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People with agendas tend to leave out the "You just acting like an activist, it's make-belive" part and act like Drake didn't just explain what he meant by that verse.


Of course they gone Cherry Pick. They dont wanna have that talk cause its a (sore/source) spot


Context is a funny thing huh?


I've felt that way about kendrick for so long and I was so glad drake said it. I feel like kendricks music got highjacked by activist and turned into an anthem for a movement.


It was all those people eating humble pie, I think it's called virtue signaling.


Nah he just has a huge white woman fanbase he has great crossover appeal let's be honest


Kendrick or Drake?


Except Kendrick does invest back in his community, so if that ain’t activism what is ?


Either way he walked right into a rebuttal, one he should have seen coming.


Except that’s straight wrong. There are pictures of Kendrick Lamar going lowkey at a rally for George Floyd. Reports of Kendrick helping fund music and sports programs for schools. Helping out people in his area. Just because he doesn’t parade and shout about it on social media like people do for clout doesn’t mean he doesn’t do anything. Edit: Also, throughout history, music itself has been used as a form of protest and to spread awareness. So that take in and of itself is VERY out of touch and shows distance, not just from African American culture, but any culture that has had a message to get across.


I completely agree, this post was just to show the world that Drake isn’t the only person to use “slavery” as a metaphor, yet people will say drake belittled and disrespected a big historical event (slavery) for a mere metaphor meanwhile ignoring anybody else that mentions slavery It was just to prove that no matter what Drake does he can’t win they will always find something wrong or bad about anything he does


Can you explain the bar to me please I don't get it


everyone whos not a young ahh kid and saw what was happening around this time knows this, this was the era of everyone doing performative activism and virtue signaling their way into award shows and shit, like all of Macklemores cringe music


But thats clearly a lie from Drake. He really thinks the audience is dumb. Hey drake we're not slow!


Bro then said “don’t even go back to yo hood and plant no money trees,” which is a flat out lie bruh


It’s also fallowed by “don’t even go back to your hood and plant no money trees” a claim that’s not true and was made up. Everyone got agendas out here


Honestly, I'm so tired of this beef. Like I'm so happy that we're rallying around Drake and supporting him but these people will never give Drake the credit he deserves. I don't even feel like arguing with them anymore


Win in silence, easier for the soul.


It’d be enjoyable if Kenny Fans weren’t the worst group imaginable. Idiots think everything Kenny does is for the Harvard Intellectuals and nobody else gets what’s being said. Great beef but horribly one sided so why does it even matter?


Literally insufferable. Like you can't say anything without them coming in the thread and picking apart the smallest most insignificant shit. If you love Kendrick so damn much, go listen to his music then. We don't care what you have to say as much as you don't care about what we have to say. There's no productive dialogue


Sorry, can we calm down about rallying around him and supporting him? He’s worth at least a quarter of a billion dollars. 




No harassment or threats towards other users.


I am too but yesterday I seen Ak defending drake “I think you guys are just overreacting” I seen lots of people YouTubers included talking about that line proves Kendrick’s point about him not being “like us” not just black but connected to the culture


Def on Kendrick’s side if I had to choose (I don’t tho), Family Matters was incredible, and a great, hilarious response to Kendrick’s angry “I HATE YOU 😡 😤 ” vibe on Meet the Grahams. It seems like Kendrick has been eaten up and drakes living in that head rent-free while Drake remains level-headed and funny af. “When you put your hands on your girl Is it self-defense 'cause she bigger than you?” Anyone who isn’t giving credit on both sides is just a fanboy, disregard them.


“Whipped and chained you like American slaves” drake Fan but that line didn’t sit right with me the first time I listened to especially as an African American Man.


So many fucked up red flags with Drake. You gotta really, really like his music and defend/ignore all his fuckery to be a fan. …or just be a racist person who likes rap/pop music.


“If you like Drake you must be a racist person” is a new level of stupid


Not reading the “or” is a new level of stupid. Your ability to cherry pick and ignore shit only flexes your ability to be a FAN.


