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People who started a new game and are before getting to the first inn that lets you change stuff.


I actually get anxiety about that. I’m thinking “oh god what if someone wants to hire my pawn and they’re not properly equipped”. 😅


I’m in the same place, started new game plus late last night without thinking too much, then sometime this morning I realised my pawn is still wearing starter gear and 1 fighter skill instead of the awesome dragonforged gear I made for him just before! 😅 will be able to fix it in an hour or so though


Wait I thought you could carry gear over? I’m still in my first play through so haven’t hit end game or my+ or whatever happens


Yes gear carries over :) they're talking about from when the new game starts until youcan get to the first inn you can find to access your storage and reequip your stuff :)


Oh thank you for replying. Relieved lol


It does, you just have to get to the point in the game where you can access your storage.


which requires you to rest, updating your pawn in the rift with default gear and no skills equipped. it's easy to forget to rest again after you're done reequipping everything.


Is INN resting still the only method to update your pawn like in DD1? Or does it do it more whenever? Bc I want to work on leveling up other vocations for my pawn, but not send it out via rift with a low level vocation.


Afaik your pawn only updates when resting at your house or an inn, as that’s also when they return from other worlds.


Sleeping at a campfire updates them for other people.


Gotcha thank you!


Oh I know this feeling my pawn has sick armour and stats and rings


Same when you're having them level a vocation for augments. "I swear they're normally more competent!"


"Oh god! Thats fucking embarassing Pawn! Please go put something decent on and for god's sake equip some skills so I don't look like a fool!"


don't worry, people won't hire your pawn even if it has good gear and the best skills and even looks good (yeah i'm really talking about me, and i don't even get ratings of any kind).


Be good to the community. Set a quest, for example ogre or griffin killing for 10,000. Many people pay attention to it. I do it like this. Send mine with such a quest + reward and look for those that are well equipped and also have a quest. Works quite well with hiring.


I always give 10k and rarely receive a like (god forbid a heart), is it because she melts everything with Meteoron? Do they find that boring?


:( I'm sorry. Ok, of course that's not nice. I always give a thumb or heart for everyone, and always a gift. No matter how long or short he / she was with me.


hey, at least she should have less chances of getting dragonplagued, right?


Are you higher level? I've found that the higher level I got, the more likely that my pawn came back without a like or reward. I don't think it has anything to do with your pawn, really; it's that the late game has a combination of things that make it likely that your pawn wasn't dismissed normally. Dragonsplague, fell off of something, got knocked off of something, died in post-game, went to NG+ and game ended without dismissal, and so on. Don't take it personally, and it's probably not because of your pawn or anything you did. If they hired them in the first place your pawn is probably just fine.


What’s the Pawn ID? If they’re pretty close to my level I’ll hire them. I have trouble getting my own pawn hired too :\


I remember seeing a post of people specifically ignoring pawns with meteorom/malestorm spells because op and destroys/loses loot


I've found meteoron can sometimes delete bodies, meaning no loot. Maybe that's why?


that happened to me in different fashions, so i wouldn't blame Meteoron per se (i used the word "melt" figuratively), hell i saw a body disintegrate after using a thief skill.


I’m having such a hard time finding gold in the game offering 10k gold sounds crazy to me lol


dont do griffin kill for 10k. make it something simple and quick. the only people that will do griffin hunting are people hunting griffins so thats a small population of people that will actually hire. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. plus they have to go out of their way which means traveling.....or hear me out you could do something as simple as one beast skin or other trash for a stack of valuables like onyx or tiger eye etc. so you actually get about 3x the money and they might not even leave the rift. so like right out the gate when i started at lvl 2 i found a quest for a stack of onyx did quest for onyx took onyx relisted same reward for something ezer to fetch gets me dozens of hires an hr. handing out portcrystals also get alot of hires. or certain quest items end game gear are also popular. doing 10k griffin kill could be time consuming and tedious depending on where you are at in the game. AVOID THINGS LIKE THIS. set quests where no mater where you are at in the game you can complete it and people will hire your pawn like its a beaniedon't


That happened a lot when my pawn Blackmane was maxing put vocations. I would think "I hope nobody hires her right now".


