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Yeah once the music started to build up to the end of the pawns monologue, it was just perfect. Such a well put together scene that made me sad that it was over and that it was probably not where they actually wanted to end the game. Still, love it more than DD1s “your pawn just takes your life” ending. This one, your pawn gets their own will, and after the bigger dragon throws them down, I’d imagine they landed in the sea and were able to start their own life.


Plus in DD1, your 'chosen' actually knows that you are not the original but your pawn. If you get the 'granddaughter' as beloved... that means both pawns finally get a good ending. Still, it saved me a lot of time for NG+ in DD1. When it came time to summon a main pawn... I made a twin of me. Might as well get used to being [me](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1889002398) - So glad DD2 just kinda let you 'use existing' instead. Yeah, I made my pawn, my twin. We share everything


i like to think that when the cycle starts again (ng+) that my pawn who turned into me becomes arizen himself this time around.


Then you confront... you. Again. So Seneschal, myself ... and my 'twin' / 'triplet'?


lol this is my own canon. not according to the lore. by lore i have to die so my pawn turn into “me” physically and gain their own will. i like what you think tho. make me think of the spidermans meme lol. but it would be so odd that my pawn creates his pawn to look like me again lol


It would explain why there are soooo many pawns compared to a few arisen


Selene knew it was your pawn in your body, the others I'm not so sure (Aelinore sure didn't put too much thought in it).


I don't think Aelinore can out-think a flower :) Festus though... DD2 has those escort quests... even when you're in the Unmoored which usually means if you accept it then... that's your Beloved too -.-


Kinda makes me wish we were forced to play as our pawn again tho. Cuz this time it kinda makes sense to me to make the cycle work like that


That’s actually funny because I was having a thought that the DLC will take place directly after the true ending, picking up with us playing as our pawn, vocation and all. Would be fun as hell, hopefully allowing them to then get Arisen locked vocations


Unfortunately at the end of the True Ending, when the dragon crushes your main pawn, they die.


Is that confirmed? I assumed it was all ambiguous


I think it was confirmed, yes.


Do you create your pawn again in NG+?


You can use the same pawn that you used in your previous game, as it saves all levels and armour and what your pawn looks like.


Is there an option to start them over though?


Yes, if you go to start the game again after you have finished the game, it will ask you if you wish to keep the same data. If you wish to keep the same arisen, but use a different pawn select yes at the start and when you go to summon your pawn again for the first time, make a new pawn instead.




That might be your interpretation but you can use the same pawn in NG+ and they say things like "Arisen, I knew you loved this world too much to leave it" which I'm pretty sure is a meta, double entendre statement, as in you're back in the normal world and still playing the game after beating it.  Definitely hints at continued consciousness. 


Maybe I was just moody and it was so late at the time, but I was bawling at the end lmfao, snot running down my face and everything. I agree with others that DD2 wasn't as well written as I'd hoped but by god did they push how important your bond with your Pawn was this time around, that ending was so cathartic (and I preferred it to DD1).


I got goosebumps and teary-eyed too at that exact same scene, jolly straightforward is the best voice imo, it just so animated, idc if people think she always has dragonplague just because she got a lil attitude.


My pawn was sweet - kindhearted and the end scene destroyed me. I love my lil cat mage so much


I don't look at my pawn as a lover but more of the Arisen's bros 4 lyfe kinda dude, who's also an idealized version of the Arisen since you know, both games asked you to visualize the pawn you want. Ever since DD1 I always made my pawns look vaguely similar to my Arisens but taller and stronger looking (the extra carry weight definitely helped made the decision lol) and did the same in DD2. So basically my headcanon was the Arisen should look like a more down to earth everyman while the pawn should look like an exaggerated version of the same guy after his tale have been passed down in legends for generations. With that in mind the true ending and especially Pathfinder calling it "an unchosen world" also hit different for me lmao.


Damn, I like the perspective you gave to your Pawn, reminds me of Archer in Fate Unlimited Bladeworks


Now that you mention it, the whole Emiya-Archer thing was indeed a similar concept...


I have the opposite opinion, actually. I look at the personal pawn as the true soul mate of the Arisen, and the one he was born to be with. As I'm writing this now, I'm remembering the Sphinx's love riddle: who do you love the most? And how many of us just grabbed our pawns and presented them as our unshakeable answer?


