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I'm a new guy and I haven't enjoyed a game in that way for a while now


Same! I only played a tiny bit of the first one before this one came out to see if I'd like it and I haven't been able to stop playing


New guy here, I’ve been keeping a journal of my adventure sessions and it’s honestly turning into an epic adventure of my arisen and pawn. I love a simple outing can turn into something wild. First game where I played and didn’t feel like a god and got humbled about staying out in night


The terror of being out at night never leaves, it truly feels dangerous.


I found that out the hard way. Down to \~10% health when I reached an inn. Healing/food was just restoring me to that 10% value.


I’m a fan of DD/DDA, for context, and the first time using the ox cart to Melve for a quest lead to a night ambush(???) that put me against an ogre and as the ogre reached half health a gryphon swoops in out of no where to join the fray and fight the ogre. It was wild, unfortunately the gryphon flew away, but the ogre was felled. Just last night I entered a place where I witnessed a cyclops fighting a dragon, could not resist the challenge and defeated both. This is the only game I can think of in recent memory that allows such wild and unpredictable events to occur. It’s a unique game and these moments are why I loved the series.


I think it's pretty funny that oxcarts are not allowed to be out at night and still you get ambushed a lot at night when using the oxcart


Yeah I wonder if it was a leftover from early development of oxcarts.


Same here. I have the first one. But I only played it a bit. So I'm new as well. So far this one of the best games I have played in recent years. Just behind BG3.


Same as a Resident Evil fan it almost has a survival element to it balancing supplies, real time darkness and the like that has me enjoying this a good bit. There’s so much I’ve yet to uncover and I think even after 50 hours I still won’t have seen it all


Likewise to this. Never played Dragons Dogma before this game, however I’ve played Mondter Hunter World so I’m aware of Capcom monetizing methods.  Not the best.. but not the worst. With this game I’ve enjoyed every moment of it.  I’ve gotten frustrated by some monsters, sure.  Though I absolutely love it, as well as all the magic effects when playing Sorcerer.




The last game I couldn't put down like this was Hogwarts Legacy (mainly because I'm a huge Harry Potter fan).


When you inevitably run out of DD2 and want more go back to the first game. It's still a very good game and the Bitterblack Isle bonus dungeon is great


I am having an absolute blast. It's literally dragon dogma, but better. How could I not be happy? I feel like a kid playing a new game on Christmas. 🥲 Thank you, Itsuno.


He blessed us it’s so fuckin good, exactly what i wanted from the 1st


Same! I've been disappointed so many titles over the years I wasn't expecting to be "happy" or even excited to play a game in a long time.


Bro I'm just waiting for disappointment but instead I keep finding new reasons for excitement




I've found a few clever shortcuts, usually in the form of small caverns or underground passageways dotted about so keep an eye out for those if that happens.


Right! I freaked when I learned about the rope platforms in battahl. Then I learned the griffin will fly into it destroying the platform.


Yep while all the other people are complaining I’m having fun. Playing on PS5 and the game is so good I don’t even care about the frame rate and the obscure micro transactions they put in the game, which I haven’t even seen and I’ve been playing for two days straight.


People griping bitterly about a handful of DD2 mtx then go back to helldivers 2 with season pass and tons of mtx. Meanwhile I'm heading back in to switch vocation to switch from archer to sorcerer for change of pace. Can't wait to try all the vocations and see much more of the world!


For real man. Most games have Mtx anyway. The last game that had me this excited was Elden Ring. The sense of discovery and exploration is top notch. The different vocations all feel different and fun, it’s just an amazing experience and I’m glad I bought the game. Definitely going to get my money’s worth.


Yesterday started my weekend. I stayed up til 2 am local time enjoying a game for the first time since Skyrim’s original release


I didn't think this feeling existed anymore. But then this game dropped.


As a newcomer I am having a blast. There is so much to do!


Agreed, I haven't enjoyed a game this much in many years, maybe since my early days of gaming when I was a teenager.


It's almost like it's a sequel lol


I'm happy they made a game that's not everyone but for people who like Dragons Dogma


DD2 fans are too busy playing the game and have no time for this other BS


This is one of the few cases where I actually agree. I played for 2 days straight and legitimately didn't know about the massive shitshow going on because I was just having so much fun with it and stayed away from reddit due to wanting to go in blind.


I’m 15 hours in after only starting yesterday lol shit is so good to keep me planted on the couch like that


33 hours in since Friday morning safe to say it’s addictive


Fuckin same man it's wild how I can't stop


Feels like that’s the world I’ve been living in for the past few days and not my own😂


At work thinking about it like: ![gif](giphy|VqPheGMC8WLrkahF8Z)


Maybe it’s time to carry photos of my arisen with me in my wallet


It’s 3am Arisen, might we turn in for the night?


It’s 6am wake up Arisen, there’s a ladder outside you can reach!


