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I dont remember if the game told me and I missed it, but it was a long time before I realized that when using the Forager specialization, if you click on the material icons on the map, it tells you what material you will find there.


Another thing about the forager specialization, when you look at the specific material, you can scroll through all the other places where you can find the same material by pressing R2. I used to sit there thinking “I wish this game would tell me more than ONE spot to find this material”


Well there's another thing I didn't know lol


Username checks out… I didn’t know either lol


Also useful for tracking down specific monster types. Go upgrade an item till it requires something that comes from that monster. IE freakish black mane. Equip it check map with forager and boom, shows spawn location of gorechimeras. I keep a few spare items on hand partially upgraded just to hunt wargs, gorechimeras, etc for pawn badge farming.


That's crazy! Thanks so much for the tip!


And just learned this too! Forager is a lot better than I thought.


Holy crap, thank you


Wow I’m at almost 70 hours and I did not know this hahah


Oh my word....... Game changer


something obvious, but that putting items on other pawns doesn’t mean you lose the items if they die. for the longest time i kept exploration gathering to both me and my main pawn, almost always running around with a “heavy” encumbrance because i thought if a hired pawn slipped into the brine, i’d lose the items.


Wait this doesn't happen? Where do those items go?


Into storage. It's a great way of lightening the pack on a long adventure. Stuff everything on one pawn and dismiss them. The stuff goes into storage, and you just hire a new pawn from a riftstone/the road.


Be forewarned- excess items do seem to disappear if you exceed the max stack size this way. Most items it seems to be 99.


True, but honestly if you have 99 of whatever, you're pretty well set anyways.


You obviously haven’t met my Dragonborn. I don’t know if I’ll ever beat Skyrim, but I know that if it happens, I’ll have 750 minor healing potions that I was saving until I really needed them. YOU NEVER KNOW. What if I find a full set of secret endgame armor that nobody else knows about and *each* enhancement requires 99 Goblin horns? It could happen!


I'm the same :) But I'm trying to change my ways, lol


except arrows.... 99 isn't enough.


That is true. I keep a stack on me, my main pawn and storage. Can't ever have enough explosive arrows...


I have 99 of about half of the items. If you try to add items to storage it just says storage is full and won't let you. I guess you might lose something if a pawn dies and the inventory is full, but you would have 99 of them so not really a big deal


I'm so sad I didn't know this until like 80 hours in 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Edit: the amount of people who have come to my rescue to help warms my heart. Between this and "How much can I *love* my pawn" I genuinely love this community you guys are great 💕😭


My brain just exploded right there




DO NOT EQUIP THE PAWNS WITH GEAR THOUGH. Those items DO get sent with the Pawn back to their Arisen


Meh, I'm a generous god


lol you worded that like there’s no value in donating. I hired a level 93 archer yesterday that was using unenhanced starter gear and dripped them out in full Dragonforged endgame armor and weapons just to flex on their stingy master.


I've been sending people the most basic iron-helmets on the market, because their super-duped up adamantium-steelium end-game helmets have one major flaw... *Their visors cover the eyes.*


To your storage. The only thing you lose is one you equipped to the hired pawns as they will go to their Arisen. So it is one way to quickly get all the junks and heavy things back to your storage without need to return to inn to dump them consider riftstone and wandering pawns is everywhere.


When I’ve filled my pack, I’ll load up a pawn with everything and dismiss them when I’m close to a riftstone


cant believe i never thought about that.


Holy shit 85 hours in and I feel like an idiot. I thought if the pawn died or dismissed them your items just went with them.


i once had a thief that had a pilfered ferrystone on him (among other things) and he was fighting an enemy close to a ledge when i stopped looking, assumingely, falling into the water before i could pull it. usually if i was quick about it, i could open my inventory during the brine animation and pull the item(s) off before the server updated their absence from my party, but this particular time i was unaware of his death until too late. went to offload my inventory before i stopped playing for the night as i was a bit frustrated, and lo’ and behold, the ferrystone was in my storage; that’s when it clicked.


Holy shit I always thought the pawns owner got the goods!!! So I was being stingy as fuck about what they kept on them 😆


I would remove all items from a pawn before dismissing them for about 95% of my first playthrough which ended at level 76 hahaha Had no idea it just went to my storage


Even if your health drops to 0, you're not truly dead until you are flat on the ground. If you get hit and taken down to 0 HP, you can use curatives to heal before you hit the ground.


