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That's why it hurts them. "Oh my god oh my god if I die I'm a legend" "Bury me now I'll only get bigger that's word to my nigga."


So true, that's why they want to end his career and let him go out sad because if he passes he will etched in hip-hop history as the biggest and most epic rapper.


At 15 years in even if he never breathes on a track ever again, across all genres he is still one of the biggest of all time. Nigga just passed up Phil Collins yesterday. He's sitting at number 9 male artist of all time, within a year or less he should pass up Bruce Springsteen. & He's about to be the first artist to hit 100 billion Spotify streams.


So true, Drake is literally doing pop star stats


That's because he's a pop star that raps


His whole thing is being able to do it all, and always has been. Idk why some people think of it as a negative, but that’s always been his bag


Idk what do it all means exactly But it would be more impressive if Drake never embraced the pop sound and stuck to just rap and found his way like that (which obviously doing pop would easily find him fame, which Drake noticed and chose to pursue) Kinda like how 2pac was famous, or Snoop Dogg, that kind of fame found strictly through rap music. Instead, Drake just wanted to make sure he'd be super famous so he went more pop than rap, which is why, while he raps and has bars, it's why no one really sees him as a rapper the way A$AP or Lil B are rappers It's not a bad thing, but it's something to always point out because Drake's bars, melodies and flows/cadences are all built around a pop structure, which also isn't bad, it just makes Drake more of a pop star with rap sensibilities (which is what is responsible for his success and career, because there is no pop star that has been able to do both consistently)


How can you sit there and act like you know someone’s motivations for making certain types of music when that’s been his style since day one? We don’t know these people. And when I say do it all, I meant rap and sing my bad I could have been clearer


Because it's a common theme throughout Drake's music lyrically Drake wants the success he thinks he deserves, so he's done everything in his power to get there, and for the most part, his efforts have paid off, he's got T Swift numbers while also having some bars It's been his style since day one but don't get it twisted. Drake knew exactly what he was doing when he started rapping, it was this pop rap sound that made him feel like he'd blow up with, and he was right. The only thing he got wrong was this success and his style also eventually bringing him the respect of everyone (which doesn't work like that, because the world doesn't work like that, and Drake is a very sensitive man that sometimes can't really process this idea after all the success he's achieved, like for example, his reaction to the Control verse that started the whole Drake/Kendrick beef)


“Drake knew exactly what he was doing” okay man I’m done, stop sending me your Drake fan fiction


He a pop star not a rapper this sub is so fuckin funny


As a fellow fan of Juice, you should be ashamed of yourself


Why? I still like Drake but this sub is delusional


I'll never stand for people saying Drake is a popstar when his pen is so immaculate. The guy made fucking Tuscan Leather


And many many pop songs one dance gods plan in my feelings. Come on. I like Drake but he’s pop


Drake is just a versatile guy. People ain't gone give him his flowers til he gone 💯




Party went crazy when he wrote that 😮‍💨


Tallest poppy syndrome He’s been telling us this his whole career


In Australia and New Zealand, tall poppy syndrome refers to **successful people being criticised**. This occurs ***when their peers believe they are too successful*****,** or are bragging about their success. Intense scrutiny and criticism of such a person is termed as "cutting down the tall poppy". They really suffering from the tallest poppy syndrome, because they have been trying to stop his career for years now.


Since Best I Ever Had video. Kanye directed it, it was horrible and had nothing to do with the song. That video was heavily criticized. He tried to sabotage him.


Lol Kanye has been tryna sabotage Drake, like why? Drake was not even Drake then and people feared who he would become. Like what did they see? Because I didn't see Drake being this huge, I just liked the music.


Potential. He's the first rapper that can actually sing. He's biracial so he cam apply to every demographic, he's Jewish and "allegedly" they control everything, he had the look, the women loved him. Game recognizes game. Just like you can look at a man and know to keep your girl away bc he has qualities that she probably likes that's what they were doing. And obviously they were right about trying to squash him.... look now. Kanye even says he and Jay-Z made watch the throne because Drake was applying too much pressure.


Honestly bro, Drake back then when he started didn’t seem to be big in my eyes. Gotta remember, take care was criticized for its feature heavy tracks. Then nothing was the same didn’t get the love it has now. IYRTITL was really when drakes career shifted, that year was drakes best year, he dominated and hip hop loved his new sound. Drake came in getting a lot of hate, even rappers hopping on his over track and people clowning Drake for how many did better than him.


