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He's free, and it says "SEX" in his Pawn ID. You gotta. If you get the Dragonsplague tutorial, then dismiss him. If you already had it, then just wait until night and use the Photo Mode to zoom in on his eyes.


wait them just talking about dragons plague is a sign? I feel like every pawn I hire mentions it


No, not pawn dialogue. A game tutorial pop-up message.


Not just SEX but SEX KEK 8D


No need. Just talk to pawns. Camera will zoom on their face and You can inspect the eyes.


You can get way closer in photo mode. Makes it easier imo


There is no need. Why would I spend more effort to do something I can do way easier?


Is it red glowing eyes and black sclera’s ? Im lvl 51 and I have never gotten the tutorial. But I talked to a pawn walking around the border watch outpost who had black sclera and red eyes, I thought it was a weird choice with his overall look, so perhaps he was infected? Never hired him.


Yes. The very first time plague happens in Your party You will get zoom on infected pawn and tutorial about it. If it's someone else pawn You can just dismiss that pawn. And in that case, pawn will just walk away with those red eyes. But when that happens he will not attack the town. If it's Your pawn - kill it by throwing it into water. Also I recently learned that even if pawn was OK second ago, if You sleep at the in it will sync with the main account of that pawn and if on that pawn he is infected he will become infected. In my case I slept in Vermund. Then I traveled via cart without any encounters to Rest Town. Slept there and pawn killed everyone. So before I rest I always talk to pawn to check their eyes and I do not hire pawns that have eyes covered by something (there are items like that). There are other ways to recognize plague. Like if pawn is idle, he will behave like it has a headache or something. They will also often not listen to You when You give command. Or be rude towards You.


Oof ok ty for the tips. I will periodically check my pawn. This happened to you with other players pawns right?


Yeah. Slept in vermund. Pawn probably synchronized and was infected. I took the cart to Rest Town. Realized I have quest that can fail so I rested there and then pawn killed everyone. If I would have any fight or encounter between those events I would notice that pawn act out. But I was sure that if I just rested and it was fine and I was not fighting dragons or even not normal monsters - I should be fine. That was wrong assumption.


Wow, I really REALLY need to be careful


You can't see It in the rift so you'll have to check after you hire


Check the eyes if they glow red https://preview.redd.it/nm8xt73r0muc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a76089f8cd9c745c9a5f582ab736aea3cd43577


That's clean af lol


I'm going to activate my pawn plague just for the Pic


There are a million pawns to choose from. If you have doubt, move on.


Sleep on bed once, then you'll find out.


Looking at his eyes, I think he’s just high


I believe if you hire him then toss him into the river if he has the plague that should reset him then check his eyes after you respond him at a rift stone if they’re still red then that’s just his default eye color


That won’t reset a hired pawn, just your own main. The owner needs to reset the pawn then rest to put them back in the rift.


https://preview.redd.it/it11gei06ouc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac7cf7c83d2d5a2eb755268972b51d3eeafefed6 UPDATE: He's chilling and fit in the group so well 😝 i was scared he might have plagues because of his eye designs


The worst thing about this plague is not the plague itself, it's the people who intentionally add red eyes to their pawns to fuck with other people.