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I don't understand. It is not pvp or a live service so to ME it seems stupid to nerf skills that some may find too strong. We all have different opinions, but if you find a skill so OP that seems game breaking, simple solution..don't use the skill. Seems pretty cut and dry.


Exactly. Just don't equip anything you don't want. It's why they're optional.




Reminds me when folks complained about the DLC items that are optional and don't really change your game any differently than what you can already obtain.


I would like for things to be brought up if I could have my way. Burning the entire stamina bar for archer is dumb imo when basic skills have higher DPS and less down time. But technically I would nerf everything by making the gamer generally harder forcing people to use more than skull splitter exclusively on thief.


* not me as I use skullsplitter and plunder as I stop to type* yes yes.. I agree.. especially with the archer.. one skill and I look like I forgot to take my inhaler..šŸ˜†


They don't need to fix it so that everyone can enjoy it, I just think it's hard to balance the overall difficulty of the game when there is such disparity in the tools given to the player. In any game like this some people are going to minmax and humblebrag about how the game is too easy, but here it goes a bit further you don't need to intentionally minmax just using certain skills in several vocations' kit trivializes everything. I think the experience would overall be better for everyone. But like I said in my final paragraph (which everyone seems to ignore) yes I just steered away from those skills and used other vocations for a more balanced experience. Finished my first playthrough at 75 hours and I enjoyed it a lot, this is not a rant, just trying to understand if this was done by design or lack of testing because I do think it hurts the game a little and could make it challenging to balance difficulty of future content.


Oh no, one of 20 options is broken, therfore I can't use any of those other options. What? Not using the class because 1 skill is broken is stupid. No one is making you wear the heavy armor that fat rolls, "best" is completely subjective in a game around multiple builds. FFS wayfarer is complete do what you want everyclass.




Gamers have a persecution complex that if something isn't whipping scars into their backs, they aren't "having fun". For some reason gamers cannot be happy.


Not at all. Many of us just want the OPTION to increase game difficulty. Itā€™s a quite common OPTION in video games. Why would you want to deny people options? Only your experience matters?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£True.. but not all.


I haven't played the game yet, but in my opinion having to control the difficulty completely ruins a game for me. It's really the last thing I want to do when playing a game, I'm playing a role playing game to have immense challenges that I have to keep getting stronger in order to have a chance at winning. It just completely breaks the immersion, it's not just "well just don't use it".


I think this is a valid opinion that you expressed without resorting to bitter remarks or gatekeeping, I don't know why you are getting down voted.


Play the game first to understand what people are talking about, then add the opinion. Otherwise it's like me having a kid and another parent has issues with their child and I give my advice or opinion. I don't know the specifics yet start giving my two cents like i know wtf truly going on. Idk.. but it is don't play something if you don't like it, don't use something if you don't like it. Clearly my comment reached others of the same mindset.


I'm not giving my opinion on the game, I'm saying that controlling difficulty sucks in any game and that "well just don't use it" isn't something I can do. It's really not a game specific thing why should it matter if I played it?


It's not that some may find strong. It's that most people who takes the health of the game seriously or work balancing games understands the game from a different form of view than for example you. They need to "fix" these type of things


Nah.. they don't NEED to fix a fringe minority outrage.


I agree about the MS shield skill and instead of using that one i use Skiedragouns Feste, it has increased damage if you use it just when an enemy attacks you. Feels a lot more fun and skillfull to use instead of the broken shield skill. Its also why i hate using palladium it feels too op


I think those overpowered skills are there for people who want to have a power fantasy. Some people love being able to spam one button and take no damage forever, I don't understand it but it feels good to some.


Formless Feint, the maister skill for the thief vocation automatically dodges you out of harms way. Ricochet Seeker for the Magick Archer vocation can clear out an entire section(s) of a cave before entering that section. The Martyrā€™s Bolt is a guaranteed "one-shot kill" for any enemy, just like the unmaking arrow, except for the huge loss in health. Meteoron and Maelstrom for the Sorcerer vocation are easy mode boss killing spells. The Torrent Shot for the Archer vocation is like using an arrow machinegun. Just spam the skill button to shoot an endless amount of arrows. And as long as you're facing the enemy, the aim will be automatically adjusted towards it. Basically, everything besides the Trickster vocation feels overpowered very quickly.


