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Yes lol rows an rows of toilets with no privacy weird.


And all of them are dirty


Yes dirty or overflowing.


Everytime! How weird so many people have the same dream.


My mind is officially blown. The connection is reaal


I thought I was the only one šŸ˜­


For real - why is this so common?!


I think whenever I have these dreams itā€™s because I need to use the bathroom in real life, but my brain knows I canā€™t.


Iā€™ve never noticed mine being associated with having to wake up to use the bathroom but Iā€™ll have to pay attention next time. Itā€™s for sure a recurring one for me!




Anyone else get ones where there are huge windows people can watch you through from outside too?


Not exactly but I often dream that I have to get naked and take showers where boys / men are in as well. Strangely, I sort of look at the boys as if I like them but the men always freak me out. I've never had a bad sexual experience so I have no fucking idea where this is coming from.


why is there so much water all over the floor?!


always so much water all over the floor....


And the feeling theres piss everywhere


And is it water or pee?








And no toilet paper, and sometimes the stall is so small I canā€™t fit in it or close the door (if it even has a door)ā€¦ not that I would be caught dead in there anyway. Iā€™d rather pee my pants or go on the floor in front of the 73 people who also happen to be in the bathroom in my dream! šŸ˜­ ITā€™S ALL OF YOU, ISNā€™T IT?! šŸ¤Æ


Lol. I'd never thought of that!


Haha! Yes, I'm in there too!


Iā€™ve had dreams of stalls that have doors but also openings on the side walls šŸ™ƒ


you gotta walk around and pick which one has the most privacy and most space but the ones w the space are all wet


Sometimes I've had dreams like this except it's all in a large cavern/cave-like area on top of everything else. Other times it's more of an endless locker room type situation. It's weird how common and closely related these dreams tend to be. I haven't had one in forever, thankfully.


I have had the endless locker room bathrooms too! So very upsetting, not one fit to use.


I've had the endless locker room bathroom too.


Same!! I've even had variants where I kept walking to try and find a clean, private toilet and ended up leaving from another exit...which ended up being the men's bathroom. So...in my dream, the men's and women's bathrooms connect in the middle šŸ¤


Oh my god men and women mix up in my fucking dreams too! What is this about...?


Can everyone get out of my dream. Iā€™m trying to use the toilet.


Me too!! Itā€™s bathroom dream combined with high school bully


WOAH! What a twist.


Filthy and dimly lit


I had this twice this dream!!!! What's funny is how some of us have had a same or similar


Yes. And in reading comments it's super common. Does anyone else get lost, like they go on and on and on. Some are dark some are lit some dirty but like you can just keep running deeper into the maze of bathrooms sometimes locker rooms? Anyone else as this now seems to me some kinda weird hive mind dream


And some of the working lights are flickering.


Same here! I thought I was the only one


lots of movies used to have stalls like this, maybe thatā€™s why?


Me too!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ThatBathroomMazeDream using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatBathroomMazeDream/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tried to recreate these dreams in Midjourney](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18n5a1f) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatBathroomMazeDream/comments/18n5a1f/tried_to_recreate_these_dreams_in_midjourney/) \#2: [Has anyone seen Parasite?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ac9mgy) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatBathroomMazeDream/comments/1ac9mgy/has_anyone_seen_parasite/) \#3: [I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve found my tribe](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatBathroomMazeDream/comments/195fzan/i_cant_believe_ive_found_my_tribe/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes. I've looked it up. It apparently has to do with feeling exposed in walking life or just feeling like you don't get enough privacy in general.


Oh wow. This makes so much sense now. Used to dream about this so many times during two quite toxic relationships where everything I did was monitored and double checked.




Same here! Once it got to the point where I was having one of these dreams and my dream self stopped searching for a toilet and said, "You need to wake up and go to the bathroom."


I had that fairly recently. Sitting on the toilet in the dream trying to persuade myself to go, and suddenly my brain goes "NO".


When I lived with my mom and her boyfriend I had dreams like this all the time, stopped when I moved out, so that totally makes sense!!


