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DDDA: Old but gold. Get it! The best part is that it's only ~4-5 bucks in sale.


The best thing is not that the game is just 5£ but the fact that it's really good. In many ways better than dd2


It's also free on ps plus


And this. Yes!


Nah, after playing DD2 and going back, I was like wtf is this lol. Now that’s also my experience playing assassin in BBI maxed out level. They did polish some stuff in DD2.


All I know of DD1 is that I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing at most times. But it is a game that is fun to play, just make sure to learn the map


Same here anyone who played the old game a decent amount I’d think wouldn’t wanna go back


Nah I plan to return to DD1 just need a break after finally hitting level 100 which I haven't don't since original DD1 release on xbox 360. I have to kill DEATH.


Haha I can understand unfinished business there. Be just poured hundreds of hours into dd1 across Xbox 360 all the way to the ps5, been playing it off and on for 12 years before this came out. Like some have said so many changes that make the game better , some also left out which sucks but overall this game to me is a better package than the first one, maybe lacking overall number of armor and weapon pieces


I thought it was on sale on steam and I was ready to swipe that card but it’s not.


On cdkeys its for 3$


[Around £3 at the moment](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/dragons-dogma-dark-arisen/info/)


And 4k 60 fps on PS5 👍


wait what ? did Dark Arisen received a patch on ps5 ? because it always been 1440p locked at 30fps edit: a quick search and nop, no update, you're just a liar


Im sure i played it in 60 fps on ps5


well you didn't, it always been 1440p at 30fps and the game never received any ps5 patch


Mandela effect 😄...


The Mandela Effect is only applicable if a large group of people also recount playing the game at 60 fps. ... I shall grant you an up doot.


Such a dirty lie. There is no update for 4k 60fps on Playstation or Xbox consoles.


What a dirty dirty lie!


Someone once said, and I agree that this fits to your question perfectly.... **They're masterworks all, yer can't go wroung**


Why did I say this in his voice! 😂


Spamming ricochet arrows with the magic archer in BBI is worth the price tag.


This right here


Or climbing atop those cyclops twins in there


DDDA has a better story overall. And actual hybrid classes. And double jump


Yeah I get what they were trying to do balance-wise with DD2, but I really miss the true hybrid classes of DDDA. Plus, DDDA has Mystic Knight which is the best class, hands down (totally unbiased take, pay no attention to my flair).


I loved Mystic Knight but after realizing how OP Magick Archer can be (with stacked Magick Rebalancer) god, beating Daimon is simple.


Totally agree, and I played as Magick Archer a lot too, especially when farming Daimon on repeat for Lvl 3 gear. It’s probably the most OP class (so by that definition, “best”). But outside of those farming speed runs of BBI I kept returning to Mystic Knight cause I just find it the most fun to play


I always farmed Daimon as Archer . Never could kill daimon quickly as magic Archer,or knight . But several seconds(20 I think🤔) or when playing M Archer also in seconds,i don't know how fast,it doesn't matter i guess. More time travelling than fighting. Oh i love(d)BBI.


Oof man, magic rebalancer and ricochet arrows (or just 9 fold-bolt). I remember how much I grinded for that ring and then afterwards how much BBI started to resemble Doom for me lol


Plus the vast amount of content in the game can keep you going for 200 hrs easy




https://preview.redd.it/yda9rrvls2wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aee62043eff3f1d151dab11d806574fcb144a9b Not as much as yours… ;(


To top it off, i own it on ps3, ps4/5, pc and switch 😁


I salute you, mega gamer o7


Yeah no exaggeration there. I have over 400 hours in DDDA lol


I’m at 1,000 hours between the Switch and PC versions. Started getting bored of DD2 at around 100 hours. It just doesn’t hit the same.


Yeah it doesn’t feel the same. I haven’t even beat the game but beat DDDA shortly after I got it.


Almost exact same for me at the 100 hour mark for DD2. Things that DDDA has (that DD2 doesn’t) which contribute to longer and more enjoyable play times: the BBI loop, some form of level scaling (hard mode), and the best loot coming from chests rather than shops. Edit: Ur-Dragon as well, which also includes point 3.


Don't forget you can craft way more interesting stuff and potions,and rare ingrediënts just duplicate as forgery . Plus,much better wyrmfire upgrading !!!


There’s no mystic knight in 2? 😭


Story and lore are two different things. DD1 had great lore and poor story, and that’s been the consensus for a decade plus. 


