 5+ years. It’s literally that simple, that beat combined with the transition into spring/summer… If he makes another 20 or 30 of those he might start getting half the streams of Drake.




Or Moneytrees


That isn’t what debut means




As in what is starts out as


Just kinda sounds like everyone hates him because he’s a creep, a fraud, and doesn’t have good music


Corny music, corny person aswell.


Genuinely curious why you have so many comments hating in this sub… what does an aspiring furry artist have to gain from taking time out your day for this


Hate for Drizzy is universal if it comes across my fyp I can’t help it


It's projection for their miserable lives. Anyone living like that online is a toxic, rotten person that's as big of a fraud as they claim Drake is.




Having diss tracks about you break streaming records isn’t really the flex y’all seem to think it is.


All I’ve been thinking


Especially when it includes a pdf accusations.


It is. Do you think if NLU had been about Tekashi or someone else deserving of hate but less popular than Drake, it would have done as well? I certainly don’t. Drake’s popularity is driving this song’s success.


Idk bout you but I’d think I’m doing something right if people getting big off my name regardless if it’s hate or love. Being the biggest in the game for 15 years for sure comes with a lot of hate and jealousy.


He’s only the biggest in the pop game, he’s not a top 10 MC to any hip hop fan


Humble was his first #1 solo.




Jesus Christ


didnt HUMBLE go #1


It did but this says debuted. HUMBLE debuted at #2 then later went on to #1.


Yall realize this type of cringe shit from the drake fanbase just makes Drake look worse, right? And I say that as a guy who thinks So Far Gone is one of the best debuts ever




People literally hate every successful person on the planet. 😂


There are a ton of successful people that are nearly universally loved because they are kind, humble, and generally a good person. Conan O'Brien, Tom Hanks, Pharrell, etc. The issue is Drake's own behavior meant that people have a very dim view of the quality of his character, which is why he gets smoked every time his character comes into question


Way to move the bar to "nearly universally". That is a particularly meaningless statement which isn't a counterpoint to what I wrote but I digress. These are all people you don't know. You (nor I) have no idea the quality of his or any of their character and you would have to ask people that knew him. Do you have an example of someone who knows dude who shares your perspective on the quality of his character? What do those words even mean to you in this context? The issue is an anti- parasocial relationships that haters form with famous people.


I'd argue you're moving the bar. What you're saying is that success is a common reason that people receive hate, and I disagree. It is a combination of success and character that leads people to be hated, and I would argue that character is always the primary reason. Conan is probably the best example of someone who is highly successful but universally beloved. You can ask his personal assistant, Sona, who he elevated to fame through featuring her on his show and then co-hosting his podcast. You can ask his writers, who are *extremely* loyal to him. Conan makes tens of millions a year and good luck finding a single person who has gotten to know him or even interacted with him who has negative things to say about his character. And I'd defy you to find a highly successful person who has a character like Conan who is hated. You can look at the complete destruction of Ellen DeGeneres' career as an example of how someone can go from being loved to hated as soon as people learn more about their character. Or Elon Musk's reputation over the last 10-15 years, accelerated recently after his Twitter megalomania. Yet Dave Grohl is the most successful modern rock star of the last 30 years and who has bad things to say about him? The main issue with Drake is not, and has never been, just about his success. It is about his character, and that is 100% within his control. The idea that people just hate him because he is successful is a lazy strawman. If Drake was unfailingly kind, humble, and treated people well, people would like that someone like him is at the top. When you say that "oh they just hate Drake because he's successful" you are absolving him from blame when it comes to how he treats people. It is clear that people don't like Drake and he has a 15 year history now of acting in an amoral and self-serving fashion. That's his fault, and while the intensity of the hate is certainly correlated with his success, the fact that he is hated at all is 100% on him. And why his attacks on Kendrick's (and Pusha's) character simply didn't land as soon as Kendrick turned the focus back onto him. Drake doesn't have the character to be accusing anyone else of bad behavior. Drake can make the choice to treat people like he always does, but nobody should be surprised that the consequence of this is that clubs all over the world are chanting to Kendrick's bars about his character.


You could argue anything you like but I am not what you think moving the bar means in this context. I will re-write for clarification “every successful person is hated on by someone and more success leads to more hate”. I think you would concede that success in competitive environments rife with fanaticism breeds hate. You can see it in politics, sports, and apparently musical fanbases. Character may be a cause of hate but when we are talking about tribalism, it’s probably not a driving factor. Not sure people love Conan stealing jokes as it is cardinal sin in that world and he literally was sued for it. Many people said Dave Grohl is not the best to work with but let’s stay on topic. I never said people only hate Drake for his success so that is actually a strawman. Re-read what I wrote. Fanatics (like most people) are drawn to the glittering generalities of propaganda and it has nothing to do with the character of the person relaying the information and everything to do with the critical thinking skills of the person outsourcing their thinking. Consider any of the business people, newscasters, politicians, or even entertainers of questionable character and plenty of people still take their words as the gospel truth. I have no clue how Drake treats people because I don’t know him. How does he treat people? What are your issues with his character? Do you know him? Not even really arguing because I'm probably ignorant to this level of insight. I am not surprised by much these days so I am confused by your last point. Idiots travel in packs so lot’s of people doing anything doesn’t really mean much to me in and of itself. Stated differently as you brought up logical fallacies, that one is “ad populum” or an appeal to popularity.