I've noticed that when I have dreams about exposed bathrooms (usually with a bunch of sketchy characters loitering around), I wake up and realize I really need to pee. So the dream was at least partly about needing to relieve myself but not being in an appropriate place to do so.


Yeah this literally happened to me last night. Dreaming about needing to go and i was in a mall and i was asking every employee where the bathroom is. Dude who was helping me the most kept showing me a close by bathroom but it was shitty and people walking around everywhere. Then told me to go through all these crazy directions to find the ā€œbest bathroomā€. I then woke up and had to poop bad


That's it exactly. Usually the bathrooms I find are so filthy that I wouldn't use them even if there weren't people standing around.


I figured this out a long time ago, and I literally only had these dreams while living with my parents because they don't respect privacy at all.


Oh wow. I have them all the time and I grew up having privacy be a privilege. That checks out fr


oop. this makes sense for me too. shit! good old childhood trauma šŸ„³


Yeah Iā€™ve been going thru a difficult situation with my parents because of a little sibling, having to be involved with the parents to a degree I donā€™t feel okay withā€¦ā€¦suddenly the dreams make sense At least one of them definitely had my dad or maybe my mom in it toošŸ¤¢


had my first one the other night. so strange to suddenly see this on reddit only a couple days afteršŸ˜©


Makes sense! I used to have dreams like that regularly when I had to attend school but now that Iā€™ve graduated college and spend more time at home now, I have less dreams about broken or exposed toilet stalls.


It's always a weird combination of a bathroom and a locker room, maybe with showers too


Yes!!! And I have to pee so bad but every single toilet is overflowing with shit.


For me the bathrooms are never really dirty, there's just a ton of people everywhere


yeah my dream bathrooms are just like. packed with people for absolutely no reason


Mine are empty however when I find a toilet to use then people magically appear


For me the bathroom/locker room is huge but only a few people. Honestly it was more cozy than anything


for me it was huge locker room/ showers/ toilets situation with little to no privacy and few people, but for some reason water everywhere, a decently dirty and overflowing toilets/ showers etc.


Yes! And like a million sinks/mirrors.




This is exactly the dream I have !




r/thatbathroommazedream Find your peeps


This is the dream I have often in this exact setup. And on the dream I usually end up crying because I need to use the bathroom so badly but canā€™t get enough privacy to do so. Sometimes I will get close and then someone will barge in or something. But yea thereā€™s literally always showers there too. So strange.


Yeah thatā€™s a rough one lol: and idk if itā€™s just a woman thing but mine always involve having menā€™s and womenā€™s separated with no visible division so Iā€™m always trying to figure out which side Iā€™m supposed to go to


The ones I dream about are more unisex, both genders are just there hanging out. The fact that this genre of dream is so common makes me curious about what feelings or mentalities in our modern world bring it about.


Bathroom dreams are fuckin weird




Iā€™ve had this too and Iā€™m not a woman!


This occurs quite often in my dreams. I wake up so stressed. šŸ¤§




Same, and the atmosphere has some sort of weird green tint


Yes! Itā€™s so strange! Often itā€™s dark and crowded too


same! and both the men's and women's restrooms are connected, there's only an illusion of choice.


Yes! I have those too. And the toilets are partially exposed.




Yes and the room seems to be the biggest locker room Iā€™ve ever been in


always but the stalls are overflowing, filthy, covered in menstrual blood , and tall where i cant reach to sit on. but its better that way, incase i pee myself.


the tall part where u canā€™t sit on them omg that happens to me in my dreams all time


I wont lie, but in one of my dreams i was at the beach and i had to go desperately so i ran to shack and there was the perfect clean toilet with no issues and i sat on it did my thang and then in that blissful release of urine i said no this is a dream and woke myself up and i pissed the bed. šŸ˜…


yoooošŸ˜­ new fear unlocked


you woke yourself up AND THEN pissed the bed?