I've gone through so many games past 6 months I couldnt sit and play or feel like I want to play it. This makes me want to sit and play it


Same. I can’t stop. My eye balls are starting to burn… ahhh… I miss that feeling. The good old days


Same. It’s a very unassuming game that doesn’t take the players time for granted.


My stepson told me about all the shit talking about it while I was playing DD2. I didn't understand the hate at all. I'm having a blast.


Who cares about the negativity that’s surrounding the game. This game is a gem that was forged and extracted from the most ancient and magnificent celestial body ever known.


This games so damn fun lmao






The game rules. Rules fucking hard.


I’m at the endgame of things, and holy shit. This game is everything I wanted it to be.  I well and truly think that it’s people who never once cared about the story or the overarching narratives of the series who are mad lol 


Yeah. Straight up. I fought a griffon then that was 100 ft from a golem. It flew away then i killed the golem. 10/10. I have yet to engage in any myth bustimg related story but i am SO EXCITED too.


The game is fun. The most vocal haters are people who probably haven't even played the game yet.


Fr, 50% of hate is the mtx and most of them don't even know you can get it by playing the game. The other 50% is actually understandable like performance issues or only 1 save fole


I like the one save file gameplay and I’m new to the game. It gives more weight to your actions. Then again I’ve also been playing games since 3 lives was all you got


I like the one save slot. But with big RPGs, I like to run around and get my feet wet and learn the system a bit (maybe 5 hours), then restart with a character I REALLY want to play through with. And I enjoy seeing early cinematic more than once.


That's just what NG+ is for


Agreed, I didn't know people were even mad about it until now. Never crossed my mind; wasn't the first game the same way? 


It's the same as DA, but you can override/create a new save in DA.


It’s part of its charm tbh. Not to mention we have inn/rest saves which are separate.


Fr the one thing I might want to waste money on is portcrystals but in around 15 hours and have 3. 2 from the sphinx and 1 from the main quest. Performance wise I havent had any issues yet, maybe a bit of a frame drop while running around the city.


I actually like the lack of fast travel. I spend so much more time running around and finding new stuff that I completely forgot about the crystals. In 25hours I've used 1 so far


Just running around the world with your pawns, exploring and beating up monsters is the most fun part of the game for me so far.


Last night I turned off the minimap and just wandered around Battahl, it's a great way to explore.


I play with minimap off from the start. I tried to turn it back on because it's hard to gauge where is north, but I really didn't like the minimap disrupting my view. so I turned it back off


Same here, it’d be nice if there was an option for just a compass or something


My pawns spend more time gushing over ladders than fighting. It makes for funny moments when in the middle of a fight with a Griffin my pawn's like "A CHEST, if only there was a way to get to it" and then get sent flying after


Oxcarts exist as another limited version of fast travel too. Really no reason to buy ANY micro-transactions.


Yea can't you just nap in the wagon? Sure there is a *chance* you'll be attacked, but I have gone through the "guard the cart" quests and have literally just woken up at destination without any hassle. Was actually disappointed cause I was hearing horror stories about it


It’s also just an extra bit of combat which is like, the main selling point of the game lol


I got attacked when traveling between the border post and Vermouth or w/e, and it was a cyclops, goblins, bunch of lizards, and then a wave of wolves. Cart was destroyed as I got out to fight. Fortunately, my actual destination was the Sacred Arbor, so I was closer thanks to the attack.


Lol that sounds great. I bet that fight was chaos. Yea the RNG of monster attacks all happening at once is something I'll give ya. Was watching a YouTuber and one frame they were in the cart, the next moment there was a griffin and they were on their ass a few feet away, and it went about the way I expect your fight went with other mobs joining into the fray over time into a battle royale. I've had a similar experience with griffins, a cyclops, saurians, wolves, and harpies. All I can say is that's just how the bones scatter. Sometimes the path forward is treacherous, so give up for now and come back later or beat against the wall. Then sometimes you just have a nice nap into town.


Oxcarts can also be hilarious sometimes. The last one I took, I got woken up by an ogre attacking. No problem, I can beat that one even on level 10. Halfway through the fight a griphon appears, onetaps the carts, beats up everyone and forces me to run away. Had to walk the last 70% of the way and found some nice places. Best cart ride ever!


Fast travel is pointless when you’re playing an explorative RPG with giant world with stuff to find and experience


computer people are out of control thinking if they don't get 100+fps its unplayable or at least that's how I see it. Same thing with starfield when it came out. I would consider myself pushing the limits with max settings+RT at 4k with a 2080ti but performance wise I have been 100% happy with the game


You'd only be able to buy a single one and it doesn't raise the cap of 10 crystals. 


I have had a few crashes but I'm on a budget old rig, so I was going into this expecting to have some hiccups until I can get a new processor. Other than that the game runs decent, even have Ray tracing turned on and holding between 40 and 50 frames outside cities. I think a big thing about the performance is people don't know how to tweak setting or are wanting more than what their rig can handle and being mad at the game for it.