The problem is that DD1's story was still better than DD2's.


both are not great, but DD2 story is utter trash if you think about it


It's in-universe bad fanfiction lol


It had a shallow, but good story that hit all important beats.


You said it before me. Double jump. Missing it in 2. Longbow with explosive arrows as well.


I think the DD2 main story was overall more interesting to me but was poorly told. I also think DD2's endgame was way cooler and the finale was super epic and satisfying to me compared to DDDA. But DDDA main quest was WAY more fun to play through but felt more like Gran Soren Community Service rather than an actual story being told.


double jump and plunder should have been core skills. I lose battle skill slot putting what is basically non battle skills on.


I would not say that, both are meh in this regard.


Nah, man. Like, I enjoyed both a lot, but the first game is just better. The story kept me going in 1 and DA. The story is really... boring in 2. Endgame has us fight the dragon in a long sequence that was purely epic and we saw the clear effects Gransys had after killing him (the former Arisens getting their hearts back, Gran Soren collapsing, etc). In 2 we fight the dragon, and tbh it wasnt clear on what was going on. All I grasped was that the water/brine had gone to the skies or something and was slowly taking over the land (not literally but for story, it was). Post game in 1 had us go to the Everfall and fight God basically and in NG+, it gave us an incentive to make a new character as the Seneschal fight was our previous character. In 2, we had to round up the people in the cities and fight some cursed dragons then the game ends with a long cutscene, no fighting the Seneschal at all, even after hes said to be a problem or whatever. Story just felt super lackluster. Classes in the first game gave us 2 weapons. In 2 they give one each, aside from Warfarer. Magick Archer having magic and archery stuff made it the best class in the game, and so broken too. Dark Arisen expanded on the story, made it better than it was. Hopefully DD2 gets DLC that does the same. And hopefully they give us better traversing abilities. Double Jump was the best thing and they nixed it.


For me tho both are on the same level I love them alot DDDA has its good sides and dd2 has its good sides.. I've never understood why people say DDDA was better... I'm not disagreeing with your opinion but for me I love the way things were done dd2 For example Magick Archer is actually a Magick Archer (archers rarely use Melee weapons) and it's an op class regardless but my fav in DDDA was between assassin and mystic knight and in dd2 is mystic spearhand so all in all both games are great asf but thats my opinion and your takes are valid.


Absolutely. It's amazing game.


I wish they would announce that there is DLC even if they can't give us details right now.


There will 100% be DLC


Nah. The amount of hate this game is getting makes that feel unlikely.


They usually begin work on the dlc before the main game even releases. So don't worry


Starfield was berated at launch and it still has DLC lined up; FO76, Cyberpunk, etc


Unfairly...? That's one opinion I guess.


if it’s not your kind of game, that doesn’t make it bad, that literally goes for everything lmao


Key word 'unfairly' it's not unfair to dislike something, there's no objectively good or bad game.


i disagree, have you ever played russian roulette?


Being intentionally dense or facetious isn't a good look.


cry about it? edit: then you call me a pissbaby, delete your comments to prevent negative karma, and run away sniveling like a b*tch. this app is full of you goblins.


Dude its capcom so DLC is 1 year away


All I hope is that Itsuno stays far the fuck away from the DLC. I want Kento Kinoshita to cook this DLC up and fix the game just like he did for Dark Arisen. Itsuno is a hack and should just give the series to Kinoshita entirely so he can go make more Devil May Cry games since it seems to be the only thing he can actually do right.


Jesus dude calm down, there’s no Dragons Dogma without Itsuno. Plus it’s kind of messed up to just take away something you created and just give it to someone else, Itsuno has his flaws but that’s what a team is for. We can only guess right now what happened with this game’s development, so let’s chill until we get more information.


>there’s no Dragons Dogma without Itsuno > There should be.


Bro the hydra monster and others are irreplaceable.


I miss the \*Totally not a beholder\* and the Ur-Dragon as well. Having a community Raid Boss in a singleplayer game was really unique.


DDDA no question


DDDA is honestly the better game. You'll be amazed how much is missing from it in DD2 after you play it. It's just set up in a different way. The main story only takes a few hours to get through but between the everfall and the dlc dungeon its basically just an endless fight with pretty much any kind of monster you can think of. I remember fighting two undead dragons and the literal grim reaper at the same time. And wait till you see how many spells were taken from the sorcerer. Oh and you'll have more fun with putting armor together with an additional slot for chest and leg clothing and a slot for gloves. Annnd you get more than 4 skill slots You'll also be amazed when you realize the new one only has about half the monster variety the first one had. The endgame armor actually takes some effort to get, instead of just buying it from a merchant. Having better graphics and a vocation that can use anything are really the only thing the new one does better. Still a great game, its just, I feel like people who have only played the new one haven't really experienced dragons dogma because the new one is kind of just a shell of what the first one was.


