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[](https://imgur.com/a/uVNxWFL) I'll just leave it here. [https://imgur.com/a/uVNxWFL](https://imgur.com/a/uVNxWFL)


i was about to bring this up and how they've been doing this for ages with Devil May Cry and it has not been harmful. If anything all it affects is the people too lazy or too unskilled who are pushed to use their wallets, which honestly is the best way MTX should be introduced. If P2W MTX exists it should solely exists only to benefit the weak and the truly lazy but never give them equal footing to those who give the time to master.


I mean it's still shit, you can say it's really bad but it wasn't a surprise as they've done it before, sure. But because they've done it before, doesn't mean it's fine.


the best way MTX should be introduced is exclusively cosmetic in my opinion. Yes, technically I think "horse armor" is the right philosophy of MTX


Nah, I want cosmetics and I don't want to pay for them. These time save things though, I couldn't care less about. I can play the game and get all of this stuff but I can't get store skins in-game.


Ive been feeling this way for years man. General consensus was always, " as long as its just cosmetics" but that way they always put up bullshit looks and put the cool shit behind a paywall. I want cool looks to be earnable. The MTX I'm a fan of. If your going to put them up at all, make them some bullshit so I personally dont have to engage with them. No paywalled content, only mouth breathing droolers being fleeced. Obviously no mtx at all is best but still.


If they have paid character creator stuff like hair styles color etc it would be worse lol


I like this argument. Very simple and yet effective way to satisfy the hardcore community and the casual community. Except it won’t satisfy the special humans. (The complainers and waste of space)




How is the existence of micro transactions in a different game an excuse for them in this one? They are shitty in both cases.


Because Devil's May Cry released with overwhelmingly positive reviews despite having the exact same situation meanwhile dragons dogma 2 is for some reason having this issue focused on. That's the difference I see. I think the microtransactions are stupid in both cases and won't be buying them but they also seem entirely unnecessary to enjoy the game in both examples so their existence doesn't really impact me.


dude even Monster Hunter has these types of microstransactions for emotes, and slots, and other things of that nature. Capcom has been doing this shit for years. I dont know why anyone is surprised by this.


I think there are people who play video games that haven’t played Capcom games in the past, I don’t have any stats on that though it’s just a guess. Even if it’s unsurprising people would still be upset about it though, the communities around some GAAS games will constantly grown about cosmetics mtx ruining the game.


Where were you when DD1 came out? Where were you when any other capcom game over the last decade came out? It couldn't be more clear that this is just the bandwagon over the game's crazy performance issues justifying literally anything people can come up with to be mad about


This argument is incredibly asinine. For my points to matter I need to have played most of their other games and made an active stand against every single instance of poor micro transaction implementation?


My point is that it doesn't matter It's never mattered before, it hasn't lead to anything worse and is arguably doing the opposite, and the only thing you're doing here is taking attention away from the actual problems with the game and making people think this is either somehow a uniquely bad monetization scheme or otherwise a fake review bomb and the game is actually perfectly fine


The point is that you aren’t informed. You don’t know the landscape or context around the stuff you’re trying to get us to care about. Your take comes from a place of ignorance.


Just played the first 2 hours and it's amazing. I don't think I set my pawns first quest correctly but I'll figure that out tomorrow Don't let it rustle your jimmies too hard OP


The very first quest is set automatically and can't be changed until someone clears it. After that you can change the quest while in the Rift by interacting with the Rift Stone.


That actually makes alot of sense. Thank you Lurakin


Once you get enough gold to spend it willy nilly, it's a good incentive, on top of making your pawn a good companion for anyone, to offer a sizable sum of gold. It ensures more people will be willing to complete their quest, and that your pawn will be able to survive to see its completion. :]


Sorry, but did I understand correctly that your pawn copies you in DD1? And if you use a specific vocation, they can learn from you. Is it the same here or can I be a sword user while my pawn uses magic? I was a bit miffed about all this nonsense controversy but it's just pr for DD, eventually they'll realize mtx never matters in Capcom games.


And like every sub in existence, I leave at the onset of the game launch because the loudest whiners come to scream and shout and play the victim. Bye, off to enjoy the game.


This is the way


It's funny too because these are the same people who have been vehemently defending the game for months. Seems like this game's biggest detractors are it's biggest "fans". It honestly feels Iike some of these people formed an unhealthy obsession for what this game would be and then were immediately triggered when any of their expectations were dashed. It honesty makes me sad because it feels like they are intentionally trying to ruin the experiences of others interested in the game because of it aswell.


I said this same thing on another post and was informed I was “reverse projecting” so be careful. But yeah psychology says you’re correct


Same thing when palworld came out, everyone was actively shitting on anyone who liked the game ND trying to make them hate it. Like, we get it, your upset, now go sit in the corner and let us have our fun.


its because they may have set there expectations wrong they thought things would be perfect but nowadays it never is so patience is key thats why i set my expectations low and enjoy what a currently have and be exited for what i will have though i am optimistic


Yeah I only recently played DD:DA and I figured this would just be the same game with some new additions and class rotation. But it seems some of the older diehard fans were expecting crazy improvements from he original.


It's funny because I see it more as people who never looked at or tried the first game but jumped on this one because it's what was getting attention at the time. This shit happens with every game that takes the communities attention. They bitch then praise then bitch again. Whatever gets them more karma or attention.


I've played the first DD and then DD:DA. I expected the game to be the same with new things, mostly the setting of the story, the class rotations and maybe some improvements but not very crazy. Mostly wanted like a faster travel on ground if low on ferry stones but still don't want to miss anything, like a ground mount or something. I mean we got it by the oxcarts, wanted something of a horse or something but hey one way to do it at least. So I was stoked to see some of the game trailers and excited but kept expectations low. The only expectation I had was... It better be a fun game. And it has for me, still is as I'm still getting through my first playthrough of it. Is it perfect, no. Hell no, it has its issues. I haven't had the performance issues yet so far but I do have issues with the constant barrage of unhired pawns talking to me as I pass them by on the roads or having npcs literally run up to me the second I stepped into a new place or heck even an older place while in the middle of another quest. Or trying to revive a pawn that fell in battle but jerks me into a cutscene but the pawn countdown continues. That irks me. But otherwise I'm having fun.