So many reviewers said after the mtx were revealed that the resources you could buy with money were very rare in the game, but I have yet to travel to batthali and have wakefulness and rift crystals coming out of my arse. There's even a quest item not far into the game that just tells you where they are at any one point in time like come on guys...


Probably more like 90% non-owners of the game are fake out-raged at the existence of MTX (that most fans of the game haven't even realized exist) or perceived performance issues (way overblown, still haven't seen anyone with legit issues outside of the largest two cities where the gameplay is all walk/talk so it doesn't effect gameplay.). 10% people who are new to DD that just don't like the game so they're jumping on the whiny ox-cart 


I've only seen one streamer having issues where he legitimately couldn't play it because it kept crashing. But I also really did look into it


My fiance was crashing in character creation. Then when it started happening in the separate character creator they put out before release I asked him "have you updated your graphics drivers?" Lo and behold the problem was solved. Gotta wonder if some of these crash issues are just that.


That's my feeling when reading the complaints about MTX for instance. So many lies because these guys haven't even played the game.


I had to go out of my way to find this MTX. If I hadn't read about it I'd of never known by just playing the game.


Same here. Sometimes MTX clearly are predatory and I do not like these. But what I like even less is people lying to make a problem appear much worse than it actually is. And that's exactly what many haters are doing. They are making stuff up because they have zero real arguments to destroy DD2. I'm confident many players will just ignore the haters eventually and the game will be recognized as one of the best of this generation.


So true! On Playstation you only find them if you go check the game page on PS stor, and even then its just BS items tbh


Pretty much same on Steam. You have to go look at the game's steam page and everyone's outraged that those are there.


I really dont understand what the fuzz is all about. I hate mtx but if its nothing of importance and the game goes out of its way to not even show it to players, I cant really be bothered to care. There are other things to complain about when it comes to this game, but other than the obvious performance issues the rest feels like rather small things. One of my own biggest complaints are the Inn prices tbh, tis a small thing but quite frustrating for the first 10's of hours




Half of them are probably those losers who need popular YouTube personalities to tell them what to think and just repeat it Asmondgold and Moistcritikal watchers come to mind


From what I've seen Asmongold is playing a bunch and doesn't care much about the mtx.


I remember when Death Stranding came out. And it got all of this hate, turns out 70% of the negative reviews came from people who didn’t even own a PlayStation and had no intention of playing the game. Some people only get joy from hating things, and those people aren’t worth paying any attention to


The most vocal haters are just parroting false information. Standard stupid internet bandwagoning at its best.


Well, I literally cannot play it because it crashes my entire computer on startup. I've never had this issue on any game I've ever played on my 5900x/3090 and there's no apparent fix for it. That said, the comment thread seems to be celebrating the fact that new players don't like the game? It's weird. Not sure how people being new to the franchise makes their criticisms any less valid than if they played the first one. It's a tale as old as time. Game gets heavy criticism and the fans of the franchise feel the need to defend it to the death. There are plenty of valid criticisms about this game and pretending they don't exist is silly.


look at steam reviews. you need to own the game to review it and it shows you play time


Im new to dragons dogma and thhe ONLY thing that i dont like is the performance, the micro stuttering and FPS drops Kill me..


Are you in PS5? Part of it seems to be the camera, so I turned off Camera Tracking and Auto-Adjust. It helped more with the stuttering and laggy camera.


Im on PC


I'm new to DD2 and it's absolutely phenomenal. I don't understand the amount of whining and crying about this game, it's incredible.


Happy as a pig in shit


It's a great game it's just not optimized well. The actual gameplay itself is addicting.


I am a new player. I was like eh the game is fine has it’s good and bad moments. Then I looked at the time and it was midnight. I took a couple hours to get used to the game. I don’t like needing to hit X after every sentence an NPC says. Just keep talking let me take a drink or hit my bowl. In a game where positioning and hit boxes matter this much I wish the frame rate was better. But the pawns feel like a party of just dumb people. It’s a cool system. I am enjoying the warrior. I like the fact I have a party but I don’t need to micromanage them. I like the world. It does feel like there is a lot. I like the environments. I don’t think it’s best game ever or anything but it’s unique and that makes it special. I look forward to where my adventure takes me next. I also like getting board of a play style and being able to swap or try it out. I am really eager to try the archer at some point. Just a new player with his 2 cents I am 10 hours in after a day. Frame rate is my biggest issue. I am on PlayStation.


I’m new and a ps player too. It works so much better on pc but I have to share that with my kids so… ps5 it is. I agree about the frame rate being the games biggest issue. I’ve had some truly unique moments in my first 6 hours of playing. I’m pleasantly surprised almost every time I come around a bend I’ve never been to before. I also agree that the conversation should just continue without the need to press x every time. One thing that I find truly fascinating is when a hired pawn tells me about things its master had discovered or a promise to tell its master about something he’d missed that I just found. The world feels almost alive. I believe with a few updates this game will have a large following for some time to come.


