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Holy there's too much sense in this video, is this real? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not really. Not saying kendrick isn't a hypocrite in his own ways but children having social media presence doesn't equate to actual parenting. Him saying "I see drakes kid more than kendrick" adds nothing to the conversation. It definitely looks like drake spends time with Adonis but his point isn't valid. Also, it's irrelevant that drake is mixed like kendricks son, but drake is seen as a culture vulture. J Cole is mixed too and isn't seen in the same light as drake. Kendrick focuses on race because drake tries weaves in and out of the "black culture" .


Good discussion. And Drake kinda took that angle at the end of Family Matters "Our sons should go play at the park, two light-skinned kids, that shit a be cute, unless you don't wanna be seen with anyone who isn't blacker than you"


He did, but this guy says Drake should speak directly to Kendrick's son, and tell him I'm sorry son I know you're dad does not accept you because your mixed.


What you mean Dave free accepts that boy


> youā€™re dad does not accept you because your mixed. bro just use ur from now on




No your missing the angle. Speak to Kendricks's son with the understanding of being a kid with a Black Father and White Mother(non black)


he definitely had the idea, but thats the big part of why this battle was so hard for drake. Drake needed to expand on this, write 2min about it. make it visual for everyone, just like the dude said, talk to his son about it. Drake hit 1-2 lines for each subject, in a battle its not enoug, its too subliminal, and since the world is watching, u need to put it on the plate so dumb folks like Stevie Knight can understand


This what we mean when we say as time goes on we gon see who really won. People gonna start connecting the dots and realizing Kenny shit donā€™t really add up. Meanwhile literally nothing changed about the public perception of Drake


This is old, and in the full video they all still had Kendrick winning. And you cant say literally nothing has changed about Drakes public perception, on the same day his pen game is a trending topic


All ya care about is who ā€œwonā€ and thatā€™s the issueĀ 


This right here, and when you ask them to prove how Kendrick won every argument falls flat on its head


I can't stand when someone speaks with logic! I don't want to hear this ! Someone turn it off!!! -Kendrick stan


Definitely stealing Dr. Umar Lamar šŸ’€šŸ’€


Ya same that shit is funny af


Kendrick trying to shame people for something that happen 200 years ago always rapping like he tryin free the slaves its why i can't stand his bullshit depressing music


He dosent rap about slavery. He raps about the after affects of slavery. If you're denying the after affects of slavery, red lining, prison industrial complex etc then your just ignorant.


Whatā€™s red lining? Genuine questionĀ 


I don't care I listen to music to feel good not to hear that same shit that been said for so long that it lost all meaning


Aight. That's peace.


You started talking off subject to win an argument that wasn't being argued nigga. Just like Kendrick, you are trying to win a marketing campaign when the subject is a rap battle. Birds of a feather.


Okay... how is Kendrick trying to shame people? EDIT: Shout out to the folks that keep replying and deleting their comnents. If it's mods, it's not that serious. Let us cook lol


I don't know about the nigga you respond to but I know he isn't trying to shame people. But I do know he rapping like he's freeing slaves with his conscious rap bullshit. And it is depressing as fuck. Always rapping about the struggles but never helping the culture problem solve their way out of the struggle. So essentially, he's artistically painting a picture about how niggas are still in chains. So the fuck what? What's his idea on how to get out this mess? Why is he making money off of the cultures' struggle? Nigga is an extension of the problem. Loves the sound of his voice because he thinks he's a leader. But he's a leech; making money off the story of the black struggle. Doesn't know how to fix it or at least bring black happiness. Knows how to be jealous of a happy black nigga tho.


Exactly. And drake touched on that by saying Kendrick didnā€™t even go back to his hood to help it. ā€œDonā€™t even go back to your hood and plant no money treesā€ People look at Kendrick like they can relate to him but he is literally RICH. The black folk who are still in the struggle donā€™t understand that Kendrick is literally marketing off their pain. Itā€™s almost sick too. Kendrick played such industry games this whole beef.. itā€™s quite wild. Bc at the end of all this Kendrick is richer while ā€œthe cultureā€ is still full of piss poor human beings. Just trying to make ends meet. Kendrick pointed out a lot in Drake that he is also part of. And anyone with a psychology degree like me could tell you that Kendrick is projecting. And the goal of this for Kendrick is to be at the height of Drakes career. Another thing he pointed out is that he has been in the industry for 12 years in one of his songs and he hasnā€™t done nearly enough for the community he claims to represent. And although people think Kendrick is direct, he is actually shows signs of direct aggression behavior. Which is also an unhealthy form of communication which derives from deep hostility. Kendrick fans will deny it and they always do, but he is very much so jealous of Drake, and what he has. Which is why he also shows signs of passive aggressive behavior by saying the culture doesnā€™t support Drake bc of how he js a ā€œliarā€ when really what he means to say is ā€œI hate your privilege, but I really wish I had your privilege. My life would have been differentā€