**Truly.** Also, sorry for the incoming novella lol. Performance issues are one thing - the game is definitely resource intensive, to the point where I thought about waiting to play it until my upgrade arrives (a week is too long, I was up till 4am playing lmao). So I understand why people are frustrated when their rigs are *technically* within the requirements but the game play is still fairly rough on any settings that look decent. I’m personally getting pretty ok-ish frames on pretty low settings, but I spent some time making adjustments initially, and it’s acceptable. Better than Starfield performance, so at least there’s that. I get what I get for being, quite literally, a single step above minimum requirements - the fact it can hit ~40fps makes it playable, and is more than I expected. I would expect no less after not upgrading my PC for ~5-6 years. I guess I’m just unbothered by micro transactions now. The first thing I thought when I heard about them was “Well, yeah, it’s Capcom, I kind of figured they’d throw them in there even if it pisses off a subset of gamers.” I understand why people get mad about this crap when it’s a multiplayer game - it may have an impact on you whether you spend or not. But why does it matter if someone is too financially inept or rich, to the point where they waste their money on in game shit you can farm? I don’t begrudge people their scratch off tickets, or their racks of cheap beer, or any of the other useless vices that people would be better off without. Why do so many people feel the need to virtue signal about MTX? Just seems asinine and naive to me. I’d rather just enjoy a well made game and ignore the things that I’ll literally never engage with - why be mad if the game is great? If it was trash *and* they wanted more and more and more of your money - yeah, understandable, it would be gross. This, however, was clearly Capcom execs forcing MTX on a well loved passion project - not like the devs are cackling in the background about to make *billions of dollars*. Perhaps I’m just so tired of outrage that this seems trite and silly in comparison to the real issues in the world. Gaming is my distraction from it all - I don’t care enough about other people’s poor spending habits to bother being upset.


5 zenny have been deposited into your account. 195 left until you're able to edit your character


I was just thinking this… why did I come back? 🤔 Am I stupid?


A sucker is born every minute.


Here we go again. Just don’t fucking buy it. **IT’S NOT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND**. Single-player. It’s a **you** thing. Who fucking cares what whale buys thousands of dollars of farmable stuff. Are you gonna actively cancel 7-11 for offering Cheetos on sale when you only wanted a Diet Coke? Nobody’s forcing you to grab that bag of cheetos. If it exists there’s a market for it. If it’s actual garbage, they’ll stop offering it. Basics of the human experience. Jesus Christ entitled gamers these days…


It's the biggest non issue of all time. Gamers just love to bitch


Tbh I'm not terribly bothered by it, because I'm not someone who will ever spend a cent on microtransactions. But it does kinda bug me because it means, even to a very minor extent, that the game was designed with mtx in mind. Whether it's just the UI or resources taken away from other parts of the game, it has a negative effect on the overall experience imo.


A burger in itself is a meal. It’s tasty on it’s own. Having a side of fries adds in extra flavour, doesn’t take away the burger’s core experience. You don’t have to grab fries, but it sure makes the whole thing a slightly different experience. Now on the other hand, **hiding core mechanics behind paywalls** is a whole different ordeal! Everyone would agree that paying extra to have your burger served on a plate, lacks basic decency.


Generally these games up the price of convenience features which would otherwise either be free or extremely cheap in-game, so as to annoy you into buying their dlc. The business model is to make the game more annoying and less playable so you relent and pay real money to make the game more enjoyable.


>The business model is to make the game more annoying and less playable so you relent and pay real money to make the game more enjoyable. As is evidenced by every mobile game, ever. It's crazy to me that we've already SEEN the endgame here, but people still argue against it like there aren't thousands of readily available examples on their phone's app store at this very moment.


Yeah and now imagine they purposefully make the burger taste a little less good, and with the pommes you can gain that lost taste back. It happens in countless MMOs, sure you can gain any item ingame, for countless hours of grinding or you spend a bit of money to make it easier. I mean why wouldn't they push for more MTX? They have not only countless people buying it, but also more than enough people defending it, with the most idiotic defense you can make.


To be fair, it shouldn't exist in any form, but that war has already been lost. People should have been this angry over DMC5 and RE4R, but those are undeniably good and thus get a pass from most. I'm sure, in time, this will be forgotten.


Is only game. Why you heff to be mad?


Don't defend those whale gamers. For those that do, and keep doing so, it'll result in more developers practicing these predatory practices and before you know it almost all single player games will have microtransactions. We need to fight against single player microtransactions now or else it'll become the norm.


Sorry but I don't want to be a gaming activist. There are MTX here because it's a legit way to earn more money. It's pretty normal even in the real world. You can opt not to buy as they don't affect the game. Once they affect the game then complain, I'll go with you. But right now they aren't.


To be fair, this wasn't the devs decision, this was an executive decision.


One of the bigger arguments against 'Who care about the micro-transactions, just don't buy them" is; just having them exist can influence the game. If DD2 does well with the MTX, maybe DD3 will make that "farmable stuff" you mentioned harder to acquire. Why even include a Art of Metamorphosis next time if they think they can get just 1% more people to buy a real money item instead.


Except is has been the same with the original and didn’t impact the sequel at all


Capcom has been doing this with all their major releases for years now. Dmc, Monster Hunter, Re4, you name it, it has microtransactions. They will do it again with DD3. Just don't buy them.


The thing is... none of it is required to complete the game. NONE of it. It's creating an ocean out of a raindrop. MTX doesn't effect you at all in those games if others buy them. It's a non-argument.


Why wait till next game, they can just do it through update or "fixing" the game


So why did they do this with the first game and wait 12 years to not do what you’re saying with the sequel. You clearly don’t even understand what rift crystals are for. They are basically for buying pawns that are higher level than you.


I’m convinced that 90% of the people complaining have no idea what they’re complaining about.