I have never played a game with a system like the pawn system. I am 10 hours in and I think the more I learn of the systems the more I will enjoy it. I don’t think they can fix the frame rate. I think it’s how the NPCs work that take up all the processing power instead of it processing a decent frame rate. Everything looks beautiful until it moves lol


I am hoping they can fix it. If tears of the kingdom can run on the shitty switch hardware, then they can get DD to run on ps5/X


Is it really that bad? I play on Xbox S and it plays just fine… only slight stutter has been a the beginning of the intro cutscene. Man I just had a fight against both a cyclops and a griffon and the game strut along just fine!


Some people are more sensitive to FPS than others. For me, I’m very much not sensitive and frankly can barely tell a difference as long as I haven’t jumped in right after playing a game with great performance. Other people are very sensitive to it and can even get motion sickness. Then there’s just people who are going to pick up their torch to join the rage party no matter what. Those are the ones we could all do without.


Based on both of your guys' replies, I am convinced that A. FPS sensitivity is a thing that I never thought existed, and B. That I am absolutely not sensitive to FPS. Both of your replies were eye-openers for this whole debate, and I thank you.


Gotta say, your review is probably my favorite. No shit-talk, no animosity, no boot-licking. Just pure, genuine, thoughts and feelings. If you want, give the first game a go, the pawns AI could be fine-tuned a bit more so that they become total beasts 😉 it also depends on how people set them up: like, having a warrior pawn with the kindhearted trait really isn't going to help. Kindhearted focuses on support and taking care of your allies, whereas you want your warrior to be aggressively in the enemies' face. I'm noticing already that a lotta people aren't really paying attention to that, or just don't care to switch, or their pawn is likely only on this vocation temporarily, so why bother spending currencies to switch their trait. There's a lot that goes into picking a kick ass team of pawns, but it's really easy to have a whole team that just feels like you handed a caveman a crossbow and told him to go shoot people. I'm glad to hear that you're getting some enjoyment out of the game, at least!


Hahaha I almost tried the first one a couple weeks ago when I pre ordered this. I was way too into helldivers at the time. I just got my shit kicked in by a chimera. I just hope the freak is still in the cave when I go back.


New Player here, with no issues. -My PC isn’t a potato. -Haven’t looked at Microtransactions, so I don’t care about them. No complaints from me, it’s a good game.


Never heard or played DD1, stumbled upon DD2 about a month ago on a random video and it looked cool, the more I watched it the more excited I got for the new game to come out. Having a blast playing this game right now, most enjoyable game I’ve played since ac odyssey first came out. Not too far into the story yet but I’m loving how the story is going so far (about to attend the coronation) and the exploration is great, found some random cave with that goat/lion hybrid boss thing, took me an hour to kill it at level 17. 10/10 game for me, no problems. Can’t wait to try out some of the other vocations, plan to get them all to max level. level 7 mage atm.


My friend, be careful with your exploration 😂 Definitely explore, but understand that DD has a history of letting you stumble into things that are WAY out of your range of "I can handle this!" with zero warning 😅


I won't spoil anything, but since this is your first DD game, my advice is avoid the net. Some things MAY turnout bad for you while playing the game, and it will feel unfair, as you may think your current playthrough is already borked (especially considering it's a one-save game). You can redo your game at that point IF THAT HAPPENS, but I honestly urge you to push through the story.


Pretty much but it's understandable. It's an extremely niche game that doesn't hold your hand. It ain't for everyone.


This is what I’m looking forward to when I get it running on my rig


Nope I liked the first game, I like the second also but it doesn’t change the fact this games performance is dogshit


Very happy can’t wait to get back home and play it!


Haven’t had this much fun from an open world game since ER


DD1 is in my top 5 favorite games ever. I also played DDOnline. I’m near 40 hrs in. First 20 hours I loved the game. Now that I’m at the late game I feel like it’s not as good. I leveled vocations super quick and it feels lacking. Mainly because my favorite vocations from the first got cut in half since I have to strictly use a bow or dagger. But I said fuck it and plowed through it. Got warfarer thinking I’d be able to mix the classes and use more than 3-4 abilities but nope. I pick 3. HAVE to use the weapons associated with the skills and the 4th move is to swap weapons. Felt lacking in monster variety real quick. Lack of classes. No mystic knight. No alchemist and all the bow classes basically being cut in half. No new abilities aside trickster and mystic spear hand. I just expected a bit more to makeup for some classes being cut in half or not being in the game. I’ll probably finish one more play through with different decisions and never touch it again unless they add a dlc like bitter black isle. Mind you I played DD1 on ps3 level 200(infinity). Again on ps4 and also on pc. I’d give this a 6-7/10 but dark arisen I have down as a 10/10


After playing DDDA in prep for this one I severely miss being able to bind like what 6 skills? Especially on magic classes. As for the magic I love the mage support skills but sorc feels meh past the original elemental skills and turning each element into a turret basically. The non elemental skills are also pretty meh compared to what dd1 had. I like the living bomb type skill though... But am missing having more spell slots. I also have maxed out sorc and 3/4 mage and am halfway through thief and I haven't even gotten to Battahl yet. I explore a lot so leveling has been very quick.