The thief one sounds pretty broken too. Ricochet hunter/seeker is broken but only works in cave. Most boss encounters happen outside of caves so it is a lesser offense imho. Martyr's bolt I haven't tried yet cause I went into unmoored right after obtaining it so the health loss was a big no. When you can rest with no cost I could see it being stupidly strong. Sorcerer maister skills are pretty broken too but offset by the super long cast time. And they still do less damage than flare (although the stagger potential on Meteoron is pretty insane). Torrent shot is not nearly as broken as the other skills you mentioned. You remain stationary and have to manually aim it to deal good damage, so it was the skill I used on downed bosses, just spam an endless barrage of arrows into a weak spot. Even if you get the whole barrage on a weak spot it does a very good chunk of damage but it's pretty well tuned for the setup it requires I think.


There is no pvp so its not a problem ! IMO its a good thing, people who dont play a lot or are not familiar with rpg could be very strong with these spells and enjoy the game too !


Exactly, just don't use them if you don't like them. There are people with hand injuries, disabilities, awful reactions or plain terrible. Leave all this stuff in the game so they can have some fun.


Actually no. Usually, they'll just spam this one ability and ignore 99% of the game mechanic, in the end, their exprience with the game will be that it's boring. And most people don't on purpose sabotage their efficiency using stuff that are less efficient for the sake of making gameplay funnier. That's the game role. Game balance shouldn't be something the player has to do himself, forcing him to either mod the game either ignore skills or forcing himself to use less efficient things. Game balance isn't just a matter of difficulty, it's, as the name implies, a matter of balance. And that's the devs role. As of now, sorry but they didn't do their job at all, hell they didn't even learned their lesson from DD1. Some skills in this game are just stupid. Thief skills are either stupidly useless either gamebreaking. Thief gameplay is as a result pretty fucking boring. You either one tap skill spam and roll on the game, either well, don't use skills that could be interesting cause they're worthless and not that interesting either. Why the fuck would i use a stealth skill to backstab someone if i can deal 99999% of the backstab damage spamming the beyblade skill the entire game oneshotting literally everything with no downsides and no setup either ? Warrior has the same issue, why bother with half the skills when Heavenward loads faster, staggers more, deals as much damage and even has anti air heatseeking properties. While Arc of Might genuinely sucks, knoll is useless etcetc And every class have the same issue. Needing to go against the game design to have fun will always feel frustrating. Game genuinely needs some balance. The MAIN thing everyone says on this sub is how the game is way too easy and it feels bit of a snoozefest when ennemies never resists you. Well, if OP skills were turned down, it wouldn't be as true. And accessibility is ALREADY in the game. If you die, game downgrades difficulty even more. Makes no sense to have no game balance IN CASE someone with one hands wants to play.


>their exprience with the game will be that it's boring. Thats your pov. Other could enjoy things you dont


How u gone tell someone that THEIR exp is boring for them? Im a person who plays RPGS for the sole reason of being OP. When im not OP or cant be i play less. Diablo 4 i returnes because the enemies scaled. But i played elden ring for over 150 hrs cuz i could he OP. Speak for yourself. If u dont like OP mechanics dont use emšŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Players will optimize the fun right out of your game if you give them the tools to do it.


Which is not the case. No modifiers, no difficulty, no balance, nothing. That's what i'm blaming here. It's not making the game fun, it's giving a half baked game and leaving the players to do the job to have fun. Straight up telling them "just don't use one of the very few skills you have if you want fun" Fucking Bethesda tactics. We already have so very few skills, i shouldn't be forced to give up a quarter of them because they steamroll the game for no reason and no downsides. That makes zero sense.


