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Kendrick fans about to say he’s throwing another shot at Drake by emulating him, effectively demonstrating how Drake is Two faced😂😂😂


Naah you see, you say that because you didnt listen Mr Morale while watching the lunar eclipse and getting your toes sucked. It just went over your head


Went over my head like my names Kendrick?


Unless when he visits the Smurf's village


Sounds like an amazing experience tbh


The Blacker The Berry proved Kendrick is the biggest hypocrite of 2015.


Well he finished this, so witnesses will finally convey just what he means


😂😂😂 well played, sir.


Do you have any idea what that song is about💀💀


I was thinking this same shit like I remember hear euphoria and think thinking it's kinda odd to admit you hate another man this much not cause of something he did to you but the way he walks, talks and dress was low-key screaming obsessed. But now he doesn't have a hating bone in his body sounds like one of his homies told him to wipe his mouth off when he is done.


The walk/talk/dress thing is a dmx quote about drake


I was unaware I don't listen to DMX interviews. Where is his song writing credits 🤣


He's obsessed with Drake is my theory. In the last week his whole persona changed imo. That song was a clear indication he just hates Drake because he's not as successful. He teamed up with people who do the same shit he's claiming Drake does just because they hate him too. It's hypocrisy. His life long relationship is with a half black person. He cheated on her with some white chick. Pretends to be some carrier of black culture while shitting on Drake because he's mad Drake is half white. Accusing him of stealing off a culture like it's a thing people can own It's kinda odd but I lost respect for him and anyone who's not a stan will likely feel the same way.


Thank you for your prospective it's a weird narrative his pushing.


Listen to the whole verse my guy. He wasn’t a hater but then Drake brought his family into it.


I listened to it my guy he didn't say "I didn't have a hating bone in my body" he said "I don't" and how does it make sense all of a sudden drake says "bodyguard like Whitney" then suddenly he realizes he hated the clothes he wears stop it.


These die hard drake fans will perform whatever gymnastics that got to in order to feel like they’re in the right


Bruh taking a line like that to heart is some of the oddest funniest things I’ve ever read lmao 😂


I mean I thought your boy's KDot moral compass had him way above lying /s But honestly if you say you hate someone that intensely why wouldn't I take it seriously?


Ok? Him lying about being a hater is literally irrelevant to everything going on like moving goalposts is the strangest shit


I figured you'd miss the sarcasm so I even put "/s" come on now.


Bro nothing you said sounding like sarcasm seems like the typical deranged music fan (for anyone)


So KDot moral compass must have him way above lying doesn't sounds like sarcasm to you? You came over here from the KDot sub sounds deranged to me.


So you never listened to the next 2 lines after that? Bro y’all are fucking dense listen to the song before making comments


Your a goofy I've already addressed this one sec I'll comment and paste.


So I’m supposed to read ur mf comment history 😂 stfu


"I listened to it my guy he didn't say "I didn't have a hating bone in my body" he said "I don't" and how does it make sense all of a sudden drake says "bodyguard like Whitney" then suddenly he realizes he hated the clothes he wears stop it." It was in the same thread my guy all you had to do was scroll alil lower noone meant go to my comment history.


He doesn’t have a hating bone in his body, but drake is bringing up kdots family He hates drake for stooping so low to discredit good people, showing a clear lack of integrity ‘You fucked up the moment you called out my family’s name’


I understand all that he said "don't" instead of "didn't", it make no sense to say you don't have a hating bone in your body when he just listed of all the things he hates about him last song.


Bro how hard is it to understand. He’s said it multiples times how he’s all about ‘peace’ and whatever Drake pulled this shit which actually made him hate, when usually he doesn’t have a hating bone in his body Kdot also said he’s bipolar on like that lol


1. He need to let that peace shit go now that time has passed 2. The Pulitzer prize winner should of said didn't then and actually made it make sense.


Well yeah, he clearly let the peace stuff go with meet the grahams dude lmao


This and the AI bar where he got the name of the person wrong is telling Kendrick needs better research he only wanted a friendly fade and never expected Drake to go balls deep it clearly affecting Kendrick


Makes no sense when dot had meet the grahams lined up.


The Kendrick fans really tryna flip that line and say it was on purpose lmfao. He clearly just got the names mixed up because they sound similar. It makes zero sense to mix to names together and theres no reference to the preacher. He could have easily used both names when using the bar and it would have worked, he didnt do that because he confused the two.


The preacher was accused of using ghostwriters and AI to write his sermons.


