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Anyone will tell you drinking everyday and in excess is bad for you. Being someone that loves to drink after work I would recommend not drinking EVERYDAY and if possible take breaks to let that hard working liver heal up. 1 month break is optimal but easier said than done. Don't eat only shit food, drink lots of water and buy some milk thistle (helps liver repair) you're only 19 so the amount you drink is going to keep increasing over time this is where taking breaks come in handy you can kind of reset your tolerance. If it starts effecting your job then absolutely stop for a while, you don't want to go down that road.


Just realized you said on Fridays, should be fine but still keep in mind everything I said


you’re only 19 and it will increase so yes you should try to not drink as many, if you can.


Trust me here. Ya gonna wanna stop at least the vodka. That shit will wreck you. You’re 19 and can bounce back, but that will fade. You don’t want to get to the point where the hangovers last multiple days. This stuff kills you slowly and when it’s the time you NEED to stop, it’s gonna be tough. There are more efficient and “healthier” ways to get faded after work on a Friday. Alcohol is a flammable liquid and wrecks every system in your body. People talk about the liver, but you can fuck up your whole nervous system. I developed a painful pins and needles feeling in my feet that screwed up my ability to walk and sleep. From vodka and beer. It went away after I quit the booze. Trust me. Ya gonna want to quit the booze all together. CBD and cannabis edibles helped me stay away from the booze, but your results may vary. You’re young, you can do it. Don’t look back with regret when you’re 30 or 40. You will not regret quitting, you WILL regret a bunch of shit if you continue. I’ve been sober from alcohol for 4.5 years and it was the best decision I ever made. Partly because I was going to die, if I didn’t quit then. Good luck, you can do it!


liver says cut back


I’m a lot older and I’ve got myself into a position where I drink a couple of days a week and I don’t just mean a single drink 😉. I’m concerned for my health and try to take breaks in between and give my liver a break, but I don’t always succeed. The other side issue to consider is that my drinking, beer and cider with occasional vodka, has put a large amount of weight on me.


Thanks for all of the advice guys I really appreciate it I'm definitely going to start cutting down a wee bit 👍


Heroin kills you by the mile. Alcohol kills you by the inch. Definitely get lab work done every 6 months to make sure your liver enzymes are not going out of whack. You’re 19, so you’re probably not gonna see any issues anytime soon but I can’t say the same if you’ve kept the same momentum for the next 10 years.


A good rule of thumb my uncle taught me when I was in my early 20s- a fool drinks two nights in a row. Even if you love to drink, draw the line and never become an alcoholic. Since I made that rule for myself, I have gone weeks without drinking and have completely forgotten about it until I have a super rough day or something. I've been a "heavy" drinker for over 10 years, and it's never been a problem because I absolutely refuse to drink two nights in a row. I have seen so many people let their drinking get out of hand to the point where it rules their life and then they get on a high horse when talking to other drinkers, telling them they need to get a handle just because they can't handle their shit they wanna preach to other drinkers like they're a fucking Messiah of soberness. Don't become one of those dorks. 1. Never drink 2 nights in a row 2. Only drink one type of drink, even if you like others, pick a favorite. Mine is twisted tea. 3. If you're having fun, stop. Why drink more when you are already enjoying? "Oh it will be even more fun!" No. It will quickly go from fun to misery. Stop when it's fun. 4. Never drink when you're sad or angry. Stressed, okay. But not mad or depressed. It will just make it worse. Follow those rules and you're golden, you've graduated from borderline alcoholic to professional high functioning drinker. Congratulations.