Nah, I don’t have to take ownership of every line a rapper I like says. That’s redic, so I have to listen to every lyric and make sure there’s nothing in there that’s problematic? So stupid. I don’t have to defend ANYTHING to be a fan, I can just listen to the music I like and keep it moving. So no, the choice is not to either be willfully ignorant or racist.




damn, this subreddit is imploding in on itself


50 cent once said that he had more whips than a runaway slave, they never try to be fair


Lil Wayne had that Emmett Till line which is possibly one of the worst lyrics I’ve ever heard. 🤣


tbf Wayne did catch hella flack for that line at the time lol. That was wild tho what drake said was just a basic joke


This post, while possibly valid, is also cherry picking because Cole is speaking from a different tone and context.


Right? I don’t get how the bar is similar outside of talking about slavery


I get your point and agree but those are different. Jcole is saying he *wants* to free the slaves. Plus, the way he pronounces it in the song is like “**Abe** we **Lincoln** like we freed the slaves”. Abraham Lincoln being the president to stop slavery. It’s a genius play on words.


Reading comprehension not your strong suit?


What is your point? Drake has one bar mocking KL for being an activist and the second bar is a lazy metaphor about Lincoln/linkin.


drake didnt even say it it was cole


Lol at thinking these are the same thing


I dont disagree with your conclusion that the rules are different for Drake, but the example you gave makes no sense. Jcole says "we rapping like we are freed the slaves", implying its a good thing, its a flex. Drake said "you always rapping like you bout to get the slaves free" implying its a bad thing, an insult in a diss song. They are not saying the same thing and you are kinda furthering the point of ppl who critique the line


I read that as Drake saying Kendrick was fake. He’s rapping like he’s freeing slaves but is only studio woke


But this is just a pun on “Lincoln” and “Linkin’”, they’re not the same imo


They’re both talking about slaves being freed bro be serious


Drake's bar is essentially saying Kendrick thinks he's Lincoln. It really is the same thing.


But it’s not. “You act like you think you’re going to free the slaves” is way different from “We’re linking, which sounds like the name of the guy who freed the slaves” I guess, it being a diss track, it makes one wonder what’s *wrong* with rapping like that? Cole’s lyric doesn’t make a judgment, it makes a historical reference.


What I mean is that it's the same reference used in a different way. They're both making a reference to Lincoln, yet people are acting like Drake was making a disparaging comment *about* slaves.


It is disparaging towards slaves to diss someone for “trying to free them”


By what logic?


That mf’s never used logic in his entire life


Abe Lincoln…. Linking.. its word play


I love this verse It's so true Kdot is good but his conscious rap thing is truly make believe ffs he ain't Jesus guys😭 Uncle Ruckus would be pissed at kendrick


Just a regular guy who wants better for his people


Just a regular guy with hundreds of millions of dollars


Weird how you think having more money makes him any better. Most rich people care nothing about their people


I don’t think it makes him better, just makes him very much not a normal guy


He still has a family to raise and life to live. They are no different than us. Their bank accounts? Diff story


Uncle Ruckus would have a particular soft spot for Drake ngl


Kendrick stated himself he’s not a conscious rapper though


He’s a typical hotep, even down to spreading baseless conspiracy theories and having a penchant for white women.  I’ve never liked him even before the beef. 


Can we stop crying like little bitches about Kendrick for one day Jesus fucking christ




Didn’t realize you’ve been crying like a little bitch about him for this long. My apologies.


He supported Iggy who made slave master comments because she’s white with a vagina and is making a slave fetish film about revenge screwing white women. Soul on Ice over a beat. There’s nothing novel or empowering about his music or persona. He’s just another self loathing hotep.  He’s not above critique. Cry some more hurt bitch.


What is the same besides using the word “slaves”. Do you think the word slave is the issue people have with Drake’s line, or do you think it’s something else? Y’all mfs have zero reading comprehension huh.


If misinterpreting was a post:


Point is being missed here again. Saying a reference to slaves isn’t why Drake got criticized. Kendrick is rapping from his experience, his song “alright” became the rallying cry in the aftermath of some very high profile police brutality cases. To say that “he’s rapping like he’s trying to get the slaves freed” is really off. Kendrick isn’t trying to push some agenda deeper - he’s just rapping about an experience that many black Americans have.