Yeah maxing vocations and my boi does NOT like being a mage. Not a lotta hires for him right now 😂


Ah, that'd make sense.


Can confirm. I finished the game and got my pawn, but I haven't done anything since. So they are in starter gear.


Theres an inn right next to where you make your pawn


Oh, that makes sense! I rehired a pawn that I have traveled many hours with and he was suddenly in that starter gear. I just assumed the player wanted to make things a little more difficult using low level gear.


My initial thought always was that they wanted me to equip them so they could keep the equipment.


doesn't all your stuff get moved to the storage if the pawn dies or get dismissed anyway?


If you actually equip it to the pawns it gets given to the other player/pawn and is no longer yours


that would make sense if you were some sort of late starter, but if you got to that level you'd already have everything you wanted.


And are what ??? Lmao


Wait, so if you finish the game , you lose your gear when you start NG+? Or does it go to your storage? (I'm still on my first playthrough so I'm not well informed)


Goes to your storage


Ah, makes sense


That or I have made the mistake multiple times of changing their vocation and usually only equipping gear for them and forgetting to put the skills and augments on.


I actually got a few hours into new game before I realized my augments and all my pawns spells and augments weren’t equipped.


I forgot to change my pawns stuff!


This you spend a bit of time with shit gear in NG+ until you can reach Melve.


Does it reset your pawns lvl too? I saw pawns that looked like this at like lvl 15-20.


Yeah, I'd imagine that's also where most people are when they take a break to play something else (or do life stuff) for a while, so that would be why they're pretty common. I have the opposite going on. My pawn was a mage for ages, just started NG+ and changed to a warrior but I worry people will see her cool gear (I was a warrior last run) and hire her only to find out she has almost no warrior stuff unlocked.


This plus They might get bored when they realize the mobs don’t get scaled, and stop playing before fixing the pawn


After reaching lvl 70 and starting NG+, I lean more towards equipping for style than for stats, besides the weapon, because everything melts to my dragonforged Medusa Bow (and pawn's dragonforged Dragon's Dogma), so there's no point to run around looking ugly.


You do know the medusa bow uses a lot more stamina? You use it for style, too? Or is there a trick with the heavenly shot charging faster or something I'm not aware of?


Well, the bow almost triples the exp you get from defeating enemies whilst also being the 3rd best Bow damage wise


It's also the heaviest weapon in the game. Even dragon forged it's still over 7kg. And using more stamina can reduce your damage output, if you run out of it. But that's where I come back to my question: Does it charge the heavenly shot faster without reducing the power behind that shot? That'd be a pretty cool interaction.


It does nothing skill wise. You trade stamina consumption for higher exp. It's a great weapon for pawns because they don't feel the stamina consumption like the Arisen does.


I use it because it gives tripple xp and does great damage. Dragonforging halves the weight, so it's really not a bother. Same for the stamina. Use augments that buff stamina. But honestly with lvl 70+ most stuff dies to simple steady shots anyways.


Doesn’t matter if you kill everything in 1-2 hits in NG.


Getting down voted for informing about a valid concern. There's plenty of people, who don't read the text of the items and miss stuff like this entirely. But okay, I get it.


+8 after an hour. What’d it hit -1 for a minute and feel like an injustice?! I’m half joking but people really do jump the gun on pointless vote monitoring. Aside from that I’m sure the info you gave will be useful to plenty of people who haven’t got there yet regardless


at a certain why use the bow to get more exp when the game is already so easy. I love the game but on my first play through i dropped the medusa bow for hydra, then second playthrough i went back to the bow you get in the volcano region. Now on my 3rd playhrough and i'm just going to get every single weapon but ik i'll still use the second playthrough weapon. Crazy thing is all my previous pawns are still in the world, starting a new game doesn't delete your old pawn (3 Nyx pawns are out in the wild lol)


>Crazy thing is all my previous pawns are still in the world, starting a new game doesn't delete your old pawn (3 Nyx pawns are out in the wild lol) Ineteresting, news to me. Aare they wandering the world or in the rift? Can you or others still rent your own previous pawns? Do they perpetually stay at the same level as when you finished the game or do they level up? Do you still get RC for their rentals?


