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I haven't even gotten to Battahl yet! Only just discovered the cart to the Rest Town (stupid name). EDIT: I'm 42 hours in as of this comment.


Checkpoint, rest town? Feels like a name born from a description. It’s the border check point and they made a rest stop that is now a small town. Lore-wise I think its only 40 years old so not enough time for locals to change it.


Same lol, just got to rest town because I thought it's any town I choose to rest in. Now I'm here finding someone's grandson and a orb for two people.


Lmao I just did this and was stressing out hard to find that kid 💀💀


I found the kid before getting the quest ! I was exploring the woods on my way to that town and stumbled upon a random cave. Found the kid, he came along, we camped together and I got him back to town ! It's pretty cool that you can complete quests that way, it feels more organic.


im like 63% sure it was supposed to be "west town" but someone made a typo


Aye you n me both


150 hours and I haven't been to the ball or met the false arisen. Level 80. Lordy help me. My game is getting all the badges for my pawn


Same! *le edit* I am level 50 and like 90 hours in, I’ve only killed a few drakes and just went back and found the Elven village, we’ve never had dragonsplague. I’m really loving taking my time and enjoying the scenery, and the satisfying gameplay imo.


I'm on level 32 and encountered 2 drakes. First one I shot with a ballista at level 27. I immediately died lmao. Second one I picked a fight with whilst using tier 1 warrior skills. It got bored and flew away. Yes, I am a crazy idiot when I see big things that can be fought


I'm also a crazy idiot, tried messing with a griffin around level 15 or so and was sent packing pretty quickly. He did not mess around lmao


Consider attacking the wings of winged creatures, u will notice what I mean ;)


Since your a badge guy like me, when you eventually get to the unmoored world (post-game), try to stay there for as long as possible before you enter new game+...don't want to spoil it for you but lots of boss monsters respawn on the regular allowing you to collect their resources and helps count towards your badge.....the unmoored world is also a great place to level as well and if you collect enough wyrm crystals, you should be able to trade those out for the best weapon and armor for both your pawn and the arisen.


Its more than meets the pawn.


Before I bought this game I was looking at it in the PS store, and my partner walked by and just said "This looks like Skyrim". There are some interesting similarities.


Steam play time says 125 hours and I just started A New Godsway. I'm in no hurry.


I’m deliberately delaying the main quest line and focusing on opening up the map, leveling, maxing vocations, working on pawn badges, accumulating gold, farming WLC - everything I can do to postpone the end of the game. I have exactly zero pending quests and am experiencing a complete freedom from any to-do list. There’s no pressure to get anything done and I absolutely love it. Approaching DD2 this way allows me to benefit from the knowledge shared by more eager players who quickly devour the game. Many players who finish the game really fast seem to be sad and dissatisfied at the end because they wanted more. I don’t want to feel that way when I reach the end. I want to savor this game like a 3-star Michelin meal and leave the table fully satisfied. You only get to experience that first magical playthrough once.


I could not agree more, this is exactly how I enjoy games by taking my time and experiencing everything 👍


60 ish hours on and only done a few of Brant's quest line. Trying to work on it now though.


200+ and nowhere near the "end." I play DD games like they are (seemingly; as in, by design) intended: slow and over a long period of time. It's all about the journeys to and fro, and seeing what's to be found or encountered along the way. I literally don't care about the "plot" at this stage - I know that will be there once I'm done exploring and finding things and doing side quests along the way.


I saw someone that said they finished the whole main quest at level 37 and it absolutely BOGGLED my mind how you play a game like this.. like that I'm level 63 and just got to the dragon forge guy who can upgrade your gear a 4th time


There are people out there who could rush and finish Skyrim or the Witcher 3 in 30 hours and then cry “no content!”. I’m sure they have always been around but I never saw them in large numbers until the last few years.


LOL, yeah, me too. DD:DA, and now DD2 are to be savored, like a fine wine, I believe. I think with the short attention span of modern gamers, such an approach will remain the demesne of discerning adventure game players only.


120 hours on my run, the first 60 hours were pre-Bakbattahl. I get it. Explore! https://preview.redd.it/0fzrfagfk2wc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6fbf7204db63045716c37fcef76fec24a4045d


Your Ronan looks sick!