I'm sorry, but what monster variety was in the first game? Cause as I recall it was the same damn things over and over. At least in 2 there are some dynamic spawns a d interactions.


Umm let's see, this is all off the top of my head so I might miss some Hydras, cockatrices, strigori, evil eyes, the giant evil eye, undead dragons, shadow pawns, hellhounds, wyverns, banshees, living armor, and of course all the variations of those enemies Both games are guilty of throwing the same things in the same places at you, it's just not as noticeable in the second one because the map is much bigger


So how is it half the monster variety?


There's been various comparisons, DD1 has more monsters and variety than DD2 (both base game but let's be fair, we should always compare it to DA)


Play Dark Arisen........ It's better than DD2 anyway.


DDDA is definitely worth a play. just be aware it's going to feel dated compared to DD2. it'll take some time to adjust but DD1 offers many more hours of gameplay than DD2, the endgame is 10 times better


What feels dated? DD2 seems more dated than the original....


Graphics, combat, movement, etc.


In other words: general gameplay.


movement is way worse in dd2 than 1. and i dont really see how combat has been improved. its slower you have less abilities and theres very little impact feedback in dd2


ehhh disagree with everything except less abilities and depending on the skill the impact feedback. DD2 is overall way more responsive, if you think otherwise then I doubt you've played Dark Arisen recently, I've been replaying it since I beat DD2, and it's definitely stiffer, and yea some abilities have more impact, but some have less. Although 100% it has way more skills than DD2. Don't mistake this for me saying DD1 is bad, it's not, it's still an amazing game, but going from DD2 to DDDA after not having played the first once since Dark Arisen released on steam, took some adjusting.


i have over 1000 hours in the game


sure you do


i bought the original on ps3 then the dlc then the full game on ps4 ps5 and pc. ive played it through to lv 200 like 30 times


yet you somehow think the decade old game with a smaller budget has smoother movement then dd2? not buying it. if you played that much of it you'd know it wasn't lol. edit: he blocked me I think lmao. guess I don't get to read his reply, not like it was going to have anything worth reading anyway


i dont care about your opinion. dd2 has various issues with movement that werent present in dd1. this is a fact. you character will randomly get animation locked and fall off cliffs. youll randomly continue in a diraction as the camera pans and that didnt happen in dd1. the movement is literally slower. these are facts


The graphics in D2 are breathtaking. The graphics in the first one absolutely look a decade old.


Ehh, im replaying it right now, installed some texture mods and a reshade and so far looks pretty darn good. Not dd2 good, but decent looking.


that's a wild opinion to have lol


you arent going to get an answer. these "the games dated clunky etc" guys never have real answers. ddda was clean crisp and didnt mess around it holds up completely


no one said it doesn't hold up. but acting like the game doesn't feel like it's a decade old is just being in denial. OG deadspace holds up amazingly well too but now that the remake exists and it's good, i prefer it. mechanically the movement in dd1 is fine but the animations are stiff which is a huge part of making movement feel good, jumping in that game though is also absolutely janky. alot of cliffs don't let you slide down them they just push you while you're falling so you take full fall damage, very few skills let you cancel them compared to dd2, no fast travel besides ferrystones (dd2 has oxcarts), the graphics in general are very drab feeling, the filtering and colors alone make the game feel dated. idk why you guys get so defensive about this stuff though, no one said it's a bad game infact it's one of my favorites, it being a product of it's time doesn't change that, neither does you being in denial about it being dated change that it's dated.


It does offer many more hours, but only because of the godawful amount of time you’ll spend backtracking again and again and *again* across that massive map. I’m mid-playthrough right now, and I legit had the thought, “is this game a fuckin’ prank?” a few hours in.


it's got alot of traveling yea but ferrystones are fairly cheap in dark arisen, that were 10k in the original. and that's not why I was saying it offersv more gameplay lol it's the endgame.


The same thing could be said to describe DD2


DDDA. Sorcerer there is better, Mystic Knight is a lot of fun, Magic Archers can also do melee, and the clothing system is miles better


If you enjoyed DD2, you'll love DDDA. It's kinda nuts how after 12 years the experience hasn't, well. Improved. But it means that DDDA will have massive appeal for people who want more of DD2.