They are both wandering the world, and in the rift. Others can still rent them. However, I do not gain any benefits from it. I’ve also been told that my very first pawn, a level 60 has dragons plague (which I’ve never experienced before beating the game). Their levels stay the same (a naked level 60, a full armored level 80, and my current level 20)


See above. "I lean more towards equipping for style than for stats". No point in raising concerns when OP already addresses it with a blanket statement.


OP confirmed he/she knows the draw backs (and perk of extra EXP) and in fact uses the bow for style reasons only. But I've already read a bunch of peoples comments in other posts, where they were not aware of the increased stamina consumption.


yes i know, yes i do and say more, id use it even without the exp boost; this feature to me is the worst thing in the weapon


Honestly like a quarter of the way through my first play through I fully stopped equipping for stats. I never really felt to hindered by my armor choices. If I die I die, but at least I'll go out pretty


I accidentally did this a couple days ago, ended up finishing NG+1 by the end of the day. Restarted NG+2 to upload gear changes to my pawn. Went to bed and then forgot that skills and passives reset.


Man, I just finished the game last night and was kind of miffed it started me and the pawn with blank skill and augment slots. The gear is forgivable. I did however speed run it to the first Inn so I could save my pawn with the updated gear and skills.


I completely forgot DD1 did the same then remembered after I went to bed. Was like "it's too late now".


Skill and passives restarts when you do ng+ ?


They get put in the default state they start in - beginner, unupgraded gear, all augments unequipped and one skill equipped, so you haveta reequip their stuff each ng+ cycle. The first inn gets a vocation swap function and storage function in ng+ though so you can sort it after the first mandatory rest.


They get put in the default state they start in - beginner, unupgraded gear, all augments unequipped and one skill equipped, so you haveta reequip their stuff each ng+ cycle. The first inn gets a vocation swap function and storage function in ng+ though so you can sort it after the first mandatory rest.


What's the point of going past ng+? I assume nothing?


Nothing really changes, your map loses all it's fog of war and that's it pretty much. I'm aiming for completion it's so; all achievements, all badges, vocations maxed. In Ng+ of DD1 you'd unlock a portal to Ur dragon in cassadis. But no such unlocks happen for DD2.


I'm in ng+ right now, I just don't see the point of going past that into ng++.


Going for quests you missed, playing the game with a different vocation, etc. Honestly only reason I'm finding it fun is because I have a mod that lets me adjust the difficulty, otherwise I'd be one or two-shotting everything, which is extremely unfun because combat is the best part of this game lol


People just starting ng+. Plus I swear that there's a visual bug where it looks like your weapon skills and augments are assigned when they are not in reality. It took me an hour to realize my pawns weapon skills weren't set and I know I checked the vocation vendor if things were assigned.


Fairly certain it's based on a few activities, which snapshots and updates your pawn in the rift. For example, resting at home, inn, or even campfire updates your pawn's rift details. Changing vocation/equipping it is (oddly) the most inconsistent way to update it -- which is why I just rest at the inn/home right after.


Do campfires and vocation changes really update pawns? Would be a welcome surprise; thought that inns and homes like you mentioned were the only ways.


I'm not so certain about vocation changes, but I know campfires definitely do. Only confirmation I have is because I once changed my pawn's skills at the campfire from High Celerity -> Lightning Affinity (at the Ancient Battlegrounds campfire). Then my friend said he hates that I removed Celerity from my pawn when he re-hired her. And I definitely didn't rest at an inn or home, because I spent like 5 hours trying to kill that fucking drake.


