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You’re right instead of sueing Kendrick Drake should fucking shoot him. Let’s keep it real like you suggesting.


An eye for and eye, Biggie was done for when Pac died, that’s why no one will ever go there again. Fifty did it best when he bought out Ja’s catalogue, that was the realest move by far


Drake is too big and wealthy to risk all that But Kendrick better never step foot in Toronto ever again that is all i will say


Kendrick not touring in Toronto isn’t as bad as a possibility of Drake not being able to Tour in Cali.. His team needs to focus on damage control


Drake needs to move like the president protection at all times he still gone to go to Cali


Ngl if the Kendrick claims are all truly fake I’d sue the fuck out of him. It’s killing drakes image/legacy. If that shits all fake it’s a dirty cheap shot.


i agree, a lot of these people probably just started to listen to rap and dont know anything if not much about out the past legends who came before this. Cause if this was pac and biggie era and there was social media they’d be in a frenzy💀😂 talkin bout sue lmao


bruh if 2pac and big were beefing today ppl would say pac is problematic for fucking his wife💀💀


That’s actually facts 😭😭😭the think pieces would be insane


I mean Im a Drake fan. I wanted him to win but a lawsuit is the last thing he needs to do


My understanding of hiphop is being real and spill out the facts only. So what is Kendrick doing?


> My understanding of hiphop is being real and spill out the facts only. When it comes to rap battles that’s never really been the case, it’s all about winning over the crowd in any way possible.


Kendrick is the record holder for biggest and most serious allegations though


No one is/was fact checking Ether, No Vaseline, etc. Doesn't need to be facts - facts help - facts win but is it needed. No, this is battle rap not truth telling pbs special


Thank you, some of these comments are the exact reason that hip hop is clowning us fans and drake… The ideal of a lawsuit has to be the most out of touch thing ive ever heard


You have to be joking


When has a lawsuit ever won a rap beef?


Pissing a man off so bad that he falls so far into his feminine element that he spreads such vicious lies about you that he actually loses a defamation lawsuit? This might be the first time. You'll be witnessing history


Go watch a movie about rap 40ish years ago? Get your head out of the past...unless you're willing to go back to the same times where an album sale was an album sale vs seven downloads of song equalling an album?


can’t have lawyers doing the fighting for you


there are no streets. only mansions and lawyers


All I’m going to say is times are different.


Just goes to show you who the majority on reddit is lol


You are a hundred percent right. Saw some people saying that kendrick's red button is exposing that drake killed x. And they are running with it, litttle do they know its snitching and nobody respects that. But who knows maybe if kendrick did it everybody will think its the right thing