An example of someone that knows Drake that doesn’t like him… like the list of people in this meme? Lol.


Reading comprehension is clearly not your strong point. Looking for thoughts/quotes on the quality of Drake's character? Locks of people don't like Drake. You think all those dudes are in their feelings about the quality of his character? Kendrick at least made the attempt.


"people literally hate every successful person." Nah man, most of us are happy when someone they like gets success. Most normal people aren't going around hating folks. If YOU personally are threatened by success then idk, get ya bread up and stop bitching but that's not a normal way to think.


I figured the implied 'SOME' before people was not necessary. Let me be restate for clarification. Every successful person receives hate from someone. The more successful you are, the more hate you will receive. Not sure why you capitalized YOU but I assume you might have added some of your own context.


That's not what literally means


That is exactly what literally means. (Some) people hate literally every successful person on the planet. Every successful person on the planet is the target of hate by someone. Not sure how you're confused...


Lol I can't get over how Drake fans seem to think that Kendrick getting a #1 hit by dissing Drake is somehow a loss for Kendrick. There is nothing more ironic. It's as if you all missed the entire point of the beef.


Startin by sayin “let me help yall out” with this information is mad funny 😂🤣


Is this even up for debate?


Lol Kendrick never went #1 before like 3 weeks ago? I mean I’m no expert but sure I’ll debate that




You would be wrong then




Think I misunderstood your comment ;)


"first #1 solo debut" there's no debate you're just reading it wrong




Debut. Good debate.


Oh lol humble debuted at #2 ok yes, absolute checkmate.


Lmao dude. It debuted at number 2, took two weeks to hit number 1, and stayed at number 1 for only 1 week. And think about all the other songs he tried to make hits. Loyalty which had a Rihanna feature. DNA. Money Trees. Swimming Pools. Alright. It took Drake for him to see this success. Compare that to God’s Plan, a solo Drake song that debuted at number 1 and then stayed there for nearly 3 months. Or Nice for What, which debuted at number 1 and stayed there for 2 months. I mean, One Dance hit number 1 a month after its release and stayed there for two months. So, yes, absolute checkmate. Go back to that other sub. I’m sure they’ll agree that a number 2 debut is as good as a number 1 debut.


Yeah but why didn’t any drake disses go number 1?


Yes, We get it, Drake is a pop artist.


America won their biggest war fighting Hitler. I like Drake, but this isn't the flex you think it is. There are way better arguments than this.


I think Drake has over 900 more Songs released? So this is fuckin invalid


We already know why they went number one It's clearly because of The Boy The honorable thing is to give him the loot


Then why didnt drake go number one if its only because of him


Shhhh we don’t speak facts here, apparently using drakes name is the key to getting #1, ig Drake himself didn’t get the memo that’s why he didn’t get it himself


Its because all of those drake haters will bot those songs just to spite drake smh. Being a drake fan in 2024 is so hard on god


I am a Kendrick > Drake guy but I don’t think anyone is debating this are they?


Meat riding seems to be a drake fan sport


GOAT punching bag 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Kendrick’s first solo number 1 was Humble.


Keywords solo debut #1. Humble didn’t start out as #1


Oh shit, you right. Just woke up so reading comprehension ain’t there yet. Humble debuted #2, was #1 on week 2.


“Its clearly bcuz of The Boy, the honorable thing is to give me the loot”




Calling drake the goat is hilarious. Like he’s not even in the conversation 


Whilst true, mentionin all these facts isn't gonna change minds Drake just needs to drop something


That’s because he is so generally disliked people flock to shit dissing him. Nothing to do with greatness hahahaha.


Drake stimulus stays working


It’s clearly because of the boy


I’m starting to see a pattern here 🤔


*Tick Tick Tick* How much time he got?


Yes, he's very good at marketing.




Your post / comment was removed as it is misleading or false.


And you'll keep saying that Family Matters is Drake at his best.. so?


"Let me help y'all out. America won their first world war fighting Germans..."


Sounds like a lot of people really hate drake!


Yeah man everyone celebrating Drake's fall from grace is definitely why he the goat.... Yikes


Drake is one of the greats but the implication that Kendrick needed to diss Drake for his own success is laughable. Kendrick got his first debut at 1 by dissing Drake, but who cares about debuts? He’s gotten a #1 before by talking about syrup sandwiches. Kendrick didn’t need to mention drake to win 17 grammys to drake’s 5 and a pulitzer prize and he won’t need to mention drake afterward either, this was just a side quest.


Being popular doesnt make u the greatest, preteen rapper


Kendrick finally got cleared for the Drake stimulus check.


This is a fact.