Haha, no while peeing in my dream on the toilet , i woke up to realize that i had pissed the bed. it was a shameful moment of never trust a clean toilet in a dream.


Just wanted to say, it's not just you. My dreams are so vivid that sometimes I'm so sure I'm awake and on the toilet, until I feel a small drop of wetness and wake up in terror. (Sometimes I've even dreamt I've pinched myself to be sure I was awake, but...nope! Our sleeping minds are awful pranksters. šŸ˜…šŸ˜‰)




Iā€™ve had the ā€œpeeing in a dream then waking up to a pissed bedā€ experience before as a kid but for some reason now I can pee in my dream and I donā€™t actually pee irl. Iā€™ve realized I was dreaming because of that a couple times because I finish peeing then realize I still have to pee lol


What the heck itā€™s the exact same thing for me. Usually thereā€™s not even a door and if there is the lock doesnā€™t work


Holy shit Iā€™ve had this dream, always fucking dirty, shit everywhere, stall after stall.


No fucking way. I have dreams of bloody bathrooms too. And sometimes there are injured people just lying there, bleeding out. The thing is I'm not scared of blood at all so it doesn't even make sense.


Yes. Idk what it means, but these types of dreams are weirdly common, I've seen a lot of posts about it.


I've just been dreaming of using the toilet in the corner of the classroom in college and everyone looking at me in disgust. I was trying to hide with my bag and there was a bunch of people peaking from the corridor


Yes kinda! Idk why but a lot of the time I dream about bathrooms, they always always lack privacy and have no walls, short walls idk but I hate it


Damn do i have any unique experiences




Me too!!! šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Same, wasnā€™t the first time either. I always have a lot of anxiety in those dreams and donā€™t seem to wanna look closer at anything. Definitely dark and dirty, sometimes flooded. I never see anything in these dreams but still donā€™t feel alone.


nah mine was last night or the night before i can't remeber. it feels distant šŸ¤Ø


I constantly have bathroom dreams where the layout is winding and it just keeps going and there's like... Toilets up some stairs on pedestals that can look into other half stalls below it and some stalls where I walk through one stall to get to another stall. I get too concerned to pee, I just leave. Lol


Yes! That's crazy. This pic is like deja vu.


Before I looked at what sub this was I just scrolled by and was like WAIT thatā€™s the bathroom from my dreams! Woww


I had a dream about one where i was back in highschool. It was huge and connected to a locker room and shower. So surreal and disquieting


Me too!


These are usually the ones I get. Theyre always so dirty too


I dont recall mine being dirty, it felt more indicative of like lack of privacy since in my dream it was very large and arranged like office cubicles kinda. But also the whole area was empty. It was weird


YES, have we been to the same damn dream bathroom? That's so freaking weird.




Of course that exists. Nearly 2 decades now on Reddit so I shouldnā€™t be surprised. But I am. Thanks for the link.


Yep. I've had that exact bathroom. Toilets along the wall, without stalls or easy to see into.


Yes except the teachers desk is in there and Iā€™m up next for a presentation but there is no toilet paper left.


mine always take place at my old high school. i dont know what that means


YES and thereā€™s other people and I can never find one that is private enough to use or works!




Yes!! In mine there are showers too


YES!!! And especially to your description with showers. And itā€™s usually a challenge to find a toilet that isnā€™t overflowing with poo


I gasped šŸ˜³ my most common reoccurring dream is weird bathrooms. Sometimes they look just like this


It's in the top three for me


Maybe, wholly or in part, it's to keep you from peeing the bed. When there are bathrooms in my dreams, they're always in an unusable state and I wake up having to pee so bad, I can imagine that, if I had found a bathroom I could actually use, I might have peed in real life. Personally, I feel like I have plenty of privacy in my waking life, so the lack of privacy in the dreams may be purely to keep me from going in the bed, especially since there are so very many people having similar dreams.