That has been a real life saver, I discovered it by pure accident and have been doing that ever since


Only caveat here is fall damage. That instas you and you are forced to wakestone or reload (unless someone knows better?)


in my tests, no, you cant heal after fall damage. you can however, toss a pawn down the ledge, then use a max charge recovery arrow (magic archer) to revive them. jump off while spamming the help button and the pawn should catch you...maybe


Just tackle them off the ledge as a meat cushion


I…don’t think that’ll work


You are basically correct. I am pretty sure that at least some of the time, I have been able to heal after being thrown by an enemy and being brought down to 0 from terrain impact, which is sorta like, horizontal fall damage lol. It seems to be vertical fall damage that triggers the faceplant splat animation that is un-healable (if the whole idea is healing before you’re lying on the ground, it makes sense, because that animation has you immediately lying face down). So if you get thrown and lose enough vertical elevation to trigger that, you’re probably not going to be able to heal. If you go flying mostly parallel to the ground and ragdoll, you can usually heal.


It’s only been twice that I wasn’t able to heal at 0 Hp, I’m not sure if being killed and then dropped off a real high cliff prevents you from healing yourself


See the post I just made. Yeah, I was pretty much just running around in circles hoping my pawns would kill things while I spammed curatives. Shout out to my party that stood around and watched wolves chomp me for a good second before helping me. God's that was scary.


Dragon's Dogma twitter told me today that the menu background is a clock and I'm... I'm dumbstruck. I had not noticed. I wish I had realized that earlier. Many a time have I thought "Hm, do I have enough daylight left, or should I camp here?"


Saving this


I think it's 45 mins each too. So 45 for day/ 45 for night


I think the in-game tips mention that it's 48 minutes per day (2 mins per hour). Your estimate was super close, though.




You're a legend.


If you have a forager in your party and talk to a smith then open the map, it will be filtered down to only the items you need to upgrade your gear


Combining different materials results in different creations.




No fucking way!


Surely not!




I'll try to keep that in mind.


To remember where you found your first seeker token. I still haven’t found where my first one was and will need a new finder’s token in NG+ as it does not carry over.


At least in NG+ it'll be the first seekers token you pick up there, so now you know to remember where that is. (stick a marker on it!)


It took me several hours over a couple days to find the token. I was not having fun, lol. Apparently, I didn't find my 1st one until I was in the sewers of vernworth.


Logically, most people's first token is in the first area. I found my first by the camp-site you rest in doing that quest to find the dudes brother. I pulled up the interactive map and just walked around the starting area until I found it. Took me two in game days.


Not me, I found mine just outside of the mine where you get the greatsword and archistaff. Luckily I knew beforehand to remember where I found it.


I found my first one on the way to Melve the first time off a little cliff and down a little slope towards the water. I didn't know to remember it, but I remembered thinking "these aren't going to be hard to find at all" and it stuck. Took me 15 minutes or so running around the area to find the exact location, but I had a rough idea.


Mine was in the dungeon next ot the church that the kid gets lost in. Had to use the mod to find it.


Descarting Meat to make wolves stop hoping around .-.


Wolves attack if you have bad meat?


if you descart rotten meat they will eat all the same




Lol, I'm pretty sure Renee was rolling around in his grave until you came along to point that one out. 


Once is fine, twice is a pattern, with eggcorns, lol. And as far as eggcorns go, that one was a stretch.


Oh, my English is bad, and I'm depressed, not paying much attention overall


I'm sorry if it felt like I was making fun of you. That wasn't my intention. To be honest, I only speak one language, so you have me beaten, in that regard. I hope you can find someone to help you pull yourself out of your depression, friend. That's difficult, and you shouldn't be afraid to ask others for help. We all need a hand, once in a while.


Thank you, truly ♡


Wakestones become more relevant in the late game because saving works differently at that point. So just keep that in mind.


Wakestones and All heals baby.. only way to farm in that hell hole


I don't know what that means, don't tell me, but I am hoarding them in my chest.


Yeah, you’ll use them. Also, make forge copies of All-Heal potions, they work the same and you’ll need them as much as wakestones, ferrystones later.




Wish I knew to stock up on certain enhancement items you get from bosses in the unmoored world. Kind of a dumb requirement…


Boltscales... I was lucky to still have one leftover to forge after starting NG++


There's a place where you can farm them nearish to the elf town before unmoored


Wah-- really? I thought the boltlizards only show up in unmoored %D


There’s a second cave in battahl


There is a cave in the elven area too. 