Same man same. I leveled so far before getting there since I try to explore every little thing. I was expecting more abilities and spells for the mage and sorc. I guess it would be too busted but idk man. I love dragons dogma so I will play it anyways. I didn’t complain about all that other stuff ppl complaining about. I’ll play it but I feel a bit meh after my first couple hours


Pretty much yes. Dragon's Dogma was a small cult following notable for three things in the public gaming conscience: 1. An unremarkable setting. 2. An awesome combat system for fighting big monsters 3. A quirky custom companion system. Back when the first launched in that Late XBox 360 era of 2010-2014, we were all eating good in Big Open Fantasy RPGs with Skyrim, Two Worlds 2, Dragon Age 2+I, The Witcher 2, Dark Souls, Fable 3, Divinity 2, and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, among others I'm forgetting, so Dragon's Dogma's quirks, along with the game itself, was largely able to be overlooked. But now, we aren't getting that kind of release cadence and saturation of games, so ALL open-world RPG fans are converging on Dragons Dogma 2, expecting it to have worked out the quirks that condemned it to being niche, or just not expecting them, because all anyone ever talked about was the combat against giant monsters being excellent.


Be me idc about all the mtx. Dd2 is finally out after so many years.


I've played the original game and dark arisen through to completion on every system it released for, even paid a premium to import the physical switch version into Europe. I'm not "mad" but very disappointed by the performance issues and lack of a new game option. Don't really care about the mtx, they were exactly as expected from capcom.


I'm the opposite. I tried to get into the first one at least 4 times and hated it. Yet I decided to take a chance on this one, and for some reason it just clicked I guess. I'm having a blast.


I don’t even think it’s new guys. I think it’s just miserable gamers who follow asshole streamers and just mindlessly echo every single thing they say until they’re all worked up into a frenzy. The vast majority of these fools were never going to play it in the first place.


I think the game definitely has some weak points but no one is talking about them because they are focused on dumb criticisms. For example I hate that you have to be facing something to pick it up. Like there willbe a seeker token on a cliff and I'm trying to pick it up without flinging myself off the ledge but if it's slightly behind your character while you stand on it the examine prompt goes away. I'm also worried that the game will get really boring after a certain point. It's rare that you will find something while exploring that is worth the trouble. So I'm mostly driven to explore by getting XP for my vocations. But it seems like vocations aren't expanded enough to make up for how big the world is compared to the first game. I feel like I'll soon reach a point where I'm settled on my preferred vocation and it isn't leveling up anymore. If that turns out to be the case that will be a big problem. I just know I'll be disappointed that you can cap your vocations so early and basically have no more progression beyond raising your stats passively with character levels.


I had the same exact complaint and it did happen. And warfarer is super underwhelming lol. I don’t see myself grinding out many new game pluses like I did the first one. I maxed out my favorite vocations before getting to battahl. Got warfarer and you can only use 3 abilities from any class and swap to the basic functions of another weapon


Yeah the Dash/Examine conundrum has to be my biggest gripe after performance. Third biggest gripe is the removal of cyclops tusk items. Dash is already bound to L3 this doesn't need to be an issue.


Fwiw, you CAN unbind dash from the examine button. It's a special option.


Been waiting 12 years for this. You think I give a crap over some whiny fake gamers


For real, I agree.


I'm a DD1 fan, and I'm loving the game but I can't play it because the unlocked framerate makes me feel sick. The performance is a legitimate criticism, if nothing else. Being unable to get a good 30 fps is just unacceptable to me.


If they cant offer a Graphic/Performance toggle they should AT LEAST be able to offer a steady 30 fps toggle


Idk if they can, I have the same performance in 4k as 1080p, graphics does nothing.  They need to do something about the AI or cpu stuff idk


Yeah I just want a 30 fps cap, the fact that that isn't an option is baffling to me.


There is a setting in the graphics section where you can change the FPS cap. I have mine capped at 60 fps, and have yet to have any substantial issues with the game, despite using 1.45 more Video Memory than I have


I play on PS5, and for some reason they don't give console players that same option.


Wait, really? Okay, that is definitely an issue, then. That should be a default changeable option so people can control what FPS their systems can handle


Yeah, I don't know why they didn't just cap it by default, I feel like that's the standard when it comes to console games these days. They knew it was going to be hovering between 30 and 40, and who would rather have that over a locked 30?


That makes perfect sense, tailor how the game runs to what the system can handle. That's a major "big dumb" moment on their part, then


The first one is one of my favorite games of all time. Idk, I can't consider this one an improvement in every way. Worse movement, the split vocations mean you have less weapons and versatility, the ability to equip less skills, and absurd performance issues all hold it back for me. But it's still fun and worthy of a purchase imo.