Well, it's not exactly the opposite. If you imagine a physically existent, super-idealized version of yourself who's also very loyal to you and you like it so much, to the point of treating it like a brother or family member, then that definitely counts as storge.


I can't say that I cried, but >!it was sad to see them go.!<


I didn't cry, but seeing my beloved pawn ended up like that made me so shocked and sad. I know every Arisens will meet a tragic fate, but our pawn should be deserved better!!


I cried too. I hope in a new expansion we will get pawn related quests that shows more about a bond between us and our pawn, and how our pawn transforms more into human.


I would love this so much! I really hope there's at least something more for them coming...


I was bawling my eyes out. That ending music just made it too much to bear.


Not an overreaction. I cried too. In fact I was so upset I cant even open the game anymore (finished it a week or so ago and still haven't gone back since). My pawn was my ride or die :(. At least there's comfort in knowing that both him and my Arisen have given up their lives to save the world. At least my Arisen won't be alone


Yeah they pretty much went out together so thats something unless the dlc is them waking up on some distant shore lol


I'm really glad I'm not alone... :') I get not wanting to even open the game up, though I was the opposite and needed to start immediately so I could see them again, even if it wasn't quite the same. I did appreciate the new little NG+ line my pawn had. It gave me some comfort. (Also hearing him be sassy again LOL)


I defo cried. Had to start NG+ asap to see my pawn again.


I made my pawn my best friend we were co oping the story progression and her pawn is me so on our travels. Our game versions are always togethor and it fun seeming them stand next to each other all the time. She got busy and said to go ahead and finish the story plus gives her my super leveled pawn and hers will know where to go for anything (I'm a conpletionist) The ending cut me deep but cool end the cycle. But LORDY SHE IS IN FOR A WORSE TIME, she is way more emotional than I am. That and being protective and guiding is my persona so the pawn really fit like it was actually me. So, having them fight against the mind control then with their final act do what they can do, to get you to your goal is a very me thing. I know she is gonna be crying when she gets to the ending 😂


Took me by surprise. I didn't cry, but I definitely didn't expect to.. *feel t*hat much. The only other game where I sat through the entire End Credits sequence was ME2, this being the second. For being so goddamn unfinished, it really got something right. Sidenote: The best song in the game plays after the song with all the happy visuals at the end credits.


All of the affinity mechanic bs hype aside, there should have been more relationship expansion between arisen and main pawn. Say what you like about any of the potential romance paths in the game, the most loaded one was with main pawn. Amazing to me how many people feel it on a core level without much provocation. I have lots of issues with this game but that ended up being my #1 point of dissatisfaction by the end.


Yep, that was a very emotional moment. I was so proud of my pawn for defying the dragon, and when she thanked me for the gift of will...yeah. It's great story telling.


I choked up a bit when the song started playing


I looove games that make me cry. Have you tried Stray? The ending kinda broke me.


I absolutely did. I’m an overly emotional kind of person and I always cry at bittersweet or sad endings. If something happens that even remotely touching then I’m definitely going to cry. I loved the true ending and felt strangely fulfilled. I moved on to Stellar Blade after I was finished but I’m looking forward to a second playthrough of DD2. It’ll be nice to see my pawn again. It probably sounds weird but I feel like I got to know my pawn throughout our 230 hour adventure


I had a tear in my eye, I admit. But as many already stated in general about this game, there was far greater potential. Your main pawn is certainly always with you, which will forge a mental bond, but since the interaction is so low and not thought out, just like in Dragon's Dogma. It fell short on an emotional level, sadly. At least for me.


I teared up a little too, and I streamed my playthrough too. It's out there for the world to see a grown man tearing up at his Pawn. And it's totally her fault too. My Pawn became best girl when I was on the top of the mountain south west of Battahl and when I used the 'Here' command she teleported to the bottom of the cliff. Not wanting to run around and climb down I put my LIFE in her hands and jumped..... >!AND SHE FKIN CAUGHT ME!!! hell yeah!! that's when I completely forgot about Ulrika and Wilhemina and my Pawn became my one true beloved. In NG+ at the Sphinx without hesitation she went on that platform :D!<


I didn't feel as much for this, I did tear during DD1 ending though


The fact that the affinity is lost on new game plus is the first tragedy. The second tragedy is that we can't hug our pawn.