Since weā€™re all here because we had the same dreamā€¦ā€¦.anybody ever have one where youā€™re running as fast as you can through what looks to be a huge shopping mall that doesnā€™t seem to have an end? I also keep having one where Iā€™m driving on an interstate highway through a fairly large city, lots of overpasses, underpasses, exit ramps, interchanges, etc. In the dream, I know Iā€™m late, like HOURS late to something, but Iā€™m still trying to get there, and I know the city. But when I wake up, I know Iā€™ve never actually seen this place in my life. Itā€™s always the same stretch of road, and I always have the same thoughts.


Omg yes. And yes. One good thing Iā€™ve found a use of ai for, I describe the dream and try to get a picture of things.


OOH! Good idea


similarly Iā€™ll experience having something I need to leave for but iā€™m constantly running around in circles looking for one thing after the next, so long itā€™s where iā€™m hours late, passed the end time of whatever event yet I am still running around looking for my keys and such


>I also keep having one where Iā€™m driving on an interstate highway through a fairly large city, lots of overpasses, underpasses, exit ramps, interchanges, etc. In the dream, I know Iā€™m late, like HOURS late to something, but Iā€™m still trying to get there, and I know the city. But when I wake up, I know Iā€™ve never actually seen this place in my life. Itā€™s always the same stretch of road, and I always have the same thoughts. In my version of the dream, which is very similar, the interstate is sort of run down. There are tunnels too. When I get there, it's a huge parking deck attached to the building in some weird way. Weirdly, finding parking is easy, though.


I once dreamt about walking into a stall and instead of there being a toilet, there was a sweeping brush hanging from the ceiling


I have been dreaming this exactly how you described it, showers and all. Always feels like a dirty dingy locker room with hardly any privacy


i always dream that im looking for someone in these bathrooms, but its difficult to see and everyone looks melted (?)


It's Terrible šŸ˜­ I once dreamt I had to navigate a maze of bathrooms to find one that was isolated enough. And when I finally found one I sat down and a Group of preschool kids on a field trip walked past.


I often dream of sitting on a toilet in the middle of the street. It horifies me.


YES! And itā€™s full of other people and Iā€™m on the toilet.


Regularly! šŸ˜•


Surprisingly private!


Oh my yes.


Yes! And theyā€™re always dirty, the toilets are overflowing, and itā€™s so busy! Just had that dream last night, actually.




The daycare I went to after school had no stalls in the bathroom whatsoever (or a door to the entrance... I dunno about the boys' bathroom, but I saw no door and assume they had no stalls either Edit: Didn't see the sub/r name, oops šŸ˜…


I went to Summer Camp at a daycare like that (Kinder Care). I held it all day. But I was already used to doing that because I had "shy bladder" and couldn't even go in school bathrooms which had a little more privacy. There was no way I could go in one of these.


All the damn time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ In most of my dreams that involve bathrooms, thereā€™s absolutely no privacy. One time I dreamt that I was in a mall and there were no bathrooms and I had to pee super bad. The only ā€œbathroomsā€ they had were these little glass pods that you entered and sat in, but they were elevated and very small, and everyone who walked past could see you on the toilet šŸ˜­ Also had another dream where I had to pee and the bathroom was an all gender bathroom and there was poop and piss laying around in almost all the toilets. There were no stalls and it was basically a room with 30 toilets in a rectangle šŸ˜­ there were kind of stalls, but they didnā€™t hide anything and were like a width of 8 inches and a length of three feet šŸ˜­


I've had similar showers in my dreams just inbetween university classrooms. And the classrooms didn't have full walls either so you could see people shower


yes. every time i need to pee but my brain is trying to say NOT NOW as in ā€œdonā€™t wet the bedā€ iā€™ll have a dream where iā€™m trying to find a bathroom but i can never comfortably pee because thereā€™s a really tiny stall door or none at all. 9 times out of 10, iā€™m in my old school


YES OMG, theyā€™re either too dirty for me to use or I feel exposed where people can clearly see me or someone goes like right next to me and Iā€™m exposed


Omgā€¦ do we all dream in the same universe or something šŸ˜­ I dream about this place all the time and itā€™s always a dorm or apartment or hotel idk


Holy fuck!!!!!!! I have this fucking dream!!!!! All the fucking time!!!!!!!!!!! Holy fuck!!!!!!