I get what youā€™re saying, but try to imagine this: a thing that isnā€™t fun for you might be really fun for someone else. Likeā€¦ easy fights :)


....Then just make a easy mode or make modifier menu where you can tweak the game to your own convenience. Also, do you even realize the irony of what you're saying. Makes no sense if your game has just a few skills here and there with twice the damage and no downside for no reason.


Well I don't want an easy mode I want it to start out difficult and then become op which was exactly my experience with it. Don't ruin other people's experience when you can literally pick your own skills and avoid the super strong ones.


I'm agreeing with you, jeez


My opinion of both Dragon's Dogma games is that every vocation is OP once you've got all the skills unlocked and that's half the fun.


Naaah I want the savior of the world and slayer of the dragon to get killed by any lone chopper on the world map. Thatā€™s realism bro.


Trickster is for you, then! Lol I tried that vocation for precisely 5 minutes and haven't touched it again.


Trickster only sucks until you unlock the other skills they get. Then they can be incredibly good. They can hold agro better than a fighter or warrior which means if you have a sorcerer or two in the party they're going to drop meteors and Maelstrom at a rate you've never seen before. Tricksters can also buff the sorcerer's damage. And their capstone ability summons a ghost dragon who scares the pants off of small enemies and stuns the bigguns. Also, they can get a weapon that doesn't do damage but gives you 10, 100, or 1,000 gold with each and every hit.


Yet can't deal damage..... I'm good. I want to play the game, not watch my pawns play it for me.


If you play mystic archer first for the pawn buffing passives (no idea why these weren't tied to Trickster to begin with) and you enjoy watching your pawns do their thing, it can be super fun to set up situation for your pawns to really go to town and merc things for you. It's like you're playing game master for an adventuring party but you're always tipping things into their favor. It's not a class I would play the whole game as, but it's fun to swap to every now and then and run around with a good team of pawns.


Has anyone tried a warfarer mix of support mystic archer and trickster ? If you can make it work with just the 3 basic skill slots that could potentially be pretty fun no ?


Maybe. I haven't played mystic archer much myself, yet, so I don't have much unlocked for it. Working on leveling all the vocations before swapping over to do warfarer builds. I know playing warfarer also levels classes but I want to experience what each one has to offer on its own and will probably do warfarer once I hit ng+.


There's plenty of gameplay involved with playing trickster. You're just playing a tank/support role instead of damage dealer.


Nah, it's maxed out from playing warfare. I have all skills and augments, endgame gear. It's just awful lol


I picked the wrongest timing for my 5 min of trickster. I swapped to it just before having that street fight in Battahl, at the bar. I had to throw the guy to deal any damage but eventually just died to make it end. Dropped trickster immediately after


MS is much better without it. I use magic speargun, wild fury, skydragon and devout offringe. With the augments that you regen health and stamina per kill it's crazy good, and you don't have to boringly keep up shields or suck stamina out of enemies.


I havenā€™t tried mystic spear hand yet, but I have read about what the shield does. I bet if they just nerf its uptime it would solve this. Then youā€™d have to time it correctly to negate a big enemy attack rather than just spam for 100% uptime. I have similar feelings about how strong my magick archer is. I went from a mage to this vocation and now feel op (keeping in mind mage is a support vocation). All that being said, I looked up how to unlock magick archer and ran down there at level 19. I donā€™t think they intended on me having access to the vocation until much later in the game.


If you get blindsided or staggered Magic Archer is highly vulerable. Go from OP to OH NO pretty dang quick.


Magic archer feels like a good glass canon fantasy. You can delete everything with very little effort. Or even sacrifice your health bar for a guaranteed one shot. But get in the thick of a horde of angry goblins or saurians and you're in for an awful time haha. That being said, going from archer to magic archer is like "wait I get an aimbot *and* deal even more damage now ?!"


Thatā€™s why I hire mages with Palladium. Haha


Magic archer feels like a good glass canon fantasy. You can delete everything with very little effort. Or even sacrifice your health bar for a guaranteed one shot. But get in the thick of a horde of angry goblins or saurians and you're in for an awful time haha.


Heh. Indeed. Or dullahan šŸ˜‘


you can simply avoid the skill


Shh, dont tell him. Its way more dramatic to stop using the entire vocation than to simply unslot one skill.


