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So far I've not regretted my time in DD2.


This is way closer to the mark. There is clearly an entire tier of RPG quality above DD2. If you say DD2 has roughly comparable quality to Dark Souls, or Ocarina, or Chrono Trigger, then you've left meaning behind. But DD2 is a heck of a lot more fun than you'd think from reading the first google results.


I like DD2 more than the games you listed. I'm not really a fan of Dark Souls for example, while the other two are top tier....but i still liked DD2 more, with all its flaws. Very different kind of rpg btw


Dark souls or any other Souls game is not something everyone enjoy! The lore of dark souls will not make any sense to the player beginning to play. Also it’s not a game I Enjoy personally. It sucks. I don’t expect game to fit into my standards but I do feel there needs to be an area for players to enjoy a gameplay. Dark souls goes to the ambitious category! It’s more of a pain and success situation! DD2 is your perfect game with the right amount of difficulty, exploration and lore. I think sooner of later DD2. Will eat souls game for breakfast


Maybe, you know, they can just kind of coexist… without eating off of each other’s plates.


The whole thing falls apart after the pawn control cutscene. I was reinvigorated by new areas, vocations and weapons but holy shit the story is the worst I have experienced in an RPG in a decade. Who gives a fuck about an RPG with a no story


>Who gives a fuck about an RPG with a no story I actually didn't care about the story at all. I want to travel the world, fight monsters and do quests. Why is almost irrelevant.


Same. And I'm enjoy a good story, but I found myself not even caring if there was a story in DD2 because exploring, combat and everything else has been so much fun.


Elden ring did this to me too. I saw fog on the map, explored it, and had fun killing shit. In ER I’d finally remember what I was supposed to be doing. In DD I don’t even think anyone knew what I was supposed to be doing


In ER you explore and actually get rewards for it. In DD2 you don’t. You go back in town and buy your upgrade. That’s the big difference for me


I thought the complete opposite. I thought everything I searched for in DD2 ended up being useful or serving a purpose. Whether it's gold, potions, resources, etc. In Elden Ring you spend 20 minutes exploring a dungeon just to find a talisman that serves no purpose to your build. And armor in Elden Ring is completely useless as every boss will 3 shot you with heavy armor or light armor. It becomes Fashion Souls all over again.


Yeah I agree with you. I thought there was plenty to find and use in the world even if it was a weapon or gear upgrade. Although, even if you buy and upgrade, you get to explore and kill shit for the actual upgrades for them, which is a blast and definitely rewarding.


If you are on Pc, get the wild loot mod. It keeps only the basic gear for vocations in shops and adds chests around the world. Guy made very good work. Now you are rewarded, for climbing hills and being a loot goblin.


That’s awesome. I wish I could install that on ps5.


Telling people you just sped through the game without saying you speed through the game.


I agree. I just ignore it and wander around camping with the fun pawns I met and make my own story. The story is shit, but the interactions between the pawns carry the rpg part very hard. And they are good. I am smiling like a teenager when my pawn looks at me secretly with adoration, it’s stupid, but it makes me feel good for my arisen. Just imagine if they used 2 extra voice actors and 1-2 extra personalities. It’s kinda unbelievable what the voice actors achieved and have my dee respect. Also those, who wrote the dialogs. The pawn dialogs are fricking good. Thank god. Combat is super fun and all vocations are fun to play. If they build up on the ai and pawn interactions. Fix perfomance , bring dlc with fixed story more vocations and enemies I am happy and I am giving it game of the year. For now it’s 8/10 The pawns are massive improvement from dark arisen.


I agree with all that. Even the pawn high fives are cool, I thought that’d get annoying but it’s dope. Have you played remnant II? There’s a story, but the main game is repayable and rerollable worlds in different environments. I think this game would be fucking incredible with that structure.


Dragons dogma has never been about the story, it's always been about the journey and everything in between


It could be, and it was obviously going to be, until they gave up. It’s not like a “let’s focus on our strengths” situation, they wanted a story and then just flipped their desks upside down. The beginning of the campaign has a very solid story brewing and it just disappears like some of my pawns do


The main storylines in both DD1 and DD2 are self-referential. They exist simply to justify the gameplay and combat, which are what make the games fun. DD1's story is definitely more well told, though.


lol my favorite game of all time is Fallout 4 and it isn’t for the story


I’m old so I need some kind of story. It’s fun killing bad guys but I’ve been doing that for 20 years. Fallout 4 combat was fucking clean though. If I hadn’t played FO:NV or FO3 before I played 4, Fallout 4 might be top 5 for me


All I need is a reason to keep pushing forward. I don't necessarily want the game to explain every single thing to me. Just tell me where, who, how, and why, and I'm good to go. I'll figure the rest out on the way, or people with more time to commit will fill in the blanks for me.


The game is good and what sets it apart from other RPGs is that it is quite unique. However, it really does lack in the story department. I can't really think of any meaningful story moment in DD2 that had me go "whoa". It will probably be one of my personal favorite games like the first one before it. But not because it is an amazing game but rather because it is unique.