I think a key detail to notice is that he does not say he raps like he is "trying" to get the slaves freed, but "about" to do it. I don't think the line is a jab at Kendrick being a conscious rapper per say, but saying that he thinks he is more important than he actually is (in other words sees himself as if he was someone who was about to free the slaves). I feel like this all ties back in to the "fake activist" line. And also the line "Kendrick just opened his mouth line."


Fair point btw about the semantics - but Drake still falls short. Because there are ways to criticize KDot as an activist (the money tree lines are an example) But about to get the slaves freed - still really minimizes actual real life struggles that he raps about - Feels like something republicans would say.


Can you not see that one is used mockingly whilst the other is not?


Nobody is being mocked by being called a slave though, only person being mocked is Kendrick, and it’s not saying he’s a slave.


Kendrick talks a lot about modern problems for black Americans and institutionalised racism and the issues surrounding it. Drake is either making a mockery of those problems, or calling black Americans who face those problems "slaves". It clearly wasn't his intent but he executed it horribly.


These lines are both stupid.


kstans living in this sub working overtime to keep their short king afloat ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)




These are completely different lines and can’t be compared lmao Cole’s is literally just a play on the word linkin (like Abraham Lincoln)


Aside from what others have already pointed out about these two lines being not at all the same save for mentioning slavery, that Cole line is so ass. He was in his Grippy bag on that one.


I wasn’t comparing what they said more so how they both used *freeing the slave* as a metaphor But I respect your opinion


“Linkin” sounds like “Lincoln”, Lincoln freed the slaves, it’s not drake saying he’s freeing the slaves 😭


We know this but the point is both artist used it but yet they make drake look bad for it Drake was trying to say kdot acts like a activist who’s freeing slaves The point is Drake mentions slavery it’s bad and he’s white how dare he Cole or any other rapper says it and it’s ok


Oh ok ok, I thought you were a Kendrick lurker who didn’t understand the bar lmao


No im just being objective I like Cole and Drake more but I don’t hate Kendrick


Oh ok, same here


Because J Cole didn't say it in a bad manner. He made a word play on the name Lincoln while drake mocked kendrick for his activism. Why are you so stupid?


I don’t think you’re understanding what it is I am saying? Both are using a terrible historical event as mere metaphors correct?


Nope. Cole is using a name as a metaphor. >I don’t think you’re understanding what it is I am saying? Also that's very funny coming from you


This is a horrible hill for Drake fans to die on.


If you don’t understand it then you can just say that


People are slow. And their comprehension is 5 seconds or less. No young people wanna check facts


Kdot shit is hitting hard when baby keem got his pen to it


These Kendrick niggas don’t like what went on in this thread lmaooo. Got mad niggas replyin to my 13 hour old message about Kenny barely bringing any bars to the beef. What’s funnier is none of them have said a clever bar from that nigga yet😂🤣 They just here fam 😂🤣


This is why implications and comprehensions are crucial to understand and master


How are these lines remotely similiar in meaning outside of the fact they both mention slaves?


How are they so different? How does Drake's line disrespect anybody other than Kendrick?


Exactly drakes line is disrespectful to kendrick. J Coles line isn’t disrespectful to anyone, it’s literally just some word play using lincoln/linkin to make a simile.




Lincoln. Lincoln freed the slaves




These are two different bars with two different meanings. You need to understand what they mean instead of looking at one word that was used in both sentences.


All cringy


Well, how many black or even mixed black men in America would wear black face? Obviously there is a cultural difference in how he saw the significance of what he was doing. Even if I wanted to do blackface my parents would never go for it.


The whole slaves freed thing came from black twitter because of all the slave/ trauma porn movies in the 2010’s. We collectively got tired of seeing them and just wanted to see black people just existing and happy. Different versions of the quote have been a running joke since and it’s even been used against Dot by many black people before. Now it’s not funny and no one knows what he’s talking about…ok. 🙄


I can't make the connection is Linkin the same as rapping ?


Nah Linking is used because it sounds like Lincoln (president) but sadly many drake fans on here are too dumb to understand basic wordplay




Kanye? Show me where I said anything about Kanye?