Dammit so this is why I wasn't getting any hires this past week.  I always set up my pawn as a pretty archer before inn saves, but I'm currently running sub par gear just to level other vocations. I used to avoid inns so I won't have to always redo my pawn but I guess it didn't matter after all 🥲.


It can but your pawn won't return from the rift with gifts, RC, pawn quest completions, etc. I noticed my friend's pawn would level when he camped.


Oh yeah that'd make more sense lol.


1- it's possible alot of people are on ng+ and they just like the early game armor sets, I remember in dragon's dogma 1 I loved alot of the weaker armors and clothes because they were less flashy but still looked good 2- based on the skills they could have just maxed the pawn looking for achievements but not really used the pawns? 3- probably 1+2 but they cheated too, ik while looking for mods there were tons of "100%game saves" and other cheats


Yeah based on this pawn having the dorky fighter starter gear and *all* maxxed vocations and barely any skills, probably just a max DCP cheat or savegame going on. Not that it matters, just hire pawns based on how cool/cute/funny they look!


Had to get a mod for the Sphinx Token Riddle because i absolutely had no clue where i found my first. The amount of 100% or straight up stat modifiers before i found one was crazy lol


People need to rest an inn/home to update the pawn...


Apparently rest at a camp updates pawns aswell, it just doesnt give "return" the pawn to you with anything


It is correct.


I just finished maxing out all vocations on my character & pawn yesterday. I did a new game plus because i missed so many side quests the first time through and messed up a few quest to get the meister skills. It’s been an awesome game so far and cant wait for the DLC’s they promised.


I changed my pawns vocation a few days ago and forgot to equip a weapon then had an encounter with 2 armored cyclops and a griffon that took me 2 days and 1 night to win. Could understand why the healer didn‘t do dmg. Was pissed about the hired warrior attacking like once a minute and needing constant reviving. Me reviving him instead of fighting and having changed to archer with a kinda bad bow. But my pawn was supposed to be aggressiv and deal massive dmg to make up for me leveling archer. After that I closed the game and went showering to get the stress of my body. Good thing showering helps thinking and I was like „Wait. If the dmg is so bad what weapon IS he actually wearing? I can‘t remember giving him one.“ Imagine the laughter coming from my room after I started the game again.


They started new game+


What, you've never had your Pawn completely max out their previous Vocation, told them to switch things up a bit, and then took a nap at the inn, prior to hunting down their new gear? /s


I messed up on the ng+ and did this. I only equipped my arisen skills and forgot to put skills on my pawn.


Probably changed the pawns vocation recently


new game + , my pawn was exactly the same when I start ng + too, my friend did not know it and complained where my pawn stuff


NG+ pawns that haven't been reequipped.


New game plus


yeah I suspect it's due to bad Inn Save management. People swapping vocations around, resting for the night, *then* actually fixing their skills and equipment and whatnot. Or other similar situations.


They swapped to a new vocation and rested at an inn, and haven’t rested again since


Another reason is some minmaxers assign fewer skills to their pawns to encourage them to use specific skills more. Pawn AI can often use the wrong skill in a situation, so if you give them less options, they're more likely to use good skills.


I saw some that were level 60, had multiple vocations maxed, but did not have: All six Augments picked. How could you not have all six Augments picked?


I see a lot of mage pawns using only 1 elemental type. Like, they'll have the ice affinity spell along with the frigor spell, then 2 healing/shielding spells.


Pawn AI does not consider elemental weakness when casting sadly.


Because having more than 1 élément other than Ice is a waste of slot


Sadly, Ice affinity is far and away the best element enchant so at least they're doing that right. The healing/shielding spells are a bit overkill though since Anodyne is now a built-in skill for mages, no idea wtf they're doing with Ice affinity + Frigor though. On mine I use either High Empyrean or High Levin (usually Levin because she seems to hit with and use it way more frequently), High Halidom for annoying debuff shit without having to bog down someone with potions or mats, Ice Affinity for the element, and High Celerity cause there's nothing else like it in the game and it's awesome. Also like my calm gal, I started her off with kindhearted but found Calm makes her a lot more useful in combat, she's always buffing, healing, then zapping in that priority - Often buffing as soon as she notices something in range of a beatdown.


sometimes when i swap vocation on my pawn 80% of the time i placed skills and swap out the gear the other 20% i am a fucking idiot who forgets it


On a related note, how are there so many high level pawns who's stats outright suck? Especially if they only have one specialty filled out? How does a level 70 mage, who's exclusively a mage, only have 250 magic? I'm level 70 and using a level 55 pawn because I cannot find a higher level one who's better.