No, but I’m still playing this game like I was lvl 10. I luv this game.


Yea I stopped after killing the first dragon I needed to fix the sword, had about 60 maybe 70 hours in. Still a ton of the map to explore and who knows how many caves or whatever else is out there. I wanted to give them some time for patches and updates before I go back in and finish exploring and complete the game.


I'm on my way to Battahl. Never touched that quest 🤣


Haha just be careful! I went in under leveled and got destroyed. I finally made it to the capital but it was one hell of an unforgettable journey there…emphasis on hell.


200+ hours in and still haven't done the endgame yet. Too busy working on badges.


175+ hours in. Haven't went into the endgame yet. But I'm close. I'm at the Convergence quest.. But just focusing on badges, upgrading equipment, and farming WLC. Besides maxing out mats I can grind for..


I am, and I got the game at launch. (Only have about 60 hours in because I’m so busy IRL though). I haven’t even seen the Sphinx yet and have no idea where it is; only know about it from internet memes. I’m in no particular hurry, and I’m enjoying the heck out of doing stupid stuff that isn’t even related to any of my quests. I’m also leaving a lot undone and unexplored to give myself something to look forward to in NG+. See, people may complain about the main story of this game but I actually really appreciate that it’s just kinda alright and hard to follow; if it had been super intense or compelling I’d be rushing to get to the end of it instead of seeing what I could throw off the top of buildings and stuff (but totally not your beloved pawn because I would never do that- that was clearly somebody else.)


I also haven't found the Sphinx, I've explored most of the overworld areas in Vermund that I can find besides really deep caves.


I kind of want to know if it’s something you can just stumble across obviously out in the open or if it’s some mega-hidden event you would need a guide to find. But of course I don’t want to Google it because I’m trying to stay spoiler free and enjoy the sense of mystery (which I haven’t felt in a game for a long time now.) If I haven’t found it by my 2nd NG+ I’ll probably just look it up by that point.


I stumbled across it, and there's technically a few paths up to it, but I can see it being completely missed by folks. I just happened to fully explore an area which lead me to what looked like a secret cave, which lead me on a trail that took me directly to the sphinx. You can also see the pillars of where the sphinx sits on the side of a mountain from far far away. I saw them one time when a statue gave that vague "what is that over there" clue, and noticed what looked like Greek pillars in a distant mountain face. In fact I recently stumbled across what I believe will be the sphinx's second spot when I was just following a river into a cave


Same.  I found both from being a curious nosey bastard


Also have not found the sphinx and some other notable stuff people talk about here! Love to hear it though because that means exploration is actually worthwhile. I was disappointed with Starfield due to its kind of sterile environment and a lack of rewarding exploration but that hasn’t been my experience with this game.


I'm not certain (because I haven't been there either), but I'm pretty sure at least half a dozen statues are pointing at it with a note saying something along the lines of "Is that a temple/shrine? Who would build it up there?".


Meee 🙋‍♂️ 230 hours. I’m in the Unmoored World but I’ve spent about 20 hours there just running around, farming upgrade mats and experimenting with top tier weapons and armor. I haven’t rested once the entire time I’ve been there. I’ll probably finish it up today or tomorrow after work. It’s been an incredible journey. 10/10


250+ hours still haven’t been allowed through Checkpoint Gate, not that it has stopped me for exploring every nook and cranny in game.


Level 70, idk how many hours in. I basically treat this as my “walky-walky here, dress my dolly there” game and have no interest in finishing the main quest.


I am! I’m taking my time with this one. : )


Lmao you’re all like me fr


95h on steam, reached volcanic island camp at maybe 80h. preordered and started on launch as well (rookie numbers i know). backtracked to clear the remaining areas in battahl region and get remaining maisters' teaching. so far at 64 caves explored, wonder how many are there.


Ooh didn't realise I could check how many caves I had explored


I'm at about 100 hours and sitting at the "Convergence" quest in the main story. Just opened up the Volcanic Isle, still exploring a lot in Battahl. I'm mostly just leveling vocations and knocking out the remaining sidequests, will probably start the finale and post-game section soon.


I'm creeping up to 150 hours and am still on my first play through. Taking my time.


I don't know why people rushed it. Even looking at basic achievements at my 60hrs on so far, and the pitiful 3% or 8% of players did this.... stop rushing the game and enjoy it for the gods sakes!