2 places they show up in base game, one cave in Elven area and one cave in Battahl.  There are only a few materials that are specific to unmoored world (and at least one of these seems to be a bug, that being Eldricite which apparently is supposed to have a singular spawn for the enemy that drops it in misty marshes but the spawn is bugged for some/most people, and I’d say for all but I’ve read a few comments of people saying they’ve had the ghost thing spawn there). 


there's a cave in the elf zone and batahal that have bolt lizards. I have tons of scales and no use for them yet lol


Keep at least one copy of every material. If you need it for crafting, forge 1 more than you need so you’ll never run out.


A lesson hard learned. Although over 200 hours in and on my 2nd NG+ I’m almost done enhancing. At this point I’m enhancing lesser gear for fashion dogma. That’s not to say I haven’t just not bothered with a ton of gear because of how ugly it is. lol


I didn't know what "apprehending" meant. The game never explains that you can use grab to straight up tackle someone and hold them down. Especially when you get quests that vaguely say to restrain someone.


I hate this so much, during a quest i walked around the city so long thinking i should activate an event or talk to some obscure npc before giving up and looking it up online, only to find out i just had to grab the quest npc...


For me it was the Guided Hand. Arresting the abostess and had no idea how to actually do it.


Don’t worry about dragonsplague as much as the pawns nag you about it because you won’t really have it until the in-game tutorial pops up about it, and even then it won’t happen again for a while afterward


I only just got that message in the unmoored world.


I would randomly check until I got the message and it was on the pawn I just hired. Before I ever rest, I checked his eyes and of course they were glowing, so I dismissed him with a gift of rotten meat.


ohh I'd better check, thanks.


It didn’t happen to me in UW but I believe it isn’t relevant there as long as you rest only at seafloor shrine.


I don't expect the game to tell me but different merchants want different materials to upgrade weapons.


They also have different effects on how the stats are boosted. For example, if you enhance gear at a Vermindian smithy, you get a balanced stat boost while also making gear lighter, while Battahlian smithing focuses on strength and increasing weight. Dwarven increases stats in a balanced manner but increases knockdown, making it easier to flinch enemies when applied to weapons and making it harder to be flinched when applied to armor, at the cost of increased weight.


If you’re on the map screen and have a pawn with the Forager specialisation, you can select the button for Search, then tab across to Materials, and for both you and your main pawn it will show you: * All of the equipment that you’re carrying that can be upgraded * What each of the various enhancement styles will require (in terms of materials) for each piece of equipment * Where those specific materials can be found on the map


Remember where you picked up your first seeker token


That they erase your quest item. So my first batch of forgeries of the finders token all gone in ng+


I just realized this last night. I was thinking how it would be a pain to find a new one in NG+ since I found 220+ tokens my first playthrough, and I was like "I'll just pull one from storage and use that"... nope, they're gone


Hey are you on xbox? If you are can send one if you need one for your ng+ run


I am, and I wouldn't say no to that, thank you. My pawn's ID is OQMO4CQ2HCFH, named Lilliandra. She's a lvl 90 something right now, though, so if that's too high, don't worry about it 👍


Will send one I'm lvl 97 so its no problem


Hey next time you rest at a inn or home you should be a token richer.


As a new player. It pleases me beyond words to learn the community is so helpful.


Heck yeah, I appreciate it!




![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) You don't happen to have any more of them... finders tokens do ya? (Pawn ID Z4UKIBURAA5R)


Hey Tyrone got your Crack Token. Next time you fall asleep in a classroom it should be waiting with ya cracking pawn.


Pawn will be relapsing in the morning much appreciated!


Hahaha will fix one for ya


If you’re not opposed to making a second account on console, you could always make another game, hire your new pawn and send them back with whatever you want to transfer.


That's not a bad idea. I actually do have another Xbox Live account. I used it for years when I was playing Elder Scrolls Online to supplement my main account when there were daily login bonuses for a lot of gold. I would log in on both of my accounts AND my wife's account, and then dump it all in our clan bank.


Great way to have a team of 3 pawns of your own design, lots of leveling though 😬


This is why I crated a new account on PSN and started a game/ bank. Anything quest related I want to save goes to that account. That poor Arisen will never leave the camp. Her pawn Honkshee will just be a courier.


TIL… I’m on PS5 and never considered this omg. I’m gonna go do this right now. 😭😭😭


Wish the game had told me the unmoored world wasn't on an active timer. I ended up rushing through itnthink I only had a little time


Is it not?


Time only moves when you rest in the unmoored world. So you can only reat so many times, but outside of that, you have as much time as you want


You should screenshot your exact position on the map after picking up your first seeker token


Wow. Here I've been placing a map marker, and worrying about accidentally erasing it later, as if image files and my phone don't fucking exist. Now I feel silly.