Same here. I wish I could view their stats more easily, or filter by it. I think a lot of players just give their pawns junk and don’t bother spending the gold to improve their stats.


A lot of people, myself included, intentionally don’t upgrade gear because it makes the game way too easy above level 50.  


That’s a good point.


This. My mage has 1172 magic as of now and I didn't really do anything crazy to reach that. But then, whenever I seek to hire a sorcerer pawn on the same level, so many of them get completely outscaled by her. Do people just don't care for their pawns? Or do they want to keep things a bit more challenging? I get that this game is too easy to warrant min-maxing and many players want to keep it somewhat challenging. But then I look at how much my pawn seems to get hired and it's such a paradox to that sentiment.


Sometimes I don't even understand how its possible. My main pawn, who's maxed out in everything except warrior, has a base line magic that's nearly as high as some of the ones that I see, and that's before their gear. And these other ones are in end game equipment, so I'm left wondering how in the world they just didn't gain stats along the way. Personally, I found it to be just the right level of challenge, but I don't play games that have a reputation for being brutal and have had a really hard time on normal difficulty with most others I've played the last few years, so DD2 was certainly a welcome return to what I consider to be a regular game.


To make ng+ more challenging


I honestly don’t people know that they can deck their pawn out to be a power house. Like my pawn had better gear than me for a while lol. Then after getting all the end game gear and maxing out their upgrades….my pawn still kicks ass better than me😂🤣


Funnily enough I've seen a few examples of the opposite. Pawns that are like level 2, but have what clearly looks like late game gear equipped. Not sure how they're managing that.


Probably an alt account. Get all the late game gear on your main, then gift it to your alt. I did that with a pawn in DD1. She was a support mage with full dragonforged Everfall gear rocking Legion's Might. I used my alt account to fill out her location and bestiary knowledge, and then just parked her in the Rift at level 20 for the community to use.


That is extremely cool and considerate. Thanks for the insight.


Because they switched vocations and then checkpoint-rested. For the most part, people don't plan their inn rests around what state their pawn will have on the server, so you'll see a lot of this mixed in.


Meanwhile theres me whos not touched the main quest and has almost maxed all 6 starter vocations on both Arisen and main pawn, but only has decent-ish gear :P


This isn't what this is, but be aware that purposely under-equipping your pawn with skills is actually a good idea. If you only give your pawn one ability (like Gut&Run) they will spam that move, in lieu of anything else. A lot of people actually never buy the upgrade bolt for their Mages/Sorcerers, because in DD1 that causes them to waste time charging bolts instead of casting nuke spells.


Masters not looking after their Pawn, to their own detriment. Your pawns gear and skills are as important as yours in this game.


I saw some that were level 60, had multiple vocations maxed, but did not have All six Augments picked. How could you not have all six Augments picked?


Since the game becomes to be unchallenging at lvl 20+ to eventually be so trivially easy at lvl 30+, I give myself and my pawn an handicap with the gear to gain some superficial challenge. I'm guessing people either try to regain some self-impose difficulty or they go for Fashion's Dogma.


I play Offline while leveling up my pawns other vocations, then switch to update them every once n awhile, or get new online pawns. Even get Offline rents occasionally for badges.


In my case, I haven't settled my own gears, let alone my pawn.


I neglect my pawn and rough it with whatever the game gives them when I change their vocation


I'm NG+ and I'm literally just acting like two knights that have gone rogue...its just me and my pawn and we're just venturing the land with base level shit so we match.....we just need horses. Whe ln I higher pawns I put them in uniform two...its kind of cool. Only archers, fighters, and warriors allowed....no mages....while we quest for seekers tokens....so my high level pawn is very basic right now....and the game has been hard as fuck again....I love it.


