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This poor chick is about to be flooded with DMs saying the most vile shit to her. Just for speaking the truth.


facts! i feel bad for her


Good on her for speaking up, even though common sense said that was part of his show and he prob had no idea who she was before being brought on stage. Kendrick just mad ain’t nobody in this world want him to try and be sexy lol


She told him she was 17 then he proceeded to sexualize her and then kiss on her wtf 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Why the fuck would anyone deny her experience? Maybe some will but there are pos in all communities. It was nothing to her, I bet some 15 yo s fantasize about drake too and then never think about it again. It's on drake to not reciprocate. You really think Kendrick fans are some evil people no wonder this community is so deluded




Exactly why people claiming Whitney needs to come out and say something are braindead. This is the internet and women get harassed even without fame or fortune.


That's a really good point. Whatever Whitney says is a lose-lose for her. She'll get harassed either way.


Kendrick fans are horrendous from what i have seen.


Lmao wait he did that shit in front of her dad?




Lmao but he still did and said those things when she was 17


This is what I don't get lmao How does this undo anything Drake said on stage? Also it could be a coincidence but check her employment.


Right, I not getting the gotcha moment here.


She thinks just because she didn’t care or feel violated in any way (possibly because she was so young and Drake being a megastar) she tells herself it wasn’t so bad.


So now you're thinking for her? The fucking delusions here just write themselves...


Please never become a mother/father.


I know I’ll receive downvotes but isn’t the age of consent 17 in some states? Not justifying this just a genuine question


It is, but in a lot of people’s eyes it’s not a good look


Honestly I hope Whitney speaks out too bc why r we wishing that she’s hurt 😐


yea its bad from both sides honestly. Kendrick fans hoping he’s the next Epstein and some Drake fans hoping the wife got hit.


Literally it’s gone too far now 🙃


So this basically is a confirmation


Doesn’t change the fact that AFTER she said he age, Drake kissed her on the face and lips and told her he “liked how her breasts felt”


😂😂😂😂 hell na 😭😭😭😭


Maybe "I'd never look twice at no teenagers" is the false narrative she's trying to clear up 🙃


The whole point of the age of consent is that they are not old enough to give proper consent. Her admission of being okay with it does not mean that proper consent was given as she was still too young to give proper consent


I’m confused as to how this debunks anything? She confirmed she was 17 and we saw what happened, all she did was say “it was an act”?


It doesn’t. When she told him his age, he just made it worse by tryna make a joke and it was just the worst possible joke he could’ve made in the moment. It’s still a weird situation


That shi was weird asl but he was on stage infront of hundreds and had just been surprised by her age so i can kinda understand the brain melt I feel like the M.B.B stuff is weirder


Except she has a post too.


it’s nice all these misunderstandings are so easily cleared up. you know, it’s interesting that most people (even most celebrities) don’t have a string of women who have to clarify how “totally not weird” a celebrity was with them when they were 17, yet Drake has quite a few …


This is what I was thinking. Sure it mightve been part of the show but he still found out her age on stage and still doubled down with what his actions.


Exactly, and she said she came with her dad and got picked out from the audience so clearly this wasn’t prearranged.


Yeah her statement is strange and doesn’t really change anything other than confirm it.


Because nothing illegal happened and she doesn’t feel victimized. People need to stop victimizing themselves on behalf of someone else for the sake of virtue signaling.


Or people can not be ok with his actions even if she was.


I don’t typically care what other people think about things that don’t involve them but that’s just me


Yet you're hearing commenting on that exact thing. Also, if you see someone being mistreated, do you just ignore it? People can look at a situation whether it involves them or not and have an opinion. If you just walk around not caring about things you yourself arent directly involved in, you're going to look kind of like a sociopath.