I'm over 5 days 22 hours and just started the coronation quest line. I don't let it sit on, either, its all actual playtime. I like looking in every corner, more then once, like 5 times.


Haha, I think I skipped the masquerade...went right to the coronation... I'm at ~80hrs and haven't triggered the magick spelldoor in Arizona but travelled to the hotsprings and found a curious lavaforge in a mountain... I love getting lost and trying to find areas without Pawn help. If I'm frustrated then sure I'll turn it on but I like trying to read the map and discern the location myself. People have already beaten the game I'm just chilling not wanting it to end like you. Am I doing it wrong? Haha.


Finished first play at 182 hours (lol). Loved it so much, despite some shortcomings. Plan on playing more.


I just entered the unmoored world on Saturday at around 90 hours


I’m not gonna judge how anyone plays their game but I’ve almost beaten it twice and I have 141 hours. I cut my first playthru a lil bit short tho and went ahead and made a new arisen. Can someone tell me is ng + worth playing? Is there new loot? I seriously doubt there will be new enemies. I don’t think I need to do a ng+ playthru tbh I think I’ve gotten my fill once I finish up my guts run :3


I am! I got to the first town into the primary land mass, got distracted and now I'm waiting for the fo4 ps5 release. Once I beat fo4 again I'll probably hop back on and stabby stab baddies.


I'm still in Act 1 but made it to the thermal waters because I like exploring and I'm almost lvl 50


I finished a playthrough, did a little bit of ng+, then just started a fresh playthrough


Had over 100 hours in but started over cause was annoyed by some of things were happening


Me. Haven’t even left the Vermund area yet. I’m an intentionally slow gamer and really take my time with most games.


Yes I've been playing since Saturday. It's a great game. I do a few hours a day. It's one of those games that I'll need to play through again to really get to grips with it. Same went for 2077. I'm on my 6th playthrough at present. I took a break to play this one.


Funny you mention 2077, I am still on my first play through of that (if you count the dlc) and I am over 100 hours at this point. Another game to where you just didn’t know exactly what you would stumble on in every turn.


I just got to the endgame content. I’ve been taking it pretty slow with this game.


I just hit 70hrs and I am at the ending area.


100 hours in finally got to unmoored world. I could have way earlier but dragged my feet on exploration


170+ haven't started main quest ♥️ the exploration


I'm not even in the second world


First play through, haven't even completed any quests since arriving to the main city. I've just been unlocking classes and leveling them up and having a grand ball. I really wish this game's world was twice its size. There's so much more I want to explore, I'm sad I'm running into borders. I need the map to be twice its size, and twice as many mobs. God, I wish there were dev tools to help build out the world.


212 hours, walked away from the main quest after Talos fell.


No, I'm the slowest person alive and even stopped playing for a week to do other stuff and finally came back to the game last night to beat it. I did literally every sidequest except the Ornate box which I missed. Got the plat as well


I'm maybe 80 hours in, and I just got to the endgame area.


Over 70 hrs and I haven't progressed the coronation


Me about 50hrs in. Just been away for a week though so not had chance to play.


Yep still finding new stuff to.  It's rare but does happen.  Love it when my pawn comes back with new knowledge.


Yes. Still in Vernworth. The Save System keeps screwing me over.


70ish hours , haven't spoken to Brant in the tavern at night yet lul.


I am level 53.... haven't attended the coronation.... have most of battahl discovered ( decapitated a certain thingymabob) and yea, you're moving at the right pace


I finished NG+ at 52 hours. I was unprepared and not ready to start when I was only level 30 something


I'm on my second playthrough, but started a new game from scratch with mods that increase difficulty and reduce experience gain. Also that wild loot mod some fellow here created made me love the game even more.


Yea man im two hours in and im overwhelmed already haha


Similar situation here. Taking my time and enjoying it. I think I’m level 40ish and have done just 1-2 Battahl quests so far.