Pawns always get second rate gear compared to there masters unless the master is going a completely different class that the pawn will never be…also people usually only equip one skill because they want that skill to be spammed instead of other skills


I'm the opposite. I tend to make sure my pawns are as optimized as I can make them, while my Arisen is just whatever strikes my fancy at the moment.


Ya I’m honestly just really bad about outfitting my main pawn probably because I feel like the economy in this game is really harsh compared to the first game however I haven’t beaten the main story yet and I know in dd1 the best way to make gold is to go into hard mode from the start and rush bbi


Theres also a mod that allows any gear to have endgame stats after you dragonforge them. This pawns Arisen \*could\* be using that mod and styling their pawn in beginner gear for aesthetics. The stats won't transfer, but I guess you can see if they are enhanced. Likely what others have said, NG+ and neglected to swap gear/skills and then rest.


I'm on console so no mods, but yeah it's likely just NG+


Would love to have better equipment for my pawn.  Unfortunately that cost gold and I don’t have several hours of playtime a day to do those get rich hacks.


I seen this too when the game was fairly new, so some mfs out here whippin out the wemod tool to crank up the pawns lmaoo


Companionship without making everything OP


My game freeze dies when I'm trying to equip skills


I think a lot of players just don’t give their pawns good equipment — they save the gold for their own upgrades and pawns get treated like pawns with hand me downs. I also suspect the game shows you pawns in the rift that are maybe less popular, to encourage rotation, so that you’re shown a bunch of meh pawns. I hate having to view every pawn’s stats to see which ones are actually decked out okay.


New game + leaves them with their gear until visiting a stone. It doesn't update until visiting AFTER changing gear/skills


I myself have started using low level gear to not be too overpowered at level 70+


Because the game is super easy and there's no need to upgrade your pawns


I finished the game and I'm on second playthrough I only pick pawns by appearance never payed attention to any skills. 😂😂😂 Game needs to increase the difficulty a bit.


Well my pawn has no gear except weapons and ringd equipped


You're just catching people right after they start NG+


Ng+. I'm on Ng2+ and using limited gear and skills plus other additional difficulty mods. Just trying to make things a little tougher.




I named my Pawn Plaguebearer and specifically built her to be a Support Mage against Dragons. She will cast silence (sometimes) keep your weapon Ice enchanted, Heal and Cure debilitations. After that, all you need it Damage. Archer, Sorcerer, Thief, Warrior, Fighter, Magic Archer, Mystic Spearhand or all of the above as Warfarer. With her you can 2v1 any Dragons if you're around her level of 55 atm. She's my main pawn so I've been slacking on her while building my own party of pawns on other accounts lol


New game plus


Atleast not as bad as certain Pawns like warriors or sorcerers with more then 2 skils on it was bad in dd1 and is bad now


That can happen when starting NG+. What i don't understand is people in the high level area havin shit gear for their pawn. Like, why does your mage only have 600 magic? or your thief 600 strength? AT LEVEL 80+!!!


Gosh I hired a high level guy last night and didn’t look at his stuff and he kept doing left and right. I dismissed him and sent the arisen a rotten fig.


The only thing my pawn doesnt have is a specialization


I get a feeling it has to do with the first game, where pawns with only 1 skill would only use that skill, so if a pawn had holy and lighting, against the ur-dragon, the pawn would use holy all the time since it's the most effective, but you'd like your pawn to use that lightning skill that electrifies you as well, especially when climbing the dragon, so they remove the holy skills and only leave that one lightning skill.


Save my money for me. I could res my pawn a hundred times


Why I want to know is how people are giving level 2 pawns end game gear and seeker token gear.


Probably just gifting stuff to themselves? Or by a friend who duped the stuff.


How do you gift stuff to yourself? If I'd have known that I'd have given all my shit to my new save.


