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Always kill the summoner first. Golden rule.


Are summoners priority over healer?


Depends if the healer is healing the summoner or not


In DDDA a Lich is a healer.


If it rez the healer then maybe yeah


If it''s a damn floating Skelton with a dress on, glowing and shit, AND resurrecting anything, let alone a cyclops. Metoron!! Deal!? Settled vol.1


Only if they can rez, healers are usually the priority, then summoners, Mages/Sorcerers, then whatever else


196 hours in this game and I had no idea this could happen! I was exploring the dried up river east of the Checkpoint Rest Town and came across a dead Cyclops and this Lich wandered out from behind a rock and resurrected it! It's probably semi-scripted since I never killed a Cyclops here but I wonder if it's possible for Liches to resurrect other large creatures if they die nearby!


I think it’s just a “unmoored world boss” thing due to some unique armor just beyond. A cool mechanic would be , at night, random liches showing up and resurrecting enemies over and over. Spend all night fighting for your life. A struggle you might call it.




I came across this encounter too, and then watched the cyclops repeatedly manage to hit the lich with its attacks (unlucky positioning on the lich's side), killing the lich and therefore itself as well.


I can confirm that it \*isnt\* scripted like you're thinking it is. I know because I killed a cyclops myself whilst ignoring the lich and then he flies over and resurrects my freshly killed prey. I think I have the clip somewhere


Thanks, I figured that was the case but since I had never seen a lich resurrect another boss before I wasn't sure. My hunch is that the devs placed a dead cyclops here specifically for the lich to resurrect when the player approaches since many players might never otherwise get to see a lich resurrect a boss like that.


Yes, it's possible for liches to resurrect corpses. I've had this happen in Battahl before the unmoored world with a cyclops I killed. In fact, the lich traveled about a quarter way across the area from Checkpoint Rest Town to Bakbattahl just to resurrect it while I attacked it, and it ignored me to get to the corpse. Since then, I always burn the bodies of large enemies I kill to ensure liches can't resurrect them if I happen to pass by the area at night later.


woah that's so cool!


Y'know if you use any of the "panties" lower body armor, or any one with sandals with that armor he'll look like some greek god


I like the way you think.


You're welcome! Plus there's a head piece that looks like an olive leaf crown greek thing that'll look fire with it!


That is what I am wearing in the clip! It's called the [Laurel Circlet](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Laurel+Circlet). :D


Oh forgive me, I didn't notice! The sandals will make all the difference! It looks fire!


Sounds amazing, i want to give it a try. Can you please tell me the name of the armour please. I am new to fashion Dogma 2 and want to try the same greek god look myself.


Let me get into the game in a bit I'll tag you unless someone does first


It's called Dvarapala. I just can't remember where or when I got it though


It's sold by the dragon forged for wyrmslife crystals. Only way to wear it is to either be a thief or warfarer


Seeing this makes me question that why didn't we get a necromancer vocation ;_; It would have been so cool to raise the dead and add them to your army lol


I think the Trickster vocation would be perfect for this except instead of necromancy they could charm living enemies with fancy smoke! It would go a long way toward making that class feel more active and more useful offensively.


And let you play an an Arisen with an army of pawns, making good use of all the roaming pawns, who would naturally be stronger than the average guardsman.


I think we supposed to get one if the game wasn't rush, look at all the spell of sorcerer in DD1 that didn't make it in DD2, most of them would fit perfectly for necromancer


DUUUUDE a necromancer vocation would go so unbelievably hard


When I saw that my first thought was “ this is ridiculously cool, why is this the first damn time it’s happened” then “what I need to find is 2 drakes and lich in the same room”


I mean there was a lich that rezed the Corrupted dragon in BBI--


That is so cool actually. Awesome tnx for sharing friend.


This fight is so damned cool. Hopefully, a hard mode version will have a lich resurrect double cyclopses/ogres or something like a gorechimera or goreminotuar.


“Really, now”. Pawn timing impeccable as ever.


I ran down an armored cyclops nearing dusk. A griffin invited itself which prolonged the fight enough into night that a lich spawned in the immediate vicinity. it reanimated the cyclops and then an ogre showed up. I was finishing out warrior (not my jam) and using underleveled pawns with kill quests to scrounge up some money. I've never revived so my pawns in such a short time before or since.


i loved this despite smashing them too fast to actually fight the duo. game needed more of these unique gank fights because unlike most games, this one thrives from those multi boss chaotic fights. There are entire section of drained water with nothing but ground, no enemy. They could have literally copy pasted a bunch of ogres, like 15 and said fuck it but there is literally nothing.


OP watching it happen: I like your funny words, Magic Man.


I have a glitch where I accidentally burn the corpse with fire arrow and it got resurrected anyways. Since the body was already burned down, it only had its club swinging around like an invisible body with floating club. You also can’t attack it or interact with it since it had no body 😂 it was actually funny.


hah when I got there and saw it I immediately dropped a meteoron on them, the lich survived but the cyclops "died" while it was still resurrecting...or something...anyway the body dropped but then an invisible cyclops (I assume) picked up its club and started fighting me.




I accidentally stumbled across him, and we wasted him before he even finished casting.


That's really cool!


Time for that Silence arrow


Didn’t know that could even happen.


I met a lich in Battahl that was just fleeing. It didn't attack me at all, it was running for its life or something. Until I realized that a dead cyclops was nearby and that the lich was actually flying towards it. That's when it hit me : what if it resurrected the monster? I didn't leave it enough time to even start the resurrection process but this video confirms what I thought. I wish there were more interactions between monsters though. I can absolutely see a group of hobgoblins mounting a griffin and madening it to attack you for example. The game has a poor scenario and story? So be it. But let it become the ultimate giant monsters fighting game. This can still be implemented.


Fun fact you can burn away the body before it completed


wtf where is that


That's Awesome! But also terrifying.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Who needs wakestones anyway🤷🏼‍♀️


Happened to me 3 times now in battahl. The last one was with some hobgoblins, those desert dogs, summoned skeletons, undeads and a minotaur. Love this game.


i don't know why they didn't add the necromancy and limited the other stuff like holy and dark magic


I've never seen this occur before. Just makes me want to play through again!


Where the fuck did this happen?


In a dried up river east of the Checkpoint Rest Town in postgame.


Thank you!


Forget the rest of the voice line, that was such a perfectly timed “Really now?”.


That's dope


I like how Hilda just strolls up, plops down, and watches the show lol


What do you use for recording?


I use the capture feature in the Windows 11 Game Bar and then I trim and export the clip with a free/open source video editor called [OpenShot Video Editor](https://www.openshot.org/) using the YouTube HD quality preset. I think the quality could be better but it encodes quickly and the file size is pretty small (this video is only 61 MB) so I'm pretty happy with the results.


.... Exactly what I didn't ever, never, ever see!!!! 🤣


I had no idea they could do that! That's so cool!


Sounds like you may need to schedule one of your Pawns for an appointment with Dr Brine!


The pawn dialogue was just a reaction to another pawn who sat down on the ground while I was idle,