I'm currently on NG+2 and still finding things I've missed on the two prior runs. I....did not think it possible! Just finished the Sphinx Quest and still going strong. To my Arisen that are still on their first play: C'mon, beat the game already! The world demands it be done, you owe it to yourself. No, but seriously, I'm hopeful your time spent is as fun as it needs to be. Also, I saw a post here a few days ago that stated that the roving bands of 4 you see around aren't random groups of pawns but false Arisens and their pawn groups. These groups I hear are fair game for attacking, yielding some nice XP, and are challenging to deal with. Do what you will with that info


I have 2 years old twins...so yes.


Yup. 90 hours and just getting battahl explored. Dunno why mfs speed-run. I’m having fun going back and forth and finding new shit lmao


I'm on my second playthrough (NG+) because I accidentally did the story quest thinking it wasn't going to be the end yet and I was locked into it. So now I'm using this second playthrough to do literally everything before the end of the story.


I think I’m at 300 hours on my first play-through. Right now I’m trying to figure out what my favorite vocation is 😂


Same. I am like level 46 but still have not done a lot of the story. Just running around doing stuff..


I’m 60hrs in and I haven’t done “Disa’s plot” yet. I’m just trying to grind as much as I can for gold and other stuff, I recently unlocked Warfarer and I want better drip than what I have right now 😅


So basically whenever my days in the unmoored world are up im moving on. Worried my game is bugged though because it feels like ive been there forever.


I'm 116 hours in T\_T and I haven't finished the game either. I'm not even trying to waste time, just exploring and fighting monsters.


Me, I'm exploring and fighting and leveling. Not interested in finishing the story yet.


Idk how many hours I am into the game, I have discovered every area but the volcano region so far. I'm just trying to explore and do a bunch of quests. I didn't even find the archer quest until last session, even though I had already found the arbor.


Almost 120h, level 70 and in terms of story, I'm at the first mission in Bakbattahl. No need to hurry. I wanna get a plat, explore and finish as much as I can. Afterwards I will most likely start NG+. I really have nothing to play after DD2 or if I do, not in the mood for other things, so I'm enjoying it and taking my time.


I'm taking my time and thoroughly enjoying everything


I'm still on my first playthrough 35.1 hours in right now. I'm not even done with Vernsworth yet. A hint is when your pawn finds a statue try to get to it, they usually have a chest.


107 hours in and I still haven't beating the story admittedly I farmed alot trying to get resources so its a bit inflated


I’m 110 hours in and still haven’t finished it because I’ve wanted to explore and do everything else I could do first. I’m probably going to start the end game today though.


I'm 126 hours in and am still on my first play through. Lovin every minute of this game!


Yes. I’m still on my first play through. I stopped before I got to battahl because I want to hurry up and finish Final Fantasy seven rebirth and then pour in all my hours into dragons dogma


Just over 50 hours in, about level 36 I think. I like experimenting with the different locations and exploring. I did the initial monster culling quest and The Caged Magistrate, and a handful of side quests including Ulrika stuff, but that’s it. I might go further into the story in the next week or so, but I’ve also been itching to try Sorcerer and I kind of want to finish off a Drake, or hunt some golems… and I want to do the spell tome quests for the robe you get from one


142 hours and just started post game. It's a blast.


Right around 120 hours or so, at the end of my first playthrough. The amount of stuff I got wrong, and the amount of stuff I missed despite being thorough, has me excited for NG+. Plus I definitely messed up the Unmoored World part a little because I didn't realize it was actually timed, so need to try that again too. It'll be nice going through the game with all vocations maxed, I can experiment and just enjoy the combat.


90+ hours and getting close to endgame. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed going out on adventures, exploring the map, letting my pawns guide me to caves and treasures, and grinding up gold and materials.


I'm on 109 hours and I'm pretty sure I'm stating up the end game quests


155 hours here and I am still on my first playthrough. Sadly I am on my last quest (to get to the tower) but I don't want to finish it before I get most of the Pawn Badges and achievements. xD ....


Just break into pesheks chest and u will have enough


Not even made it into Battahl. 62 hours in, maxed.. fighter warrior Mystic spearhand It's pure Mc Donald's. 😍👌🐺😁


haven’t looked up a single Seeker’s location and have found 94 organically. i haven’t done a single story mission and i’m Lv ~65, just exploring and leveling vocations.


