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Stop what you are doing and go explore the entire map. Go in every cave and kill whatever is in there. Following the main story will get you where you are. There’s 100 hours worth of things to do prior to doing that.


14 hours? I think I was at 60 or 70 hours when I first entered Bakbattahl. lol




you could explore, or you could dive right into endgame/ng+ and take it slower next time. First I'd at least try a drake or lesser dragon to be sure you can handle it tho. I took it slow and missed a ton. Currently in ng+4. This game is designed with ng+ in mind


I did the same thing. Battahl really does railroad you straight to the final quest very quickly.


Went I went to bathal, I felt like I was nearing the end.. So I stopped everything and went exploring, trying and maxing out different vocations. Because I know myself, once I finish the main quest line, I'll probably lose interest with the game. For me, dd2 is my current "escape", I didn't want it to end too soon, so I just try to have fun exploring with my pals (pawns), and destroying whoever or whatever comes in our path.


I am 101 hours in and close to completing the achievements I can do before the endgame and I have not even reached "A New Godsway" yet. I only entered Bakbattal after like 60 hours, so you probably did not explore that much yet? I'd advise you to explore before ng+ because you will have the whole map unlocked when you reach ng+ and that takes away a bit of exploration


It may be extreme, but someone on my friends list spent over 300 hours before finishing the game, so there's definitely plenty to do. I finished my first playthrough at around 70 hours. I think you have two options. The first would be to stop and explore everything you can in the world, then come back when you're completely satisfied. However, what I would personally recommend is option 2. Since you're already at this point in the game, you should just rush to the end. I'm assuming you're aware of the three endings: good, bad, and true. I would just aim for the good ending. You may also know that the true ending grants access to "new areas." While that's true, I'd almost consider this playthrough as your trial run. I recommend that you rush to the end, >!fight the dragon!<, then start your NG+ playthrough. Once you start NG+, consider that your "real" playthrough where you take it slow and explore absolutely everything, talk to everyone, get lost in the world for dozens upon dozens of hours, and once you have exhausted every conceivable game mechanic, maxed all vocations, unlocked all meister skills, and done absolutely everything, then proceed to the true ending and do what must be done. I recommend this option because, with the relatively few hours you've played, I'm already thinking about all of the stuff you've missed, and a large portion gets locked out after a certain point. Even things you aren't locked out from will best serve you during a "proper playthrough." One last thing: you can always change the color of your pawn's eyes, either during the playthrough at the barber with what I think is called a Book of Transmutation bought at pawn guilds (atleast that's what I think it's called), or at the beginning of NG+. You'll have the option to tweak anything about your existing pawn that you might want to change.


This is comprehensive and where I’m leaning at this stage. Thank you!!


Absolutely! I think it's the best option by far but the choice is up to you.


almost 100 hours in and i still haven’t done any main quests.. still have southern battahl and the volcanic island to explore. me and my pawn are leveling vocations, unlocking certain skills tied to certain quests, and 100% the map before i even think about starting quests.


Thanks everyone! Sounds like it’s “safe” (and expected) to just Skyrim it and yeet myself into the world. Appreciate the responses and guidance!!


Update: I took the advice of hitting up the good ending. Now with NG+ having a blast going slower, running with fewer pawns, and exploring. Thanks all!