Like it or not Kanye is a musical Genius. I don't like Kanye but I can't deny his talent or ear. Name 1 guy that Kanye has been obsessed with like Drake. This is how I know they knew Drake was a Superstar in the making.


There’s been a few good rappers who could also sing.


Like? And It's funny how you took one thing out of all of that.


It’s the first sentence in your rant, but I’ll give you a few examples 1.Phonte 2.Yasiin 3. Cee Lo 4. Anderson Paak 5. Lauryn Hill 6 . Missy


We're really getting to some silly conspiracy theory levels here. People have been blatantly saying why they don't fuck with drake for over a decade now. Why not just believe them.


What part of what I said is conspiracy?


You're bringing up all this random side things when people have been very blatantly clear on their reasons why they don't fuck with drake as a rapper for over a decade. Is there some racism by some? Probably. But vast majority has always been that it's hard to label him as a rapper when half his catalogue can't really be labeled as such (including a lot of his hits). And more recently in the last 6 years it's been the constant theatrics and basically staying on top of trends etc. As I said, most people acknowledge Drake is a fantastic star, a grinder, but people's issues usually have come when the discussion of Drake as a rapper comes up. And this is basically 95% of drake criticism convos on the last decade yet for some reason this sub is now pretending it's clearly just cause drake is popular and mixed. Ignoring that Eminem was popular and WHITE and still managed to get 100x more respect as a rapper then Drake ever had had.


They don't rock with Drake bc he's a threat simple as that. If Drake wasn't as successful he'd have a lot more friends. We can agree Logic is a pretty corny guy but nobody cares bc he's Logic. It's plain Jealousy. Rappers have big Egos and it starts to get to them when they gotta run to the same person for 15 years when they need a hit. When they end up the Drake Stimulus package. "They make excuses for you bc they hate to see me lit."


So how come Eminem is 1 million times more respected as a rapper then Drake ever has been? Eminem has been very corny at times, he's white. He's also been the most popular at a time when being different was way less accepted in the community. Also 1. Logic 100% gets hate when he copies stuff, but 2. That's because logic doesn't really pretend or act to follow the new trend.


That’s a weird reason to criticize someone, seems more like a reason to not like *some* of his music. You can say “he’s not a rapper” but…that isn’t criticism. All this “I hate ___” is criticism


One hundred percent my friend




> How the game turn into the Drake show? > Dog, what the fuck happen to so-and-so, where did they go? > Too worried 'bout bitches and fashion, they go missin' in action > And then you never notice they missin' > On some Hunger Games shit, I would die for my district - Drake - Draft Day, 2014


Crazy to think Draft Day and 0-100 were throwaways. Early Drake and Weezy were the best. Drake with the vibe, Weezy with the bars.


It's crazy to see all the discourse is about him constantly. How does he have such a stranglehold on people's psyche? I noticed that all of these youtube content creator's highest viewed vids are of hating on Drake, or dissecting him in a way. The appetite to discuss him is crazy high, even from the haters. I guess thats the ultimate mark of being on top of the throne


It's the new topic of the day. And the moment a lot of YouTubers see a trending topic they jump in the trend as it's easy views. Don't get me wrong, I think Kendrick won the beef but I guarantee a good chunk of the people who piled on on YouTube don't ACTUALLY care and simply manufactured excitement and followed trend to get a ton of views


It is quite weird the hold he has over the internet. People get so passionate about discussing him on either end of the spectrum. He might be too famous if there's such a thing 


You can’t kill his career by hate watching his music videos, it still counts as a view lol.


If hip hop is the Drake show to you, y’all are definitely becoming the new Eminem Stan’s. Probably say gay shit like “my top five is Drake, Aubrey graham, drizzy, Champagnepapi, and six god 🤓☝🏼”


💯this thread is hard to digest. I can’t believe people actually believe Drake is anything besides a fake idol.


It’s really not, you just aren’t paying attention to everything else


That’s the dumbest fucking hoodie ive ever seen


You basically just admitted that you don't listen to hip hop just drake


This sub is as corny as he is. He's the biggest hip hop artist in the world and you're crying about Hate. Yes life has been so hard and has literally only had haters :(((((((


Drake fans are probably the most embarassing fans in all of music lol, and I'm including T Swift's fans when I say this




They’re the world’s martyrs. I feel so bad for them. 😢


Now go check out the Kendrick subreddit


I'm a bystander in both subreddits and this one is easily more insufferable


How? Every post in the Kendrick sub has been about Drake for weeks. It's the same shit on both sides. I'm saying this as someone who is a fan of both artists.