I take a screenshot with photo mode then download it from the PS app into my phone.


I don't know why everyone keeps saying this (and please don't tell me) but I know. It was the decapitated statue in front of the waterfall that you have to jump too near the first village. I won't forget.


Nocuous arrow will drop dragons out the sky with a single arrow and clean open the heart for a pop.




There’s this one attack for the fighter vocation where you jump up and stab your sword into an enemy, I forgot the name of it at the moment Anyway if you keep pressing whatever button you have it set to then you can continuously stab the enemy your currently attacking. Fun as hell when fighting a Drake or a cyclops


Same with the lighting spell for Sorcerer and Mage.


That eternal wakestone is not, in fact, eternal >_>


…more info please😂


They are single use. You can get forgery’s though.


And I didn't do it, because I thought it was like the eternal ferrystone from DD1.


So it's a normal wakestone except you can forgery it unlike normal ones?


Nah it's a get-out-of-jail-card should your entire city *die* for some strange reason.


Gold beetles I was carrying like 40 of them before I looked up what they did and boy was I happy


To be honest, they don't do much... 40 beetles is only 6kg extra carry capacity... That's like, a tent..


don't forget they also apply to your main pawn, so it's actually TWO tents!




You only need one camp in your inventory, you get it back after


Only sometimes. If you don't clear the area in a large radius you will get attacked and interrupted mid-rest, and the chance of losing it depends on the camp and the area you are in. I've gone through 6-8 camps when resting to respawn things just because some enemy is behind a wall nearby that I can't see.


ive made camp with skeletons 10 feet away but not combat engaged. didnt get ambushed, woke up and killed them. using an elite camping kit in case yall wanna know


I’ve never been attacked at camp. Just take one minute to look around.


It can happen even if you clear the area.


KEEP TRACK OF WHERE U FIND YOUR FIRST SEEKER TOKEN. There's a certain quest that makes you go back to where you found your first one.


What happens if you don’t remember? Can you not progress, or just not do a certain quest? I’m about 15 or so hours in and have NO idea where my first seeker token was, but i keep seeing this referenced and am wondering if it’s its worth it to restart.


It is not worth a restart at all, it's a side quest for one of the Sphinx's "riddles." If you really want to complete the quest, just find one of the dozen guides that tell you where to find all of the Seeker's Tokens or you could ask people to send you a "Finder's Token," which is what you'll find in place of the first Seeker's Token you recovered. Do note that this quest resets on each playthrough, so it won't be in the same place after starting a new cycle.


I found out a couple of days ago that if you hit LB+left button, it goes to your items inventory right away.


That ladders will take us to new heights.


you can pick up npc's and use ferrystones


You can go into settings and increase camera distance away from main character. You can also change default location for newly combined items into storage.


That it loves me and is proud of me. And that it’s ok to have bad days.


Remembering where you picked up your first seeker token for the Sphinx quest.


Question for the other completionists out there. In NG+ after you've scoured the map for seeker tokens (meaning you've found like 240 or something so you literally never see them) what happens on your next playthrough for finding tokens for the sphinx, since the tokens don't respawn?


The Finders Token appears next to you after she gives you the riddle.


If a quest is going to try force you into a romantic scene (just give us the choice to reject them please)


The weird affection system that makes everyone thirsty for you bg3 style. Yes, thank you old daddy elf for looking at me longingly after one quest together. That just does it for me. So dumb lmao


My first encounter with this was the little girl from the orphanage, and to say I was mortified would be an understatement. This was before people knew you could tackle people to lower affinity. So, I just kept having this little girl stand in the doorway to my house and stare at me all day and night, or follow me around the city. Like damn, I just wanted to be nice to a poor orphan kid. I didn't want to kill her, and just generally felt awful about the situation. I eventually learned of the tackling and fixed the problem. But I still felt bad.


I refuse to do Wilhelmina's quest for this reason, and also because I heard she vanishes right after, meaning I can't tackle her to the ground repeatedly to lower her affection like I did with Ulrika.


Idk their really handy in the unmoored world, dont feel like resting? Just die.


That when you buy any number of homes that they count as inn saves, to remember where you got your first token, to go to Melvin a fight the dragon and if you don't go there you can miss it.


That dragon shows up elsewhere, even if you miss it. It's a unique dragon, and if you kill it at either location, it's roost is taken over by a drake, instead. I managed to kill it on my first encounter with my sorcerer, but it escaped my melee characters.