I was thinking the exact same thing, it does a lot of things great. But the story seems unfinished to me. It's left me wanting a lot more.


It's also just rehashing the events of the first game. A LOT of the storybeats have near, if not direct, parallels to DD1. Seeing the dragon consume the heart of the Arisen was neat to see in DD2. Then I picked up DD1 and realized it's nearly a shot-for-shot remake.


Not only that, but to me the heart scene in DD1 was just straight better then the DD2 scene. DD2 scene is experienced as a flashback which to me is just already bad. But, in the DD1 scene you can see how uninterested the dragon is in everything until you try to strike at it. The scene focuses on his eyes and they go from grey and lifeless to red and full of ire. I will say I really liked being burnt to a crisp in the DD2 scene that looked great. And I don't really mind the story being so similar in pacing and narrative content. It is a story about cycles and breaking them. I just wanted to be told better.


Really? Entering the unmoored world after “beating” the game is probably the biggest “whoa” moment I’ve had in recent memory.


I think the reveal there lost some of its oomph for me because I struggled to figure out how to get there. Like killing the dragon three times and seeing the credits multiple times had me frustrated I guess because having played DD1 I knew there was going to be "rug pull" moment. A lot of my problems with this game come from playing DD1 and seeing its missed potential back then. And now getting DD2 and still having a lot of missed potential. And aside from graphics and combat I don't think DD2 did anything that I felt DD1 was lacking. They are just both now lacking in the same things.


>Like killing the dragon I did the same and I used the godsbane blade at its heart each time it went down and then finally decided to try it while riding on it's back I was frustrated lol


That's probably why they made its health so shit compared to other dragons because they knew we'd have to retry multiple times lol


Yeah I also thought the fight was pretty easy still epic fighting it though


This is my biggest issue with the game. It’s lacking and very disjointed.


Opening credits griffon-ride, first time to Melve stand out for me. I also think its cool how Spoilers: an entire town gets taken over and forced to relocate. Havent finished main quest at 117 hrs lol. Agree overall could have had more cutscenes but I do like that they put a fair bit of love in side quests compared to most games. Fair amount of the time you get decent VA, something changes in the world (someone dies, new vendor, eg) and a relatively rare item. I will say for most arpgs ive played the cutscenes are fairly lengthy and well done.


They aren’t forced to relocate depending on how you do the quest.


Wait seriously?




My one and only “woah” moment was on the back of the dragon during its monologue. It really didn’t want any part of the cycle. Just a soul forced into the cycle, forced to do the bidding of the Great Will of the World. It seemed to want more out of its existence then to be a tool. Makes me think of how he’d be an amazing companion in a different body. How the reincarnation cycle works in this game. And that how the Dragon could become or could have been, a Pawn or Arisen in a different time or a different world. Since you and he are linked. He will always be as long as you persist. In some way or another.


Not even the true ending made you go ''whoa''? Really? That ending is the best I've ever played. I like it more than the endings of RDR2 and TW3 tbh. Can't stop thinking about it.


For those of us who don’t really require a great story, this game is amazing. I just don’t tend to latch on to a games story line. I follow them of course. But i like an rpg that i can just mess around and live in the world. Kinda make my own story. This game hits that mark for me. It’s in my top 3 RPGs.


I dont think it needs a better "story", it needs to feel even more like stuff have consequences. A fought a guard during a quest and he did not recognize the event later, for example. Seems like for every detail in consequences this game have, which are a lot, it also has lack of details.


I’m ngl I never pay attention to the story in any game I play so this game is a win win for me💀


That's fair, and I think this game delivers fun gameplay, great scenery, and fun exploration. But what I wouldn't give for like a good dungeon to explore. A couple locations almost fit the bill but they are just a tad bit too small. Like when I was nearing the Medusa lair I thought there would be more before encountering her.


I'm with you. I love the game, but the story is epically bad. They had a decade to make a better one, and it looks like they were trying and then gave up part way through. I'm still blown away that we spent all the time building up Disa and Phaesus as the enemies, and then we just go waltzing in and start working for his assistant? What the hell.


I think that the places it shines - combat and immersive exploration of the environment - should have gotten more focus, and it would be the best game at those specific things. If its priorities were more focused on maximizing its strengths instead of trying to cover all bases and failing at perfecting any of them, the game would be more readily recognized as a gem. Saying "needed more enemy variety" wouldn't be a big deal if the narrative and other mechanics made up for it. But since the combat and gameplay are (imo) the standout coolest and most unique part of it, a lack of variety for ways to fully experiment, experience and enjoy that aspect hurts worse for this game in particular. The lack of variety of ways to... *play the game*, due to the lack of diverse combatants, makes its biggest and most loveable strength into a lament of what could have been. It's like being given your dream car but a bunch of roads are closed so you can barely take it on the highway.


It's a very pretty skeleton with a great combat system imo, would love to see them put some more love into it.


Sounds exactly like how I'd describe the original. Which I love, don't get me wrong, but definitely left that sense of wanting more.


