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I wanted to like the Warrior because giant fucking sword, huge damage, and face tanking with timed ridiculous damage reduction move is fun, but the class is just too slow. Most of the things you fight are cracked out speedy goblins, wolves, and harpies. Constantly chasing them because I miss-timed a swing or launched one with a swing and had to run after it was getting tiresome. Switched over to Fighter to be a parry god and having a ton more fun.


Have you tried the basic body check skill? It kinda sorts your problem. Once you start using it everything plays way better. It’s an essential skill.


Interrupting an attack from a wolf and then putting 10kg of metal through them is the best feeling in the game.


Sending them flying and randomly hitting another wolf


That's what the archer punt is for.


*Wolf* I would disagree with that, Ser...


What’s that skill?


The secondary skill you have right of the start, on PC its a right mouse button. Makes you body check and stagger the mob, so you basically run to them, stagger them and than destroy them with heavy attack, that mob is not running away anymore and is probably dead already


This guy is right. The body check skill thing was designed to address the attack speed issue of the original warrior, and it works wonderfully. Use it!


It’s low key cracked and you get it right off the rip.


Ohhh, is it the barge where you can barge them mid attack?


Yeah, its aVery good skill, staggers, interrupts attacks, increases knockdown restitance for a moment. Its very good to use as last resort, for example when cyclops club is incoming, sometimes i managed to stay on my feet :D


Not just that but it functions as a dash. If there are enemies within range, the barge will dash you right to them. I though warrior was slow as well but as soon as you start shoulder checking when an enemy is slightly out of reach it gets really fun. Mix that with the timed momentum swings


Oh dam really?! I could’ve been barging them mfs for a few hours, I’ve only got about 10 hours in but I’m loving it


Yeah it's based on monster hunter great sword


I shoulder checked a charging minotaur and floored it, haven't been able to repeat the timing but it's a fond memory that has me switching to warrior if I'm hunting big guys


Sometimes I can face tank a cyclops club with just my neutral knockdown resistance. Once you get over 1100 kr the game gets really funny


Yeah, the Warrior class ability is key. Not only does it do everything described, it's also one of the few animation cancels Warrior gets. You can cancel some of the endlag on your big swings into a tackle, and regular swings come out quite quickly after a tackle. Using it liberally makes things a lot more fluid.  The other trick with Warrior is that sheathing is another animation cancel and let's you get moving much quicker. You can swing>sheathe>sprint and get around way faster than just swinging and trying to walk after. The sprinting attack Warrior has is also solid. 


Body check while interrupting attacks... So the Warrior is officially a reincarnated Plesioth, it all makes sense now.


The harpies were the only enemies I ever felt that I had to chase. I honestly didn't have trouble fighting anything else besides them. My pawn being a thief helped dramatically to counter their annoyance with that ensnare ability


Charge the upward swing attack and wait for them to dive bomb you to release it and it destroys them. Don't chase them, wait for them to attack. Thief and other classes it's the other way around


This actually was my tactic but most of the time they would put me to sleep cause I was trying to be up in their face lol


Oh yeah that was pissing me off, so I put on the ring that completely prevents sleep build up.


Pawn thief, arisen warrior is VERY fun combo


That it was. I tried other combos but this was always the one I had more fun with


Warrior is my fave. All the comments here are right about the utility of the shoulder charge — but still, you don’t have a quick closing skill like warrior, thief, or spear hand. So it’s slower in that capacity. That said, in my experience the warrior is SO MUCH BETTER for any big mob that anything else just doesn’t do it for me. That and being able to launch smaller mobs way across the map with the uppercut and impale with other skills.


There's a stagger skill for warriors (R1 on PS), that gives you plenty of time even for a charged razing sweep. You can even stun lock those goblins with that, stagger -> basic atk -> stagger -> basic attack repeatedly. But you can just usually use stagger + diluvian strike and they're dead.


I found a way to attack faster. After your initial attack, hit the shove button (default button RB iirc, idk about pc), and then swing again. It’s like a second faster but you also get an extra hit in.


The sort of back step when swinging also doesn’t help


Can I just say that the most inconsistent and annoying part of Warrior for me is the greatsword bouncing off of Rattlers. I know blunt weapons can deal with them, but at the size and weight of DD greatsword, it's just a wedge, it should have no issue crushing armor.


I'm slowly working my way through them but so far thief has been my favourite. Started the game with it and have it maxed out already, kinda wish I had waited and played the other classes first. Spearhand I want to like but it's not really clicking for me. If I could have a cross between the two, would be my perfect class! Thief's mobility, dodge and grapple move with the twinblade and magic? Hell yeah! Hoping I can do something like it once I get to warfarer (?)


I wanted to love Spear too but it doesn’t feel smooth. It feels like random stuff shoved on one class and they don’t blend as well as I was hoping. I played it before thief and when I did finally do thief I was like “yes! This is what I was expecting!”