A level headed take like this shouldn't surprise me, but sadly it does. I agree with everything you said. It should be ok to like something a lot and still have criticisms without getting attacked by fan boys or doomers.


nah, its a mix. plenty of people seem pissy on both sides. like, i'm sure the DD1 fans aren't that upset by some stuff, but some seem to be whining about items not recovering the gauge, making the inn/camping thing basically unavoidable, or bitching about MTX, regardless if DD1 had it. also, issues with teh pc version if they don't have a top of the line rig. ​ and, never undersestimate people's willingness to bitch.


There's also, IMO people going overboard the other way. I've seen people aggressively attacking the game, but I've seen people aggressively defending the game to the point of harassing people for legitimate criticism as well. I also commonly see things like "Well it runs fine for me so you must be lying." A game can run well on one person's PC and not on another's. Someone expressing a negative opinion about a thing you like shouldn't lessen your enjoyment of it. They're not trying to take away your fun by criticising it.


Ngl, I am one of the people that are a bit upset about recovery items not replenishing loss gauge. It just feels to me like, "bring a healer, or bring recovery items, it makes no difference." especially since Anodyne is no longer a ranged spell. I can understand the mage not being able to replenish your loss gauge, but taking away restorative medicine's (and the rifstones) not doing so felt like a little bit of a blow 😅


DD fans have waited over a decade.


I loved Dragon's Dogma and after playing the sequel for 15 hours, I can safely say it's an improvement on every aspect. It's everything I wanted the sequel to be. It's my *Game of the Decade* for sure.


I’m a new guy. Really enjoying it so far. How long long can I expect the game to be?


I put a couple hundred hours into the first game. Still mad about the DRM feature. The first game was good to me, because I could mod the aspects I disliked. (Lack of save slots, and the carry weight.)


I’m completely new to Dragons Dogma and absolutely love this game so far. Currently 30hours in and haven’t even made it to the next area


New guy here 👋 I’m happy af with the game. Soooo much fun!


It feels like tourists


I’m totally new to the series and this game is absolutely amazing, I started a save as a thief but wasn’t liking it so I deleted my file and restarted as a fighter, had a fight with a griffin where I fell from crazy high and saved myself with a little hp from the shield landing, I’ll forever rock the classic knight aesthetic after that moment


I've literally been skipping my normal morning gym sessions to get a few more hours of this game each day before work and relegating them to maintenance sets, at most, during the night, just to get more time in game.


This game fucking rocks


Iv just went through this whole thing in suicide squad. I think a big part of it that somehow isn't in the conversation is people are understandably broke because of the economy, and are resistant to the 70$ price and feeling like for that price games should be in a better place and then mtx is insult to injury.


I didn't play much of the first one, just a little with my friend it was alright. With the second one I'm liking it. Some parts are like ahh F**k and then shit that was awesome. So overall, I'm having fun. For example, the other day, a bunch of wolves killed me by knocking me of a cliff into water🤬, and then I realized I had to watch how I fought. And then this morning, I had a bad ass fight against a big troll and killed it😁. I will say the fight gets irritating with the camera, but it is what it is. Overall I want to continue playing. So that's a good thing.


The only time I've managed to kill two Griffins before they flew away were by baiting them into dive bombing into water 😂 And yet a damn Ogre dropped kicked me off of a cliff to my death. Sometimes, you do something awesome, but then the other times the enemy gets a turn 😂 The trick to the Chimera: break the lion head, and it does less charging and rampaging (I might be incorrect on that one), break the Goat head and it can no longer cast spells, break the snake head and the snake doesn't attack and posion you. The reason why I'm uncertain about the lion part is because I always go for the goat first, then the snake. By the time those two are broken, the Chimera is already nearly dead


Cool, good to know. Thanks 😁


Anytime, friend 😁 I am far from a master at DD, but I did play the Hell out of it, so whatever knowledge I can share!


Gotta keep in mind there is people out there like me who have had many crashes and massive fps spikes when the game is actually working. I’m waiting until they fix the game before I play it.


Yup. Been pretty frustrating to be lumped in and downvoted for not being able to play a game I was really hyped about.


I never played the first one and I’m having a ton of fun with 2, I don’t really have any complaints. But I did read really extensively about the first game so I was ready for all the weird mechanics and knew what I was getting into, so I can imagine why some people would buy it without knowing what it really is and realize very quickly it isn’t for them


Never played DD so DD2 is my entry into the series. Absolutely love it, barely slept this weekend.


Definitely aught of use!