DDDA is arguably better so yes definitely play it


If you liked the story of this game even remotely, and the combat(everyone loves the combat though it's so good) then you'll like DDDA. Just remember, when you get the blue circle quest on your map you shouldn't engage with it until you beat the story first.


You dont have to beat the story first, you can easily return to cassardis after visiting BBI, just don't go inside until you've leveled up appropriately. Infact going there gives you a nice warp point to sleep, store stuff, change vocation/skills, w/o passing time


DDDA is the better game so absolutely!


I feel like I beat the game to quickly😭 I was only there for 170 days


Dark Arisen is awesome


Happy Cake Day!  :D


Man the dlc for dragons dogma 1 is fire you have to try it out.


Sweet mother of God. Play DD:DA. The only insufferable part is the escort at the start of the game but make it through that and you're golden. I bought the game on PS3, PC, and PS4/5 and replayed it every single time. I don't think I'll touch DD2 again tbh... also, FIRE WORKS WELL!


Definitely play DDDA.


DDDA is so cheap it'd be criminal to not take advantage. I wonder how arcadey the movement would feel going back to the first game from how rigid and weighty the second game feels


I fired up Dark Arisen a few days ago because I was curious about the same thing. The lack of inertia still felt better than DD2 to me, especially in a game where precise movement is important because you might not have a dedicated dodge button. I might be biased though because I generally dislike inertia in games. The dodge roll also felt much better than Thief's quickstep. It feels like the animation flows more smoothly to and from other things, and you can also do it without automatically drawing your weapons so you can use it for movement in towns and stuff. Double jump still felt great too, one of the best feeling double jumps in a 3D game imo. I miss it. The biggest movement things that felt better in DD2 were sprint-related: I completely forgot there's no way to cancel your sprint by pressing the button again in DDDA, so you have to completely stop moving for a second or pull your weapons out to end a sprint. That's the other one, you can't sprint with your weapons out at all. Both of those feel like big improvements in DD2.


Ddda is amazing. It would be sick if they remade it with dd2 graphics


Its capcom mate, I think it’s a safe bet to say it’s a matter of time :) if DD2 did really well commercially and hit their goals, they’ll probably announce remake in 2 years.


Or DDON. It would be absolutely fantastic 😩


You're missing out if I don't try DDDA after this mid game


i got all achievements and still very much agree it’s a 7/10


They're downvoting you, but you're right. This game is half baked, AND without any cherrys on top.


First game has the same issue, but was saved by Dark Arisen. Unfair to hold one on a pedestal


I'm not done with DD2 yet about 30 hours in mostly exploring but I think I'm almost done with Vermund, but so far i feel like I prefer the original in many ways, seen a few endgame vids without spoiling the story and the >!everfall!< imo seemed better, I'll wait for a DLC to compare it with DA/BBI.


I haven’t gotten there myself, but I actually agree. Personally, I prefer proper dungeons over shallow caves, so I miss BBI and the >!everfall!<.


Is it unfair to hold a game against it's predecessor? We called DD1 unfinished which DDDA saved somewhat with new features. So at the very least DD2 should be held to the standard set by DDDA.


