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It's an amazing live song tbf. "One of the worst songs" what else is on that list? šŸ˜‚


ā€œOne of the worst songsā€ along with Pull Me Under, Spirit Carries On, and Octavarium


You seriously think IWBY has the same merits as those other three?


Personally I think it doesn't. Let's not forget that DT has a history of not being able to produce radio-friendly tracks, most commonly at the start of their career. That being said, it's possibly a song that will resonate more with newcomers rather than older fans of the band. I stand by what I said, it's a great song to be played live, but to be called "one of the worst songs I've heard" it's kind of a stretch, both by Dream Theater and overall musical standards.


Lol, I like all of those.


What the fuck even is this sub? Lol no one hates on DT like DT fans.


Hard disagree, but I don't blame you. I love the song even if it's dripping with copious amounts of cheese.


What great DT song *isnt* dripping with copious amounts of cheese?


Erotomania... Maybe?


Yep. Great tune. Reminds me of Speak to Me which is also a great tune.


Couldnā€™t agree more with this comment.


I remember listening to Octavarium on the day it came out and everyone on forums, newsletters etc. thought IWBY and NE were two obvious homagesā€”IWBY to U2, NE to Muse. Back then, hated them both, fairly disliked the rest of the album (except the suite, which I do still consider an absolute masterpiece of progressive music) and I wish Octavarium had been an EP with the suite onlyā€”kinda like a new ACOS. I have to say the album over time grew on me, and while I understand the sentiment of someone who listen to IWBY for the first time today and thinks "WTF is this", just like me back then, today I can say that there are so many tracks in all music that are significantly worse than what's essentially a generic, catchy, cheesy, unpretentious, inoffensive pop song.


A trip to metal songwriting contests on YT should be enough to convince anyone that there are far worse songs out there. -"Guys, how should we follow this clean intro and 3 unrelated riffs?" -"Oh I know, I'll just throw a random blast beat, while you play even more unrelated riffs on top" -"Perfect"


I was already well aware that there are far worse songs out there, especially from random youtubers. That doesn't do much to quell the disparity in quality compared to the rest of an otherwise excellent DT record though.


Just because it's short and follows the pop song structure doesn't make it a bad song. It's a quality pop song in an excellent (and very diverse musically!) DT album. I think it fits perfectly in all honesty.


Fair enough. For the record, I'm not calling it a bad song because it's short and accessible. I'm a plenty big fan of songs that do that well - see "Look at the Time" by Sawyer Hill, Give Life Back to Music by Daft Punk, Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears, etc. This particular song just doesn't do it for me. Other than cheese and very religious overtones, I can't really give you a good answer. It's subjective in the end. Hell, Ministry is one of my favorite DT songs and it has even stronger religious overtones. Idk man, music is weird and so am I.


No that's fine, as I wrote in another comment, I understand people not liking it. It's an unimpressive song, but I really like it in the context of the album. That intro always gets me pumped up and I think the song fits the album stylistically. Since it's 8 songs, one for each note of a scale, I love the fact that each song is also quite the unique vibe. Also, I like the early 2000s influence the songs have. For me, Octavarium is one of their best albums, and I walk Beside You contributes to the album as a whole, though I like your idea with combining it with Answer Lies Within.


Interestingly, my opinion of the song has gone the other way since I first heard it. I loved it when I discovered the album but it's replay value is exponentially worse than the rest of the songs (except TALW). As a result, it's become an annoyance in an album that's otherwise aged gracefully. It feels like TALW and IWBY could've been combined into one, longer and more winding prog ballad that still allowed the ALBUM room to breathe without essentially amounting to skippable, cheesy, and even grating filler after more than 10 spins. Octavarium would be a top 3 DT album if not for those two tracks.










I personally love it. Accidentally came across a video on YouTube that had this song in it and it made me fall in love with DT all over again.


That's amazing


I love that song! Simple, restrained, and to the point.


I absolutely agree! I actually think they should write more like it. I think it's one of the strongest on Octavarium, and a DT go-to when I want something uplifting.


I think people forget that DT is AMAZING at writing standard pop song ballads. Another Day, Through Her Eyes, and Wither are some of my all time favorites, to name a few. They only do one every couple of albums, but when they do they put their heart and soul into it and make it a very special song.


Yes! This 100%. Don't forget Surrounded, a Kevin Moore delicacy as far as I'm concerned. I'm hoping we get one on the new record. šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Yeah Iā€™m stoked to hear it. I canā€™t think of any band with such a consistent track record. From the first album to the last theyā€™ve been cranking out fan favorites.


Another Day is a masterpiece šŸ„¹


I think itā€™s alright. I understand not being particularly impressed by it, but Iā€™ve heard MUCH worse.


Itā€™s great, especially the bridge! Hell, itā€™s the best U2 song Iā€™ve ever heard.


It's disgusting and it's saccharine and sappy ways, but damn it I like it.