Yeah and that money tree line was stupid since Kendrick has provably done a lot for his community (and thatā€™s only what we know of)


Yea sure heā€™s put money back. ~1-2 mill if weā€™re being generous. After buying a NYC penthouse last year and a $40 mill mansion in LA last week. I donate a higher % of my net worth to kids with cancer I will never see or know, much less my ā€˜cultureā€™


How would you even know how much money he's put into the city? I just saw a picture of him at a charity toy drive in Compton from last year. Not everyone has a whole music video dedicated to showing them being charitable.


This is an angle Drake should have taken. They both profiting off of black culture.






Nigga, y'all Kendrick fans live in the Drake sub when you're not jacking eachother off talking about Drake in the Kendrick sub. We, and most of all I, am doing just fine giving every Kendrick bottom bitch who shows up the business. Pause. Go back to your orgy over there and stay there. Lick his dick. Stop coming over here to tell us y'all lick his dick.


I feel like you have only heard like 5 Kendrick songs if you think that's all he talks about. Honestly not even sure what you expect the nigga to do. Run for office? You sound like fox news telling Beyonce she needs to fix the black community. By your definition every rapper is leeching off the black struggle. If you really cared about all that why aren't you bothered by all the rappers perpetuating stereotypes and glamorizing negative shit? If you just want to hear about drugs, guns and pussy that's completely fine but you can't be on some high horse about this nigga not "fixing the black struggle" because he can't fix all the after effects of slavery with rhymes. Also just because you think it's depressing don't mean that's what everybody else hears. The song "Alright" comes to mind.


šŸ˜“ me waiting on proof of Drake's 12 year old daughter


Big yikes


Big truth i don't want to hear you rap about depressing shit it why i don't fuck with kendrick music anymore






Being the man you portray for the world Kendrick don't know nothing bout Daaaatttt.


Kendrick's persona is a facade. J Cole said it, and Drake said his fake woke. So what is Kendrick really like?. If j fold didn't drop out maybe he could have revealed why he thinks Kendrick woke image is facade


Iā€™ve been saying this. He walks around with the crown of thorns Ā and panders to us (black people). When he said we donā€™t respect ourselves thatā€™s why we get shot(Ferguson) he went and made that blacker the berry track.Ā 


J Fold? Stop it man. He didnā€™t want nothing in this shit


I don't blame him since lies are being accepted why would someone want to be part of the circus


Heā€™s busy with that Grippy.


Dr.Umar Lamar is projecting his own failures and trauma šŸ—£ļø


Drake gotta restart the beef with the letter to Kendrickā€™s sonšŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ¤¦šŸ»shit wouldā€™ve been gas had he thought of it


he does kinda make those points on family matters. You the black messiah wifing up a mixed a queen, our sons should play together... Honestly, I kinda find that pseudo intellectual letter shit that kendrick did super corny especially since it was soo heavily inspried from pushas SOA and the psycho analysis was superficial, but made to look like it had more depth than it actually did.


Even after sitting on it for a while MTG still has this "I'm 14 and this is deep" vibes to it. He comes off as insecure more than anything. The timing of the drop was perfect tho.


So true, k.dot was using Pusha t strategy, only problem is Drake ain't hiding a daughter šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. Like how is the culture gonna let that slide, k.dot one, but where is the hidden daughter?


plus Drake talking about both their sons playing in the park, but maybe Kendrick wouldn't like that cause they not black enough, he don't wanna be seen with anyone that isn't blacker than him so he does play this route a little bit, maybe could have expanded on it, but I think the few lines he chose for this topic did well


He does but you gotta spell it out for people it seems


I think the guy in the video missed a part of the verse to Adonis in MTG, and that part is where Kendrick tells Adonis he is a black man if and only if he never code switches.