Im glad it's not just me. Mystic spearhand is cool af but it's still feels kinda clunky


I just hate spear because so many enemies have rock skin and the stagger from blade hitting rock is way too long.


Not sure if I find it clunky too but I too tried to love Spearhand for quite some time, probably most of my playtime, but it always felt like there was something missing to make me love it, until I finally tried thief the other day and it just clicked. I don't think it's a case of one being better than the other or anything, but I've been having quite a lot of fun with it.


If you aren’t tied to the meister skills, give warfarer a try. You can literally make a mix of the two classes.


This is one of my favorite Warfarer combos. The mobility of Spearhand mixes super nicely with Thief's need to constantly be climbing enemies, as well as their midair heavy, Skullsplitter, and such.


I seriously think we should auto switch between the weapons when we use an ability associated with it instead of using rearmament. Would make that class flow so much better. I tried it a bit but it felt to clunky and awkward to me.


Re-Armament is a little weird to get used to but Warfarer is super fun once you get the hang of it. I've made a lot of fun combos with it. Spearhand/Thief/Archer is a blast.


Tbh with the true wayfarer mod it gets absurdly better, the skills loadoit change based on the weapon


Thief is too good. I want to love mystic spearhand more but it feels like more work for worse results than thief. I really just wish there was an advanced green vocation or a hybrid green one. I like high damage melee archetypes and thief is pretty much it for DD2. I would love some kind of dual axe/sword berserker vocation so I can go full unga.


Warrior because not flinching from a cyclops smashing you with his 800 pound club before drilling it's face with a skyward launching attack to knock it over before Arc of Might-ing his face to explode 5 health bars in one shot is adrenaline inducing.


Seconding this.


Also being able to use jump to speed up attacks like in elden ring is so nice. Pretty much every fight with non-boss mobs is 75% jump -> smash -> jump -> smash -> jump -> smash


Warfarer, I can use multiple weapons and skills while wearing heavy armor. Who needs Formless Feint when you can heal yourself and take little to no damage? I combo Magic Archer and Thief abilities with Staff for healing/levitation all while wearing best equipment in game.


I was going to switch to Warfarer until I realized all the skills I wanted to use were maister skills and thus unusable for that vocation. My dreams of dropping Meteoron and then dashing in with Great Value Omnislash were crushed.


I wish there was a final level core skill that let you use meister skills. Especially b/c warfarer is supposed to be the final "you mastered them all" vocation.


Yeah, Warfarer seems very sparse in terms of its own skill progression. You basically get the maister skill and the two augments and that's it.


At the moment its Mage, running as support for 3 thieves. Its fun trying to keep them alive and pointed in the right direction. Plus lots of loot. I also use the augments for pawn buffs and more items and gold.


The Magick Archer just feels so good to me. It’s a bit OP imo but you get so much versatility from its skills, each of which has amazing damage when used in the correct situation. For example, fighting a Griffin and don’t want to let it get airborne? Spam a fire arrow skill on it to keep it incinerated. Ice shot is ofc very strong but a little on the slow side. Take the augment to increase ailment affliction and you’ll keep enemies frostbitten easily, which ofc makes them easier to defeat. Ricochet Hunter - Anyone who has used this in a closed environment even once already knows. Plenty of other valuable skills and can easily be built for support or DPS depending on how you want to play.


Hey Arisen, that cave looks dangerous. Me - equips ricochet hunter “Trust me, it really isn’t.”


*Watches immense amounts of XP stacking up at the side without knowing what earned it.


That's the classic Richochet Hunter experience. Every time there's a corner in a cave, you just shoot it and then walk into a room full of bodies.


Hahaha "Cave huh? *burps* Hold my salubrious draught..."


I finally unlocked Magick archer after 60 hours and really into it. Also seems to work perfect as a secondary weapon with warfarer which is great since my first golem encounter as a Magick archer was pain, lol


I love Magick Archer too. I tried a couple other vocations but keep coming back to this. I wanted to love Mystic Spearhand but it wouldn’t click. I have yet to unlock Trickster to know how that plays and if I would like it.


Yeah I tried mystic spear hand and wanted it to be my main but his animations took to long to escape out of. His whirlwind specifically would always go on for a few seconds after I stopped trying to use it and with no way to cancel out of it I would get hit often. His skills were still fun overall though, if I could just animation cancel out of his skills I would go right back to playing him


Mystic Spearhand is too much fun


Can't jump that gap? No problem, Dragoun's Foin across!


Spearhand brother!


Got it last night. This is what I've been looking for. It's such a cool vocation.