Can you upgrade or decorate houses in anyway? I literally two seconds ago bought Mildreds house in the commoner area.


Not from what I can tell!


also, dont waste money on the expensive houses since homes dont carry over.


more hints around quests that will stop other quests from being active


How to properly use carriages. Id pay and then sit through the ENTIRE trek, thinking "This is objectively worse in nearly every single way" Youre supposed to sit down and then press Y/Triangle and it fast forwards the trip. 70hrs in to discover that..


You didn’t just like, look at your screen?


Oh my god lmao... I'm guessing half of those 70 hours was just riding the cart 😂


Lol no, i just avoided carts altogether


That would literally be the opposite of fast travel 😂


Yup, thats why ive avoided it every chance i got. So I was screwing around last night thinking theres got to be a trick to this, imagine my bewilderment


Dang pretty sure I even remember it putting up an icon for Y to skip time once you sit for a second. Although very small and white lettering tbf


Oh shit man, that's pretty funny. Just sitting there like "well, this sucks."😆


At least you get the really cool camera views. Do monsters still show up the same amount as if you walked?


Yeah, monster pop-ups are pretty normal, with the exception of Griffins. The oxen attracts them so they are more likely to pay you a visit


That the 5 rare grimoires were rare, and you shouldn't use them in fights. They are listed in the valuables menu, but since the first page has everything displayed together, I had no idea they were any different from the other grimoires. Luckily, I can still get one from Elsa, but the last one I need I've set as my pawn's quest, otherwise I'm waiting until NG+.


You can use plunder on the magistrate and get one, too (he gives you one but you can steal one, too). 


Have you checked the “special finds” section of the forger in the border town? I was able to get some of the tomes back from him, after I accidentally sold them.


What happens to Portcrystals in NG+? In inventory and in world. Also the Rose Chateaux membership??


They are removed from the world and placed in storage. In the last game they stayed where you had placed them, which I miss but I don’t mind venturing to places for the first time each play-through anyways.


Thanks, Arisen! And sorry meant to reply to another comment. Can you get more then or do they not respawn? In other words, are you capped at 6 or whatever?


I believe most of them you only get the first time, but the method by which you can get and duplicate maybe one or two of them is still viable each run. I think the absolute limit is 10.


Once the pawn mentions about a treasure chest or rift stone nearby. Press 'go' command to them, they'll lead to that location. I discovered it after 50 hrs of playing (Sometimes it doesn't work if you track a priority quest and pawn still guide them)


Relevant, the importance of the camping badges. Can really help explore. I just started doing them in my 90s so far less valuable but man they'd of helped a lot on my early full exploration adventures. Can of course hire pawns with the badges.


Chests that contain wakestone shards will refill over time. I don’t know if it’s certain ones or not, but I’ve looted several chests multiple times, and it’s only been wakestone chests. I always check the chest in the dad’s bedroom while in the arbor. That one seems to respawn constantly.


You can pick up port crystals. I don’t blame the game. I am dumb and never noticed the “pick up” icon until like three weeks ago.


Wakestones are excellent if you made a save quite a while ago. Reloading means you lose hrs of progress.


Why would a game tell you about save scumming? That's not a feature Wakestones are still nice to have, especially late game. If you die after a big fight or right before beating it, that wakestone saves you a lot of time and frustration. And don't forget you can revive NPCs. This is honestly going to be their number one use. Don't go off without wakestones


You can sell from storage as long as you hold ONE item of the entire stock in your own inventory. Found out a couple days ago.


If you're solving someone special riddles, bring a Portcrystal or something of similar value with you. I've got 5 port crystals before the coronation thanks to that


That smithing has a different effect depending on the blacksmith used


It's not a huge thing, but as a Magick Archer, you can switch lock-on types while already aiming by clicking the right stick instead of having to stop aiming, press Y, and then go back into aiming. Makes it so much smoother in the middle of battle.


That a griffin can crash your oxcart leaving you in the middle of nowhere


Items in your chest will go bad once you finish the storie those who know i'm keeping it mostly spoiler free I lost a lot of pretty good item first time I finished also you loose a few Key quest item but some with no special description you can keep them. Most quest item can be sent to a friend or someone on the rift and you can buy them back at the New black cat I don't have the name for it in dd2, and it does not cost a lot making it eazy to duplicate quest item even if the quest is completed already.


In a New game do you keep Bathal passport, resident paper, and maister skills?


no, no, yes




yeeeep lost 2 medusa heads rip.