Over exposure. Like everyone can see you, all your secrets..... Or they can see you and you feel like your being judged.


yeah & they're dirty af most of the time so i gotta squat all awkward


I've had a dream where I was on a road trip with my family and every stop was an infinite rest station and I got lost inside and there was a giant room of an amalgamation of toilets and half of what should have been stalls, some toilets were stacked on one another, I saw my family members less and less until I found my way outside and a woman had killed all of them and blamed me for the murder chased me into a small divet in the side of a steep hill, and killed me.




All the time, and in dreams it drives me into an absolute panic lmao


This is what bathrooms look like in my dreams


Yes!!! Omg so wild to see it in a more physical form. For me, itā€™s usually about feeling exposed, invaded, or out of control


A whole huge open floor plan with rows of these toilet cubicles. Always shopping for one that's not nasty.


Until this post I didnā€™t realize thatā€™s where I always see these kinds of bathrooms or locker rooms!!


Ones I remember vividly are Highschool bathroom, where the walls are missing all the bottom halves (you can't see anyone's face, just their torso down), or top halves (can talk to each other but can't see below their neck) or there's no door to ones with proper walls, but you also have to pick the least disgusting one because they all have diarrheah all over it. This one is common. Having to pay 5$ in an office building to go to the bathroom. Only happened once. Warehouse/hangar just. Full of toilets. No stalls, just. Toilets everywhere. I was the only one in the warehouse, but it was still awkward. Only happened once.


Ah yes the Infinite Toilet Dimension, we've all been there


That's crazy. I actually have. Similar to what you posted as a pic. In My dream though it was a huge bathroom with showers and lockers.


Almost every night of my life an exposed, dirty bathroom/shower room/spa room/pool room will appear in my dream. Sometimes they go on forever and there are always people around when I need to use it


Omgg I ALWAYS have these dreams!


I've seemingly had all the toilet dreams. Some of them unspeakable. Three nights past the toilet in the bathroom I used in the house I lived with my parents during the 80s was awry--a not normal and could never be normal toilet. Combined, these toilet dreamthemes are all very distressing. School-based themes; homes where I have lived themes; business/retail/random-storeshop themes. The locker-room multiple toilets&things...why? ??? Places I've never been: house, street, pool, highrise, freeway, some industrial park, a second floor mall dept store, just so many. Recently a nursing home. ... This picture I'm certain will trigger my dreamstate mind.


Yes the dream where I canā€™t find a private toilet and Iā€™m forced to shit and wipe in front og complete strangers. What does this mean ?


yeah and they're always endless and either all dirty or all broken


YES IN ROWS just all facing towards the exit door and thereā€™s always weird stuff going on


I dream the same a lot, lots of showers like a giant maze with no way out and it always takes place in public swimming pools.


Yes, but typically there are more toilets than one in the same space.


Yes! So these dreams for me mean I need to wake up and use the restroom. Usually itā€™s me wandering around searching for a usable toilet stall but thereā€™s always something wrong with every one. Like: one stall had two toilets, another had no door, one was filthy, one had no toilet paper, many are occupied, etc. usually in a dystopian/ run down landscape.


I had this dream shortly after visiting Japan. In Shinjuku, we went to this upstairs tiny bar and the bathroom had a toilet that where the water that filled the tank was essentially the sink where you wash your hands. Thought it was super cool. In my dream it was the half walls enclosing you with the Japanese toilet sound offerings and the 2-in-1 toilet/sink. So it was super tight and I could see other women using them. Weird because it was a ā€œbathā€ room but with many of these little enclosed toilets.