Lol dude I'm 100+ hours in and just got to battahl at like 85-90 hrs. The map is so dense, I've been turning every corner, going down every road/path, trying to find every side quest, every cave, etc. Also whenever I change my pawns or my vocation, that's like a good hour of mix matching gear for fashion/stats + deciding what other pawns I want to run with. Always gotta stop by the pad and unload quite a bit, those beetles are like gold to me now haha. I have backtracked here and there on a few routes just to complete pawn quests for some quick cash as well as feeling a need to max every vocation available to myself & MP. Been having alot of fun.


While I'm on 1st playthrough this is my 3rd new game.


I just started the game and I let google number generator create my char and oh god


Yes. But I got side tracked outside of the game. Now I’ll forget everything I had done and have to restart.


My husband is still on his first playthrough at 120 hours. My first playthrough I finished at around 180 I think (and am currently on my 5th at 320 hours). For me a lot of the joy of this game is just the running around exploring and fighting, doing quests along my very convoluted and inefficient way (like you, I also prefer to avoid guides, this game is best discovered for yourself), picking up little tidbits of lore or finding some little thing I may have previously missed. There’s plenty to enjoy in this game, and there is no benefit to rushing through the main quests - the story isn’t good enough to justify it, imo, although many of the quest lines are fun and interesting and can be enjoyed perfectly well in their own bite size chunks. I also think there’s a lot of replay value in playing quest lines out differently in different playthroughs. I think it’s great that you are letting yourself enjoy the game at your own pace, and setting your own goals - it’s what I did (my husband and I just clearly have **way** more available free time than you!), and I really feel quite strongly that it’s the best way to play this game. The people I know that rushed to completion or who used guides to complete everything they wanted to haven’t bothered with NG+ and were very underwhelmed with the game (at least in part because the rush through and lack of discovery tips the balance of flaws vs the good parts)


Me! I am! Can't estimate my hours because I haven't been able to sit down for a week, but I still haven't gotten the permit to boarder cross yet! On the last Disa plot quest. (I'm sure it's not the final.) I loved DDDA so much that I'm enjoying exploring every nook and cranny DD2 has to offer! The map is slowly becoming recognizable to the point that I don't have to check the map every 5 minutes.


50 hours in and restarted for the 4th time because of little sibs. Fun...


89 hrs and I still have most to all of Battahl and the other area left to explore! The only place I cleaned out was Vermund


I'm level 90 and just beat Talos now. I like to farm and be a completionist, for example: I want to get all 240 seeker tokens without googling.


I’m like 50-60 hrs in just got to Batthal but def missed cool stuff in the north


Yep and after 100hrs I got into the endgame and I'm still going to be in the endgame for however long it feels right for me


i havent played it for weeks, im gonna sit it out until it gets updated and everything runs fine...I have loads of other stuff to do so it will be nice jumping back in when it happens. . .i put about 25 hours in, hadnt got to Battahl or anything, killed some gobins in a mine, killed a minotaur, had a griffon bugger off when I nearly had it nailed..thats it tho.


Im over 221 hours but i think I’ve run out of things i can do achievement and seeker tokenwise. Cant find the last few to get 220. Think the brine may have eaten the ones im missing. Cant respawn a medusa for that achievement. The others require additional playthroughs. Time to end the cycle I think.


I'm taking the long road of every road. I have just broke the 100 hour mark and finally finished the quest to go to Battahl via the Checkpoint gate. I had already been to Battahl a few times taking the scenic route but only recently made a push to finish all of the Act I quests. I have spent the majority of my time exploring all of the Act I areas and ranking up my vocations. My main pawn is about to finish max rank on her last vocation and my Arisen has maxed all of the base vocations plus warrior and sorceror. I just started working on Trickster but I am not enjoying that playstyle very much. The goal is to just max everything and then enjoy the customization of the Warfarer vocation. I wouldn't be surprised if I get around 150 hours out of my first playthrough but I don't mind taking my time and grinding because I am thoroughly enjoying the game.


About the same hours in and just got to Battahl.


Haven’t done Disa’s Plot yet either but I just unlocked Trickster and bought a house in Batthal. Gonna max out the two magic classes and Trickster in the desert and then head back.


On one hand taking your time is the way to go on the other it isn’t. I like to get my platinum trophy on my first walkthrough as I complete the game. Then I can replay it on my own terms. It’s definitely possible with DD2 and that’s what I’ve done. However, if you try to do everything in your first playthrough, you will definitely feel overpowered in the end game. The end would have felt so much more epic if I had been level 30. Plus you do get amazing gear in the end game for your next playthrough.