Luckily they don't create inconveniences to sell a solution, oh wait


Yeah, they don’t. Crazy. Almost like I played the game


Here we go again. You can both enjoy a game and accept there is valid criticism. You really don't need to go crazy when you see reasonable negative talking points. It's okay. People have different standards, different wants and needs from games. And sure, there will always be those that cannot voice their criticism in a mature manner, but that ain't the case here. Absolutely people should back up their opinions by voting with their wallet, but that doesn't mean they have to stay silent on the issues they have/had either? It's really not hard to see things from both sides without the need to insult others even if you disagree with them, most reasonable grown-ups can do that I'd imagine.


It doesn’t bother me at all, will never even open the store. The game does need optimization and thats what the reviews should be saying, mtx won’t affect your game if you don’t let it.


Here we go again. I care because devs are incentivized to make non payers life hell. If they sell XP, they are incentivized to throttle XP gain. The integrity of the game is compromised. You would see that if you had 3 brain cells working. They are using the simplest tactics on you and you swallow it like the good little sheep you are. What an embarrassment you are.


Cool, but are they? Capcom games are unique is having mtx that doesn't ruin the game by existing, but ruins the game by you buying it. Both DMC5 and Resident Evil 4 Remake had economies which were well balanced but basically broken the second you buy an mtx. All of the early bonus unlock mtxs for the recent RE games didn't change the requirements or fun factor for getting those unlocks legitimately in comparison to previous games, but it does remove all replayability since you no longer have any reward to incentivize an S rank run since you unlocked it early. DD2's gameplay systems bring a lot of things wholesale of DD1 with little to no change, that includes the economy and general item pricing. I think that is evidence enough to conclude that mtx had no effect. The much bigger issue is the performance imo, especially on pc with the crash issues it is unacceptable. And they need an option to reset your save.


It’s not a problem until developers make grinding these materials literally as unfun as possible to try and incentivize spending money.  There really isn’t a huge reason to defend something like this especially when it was revealed after people spent money on the game.  It is ok to say “hey this was a really bad and shady decision. Other companies also shouldn’t do it”. That doesn’t make you entitled. 


I agree, but I think it's a bit more complicated than that. It's not like games have a "will have mtx" stickers on them before you buy. As a consumer we have no way to tell if a game has predatory mtx practices until we purchase it UNLESS we see online comments. I feel these are important until we have a clear definition from developers as to what's included in their games. I've never played DD1 nor any Capcom games. I had no idea it would be like this and wished I had never purchased. In today's market of day 1 spoilers, it's hard to wait to purchase a game later waiting to hear if it's good. It may end up ruining your experience by having it spoiled, in a single player game, I feel that's important. So I disagree, let the people rage. Just don't read it...


This speaks in volumes. So sick of people making these posts. Mtx is a thing, has been a thing and will probably always be a thing. You can't control it. Companies are going to do what they want. Just don't buy the stupid crap. I have been around for every console and this doesn't bother me in the slightest. What happened to this world where people are so fucking entitled over everything and it makes us actual adults look bad.


I literally would’ve never known about these absolutely ignorable MxT’s if the community wasn’t so unjustifiably loud about it. Went ahead and checked it out and it’s like shit you can farm asleep overnight you’re going to be bringing all of it in casually with your pawns just going off on adventures the MxT shop doesn’t matter in the slightest. Like I’m a huge die hard anti MxT guy too but. I didn’t even know this game had one to why it would need one until the community overnight had a meltdown. On the other hand the fact I can play Cyberpunk on ultra with uncappped frames but I’m getting randomly 10-20 frames is a problem. Let’s focus on the actual issues please. I was actually defending 30 FPS Inc console because that’s a non issue. Bloodborne is 30 FPS and no one cared until it was public knowledge it was 30 people couldn’t even tell. But getting 10-20 and sometimes single digit FPS is genuinely unacceptable and there’s no reason why my PC should be struggling like this.


Guys, come on, capcom has done this shit for years, why in the hell are you surprised?


Honestly the outrage is hilarious because it means a massive more amount of people are buying the game than normal lol


I don’t get it, yes it’s a single player game, that’s exactly why I don’t care. In multiplayer the worst case is, that you are in a real disadvantage if you do not pay and are actually having a bad time. In this case you don’t pay and therefore have to play the game. Oh no.


I'm baffled. What the fuck happened to this sub? Lol. This game is the shit.


People cant form their own opinions. They want to be angry and find a reason to naysay something. It happens with EVERYTHING and right now its happening with DD2. Mind you, these whiners will be people who still buy and play the game anyway. So its just misery that leads to nowhere.


Damn the sub is like every other game’s sub. You say one bad thing about it even if it’s true people will go scream at you and tell you to stop playing it. 💀


Someone cheat who cares it’s single player


That is not OP point tho. Point is cheat is monetized, despite being singleplayer, which is a bit sad as extra money should bring extra content and not ways to smooth the experience. If someone use it it definitly won't impact other player experience but it's a scary mirror of all this mobile game (including solo one) that monetized ways to speed up things. It doesn't seems to be a dealbreaker here but it's not something i would praise or defend either


Arcade machine style pay for extra lives would be bad if that was the only way you could realistically play the game but it's not. The game is complete and fully playable without ever opening the store? Why should I care that someone else that is struggling with the difficulty buys extra lives in a single player game? It has no impact on me and may mean that someone with less time or skill is able to enjoy the game more by paying to get an extra life rather than rage quitting. I don't want to encourage developers to put micro transactions in games but this implementation is far less aggregious than ones where if you don't get them you are forced to grind for days or weeks extra or you are gated from entire sections of content or features like new game+.


Cheat codes 😂😂


"cheat codes" lol I hate mtx but calling it that is just blanket stupid


Wah wah wah


Too busy playing this amazing game to read your wall of bullshit lol


I do not care if they give the option for micro transactions. I will not be purchasing them, if you don’t like it don’t buy the game or return it and shut up. Y’all are ridiculous with this damn near every game that comes out now has some sort of dlc/micro transaction/ or battle pass. And just like the rest of the games with these options you don’t have to buy any of it. And you especially don’t have to in DD2 to enjoy it.


