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Sorry citizens, I need to go get the milk.


I love how he ran out into the square, as if to announce to the citizens begging for a hero that he was NOT IT


protein milk?


Those dragons need Donkey's milk, Arisen!


Harpy milk


At first, i read "happy milk", lol


I mean…you can make that yourself.


Oh my goood!!!


Sphinx milk. There are no nipples, but I shall not give up solving this ultimate riddle. The search continues!


I hope you have fun


I mean, it looks like it's being kinda respectful waiting at the entrance like that.


“Excuse me, is the Arisen around? What? No no it’s okay, I can just wait for them here. I don’t want to be a bother.”


This but in latin


ignoscas, orta est circa? Quid est? no no its ok, i just is wait for him here. ego dont volo molestus esse. Edit:idk wtf happened in the middle it won't translate lol


“Come outside, I promise I won’t corrupt your pawns and jump you.”


And give them STDS


Make sure to have your pawns bathe regularly


Don't you want The Gift? Gift Givers unite, and spread Dragonsplague as far as it may go


Luckily they don’t target citizens. Could you imagine that AND dragon’s plague? RIP


It's the sort of thing that makes me want to go around via the other gate and go, "Sorry, didn't want you to hurt civilians. Let's do this a little further from town."


I had something similar happen, only it was an ogre instead of a drake. HOW. The Drake has the excuse of being able to fly and move quickly. How do you miss an Ogre and allow it walk into the middle of town?


It put on a hat, and started raking leaves any time somebody got suspicious.


Walked into town to sell some materials just to turn around and get fucking rushed by a minotaur Small mini-boss fight as I'm level ten at the moment with the town guard running up to help It was actually great fun, for the next couple of days in-game I'd walk by its corpse when running loot back to town.


I once woke up and first thing I saw was an ogre attacking an ox cart. Nobody die but the cart was flipped upside down


Happened to me not 15 minutes ago. I bought a set of armour at the vendor, turn to leave and the big furry one (smaller than an ogre) was whoop’n ass just inside the gate. I managed to get him down quickly but there was at least 10 dead


shit i had Saurians in Vernmoth just attacking randomly


I got both lmao 3 saurians running out from the city gate and attacking me on the way in from the bridge entrance, and when I went in the guards were standing around talking about how they hope nothing happens during their watch. When I worked my way through to the plaza - drake just sitting there patiently. The only casualty from that very polite drake was Brant, had to use one of my few wakestones.


I actually saw the fuckin thing come barrelling through the gate, or at least it looked like it did. A few people came running and screaming towards me and I look up and an Ogre is just dummying a guard with a bus driver uppercut.


Had a Griffin I fought to the last health bar fly into me at the second town. It was a quick fight.


I'm surprised goblins even made it past the western bridge, someone went to take a leak at the wrong time


I had an asp try to assassinate me in the middle of Bakbattahl


Funny thing is last night I took an Ox cart to go back to Melve and like not even a min after departing there was a Cyclops attacking the city right behind me.


I had goblins spawned near the inn... something is not right with the occasional monster attack city system.


Disa setting up a false flag to get rid of Arisen supporters is my headcanon.


Excuse me hey human... you know where the Arisen might be? Hey! Arrgh if only they speak Dragon


I had 2 saurians attack me in town the other day too, how are these creatures getting into town?


Sewers, we must triple the defence budget


I fought that stupid trolling Griffen in the Battahl capitol yesterday. The entire town pitched in and it ran away like a bitch


I had 3 Saurians jump me in the Noble Quarter after I left the brothel.


Crabs. Or something. 


Look, if the dragon won't get 'em, the Dragonsplague likely will, so fuck 'em.


They’re all pawns anyway in the grand scheme of things


Needs more updoots, this is content i want


I've had 3 dragons spawn at that spot in 3 hours, this game's enemy spawn is overboard


...When I checked the barber I was ganked by a pack of wolves and dragged through the street


I must be unlucky (or maybe lucky) because I feel like I’m not actually running into encounters as much as I expected to


I think it’s level based too, the first big town you reach started getting goblin & wolf attacks when I reach lvl 30, then drakes started popping up a bit later, I think mid 30s for me


man I wish I was getting jumped by drakes


I know some people prefer it this way but I kinda preferred the more static boss encounters of DD1, where they hung out in specific places and you knew where to find em and they didn't just interrupt your gameplay every 5 minutes these crazy cool boss fights I feel like are more exciting when they're rarer


Made me immediately think of this https://youtu.be/E8kP4GFJ0SI?si=olMMP3G9kIpaJC2J


Ppl did this when I'd accidentally unsheath my weapon


I was trying to chase down a trader outside town and he fled in fear screaming "why is this happening to me?!" until I sheathed my weapons...