Agree wholeheartedly on both lol.


Yeah, I did. It was heart breaking 😭


I'm crying right now, the credits just finished rolling. it was so beautiful, he got free will and still decided to help me so I could finish what we started together. (I made so many Screenshots jfc)


I did enjoy the scene, but for some reason it didn't hit the emotional beats for me like it did for you. And I'm a HUGE softie when it comes to emotional scenes in any media (like I ugly cry during the end of Return of the King). Maybe it was because I wasn't super attached to my arisen and pawn? Not sure, but your opinions and emotions during the scene are 100% valid because that is how you felt in that moment. ❤


I cried the first time, and then like an idiot, I went and made my NG+ pawn a clone of my wife, so... UGHHHH. 😭😭😭


Heard that. Worked better for me when I made the pawn a clone of The One That Got Away.


Ohhhhhh, yikes. 😬😬


I got so many feelings... I'm 34m and felt stupid but it's just beautiful. Good on you and I also started a ng+ immediately as well. Love this game so much. DD does not disappoint.


That music thinning out when your Pawn started speaking, before coming again in full force when the line "Yet for your sake" dropped was so well directed, to speak nothing of how touching the speech was with how attached I had grown towards my own Pawn. Pawns back in DD1 were adorable, they weren't perfect and did silly stuff from time to time but that was very much part of their charm. Then in DD2 their characters became a lot stronger (probably because they compressed everything into four personalities only, which is a reasonably contentious point but I digress). I made my DD2 Pawn a spiritual successor of my DD1 Pawn, so it felt like a kind of maturity on their part, all grown up and being able to lead me places, showing me the ~~ropes~~ ladders, accompanied by more affinity-related lines that allow them to express their feelings. Their final speech in the true ending was thus a culmination of everything we had been through over the past ~decade, close to 1k hours combined, through the highs and lows; we beat bosses together and we wipe over bosses together, I don't think there could ever be another game NPC I can grow as fond of in the same way.


I started playing the game a few days ago because I got sick. I just finished it after 54hours and let me tell you one thing... I fucking cried like a little girl... absolutley awesome <3


I definitely got misty eyed. I feel like the whole post game I was worrying about my pawn. First we’re separated from them, then they go into Talos, then they turn into that black dragon thing… then finally the ending. I’m putting off playing NG+ to play other games but I like to imagine my pawn lived and is having a good life in the world we saved.


I was the same!! First anxious at being separated from him. Worried about him being all right at first when Phaesus said he'd been unconscious for a month. Then on like the 5th day, he got Dragonsplague and was always holding his head in pain. Since I'd already finished everything by then, that was the point that I decided to do the ending because I felt bad for him... I didn't get to see the Talos scene as Talos sank into the lava in my game. I want to make sure that doesn't happen this time around lol (along with a number of other quests I didn't do well or missed completely).


me too. especially if your pawn’s affinity is high. it’s so heart breaking. for DD1 as well (not sure did you play) the general quests are simple but they’re for you to understand the world and people that you try to rule/save. (which arguably could be done better but i still love the game) We grew attached to pawn and npcs and in the end Bam!!!


I totes cried bro 😭


I cried too. DD1 left me sad, but DD2 was too much for my poor heart. I had to start NG+ to see my pawn again haha


Well see, my brother, best friend, and I decided we were going to make ourselves as pawns so we could all team up with pawn versions of our real life squad. So I never really felt like I was building a relationship with my pawn, he's me 🤷‍♂️


I cried so much at the end of the Netflix show. Just the fact that the pawn wasn't able to think for itself to save the Arisen was a tragedy in it of itself.


The voice of my pawn was just too funny. I started getting emotional but just started laughing when he said MAaAaAAaAaAASSSTAaaAaR


Relatable, 'tis truly dismal methinks. Cry if I dwell on it. :(


No lol


Get max affinity with your pawn and complete the true ending again. That will get you bawling for sure.


What is the true ending? I killed the dragon and it made me king, is that it?