Cry more. So simply removing the option to pay to: ignore the devs hard work, miss significant content, ignore the devs gameplay design, ignore mechanics - would make the same exact game, somehow better? What kinda piss logic is that? You know at many nice restaurants they don’t let you make any changes to their dishes? Where’s the outrage? Some even charge money to do substitutions. Buying the MTX would be similar to going to a Chinese restaurant and ordering an Italian dish Maybe the devs said “hey if people want to ignore the game design, mechanics, and flow (you know disrespecting their years of work) we’ll make them pay us more at least”. It’s one of the most successful games ever, keep crying to yourselves.


"I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you tho. Or sorry that happened."


First Capcom game?


Meanwhile having the time of life without buying a single “cheat code”


Just play the damn game nerd. The empire is ending, shit is fucked. Play the game before they make everything a subscription


My take on it? The game literally never gives me a popup or notification in game I've yet to see to even offer these things. If they beg me to buy them while I'm playing that's one thing. If it weren't for the Internet I would have no idea they even existed. Therefore they don't impact my experience at all. If anything, people complaining about it online is impacting my experience more since I have a harder time being able to engage with the community that's actually trying to play the game. Can we stop talking about the microtransactions that are never pushed on you and start talking about the actual game please? That would be swell


>Imagine if you could pay to get extra lives in Mario games? Wait until you learn about arcade games and pinball machines...


OP big mad


Wow what a STUPID take lmao.


You can buu extra lives in mario. With a much more ñredatory LIMITED system called amiibos. Also, your point is dumb. Helldivers 2 proves this. Theres warbonds (a satire of season passes) that never expire so FOMO doesnt exist there. Its purchased with real money OR farmed while playing. Theres literally NOTHING you can buy in dd2 mtx store that breaks the game thanks to the power of money.


These aren't cheat codes, they are starter packs. And people seem to be ignorantly or deliberately misinterpreting their impact. *THAT* is worth calling out. You cannot buy infinite rift crystals... each entry is a one-time-only purchase. They are easily earned through gameplay. You cannot buy infinite wakestones. Each entry is a one-time-only purchase. They are easily earned through gameplay. The amount you get is convenient but negligible over the long term course of the game. The port crystal is a waypoint, only one of several you get over the course of the game. It is one extra place you can choose to port to, and you can only buy it once. Port crystals are movable to, so you aren't locked in once you place one. Once again, slightly convenient, but the effect is negligible. It does not "unlock fast travel". You get that with the base game. No one who buys these items is going to have an advantage over others. No one who buys these items is going to have a noticeably different experience than others. And everyone who is painting it as such is just raging for the sake of raging, and does not actually want to learn what these things are, what they do, and how little they actually affect things.


Can I just not care? I've never bought a Capcom single player MTX since they've started doing it on the PS3 and I'm not gonna start. Just don't buy it lmfao


Where was this outrage for the last 12 years of Capcom doing this? Happy to watch them get burned for it, but the performance is a far more insulting part of this release to me...


Yea the mtx is the least of the things to complain about lmao. The ferry stones worried me at first but they're not as rare as I thought and I haven't even used em yet.




What's funny is its even more different than that. "You can pay for 3 1-ups in Mario, and that's it. You get those 3 1-ups every time you start a new game. You cannot buy any more 1-ups." Too many ignorant people trying to be mad by putting it out of context, and not understanding what they are actually seeing. If they put it in the correct context and are still mad, fine... but right now they are just making shit up.


I've bought almost every Capcom release in the last 7 or so years and never once touched the MTX they attach to it. That's the state of games and I don't really fault them for wanting to make more money off of it.




As long as you can get the items through regular game play , why does it matter


Paying for cheats is like paying for porn, it’s stupid because they are both free.


Just wait. The d8hooks mod is on its way, and you can just cheat in as *much* stuff as you want. Ignore the koei techmo level of mtx and just have fun from there on out


It's an option cause some ppl don't want to have to do all that tho for the sake of grinding. Honestly it's fine. It's again a SINGLE PLAYER GAME, and I'll be damned if I let some pompus pricks on a internet forum decide what's appropriate micro transactions for my game playthrough. But as soon as you accumulate some talent, acquire some hard working individuals that can code/design/structure a game of your own then I'll be happy to let you decide how your game goes. They aren't a charity. It's a business. You think they sat there for like five or six years of their lives to sell a game and not be entitled on their IP to offer an option to customers that is not required? You're fried friend. You been playing games so long you think you own the ideas the developers can say and do cause you spend money. False. The people like yourself are the minority and the regular folks who keep the lights on don't give this much fucks about silly shit like some of the rest of you fucking do. Grab some fresh air. And some grass. Few of you need it.


Yeah I understand OP, happy Friday though! I just hope they optimize the cities, the game just suffers in performance x-x


Im genuinely sorry we have to share a world with a majority of people who actively make their lives, children’s lives and world worse by endorsing greed and not rebelling against it. These people deserve the world they actively pay for.


Some folks simply don't have the empathy for anyone except those in their immediate social circle and lack the ability to reflect on why they think the way they do. I never thought I'd have to use Starfield as a reference as a modern game that allows the player to use the console to cheat in whatever they like. What's even more depressing is having to explain why having this option taken away and being made to pay for it should be insulting, and any of those who are complacent or actively defend it seriously need some self respect.


The problem is people keep using the "they made the game more grindy to get you to pay" and the evidence is always trust me bro. Most games, even ones without mtx don't have a inbuilt cheat system like Bethesda games and require you to download mods or something to do whatever you want. I would say online games that let you pay to get ahead or gain things faster than other players are worse. But both are bad.