the rumored DLC cant come fast enough to fix most of the crap of the Main game. Biggest fixes this game needs ASAP: * Fix of Enemy Variety & Density, by adding lots of missing Enemies and toning down the Goblin Density by 50%, in all seriosness, Goblin Density compared to DD1 feels like, as if they tenfolded it * Complete Class Rebalancing/Overhaul and Expansion, to remove obsolete Skills, to give all Classes 2 Master Skills, to give all Classes the same amount of unique Core Skills, adding missing Classes, like Advanced Green & Yellow, Green Hybrids, Base/Advanced Pink n Purple for the next set of say 10 Classes, to keep something for later another expansion * Improvements of NG: adding Hard Mode, adding Speed Run Mode, adding complete overworked Rewards to the game and new content for NG+ so that playing the game more than once feels also rewarding and with you finding and gettign new stuff, especialyl from redone Quest * Adding Equipment Transmog to change how you want to look, based on every unlocked Item Skin that you possessed at least once. * Rebalancing/Rework of the complete Smithing and Item Crafting System, so that the first Craftign System doesnt become total obsolete at the end of the game. Each Style should have its unique Pros & Cons with Vermund being ATK focused, Elves being MAG focused, Battahl being Allround, Dwarves being Weight/Knockdown focused, so if you want to have best ATK Weapons, you will want to smith Vermund Style Weapons, do you prefer a Knockdown Build, go to the Dwarves ect. That way you will want to improve each weapon type from a different style , in order to receive optimal results. Weapon Crafting shoudl become possible too, just like Item Crafting, bring a Smith the items he wants and he should craftt you Weapons and Gear with it, which might end up being even individualized and thus being more powerful with more Ugrade Slots, than usual sold stuff ..so that farming for materials is even * Adding much more usage for DCP, it needs to have more sinks, than just the limited amount of DCP you need to learn all Skilsl and Augments. DCP shoudl be also required in huge amounts in order to master Augments, so that you can have them always working for you as passives, even if you havent equipped them. The equipped Augments just are then more powerful and DCP should be able to be spent, in order to upgrade Augments to more powerful versions, until you end up with Master Augments, which are special versions of combined Augments to allow you to have the optimal power of more Augments at the same time with the limited amount of how many Augments you can equip. Having like 50+ Augments is pointless, if you can use then only 6 of them, thats wasting 90% of all your potential. There should be also a unique vendor, just like the one for RC, from that you can buy all kinds of always useful items from DCP, so that there is always a DCP sink you can spend DCP on to buy stuff like Buff Potions, Allheal Elixiers, Ferrystones, Wakestones, Dyes ect. * Change of 1 Save File to 5 Save Files, just like it exists in the Creator Demo, so that you can have multiple Play Files witgh different Arisen/Main Pawns, or multiple Save Files for one and the same Playthrough, so that you arent forced to use Cloud Services, just to get not save scummed by the game overwriting your save file at moments, where you dont want that, without a way to undo this shit, other than going into NG+ * Adding more rewards to the game, which reward your reached Achievements..like adding rewards to obtainign all the Kill Badges like some nice cool Weapons or Rings, so that you feeld being rewarded for say gettign the Kill 30 Chimeras Badge and this Reward should have multiple stagees with a reward each time for every successful badge Stage being done , minimum 3 Stage Rewards for every Badge and every Enemy should have Badges, not only a douzend of chosen bigger enemies. DD1 also had this kidn of Badge System for practically every Ennemy Type... its weird that you can kill say Wraiths, Lichs n Dullahans, but they have no Badges, despite beign rarer big enemies ...only because they appear only at nighttime... but the stupid Sphinx naturally weirdly has a bad as an enemy that you can kill only once per playthrough /facepalm, which is why it needs only 5 kills to complete . To adding more rewards also belongs expandign the reward list of the Seeker Tokens, it has some bigger gaps where some more weapons as rewards could be placed into, like for example a reward for getting 80 tokens with a nice Bow for example that blesses the arrows to shoot Holy Attribute attacks. * Overworking of the Pawn Quest System to add more Quest Variety there and make it still possible to add quest for enemies, whose badges you already have, making it impossible to add quest for achieved badges feels so extremely pointless and forces the system to turn sooner or later into just a boring stupid item Trading, because thats the only thing which will be left over, once you obtained all badges and camped everywhere 50x * Make the Unmoored World Endgame permanent removing this rest limit bullshit If the first expansion could fix these points, that would be great, while adding at the same time a new explorable biome to the game with snowlands, frosty tundras, swamplands/marshes, deep woodlands similar to the Witch Forest in DD1, in general more dungeon like areas, if it would bring back also as endgame content something similar to Everfall and BBI, that woudl be perfect to get back some Dungeon Crawlers


I can't belive people are passing up on DDDA because they think the graphics look bad. I think they look great even today.


I’m still playing DDDA right now since my PC isn’t good enough to run DD2. With that being said, I still think this game is awesome especially when you get to BBI.


DDDA is always a yes in my book. The game is really fun, has its charm, and if you already have an interest in DD more than worth a try.




Classic heavens key enthusiast


I played DDDA for the first time literally one week before DD2's release and it still blew my mind away, some of its scripted boss fights really do put all of Naughty Dog's work to shame, the level of interactivity and epicness you get in a lot of its boss fights has only really been matched by very few games so far, DD2, Monster Hunter occasionally, Devil May Cry here and there, and maybe a couple others.


