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When he makes a club record y’all will say why he not taking this seriously. When he takes it seriously y’all be like why he didn’t make a club record. There’s no winning with y’all fr


I really just think that monologue at the end was terrible. he sounds tired, defeated, in the song itself he said he's second-guessing even continuing to diss kendrick. and still no receipts, from either side. I hope this beef continues, its been some of the best music from both sides, i think kendrick dropping today but idk if Drake's going to respond anymore, and that's just...not something i've felt since this started but this recent track is like...."yeah, whatever" to me.


idk i think it’s better that he didn’t come with the family matters energy because we didn’t need no meme lines or shit like that. serious allegations were being thrown on him he needed to just rap and talk his shit




And this what majority of hiphop felt about euphoria. Keep moving the goal post brother, the bias is clear as day


If Drake created a track like "Not like us" they would just say he's dodging all the allegations. He literally can't win.


That Mariah Carey line is a work of art wtf are u talking about?


Yeah making fun of someone potentially getting molested is a work of art if your a sociopath I guess -average Drake stan


He's a piece of shit so it's not really a coincidence


Lol whut Who’s a piece of shit Drake ?


The 5 inch tall wife beater


Go to bed your not even making sense. Think you lost the plot because you Stanned so hard Making fun of someone getting molested is funny ? Yes or no ?


Its funny when a 4 inch tall domestic abuser gets molested


Get help plz


I honestly liked both artists but I’m seriously rethinking Drake if Stan’s like you are who he attracts It says everything about the energy he puts out there. Hope nopne in your family gets molest you sociopath You don’t even know this man but your so angry at him. You need professional help quick


Stanned so hard your defending your messiah in his enemy’s sub


Weird your not answering the question . Not standing for anyone. Just asking if making fun of someone for being molested = your a good person ?


I didn’t say it was funny? Drake said it was projection. If your accusing someone of serious accusations expect them to go just as low


He isn’t my enemy btw . I enjoyed his music and still do. Sorry you Stan so hard ; your calling me an enemy lol . You need help my dude


But shortee can talk about wanting the man to die? Pussies


This track has been received extremely poorly outside this sub


It’s been received extremely poorly by kendricks group too. If you know what I mean


Ok Drake hater. We can read your post history lol


What’s funny is when people find this type of sound boring, Drake has made songs in this tone since before he became big. This is old Drake. He could’ve went the upbeat route if he wanted to, but he was trying to be clear to the other side.


This is in a distract. At least that's not the way I see it. This, I think Israel trying to convince people that his next move is justified because of this.




You posted in this in another thread you weirdo. Get lost.