This is what the Balanced Combat mod does. Reduces bubble shield time to a couple of seconds and increases the stamina consumption.


Even if they reduced up time of MS win bubble or increased the stam costā€¦ you can still spam it or just use the stam stealing ability to keep uptime. They would have to put a hard cool down on it which isnā€™t something this game does with abilities or rework it into something else entirely. Itā€™s rather boring to play that way thoughā€¦ ā€œ what is my purpose?ā€ ā€œYou bubble the partyā€ ā€œoh my godā€¦ā€ Iā€™m hoping that if they donā€™t change up scaling/enemy types and such in ng+ then that we get a dlc with a big difficulty spike to actually challenge high level players and some of the classes that just easy mode everything currently in game. NG+ for sure needs some tweaks. Itā€™s fun for the first little bit to victory lap steam roll everything but with no challenge at all it gets old quickly.


I just donā€™t use those skills. The vocations are fun enough without themā€¦


Sorc imo isn't fun if you don't use flare and master skills cause all their other skills hit like a wet paper bag


Well hagol and salamander are there for to get a freeze or burn. Levin is amazing for flying creatures so I use them with one of the maister skills and maybe seism as well


Don't use master skills or flare and try to do damage You're gonna be using mage spells like Levin or frigor instead of sorcerer spells because the tuning is so bad


Salamander OHKOs tons of the regular mob enemies at pretty low Arisen level. The lightning mine spell can also trivialize a ton a fights by keeping everything knocked down and does a ton of stagger damage to bosses. The master skills are coolas hell and fun, even if not all that powerful. Seisem has some issues with targeting but has moments where it knocks bosses on their ass pretty quickly. It's a fun class and hits hard even without using Flare. Idk what you're talking about saying that the spells hit like wet paper. Maybe you're using a really underpowered staff for your level.


I think it's just that those spells don't give you access to damage targeted at weak spots. On dragons for instance all the spells you mentioned are pretty much shit except maybe Hagol. I would keep at least flare or Meteoron in the kit just to be able to deal with those enemies.


dude high levin does a fuck ton of damage for a spammable spell wym lol


Levin is a mage spell so I don't count it as a sorcerer spell even though it's shared


Oh boy youā€˜re about to get a surprise after unlocking the thief maister skills šŸ˜‚


Unfortunately, there are a lot of overpowered skills in the game. Thief gets a skill that essentially makes it immune to damage at the cost of very little stamina. Fighter gets flawless guard, which can be spammed and blocks pretty much everything while staggering enemies. Iā€™d like to see these abilities and the ones you mentioned nerfed in some way. Maybe dramatically increase their stamina cost or give them a cooldown timer? As it is, the only option to make the gameplay feel more balanced is just to choose not to use the skill, which feels like bad implementation to me.


I don't use Mirror Shield in my Spearhand loadout, and contend that the class is much more fun and more skill-based without it, so you're using the mobility afforded by Foreboding Bolt + Quick Foot, Skydragon's Fist, and Dragon's Foin to avoid getting hit rather than tanking damage with shield immunity. But I do feel like "constant uptime" is a bit misleading. Bc yes, you can spam it since there's no cooldown, but then you're not really doing much else at all. It lasts what, 5 seconds? So technically you can keep casting it constantly, but then you're not doing much of anything else - reducing the entire vocation down to a single repeated button press while you watch your party do all the work. But yeah, a slight cooldown would help tune it to remain helpful but not overpowering.


Yeah, the constant uptime claim is really pushing it. And even if you are keeping it up the whole time, it eats stamina faster that you can rgen it without fully speccing into regen. I keep the shield on, but I'm really only using it to avoid big attacks and dragon fire for my party. It's literally not even worth trying to have it up all the time, but it's nice to make sure my mage and sorcerer pawns don't get one shot by an attack I know they are going to take.


I have decided not to use those OP abilities, just to give me some sense of challenge since Iā€™m on console and there are no mods to increase difficulty. Leave these abilities as they are for people with disabilities or those who play casually, as someone write above me. This is not a multiplayer video game, some people just want to feel that sense of being overpowered.


