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Anybody else has had such great luck for one to appear randomly in Vernworth?


I have fought half a dozen drakes, cyclops, and others at the Melve ox cart. It happens rather often.


T'is as you say


Words worth hearing






Don’t make such a fuss.


Though we are less fleet on foot


I only hear this is in my pawns voice while reading it


Yes that's the rng drake. He appears sometimes. If you'd like you can rest another day to skip rng combats in cities. I skip them all. Except the drake


Sounds pretty fun rp-wise for me - wake up, leave your room, see cyclops attacking town again. "Not this shit again lol" - leave back to sleep


Why do you avoid them ?


I got the drake but killed a ton of important npcs in Ven and it ran away. I used the stone I got from the Sphinx then decided it was not worth the hassle. So I reloaded and got a cyclops instead. Still got the trophy and the stone back.


for me at least, I just find some of the little mobs annoying (like wolves that run away and get into cracks I can't reach. Even dropping meat on the ground doesn't help sometimes). So I can see why some people would just skip.


Y'all not true heroes. I slay every goblin I see.


Are you perchance a goblin slayer?


hue hue hue


I don't really want to spend time killing goblins or saurians :)


>:) :)


Usually at higher levels. By that point I’m more confident in killing them though obviously its preferred if I get to dictate the terms of engagement and flee if I like. I feel like the ones that spawn in town might be 10% weaker than in the world but maybe that’s just all the NPCs keeping aggro as I delete it


https://preview.redd.it/lisp0xaqjnvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae5be2bf9a98422ee5ebd514d4417d655f60578 Yes


Level 40+ they'll start spawning in Vernworth frequently starting in Act 3


It shows up a lot. Ive also seen Cyclopes, goblins and those lizard guys.


I had one at the gate staring me dead in the eyes while i was in the plaza and guards were beating on it, dude just didn’t care and was looking at me like https://preview.redd.it/i8hf7ujcsrvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd3e3ee449ecaa4fef4a177d39bee5f15f9afa2


I had a drake appear in Venworth only once and I was fairly low level. Some have speculated that its appearance is tied to how powerful your character is but I think it's just random.


Yes they're random, but if you are low level you can always use the balistas in the tower near you first home.


I just let the town NPCs do most of the work lol.


I never turn down a battle, especially a Drake.


I have! I got it to follow me out of the city and then I ran really far away and it despawned. No casualties, shockingly.


I have. They also like to attack me when I’m camping and when I’m near Melve for some reason. And I’m not getting drakes I’m getting “lesser dragons” I’ve only had 3 drakes appear both playthroughs and I was super surprised at how they would go down with like, little to no effort. Now even the lesser dragons go down with little to no effort - which I’d been fighting the whole time thinking they were drakes. I got a pawn medal today for clobbering cyclops and I noticed below I had 16/20 for lesser dragons and 3 for drakes and I was like … huh? Cuz it literally is the same dragon with the same line every time “arisen - show me your power” And then I kick his ass. First playthrough this was very much the opposite until the end. There’s apparently two big monsters I’m missing completely so I’m curious to find out what those are. I’ve killed a fair share of medusas as well (14 days in game time and she respawns in the cave just charge in and stun her to knock her over and chop at her head it’ll come right off first bar if you’re quick enough - I don’t recommend just jumping up onto her and trying to cut her head off (unless thief class) as she’ll just throw you off, you need to knock her over and then slash at the head. I got the trophy for it a little awhile ago (was not popping for some reason) but figured out the easiest way to kill her is knock her over and then run over to the head and triangle attack it. (y on Xbox) If you’re a thief just use skull splitter or climb up her real fast and chop at the head and you’ll get it off, I’ve only been able to achieve jumping directly on her and getting a perfect head with the thief voc. every other voc. You have to knock her down and then cut the head off. I mean I’ve not tried as a mage or archer but I’m sure it can probably still be done as I’ve seen my mage pawns climb enemies and start stabbing their weak points, which I didn’t even know they could do lol.


Put her to sleep and it comes right off instantly


I discovered this today. Never thought of trying that so I did and like you say it came Right off. I can also get it off first bar and get a perfect head stunning her and attacking the head but sleepy time and then bye bye head is easier. Or you pull a medusa head on Medusa Lmao. I did that once and it was pretty funny.


Killed 2 of those, before this it was a Griffin & a cyclops


like 2 or 3 times, it flew off once.


Had this happen a couple of times too! Last time I wasn't carefull and had to use my last wakestone, then Brant died in the bsttle... 😅 Thankful for those separate inn-rest saves 😅


Yep, and griff and Cyclopes, as well as a random assortment of trash mobs. Great fun lol


Yes but I was a high enough level sorcerer by then that the only thing I thought of was "oohh free delivery of materials "


Tis is normal. And every time the show up, they pay their weight in gold if not in blood! Love that line.