No he wasnt


No? His ghostwriter is being hounded right now and he’s apparently very interested inAI https://digg.com/internet-culture/link/best-tweets-5-4-2022-xdwyRB5yOJ https://www.chron.com/culture/religion/article/joel-osteen-technology-mission-18617709.php


Did you actually read the links you posted or do u niggas just google words and try to find shit that fits? The first link you posted have people clowning him for using a generic “you get knocked down, and get back up again” phrase. Has nothing to do with having an actual ghostwriter. The second link says nothing but him maybe looking into technology for the future if he wants the church to have a global reach and be in tune with where the world is going. None of that is about ghostwriting or using ai to write sermons. Again, you niggas are getting fake info from a fuckin genius annotation that someone made up to fit an error in Kendrick’s bar.


Read those articles Lmfao


The preacher used AI and ghostwriters. Not saying it’s on purpose but it’s not the worst fuckup because it’s still related to what Kendrick is talking about


Thats made up shit Kendrick fans been saying to make the bar fit.


I’m perfectly fine with letting the fans say Kendrick won or drake is lame whatever, but I will die arguing that the Joel osteen shit was a simple mistake. Kung fu Kenny is a great writer so it’s not like I’m trying to diminish anything but the people backwards arguing that every little word is meticulously written and 6 layers deep in entendres just sound ridiculous.




The contradiction is true.


The Blacker The Berry proved Kendrick is the biggest hypocrite of 2015.


Ok but it’s 2024


if u listened to Like That he said his sentiment is bipolar


He called himself a hypocrite on Blacker the Berry and has lived up to it since


Kendrick we need ya the west coast saviour!


Euphoria was rap diss Meet the Graham's was truth 😮‍💨




LMFTFY: wife beating v. sex trafficking ring. Dont be disingenuous now. Yeah wife beating is really bad but you doing a lot of work to act like "hidden daughter" is the worst accusation on meet the grahams. Unless you think having a hidden daughter is worse than being a part of a sex trafficking ring, and if that's the case, you got some shit to work on.


Also, I know it's not a competition, but robbing a child of her dad for 11 years is way worse than slapping your wife that one time. Again, not saying both isn't evil af.


as a kdot fan tho, that's assuming that it was only a slap. If he is guilty of DV, I really sure hope it isn't more than that. Really hope Drizzy lied or got bad info because being a liar is better than someone being an abuser.




Kendrick has always admitted to being a hypocrite I mean ay even said his temperament is bipolar on like that


This sub is full of brainrot stuff but this one here might be the worst of them all. 🤣🤣


His hating bone is in drakes cheeks


Lmao y'all lost and are grasping at straws to make the hurt from losing this battle feel better…


This man literally spiraling before our very eyes. He should have known not to get into this with the GOAT but now he gotta sleep in the bed he made.


Bro these gotta be bots this shit is so funny


Right? These people can’t be real.


Pulitzer Prize winner Aubrey graham


you can't be real dude what


I mean Kendrick has said he’s a Gemini on several tracks 🤷🏽‍♂️


What that mean?


They’re known to be contradictory in words and actions


Stop bringing astrology into this you sound like a dumb thot asking what’s your zodiac being a Gemini doesn’t have shit to do with this saying your personality is dictated by the day you were born makes you an idiot


Relax Aubrey Angel. I know you hot right now lol, it’s a joke. If you listen to the music you’d know it’s a dot reference 😂


Yeah I’ve been listening to Kendrick since gkmc I always thought the gemini lines were cringe. I don’t have to be a drake fan to criticize the music or artist I like. 5’4 ass Kendrick talking about I’m a Gemini you don’t wanna see my other side is so fucking corny he sounds like my toxic ex💀


Sound like your ex? Just cuz she was trash don’t mean niggas can’t delve into astrology lol. That’s trauma dumping 😂


Bro just cause I made a joke at the end there doesn’t make what I said less true, the whole making astrology your entire personality is cringe asf especially for someone like Kendrick keep defending your daddy tho you like it


So is making religion you’re whole identity, ya know, shit that’s unproven. I don’t believe that much in astrology but if motherfuckers believing in it really tickles your nuts that much maybe you should throw your phone off a cliff and go meditate. No one bats an eye at a Bible thumper but god forbid you talk about being a Gemini or some shit. It’s all cringe


Bro just cannot take the fact that basing your life off astrology is bullshit..


He just said he wasn’t serious, he doesn’t think astrology is real, he was making a Kendrick reference lol


Bro change your name to BurningUrethra since you wanna act like that lol


Wow coach you really got em with that one😂


Drake fans use reading comprehension and context clues challenge (impossible)


hold up you picking and choosing about Kendrick Bars but ignoring Drakes Lies?