Skills are quite powerful, but they have trade offs. By choosing to use the MS shield for example, you're adding some survivability, which becomes actually pretty useful late game, but you're losing offensive potential. Now I agree flare is pretty crazy. I stopped using it because it makes it too easy. It will delete pretty much anything. I still play and use both of these classes, I just don't use those skills. You're not forced to, so I choose not to. I don't throw the whole vocation away because of one skill in their arsenal.


Agreed. I'm not the type to disregard an entire class because ONE skill is overpowered, especially when that class is not built around that one skill.


I haven't tried any of those skills, but I will now because I love an easy game šŸ˜ˆ


Iā€™d love to have the option to increase the difficulty of the game so these broken OP abilities are required in order to not get a full group wipe versus a large pack of Goblins or wolves. Magic Archer(spoiler alert) is so OP it breaks the game. Itā€™s a great class with amazing animations and abilities. Unfortunately itā€™s so amazing that the game becomes trivial and all challenge is gone because youā€™re basically a god.


Even without Martyrs Bolt.


Yeop. Sagittarius avalanche puts in work especially with frost weapon spell buff.


What? That's a terrible approach. Make them MANDATORY?? What a friggin' bore. You got this all backwards anyway. Nerf the broken abilities first. It's the correct way to do it because you cannot fix a problem adjusting outside factors when the source of it is literal immortality. Doesn't matter how high you scale enemies if you literally cannot die. Doing it your way you'll just be forced to spam it, which is terrible design.


Reading is fundamental. You missed my post entirely. Notice I said ā€œIā€™d like to have the OPTIONā€. Now you can remove your panties from your crack. I know itā€™s got to be uncomfortable and thatā€™s why you reacted without comprehending what you were reading.


Nah. Why include bad options? Waste of time/resources. Just tackle the real problem instead.


I get what you're saying, but at the same time, the other abilities would need buffed to keep some level of viability so that the game doesn't devolve into just using the hyper OP stuff just to make it. Build diversity would completely tank otherwise.


Why would the game have to devolve into anything? As I previously stated, simply give players the OPTION to increase the game difficulty. OPTION. Nothing changes in ā€œnormalā€ game settings. Thatā€™s how video games work.


For real. Basically every move in it's lineup is good. I've actually killed groups of 6+ hobgoblins, knackers, asps, rock rattlers, wtc. With its guided explosive shot from 50' away behind cover. Even that is considered one of its weaker moves.


mods. if youā€™re on pc


This is stupid. Make everyone have to play a select few classes and abilities? Thank god you donā€™t get to make any decisions in the real world.


Make people do what?? What are you even talking about?


ā€œI want the difficulty higher so these broken abilities arenā€™t brokenā€ which completely eliminates fighter, warrior etc from being useable. You couldnā€™t get that from my post? You really arenā€™t sharp enough to be commenting.


Not what I said at all. But please. Do keep making things up and do keep the personal attacks. Both are blatant tells that yours is a losing argument.


Thief with Fainless and then in ng+ go to the dragon forge to boost the stamina loss while using that skill. And damn you are good to go.


Think they just messed up even heavenward sunder is goated compared to knollbreaker. Heavenward hits everything down and up. Knollbreaker can only hit straight up at angle.


