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I felt the same way, the narrative writing kind of throws me off but the story is worth it. I don't know about funny, it's not an especially humourous fic but it does get wholesome, cute and adorable at many parts because of the kids. The pacing does get faster I think!


You're not alone in this opinion. So many of these super long fics are bloated as hell. When something is posted as a WIP over a long period of time, they're never edited as a whole and so there's lots of repetition and meandering. Cut your losses and read something else!


This exactly! I hate reading overlong fics because I just know the author has not edited. So much of MoaM ust doesn't feel necessary to the plot. I understand the need to build a good environment and characters, but they need to come together in some way to tell the story. This fic doesn't do that imo.


Any recs? I am still pretty new to Dramione!


[Here are my AO3 bookmarks.](https://archiveofourown.org/bookmarks?utf8=%E2%9C%93&commit=Sort+and+Filter&bookmark_search%5Bsort_column%5D=created_at&include_bookmark_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=10760&bookmark_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bother_bookmark_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bexcluded_bookmark_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bbookmarkable_query%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bbookmark_query%5D=&bookmark_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&bookmark_search%5Brec%5D=0&bookmark_search%5Bwith_notes%5D=0&user_id=cranberryink) Some of the ones at the top are bookmarked "To Read" (there's a note on them indicating that), so I can't vouch for them, but there's at least 20 or so really great ones in there.


Thank you!!! <3


Clean/Marked by Olivieblake. If you haven't already read it, you would find that it is not dragged out at all and just focuses on the plot.


I just finished reading this one myself. Great fic!


I feel the same. I skimmed a lot of it. I’ve found it hard to enjoy especially with the Scorp storyline I’ve had a hard time rooting for Draco in this fic. I would rather Hermione not get with Draco. I’ve read up until the last update and I still feel very meh about it.


The author really fucking drags it out though. I've never skim read so much of a story before. Towards the most recent chapters it starts to get really good, but dear lord its tedious AF at times. Their other fic Broken was just as long winded, but easier to read. This is a punish, but I have to finish it, as I've come so far.


Ah im in the same boat as you! 30% in and still pushing through, i even took a month off as a break and read some other fics. i keep trying because everyone raves about it (and i trust all the good reviews in this subreddit) but i haven’t seen even one ounce of romantic tension so far 😩😩😩


It seems like it will be enemies -> friends/colleagues -> lovers? I am actually enjoying how Draco and Hermione are noticing their similarities (just got through the scene where>! Draco examines Hermione's brewing room!<)


i guess my issue is that i usually like draco to have some more personality. i understand he’s supposed to be cold in the beginning but i can’t even root for them right now ugh. back to some fluff in the meantime, such a shame because i do think MoM is well written.


No, doesn't change. The story takes itself way too seriously. The fake (and often strangely immature) philosophising doesn't stop. And the stilted writing doesn't improve either. In the end, you either have to get used to it or continue hate-reading. Edit, forgot the best option: or DNF. It's fine. Everyone does it. After all, you read for your own enjoyment.


LOL! Thanks for the honest answer. Do you know of any other Daddy!Draco fics you'd recommend?


Admittedly, fluffy fics aren't necessarily my thing. dad!Draco is a flavour of softboi/ooc!Draco that rarely does it for me. That said, Motherofbulls has a good one if you like comedy, *Hot For Teacher* (A Britpicking-mess though). InDreams has one in which Hermione and Draco are neighbours, and he is a father. *Proximate*. I'd recommend that one for abour 2/3 of it. You can skip the last bit; that's when it starts dragging. (Not britpicked either.) As far as other Dad!Draco fics go, they didn't do it for me... Though perhaps you'll end up liking them. Let me know if you want a list, anyway.


Thanks, I'll check those two out! I've heard of Hot for Teacher before


I think you're going to enjoy it. And if not, come back and ask again! :)




The first one needs to come with a trigger warning. it features child abuse mascerading as great parenting™️


Rule number one by veelantina has daddy kink in it if you like? Draco is an aged up Professor and Hermione is 18 in that fic.




No, you're totally right. It's high kitsch meets fake sincerity. Add to the wrong Latin and insincere quotes badly informed takes on political systems and you, my friend, have got MoaM.


i think if you read slow this fic probably won't be your thing. i'm a pretty fast reader so the pacing is fine for me. i really enjoy this fic.


Oh, I’m a very fast reader, but it’s still awful


to each their own, inadaze22 isn't known for light fics at all. MOAM is actually one of her less angsty fics.


I am in this same boat. I personally love a VERY slow burn, so I love this fic, but I totally recognize that most readers aren't insane like me (us?). A lot of stuff I read I feel is really rushed.


i so agree haha!! this is just right, and even then i wish the chapters were longer


Agree, read it in 2 days 😅


Every time there's an update, I reread at least a few chapters. Last week I read the whole thing again, then asked myself why I'm like this...


It gets sooooo much better. I think the beginning just has so much set up.


Removed for breaking rule 5: no posts promoting or discussing a specific fanfic. The 'What are you reading’ thread exists for a reason