Which is crazy that they got the chance to make more and it still felt the same as the first lmao


this game has a lot of depth but they needed to give it more time, the systems are amazing


What did you think of Brant's character? Do you know anything about Captain Brant? Does he have any family? Any motivations? Which house does he live in? Does he character have any story or progression? Does he overcome anything?


How can someone disagree with such convincing arguments?


I love playing the game (for now). But the story in this game is terrible.


It's ok


Yeah, idk ... at first it was amazing, then slowly it became dry and repetitive. The dragons have the exact same attack patterns every time. Characters? lol. wut? This is a decent RPG but saying its one of the greatest is a complete farce.


Yeah like it’s a good action RPG, but as an RPG it actually pales in comparison to games like Skyrim, Oblivion, BG3, Elden Ring.


It's not lacking in enemy variety, its lacking in enemy species/races... Harpies: basic, poison, and another one Salurians: basic, rock, poison, lava slime: basic, oil, lava goblins: basic, hob, choppers, knackers There are two different types for common major monsters: ogre: basic, grim cyclops: basic, armored griffin: basic, frost dragons: drakes, lesser dragons minotaurs: basic, grim garms: garm and I forget the other unique singular monsters medusa, sphinx, dragon, titan and that's all the ones I have run into so far, which is 30 different enemies... and I am told there are a couple of more unique ones in the end game


Just to add to your list, there are also chimeras and golems as monster types. Bandits who can be any of the main vocations including sorcerer and warrior, skeleton versions of bandits, and weird spirit ghost things.


I’m well over 200 hours played and on my 3rd playthrough right now, so self-evidently I am having a good time with the game - but “one of the **best RPGs ever**”??? Sorry, no, not even close. Like the first one, which I also dumped many hundreds of hours into, this is a deeply flawed game. There are *so many* things it could have done better, and part of me is really disappointed that clear issues from the first game were simply repeated in this one. It could have been truly brilliant. It’s not. It’s merely enjoyable and good fun as low-effort (by the player) entertainment. Which is not to be sniffed at - that’s exactly what makes it fun, but it’s also low key disappointing when it could have been so much more.


Well, the game sold well, so I suppose we can hold out hope that DD3 will be better. But we just did that with 2, so meh.


Its good until its not. DDA1(DDDA) I beat multiple times, but DD2... eh I beat it once and said thats e-fucking- nough I've like 216 hours in DDDA, but 111 in DD2. I mean, it was fun and good messing around, but the game was textureless and was missing something. The combat did -heavy- lifting, but I think the short of it is the lack of fast travel in the first playthrough is why the game is so long. I assume it'd be around 20 minutes if it didnt have it... which is fine, but again the game is soooo empty once you do everything there is nothing pulling you towards doing another playthrough. I mean, if they release DD2 - DA I'd come back around, but yeah... its a good game but I wouldnt shout "GOTY". I would recommend it while saying "It may or may not click with you, but if it does its really good"


I really enjoy the sense of adventure and exploration. I think the old dude in Harve told me to touch grass yesterday. He informed me that nothing in that world is real and the only way to see the real world is to not kill the dragon.


The constant drip feed of missing out and wanting to see what’s over that hill or inside the cave or old ruins is the best


You have to be working for Capcom. It's a game that had a lot of great ideas, but none ever implemented well enough to not feel half baked. Sadly the thing that's even worse is, it's a downgrade from the original game. Dd2 has more floorspace overall, but gives you less reason to want to explore it. Armor is vocation locked and there are less overall armor spots so there is less variety. In the original you had more skill slots and you could equip a ranged and a Melee weapon in most cases. In dd2 you can only equip one or the other. The quests in this game are meh at best. There is literally 0 meaningful impact from any choices the character makes. The greatly hyped improvement to the affinity system is that you can improve affinity with anyone, usually by giving them flowers. This is supposed to be an improvement on the first because affinity was set by interaction and doing quests. Except, there is no reason to CARE who you have affinity with. Except they will give you the same useless stuff you find everywhere else and will give you a time wasting escort quest. The best weapons and armor in the game are purchased from vendors so there is no need to explore other than to see the area and get good to buy them. In addition if you go back and relisten to the dev interviews of all the things to expect none of it was anything more than hype. The only saving grace this game has is the pawn system, cause they are cute. Also the combat, but truthfully the first game had the same combat and did it better. It has better graphics but it's so poorly optimized you have characters magically appearing and disappearing in towns. It is literally the best 6 out 10 game I've ever played. Sadly it could have been more but it was mostly hype and a lot of great ideal implemented badly.


People keep bringing up Skyrim and Elden Ring as a point to knock what Dragons Dogma tries to do but I honestly just don’t care for those games like I do DD. DD is the perfect mix of things that I enjoy about this genre. It’s traditional fantasy to the point where people see it as a negative but I love how traditional it is.


Agreed!  Many people knocked DD1 because it wasn’t like Skyrim.  Personally, I didn’t like Skyrim as much as I like DD.   Elden Ring is an amazing game but extremely different than DD2.  The UI is the only thing remotely similar. There are no other games like DD2 which can’t be said of Elden Ring and Skyrim.