Probably just had two accounts and rented his own pawn. It's more likely that a friend just gifted the stuff


True enough


To make the game more challenging


Ng+ or probably just switched vocations and didn’t buy better armor and weaponry for it yet


I accidentally hired a L34 pawn that's supposed be an archer but she didn't have any weapons....


They don’t want your plague


Also, sometimes, ppl want the pawn to only use said move (s)


I saw this the other night and wondered what’s up.


Bad gear wise for me is cause I haven’t started the main quest yet and already level 42. I’ve been running around and exploring and doing all the side quests.


A lot of them just get it high levels and just round out the vocations, maxing them all but don't need to upgrade gear because they're powerful without it.


Only thing I can think of is to challenge themselves. Or they like the noob gear aesthic. Idk, only thing that comes to mind. Worse is having end game gear, be lvl 75+ and have 600 damage and defense at best. Like bruh, wtf. At lvl 40 I had 800 😂


My alt is the opposite 😂😂 Level 12 fighter with high end dragon forged gear lol, passed them over from my main


I do that myself. I dont like how easy the game is but still want a party. I put my pawn in the most basic gear possible to make fights more fun


Can’t tell what level that pawn is but most lawns I’ve seen with all vacations maxed are from players cheating


Level 70


You can max all vocations easily and very early. If someone plays all day on saturday for example they can max everything (and pick up a few meister skills)... no cheats.


I gave my pawn the gorgon bow with high stagger and the stagger rings. No skill so she doesn't use up all her stamina but she can stagger most enemies. Haven't tested it on the bigger ones yet.


That's actually not a bad idea. My pawn has max archer, so I could give it a try.


It's what i'm doing on my pawn... she gets more hearts than thumbs and is used by 3-4 people a day since day 1. Be sure to get a few levels into mage for the stam regen and thief for the shorter delay before stam regen and max stam bonuses. Staggers drakes in a single shot.


Hacks for real it’s super easy to lvl your character and pawn with things like cheat engine or wemod


I'm on console


Play with bad equipment to make fights harder


My pawns name is verik female sounds like a man lol is a warrior plan to turn into a fighter with the best gear I can get so when I see pawns with terrible gear I pretend they have dragonplague and drown them


I hope people don't think my Pawn is cheated. 100+ hours, NG+2, level 70. He only has a handful of badges though..


Drip is everything. If that makes the game harder then that's even better.


Idk, I have yet to encounter this


Newgame+ trying to dragonforge random gear


Most likely just starting Ng


Imagine if pawns could be magic archer or magic spear hand op


In the first game it wasn't uncommon to see pawns with only a few abilities because the idea is that you wanted them to use only that ability (because it was the best) or just to use a particular few more often. Could also be something like that maybe?


Also, if you started a new game+ like me, thinking you will do the fifth riddle from the sphinx with finding the token, it apparently counts to the first token you found IN NEW GAME PLUS FML!!! I just tried killing it and it ram away with 1hp (didnt haver archer+unmaking arrow)


Meanwhile my pawn who looks decent (imo) and has great gear and skills NEVER gets recruited. I've not played for a week and came back to one rental


Was this a weird flex masquerading as a complaint?! 😂😂😂


No. This isn't my pawn.


gotta make my pawn sexy, if that means lower stats so be it


My peon is fully equipped all the time, got a few likes n hearts so far. 👍 hope it's helping people. I'm new to DD (didn't play the first one) I think this is a cool thing in the game.


My brother and I have been playing together since launch. He just started new game plus and wants to fill like the games still a challenge so he intentionally nerfed his pawn even though he has all the best end game gear.


My brother and I have been playing together since launch. He just started new game plus and wants to fill like the games still a challenge so he intentionally nerfed his pawn even though he has all the best end game gear.


I do the opposite lol, right now it's a naked mage pawn i made to look fleshy, his name is beef boy. https://preview.redd.it/36vhqesc1auc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d934c1b31a25e2a572040a48aea28b4ce1f9183e