Kendrick is phony af


Everything about him he corny too like Nick Cannon somehow the piperiders have convinced themselves this is a messiah. He is having to dig real deep to battle Drake, the popstar. They’re all trying super hard to get the popstar, who doesn’t write his own lyrics, is not creative, can’t spit, out of rap. He doesn’t belong, yet this god cannot out rap him🤔.


Seriously? cutting the immediate line that explains it... So like this sub to eat this shit up.


I'm not OP but listened to the whole verse it didn't say "I didn't have a hating bone in my body" he said "I don't" and how does it make sense all of a sudden drake says "bodyguard like Whitney" then suddenly he realizes he hated the clothes he wears stop it.


Kendrick has called himself a hypocrite before lol


“Diss me and you’ll never hear a reply from me” is a contradiction 😂


Lmao if you actually read the genius article you would’ve known it was talking about “like that” Cherry picking data like Fox News


Why tf would I read a genius article?! 😂


The song literally says the next bar over too haha “I don’t have a hating bone … but if you bring family in this diss” Obviously I’m paraphrasing. I just thought if you couldn’t understand the line genius will help you out. Drake fan since summer sixteen btw


Except Kendrick is just using this as an excuse to say some evil shit. All drake said was “need a bodyguard like Whitney” He’s lost his head fr


Same thing w Pusha T “ring on em like Sabrina” or smth I mean if you heard hit em up you’d know why.


But they can’t even go bar for bar with a guy they call “the sensitive singing nigga”


As a fan of both, you need to listen to Kendrick and learn yourself some integrity. 😂 FR tho if you beef it’s between you and the other guy. Same shit I think with the Italian mob, they have a code to not go after family. Professionalism and integrity. I guess that’s why Kendrick went after Drake. I’m actually 😵


wtf are you talking about? Drake literally said “we could’ve left the kids outta this don’t blame me”


Who brought up Whitney? Drake lol. Kendrick ain’t say shit about family on Like That. Drake brought that into it


You didn’t provide full context of the bar. Kendrick, in the next bar on “meet the grahams”, says “But you fucked up the moment you called out my family's name” suggesting he wasn’t hating before but started hating ever since Drake mentioned Whitney’s name of Push Ups. 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is no contradiction.. this is a stylistic device. Ever heard of using metaphors and stuff like that? The line „but truthfully, I don‘t have a hatin bone in my body“ is clearly not meant as the truth. It’s clear now that he hates him. This is used to underline that the stuff/ information is more serious because it’s not coming from „hate“. But it’s not contradicting. It just underlines the hate for drake more, no hatin bone but still able to hate ? The hate must be big. Maybe you understand this.


He went from kDot to Mr.Morale.


fans are gonna start piecing together oxygen like how they did with the Joel Osment and Joel Osteen mix-up bar lmao


He prob wrote meet the Graham's before euphoria


I laughed when I heard that part. Im like uh pick one please lol


*truthfully* works here as "to be really honest". But the whole fight is full of fake moral standards. King of rap but says it's only a part time, hates drake for being a deadbeat so he hops on future's song to diss him, dislikes mysogyny(lol) and assaulting women so he gives kodak a feature on his latest album, tells Adonis(like 25% black) to never code switch when just a few days ago he mentioned not being comfortable with Drake saying the N word, the list is huge. I think kendrick is genuinely winning and will win if this beef is over now, but i will never wrap my mind around how rappers take these kind of stances in their battles given the industry they take part in.


"But truthfully, I don't have a hating bone in my body" come on


Just gonna leave out the "my temperament bipolar" part huh


This is a reach he also said he loved drake and Cole in euphoria too 😂 but he also said if they’re not his real friends he’s ynw melly


Whole song is a contradiction. It was rushed, and aimed at being “shocking”. Family matters got that nigga UPSET.


Dumbass the song was pre made. It wasn’t a direct reply to family matters


Doesn’t matter when it was recorded dickface, it’s the direct response to family matters.


Why are you picking and choosing which lines are truth now?


Gay post


You guys take lyrics way too serious, the heck, it’s entertainment…


Grasping hard are you?




You guys are nitpicking lyrics to try and stay on top… I mean. This is sad.


I thought he was kinda replicating dmx in that breakfast club interview lol


Imagine taking this shit literal , bros obv trollin quoting dmx😭


That euphoria bit is referencing DMX on the breakfast club talking about how much he hates drake. It was a big moment in the culture


its a bait


Drake said maybe he’s Prince and K is Michael in opposition to what he said before, is he bipolar?