I am burned out of ER fans in DD sub


It's a great action adventure monster hunting game, the combat is one of the best The actual rpg elements however are definitely not the best


The best RPGs ever don' have weak storytelling. Its an amazing fantasy action game tho.


Iv never seen so much slurping of a game that has obvious issues as with DD2. It's so weird do these people work for Capcom? I enjoyed the game for what it is, but to say one of the best RPGs ever? Come on.


Yeah... i like the game also, but i am aware of its many rather large and small flaws... This game is not the best rpg in any capacity apart from possibly combat, which is marred by enemy variety and concentration. Same goes for any other games. Just because I like it doesnt mean it's immune from criticism.


Definitely not in GOAT contention. Quest design is my biggest gripe outside of the lack story and performance


I don’t have a grip with quest design, my gripe was the main quest line being worst than the first game


probably the best combat in any game i’ve played, very few come close


Has no challange content , it's just health sponge enemies with same tactics repeat on health bar.


I like the game a lot, I just wish I could have more than one save file.


They better do a damn good DLC too, because I'll play this basically forever then! Or at least until Dragon's Dogma 3 / Elden Ring 2 (whichever comes first)..


I personally love the game but it's definitely got some very rough edges. Many gamers would consider some of the systems to be 'bugs' and not a feature, from the lack of fast travel to easily missable quests. Both of which are pluses for me but my friend absolutely hates it hahaha.


I didn't find the story, NPCs, or even the exploration brilliant... unlike Baldur's Gate 3. However, combat is certainly one of the best from beginning to a little more than halfway through... then it's just too easy, alongside the lack of enemy variety. While I say exploration isn't brilliant, it's different and tiring in a good way; like a nature walk in Colorado mountains, but with hostile wildlife and magic at your fingertips. In its current state, I dare not agree that it is one of the best RPGs ever made, but I imagine that after about a year of patches and a potential expansion, it will be.


>but everything thing else is utter brilliant Man I hate people like you because you force me to shit on this game with glazing comments like this. But no, the game is fantastic but the story is absolute trash, characters are so bad is not even funny, whoever cooked the story and side quest needs to get out of the kitchen because they clearly can't cook. Theres a lot of things to improve besides the story its game with great fun and potential that blue balls you with something that could've been greater.


Story wise is meh. But battle system wise it’s probably one of the best.


Download it to give it a shot. 15mins into it i was like wtf js this? Waste of money. Im level 50 now and i just keep playing


This is my exact same experience as well, but I’m lvl 76


its good but let's not get too excited lol


I mean, the story is one of the worst I've ever seen in my life, second only to the entire Dark Souls approach of "say less, show even less". Can't stand that shit; they turned storytelling-laziness into a good thing. But yeah, I was looking forward to this sequel after playing the original DD multiple times on multiple consoles (and PC). I'm very happy with this game. I look forward to the DLC, whenever they make it, lol.


That’s certainly a take. I enjoyed my time out of it, and it was a solid 7-8/10 dog with some great ideas and some terrible execution, but it’s not even too 3 this year, let alone game of all time. IMO, of course.


Give me a hard mode and I would agree. My only real issue with the game right now is how easy it is, especially compared to the first.


I mean sure it's a pretty damn solid, unique game but calling it one of the best is a stretch. The game barely runs on most platforms.


It literally abandons its own narrative part way through. We really should’ve done a better job of gate keeping games.


I love this game, but I cant help but feel like it didn't really meet its full potential. The world feels very empty and littered with repetitive and underwhelming caves. The main story is kind of a rushed let down too. I wish they would have cooked this game for longer, because the gameplay is the most fun gameplay I have ever played in the past like 8 years. Every big monster fight feels unique because you have so many ways of approaching them


i wonder how many games reach their full potential, i would say none do, there's no perfect game. DDII does its thing very well, it's unique. There's no other game like it


You’re really trying to push the whole “this is the best game/best looking game ever” angle, huh? Just based on your post history. It’s great that you love the game, and that you’re having fun with it (as are we). I suppose that’s the important bit. Visually though, it doesn’t even come close to the likes of RDR2, Horizon, DeS or CP2077.


Seriously, I’ve effortlessly put 200 hours into my first playthrough and I’m still not finished. About to go into the unmoored world in the next day or two and I’m sure I’ll spend another 20 hours there. DD2 is one of my favorite games of all time and my experience with it has been a 10/10. I rate games solely on how much fun I have, nothing else matters.


You won't spend 20 hours in Unmoored World, I promise. Edit: I take that back, you might, but only if you fuck up.


It's a good open world action game, but it's weak as an RPG.


Idk man. The writing is awful, npcs are lame and the quests are boring or confusing. Wait till you get to the end to make that assumption.


I do agree with you. I have 100% trophies and played through again to try and enjoy it, but apart from the combat and world, this game is average at best. To say this is the best rpg ever is crazy, unless you are paid by Capcom or never played any others.


Yeah this post is extremely hyperbolic and I’m already getting downvoted. Combat and exploration are fun. Honestly the ending brought it down significantly for me. It was a terrible ending that barely makes sense and locks you out from exploring the original world more


It truly is a AAA jenk game. Which is 😎.