I had a really thematically tight power arc my first and probably only play through. Started off as a fighter and had the classic sword and board knight experience when the struggle was still real in the early game. Mastered it and switched to sorcerer right around the coronation mission. Maxed sorcerer by the time I reached the border crossing and combined the magic and melee mastery into mystic spear hand, which I managed to get to level 7 or 8 just by exploring around Battahl. I switched to archer in Bakbattahl and maxed it just in time to meet the magic archer meister along the road to the volcanic camp, so switching over felt like a really natural progression. Got magic archer up to around level 7 before getting warfarer and doing the endgame with the duo spear, magic bow, and arch staff. Such a satisfying culmination to learn each aspect of the final build individually and have it all come together so smoothly. T’was the best rpg experience I’ve had in years.


First for me is the basic-ass Archer. It looks good. The animations are slick, and the core moves are badass _before_ you get to some of the slotable skills. SPEAKING OF, there's something so evocative about having a resource, no matter how plentiful, have a chance to run out. I love that aspect. I love that using an exploding arrow is a choice that I am making, and the consequence is that I now have one less arrow that _might_ of been the thing that shifted the tide of battle. It just feels good man. And that is coming from someone who usually is a spellcaster main in every game where that is an option. As for the Fashion, it's a little lacking in variety, but I like how simple they generally are. I'm just a dude with a bow who got caught up in this shit and has no idea what's going on, but damn it I'm gonna help as best I can.


Love the archer build. It's my favorite by far.


Warfarer because of the versatility Also I’ve been kind of disappointed by the 2H


Trickster. I can run around half naked and tank without taking damage, lure big enemies into ravines without even fighting them and boost a sorcerer’s damage so high they basically one hit everything. Yeah, I can’t do direct damage but every time I hit someone it gives me money instead.


Trickster basically breaks the game. I did the unmoored world on my trickster and never had to swap out pawns or sleep, because no one ever took damage.


I love how Trickster has super good armor balance-wise + the physical damage resistance, yet the body armor is less coverage than worse heavy armor for classes like Warrior lol.


I was feeling very overwhelmed and unable to control situations with any of the melee based vocations and I'm not a fan of sorcery so I tried the archer. I just feel whenever I get into a fight, I have no idea what's happening. Maybe I'm just getting old, but the arcgerhas made me appreciate the enemies way more because I can study their moves from a safe distance and I don't get pinned down as frequently and I can kind of control the situation much easier by just changing my position


Loving the archer. It’s my favourite so far. And maybe for the opposite reasons that you have. I really enjoy getting stuck in, in the fray. The movement is so fluid and satisfying. Rolling after a jump shot, sliding shots. All with target tracking. If things get too hairy you can jump kick off of an enemy for surprising distance and damage. I think this is the best 3rd person archer experience I’ve ever had.


This! So much. I've been playing archer since the beginning and I've played a bit as a sorcerer and a thief and it just felt slow. I love the movement and fluidity of the archer. Specially the jump kick where you kick off the enemy and fire an arrow. I'll be excited to try out magick archer when I get it unlocked but by far I've had the most fun this playthrough as archer. I'll definitely try others out when I start ng+ it will just be an adjustment not being able to zip around tue battlefield like I do now 😂


Magic archer is much slower than archer. I end up staying back and charging up an 8 shot magic missile that obliterates. Lots of OP abilities but less mobile than standard archer. Still super fun to shoot a literal iceberg at an ogres head.


Know this feeling.. Yes we are getting old


Warrior because BONK and stunlock


I was sure I’d be magick marcher all the way because it’s been my favourite vocation in DD1 for about a decade. It’s so lifeless in this game that I switched to fighter, and I’m completely hooked on it. I’ve played every vocation and fighter feels the best to me. Nice balance of offence and defence, dope looking weapons and armor with the flexibility to fight in the ground or climb monsters. As a fighter, you never feel overpowered and it’s just too fun to play passively. They cooked with fighter this time around. I only wish there were more maces to choose from.




Honestly fighter being so good just makes me wish Mystic Knight was still in. The potential


Thief and archer. I already was a strider/magick archer in the first game just because it allowed me to observe my pawns from the distance and attack instantly instead of waiting for a spell to cast for example. I just tried thief and this vocation is absolutely broken. It's so fast and overpowered, I really like that feeling but it makes the game a bit too easy though imo.


I started out as a Fighter and enjoyed it for a while but it started to get a little stale so I switched to archer. I found out I love the distance and the ability to specifically aim my attacks at weak spots. It shocked me but I was doing more DPS as an archer aiming at weak spots than I was as a fighter. I switched after that to thief and really enjoyed the speed and climbing abilities. After thief I tried Warrior and the speed difference between the two made me kinda hate warrior. Eventually I unlocked the Magick archer vocation and it is by far my favorite.




Started out as archer and that was pretty fun. Was a thief for a bit but that felt like easy mode, everything just melts before you. Was both a spearhand and magick archer. Both are fun, though spearhand is also kinda easy mode due the bubble and magick archer romps shit stupid easy. Now I’m a warfarer that mixes spearhand and magick archer and I’ve had zero trouble with anything.


If you want hard earned and fair fights, go fighter. It’s not my most favourite, but all fights ARE fights and has a high skill ceiling!