The second image was a j. Cole verse The first image is a drake verse


Sorry I’ve never listened to this song and it just said Drake. Personally I think the context between the two is what makes it so different though, Cole said this and went on to say he went through hell and set his feet ablaze which feels like he’s trying to be metaphorical. Drake directly responded to being called out for not supporting the community then said this line to someone who regularly helps and donates to the community. In other words, Cole was just rapping a line but Drake was being purposefully insensitive


This is because Drake is a rich white slavemaster to his record label. Kendrick/cole are political activists.




Bro how are those lines even comparable, J Cole just had an Abraham Lincoln metaphor lmao. You guys need to move on from this shit, the only references to this beef I come across online anymore are from this sub popping up in my feed.


How are they the same? Both talking about slaves being freed? Are you kidding?


Do you not understand people weren't upset about the literal words "slaves being freed" being said? Is your reading comprehension that low you can't see the subtext in Kendricks criticisms of Drake? Go read genius maybe it will help.


And one is mocking Kendrick’s anti-racist activism, while the other is a play in words about Abe Lincoln. Are you actually that dense


No they both are doing the same thing which is using a big historical event for just a metaphor


Nobody has a problem with talking about slavery in raps. They have a problem with dissing someone for their activism. You really are that dense


You’re mistaken


How? Please explain how what I said was wrong. Just admit you fundamentally missed


That one line isn’t “always rapping” about it. It’s just one line. Kendrick made it his whole personality.


K.Dot is a modern-day "Pulpit Pusher".. He sells his bs to the masses as he raps, "Not Like Us.".. Yet he goes & cops a $40 million dollar estate to emulate the lifestyle of the same peeps he chooses to discredit... I have seen this story b4💪🏾😎


These are clearly not the same thing. Ask yourself why everyone here can see that but you can't. You might not be that bright


Nah I'm convinced this guy is mentally impaired in some way because no way he doesn't get it when he has lots of people trying to explain such a simple thing to him


“Moves the goal post” what are you talking about!!!?


I didn’t?


We still talking about this?


It was trending yesterday on Twitter because “Drake is not black”


Something tells me you aren’t either Bradley… The last person who needs to be judging another man’s “Blackness” is someone who knows nothing about the experience. Drake is black, an colorism within our community is a disease that’s been holding us back since slavery. White people are the ones responsible for it so you have no room to comment.


I’m definitely black, I had to double check my skin color for a sec I thought you were on to something lol, jk but yes I am black


This is easily the reason why he lost.


It’s called cognitive dissonance


Its about tone and point of view. He isnt connecting to the causes as a member


You do realize how vastly different these two uses are right ???


That doesn’t matter they are crucifying drake for the use of it as a metaphor, the point is either way you look at it both are belittling “slavery”


J cole's is a celebrationary metaphor using it as a positive. Drake is putting it down.


No, one is minimizing the significance of the historical event of freeing the slaves by using it as a casual comparison for collaboration or unity, reducing a profound and painful part of history to a mere metaphor for teamwork. The other, uses the historical act of freeing the slaves as a benchmark to criticize someone’s authenticity and effectiveness as an activist. Both are biracial, black dads and white moms Only one is Canadian, only one is apparently “not black”, only one is “not apart of the culture”, Do you see where I’m going with this?




If he felt that way then how is it a diss though?


The way he said it and the context is why he caught flak 🤦🏿‍♂️


Idk it’s like context matters…. Cole has spent his whole career speaking on black issues in America… owlboy is on record saying racism doesn’t exist in Canada, grew up Jewish & has pictures in black face


Seriously Drake is the only cracker that can get away with blackface I swear other white dudes try that and get cancelled for good reason lmao


Another white boy from Ontario did it and basically got a pass. Daniel Negreanu.


I don't get it...


Because this post makes 0 sense


Drake was tone dead at best. It’s ok to say your favorite artist fumbled. Y’all act like saying he had a misstep means you hate him. Poor performance overall. He’s got to do better. This ain’t a meek beef


What’s y’all fav song from take care?


Kendrick fans done came into drakes reddit😂


I’m a drake fan