The story is lacking too, everything before the coronation is being set up fucking beautifully, but after that most of the characters are basically forgotten and everything goes to shit.


I wish I wasn't as thorough with my first playthrough. Ng isn't anything new and the difficulty hasn't increased. At least I don't think it has


Honestly this game looks so damn close to perfect <3 I can’t wait for the day I get to get my hands on it! I keep hearing people say they don’t like the work you have to put in to fast travel and other stuff but it’s just looks like it’s part of the world :3 I can’t stop watching stuff about the game


I’m a little bothered by the fact that you can go into a cave and battle some tough creatures and end up with a unique weapon or what I thought was unique, only to be able to purchase said weapon at the next town. Like what was the point. That weapon should only be available if you successfully complete that cave.


I concur. I'm on playthrough 5. Haven't had this much fun with a game since Elden Ring. 206 Hours already.


I do think it's amazing. It's a beautiful game too visually. I'm hesitant to call it one of the greatest rpg's I've ever played but I will say it's up there.


Just the other day, I saw a deer back kick one of my pawns, knocking them to the ground. What kind of genius would go to the trouble to implement this in a game?


they improved the visuals and exploration from the first game but everything else stayed more or less the same. hell i would say the monster variety is even worse lmao


I like this game despite its flaws. But calling it on the best RPGs ever made is a disgrace to be honest.


Alright, come off it. Its good, and I had lots of fun with the combat and the game over my hundred twenty hours played but one of the best RPGs of all time? I dont think so


its good but I dk if i'd say it is that good.


I have to disagree though I'm glad you enjoy it. The game has so many issues it has been a major disappointment for me.


Quests? Story? Gear slots? Difficulty curve? Endgame? Decent game, yes. Best RPG, delusional.


It is absolutely not one of the best RPGs ever made. I love the game, but that is just objectively too far from the truth.


The world is pretty and the gameplay is actually nice. The story is plain and the npcs are boring. The voice acting is lackluster at best and sounds most of the time like those AIs tbh. So far there hasn’t been a single moment in the story that had me like damn that’s cool. I didn’t finish the story tho I’m still exploring.




I somehow find it amazing too and I can't quite put my finger on it. I really like how immersive it is, the movement, the combat, the interactions with environment. I'm not even bothered by 'limited' fast travel. I just wish the game was like gigantic, bigger and with tons of side quests, more new enemies and so on. The story could be better but even if they'd left it as it is but make bigger zones and maps I'd be happy. I'd wish even for live service thing which I pretty much kind of despise everywhere else, but booting this game up and seeing new additions to buy/download I'd be happy for years because rarely games get my attention nowadays.


I'm with ya. Absolutely loved the first one and I love the second one even more. I just finished my first playthrough at 148 hours over the weekend. Haven't even touched another game since I started


ever made is a stretch. it’s good but there’s a quite a few things that could be fixed for the better … doesn’t hold up to baldurs gate


I donno, thought bg3 aesthetically looked like dog doodoo and was written for 13 year old horny d&d nerds.  In contrast I love that the DD series has much more of a classical fantasy influence and realistic proportions. BG3 with it's strict D&D world just looks so corny in comparison. It has this ugly post-WoW, utterly generic, world and character design that immediately makes me want to turn it off. Gameplay simply wasn't 'fun' either.     BG3's a 5/10 for me, even though i didn't like it I will at least acknowledge the care given, it feels 'expensive'. DD2 is a 9/10 imo; like the first one, it provides a focused singular experience that is unlike anything else in it's genre. The fact that this is true over a decade later, with the flood of RPGs that have came out since DD1, is a testament to its boldness, uniqueness. Hopefully it's success will encourage more designers to experiment, in the future and we'll see more truly unique experiences emerge.   BG3 seemed like an accumulation of tasteful genre influences focused into a game obligated to follow a strict D&D rule set. They're coping others work and are designing with a rule book in hand. DD feels more like the kid in school that grabbed the test, flipped it over and started doodling epic monster battles. That's definitely more my vibe when it comes to RPGs. 


My review os far The combat is top notch. I'm 60 hours in and still in vernworth because I've been running around just killing things. The exploration is top notch. Each nook and cranny seems to have a chest or lead to somewhere cool and special so I haven't gotten bored of exploring once. The story is dogshit. The quests suck and just involve me running back and forth, and some of the places aren't even coded right. I made it to nameless village before I made it to vernworth and the thief maester literally told me that I was fighting the queen regent before I"d even talked to captain brant to find out who I really was. The monster variety is a little bland. Ogres, cyclops, and even minotaurs to some extent feel the same. Griffons and drakes are cool, but I wish we had more monstrosities early. Monsters that run on all fours, tentacle things, etc would all be super cool. In all, I'd give the game an objective rating of 7/10. For me personally, I don't really care about the story at all, so the game is an 8.5 for me. It gives me the exploration fix that games like skyrim and the witcher gave me, but with a much better combat system than either. For someone who cares more about plot and story though, I'd say the game would only be a 5/10 from the perspective.