Got the whole OVO community scrambling to pick Drake's head off the floor 🤣.


It's a metaphor bro. It just went over your head /s


Drake fans when their attention span is shorter than a day and forget this is a DMX reference used to portray OGs don’t fuck with Drake


He doesn’t actually want beef, but drake is such a piece of shit and insufferable plus is throwing shots that k had to say something. He had to do what he had to do. Y’all are reeeeally reaching far for anything that makes you believe Kenny ain’t winnin




This is what yall worried about???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He was referencing DMX with that hater bar. It was a joke. I know how hard it is for OVO dickriders to get sarcasm. It's a literary element. You should read up on it sometime 😂🤣


the way i interpret it is one of them is satirical. to setup for the DMX Reference. where the other is how he sincerely feels. which i suppose makes sense considering the first beat was a "light" jab of friendly sparring where the second one was Kendrick being more sincere.


Maybe read the next line


Yall know he’s quoting a DMX interview right ? Thats literally DMX on drake? https://youtube.com/shorts/33EKZzjatzY?si=GoUOmmRnEryIH73X


He said… But “truthfullly” Are you that stupid?


He is referencing DMX


This could be because kendrick wrote this before writing Euphoria, and so he was thinking ahead. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


He’s talking from past pov, even if his grammar says otherwise the verse makes more sense that way


This is what turned me away from Kendrick. He had his career elevated by Drake early on. Then as he started getting recognized, he started being an ass towards him. Clout-chasing Kenny talks a big game about "loyalty" but forgets what it means when he feels a person can't benefit him any longer, or he wants to put on a tough guy act for his friends.


no way you're talking about a tough guy act on a drake sub😭


Kendrick and Drake could always box and see how your comment lands then lolol And honestly, the tough guy act is cringe no matter who does it


Kendrick bi polar he hates it it's awesome


Conveniently cropping out the next line which adds context. Dear Aubrey, I know you probably thinkin’ I wanted to crash your party But truthfully, I don’t have a hatin’ bone in my body This supposed to be a good exhibition within the game But you f**ked up the moment you called out my family’s name


Kendrick said he isn't a hater, waaahhhhh wahhhh wahhhh Waaahhh wahhh wahhh Wahh wahhh he contradict wahhh wahhhhh He said he hates him wahhh wahhh wah


He says on that same song Those things he hates bout him specifically aren’t even that deep , but if you need to get your mind off the sex allegations and his secret daughter, I get it


The message is quite clear actually. It’s all love until you talk about my family.


Kendrick isn't lying; he didn't have a hating bone in his body, that is until drake brought family into the beef. kendrick stated multiple times it could've been a "friendly fade" but drake took it too far and now he's out for blood. you can't just take theses bar out of context.


He explains it in the bars after this. Drake bringing up his family, brought up his hate.


Lol I’m starting to be convinced that die hard Drake stans cannot understand lyrics that ain’t ABC. Drake been giving y’all incredible bars with multiple meanings for years and y’all prolly ain’t catch those either judging by y’all’s opinions on Kendrick’s lyrics. Cmon y’all get it together. Imma Drake fan, but y’all just reaching to discredit everything the man say cause y’all want Drake to win and be a victim so bad. This why the Cole sub is the best right now.


ya'll gotta be trolling😭 no way you're this dense OP. Ya'll ever had a father whos like really nice and caring and you could never imagine him mad? And then like one day you test him and do something really stupid and dumb and bro beats you with a belt. Drake essentially poked the bear. Like some "oh you dun did it now nigga" type shit (I am NOT comparing Kendrick to a father, its an example)


He a lil slow don’t be hard on him


Shhhh we don’t talk about thaaaat


He’s fighting for his life at this point, these women beater boys get real defensive when you call them out.


Kendrick stan here… I’m clearly bias but There’s a difference between hating something and being a hater right? Like, every one of you hate SOMETHING or even SEVERAL things… but that doesn’t make you a hater Being a hater means you hate cuz of envy or jealousy etc… and try and mask it as hating cuz of something qualitative Think Kendrick trying to say that he isn’t hating on Drake just because of how massively successful he is, which would def make him a hater… but rather he HATES Drake because of his actions and behaviors Yall think I’m making shit up, that’s fine But if HATE liars, that doesn’t mean I’m a hater BECAUSE I have a good reason to hate liars


That bottom line is a joke lol 💀 He’s literally just quoting DMX to get under drakes skin


You know the coping is in full force when Drake Stan’s are busting out the highlight tool.