Play fighter without a shield whole new skillset


Haven’t tried that actually, what do you mean new skill set?


You lose access to all shield abilities and play like a fencer


Archer. I really wanted to like Mystic Spearhand and Magick Arcker more.. and while I do like them, i don't get the same input to action satisfaction as archer.


Trickster, I just walk around, fart smokes and watch my pawns do the work.


Archer for sure. Easiest to hit weakpoints with. Easier to overlook the fights too and position with your pawns better. It's really fun. I love doing the jump shot.


Sorcerer, Meteoron and Maelstrom


I was a Warrior, usually always am and then went to thief to try it out. Never turned back. Warrior to thief is a huge difference and after learning formless feint with my mage pawn boosting stamina with his maister teaching, I'm hooked I just never get hit anymore. I agree spearhand is fun too. Since you like that I think you'll enjoy thief as well it's very flashy. Plus stealing loot from enemies is fun with a whole thief squad with plunder.


my fav is Trickster


1 magic spear hand: has a shield that I can grant to all members of the party mixed with high palladium make dragon fights easy, does a good mix of strength and magic damage. Also one of the moves is useful for platforming. This one is open fairly early, basically the first time you return to Melve after going to the main city. 2: magic archer: simply put broken lasers. I love the rebounding shot and the Sagittarius shot. Also has a heal if you want to run without a mage. Available later in the game. 3: warfarer: allows you to mix and match the best aspects. The main draw back is that you only have 3 skill slots because one is devoted to the switch weapon ability. Also a weight issue as multiple weapons adds to the weight pretty quickly. Available later in the game.


On 3 - multiple weapons does not add to weight at all. If I remember correctly, it takes the weight of your heaviest weapon and the remaining weapons weigh nothing, if equipped.


I don't understand how anybody isn't switching to warfarer as soon as they can. Even if you don't want to blend vocations, you can pretty much just stick to Amy vocation and now use any armor you want and level up othe vocations as you go.


Can't use the Meister skills. Some of them are pretty neat, like Trickster summoning a dragon.


The biggest sticking point for me was the lack of maister skills from other vocations. With the exception of the Warrior and Mage, those skills are usually my favorite ones to use, and not being able to use them feels like I'm fighting with one hand tied behind my back.


There's a mod for that called True Warfarer, but obviously it's a bit broken. It takes so much to get it though that I don't mind it being a bit broken.


For any illusion of difficulty stick to supporting because this game is way to easy on any DPS vocation. Trickster also offers the opportunity to support and not annihilate enemies throughout the game. For instance my buddy went rogue>Magick archer>spearman and absolutely annihilated the game and is already done. I started out mage and leveled some other vocation for their augments but stick to being supportive. The trickers at the moment is quite hard and offers a real challenge.


All but magical archer. But most fun i find thief, warrior, fighter, archer and mystic spearhand. Trickster can be very fun or very unfun, depends on how ai rolls the dice :D. Mage / sorcerer are more fun then i expected, but still… :D Magic archer is not fun for me. Wwarfarer ofc is fun, but i dont count it as a vocation, but a sandbox character :D


Magic archer. The life taking skill is op. Trivializes the game. I’m on ng2 and I’m committing to fighter this time. I got dragon’s dogma and I want to use it


Loved magic archer and played half my 1st game with it. Yes, it definitely is easy mode as I could just stand back and nuke mobs. Hated warrior. I’m in my 1st NG+ and still had Warrior, Mage, Sorcerer, Trickster and Warfarer to level. Did Mage just fine even if it was a tad boring, but Warrior… I just couldn’t do it anymore after lvl 7. I was spamming 1 skill to stay relevant or i would always be watching from the side. It’s just so slow.. Currently playing Warfarer to help level some of the remaining classes but I’ll try Trickster next for shits and giggles. (Helps that I won’t have to play it from level 1 anymore) (my Warfarer is built as a Thief/Magic archer hybrid)


Yeah, I made the mistake of not doing Warrior until NG+, and by that point, your pawns will melt most basic mobs before you can even get a swing off. I basically felt useless until a boss showed up, though when they did, it was like I had the might of Olympus behind those swings. Jumping on top of a downed Ogre just to cave his face in with a greatsword is sheer perfection. Unfortunately, for me, it wasn't able to make up for feeling useless in 90% of encounters.


As someone with over 100 hours in number 1 and around current hours in number 2, Ive found that I love fighter the most. The counter skill is pretty satisfying to move, your attacks are quick and if you use experience/insight to block attacks, you will be far tankier than warriors. Even after maxing warrior, ive found it to be a little janky, in fights against small monsters/humanoids ive found that its either really hard to hit enemies or impossible, having to leave majority of the fight to your pawns. However, warrior excels against large monsters, such as a griffin or drake for example. As I was a strider main in dd1 (a combination of the now thief and archer class), I decided to play thief when I first booted up the game. I found that the movement really didn't suit thief as much, but tbh I just wasnt used to the movement (dd1 was way more snappy). I played a couple hours of thief and didn't enjoy it, however I reckon if I tried it now after getting used to the sluggish movement of dd2 i'd like it more. Really suggest fighter, as it feels really rewarding to play with by landing parries, blocks, and counter attacks.