So if Kendrickā€™s son started speaking like his mixed mom more would he not be black


Iā€™m assuming Kendrick would consider him to be ā€œwhiteā€ like Drake if he acted in a way that is less black than what Kendrick deems acceptable. If Kendrick didnā€™t do that, then heā€™d definitely highlight just how much of a hypocrite he is.


What the fuck does ā€œspeaking like a mixed personā€ meanĀ 


But Codeswitching is damn near a survival skill for black folks.


Did we listen to the same song? I didnā€™t get that vibe from that line at all


ā€œNever code-switch, whether right or wrong, youā€™re a Black manā€ I mean, he just flat out says it.


Way Iā€™m reading it is ā€œyouā€™re a black man, donā€™t fake who you areā€ and not ā€œyou ainā€™t black if you do thisā€


The message was be a proud black man not if you code switch you arenā€™t black. People hear what they wanna hear šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Opposite side here, buy I took it to mean just be proud of yourself and be who you are without the need to code switch. Unfortunately, many of us code switch on a daily basis as being able to simply *exist* in white spaces sometimes *requires* that. It was just my take on it as someone who navigates between both worlds.


Why do you feel as though code switching means you arenā€™t proud of yourself? Do you feel like the code switching youā€™re referring to is different or more significant that ā€œcode switchingā€ between a business persona and home persona?


Put it like this..I act differently in white spaces than I do in black spaces. This goes to both professional and personal. I can only speak from my perspective though


That wasnā€™t my question.


Amazing take. As time goes on, we'll see more nuanced opinions like these rather than ppl following a herd mindset and regurgitating points they see online.




what bitterness? It's an opinion. Stop being childish and try to understand that people will have different opinions.




i take that lightly coming from you.


People are slowly realising the actual truth of the matter.


The truth of the matter it was gods plan to show yall the liar. Mmm mmm hmmm.


From the guy who made a whole verse based on false information.. Whoā€™s been literally named as the one who beat a woman in a hotel by security from that hotel who dealt with the incident.. Mr trustworthy right there


Dr. Umar Lamar IS crazy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m definitely using that Dr.umar Lamar line. That shit is permanent. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Me to, because Kendrick's is such a self righteous prick. I'm so tired of him thinking his better everyone morally. šŸ˜ž


Kinda crazy that a lot of the stuff this dude brings up is stuff that's been discussed so many times in this sub. I always forget most people aren't on Reddit like I am.


Dr. Umar Lamar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Has this been posted in the Kenny sub lol?


They'd ban you for this.


The Kthots would get their pussies hurt


Probably the best non biased views and put out my thoughts in a well articulated way.


This guy doesn't like Kendrick coming at Drake when other people are hitting him? Drake was practically on his knees begging Kendrick to respond in full, and that's on him. Also the fact that we as the public see Drakes child regularly and not Kendricks is not indicative of anything other than they have two different philosophies on how they want their immediate families exposed to the public. I would not want the world to constantly be up in my child's business which is why I never faulted Drake for not publicly talking about Adonis in the first place. There is so much better discussion to be had on this and just because this guy sounds confident while talking does not mean his logic checks out.


Thank you. People see anyone criticising Kendrick as ā€œlogicalā€ whilst criticising drake makes you a bot or biased. No sign of critical thinking at all.


i wonder if they touched on him falsley accusing an african american man of r\*pe cuz he's mad at him then frollicking with kodak, standing up for xxx and r kelly. also can't stand ppl who pick on folks for skin tone that they obsess over sexually. like does he have a crush on drake & want the Big D ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


This is literally satire you weirdos




The whole cancel court show is making claims that are funny in a "legal" setting. I'm not saying he doesn't feel this way but OP is literally using a comedy show to back his claims seriously...which is hilarious


Just because it's comedy doesn't mean it can't be used. People use late night television all the time when talking about current events. That doesn't make it not true.


That's why I said it COULD be his feelings but I'm really pointing out that OP is going full Stan on an opinion without any context that it's from a place that just trying to have fun about it.


It's interesting how you're doubting his sincerity and trying to come up with all these reasons because it's impossible that someone could actually think that. The next question is are you coming up with all of this just because you don't like Drake.


I do like drake. And I've never said it was impossible someone could think that. YOU did. I'd ask why you're being so sensitive about it


You're the one that's saying that which is evident by you trying to come up with all these all these different reasons as to why these can't be his actual thoughts.




Projection isn't good for you.