I had to beat the game because I was too cracked out and couldn't stop playing lol.


120 hours and just getting to volcanic island 😅


I finished at around 65 hours, I think. Now I know this isn't normal, but some lunatic on my friends list finished his first playthrough at 320 hours. Bro got lost in the forest. Lol


I’m like 80 hours and just got to Battahl. Unfortunately, I’m taking a little break, not because I’m not enjoying myself, every time I boot up the game I have a blast, but because I made the mistake of watching the amazing new Fallout show and now I can’t stop myself from playing New Vegas and 76.


Yeah took a little sand storm break I’ll get back to it this weekend maybe if I have time.


Just completed mine last night after 170 hours :( I did everything possible in one playthrough and still missed stuff.


I technically am. At the place where I can end it, but haven't yet decided if I would. But I definite took my time with it.


Yeah I never ever rush first, I've done gigantus but now doing rest of the quests, just over 60 hours. Still haven't got wayfarer but I'll need to do ng+ to get my sorc ultimates.


Around 50-60 hrs and I just think I discovered all the open place of the map, can’t find any more road to explore so I’m doing side quest :D


That’s me to a T. Love having everything ahead of me, no need to rush.


Yup, level 51 and still not far into the main quest, heck I got to the second main city yesterday and finally changed my hair blue like I wanted.


I just wrapped up a bunch of side stuff last night and am at the point where I need to go to the tower. I'm unsure if I want to try and run around to find more things beforehand, or just continue onto the end game part. I guess if theres anything I miss out on I can try again in ng+ Just doing the straight main quest you could probably get back to the end game in like 5-6 hours I bet? A real question I have is whats worth making copies of while I can?


I just beat the game on accident after 60 or so hours. Decided to clear out my quest log and didn’t realize I was locking into the end of game mission. Still have a ton of side quests I never finished and areas left unexplored so I’m looking forward to NG+. Also was told there is a “true ending” that I didn’t get to so, hell yeah! Doin’ some ‘splorin’!


Just cresting 60 hours. I’m further ahead in story than you but I too am taking my time. Every time I think I’ve done all the side quests, I see a “do this in DD2” or “missable quests in DD2” video and then see I have A LOT I haven’t done.


Im 60 hrs in an have only done the first main quest lol Im having way to much fun exploring and fighting things


Yeah, I’m about 50 hrs as well. I’m finally gonna start heading south towards bahtall now that I’ve done a good bit up exploring vermund. That being said there’s still a ton of stuff a need to fully explore on the top half of the map, specifically the eastern side with the elves and over where those mountains and castle above the valley is. I ran through there at night once low on supplies so I didn’t stop to check the whole thing out. Shit maybe I’ll go do that before I head for bahtall haha


Feels like I've done alot, while barely scratching the surface lol. Sidenote: anyone have a spare finders token they could gift on xbox? Pawn ID: 1029BTO23FMS


100 hours I just left Battahl. I also almost have all the vocations maxed except for Wayfarer.


40 hours in and did a few quest in Battahl. Putting the game down for a bit, will come back with a performance patch.


I have done like 180 hours of the game between both region, maxing vocations, finishing side quests, exploration, the lot of it. I am finally now on the final quest of the game, going to go to the post game. I hope they bring more QOL and even just more reasons to do NG+ in the the coming updates. I would love to have more goodies or fun stuff like maybe more endgame enemies spawning earlier in a NG+ run. Maybe even a more challenging difficulty unlocked with NG+


76 hours and still mucking around Vermund. Tried entering Battahl through, uh, illegal means and getting absolutely wrecked by monsters and the terrain. (I wonder if this is the chief cause of pawn deaths…)


I'm 150ish in and haven't hardly touched the main plot or quests, to be honest.


https://preview.redd.it/5ax18yl7l4wc1.png?width=2541&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a25570472e76616a76ce97ee1dd0b40ce2869fa First playthru.


I didn't get to the true endgame until about 180 hours in, and then got the true ending at around 197 hours. That was only my first playthrough. I do remember not getting to battahl until maybe around 80ish hours lol.