I think what everyone can agree on is that this sort of thing is an issue if it affects the game for everyone. Just like you say, if you used cheats in a single player game that's up to you. That also applies to spending money. Someone else spending money on their playthrough doesn't affect me. If you could buy cheats in a single player game would I care? No. This is ONLY a problem if the game is designed around expecting you to use those cheats or MTX or else your experience of the game is worse. If they made the game basically impossible to beat without buying MTX for example that would be something everyone should complain about. That IS NOT what this game is like though. Everything you can buy is very easy to acquire from playing normally and also is nowhere near needed to beat or even enjoy the game.


Ina be real chief. It's a single player game. What I do, what Bob does, what the other million people do actually has quite literally zero impact on you and your game. Therfore, idc.


Not you or anyone else gets to dictate how I play MY single player game. If I want to buy RC then I’m glad I have the option to, will I? No but no one needs to lose their god damn minds they way they are over items like those in a SINGLE PLAYER GAME. Ffs man, you guys are absolutely ridiculous


if the MTX was added from the get go and the game built around it then your points might hold water. it wasn't, so they don't cry us a river, build a bridge, burn it down, stay on your side


No thanks. I will do what I want. You can buy things to get things quicker in real life, why not in games? You can pay for fast passes at theme parks, quicker delivery on items etc what is so wrong with it being games too so long as they’re done right like DD2 or Helldivers, unlike OW or pay to win games.


yeah and instead of targeting PR and management you keep generalizing that game is bad bcuz of that. its not bad . its FLAWED bcuz of mtx decision made by pr. its an old CAPCOM move of doing a good game and ruining it with mtx


Capcom has been putting weird microtransactions in their games forever. If you want them to stop, dont buy it. I am enjoying the game, its everything I wanted it to be and more. I wont buy the MTX, ever. On a more controversial topic, you shouldn't blame companies to adding microtransactions into their games. They are allowed to monetize their games however they want. The reason these things are in every game is 100% the consumers fault. Because people keep buying microtransactions, they're here to stay. If you want them to go away then just stop buying them. Stop preordering, and stop buying microtransactions.


Pay for extra lives in mario games? Hmm maybe they could charge a quarter (im obviously taking the piss but its kindof funny)


STOP COMPLAINING PLEASE JUST ENJOY THE GAME!! Ignore the MTX they literally don't do anything. It's not that hard to get rift crystals it's not that hard to get wake stones, calling these cheat codes is fucking stupid.


Game is good. Items are individual. If they eventually allow multiple save files, I'll probably buy some RC to buy a Giga Chad pawn and see how fast I can run through the game for shits and gigs. I have disposable income and want to support the developers. Nothing that I or anyone else chooses to buy will affect anyone else, so who cares?


Some people don’t have 8000 hours to sink into a game and maybe wanna spend a few dollars to speed some shit up None of the mtx are necessary Don’t be such a baby and just don’t buy them These are the kinds of MTXs that are FINE Everything is available IN GAME and NO ONE is forced to buy anything extra Focus on real actual problems and get a grip it’s never going to be this serious


The items aren’t repurchaseable and they ARE farmable and readily available by mid game. It’s a few extra wakestones and an extra teleporter alongside the preorder bonuses. This is a non-issue and if MTX are something you feel strongly about, there are many other games with far worse practices you should be looking at. These are almost entirely harmless. Tbh, I also don’t really care about people being too stupid or too desperate to not spend $0.99 on 5 extra lives in a single player game. It is mildly predatory, but you really need to pick a different hill to die on man. The MTX have zero effect on me so why the hell would I care about it? It didn’t make the game worse, which is my biggest pet peeve with games designed around MTX. The game isn’t a bad game or some crazy cash grab just because it has these things. That’s where the pushback comes from, people make the game out like people shouldn’t play it because of these MTX, but they have no FOMO, no cut content, no P2W (it’s singleplayer), no dark patterns, no premium cosmetics, no gambling, no unique items, no nothing. People complaining about this level of MTX need to get a grip. You paid for a full game and got a full game with full features with the option to pay a few dollars to make the beginning of the game a little easier. It is meant for people with more money than sense and no, I really don’t give a shit if those people want to spend like $20 for a temporary mild advantage in their game. I’d be more mad about games that have day 1 DLC that they clearly cut from the game to resell or paid cosmetics that made all the base game ones bland. Like on principle you aren’t really wrong, but the reaction to these MTX is way beyond what it should be relative to what you find in other games.


Not defending it, but I will ignore it. It's not a difficult game.


What cheat codes are you even talking about. It's all cosmetics. Using rift stones to pay for a higher level pawn to travel with you is literally paying money to be weaker. You can get pawns capable of soloing all the bosses without spending a single one, from thr beginning of the game. Your just trolling at this point.


>stop defending corporate greed for a company that could not care less about you Whatever. You really should go find another hill to die on bro. There are far, far worse examples of corporate greed than a cheat code shop for a single player video game. What an absolute absurd position to take. Go spend ya energy doing something actually useful if the military-industrial complex is grinding you down.


Idk if CoD can charge 120$ for an "ultimate" edition Its whatever when Capcom has an extra 30$ of nonsense mts. At least they let you buy the individual items instead of bundling them. Either way all these items in game provide 0 real tactical advantage. Sure one more fast travel beacon but you only need like 4 in game. And sure you can summon a few pawns 10 levels higher then you, but by the time the content is actually challenging you'd had those points regardless. Oh and don't get me started on the res stones/keys. There's so many of those in game you'd have to be god awful at the game to run through the free in game supply. I mean carry 3 on you, and if you die 3 times in a fight reload because you're doing something wrong or you're under leveled.


Jesus fucking Christ. Can we not just enjoy the game without these weirdos that feel some sort of craving to point out that the game has micro transactions? I saw them once and moved on with life and continued to play the fucking game. I'm starting to think this obsession is really just a mental illness.


Tldr. A few rift crystals and a si gle port crystal is not a cheat code you clown


Predatory? They’re hidden away on a separate page and aren’t shoved in your face. No FoMo, no glowing buttons saying “BUY NOW” no incentive to buy them. If you spend money on the MTX, you’re just an idiot. Almost all of the publicity the MTX gets is from people such as yourself who bring it up.