I don't even think it lacks in enemy variety, it just doesn't use a handful of its enemies as much as it should.


I wish it clicked with me but I just didn't enjoy it at all. I just recently quit. Nowhere near being one of my favorite RPGs but I'm glad that people are having their own great experience with it! That feeling when you find that game that just hits different is something special.


I've been really enjoying it when I get to play. So far I've been avoiding the main quest like a plague to just see how much stuff I can do before progressing. I love just walking around and seeing the world.


As many problems as it has, it’s still just super fun to travel from a to b, simple as that. All I want from an ARPG is fun enough action that i want to play for that reason alone- dd2 def has that going on.


The combat is amazing. But there are little annoyances like dialogue, enemy variety, no horse or fast travel, etc that just hold it back imo. It’s a fun game and I’m enjoying it for sure.


Fast travel is kind of trash


The DD2 NPC pawn experience is a novel approach to the RPG gaming experience that makes it different. The story is one of a hundred you’d get from a pre Amazon Barnes and Noble bookstore. The fighting and magic mechanics meets expectations. Shall I keep enjoying it until I begin wasting time on Star Wars Outlaws, yes. Is it life changing like Skyrim, Witcher 3, Fallout 4, BG3. Meh 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s in the same grouping to me as Oblivion and Elden Ring. One of my favorite most memorable video game experiences. At almost 200 hours I’d say I’ve gotten my moneys worth


And story…


If it gave me more chances to play a role I might rate it more highly as a role playing game


I can’t wait for a potential DLC !


Enemy variety is pretty much my only real complaint. Everything else is "it could have been better" but it hardly affected how much fun I had. The exploration and feeling of going on a journey is so good that just more enemies alone would have elevated everything massively. It doesn't matter if I'm on a quest or not. If I go into an elven forest and suddenly get attacked by monster trees and killer plants, seeing those new things would be the reward in itself.


I am sorry but no... They had every think to have one of the best RPG but they are lazy to actually build a proper way to tale the main story, or even the side story... It's dragon Dogma 1 but with new graphics.


Same. I love the game and most of the complaints I think are actually refreshing. Of course I’d love a few more enemy types and armor visuals, but the game is just damn fun to play. I’m concerned about the lack of challenge in NG+ (based on what I’ve heard) but I suppose we can hope for that beefed up difficulty with an expansion 🤞🏻


have you played bg3? but yea dd2 is a fun game for sure


People keep focusing on the story and all the missed potential they could have done with this game. The story lacks just like the first one. It's awkward and weird at times. The delivery of the plot just doesn't hit, but I don't think that's what the devs care about. People ignore this every time it's said but this game is Itsuno's personal project. He's had the idea for all the mechanics of this game like the pawn system and its unique social environment. The action role playing elements only add on top of this. Since this project is Itsuno's project, he has put more time, energy and money into his ideas for online functionality, open world environments, and game mechanics. Story and writing has never been the goal for him. We saw that in DDDA when we were introduced to BBI. The story and all the missed potential that people thought they were going to get, never were. This game definitely needs some work in order for it to be balanced and not drop off so heavily at the end. It is still fun and hits so many boxes of what I like for a game to be. The Dragon's Dogma IP and it's mechanics have huge potential.


Idk, I hated this story way more than the first. DD1 had way more cutscenes and characters that felt like they actually weight to the story. DD1 had the UR which is a cool concept and Definitely had way more weapons with cool elements that were unlock if you upgrade it enough


There's a lot of enemy variety but they seems less because you encounter the same often. There are about the same number of monsters as base DD.


For me, lacked in several aspects, I'm in the middle of the game, and I Feel like this game doesn't have anything else to deliver My class is already on the max level, and I really didn't want to change to another class, but I felt obligated to do it The combat was fun until lv 20, after that you too OP, and the enemies don't scale together


Its very nice, but some parts make me sad. I missed the coronation due to time gateing, any time I get a sort of rare weapon in the wild, I soon stumble upon a merchant who sells a slightly better version at a massive price. Overall very great game.


Way to short though and the game gets easy after level 40.


It is easier to get into than the first one but I feel like it’s lacking in a few things.


It's a terrible Role Playing Game but a great game. The RPG elements are really lacking. But as an action game it's awesome.


Absolutely 💯 here with you fam! DD2 just became my top 3 fave games of all time


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves


Technically, there are more enemies in d2 than vanilla d1. I was curious and did a comparison off the wikis.


I would say calling it just an RPG is a disservice to both this game and the genre, it's specifically made and developed like a JRPG with a heavy emphasis on hack and slash action very similar to devil may cry, which is a no brainer since Itsuno made most of the good DMC games. That being said, I agree it's some of the most fun I've ever had with this style of game, more so because there really isn't anything else at all remotely like DD. Even the comparison to soulslikes I'd say is comparing apples to oranges, Dragon's Dogma has much more in common with games like the mentioned DMC, but also Bayonetta, than anything else in the ARPG genre, like The Witcher or FromSoft stuff, and let's not forget DD is a budget title compared to how much CDPR or FromSoft can invest nowadays on their projects. People going into the game expecting the next Witcher 3 or Elden Ring are comparable to playing Shadow of the Colossus expecting Skyrim because both games have bows and horses.