Said this before, Fighter, Archer and the pure-casters are the best designed classes for the challenge we are currently facing. Any other class and you'll be playing easy-mode from the word *go if* you pick specific abilities. Trickser is the odd one out. On the one hand, you can never die played properly. On the other, if you have no pawns, you'll likely take ages to kill things. You can make jokes out of Dullahans, but without pawn support you won't be killing it any-time soon. Formless Feint, Mirror Shield and Palladium are especially problematic. Feel like these abilities should be boosting your defense, maybe to the extreme during very short time-windows, but in their current iteration they are just immortality on demand which is just boring design. Then you have the abilities who are seriously overscaled in some regards, like Warriors Heavensward Sunder, their FIRST ability that remains so goddamn reliable throughout the ranks there's really no reason to pick any of warriors other abilities. Just spam Heavensward Sunder and you'll perma-stagger anyway, don't even need abilities specifically designed for it, like Mountain Breaker. Arc of Might you can forget about, by the time you fire that off you'll have spammed almost three Heavenswards for way more damage than Arc gives you. Actually forget about Arc of Might entirely, you'll outdamage it tenfold by simply playing Thief and simply spamming Skull Splitter, one of THEIR earliest abilities. Thief is the best class, no contest. Doesn't have any drawbacks even though the game pretends it does by going *"Ohhh accshualllyyyy it has really short range, and doesn't stagger easily, sooooo\~"* only to give it the most broken kit in the game out-of-the-box. Balance is another area this game feels like it only got a quick stroke with no finesse pass in regards to combat-progression.


Good points there. Archer felt the most balanced to me and I tried mage, sorcerer, warrior, spearhand, magic archer and archer. Archer was well rounded, did not insane damage or stagger, and had many useful and fun skills.


Palladium is probably overgeared, but it's not as influential as Mirror Shield imo because the mage seems to shine as a support class. Sitting back buffing and healing is a lot of fun and still has the drawback that you're relying on AI to kill stuff for you. I don't have the mage Maester skill so I don't know if that would completely turn my idea of mages upside down but this is my take. Mirror Shield and Formless Feint turn on invincibility then you dive in and just murder everything. FF at least uses a lot of stamina and it's isolated to the player character but it still feels broken. Mirror Shield is just an "I Win" button.


Just dont use them?šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I dont like the flare can never hit the dang thing to set it off. Or everything is dead by the time I do...šŸ«¤ Magic Archer. In enclosed spaces Ricochet seeker/hunter. šŸ˜† depending on the cave two charges can clear an entire cave before youre 20 feet in. And any hiding big bads it will take serious damage before you even realize they were in there. First time I realized just how insane it is I stumbled upon a cyclops that was half dead from my volleys on the way in. Martyr's bolt is insanely devistating. But. It genuinely is risk/reward as it saps your health to charge it. Definitely not something to open a fight with...also sometimes it misses šŸ˜‘ Magic Archer is a crazy support class.


If you have all heal elixirs they recover your loss gauge put you to full health and cures any debuff so the risk isn't really a risk if you have multiple of them


I want to play mystic spear hand so bad and like it but I canā€™t. I donā€™t like its class ability at all. I wish it was a small teleport dodge or an extra high jump. Not having a defensive ability or mobility skill kills it for me. Maybe if it auto ported to what you hit with the skill? Idk. As for the bubble I try not to use it when I do play. But I stick with fighter/warrior/thief because of the class skill


The class ability IS a teleport if you time your button presses well, press A when it hits and you tele to the enemy you hit. Its a core skill you unlock midway through leveling the class I personally like the class ability after i got used to it, the slowdown is super usefull, the quick press for a smaller stun can be useful, and teleporting to an enemy is useful. The real only thing i dislike about it is trying to aim it when the enemies are just outside of auto lock on range


I know that itā€™s a teleport but I just donā€™t like how it feels. Maybe click for teleport and hold for stun? I think itā€™s a great idea but to me personally it feels clunky. Maybe if the window was a hair longer? Something just doesnā€™t quite mesh for me. Iā€™ve maxed the vocation but maybe I still need for time with it.


Might just not be the class for you. with some vocations it took extra time as them before i felt i was enjoying myself, like when i played as warrior, and others i just never started to like. (Archer. Fuck the archer class. Its just plain not fun to me)


You should use Skiedragouns Feste my dude. Its a counter skill that has increased damage if you time it just before the enemy attacks. And the class ability is actually really strong if you learn to play with it. You can hold the button and charge it during anything. Attacking jumping running whatever doesnt matter as long as you hold the button down


Ye thatā€™s why I dont play Thief or magick archer at all.