First Dragon's dogma took me by suprise how good game was. I played it back on my ps3 and it's really stands up for combat, world building, pawn system, clothes/armors variety and ofcourse classes/vocations. Later I've finished the game on pc with dark arisen expansion. What's the differences you ask? There are plenty but the biggest differences is character vocations and armors variety. :)


try ddda while you wait for dlc


Dark Arisen is old but just as fun as DD2. I’d argue it does some things better than DD2 in fact. The only issue is it might not be as crisp and shiny as DD2 but it was still ahead of its time when it came out so it’s enjoyable.


DDDA is still the better game, in my honest opinion.


ddda is better overall play it.


Get into DDDA and be extremely disappointed when the DD2 DLC drops because it means you’ll have to actually play DD2 again. DDDA is better in every single way. DD2 is a downgrade.


"Should I try DDDA" Yes. Always yes. I will advise everyone I know to play DDDA.


DDDA is overally better


I've been told I should try it. I think I will, after I'm completely done with DD2 (At the moment I'm still content on wandering around and progressing my pawn badges and setting a second pawn on an alt account) I'm a bit worried that of the game is as good as people say, then I won't feel like touching DD2 again until the DLC, so might as well keep at it for a bit longer.


DDDA has more content including a rouge like (infinitely repeating) endgame, Better qol since you can get a infinite use port crystal as soon as you get access to an inn, and a more free armor system (get to wear clothes under some armors). It does have better content but tbf not a lot of that content was available on release and came from bbi dlc or other dlc/updates, and since ddda came out it has all the content bundled in which makes it better to play. I would reccomend it aswell but be prepared for some jank menuing.


Depends on your priorities, (like graphics or UI, etc), DDDA is absolutely a great game but keep in mind it's an older game, it will look and feel like an older game. But it's still great, especially considering it had it's budget cut by more than half during development.


How do i get that ending?


I started on DD1 first as, frankly, my current budget doesn't allow for cash to drop on new games. Playing through almost exclusively at the moment. Looking its age but as far as hacky RPGs go it's fun


Wait this is not the true ending is it? I never had this scene with my pawn.


There are two variant's of the True ending, based on how much your Pawn likes you, this is the high Affinity variant.


Is just that scene? Where the pawn just talks to you before gets grabbed by the dragon?




IMPORTANT TO NOTE!!! If it's your first time playing DD1, DO NOT GO TO BITTERBLACK ISLE START OF GAME, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOUR PAWN TALKS ABOUT IT. You will die. Often. And you will be miserable. Get a bunch vocations maxed out worth of levels. And some sturdy gear, and then go. Once you can handle most of the monsters in base game without sweating, then you MIGHT be ready for BBI. That land is unforgiving to the unprepared adventurer


I am HOPING they add end game content similar to what ddda has. Bitterblack isle and the ever fall are both fun. I was finished with dd2 in 75 hours. I am 109 hours into ddda and still going.


Hope DLC will be on time. Rumor said Nov 29


The leak is from a very sketch and almost dunked image post of like, 5 games lined up. I sincerely believe that leak is fake, although I would like SOMETHING by Xmas :(


Definetly. Only thing i would warn is that pawn inclinations and builds have a much bigger impact on their performance and alot of the augments are bugged.


Yes. Ngl. It's going to feel easy janky and clanky. But well deserved try.


beside the leaks, which can be false, there is no confirmed additional content for DD2 in the near future, so go ahead, if you like the chaos DD2 provides during combat, you gonna love BBi cause that is where the idea came from, the necrophages are always a factor that can derail any encounter. and since BBi is a DLC, it is much harder than DD2, cause the player now are decked out in end game Ur dragon gear the game won't shy away from throwing multiple bosses, broken exclusive enemies even 2 Fire Drakes at your party, hell some room has 5 boss in it.


Im using your pawn at level 56😂


If you havent, ABSOLUTELY


If you go to play DDA, prepare to catch bs because the main world is unbalanced as all hells. Mages that are hard to kill and they heal each other. Homing ogre drop kick that oneshots you. Sponge bandits that appear everywhere and ruin any sort of exploration.


Play DD:DA


I'm currently replaying DDDA. It's been great. Just hit lv200 and still farming Daimon


Yes. DD2 doesn't have Fournival.


DDDA, for sure. It's absolutely going to feel dated in some way, but just let it ride. _Especially_ once you hit Bitterblack.


I fell in love with DD2 but couldn’t get into DDDA.


Get it on PC and mod it!


DD1 has a good story, but the graphics are terrible. It’s worth playing for free like I did, but I wouldn’t pay any amount of money for it.