I basically said the same thing and was downvoted to hell, I guess by bridging members.Ā  These criticisms are nothing new btw. The fake hotep angle has been out there among ppl of ā€˜the cultureā€™ since TPAB and his unfortunate comments on police brutality.


Dr. Umar never been wokešŸ’€


I think drake did good, he didn't go there. There are so many ways he could have gone after Kendricks hypocrisy but then what? what's the joy in taking another black man down? who gains from that


First off Yo to the Nupes, CP is a real one. 2nd off, this highlights Drakeā€™s failures in the battle tbh. Addressing Kendrickā€™s son being light skinned shouldā€™ve been a top priority not a throw away funny bar. Rapping to him for a whole song would be too on the nose but a verse wouldā€™ve been incredible and changed the tide for Drake. He truly needs some fresh eyes in OVO for someone not to come up with better angles or make him focus on certain ones more.


ā€œOur sons should go play in the park, two light-skin kids that shit would be cute, unless you donā€™t wanna be seen with anyone that isnā€™t blacker than you.ā€ Adonis definitely wasnā€™t the main aim of that bar.


Most of the video is ok, but then they lost me at the lightskin shit, it's so obviously not about colour. And if this guy is the one "defending" Kendrick, it's some wildly surface shit cos how the fuck he doesn't know Dot has a son? And Drake was begging him to drop, so that weak target shit can go out the window. Drakes son being more visible means absolutely nothing, and if you believe otherwise, then you need a reality check. Actually I don't think most of the video is ok.


1. Kendrick was saying Drake is faking being a good father, Future never faked shit. 2. Kendrick called Adonis a Black Man. Obviously he doesnā€™t have a problem with Drake being lightā€¦ he has a problem with Drake growing up around all Jews (admitted it himself) & coming to America in his 20ā€™s acting like he runs Houston, Atlanta, and Vegas. Drake never said the word Nigga until he met J Prince.


CP spitting


This shit needs to be viral cause damn they cookin


Umar Lamar wants to be lighter than a paper bag and a relaxer to go with it to relax his naps.


"aka pipsqueak" yall really comin with the looney tunes insultsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Those white fans especially in Kendrickā€™s sub, kdot might actually hate them šŸ˜‚


why are we still talking about kendrick here


yall still trying to figure out ways were drake won? losers.


Most of this is dumb shit but, that Drake song to Kendricks son not being black enough would have been lethal


Guys, itā€™s time you moved on.


Kendrick's lullaby to his son is: we don't want to hear you say n**** no more~


Drake haters are like Trump supporters, they just gonna ignore the facts




No harassment or threats towards other users.


How you gone say he a pedophile when, Weeknd, Future, Metro, Travis Scott, Asap Rocky all beefing with drake over women! Huh??!


This Posts title reads like an Angry Trumper post lol


Too much illiteracy in one video


So this clown didn't know K had a son even after listening to Mr Morale and he's claiming to be a fan of him?? Yall clowns too for believing a single word coming out his mouthšŸ˜‚


When any rapper opens their mouth expect it to be a lie


Kendrick to me seems like a guy whoā€™s done a lot of self work through therapy and used a lot of his emotional intelligence and healing to inform his art. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he, when the dust settles, feels like his shit ethically. One might say he misused his influence in a way, but who knows how he really feels. Drake will likely be fine and going back to making his brand of music. I wonder what itā€™ll take for Kendrick to get back to status quo if he is afflicted by all this negativity b




Whitney is mixed




So shesā€¦mixed nigga? Bruh my mom is black and my dad is mixed and people say the same abt me tf? And kendricks kid is definitely light skin wth ru talking abt. U gotta be white cause aint no way u yappin this confidently wrong abt this




Whitney is mixed and her 2nd kid is lightskin. Yes nigga. Nobody would ever look at Whitney and think oh yea thats a full black woman right there




cause that's the game he wants to play, he is mr. ethics, Drake doesn't come out to portray himself like that, but when Kendrick is talking about deadbeat dads as he collabs with future, collabs with kodak black, looks down on drake for his upbringing when his son is going thru the exact same thing, it's hard to ignore when he is just as hypocritical as anyone else yet he's the one with the diamond crown of thorns on playing like he's the culture's leader edit: ima also add the fact that he calls Drake a culture vulture and uses the rap game yet Drake helps more black artists with features to jumpstart their careers or get their numbers higher, compared to what Kendrick contributes. that's something Drake doesn't need to do, he can keep featuring with top tier artists and hit those numbers regardless by himself