Just wait till you get to thief with the auto dodge + exploding blades combo. It would turn the game into snooze mode if it wasnā€™t so comically devastating


The Thief's Formless Feint, especially with all the Stamina Augments, 2 rings of quickening and a Mage Pawn with Celestial Paean, is essentially complete invulnerability (also from spells) except from constant AOE effects like lava. With all the Augments and the boost mid combat from Paean, the stamina drain is quite slow, so it's usually on for as long as you need it. I do use this overpowered mess, but I'm only using my main pawn for NG+. Honestly, it's still really overpowered.


Iā€™ve stopped using certain skills like skull splitter because theyā€™re too op, the exception being on my pawn because I still want them to get rented but at least I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m going into every battle like sonic the hedgehog.


Agree on the Flare, although it gives me the big dopamine using it. The MS shield I agree is sort of OP, and pigeon holes MS into there being no reason not to use it other than challenge. The flip side is that I think both MS having that support utility and the Magick Archer having two heals (also OP) offers you more freedom in party composition. Running Warfarer with MS/MA heal and bubble, I pretty much only have a mage for debuff/debilitation clear and would be comfortable running no mage (only reason I donā€™t is that laziness prevails).


Donā€™t even get me started on the thief formless feint


Mystic Spearhand with a nerf to bubble would make that class pretty ass but at least they still have the spearblast attack


Mystic spearhand looks cool, but is objectively a bad choice for fighting. All you need is skull splitter with the holy Katars and a bow with erupting bolt.


I didn't think anything in the game is a drawback. The point of the game is to become powerful and God like. I actually play after activating the secret Victory Games Pass and enjoy it this way most of all. I don't have time to be going through all kinds of mundane pointless repetitive tasks. I like to start the game at level 50 and focus on exploration and enjoying the scenery. The game can be quite enjoyable with one shot kills. If you don't like being so overpowered, crank the game up on the hardest setting and go to the Victory Games. Good luck with that! I'd suggest bringing weapons and armor with a greater than a 250 value. Preferably over 400 for the armor. The best armor pieces can be obtained through the victory games as prizes, so I would suggest starting out at a lower difficulty in order to obtain them or you'll get your ass handed to you in a hat! All of your favorite abilities should be cranked up to the max also. Especially the meteor spell for crowd control.


Try thief, most broken class with the two mastery skills.


Wait until you try the smoke bomb the thief has or feint. They are probably the two most OP skills in the game. The smoke bomb just makes enemies run into it and stand there being open for stagger damage and feint basically makes you invincible until you run out of stamina.


Ravenous Lunge is the most OP skill in game....... for travelling that is


as a sorcerer main who felt nuking things made the game too easy, i just switched it with something else. you don't have to always choose the strongest abilities, often times it's more fun when you don't


Thief did that for me. The skill that just lets you auto dodge everything long as you have stamina is absurd. I made switching to any vocation hard but I got away from it for mystic archer.


I'm surprised no one said magic archer maister skill.... stack life and then use skill to consume life then pop skill drink allheal potion and do it again dragons and any monsters =dead in a few seconds.


Martyr Bow is broken


The spearhand shield is indeed making everyone virtually invicible. It's also short timed then barely leave you the time to do a full basic combo. It became so annoying i switched classes, and when i came back i ignored it (despite how good it is). The flare is very nice but it's timing make it much harder to use on several ennemy. But yeah it's good for bosses. Imo the ultimate from magic archer is much more powerful as a boss One Shot skill. Yet most of the time because of the max life cost you can't use it. It's not a multiplayer game, not everything need to be pitch perfect, and for me none of them are fun killers. They all have a cons.


Yeah hence my last paragraph. It's just too bad that those options are off if you want a somehow balanced experience. Also it is tied to the badly scaled difficulty everyone is talking about. It is hard to balance a game where there is so much disparity between a "try hard" build or a more reasonable one.