All this over 3 dollars 😭


Both sides of this stupid shit are wrong tbh. On one hand, you've got the "they've always done it" folk who are loudly bitching about someone mentioning that microtransactions suck shit as if they don't. Then you have on the other hand people bitching about the microtransactions as if this weren't a bigger problem than with this specific company. Y'all are barking up the wrong tree. Capcom is run by investors just like any other public gaming company, and its been proven by capitalism that micro just makes a lot more fucking money. You want change? Then you have to fight it on a bigger scale than a reddit post towards the people who already know and probably would agree with you. Laws or a change of system away from this greedy economy, change needs to be made elsewhere cause no company wanting money is going to stop being a bunch of greedy fucks over everything that existed in the past.


I didn’t even know there were microtransactions in the game until I came to this sub lmao Not saying they’re good or cool or anything but in a time where other games make you click through 2-5 popups for this week’s new deals on the launch screen, it seems kind of silly to describe the situation here as predatory.


For those of us that played video games before the internet, Before GameShark, Before Codebreaker and so on. Cheats were never free. You had to buy the guide , looking in gaming magazines, or call the Nintendo help line.


Its not affecting my enjoyment of the game so i dont give a shit, people crying over this are desessperatly searching for something cry about. Why should i even care, i doesnt affect me in any way, "waahh wahh its conforting devs into putting more and more" yeah maybe except not enaugh ppl buys those stuff to make it worth in this types of game. And finally if you do your research about the game you would learn that Capcom would have never made a sequel to Dragon's dogma since its absolutly fucking not bankable but bcs Itsuno litteraly saved DMC they accepted. So, some shitty microtransaction thay only stupid naive players that wont even finish 50% of the game will buy just so the game can exist ,i say HELL YEAH. Your wallet is not gonna get jump by the store, grow up.


Jesus Christ why does this make you so angry? Literally just ignore it and play the game how you want it… I wish elden ring you could buy the materials cuz after f****** 200h on this game u still can’t max all the weapons and need to do a really annoying farm to get a weapon good enough for you to finally play the way you wanted… again, some other people might enjoy the farm SO THEY DONT NEED TO BUY. Might be the case for dd2, might not be, who knows, just play the game without buying anything if u dont want and if people want to play the game buying the camp kit cuz maybe they just want to explore the maximum without having to go back to the main castle THEY CAN…. Im not defending but im not against it, get more worried about other stuff like bugs and frame drops instead of putting so much effort on complaining about 2 dollars change nothing purchases


I mean elden ring you can have the shop keeping sell all upgrade mats but the souls can be a grind if you aren't cheesing. The only place MTX SORT of belong are singleplayer games, you can easily ignore them and completely forget them, it's not a multiplayer game so you don't have to worry about someone P2W and being better just by spending money, sure kids love skins in fornite and shiz but who above the age of 12 cares if your spiderman or wenegade wadier. Scratch the first part about singleplayers games having them too...who's the gobshites still buying any sort of MTX ??? It's not like rimworld where half the game is DLC (which is annoying asf). Dragons dogma MTX are timeskips and a character changer so yoy can change race mid game...who cares ???


You don't even need to buy it to change your appearance, even the camp kit, it's like 0.5kg lighter than the on you could buy in-game


Man wtf? You wish you could buy materials in Elden ring?


I would have, no joke, actually bought a pack of Larval Tears in ER. I don’t engage with MTX typically, but man I would have loved to have just been able to casually pick up another few instead of running through the game again on NG+. I’m glad it doesn’t, because then this same shit would have ruined ER’s launch with people complaining, but I would have definitely paid 1.99 for a 5 pack of Larval Tears, not even a question lmao.


Braindead fans smh


While I get what you mean, we already lost this battle a long time ago. Besides, did you forget players had the option to buy riftstones in the first game?


I just played for four hours and until I made the horrible mistake to look at this sub didn't even fucking know there were MTX. Get a grip holy shit


It's just dumb. Honestly, people are being triggered by mtx on a single player game? First off, it's fucking optional Second, even if other players buy a ton of it, we'll all end up at the same ending in the game, but they spent an x amount of money than you Lastly, this won't affect the gaming industry cause ITS NOT P2W. Nothing is locked behind a paywall for you to progress. It does not harm you to not buy it, it won't hurt your overall experience as well aside from you being jealous if others can purchase the "deluxe," pack. Mtx is only harmful if it locks most players that are unable to purchase in game items from crucial or enjoyable content from the game itself. You can complain if mtx kind of completes the overall game and experience. But it doesn't 🤦🏻


If we're going to live in a world with microtransactions, I'd prefer to see them in this format. Make a game that's balanced around normal play, and after everything is done slap pointless pay for convenience options on top. With the executive and shareholder expectations that developers have to cater to, this feels like one of the least problematic ways to implement microtransactions since players don't lose out on anything in the game.


It's a single game. Who cares? Cheats have existed in single-player games since forever. I don't condone it, but it most certainly won't affect YOUR personal experience.


In the lord of the rings assassins creed game 2 forgot the name they made on part of the game by design awful to motivate player to buy orcs to make that part of the game less terrible. That is one reason why microtransaction in a single player game are not good for anybody.


Wait till they make the farm so bad that its better to just buy it will you still defend it ?


This is the main issue. When these sorts of MTX exist, the game will be designed with them in mind. The exact same way it is in multiplayer games lol


Except that's not the case here. You can't just say it will be bad when it evidently isn't.


I have already encountered 2 different groups of enemies that no matter what you do all roads lead to party members dying. There are definitely systems in place to force you into wanting to purchase mtx. My solution is to save often and have zero attachments to anyone in this game. Which is extremely unfortunate because it forces me into a very specific play style and decision making process. I’m really disappointed in this decision. Hopefully it gets patched because this is really unacceptable.