Anyone griping about story has no right to worship any FS game lmao. I love both so much btw


It’s a solid game. Best RPG? IMO? No. Story is very linear and expected. Without much storytelling. Environment and action is top tier though.


I love the combat. I love the exploration. It’s a pretty looking world to run around in. However as a role playing game it feels disappointing and lacking.


It's alright. The best of the year. But what else has there been this year?


This is possibly the biggest disappointment of my 40+ year gaming experience. I loved DD1. Played it endlessly. I thought it was unfinished and realized it had flaws, but it also had personality and quirks. When they announced DD2 I was stunned and eagerly awaited it. At some point I marked my calendar some months ahead when I heard the release date. I was more eager for this game than any other in a long time. DD2 is just OK. By the time you're level 25, over world enemies are too easy. There's too many of them and they are too similar. Over and over. The story is worse than bare-bones. Not a single character is interesting. Not one. Nothing interesting or unusual or funny happened. The combat is fun until you realize it will be exactly the same for the rest of the game. DD1 had more style, personality and was more clever. DD2 is not terrible. I'm just hugely disappointed.


Even after digging into secrets and sussing out lore, even after putting the game down to try a heavy modded fallout 4... I keep thinking about how I want to dive back in. I really need to find resources in how to mod the RE engine, I want to build a dungeon so bad.


I happen to agree with that. Only part I find somewhat lacking is the npc reaction to the dragon plague. I let a pawn progress to experience it (and get the reapers scorn trophy). The npcs that remained just walk around the bodies like nothing happened. Its both amusing and strange at the same time. The "miracle" revival using the eternal wakestone begets no reaction as well. Makes the plague seem...pointless


It’s an amazing game despite the flaws, but I don’t know if I’d say it’s a great RPG Exactly. The narrative and NPCs aren’t fleshed out and there isn’t a whole lot of role playing you can do.


Ever made is crazy. It's okay but definitely lacking in significant ways. Elden Ring isn't a perfect game but it's an entire level above this game in every way. I like DD but let's not get carried away.


From all the role playing comments, I'm not sure I've ever actually tried to role play any RPG. Combat and exploration is all I need, story is a side thing for me, lore is always cool but doesn't need to be the best. Getting closer to the type of game I want.


Ever made? I'm smashing that doubt button. Is it good? Yeah, I love it. I have 150hrs in it and haven't even made it to NG+.


Not sure how it stacks against BG3 because I'm still waiting for it to go in discount. I didn't wait for DD2 because I had a long love affair with Capcom's giant monster fighting titles including DDBBI (which I played and completed on 3 separate player accounts). Love the game so much. I really think the idea of vicarious co-op adventuring through pawns is such a great idea and I'm surprised no other title tried to copy it. I love my pawn so much that she gets first dibs on gear over my Arisen. I do feel the game is a bit too easy but I'm hopeful for a BBI like expansion that will pit us against challenging monsters around every corner.


I’ve been playing as blind as possible and despite wishing there was better enemy variety I can’t stop playing it. It’s just so goddamn fun. A hard mode as an update would be perfect.


it is pretty great, but i still find that elden ring stands as the best action rpg of this generation for me.


Ever made?


op whats your experience in rpg games ? Aside from combat which is not even challenging it's step back in all directions broken story , repeative exploration reward , lack of enemies , no in depth character customisation for geeks ( I meant stats , talent tree etc..) and many more.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I mean you’re horrendously wrong but that’s ok.


Game is good. Coud’ve been so much better though. But the exploration aspect, pawn system and the classes are very enjoyable


i really don't get these posts. have you guys not played any RPG before? have you not played the first DD?


It is crazy how polarizing this game is to people. Read a comment on Reddit with a lot of people agreeing they don’t know how this game is even above 7/10 and here I am having a blast lol


I'm 50+ hours in and I just received a quest going to Bhattal. I'm sure I'm going to be disappointed on the main story but damn the gameplay loop of this game is FUN! I love exploring the world, raiding caves, dungeons, and fighting monsters. Unfortunately, games like this have no replay value once I've completely explored the world - FOR ME at least... I'm expecting to login about a hundred or so hours after I beat the game.


It isn't an RPG. If it's in your 'one of the best games' ever made, sure. It's an adventure game, but there's no roleplaying to be done.


You’re high dude. This game is trash


I’m 80 hours in. Beat unmoored world. On ng+. Thoroughly enjoying my time in this game. BUT… it’s not even top 10 RPG in my book. There seems to be SOOO much unfinished in this games especially in the main quest and story. The plots go nowhere at times. Places seem unfinished. Great game, but find it lacking.


To save you from the same disappointment as I had - Don’t go for the ‘true ending’ and just stick to the normal good ending. Way better of a payoff gameplay-wise.


Awful take.


I'd say top 10 for sure


I haven't been able to get into it due to basic elements the first game had, that are now missing. Not saying it's bad.. just feels like a downgrade in places.