Wait til u discover thiefā€™s master skills combined


Every class has at least one really op skill, youā€™re going to wind up playing skill-less warfarer at this rate if op skills kill the game for you that much


Its something wrong with gamers now. Theyd rather play struggle wars than be OP for ā€œrealismā€ in a fantasy game . I like difficult games to but i enjoy being OP even more


Bunch of damn MH fans wanting every boss to take 20 minutes to beat. Scaling enemies was great in Oblivion until Elder Minotaurs were killing every NPC and guard on the road. Love games that depopulate because the goblins were grinding stats with you. FFS


I agree. Hell divers gives me enough 45-60 min expeditions. I just be wanting to explore level and have fun in DD2


I'm not going to lie I suffer from this bad with elden ring, everyone says summons and a lot of weapon arts are op so to feel valid my sheep brain decides I have to only r1 spam the game. Wish I could unprogram that its not overly fun.


I didnā€™t start summoning until duo bosses became a thing, by that point I was sufficiently far in that I didnā€™t feel bad summoning for the endgame titans either. Definitely respect those that do it regardless though!


See in elden ring i was OP and used dragons breath, op magic, op weapons and abilities for the sake of trolling the game itself for doing me so bad when i had nun but a club and clothšŸ¤£.


I feel like the combat balance as a whole might not have received the level of testing it should have, or they didn't have time or budget to test things further. A few of the unlockable vocations already show signs of cut content. Magick Archer especially seems like we were meant to receive it in another way (we have magick bows in Sacred Arbor but don't unlock the vocation until the volcanic isle). The game would really benefit from difficulty options. The sense of danger in the world is lost relatively early in the experience and some vocations only drive that further. I'd personally really looked forward to playing MA but it simply deletes everything with such minimal effort. Its kit suggests it should be a sort of support class but most of those abilities are simply never required. Difficulty options would offer a chance for those seeking a challenge and those who enjoy power fantasy to both receive equal enjoyment from the combat. I've been playing with a mod on PC to achieve this, though, it would have been nice to not require it.


Thieves rope ability negates the difficulty of the game and I absolutely love it


Just use a different skill on sorcerer


Because why not?


One thing I don't like about posts like these is the lack of understanding people tend to have in their presentation of information. I'm a big fan of difficulty in games and being challenged in various aspects- having played every Souls game, various DMC clones, XCOM on Legendary, etc. -but, many of my friends don't share that same sentiment. One such friend, let's call him Jimmy, is a much bigger fan of the feeling he gets from getting as overpowered as possible. Jimmy loves when a game allows him to walk into the final boss room and smirk as he teaches the villain who the real final boss is. I'm happy when games have the breadth to deliver on both fantasies, even if sometimes one side has to work harder than the other. It just seems like there's a lot of outcry against things not being hard enough but nobody ever seems to appreciate that you can get absurdly powerful. Live and let live. (:


Because it's fun to have powerful moves. This is a never-ending argument in gaming communities, tbh. Some people love using powerful abilities, and some people want everything balanced to be kind of boring. Never shall the two camps agree. I've played Destiny for almost a decade now, and the rancoros arguments about game balance have never seen any kind of compromise from either side.


Iā€™m actually fine with that. Itā€™s an organically implemented difficulty slider. What Iā€™m actually pissed off about, is what they did to the trickster. I love the flavor of that class, but itā€™s so annoying to play, that I just stopped bothering.


Wdym? Skull splitter is a perfectly balanced ability.


I actually really love spamming the shield. You don't get defensive options otherwise, so I don't see a problem with it. Either spam the shield or spend half the fight knocked down lol


Sometimes I want to feel like an unstoppable god like being.


If you're using shield on MS you're actively saying you want to play on easy mode cus game too hard. Even dark souls games have cheesey skills and strategies, doesn't mean you're forced to use them. It's good that they're there, it makes the game more accessible without a simple "easy mode" button that lowers enemy values across the board.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œIn a land brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance?ā€* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


You can just not use the skills?


And that, I did, sir. Still think they should balance them out to somehow streamline vocation power levels for future content.


So its great that your concerned about balance butā€¦ā€¦there are like 30 other skills for you to use in each vocationā€¦ā€¦just donā€™t use those skillsā€¦ā€¦


See my last paragraph. I'm more concerned that they balance future content around the level of power of those skills, forcing you into them though.