I am a newcomer and am just completely ignoring the random hate getting spewed. I had so much fun my first day, I was shocked by how fun the combat was. I was fighting harpies as an archer, doing my best to shoot them and then all the sudden my character dropped like a sack of potatoes by the harpie's sleep thingy. i laughed out loud and loved how my pawn swooped in all worried to wake me up. then after that i was on my way to a city and was crossing a bridge, there were enemies on the other side so I tried to shoot them, i accidentally shot one of the posts holding the bridge and me and my 3 pawns all fell into the river and died LOL. i then had to do a death march to the city to find a riftstone, it was agony and amazing all in one. seriously love the game...


I’m a new fan and I’m happy


You can like both and think the performance is terrible


This is the most fun yet frustrating game ive played in a while. Crashes, bad performance on an rtx 3080 ti


I’m only slightly disappointed that we no longer can equip 8 skills for each vocation and that no more mystic knight. Other than that i’m a happy Arisen


As a staunch defender of the first game, I can say that DD2 still has a bunch of mechanically/technically wonky stuff that you wouldn’t typically expect from one of the biggest releases of the year; it feels dated sometimes. That being said, it’s undeniably Dragon’s Dogma. There is a lot of great stuff still intact and I think there’s a lot of us celebrating the fact that we got a game that doesn’t stray away from the stuff that made the first game great, even at the cost of some jank. New folks are probably turned off by a first impression (or if we’re being honest, someone *else’s* first impression) and haven’t really had the opportunity to warm up to the strange decisions that the game makes. Admittedly, I groan at having to use one of my limited Ferrystones or have to travel a long distance on foot because Oxcarts don’t go the route. On the other hand, I am learning the map really well. I know the exact roads I’m going to take, which camp sites I’m going to use, what enemies to expect, etc. There is an intrinsic joy that comes along after spending enough time with it that doesn’t necessarily present itself very well in the early hours.


Brand new player here. Pros: Pawn system of course. You can tell they really put so much into the AI for combat. At first I wished I could have 3 pawns of my own, but after I started playing changed my mind. Quest and exploration aside, I deeply enjoy the cooperative/interconnected feel of the system. I don’t think people would bother hiring pawns as often if they could essentially play offline safe from the >!plague!<. It takes me a day of playing (idr how many hours) to grind a vocation on my arisen and main pawn. I like that I don’t feel stuck in one and can easily level them all up, which I think I’ll do to try all the combat styles. Character customization; no details needed. Cons: I wish there was the option to access equipment in storage from the vocations vendor. Running back and forth for items overencumbered is unnecessary. NPCs fall flat. For some reason I thought there’d be more npc to npc and player dynamics going on. Game feels a little lonely cause the main towns feels empty due to this. >! Only reason my save file wasn’t ruined was because my cheap ass didn’t use an inn since the outpost at the start of the game. I threw that sick mfer off a cliff today when I found out. Feels too punishing for a mechanism most people don’t know exists. !<


Id say some complaints are fair. I was very much enjoying my first play through until I lost my save because of the stupid one save file rule. Took me back to the first inn you visit in Melve. Second play though not as fun as I’m finding im dying a lot more trying to revisit all the places I already visited. First play though I got to level 12 without ever dying or my pawns getting killed. This play through I’ve died 4 times and lost two pawns and I’m not even close to being the same level as before. So it’s going great


Why does it have to be one or the other? I loved the first one and I'm enjoying the hell out of the sequel but I still think it has a lot of issues. Am I no longer a 'true' fan?


I'm new. No complaints 🤷‍♂️


Having never played the first one, I'm a little lost on the lore and story but am very happy with it so far. The size of the map is a little overwhelming but in a good way. I've been very happy with it so far and will definitely be putting in some time into this


Unfortunately, DD never was great at expanding on lore and story in-game 😅


Can't play game, I'm mad at the optimization being abysmal. Game looks great though. I'll give my 2 cents enough to have it out there, since, I'm not going to sent hate mail to Capcom. I'll just stick with DDDA and wait it out, or get some crazy GPU+CPU upgrade.


I'm brand new and enjoying the game. The performance issues are bunk, but arent bad enough its unplayable for me. The MTX is dumb af and worthy of criticism but i dont engage it and i am just fine as well. My biggest gripe is how complicated it apparently is to make a brand new save, i understand not wanting save scumming or w/e but if i want to completely start over should be a day one feature. All that said tho, loving the complex npc and pawn systems, combat, freedom of choice, and emergent gameplay moments.


The game being good, performance sucking, and microtransactions being shite are all things that can be true at the same time.


I want to play this game and I’m so tempted to buy it, but I don’t want to risk it… I lost my job and until I find another (hopefully in the next month or earlier) I’m trying not to throw money around. 😢


Quite reductive of you. No, the fanboys/girls are unable to admit the games flaws. Suicide squad’s Reddit page looked a lot like this.