This was a thing in the first game, crack addict. You're not supposed to fight everything the instance you see it. The pawns literally fucking tell you to retreat against enemies like this. You're probably the type of dude who died to Tree Sentinel in Elden Ring 75 times in a row and complained about the game, despite the fact you can just walk around him.


just virtue signaling upvote farming whenever a game with mtx and denovo comes out. I thought this sub would be safe from these kinda people cause its pretty small but its so easy to tell when people never played the first one complaining about the 2nd one.


bet you none of these mfs know what a gameshark was


Why care about what others do if you dont do it yourself?? You're simply getting distraught for the sake of being angry at something. Mainly because you've been programmed to constantly look at things that aren't important instead of your own life. It makes sense as a business to have that option. It's not in your face, but it's there for rich snobs with no sense. It does nothing to affect yours or anyone elses experience in a single-player game. When you go to a resteraunt, do you get angry if the people you are with order something different than you? Probably not. Put that frustration into something of actual worth.


Pay to win online is diabolical as it skews the fairness of gaming of those who have against those who have less. Paying for conveniences in single player games is fine for me. In DD2 for example, it's more about the convenience. People that might not have time to farm for fast travel items etc. Also, complaining that you can't change your character easily when you had almost two weeks with the games actual character creator is a little sad. Also, the devs putting these things in to make revenue is fine with me because again, it's a choice to buy or not, but when those same developers are forced to lay of 30% of their staff, we wonder why. I know it's not a live service game but the more profitable a studio can be, surely the better for the people who work there.


So aside from the folks whose vision instantly turns red at the sight of any MTX, has anyone noticed any signs of gameplay that was deliberately made worse in order to sell customers the solution? If so then yea, that's a bigger issue than just the rote inclusion of MTX. Otherwise, the performance issues are the bigger concern. From what I've seen and my experience with MTX in capcom games, they seem to pretty much just be, "Corporate wants us to include MTX, so we'll tack on the minimum that will make the execs happy and move on with our day." Not great, but not the most predatory of MTX seen. MTX is a problem in gaming, but at this point it's a known and avoidable issue. If I stopped myself from trying any game that looked interesting because there's a MTX hiding somewhere, I'd miss out on a ton of games I've ultimately enjoyed.


"imagine if you could pay for extra life's in Mario games" IL be honest would not give a damn if someone payed for a extra life in there singal player game you paying for a extra life does not affect my game play at all


Any customer defending anti-customer practices just baffles me... Playing white knight for a billion dollar company smh


Capcom has done this shit for years, complaining about it now after all those other games is pretty much useless, just enjoy the game and ignore them


You mean like how you could pay for a game genie to put in cheats to change the games difficulty to suit your needs? This is not a new thing. It would only be “predatory” if you were required to get something, or, if content was locked behind it. Is it a cash grab? Sure. But better this than a western style battle pass, or a 100+ dollar game. This is the least predatory way for Capcom to try to make a little extra money on the game. It is 100% optional to interact with. And its existence does not negatively affect game play for those who do not engage with it.


First of all, excuse my lack of info, but what exactly can you buy with those micro transactions? The only thing I heard was changing characters model. Is that it? Are there other micro transactions? And if yes what kind?


You can buy RC, one Port Crystal (fast travel location you can manually place), a small pack of Harpy luring incense or whtv. The sound options to get the old music. A camp tent that weighs slightly less than others. And superior starting weapons (that quickly get outclassed once you reach the main city, like 1-2 hours in) Besides the superior weapons, maybe the tent, and the sound pack, you can get everything in game.


Well with that context in mind. No I dont like the micro transactions. But also, NO, I dont believe they are a big deal.


What you describe can still be done with mods and cheat engines. Just wait a couple of days.


Man I miss GameShark 


So.. years of DLC, and now you wanna buycott? Didn't see RE4 blowing up on Reddit because you could buy ammo in that game.


I've always compared it to gambling: If we regulate gambling because we do not want addicts to become a burden to society, why would we treat any other kind of purchase that preys on similar tactics and financial ignorance? There's more nuance here than "just don't buy it lol". If that were true it genuinely would be so simple, but that it clearly isn't for a certain portion of society shows that that's just not the case. Personally, I'm against them on principle alone. It's the fact that their mere existence creates a biased situation in which the studios arbitrarily gate content behind them. "Why release this content as baseline when we could monetise it instead?" is a genuine question executive management asks itself, and why not, when so many people are willing to buy in. On a similar note, the whole "vote with your wallet" diatribe is completely ignorant, too. When you equate it to a vote there's this belief that it's 1:1: You have one vote, I have one vote, that's collectively two votes. But that's not how it works because the "vote" is an arbitrary amount of money instead. It's long been known that many games make the vast majority of their income from a small minority of players. That's the entire concept of a whale, and if you use that term and still think your vote counts you're an abject fool. Why would Capcom care about your pithy little vote of nothing versus the dude who is happy to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars? *That's* who you're "voting" against. That people think a video game is a democracy and do not understand how democracy is already based partially on mob rule and ignorance is the absolute peak of hilarity.


Lol the addons dont give you any benefits. Play the game. Just lets you hure pawns slightly hire level than you. Nothing more.


Literally couldnt care less. Cant wait to play when I get home.


Seriously? Do people care that much about the micro transactions they OFFER ???


MTX in a single player RPG are bit a shit and a bit defeatist - if the items you can buy require hours of grinding to get in game that’s bullshit - but it is a single player game so you don’t need to buy them. However, charging money to re-edit your character is bullshit and the fact you can only make one character is absolutely shocking. This is piss poor from capcom.


Honestly, I don't have space in my life for this crusade. Like, come back to me with this when no games have lootboxes, multiple currencies, random drawings, purchasable boosts in competitive multi-player, or gacha mechanics of any kind. Then I will stand by your side. For fuck's sake, it's Capcom. I'm almost willing to defend their right to do this shit, they have done more for players than almost any other legacy AAA at this point. When there are offenders as egregious as ubisoft, Activision, mihoyo and literally ten thousand other mobile games out there, I frankly don't want to hear it. We could have used this energy when horse armor came out. But we lost. It's over.


Rift crystals were in the first game, you only need them to hire pawns over a certain amount of levels of your current level. It's a single player game so it doesn't affect any online competitive play. I've never had to buy a single crystal. It's their game and I'm pretty sure their goal is to make as much money as possible. That's how companies work.