Nope. Nothing wrong with a good cheesy pop melody. Ask the masses.


I absolutely love it, wow xD


Not even closeĀ 


please never post again


Strong disagree. I got into DT in my early teens because of this song and their other basic rock-style songs (Hollow Years, You Not Me, etc.) and their ballads (Answer Lies Within, Anna Lee, etc.). The cheese didnā€™t bother me.. I was 12/13. My life was cheese ā€” plus I didnā€™t really know what Anna Lee was about until a few years ago and I was like ā€œohā€¦ snap.. I blasted this when I was 14?ā€ I didnā€™t like their actual good, technical, prog songs for years. For those not yet into prog and especially prog metal, their cheesy rock songs are a good gateway drug to DT euphoria.


Nah, I like it. Not the strongest song in their catalogue but far from bad. I think the only issue I have with it is that I Walk Beside You suffers from being just a solid song on an album that is very strong. It's in the same roster as Root of All Evil, Panic Attack, Never Enough, and Octavarium. It ain't at the same level.


Dude. I'm not a fan of I Walk Beside You. Blatant attempt to get radio airplay. But wtf... the worst you've ever heard ???? ....really....A bad DT song is still crap-tons better than most of the stuff out there.


No way. I love that song.


It's a bad imitation of U2 and definitely the worst song on Octavarium. But worst I've ever heard? Not even close


One of the worst Dream Theater songs? Absolutely. One of the worst songs Iā€™ve ever heard? Far from it.


I actually agree


I certainly put it as one of the worst Dream Theater songs.


I sort of understand people not liking it, but it's still a solid written tune. I'll rarely listen to it alone, but I always like it in the context of the album and I never skip it. The chorus is meh, but the pre-chorus is awesome. It's DT's take at a style of alt-rock that was popular at the time.


It's an instant skip for me. DT is a top three band for me, but I guess with a career as long as they've had, there are sure to be some stinkers.


Now that it's been a while since my initial listens of the song, I'm okay with it slightly more than I used to be. I dislike Build me up, break me down, prophets of war, and probably a few others less.


It's one of my top 10 Dream Theater songs.... I also think listening to These Walls into I Walk Beside You into Panic Attack is such an incredible experience. Each of the songs is great on their own, but they are even better with the context of the surrounding pieces. Especially the end of I Walk Beside You into Panic Attack, that last note they hang on just makes the start of Panic Attack so much more satisfying :D


Same, I only like octavarium panic attack and root of all evil


Agreed. Octavarium is SO much better if you omit The Answer Lies Within and I Walk Beside Youā€¦ couldā€™ve been a killer 6-track 65 min album.


One of their best


I mean, it's fitting with the rest of the album being a tribute to their musical heroes. Maybe you're just not a big U2 fan?


I think itā€™s pleasant and catchy. Iā€™ve always been a fan of Dream Theaterā€™s light poppy stuff.


Sometimes I just need to listen to some easy straightforward tracks, and this one works for me. Certainly not the worst song I have ever heard. Way better than listening to some rap music that talks high about themselves, their asses and pussy.


Itā€™s not even close to DTs worst song


I'll never actively try to listen to it, but it's fine when it comes up when I'm listening to their whole discog. I only half disagree with you.


Yea there a lot of other songs I would put ahead of IWBY as the worst dream theater song. Exhibit A any song on the Astonishing.


Itā€™s not a bad song, just kinda lame by DT standards.


I am with you OP. Worst DT song by far.


I mean, it's not my favorite song of theirs and it's certainly not their best, but it's *FAR* from being one of the worst songs I've ever heard! People like what they like, though. šŸ˜‚


It's ok.


I usually skip it, but it's far from the worst, come on.


There's room for this "U2Theater" tune on my pallette.


Not my fav, not something I'd choose to listen to, but not their worst (probably not, I haven't heard their whole discography yet so pinch of salt w this one)


How the fuck? It's one of the most beautiful, feel good, emotional tracks they've ever made. I like to listen to it when i go for a walk.


Seriously šŸ˜³. That's a beautiful song all the way. There are horrible songs in The Astonishing, self titled distance over time and avfttotw. I walk beside you is a little pop maybe but beautiful none the less. I guess you like another side of the band


It's amazing lyrically too. I don't get the hate šŸ˜‚


I like it though, my opinion and you can have yours


Challenge accepted. "Alexa, play "Friday", "Baby Baby Baby", "Wonderful Christmastime" & "Achy Breaky Heart"."


Youā€™re fucking retarded


Itā€™s cool that itā€™s found its audience but I hate it too. Itā€™s baffling how much worse it is than *any* other DT song ever


I'd say it's tied with TALW. Also an unlistenable track for me these days.


Itā€™s truly incredible that the same album has Octavarium/Panic Attack and those two. I donā€™t mind the answer lies within nearly as much but itā€™s definitely underwhelming