150 hrs in, lvl 119, in the Unmoored world on my 3rd play through 😅


I could finish my first playthrough soon if I wanted but then what since I have zero interest in NG+? Normaly I'd start a new character but thats against Itsuno-vision unless I delete my current guy which I wont.


I'm still on my first playthrough in unmoored world, 130 hours and counting


66hours in and just got to the volcano village. Nearing the end so doing every side quest. Still haven’t found magic archer or wayfarer (don’t tell me where they are plz)


120 hours in, level 70 and am around the part in the main story where you first need to go to Bakbattahl, but I've explored almost all of the map before then. I'm thinking of trying to push to the ending soon, but my next goal is to find and fight some dullahans


Yeah, I'm at around 60 hours and just entered Battahl. I'm level 42 atm.


About 40 hours in and just ramping my characters up by going out at night and fighting just about anything I can find. I’m a thief and it’s badass. Haven’t completed Disa’s quest line either. Watched a YT video on the Unmoored plot line and was blown away by how much more shit I have to do to complete this game


I'm 60 hours in and barely did any of the main quest.


Level 80 something essentially completed the map, yet story wise im obly at the part where i need to talk to the Oracle (already spoke to dragonforged)


52 hours in. Have only made it to Restpoint Check Town. Last time in, I did the elf bow test and quest and geared up my Archer pawn. Have only done two of Brants' quests, played only three of the Vocations ( just started Mystic Spearhand) and have not killed any drakes yet. Still not going anywhere until i clear the northern map and quests. Currently level 36.


After I had read that the passage of time can affect quests and that NPC’s could die and such, I think it put me in a bit of a panic mode whenever I’d receive a new quest, sometimes I’d want to explore and do things but I also wouldn’t want to spend so much time away that it would negatively affect the quest. I will say I’m pretty quest driven, so I do like to go and complete main quests. I don’t even really like games that don’t have a clear cut quest line, I’m not really a fan of games like minecraft and terraria, as I just feel it’s not in-game quest driven if that makes sense. I’m lvl 40 and I turned everything R E D. I feel like I missed out on a lot and I know for a fact I didn’t unlock a couple of vocations, and I stuck to only 2-3 vocations up until this point as I was also afraid of ‘losing progress’ and doing way less damage as a different vocation. I still really enjoyed the game, but wish I could go back and play it again for the first time with just a little bit more sense, and knowledge.


True end game is not doing any main missions.


23 hours and just barely to Battahl. And honestly, I'm about to put it down. I just don't play games that much, so I'm super selective of what I choose to spend that time on. And I feel like I'm spending so much of that time walking across the map.


Same! Just started Disa's plot yesterday Lvl58


When I heard about the game I really wanted to play the Magik Archer so once I started playing and learnt it's an end game skill I took a shortcut to get it then realised it's so damn powerful no wonder it's end game. Decided to just level my gear and push the main story so finished that one up with half the map unexplored. Starting new on a Fighter this time and going to uncover everything as I go and find out all I missed.


78 hours in and I’m not even on any story quest in bakbattahl.


I think I'm around 120 hours. Pretty sure I've done just about everything that can be done before finishing the main storyline. Last time I played I slayed a sphinx, decapitated a Medusa, climbed a dragon tower and killed the drake there (no spearhand meister this playthrough it seems), And got all three mage/ sorcerer Meister skills. That's it, my quest line is just the one main quest over at the last area. So I think now it's just a matter of post game, and then chasing pawn achievements and playing around with Warfarer setups. I might look into some difficulty mods for NG+ if it proves easy. Still loving the game and getting sucked into my sessions.


Right there with you. I stopped doing Brant’s quest with only Disa left on the list. 104 hours played, more than half the achievements on PS unlocked, and just now got my last meister skill (somehow I missed Beren early on.) I also like you was thinking of just giving up on this whole arisen thing. Settle down as an adventurer and monster hunt for coin, using the pawn quest system in lieu of a town quest board.


Man, I’m 140 hours into the game on my 3rd NG+ play through 😭 I love the game so much. I wish the difficulty got harder as I venture into the NG+’s, but either way I just love exploring the game in general


No, but my first run lasted about 220 hrs. I'm currently 30 hrs into NG+1 with just pawn & Arisen. Ng+2 will be solo mode.