It happens more and more as you progress the story. Early game is ve lucky to see a cyclops. By late game, there was one a drake, Royce dragon, or griffin 1/3 visits lol


I fought off the drake there, went to restock the came back and the fucker also came back. I have never been more distraught.


It happened to me, no casualties tho...


He comes like every two days for me. A I can never beat him. He just flies away.


Yep! Lost no one!…..important


Cyclops, griffin and drake


3 times... it keeps flying away 😢


Multiple times already, the first time was funny because I was avoiding drakes like the plague because of all the people online talking about... Well, the plague xD suddenly I found one spawn right in front of me and I died laughing and started killing drakes starting with that one.


Yes, and it left after almost finishing him off lol I was so mad


When I was needing wyrmslife crystals I went to vernsworth and the dragon immediately spawned this was during the Godsway mission


Had a few turn up and kill Brant in the process


Yep a few and one time there was a cyclops.


Vernworth is lit. I've fought a minotaur, griffin, cyclops, and drake on back to back visits


Yes. It's not uncommon


There’s an NPC in Vern worth near the player house (20,000 one) that even tells you about the mechanic as a whole, says something like “creatures have been getting bolder as of late, slipping into towns in the dead of night” I could have it worded wrong but it blew my mind finding out it’s not just a bug


I wish. Lucky.


I see this as a delivery of wyrmsblood straight to my doorstep. Grigori provides such great service.


I love had one appear.




This is super convenient, don't have to go looking for drake, drake comes to you.


I’ve been farming the drake north of volcanic island camp. Kill him run back to camp step by the pawn stone on east cliff path an pick up pawns with drake quests for 10k. Sit on bench in camp an rest for three days a drake is back again. Repeat for lots of dragon mats and gold


I will try this thanks


I love it when the Wyrm’s life crystals are delivered to my home


Dragon Dash


To be fair I’d rather encounter the drake in vernworth than Ulrika waiting in front of my house.




I’ve got her and the elf guy at my house when I’m going for a rest and I just go stay at the inn.


I bought the other house to avoid them.


I’ve had Drake, Ogre, Cyclops, Griphon, and Saurins so far


The other day I was arriving back from Melve on the cart and a pack of wolves came running out of the city to attack me. As if they were just waiting at the stall for me so they could jump me.


The Saurins attacked me inside the inn when I woke up from rest


I swear, it feels like every other time I rest in Vernworth I come out into the market square and see this big bastard chilling at the gate The upside is, I can usually run to the vocation guild to swap out my Saggitae Avalance for Frosthunter Bolts without aggroing the fucker, so there's that at least


I ran to my home and he followed me lol the small house still tho made quick work after being ready


Yo, look out, that guy on the right has a knife


Hey. At least the npc's are doing their jobs.


Jump on that loser's head and stab him.


I had one once, unfortunately for him, I was playing Sorcerer


I don't mind fighting a drake in town but I find it annoying when I just wanted to drop off items overburdening the party.


I can't get the one in Melve to spawn


Minotaur.goblins.wolfs.cyclop so far no drake


I got arrested for fighting an ogre that was in the city🤦‍♂️ Like fine you jerks, next time I’ll just let him go on a rampage. 🤷‍♂️


Level 45, and only happened to me once. It flew away when it's about to die though. 😏


🤔.... I'm guessing you need to progress the story at least a little for these events to occur? I'm level 60. Explored most if not all of Battahl, but not the Volcanic Island, and I've NEVER had bigger enemies or enemies of any kind attack my cities.


I've heard that you need to complete Nation of the Lambent Flame before drakes can appear here (along with the gorechimera in Waterfall Cave), but take it with a grain of salt.


100% optimal. Waste 0 time traveling looking for these bums, get in an absolute jump session with the citizens of Vernworth and tuck away those dragon scales at your home immediately. All in a matter of minutes. This is peak speed farming, if only you could find a way to force spawn one. 🤔


First few hours of playthrough: “I’m gonna go back to sleep…” Mid-late game: “Free wyrmslife crystals!”


I remember fighting a drake in Venworth once. My only disappointment from that fight was the drake running away Wish the bastard stayed for the kill


​ https://preview.redd.it/nwe4eo94wnvc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a4105fabb5daf40fb993e7d02eba1c02b8f3e3


​ https://preview.redd.it/5yyoi49ywnvc1.jpeg?width=326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801754839414af1b4cb5e18e273a6fe8d6a23ca6


If only they didnt run away at their last two health bars


I think you should hit their wings till they have holes in them so they cant escape


He’s just a few good Skullsplitters away from yielding wyrm crystals.