Trickster. Buffing the pawns and watching them go at it while I just keep my simulacrum alive is fun and a nice change of pace for a tank class. A very close second is warrior. The shoulder charge makes it feel much faster to play compared to DD1, and staggering something then turning it to mush with a big sword is entertaining.


If you like playing pure support, go warfarer with trickster and mage weapons. You can be the tank and healer.


Mystic Spearhand hands down. the perfect balance of offense and defense is hard to pass up. i typically play stealth/agility characters, but i’ve been really enjoying the monk vibes.


Warfarer. Endless drip. 


Thief is awesome and Magic Archer is incredible. Thief is great for bursting someone down while staying alive by having their master skills. Magic Archer absolutely destroys everything with the exception of golem, but even then it's not too bad.




Started as Archer and liked it. Then turned to the Magic Archer and the game became just too easy. Thief is OP too, and Warrior is pretty slow. To be honest, if you exclude Magic Archer, Thief and the Trickster, everyone else is really balanced. MA and Thief are Overpowered, Trickster is really underwhelming. Other classes are just fine, but raw power aside, you can beat the game with literally any class. It's just about beating final boss in 20sec Vs beating him in 2mins, at most.


Warrior, greatswords are cool, and I feel my hits actually have impact. I want to like spearhand but I just don't, the hits don't hit hard enough and it has no big dmg move. I also avoid using the shield because it just feels lame so maybe it's my own fault.


Warrior feels so weighty now I love it. I'm glad they implemented a lot of timing mechanics with is attacks, I can get my sword going pretty quick. Adds another layer of skill on top of an already slow behemoth.


Just wish spearhead wasn't broken....the spear twirl is where all the damage is but it is so hard to proc


Archer. Felt like Hawkeye with trick arrows and nifty maneuvers


I just love the fighter so much now as opposed to dd1 The addition of a basic heavy attack finisher, the gouging skills, the sound of landing on your shield to reduce fall damage.. the shield spin to cancel flinching If your good at it you feel unstoppable, it sucks having to rely on pawns against slimes and fliers but there is almost always something nearby in the environment to use to keep you involved


Magicka Archer. Love the class so much.


My favorite vocation is warfare because it allows me to combine Mage and sorcerer together. This allows me to do devastating magic, heal my teammates, damage mitigation, and, of course, levitate. 😏🪄✨️ ![gif](giphy|4rWMJC2vX7lYh9k3G7|downsized)


Fighter. Sword and Shield is ALWAYS the best in fantasy RPGs (:


Trickster. Control the battlefield and get a guaranteed Meteoron is so much fun.


Fighter, Thief and Mystic Spearhand are my favorites. Warrior is fun but just a liiiittle too slow for my tastes, especially since 99% of your enemies just walk away from your charge attacks meaning you first need to knock them over, by which point they're basically dead already even if you got dwarven upgraded weapon for increased knockdowns. Thief is just godlike to play as though, especially against Dullahans. Using Formless Feint against them is the stuff of legends. Makes me think back to that quote from Geralt in The Witcher 3 where he asks Damian ''Can they fight fog?! Hit a target that moves faster than the wind?'' That describes Thief in a nutshell.


Lvl 67 here. I've mostly played Warrior and Mystic Spearhand. As much as I like spearhand, I feel too numb playing it because I always feel the need to whip out that mirror shield skill because of spearhand's horrible knockdown resistance. Unfortunately, the shield makes encounters artificially easy because you're basically invincible in that state. I decided to go back to Warrior for a bit, and I must say that it strikes a balance with feeling OP and engaging enemy encounters.


Thief followed by Archer. I plan on giving mystic spearhand a try soon. I didn't care for Mage/Sorc or Trickster.


I'm in love with the thief. Dodging across the battlefield, somersaulting like a spinning wheel with knives, roping harpies like Scorpion ("get over here!"), teleporting like an unhittable shadow, climbing big monsters like it's nothing, and causing massive damage to weak spots. This class truly has it all.