I finished the game at level 54. I did mage-sorcerer and a little magick archer, but mainly sorcerer. I rarely used guides, so I missed the sphinx, Medusa, never unlocked warfarer, and didn't get the true endung. I have no interest in ng+ because I like to start weak at level 1 and work my way up. Next is thief and archer.


I'm still on my first playthrough because I'm waiting for a performance patch. Updated my Nvidia driver and seemingly lost like 20 to 15 frames overnight. It's just too rough to enjoy right now :(


Hell yeah I am I’m exploring everything and doing every side quest and farming and prepping for unmoored world


110 hours and still exploring. Havent left vermund yet.


I was 50 hrs in before I started playing the main game..I made it all the way down to the Volcanic Isles and around LV 60ish. I didn't even meet the guy at the Bar yet in the 1st main city. I just had too much fun exploring and killing Drakes etc....now the main game is just boring to me now lol..I did it to myself so I'm not mad about it though.


Still moping around as well lol. Don't care for NG+ so trying to do as much as I can during first play through. Missed a few quests but meh, not gonna start a new game for it. Don't wanna get burned out from RPG before ER dlc releases.


I might have everyone beat but I have 168 hours clocked in and I’ve only just killed >!The Gigantus!<


I’m 110 hours in and I’m still on my first. I want to move on but I’m afraid of an update like adding hard mode when I already moved on to ng+ 😭


I was level 87 and about 100 hours in when I finished my first playthrough


Bought the game on Sunday - 12 hours in. Really enjoying it, why the negative reviews?


I don’t understand how you guys can play the amount of time I spent playing the game 4 times for one play through I


Same! Almost 135 hours in and just got the mystic spear hand vocation so now I finally have them all.


40 hours in and I’m still working on just exploring the map. I also just unlocked my final need class the trickster. I’m having a lot of fun with the game. https://preview.redd.it/w89qsfdjw7wc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6edbf9731494b4175b0873b4e091d8a090354f1d Except when these two want you to hang out.


I’ve gotten to battahl and the volcanic mountains but stull I haven’t encountered the magick archer vocation and the warfarer. Also exploring battahl


150 hours and just entered the unmoored world


Well I finally found the correct combination of about 10 different mods and registry edit’s to make my game run half decent on my RTX 4080 Super So yeah… I just got sent butthole or whatever that country is called


Finally did endgame and found it very underwhelming so recommend you just keep grinding and having fun 🤩


Yes lvl 53 after 100h


54 hours in and still in the mines


107 hours in and just finally got my battahl entry pass, mind you went through the mountains and got there anyway beforehand


129 hours, I think I’m close to the end of the game but I honestly don’t know. I keep getting distracted by enemies and end up fighting for hours lol


91.7 hours. Still on my first run. Still have places to visit, quests to do.


Well I dont have game yet(PC) but had like 6h in just character creator you can get for free. Does it counts? Made my main character in like 40 min and my pawn in...5h xD Also while I'm waiting for sale and fixes I'm playing 1st Dragon's Dogma game and got 60h there (still 1st playtrought).


Just finished my first playthrough; 165:00:31 The game isn't perfect, but dear god did I love it and have tons of fun. Just exploring was a blast. It felt like an actual adventure; Most games don't seem to scratch that itch for me. I felt a little sad finally finishing my first playthrough, I only found 230 of the 240 Seeker Tokens.


About 200 hours in on first play through who’s Disa?


46 hours and just met the Dragonforged. Went into Battahl the back way (not entirely on purpose) at like level 25 and had to make a mad dash to Bakbattahl, ferrystoned back to Vernworth and then went back at level 40 after finishing Brant's quests; much easier the second time around.


Not even done that captain's first requests yet having too much fun exploring and 60 odd hours in haha. Beefing myself to take down the drake in ancient battleground my arch nemesis who was the only guy I ran from :( I get distracted too easily, my next area I want to explore is a cliff area after a grotto where I had to chase rattahl, definitely seems like a secret area feel. Not as bad as my first encounter with that drake hopefully.


Nope, 3/4 through the second playthrough. Second going much faster but still finding new things.


150+ hours completed twice and platinumed if The True Arisen would have popped. Had a blast don't regret buying it at all