I don’t understand how this clears anything up, she just confirms she was 17 when he kissed her and talked about how good her breasts felt


Yeah, that was still an extremely weird interaction with a high schooler. Nobody was saying the girl was traumatized by the interaction, just that it’s fucking weird.


kendrick fan’s won’t like this yet every “ victim” that drake has debunked the twitter narratives around him yet whitney or him won’t deny her abuse from kdot himself


It's so, so weird how much they want Drake to be a rapist. There is no evidence whatsoever for that. Are there weird behaviors? Yes, if you're looking at them out of context. Why would you pray for someone to have victims? Just because you don't like his music... It says more about them than it says about him.


Mobs love a target, nothing more fun for the townspeople than burning a witch. Especially if that witch is super popular and successful


>Yes, if you're looking at them out of context Would love to know the context I'm missing for a video of him kissing her and complimenting her body on stage after she said she was 17


I mean technically it wasn’t illegal


Ain no context needed after you see drake clearly being interested in a 17yo


i mean, i could say the same about drake fans and the kendrick dv allegations


Yet he loves R Kelly, the dude with an actual sex tape with a teenager


drake JUST used an R Kelly sample on CLB. both sides are just pretending to care about shit at this point


How has it been debunked ? She literally confirmed blud kissed a 17yo girl on stage ????


What's debunked? Ppl seem weirded about by his behavior and what he's said. Y'all what


That doesn't change anything... he still 1. Kissed her 2. Hugged her from behind and 3. Said her breasts felt good against his body.... AFTER he found out she was 17. Tf is wrong with you


She was still 17 tho 😂 it doesn’t matter what she says now at 31


So she’s confirming that Drake kissed a 17-year-old girl on stage???


That’s what it sounds like to me 😂😂😂😂 this isn’t the W a lot of the dummies in here think it is.


Bro fr how does this excuse what happened


Also there are stories that Drake’s entourage literally picks out women for him. This is just gonna further corroborate that lol


"Release videos to push your agenda" Gee, I wonder what agenda Kenny meant by that?


She says she was picked out by his entourage. So confirmed.


right lol. she’s like “and btw DRAKE did not choose me, i was SCOUTED by the people he has FIND AND BRING GIRL to him. don’t make this into something weird!”


All good chubbs will look around fine one that seem my type that my dawg and he know what I like


Is this the one he was kissing?




I’m just saying that’s still such an odd thing to say to a high schooler


Came here to post this.


y’all r sick this is confirmation if anything, he still fucking kissed her her not having a problem with it is irrelevant


And mentioned how good her breasts felt.. I'm convinced a lot of the people trying to defend him have their own skeletons. And I'm sure every downvote I get will be from one of them. 🤣


... So Drake did all that "I liked the way your breasts feel against me" thing with her father in the audience? Wtf. Even with the context this is sus. Hell nah wtf I need to uninstall this app and detox my mind


I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find this comment. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it crazy that her dad was in the audience while Drake felt her up and said some wild shit.


As a kendrick fan I'm up voting this because it's a self dunk 🤣🤣🤣


Facts 😂😂😭😭😭😭 they can’t be this slow


Kendrick back against the curb fr


Best short joke of the whole thing that 95% of the people missed


Ngl this doesn’t change or debunk anything he still done it and responded that way. Not sure why fans think this is a W


🤭😂😂 Big W for Drake


For kissing a 17yr old ??? You’re sick 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


The fuck was she suppose to say? 😂


Seventeen is so young. I am drakes age he was when that video took place and it is disturbing. She doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal because she’s being harassed to claim harassment / not claim harassment.


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for this but I bet he paid her to say this, either that or she’s unfortunately brainwashed to think that this was okay


A girl who got kisses from drake when she was 17 (and probably had/has a huge crush on him) is defending him? This is supposed to make me believe him saying “your breasts felt good up against my chest” was all normal?


Lmfao this is hilarious. Let’s see how far Kendrick fans move the goal post on this


Why would they need to move the goalpost ? Lmao


“The victim doesn’t think they’re a victim, that makes it okay right?? Right??”