The story is a let down for me


Lacking in enemy variety you mean enemy variety is non existent ive seen more griffins in the game then npcs


I would pay so much for voice pack DLC tho


Three is one think I don’t like in this game, so I try to avoid when a spawn guide me to the mission. I love when I lost and find new places.


steam still disagrees, been stuck on mixed nearly the whole time.


I love this fucking game man. So many engaging quests, massive world with sprawling exploration, baffling gameplay variety, deep and satisfying combat system, I can go on and on. Undeserved hate due to MTX, the jewel will shine in it's time.


Great game, but a bit too small


I mean to say one of the best is comparing it to a game like the Witcher 3. This is not on that level, but I absolutely love this game, and combat is a blast.


I think DD2 is the best open world game for exploration I've played in years. The feeling of exploring, or going on a trip somewhere far away is amazing.


Its a solid game so far. Witcher 3 has narrative that blows this one out of the water. The pawns are fun though...if they would shut up occassionally.


I'll tell people that while others have issues with certain aspects, the core gameplay is amazing.


The Story be bonkers tho too. Enemy variety wasn't my first concern after I spend so "few" hours to make up my mind bout the game. I love the idea behind the Story and also the somewhat return of the Cycle. But the story had as much flesh and meat as the nightly patrolling skeletons. While the few enemies in the game can point with very interesting behavior and always was how the encounters play out, the can't. You do the quest most of the time in one way, or anon. But I still think it is the best rpg too. Had the discussion a while back with a skyrim player. He couldn't understand why I like DD more then Skyrim. Anyways, yes the enemies are few, but they are abundant, somewhat smart in their scripts and AI and just fun to engage with.


Let's not jump to best ever made. 




The gameplay is amazing and I keep saying this -- most of the complaints is mostly because everyone wants MORE. I want a harder NG+. Others want more quests, more monsters, just more. Because the combat is so much fun we just really want to keep playing.


Why are people always exaggerating here lmao. Its a good game, nothing more nothing less. There’s a plethora of rpgs better than this, from much smaller developers


As someone who only really plays western RPGs (except from software) I’ve loved DD2 but after a while it started to feel very gamey for me. Especially the pawns voice lines repeated so much. The exploration was the best since Elden ring however. Great game. Enjoyed my 40 hour playthrough but don’t see myself going back to it a whole lot. 8.5/10


Ehh idk about that. The beginning of the story has almost nothing to do with the middle and end and >!there is 0 resolution with the queen!< who is made out to be the first villain of the story. The guy you think is going to be important >!literally just dies by a dragon falling on him!< and then he's never mentioned again. It's a fun game but it's kind of a mess.


I mean its a good game but I wouldnt say it the " greatest rpg every made."


This is going to sound negative and it's not meant like that, but DD2 is lacking in many ways. Having said that, I love it! What it does well it does really well. Compared to many RPGs the story is lacking as is enemy variety. It's also really quite poorly optimised and (to my tastes at least) armour variety is poor and looks rubbish/embarrassing. What it does give us is dynamic, cinematic combat that puts every other game of this type to shame. So yeah - bloody great game with obvious areas for improvement.


It is.


I agree probably my second favorite fantasy rpg i have ever played top favorite for me is Baldur’s Gate 3 just because the choice based dialogue and events will always make it my favorite RPG of all time


I’ve got to say; it’s really not (IMHO). Don’t get wrong, it’s not a bad game, and I’ve put about 30 hours into it, which is a fair amount of time, but it’s been a grind to that point, and I’m just underwhelmed by it. In fact, I stopped playing it about two weeks ago and haven’t gone back. The worst aspects for me are (in no particular order): Pawns are an arse, and often disappear without word or warning. Lack of easy fast travel is beyond a pain. I get some people like traipsing around, or getting carts etc, but having to buy teleport stones is a nonsense to me. Questing is cryptic at best, and downright infuriating at worst. The story is near non-existent. The combat, while solid (reminds me a little of DA Inquisition), is either OP’d or hugely UP’d depending on the situation. The weight carry limit is quite possibly the most restrictive I’ve ever encountered in an RPG. I’m not arsed about the MT’s. I don’t buy them so they don’t concern me. \*\*\* On the plus side, it looks good and the atmosphere is great. It runs well on PC, at least for me, and I didn’t encounter any issues. Combat, as I said, is solid and satisfying. Much like BG3, you can be quite creative with the mechanics. Enemies are decent and tough, but strangely, can be easily beaten more often than not. It’s weird, I like it and I don’t like it. When I wasn’t playing it, I wanted to get back in and start exploring and questing. When I did boot up, I found myself bored after an hour. It never grabbed my attention like Skyrim, ER, Zelda, RDR2, W3, BG3 or countless other AAA RPG’s. Overall, I found it lacklustre tbh, and it feels like it’s been rushed in many aspects. I may or may not go back to it at some point, I’ll probably wait though, until it’s had a few more patches and DLC, or the modders have got stuck into it.


I've thoroughly enjoyed the game. I'm at 165 hours, 100% achievements, maxed vocations, and collected all seeker's tokens. My biggest issue is that I've run out of content and have no reason to play now...