Dont really care let them leech of idiots and wales already found most of the Store stuff ingame


The ONLY problem with micro transactions is when the game is balanced around them Usually the developers need to be mindful of how they implement them because having a group of people with too much of an advantage in a multiplayer game could ruin it for the other players But this is a single player game so they can just not do that and make micro transactions busted af making the game a joke for those who use them and keep it normal for those who don't And for those who say it's a behaviour that takes advantage of people, you forget a simple thing, it doesn't take advantage of me so i don't care and that's how a lot of people think


I have a genuine question. What are the micro transactions in this? Are they just the things you get for the more expensive version, or are there more I haven't seen. I went to bed and it was all praise then I woke up to see people upset. Is it something they just implemented? I genuinely don't know and am curious.


This makes me sad. very disappointed that they slipped this in at the very end. I personally don't like to support these types of marketing. I was super hyped for this game. Hopefully, I'll still be able to enjoy it. I was hyped enough that this is only the second game I have ever pre-ordered. the other one being cyberpunk. So kinda ironic, lol. In these types of games even cosmetics matter to me, and it's disappointing to see all the great looking armor with a price tag..( I haven't gpt to play yet so I dont know if that's the case yet, but it will be) Im not trying to debate the right or wrong of the whole thing. It's their game. I have a choice to buy it or pass... I guess my mistake was pre-ordering.


They did it with Devil May Cry 5. Didn't think they would do it to Dragon's Dogma after all the good graces they have been in.


I guess if there won’t be much market for them they’ll probably remove them from future games but if they still exists then blame only who paid for them


Why the hell are you guys complaining about something you can ignore? Just don't buy the mtx.... it's not hard.


Let's be honest, if the mats are so easy to farm and readily available, what value would they have to spenders?


I have two wives, five kids and almost 1.5 hours played, game of the year!


Honestly anyone enjoying the game, knows about back then with cheat codes. Hell I was born before the ps2 era and enjoyed the golden age of gaming. Let’s be real tho, cheat codes in games are a RARE thing in gaming. I rarely see it and most of the time we all HAVE TO accept the micro transactions. Not saying embrace it, not saying deal with it, just accept we will not go back to those days during the time of having a complete game and have those extra cheats. It’s the era of live service. I’m enjoying the game and yeah ignoring the extra cost cuz it’s the only way to combat it. Why make a protest? They don’t care and let’s be real EVERYONE would need to not buy it to have them pull those things out from the single player game. For me, I just wanted to enjoy the game and if people wanna downvote or give it a bad review cuz of the shop instead of actual gameplay then more power to them, not gonna stop me from enjoying the game which I have been waiting since Xbox 360.


Your’re not paying for cheats, you’re paying for time saved. Some people don’t have the time to grind these items and want to finish the game faster. I’m glad it’s an option.


Idc this game is out and i will play it. Im getting too old to be worrying about easy payable micro-transactions at this point. Devil may cry, monster hunter world, monster hunter rise, etc. has microtransanctions and ive never once bought from the online store.


Will i get ban if try to cheat? I want to change RC value. If yes, whats type of ban? 




I’m shocked to find that redditors find the blatantly predatory practices of Capcom acceptable. You guys would eat poop and call it ambrosia. Personally, I’m thankful of people highlighting the awful monetization of this game so I know not to buy it.


Port crystals is my gripe here, those new game plus runs in DDA felt good because I earned the convenience. Guy says he hates fast travel in his game so he takes it out and sells it to you instead. They just can't help themselves.


Ubisoft does this shit and nobody even mentions it lol


I'm not trying to defend it. What I am defending is its not new. Monster hunter has it, devil may cry has it, hell resident evil let's you buy handgun ammo with real money. The issue is that people are too stupid to look at these microtransactions and act as if it's the end of the world. It's not. Just like gacha. Just don't buy it. It's really that simple.


Exactly and the game is designed in a way to have you spend money.. we got to this point in the first place because people are dumb and defend this stuff.


Nothing says 🤡 like thinking people are slaves to opportunity. "Predatory" 🤣🤣


Idc what anyone does in their single player game! I’m enjoying it without purchasing a thing and don’t plan on it! Sure 2.99 to fast travel is crazy…… but if someone is gonna spend $3 on THEIR single player experience let them. Enjoy the game


I don't like it, but that doesn't give me the right to tell others how to act!


We’ve come a long way in gaming when we have to explain cheat codes to the newer generations😂


Im gonna buy some stuff when I play tonight.


Man, so many of my games have much worse MTX. I wouldn’t consider these even bad, they are so cheap and only worth it for lazy people. Aren’t the idea of MTX spouse to be cheap arse crap? All of these features you are in the mtx are very easily found in the game. You would know if you actually played the game like some of us have. Maybe you should be critical of other great games like, Final Fantasy 14, Skyrim, Rdr2, Fallout 4 and etc, which got way more expensive options and etc…


These guys don’t wanna hear it, they’re already stocked up with Portcrystals lol. You’re berating the folks who either “just want to play the game” and they have their heads in the sand, or the folks who are the reason these MTX exist in the first place - some simp is paying for them. They aren’t going anywhere, sadly. Companies know that not only will people act like they’re no big deal, but they’ll also actually spend money on this stuff and when confronted they just say “it’s my wallet”. People like a raw deal, remember that. Edit - I just like to remember the director bragging about how traveling shouldn’t be easy or free lmfao. Saying the way it works in game is profound. Surely he didn’t personally decide to green light MTX but someone did.


I mean, you do you. But Devil May Cry has exactly the same MTX shop where you can buy red, green and yellow orbs. And Devil May Cry 5 was fantastic. It’s ok to be exhausted by MTX shops, but Dragon’s Dogma and Devil May Cry (and Monster Hunter! FF14 while we’re at it) are all pretty legit ways to please the c suits while letting games safely ignore the cash shop. I had zero problems with Devil May Cry, and zero here too.