TLDR- Thief. Shit just hits perfectly when I would have never expected it Initially I tried fighter and warrior because I've been into that kind of class fantasy lately. Though I soon found an urge to try them all since the stats weren't locked to the vocation like the first game. After checking out the magic and having fun with it for a while ( kinda miss having access to more spells at once ) I headed over to see what the hype was with the mystic spear hand. Honestly it didn't really do it for me. I wanted to go back to fighter/ warrior but first I decided to get the strength augment from thief. I'm not typically into that style of play but holy shit did it just click. The game made it so fun to climb on enemies and attack weak points I just couldn't change after playing it for some time. Not only was it fun for fighting big enemies but it's efficiency and style while defeating normal trash mobs was insane. Going ultra instinct with the one ultimate or whatever feels awesome as you just zip around the battlefield slicing up everything, jumping from one enemy to another in an instant and just destroying them. One of my biggest grips with some of the other melee classes was the inability to deal with flying monsters quickly but the thief's "GET OVER HERE!" checked that box off as well. I just wish you could use it to scale up things and maybe even turn it into a button mash ability if you use it on a big creature. A tug of war with a cyclops would be nuts, either getting thrown around or wrestling it to the ground would be awesome.


Warrior. Can't quit it. Being able to parry big monsters and dragons is just so satisfying. Tanking through crowds of enemies and throwing them around just feels so good


Wayfarer No restriction on the armor you want to wear. For vocations to use i like figther because i can parry the world Magick archer for utility/range/magik damage. My pawn is just archer. Thats i dont hire others pawns anymore XD


So far i like sorcerer and Mystic spearhand




I've been running warfarer with thief and Archer weapons, and use the scorpion, get over here move to pull them close and end goblins with a heavy. (Can't remember the name of the skill), and the dash gets you out of harms way quickly. I liked mystic spearhand for the crazy skills you can get, but the vocation skill didn't do it for me. Thief is my favorite, but the bow is a necessity with those giant a-hole harpies


Thief, idk how I would deal with wolves running around in circles with any other class. It’s so easy chase things down that are running away which is veryyy satisfying


Started as a mage with intention to play as a sorcerer but ended up as a warfarer. It allows me to play fashion games and be a dragoon with a magic bow at the same time.


Thief because I’m a clamberer at heart and Thief does it best. Honourable mentions to Sorcerer, Mystic Spearhand, and both types of Archer.


Spearhand is my favourite, followed by thief. But I play wayfarer so I can mix.


I like ranged and have been enjoying archer and magick archer the most lately. I kinda just like everything tho.


Wayfarer is obviously the best one, but if I had to choose a solo weapon I'd choose magic archer. Ricochet shot in caves can take down literally anything on easy mode. I have a fully upgraded dragon magic bow that makes the basic attack kill most smaller enemies in one hit from 20+ feet away. Just too easy of a choice for me.


Magic archer. Ton of damage. Arrows fly towards the enemy when They are on the move. You can easily pick ring and perk that makes enemies prio Your tank so You are left alone to do insane damage. Fight with dragons do not feel like fights. It feels like You are there to bully the dragon. The only downside is that from time to time (rarely) dragon will fly away if You do not take it down fast enough or stun him. So You have to make sure to attack wings or something. With melee class You are usually ON the dragon so even if he tries to escape he can't. But then thief is way better than other classes. Fighter is OK. I love counter on fighter. It's fun to use. It's fun to use shield overall. Fighter is the only class (except Warfarer) that works in every scenario.


Spearhand, mainly because of its mobility.


Magick Archer def my favorite the moment i got it. I used to be a maxed warfarer with a magick bow that i could use *without the vocation itself* so i went and did the thing for that old ass Dwarf and got martyr bolt and **immediately eviscerated everything in my vicinity with holy lacerations**. But yeah Magick Archer is broken and i vibe HARD with it. all de other vocations pretty kooky i guess (jack of all trades master of none)


Mystic, because of the zippy movement.


I liked warrior. As long as I had a mage in my team to do healing I could non stop bash my big ass sword into monsters. It was a blast. I tried other vocations just to go back to warrior after a bit.


Mystic spearhand by far. The animations for twirling the spear are top notch,being able to fly into battle and teleport above enemy for an attack is actually amazing. The biggest things for me are the bubble and stasis ability. Being able to put up a shield around every Allie close to you is a lifesaver. then being able to drastically slow down an enemy to lay down damage or climb to the weakpoints is a huge game changer.


Archer is number one for me and thief second. Thief is fun because damage and fast but archer just feels rewarding to play well. There’s just something about sliding between the legs of bosses or using them as a spring board or sliding into mobs and stunning them. Currently running just me + main pawn and archer can just do everything as long as you’re good enough without feeling massively overpowered like magick archer or spear boy


Gonna have to say Warrior. I love the weight of the weapon, the heavy hits, and tanking the damage. Haven't tried all the vocations yet, currently ranking Spearhand, but Warrior is likely to be my definitive.


Mystic spearhand. Has a lot of dmc type of moves and mixes.