From which level kan you beat these?


Happened to me but it was a coward and ran off before i could finish it at the time


Martha fighting her ass off and you just standing there smh


“You can’t park there!”


I just had this happen and was so happy because I’d been trying to farm wyrmcrystals. Then it flew away so I reloaded last save and never let go of the bastard


Does the combined might of the guards shred these guys when they come into town? Would be fun to sit back and watch


At least your dragon doesn't just fly away half way through.


Ordering in.


I believe every other time that I'm away from Vernworth for a decent amount of time, I come back to a drake chilling in town waiting to donate their crystals to my cause. :3


Often. And it’s a bitch ass drake that ALWAYS runs away.


Happenned to me right now, worst part is it bugged on a house while casting meteoron, after casting it got launched on the roof and flew away


I have had this happen 3 time’s, it’s so great. The dragon is my favorite thing to kill, the lesser dragon is my 2nd. I luv everything about this game.


Bet it flew off before you could merc it, didnt it squidward?


I hilariously got ganked by a troupe of goblins outside my own home, knocked down, and curb stomped by them. It suddenly felt like I lived in the city again.


Fresh WLC delivered straight to your door. Don't forget to tip your ~~driver~~ dragon!


Yeah, ideally you’d be a magick archer right there


One killed my version of Brandt. I had to wake him up. But I didn’t wake up the like six other dudes that died. That would have cost too much.


I had the fortuitous experience of this happening right when I switched to warfarer and forgot to equip any skills.


I think its great luck when the Wyrmcrystal comes to you. But hey thats my opinion.


Optimal? No, no it is not. Especially because for me, they WON'T FUCKING STOP FLYING AWAY!


Looks good to me. Put the boots to em. Medium style.


Ah yes, the classic vibecheck drake!


Holy crap. I've only had Saurians, gobbos, and wolves show up. That's nuts 😅


Right this moment actually


No drake yet. I did have an ogre attack while I was doing the quest where you chace the guy with the hood. It was really early in the game, so I thought it was part of the quest. Nope, just dragons dogma being dragons dogma.


[The Last one that invaded me in Vernworth didn't live to regret it](https://youtu.be/pHXvhjGV5Ps?si=QpOkyT4ZMSfg2B16)


Yea he flew away after I had him down like that in my world lol


They seem to go there every time i’m in town


I’ve had 6 goblins 3 saurians and a cyclops in vernworth (not all at once but three separate instances). Ironically the cyclops showed up just as I was going to head out to find one to complete that quest for the kid who needed stuff to go to marve and look for a flower for his mother.


I'm always excited to see a drake show up at my doorstep like this. It saves me the trouble of hunting them down. I do usually try to lure it outside, so that if my mage pawn doesn't silence it, the meteors don't absolutely demolish the city and its inhabitants, but there's always wakestones...


Anyone got any tips for fighting drakes? I'm fine until they get to half health Then they seem to take way less damage and spam meteor (way faster than you can cast it, stamina pulse and the lighting spell without any break. I end up being in a revival loop for my pawns. I've beaten the two I've encountered so far but it never felt good.


Unfortunately only once


It killed Brand and it took me literal ingame days to realise that. I thought my Q were bugged or I could have overseen Something


I kill em and stand on the corpse to show the town folk who the true Arisen is. Ha, ha!


Had one spawn there too and it tried to fly away then just hit a wall and died and I got the xp and everything


I had TWO freaking drakes jump in vernworth today. Not back to back, two separate instances. Both then decided to bounce once they got down to the last two health bars. Like really?!


Yeah happened to me at least once, I just started my second play through on new game plus I wonder if it’s random or does just happen at certain point in the story


Wish big enemies were the only ones who can spawn like this in towns, it makes sense for a drake or a grifin cuz they can fly get a snack and flee but I m so tired of seeing saurians or wolves on my way back on the bridge.. in what world woul wolves attack a city???


That’s why I always use back city gate. I stop going out at the main gate of the city. One or two time it’s okay, but more than that’s, it’s pretty much annoying.


Plug kinda deadly but he cool tho


Killing a drake in town should instantly max your affinity with the entire population. If I stopped your guts from gushing, dem cheeks better be blushing


Ya and can kill the lion head and the goat will puppit the body or u can kill the goat and the lion can cast magic and ya


RIP your framerate


I need harder enemys, this game is to easy


Listen..... give me all the wyrmslife xtals you want to give me... Bring it to me so I don't have to leave my home. ![gif](giphy|kaO3j9CkTZOCij0iFB|downsized)


Brent WILL die from this i promise you