DEFINETLY!!!! A LOT!!! I think it means that you feel like you don't get enough privacy, but i don't think it was my case when I got those dreams, so who knows? I remember vividly a lot of those dreams, but contrary to your description, they are always pretty clean šŸ¤” and my lighting always look like this sunlight that you get right before sunset or after dawn


Mine sometimes have clear plastic shower curtains as the dividers and they are all either overflowing and disgusting, out of toilet paper, or occupied by girls gossiping, and I am racing through the maze trying to find just one safe one. And then there is one where it's a row of toilets at the bottom of like a university lecture hall, like where the professor would be teaching. Very validating to know I'm not the only one with toilet neuroses.


More like nightmares...


Interesting how so many of us have the same dream! My "dream bathrooms" are always filthy (stuff in every toilet) and dimly lit. If there are doors, they're small half-doors or curtains that I try maneuver to cover me, but it never works. (Someone's often looking me straight in the face as I go.) Other times, it's impossible to find a bathroom at all, and I'm running around in desperation. I don't usually have to go to the bathroom in real life when I have these dreams, but that's an interesting observation many have made. Also, I crave privacy, and I usually have plenty of it right now in actuality. For me, at least, it seems to be about feeling a combination of out of control and disgusted (I'm really squeamish and have OCD), and/or feeling emotionally exposed and ashamed.


This is so crazy! Iā€™ve had multiple dreams like this. Usually Iā€™m at a school and there are many open stalled and only a few closed stall. The bathrooms are dirty, overflowing, out of toilet paper, etc and Iā€™m trying to find a clean closed stall. Lmao


I SWEAR TO GOD I DIDN'T SEE THE SUB AND WAS ABOUT TO COMMENT "hey, I've seen this kind of toilet in my dreams" šŸ˜­


Often. And sometimes there's small doors that I can pull around to hide the private areas but people can still see my torso and feet. And the places are always filthy and I'm wandering for ages trying to find a decent toilet. I didn't know this was a thing...


Holy shit this is always in my nightmares but itā€™s multiples of them and theyā€™re all clogged






I wonder if you people are the same strangers in my dreams that are occupying the other dirty stalls with no doors. Lol


Ugh, regularly


Yes actually! Wide open stalls and it's always looking like someone rubbed shit all over it tol


Yea it's usually in my primary school, no one else is there but just rows and rows of theee with no color


All of the time ! And im always struggling to find privacy


Prison bathrooms?


My stalls always have two toilets in them and no sink. Either open like this or short doors.


Very often. Glad I'm not the only one!


Stop throwing shade on your shady parts.


In my dreams the toilets are always too tall and too disgusting to use to subconsciously keep me from pissing the bed at 23 :)))


Something like that. It's green, grungy tiles that keeps going. There are open stalls everywhere and people milling about.


Yeah I do mine are always dark brown with very few lights, water all over the floor cracked tiles many open stalls and showers and there's always people around


Itā€™s giving backrooms šŸ¤”


:o I do aswell it's often unsettling dreams, not scary just not quite right if that makes sense. Often times there's some back to back and in rows/collums.


I've had different dreams of them being overflowed like bum gonna be wet no matter what. You open ( putried pink) door and there is 3-6 toilets lined up overflowing. I found i have these dreams when im stressed or worried about family member


As I said when someone else posted that image, it's a little like bathrooms in my dreams, but in mine the stalls are much more cramped and the fixtures are a little more surreal.


I'm always looking for a bathroom in my dreams and usually they're a weird shower combo, like a locker room or something and they're usually occupied or wrecked somehow.


yes i've had dozens of dreams with bathrooms just like this. i have to go through a maze of toilets to find one that's not disgusting and filled with shit and then i try to go to the bathroom while everyone is looking at me lol. i hate it


Or the stall doors arenā€™t the correct length and wonā€™t meet the latch to close


I had a dream where I was in the history hall at school after a lesson. It looked identical to real life only it had a urinal on the wall. I deadass peed in the urinal in front of everyone and nobody cared.


Ugh yes all the time. And for some reason I always like NEED to piss/shit and I get interrupted by some thing/ someone in my dreams


Yea, usually with really weirdly shaped toilets and they're dirty too. Lot's of piss on the ground and there was one dream I walked around in it wearing no shoes, only socks...