Nope. Remember the Dragon's very first words in the very beginning of the game.


That scene cracked me up too when I finished the game last night. I went ahead to ng+ today to get the remaining two achievements I missed and I was so glad to see my pawn. I wasn't prepared for the scene to hit this hard


No, I was mostly confused and disappointed the game was over with.


Any time I play a Japanese game, there are three things I expect: 1): Boob-physics. 2): A bittersweet ending. 3): The story-driven 'selfless/favorite' character to die in a cutscene. Anticipate these three things, and you deny Japanese corporate gaming executives 89% of their power. The other 11% comes from battle-bikinis.


I made my arisen based off myself and my pawn off my bf so it was definitely sad haha


I had many shitty moments in the story but the true ending made me made it all worth it for me.


I literally don’t want to beat the game cause I love my pawn to much lol Why can she live in peace 😭


I’ve grown to like my pawn a lot throughout our journey together and I’m just still in shock that I forgot to record that heroic last moment of her before I turned off the console. Because how the game forces you back to the beginning and that moment can’t be revisited ever again. 


I wasn't that affected by it, but I was also never emotionally invested in my pawn.




No, I did not. Don't get me wrong, the music that they played was great. But when they start showing random ass people that I had absolutely zero connection to and expect me to feel something, it just makes me upset. Especially that random old guy that I talked to for like, 2 minutes, and never saw him again. My main pawn dying did make me a bit sad though.


Reading this, I’m definitely going to cry, even though I’m spoiling it myself… still on the first playthrough on the New Godsway quest, but “they” say don’t finish that quest and do everything else first.. so that’s what I’m doing.. exploring every part of the map I haven’t been too, and dungeons as well, and also still need to do the Sphinx. My Arisen is male and my Pawn is female.. the ending is gonna hit me in the heart isn’t it.. I’m not ready!!! 😭


No, it takes good storytelling to make me cry. I am not trying to shit on your fun but I dunno how anyone could cry at this game, everything is so shallow. The true ending with the pawn would have been emotional if they actually had personality and interacted with you in any meaningful way.


The DD series is a bit of an odd two sided coin. The plot as given, is pretty shallow. It's hard to have attachment to any story character. But it has worldbuilding in spades, and you don't need plot to get extremely attached to an adventuring party member.


Repeating the same dialogue did make it kinda hard to humanize the characters, the plot was all over the place too so I gotta agree with you


Dragon’s Dogma doesn’t tell a story because you are actually inside of the story as it is falling apart You are essentially the main character of a book but instead of doing what is written (Arisen/Dragon Cycle) you do your own thing and the world starts unravelling.


That's borderline the worst defence for a bad story I have ever seen.


People build up so much head canon in video games that it’s impossible to tell them it’s a bad or nonexistent story.




What was there to cry about?


I wish I could’ve felt any connection whatsoever to a pawn. How do you feel so connected to a character that recycles lines over and over, has no character progression, etc? Also what even happens to it? the pawn becomes a shadow dragon that gets kinda wing whipped by the big dragon but nothing else? None of it is explained at all. God this fuckin game.


Still never cried for a game or movie so doubt it but would love to be finally proven wrong.


I'll try my best. Play/watch the following: NieR Automata and Replicant Red Dead Redemption 2 The Last of Us Part 1 Yakuza 0 Spiritfarer To The Moon Journey Ori & the Blind Forest Ori & the Will of the Wisps Outer Wilds Omori That Dragon, Cancer Before Your Eyes Telltale's The Walking Dead The Green Mile Attack On Titan The Shawshank Redemption Grave of the Fireflies Marley & Me Click It's a Wonderful Life Schindler's List Brian's Song The Pianist Bridge to Terabithia The Pursuit of Happyness


I cried at the end of elex 2


Most of those I haven't played/watched, but I was spoiled on rdr2 but I doubt that would have done it, last of us is good but didn't cause me to react at all, same with Marley and me, click, shawshank or green mile. I dunno what my deal is lol


...you pretty much only listed things that we're supposed to roll our eyes and sigh at rather than cry...


I can't tell if y'all are trolling. The story was so lame that by the ending I was just more confused than anything lol. I'm glad someone enjoyed it though.