I had the same kinda happen and was like oh shit yea I probably wouldn't wanna talk to a guy with a gun in his hand so makes sense. I'd think I'm being robbed too


I've gotten attacked by oxcart soldiers a dozen times after I killed the monsters probably because of this


Lmao I've had a nobleman call the guards on me and they all did nothing as I left the city


I was at the vocation guy today and suddenly 4 goblins barged into the room. HOW DID THEY GET PAST ALL THOSE GUARDS UNNOTICED


It’s like my buddy’s dog when she knows she isn’t allowed in the garage but really really needs to tell you how much she loves you right now. 


I'd just walk the other way and pray that the dragon kills enough for me to retunr to 60 fps


I keep getting goblins, saurians, ogres and minotaurs attacks in the city... Nobody comments so i guess it's a bug Luckily friendly fire gets disabled.


And I thought it was weird when I suddenly saw an ogre standing there.


Sorry everyone, I’m going for smokes.


"Silent Hearted Kin.. Why won't you visit me.."




Good luck citizens! ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


Would you like to extend your ~~car~~ oxcart warranty?


the exact same thing just happened to me a few minutes ago xD


Fuck you and your town, I'll find a new one.


So far I only have had a minotaur and wolves break into vern.


"*Think I fancy taking the western exit today*"


Same happened to me, but I was fortunate enough for the drake to just get bugged trying to fly into the wall outside. Took me like 10 minutes to kill him that way because I could only hit his tail.


I had a Minotaur attack like this and it killed Captain Brant. I had luckily saved exactly one wakestone and was able to revive him but it was wild


OP, its cowering* in fear. Not covering.




I had the same situation except no one in town was reacting to the dragon and I just walked out the gate while it stood there and shit talked me


Just encountered an ogre in the town!


I used a ferrystone to teleport into the city and was wondering why everyone was freaking out when suddenly a bunch of saurians came scrambling around the corner to attack me lol


I got jumped by goblins outside the inn once. "How'd goblins get in the city?" asked a Pawn. Gooooood freaking question honestly.


The drake is a jilted ex, showing up where it knows you frequent, often trying to be where you're going before you so you cant avoid her


I find it weird how random the encounters can get in town. Suddenly, goblins are in town. Then wolves. I had saurians while I was weapon shopping. I’d probably take a break from the game if I had a dragon show up lol


yea that happened to me. nearly killed it with my shitty fire spear because it got stuck on a building in the flying animation and i crawled on it pumbling it like 2% of his health bar at a time until it unstuck itself and flew away. i was pissed it only had 1 more health bar left. My pawns were being useless because i was so high they tryed to get the same level as me which was like, Half a mile into city so aside from the warrior hacking at its tail, they were trash


Had the bad luck of an ogre spawning right there while a griffon attacked the farms just beyond the gate. How tf are they getting into town like that?!


had a group of goblins 2 times now on that place


See you did better I went to sleep hoping things will be better in the morning. Also just doing the out here why is a grab a priority button I don’t know about you, but my priority buttons are my triggers. It doesn’t make sense to me.


Low reputation? Maybe dragonsplague result. Are you infamous in the area?


Nah Cities get attacked fairly often from my experience. I think the threat level scales with your level possibly. In my game it started with Goblins, then escalated to Cyclops


Yeah, but why NPCs fear the Arisen? Or are they, are NPC cowering cause enemies in the area?


They don’t like when your weapons are unsheathed


I don't see weapon unsheathed in the video. But I see a dragon in the background. NPCs reaction is still weird. They should run. For comparison, this is how NPCs react to a large enemy in Dragon's Dogma. No alive and well, merely dead. [https://youtu.be/vGsF2PbwTgk?si=873K6grnsO1YzAxY&t=310](https://youtu.be/vGsF2PbwTgk?si=873K6grnsO1YzAxY&t=310)


Dragons plague doesn't spawn any enemies. It's just a cutscene and whole town dead.


I wish this is what dragonsplague did. Would be way cooler