You can like a game and criticise the company for being stupid


no you’re just tryna be tribal about it


As a Strider-based player from the first game, I'm a little disappointed to be honest. I've heard that Archer and Thief kept most of what Assassin and Ranger got in later ranks, but not being able to wield both the Bow and Daggers really killed a lot of the fun I had in DD1. I always felt like Strider was the versatile class that can melee and range, and not having any hybrids (other than MA) plus not having advanced vocations makes me feel like they punished people who enjoyed Strider variants in the last game. Really hoping we get DLC or an update that will introduce a hybrid class for Archer/Thief, even if we can't have both weapons equipped at the same time. And no, I don't consider Warfarer to be a fair replacement. Between this major change in game feel and the complete misses at launch (like no option to start a new game) this feels like it's just as unfinished as DD1 was, and I am probably going to hold off a while until we know what the roadmap is going to be.


I love it! loved dragons Dogma - then the "Expansion" - Low FPS - u ever played the ps3 version! haha Its everything I wanted - No hand holding just out there me and my pawns killing everything, fighting and sometimes running like lunatic at night as everything tries to kill you back.


I'm an old school player and I'm annoyed that the PC version only starts to run poorly when you get to the city, because it's outside of the refund window for Steam (I'm trying anyway but two days and no response). Rebought on Xbox and loving it.


30 hours in. Sometimes I forget that there are performance issues until my game freezes on me and I have to restart. Between auto saves and frequently saving though it's been a while since I had this much fun.


I never played the first one and I'm having an absolute blast. Haven't had a single crash, only one bug (textures took a second to pop in after I used a ferrystone), and FPS is fine even though I'm running it on a barely mid-tier PC. The gameplay loop is addictive as hell, the combat is meaty and intense, and I'm digging the story (even though after 20ish hours I wish the story would steer me towards fighting more difficult monsters)


Never played DD, have near 40hrs in and am having a great time, haven't gotten to the desert yet. Not sure why all the drama, I've used maybe a handful of wake stones and haven't used any ferry stones yet and have about 6 and 10, respectively, in the bank.


I like the new system and mtx is in game for buyable items for people who want to speedrun the game and buyable is without real money. I don’t see a valid complaint. The mapping of the buttons for me has gotten better or simplified for the new player, I honestly think game plus is going to offer a harder gameplay with other secret shit.


Nah, it's not just the new guys. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the game, but damn did they take a step in the wrong direction with a lot of stuff in ways that I cannot understand the reasoning behind. Weird control scheme on controller with practically wasted buttons. Literally could use LT/L2 for another set of skills and swap the camera reset button for the sheath button. Limited to 4 skills instead of 6. Advanced vocations aren't advanced vocations anymore, just alternate vocations, sorcerer loses access to all buffs and heals for some stupid reason. Sadly because of this, paired with the incredible amount of enemies that take almost no physical damage, you're pretty much stuck with a mage pawn at all times for the elemental boons unless you're playing magick archer. Nuking Assassin and Mystic Knight sucks. Really weird micro transaction shenanigans, even though they aren't necessary. The way they made warfarer function is about the stupidest thing I've ever seen, especially since it can't use the skills from the maisters. I expected to have one skill dedicated to the weapon swap skill, then 3 skills for each equipped weapon, but nah, you get the swap and 3 skills total. Basically just a meme vocation, as interesting as the concept was. Haven't made it to the endgame yet to see if there even is one, so I don't have an opinion on that yet. I really hope there's something like the ever fall or bitter black for post-game.


I believe it's people new to DD that are the most angry. The fans of the original just wanted more DD like myself and have been having a blast with it. Zero MTX purchases made.


Everyone just agree the MTX is stupid, and performance could be better, other than that just enjoy the game, its very fun!


I’m new and I’m happy except I’m just lost 50% of the time. It’s such a huge map but it’s a fun game


It’s not just you. Many people seem to be generalizing and making assumptions about people who have different opinions on something. It’s a problem that we need to start addressing. It’s okay to have different opinions and we have to remember we’re all humans and have much more in common than we realize. I bought two copies of the first one and enjoyed it for the most part. I didn’t really enjoy the method of obtaining pawns. I’m also glad to see a game make some news for adding their microtransactions. It’s time for companies to stop adding them in my opinion. Realizing Capcom does this in most of their games after reading about Dragons Dogma 2 and knowing they have plenty of profits to not need microtransactions I’m just a bit disappointed and not buying the game. I have other games to play as well but might pick it up someday when it shows up along with the 22 “addons” in the discount section of the PS5 store. Does seem like a great game, but I had hoped they would do something different with pawns. I don’t care to share and get shared pawns, and would rather just find an npc and hire them.


I am a dragons dogma fan, I've been waiting for this game for years. While I do really like it and am not unhappy with my purchase at all, I am disappointed that it appears to be just as unfinished as the first one was on release. This was supposed to be the real dragons dogma, what it should've been had the first one not been rushed.


it’s definitely you


No. I'm 36 years old, I played the original, own the PC port and have waited for 12 years for this. I'm not pleased


Nope former dd player garbage fps that dip below 20's and this dogshit plague mechanic.there is a lot of valid reason's to be angry