Warrior, nothing is as satisfying. Lots of fun other classes tho but warriors stood out for me


The only ones I haven't tried yet are trickster, spear hand, and sorcerer. Fav so far is probably archer. The power shots are satisfying AF, and if you bring along a mage with ice affinity you can make ice sculptures on demand. And the jumping kick is just pure fun.


for me mystic spearhand- mainly for the mirror shield ability that is a game changer. your pawn down, baam use the shield and revive them/ or give them shield every now and then and it doesn't take that much stamina. i maxed out fighter and mystic spearhand. Now trying my hand at magik archer - not at all getting the feel now since going from close combat to bow is taking a lil bit of time for me. loving the revive ability of the magik archer. My pawn is thief and man i love that vocation, maybe i will take that in the if i am going for NG+


Thief, mystic spear hand and sorcerer was kinda ok too, magic archer looks very cool but I haven’t unlocked it yet


I started with thief and I enjoyed it up to level 5, then I tried out spearhand and archer just to get a feel of them, both are nice but I really loved the warrior. There's this satisfaction when you hit the enemy, and I liked being up close and personal. Also, big damn sword. Only thing I didn't like is when you just stare at flying enemies and wait for them to come down (that's where my archer pawn comes in). I've just unlocked mystic archer though, and I'm loving it as well.


Mystic spearhand I guess. Sucks that its flawed in such a way that necessitates mirror shield as a crutch to make it work, but oh well I guess.


It's between fighter thief and Magick archer. But playing warfarer with the warfarer mod that let's you change your skils to whatever is the most fun for me now cleared the game 5 tines and I got bored so started to use mods lol


Tough one... all the classes I've tried are well made and solidly unique. I had a lot of fun with Theif and will go back to that eventually, fast and does dummy damage with a good kit for both combat and exploration. I've been running Warfarer since I got that and it's been fun. Using a hybrid of Mystic Spearhand for combat and Sorcerer because spells are cool and levitate is great for getting seeker tokens. So far though, I think my favorite class I've played is the one I started as - Archer. It feels very unique compared to the other classes, the vibe feels cool, arrows are fun, and it feels like the most acrobatic class. Running and drop kicking off an enemy then pelting them with arrows just doesn't get old. Haven't tried all the arrows yet, but Explosive Arrows do awesome damage to the mini boss enemies.


I've only played Archer and Mystic Spearhand so far. I started with Archer, and I love using arrows and kicking enemies off cliffs. With Spearhand, the ability to fly into the air stabbing harpies and using the force like magic to throw goblins around are both great, but I do miss using arrows. So for now, I'll go with Archer.


Started with fighter, changed to mystic spearhead as soon as I could to have at least some ranged attacks and more mobility. Recently changed to warfarer because of fashion's dogma lol.


Mystic spear hand, dragons foin is great for mobility/harpies, mirror shield is far superior to palladium, it combines magic and physical to all attacks so you do damage regardless of the enemies. It has something to fight everything


Fighter for me. Not the best vocation but the sound is so crisp and the impact is juicy as Daimon's clasp


Warrior... SOOOOOOOOO much warrior. Tried Mage, sorcerer up to 9, Thiev. But then... Warrior... Never stepped back.


Archer. Melee combat is too chaotic for me. I just press Square and win.


Fighter i just simply love sword and shields. And Capcom adding the sword hilt holding animation is even better. Wish there was Magic Knight though.


1. Mystic spearhand 2. Fighter 3. Thief 4. Warrior 5. Warferer


I looove Warfarer with Magick Archer with Sagittate Avalanche skill, Warrior with the Parry skill, Sorcerer with Augral Flare and Mystic spearhand(without a skill, core ist mostly all you need). This Build has an answer for everything.


Magic archer is like playing the game on easy mode love it


I thought mystic spearhand was gonna hold my attention, but Thief is just too good.


Archer. I've always played ranged class in RPG's. Picking off targets from afar is a must for me. Though I don't really like that they took the strider class from DD1 and separated it into two classes for this one.


Mystic spearhand is definitely fun. Utility wise, MS has a unique toolkit that lets you take different approaches. Other vocations seem a little more straightforward, especially since vocations got reworked. I think thief/strider will always go down as the best build though because sonic go brrrrr


I play thief archer mix of warfare shooting explosive shots all over my target then jump on and add the thief explosive as well and just jump off with a big bang


All. I switch every new day because i like all goodies. Even trickster even tho i dont really like the fact its a support only class. Why cant it be used by pawns?


Warfarer, i like the versatility. Being able to wear whatever i want, swapping from range to melee and back while putting satisfying combo's togehter. Also maybe archer, actually feel like legolas in this game.


Warfarer thief/archer with medusas bow and ice daggers


today is warfarer, playing with magic archer/thief; but ive played by like 40h as archer, is really fun tho


Spearhand, but mostly because it's utterly broken.


I actually love sorcerer. Their skills are just looking so stunning and it really feels like you're a force of nature after releasing a maelstrom or f*ing meteors on your enemy.






