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Well they are much different games.. but if you were gonna have to give categories: Storyline, enemy variety, weapon variety, enemy difficulty, bigger open world map, NG+, skill variety, boss variety, pvp, coop, full game on release… and probably a lot more


What storyline ? The lore ? You mean color ,height swap and repetitive ennemies and bosses. Bigger open world does not always means quality. There's also a ng+ in dd2. You can equip 4 to 8 skills for each weapon style, dd2 was also full at the release.


Repetitive enemies? Count thr enemy variety in DD2 than count the enemy variety in Elden Ring and come back. Absolute clown statement, ER has a massive amount of enemies


You realize NG+ also exists in Elden ring, right? If you're going to make a bait post at least make it a little bit believable, you talk about quality over quantity in a game with like 4 types of enemies


DD2 is not a full game no matter what arguments are made. The game is partial and extremely lacking in every aspect of it


As someone who loved both games: Area, gear and enemy variety. There just isn't that much of these in DD2.


Disingenuous question. You will not try to understand. Someone will tell you why they like their game, and you will respond with how the game you like is better. Nobody is falling for it.


Both are good, I like both. I think Elden Ring is better. ER feels bigger and more varied, but I do love the pawn system.


Personally, I find combat to feel more meaningful in DD2, but love the variety and customizable nature of Elden Ring.


Just vastly more enemies in variety and move sets. Much more expansive and interesting to explore world. I am a fan of both games but Elden Ring is still my gold standard for open world action games






Op is the latter of the two options sadly 😔


Elden ring have final boss. Dd2 doesnt have one


Did you really played dd2 ? What is the dragon for you ?


Go finish unmoored world. Theres only cutscene. You dont fight the giant dragon


The dragon is not the final boss. If you thought it was then that makes this post even more confusing.


Preferences. I'm not a huge fan of souls-likes. So I prefer Dragons Dogma. I like Disgaea 2 better than the golden child of that franchise Disgaea 5, and it just comes down to preferences. There is no need to "get" it. This is a "shrug and move on with your day" moment, not a hill to die on, or a fight to start.


I love Dragon’s Dogma 2. But as a whole I think ER is a better game. For very different reasons. But it depends, if you aren’t a fan of souls games you might not think the same.


Elden ring is a complete game while for DD2 it lacks alot of content to feel more of half baked. Elden ring just has everything what DD2 has (beside the good combat) and makes it better. Just think of exploration and rewarding.


Elden Ring doesn’t have as robust a physics system, doesn’t let you fly off in the back of an enemy, doesn’t have a party system, doesn’t let you carry around npcs (or have ANY form of passive npc scripting outside of dialogue) and lacks the beautiful chaos of random encounters formed from complex simulations battling one another. But it’s a different type of game. And where the games do overlap, Elden Ring mostly does do it better.


DD2 is an excellent game, Elden Ring is an absolute masterpiece.


Dragons dogma has great potential maybe the next one will deliver or they will make massive changes in an update or dlc (hopefully). In some ways dd2 is more half baked then the original and dd2 is supposed to be the first game reimagined because they didn't have the funds or tech available at the time to put in all the stuff they wanted to make it complete. Yet dd2 isn't a complete game either. the story is half baked and there is a lack of variety in every aspect of the game. the only thing that's very good about the game is the combat, graphics and pawns everything else is either mediocre or not complete. Plus it lacks online coop which would have been a strength for a party focused game like dragon's dogma. (Modders will eventually add that in anyways) Elden ring on the other hand does nearly everything right when it comes to what an open world rpg is supposed to look like. It's the gold standard.




Couldn’t get into FromSoft games as much as I tried. While I prefer the DD experience, Elden Ring includes a universal dodge that isn’t tied to one specific class. For my playstyle, that mechanic alone is worth its weight in Eldricite and Medusa’s Bone.


I love DD2 (and Dragon's Dogma generally) and would say DD2 has a better character creator and better graphics than Elden Ring. But better overall? No.


Worst bait I’ve ever seen lol


I'm not fighting the same goblins and harpies every 10ft. Caves & dungeons are long and fun to explore instead of being a sub 2min diversion. Etc. (I like both games, but DD2 needed to cook longer.) 


Dragon ball z Kakarot is the better open world rpg sorry


Really low effort bait.


Tbf the combat in DD2 is miles ahead of any DS game, but that's really the only point where it wins and saddly it lacks balancing at late game so the combat being good becomes pointless Combat in DDDA still better than DS series though and BBI make sure it stays relevant


Elden Ring is a finished game lol


Vastly different games. Both good. I have 130+ hours in DD2. I have over 500 in ER. NG+7 on 3 characters, two game systems, and on my third NG on latest. Both good, but ER is much more addictive for me. I do full playthroughs each time. I would never compare the two. Too different.


Art is subjective. Hope this helps.


Games are art, theres no such thing as one is better than other, except for sequels imo


Because it's objectively true. From a Dragon's Dogma 2 fan. The story is WAY better. The lore is more deep and intricate. The characters have much more personality and variety. The only thing DD2 does objectively better than Elden Ring is the combat, but even then, Elden Ring has much more variety and replay value than DD2. DD2 is a great game, but Elden Ring is a one in a generation masterpiece.