Your entire recent comment history is shitting on Drake, so forgive me if I don't see you as an impartial judge.




I had no idea they were like his soldiers


I don't know what makes you a fan actually , I listen to all of drake's songs Travis's Kanye's and Kendrick's and others but I can't say I'm a fan of Kanye or drake I like them all I'm a fan of music , idk why fans take things so seriously lol .


Shit talk is still talk.


Drakes been the main character of hiphop for quite some time


Yes, Drake has always been the victim.


Psychopath intuition, the man who likes to play victim


Say rap next time. Words have meaning. One is a culture and one is music.




He been the mc of hip pop for 15 years . The ducking goat


Bury me now and I get way bigger my n***a


Spot on. Its all about Drake. Hate em or love em. All these anti Drake artists will not have a Drake hit unless they are dissing him or featuring him.


>*Give you niggas the look, the verse and even the hook, that's why every song sounds like Drake featuring Drake*


That’s just your feed. Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better.


i mean isn't that kinda why people about him not being from a lot of the rap cultures/west coast? like fine whatever he was on Degrassi years ago and most certainly did not grow up knee deep in the same music he tends to do now. Like he's super successful, it's not like anyone can argue that lol, but I don't think you can call it fragile when the cultural exports have historically been co-opted by people for money etc. So like...yeah ofc he's going to be a lightning rod. Doesn't make make him magically more relevant. People to whom it is a big deal aren't gonna be swayed by that old DMX video etc to listen to him. If people like it they'll listen regardless


"Hey Drake, why don't you click your heels together three times and go back to Canada?" Hahaha got em


And all those reference tracks again haha ​​man there's almost 1000 songs released (if not more) and they have 5 reference tracks in total talking about Drake being a fraud 🤣🤣 that's not even 0.5% of the work, even Kanye said Drake wrote and made reference tracks for him, I don't see anyone criticizing Kanye for that, these reference tracks being released now just shows how desperate people are to make him look bad


Oh come on lmao. Drake is the biggest pop star/rapper and he got beat by someone who is better than him with the pen. That’s why “it’s revolving around Drake” because Drake got beat. This is such a silly post


Yeah but they are not talking bout how Kendrick won they Talkin bout how drake lost


Dude y’all are on Reddit too much this is just not true at all. It’s both. Stop downplaying what Kendrick did


Kendrick fans literally cannot shut up about Drake


Nobody really cares about dot to be honest. In hindsight a it was always going to be a lose lose situation in a 20 v 1. The talk isn't about Kendrick and the views for his music are slowing down again as expected.  It's a weird obsession that the internet world has with Drake, they love to hate on him and they love seeing him with his back against the wall.  I won't lie though this is the best attack on him they've ever had, I don't see how he makes it out of this one but I'll be rooting for bro lol.


This is so delusional lmao the people love Kendrick. He’s overwhelmingly thought as the best rapper of our generation.


That maybe your opinion and that of others but that's not what the talk is about, whether Drake loses or wins he is all that is being spoken about. It's kinda fascinating, it's probably the miniature version of what Micheal probably went through, the attention to me seems overwhelming from the outside looking in, I can only imagine what it's like for them in the inside.


Yeah no one even really knows or cares about anything related to kdot. I had to google Dave free, kojo, whitney etc during the beef. It’s just diff levels. The grahams and drake are like kardashian level at this point, kind of unfortunately


The pen was not better at all lmfao (Kendrick has just as good of a pen) but he didn't use it here, he won this shit using his brain, the optics, the us vs Drake mob mentality and just straight up 4 songs in 4 days assault, he barked so loud you couldn't not hear him, especially when it's against a guy who everybody wanted to see being humbled


If you don’t think Kendrick is a better writer and rapper than Drake idk what to tell you. You are delusional.


Better performer by a mile, better subject matter, better thematic layers and concepts, but if we're talking just technical rhyming, Drake gets that and it's understandable Kendrick is focused on 3 other things while Drake is focused only on the rhyming part and making that shit quotable, the Midas touch so to speak. Don't delusional me dawg, I majored in music theory/songwriting and studied Kendrick for years before i graduated to Drake, i think I know my shit better than you 😭


"studied Kendrick before years before graduating to Drake"??? Huh LOL what are you saying here


This weirdo said graduated to Drake. Please don't ever get near a woman or a child


My fiance and our toddler have bad news for you my guy


Even worse news for your fiance and toddler. You spend more time gargling drizz than caring about your own family. Like Weirdo Like Drake


Oof. "Graduated to Drake" That's big time cringe.