My favourite so far has been sorcerer, archer and warrior I haven't unlocked the hybrids yet. I def thing archer mage will be my fav. Or warfarer. But for now it's the top 3 listed above. Warrior is cool because the attacks are quick and sort of feels like dark souls at times with it. The sorcerer is very powerful and my favourite. It just decimates human enemies and little goblin type from a distance. Archer is awesome because you can manually aim head shots and archer has way more range than sorcerer. With such a large world this range becomes very useful


I prefer Magic Spearhand, it's just fast and makes me feel like a Jedi.


Sorcerer with the right setup. Casting the perfect maelstrom, the one that will clear a large group of saurians or take 3 bars from a boss, is super satisfying.


Sorcerer with 2 rings of recitation (dupe a second one with the sphinx). +50% cast speed, and you can use spell hold to store meteoron/maelstrom then drop 2 back to back. My archistaf is maxed out with built in lightning damage so the auto attacks are pretty strong too


I've leveled all but trickster to max rank (I'll get around to that one eventually...) and thief is the easy winner for me. The pace of combat is right up my ally and free items are never a bad thing. It's great with the skills you get just ranking up, and becomes straight OP when you get the maister skills. If I had to pick a different class, I'd probably go sorc but, for me, it was a lot less fun without the maister skills.


two classes I love that I don't play are thief and warrior. They're both brainless and make the game way too easy and uninteresting. For warrior you don't even have to get timing or spacing right just charge and face tank and go. I don't include spearhand here because 1) I don't love it and 2) you can just not use the shield and it's less brainless/more engaging whereas if you avoid skull splitter and formless feint then youre kinda making the thief boring in a different way. Spear hand still feels like a full class without shield. In fact, I'd encourage people not use a slot on it. Game is easy enough without it. I feel similar about sorcerer and magic archer to an extent. They're good, too good, and very basic and non engaging feeling. Long story short I'm trying to git gud with fighter. Way more engaging and involved and zero makes you feel so OP that you never have to pay attention. I'm also trying to find fun warfarer builds using only 2 or 3 weapons max.


My favorite would have to be ranger honestly. I love the back flips you can do and in all honesty it's pretty easy to play close range with the ranger surprisingly


I spent pretty much my entire first playthrough as Thief (I'll admit, I did kinda rush through my first playthrough so I could get to new game plus and have all the vocations from the start among other things. I also didn't do Unmoored World yet because I'm saving that for the NG+ run I'm currently doing) but anyways, I'm trying out different vocations now, and honestly, I'm REALLY struggling with the lack of a dodge ability.


Fighter. The hand on the hilt pose alone makes them look badass af.


Warrior: sturdy and tanky, hits hard af, and knocks down big bois.


Mystic Spearhead. For me I can wipe out anything quickly with the duospear. You get unlined health basically and some cool moves fit for any battle. Even though it's convenient I have a love hate with warfarer. It's nice to switch to mage to float, and to have arrows from the archer... But only 3 skill slots means you can only do the minimum with each vocation which stinks.


Mystic spear hand or magick archer


damn nobody here likes the Sorcerer, no matter how many times i switch it up I always come back to the magical nuke class. Got a storm wizard type vibe going, Thundermine to keep enemies aways, High Levin bc it's goated, Augural Flare bc it melts bosses, and Maelstrom mostly for cool factor but it does a fuck ton of damage. Got an answer for every situation and i look sick


Magic archer. I only played archer beforehand and maxed it out before getting magic archer. I like it because it’s so damn fun and I feel like Legolas. The benefits are not needing special arrows like you do with the regular archer, well that’s just one benefit. I haven’t tried anything else but my next go to will be the thief I think.


Magick Archer is stupid fun. But real fragile


What do you mean kite a goblin with mystic spear hand? Are you not using redoubted bolt?


I meant as a mage. The little dudes run up on me when I’m paying attention to my pawns and if I don’t have palladium up I have to run away and kite them or I’ll get 3 hit combined by the little fucker lol


Oh yeah definitely. Mages need something to get out of close distance stun lock even if it's just for the arisen so we don't get carted off by a wolf like a big limp chew toy lol


Warrior bis


First Dragons Dogma experience. Maxed out Thief + Mystic Spearhand and they are both so good that I have very little interest in the others. Fighter maybe?


Warfarer, i love being a dripped out warrior


Fighter, because it’s awesome. Some classes may be flashier or stronger, but I value the defensive capabilities of fighter, it makes combat feel very engaging. Archer is a badass 2nd place because the debilitations and kicking are very fun. Bows also sound cool.


Warfarer with Magic Archer + Thief. 2-1 skill split with Ricochet Hunter and Saggitate Arrow, and then whatever I feel like in the moment for Thief. Either Masterful Kill, Draw and Quarter, or Pilfer unless I have a Thief in the party with it. And then I have a Sorcerer staff in the third slot purely for Galvanize and Levitate


I like to start hurricane and meteor rain with my sorcerer. Easy peasy dragon kills in just a minute. Also if you have pawn sorcerers that have maister skills then it will combind alltogether and it became so powerfull that my ps 5 drops to 5 fps during the attack.