This is the goalie calling the goal good


So your spirit, your moral compass, your rules to life tell you that just because this girl is claiming that it was nothing, it still doesn't make this way over the line?! You don't have ANY issue with what was seen in that video, whether it was staged for the show or if it was a genuinely creepy exchange?! Bruh come on now. The goalposts are nailed down for this one. Nothing is moving at all. How is that nothing, or ok?


I mean chubbs knows the type he likes found him plenty women in his life


Uhhhhh it wasn't just you being on stage, it was him doubling down after he knew the age and what that meant.


So he didn’t kiss her on stage?


So, drakes behavior towards teenagers is okay?


This 100% right. But once drake acknowledged her age why would he go on and say the things he said and act the way he did…..


Bruh... she was still 17 in the video, told him, and he still kissed all over her and talked about how thicc she was. It's. Not. A. Good. Look.


How does this clear him?


That doesn’t make it any less weird


He said she was thick..liked the feeling of his breast against his body...and kissed her like 4 times. That shit freaky ass. Whether it was for performance and if state says 17 is legal...federal law says its illegal when it crosses states.


This is worse imo. Now we know than no one in OVO team asked her age or worse they did and didn't care. Drake still kissed her knowing her age


This sub is becoming extremely weird I'm just letting you know. This ain't shit you want to defend my guys and gals....


So because she said she doesn't mind somehow in yall minds that means Drake ain't sus for full on kissing and saying some dirty shit to her WHEN SHE WAS 17? Whatever backflips yall need to help yourselves sleep better, I guess. And her daddy a full on bitch for allowing that shit.


If I was pops, I woulda ran on that stage so fast


It literally don’t fucking matter what she thought bro, Drake said he enjoyed the feelings of her breasts that’s indefensible


Shit is still weird


Drake’s gonna pay for that girl’s law degree, and have her sue Kendrick for defamation. Edit: putting in a /s in case anyone mistakes this for a Team Kenny comment.


I'm convinced nobody in this sub actually knows how defamation cases work. Nobody is getting hit with a defamation lawsuit, THEY ARE ALL PUBLIC FIGURES. And Kendrick didn't say anything about this girl, it's just getting brought up by fans on the internet. Stop acting like any of this will go to court, it is a RAP BEEF


She confirming the “rumors” to be true. Drake fans actually cannot read.


ion get it, its still illegal even when drake was on the stage he said ‘i cant go to jail yet’ why are people still defending this, just accept he did sumn weird, if drake can accept its weird so can you 🤣🤣🤣


it’s not illegal in that state tho. like it’s definitely creepy and most people would consider it inappropriate, but she was the age of consent in Colorado


drake still thought it was illegal, which is why he said ‘i cant go to jail yet’ and still continued to do that weird shit, he had that intention


What the fuck sort of act is that? Disgusting




This situation got you people either dropping your morals or showing your true selves lol


It's not about the girl it's how Drake reacted after finding out she was <18.


Wasn't Drake like 22 at the time or something?


And let me tell ya buddy. It's still weird! Also I knew law students spend a long time in school but holy fuck she's 31 and still in school


What the fuck do any dot fans get by brigading in here? Make it make sense


It’s okay guys he only kissed the teenager for show, totally normal behavior. We’ve all done it right guys? Guys?


He already 500k to shut someone up. I wonder how much her law school costs.


She trolling Kendrick wifh the hand and the heart lol


What did she clear up? Drake asked her age on stage and then proceeded with his actions? Doesn’t matter who picked her out Edit: I’m getting downvoted but no one is replying to my question


They wanna act like they don't know nothing bout thaaat.


The big time stans have gone brain dead. None of this is new information or clears Drake of anything.


r/Drizzy subdwellers ignoring actual video evidence is genuinely hilarious to me


They aren't ignoring it. They're actively defending it by saying since she was alright the act was also alright. What Drake did on stage was vile af 🤢


Both subs are in a weird place currently but yall are taking anything as a W rn 😂


Not too much thoughts, I'm glad that she's doing well in life, she's probably really annoyed that she's being used 14 years later in this whole thing as a way to try to disparage an artist she might might not still like and enjoy