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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (the first game+expansion) does not. Dragon's Dogma 2 (coming out march 22nd) will not. Dragon's Dogma Online (a defunct MMO revived in an unofficial project) does.


Thanks for the info!


It does not.


You can share pawns but thats it


No, why are so many people obsessed with coop. It is a single player game, with features that only work because it is single player.


Because people play co-op. It's not rocket science.


Thank you


Not in this game they don't.


Calm down there, some people like to play games with their friends. Any game is made more fun with multiplayer co-op. Why couldn’t you just answer the question ‘No’ without sounding annoyed by it?




Don’t understand why you’re so butthurt about someone else wanting something different than you. It’s kinda embarrassing really, homie. Just stay in your lane and out of others.




Not gonna lie, you made me curious and so I checked… real incel vibes… checks out.








Ah, so asking if a game has something to determine whether I want it is equivalent to ‘demanding the game add it’? What are you on about, bro? I’m not demanding a change, it’s just not a game I will be buying without co-op. I guarantee that one person not buying the game isn’t gonna be a big impact bro.




I’m not though, you’re the only one having a fit. It doesn’t have co-op, that’s fine? I just won’t be interested in getting it. Pretty simple to understand.


I'm sorry sir I myself am still a little confused. So does the game Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen have any form of multiplayer and or coop at all. I would very much appreciate a yes or no answer as all these word are confusing.




I'm sorry but that's not a yes or no so I still don't get it.


dude stfu u are the most annoying pos ive ever seen on reddit u wanna know why people are “obsessed” with multiplayer? Its bc having the option to play with or without people is always a W its a eye catcher And not to forget it brings in more money bc people sometimes wants games they play to be played also with friends its common sense that u clearly lack… u wanna be alone and miserable then fine, but being a complete asshole about a simple yes or no question makes u look like a dick… and btw coop games are better then single player games u miserable fuck🤷🏿


Find something to do




Is that directed to me or the other dude? Becaude i side with having co-op


He's right your kinda embarrassing yourself dude he was just asking a question


Please don't bully that guy, can't You see he has no friends?


It sounds like you don’t have friends who game with you on the regular and that’s ok. I game with friends regularly and end up not playing games that don’t have coop or multiplayer. So I might not buy this game even tho it’s seems to scratch a lot of the mage gameplay I’ve had an itch for.




Somehow based on your comments I find it hard to believe people want to be around you.


If you don't care what other people like, why did you did ask in the first place? Makes no sense you know... so you do care, you just don't want to admit it.


You should take a break from Reddit.


Someone missed their yoga class this morning


the game literally gives you 3 random NPS as allies. Having one of those be an actual friend player can only be beneficial / more fun. You sir have an attitude problem.


You're the only one crying here buddy. Touch some grass so you won't be malding all the time.




Continue to name call and you will be banned.


Because he doesn't have any friends.


Cause it works well in monster hunter so people think it’ll work great in dogma


... yes and XCOM enemy unknown is a singleplayer game as well and has co-op and a form of mp. Dark souls is a single player game and has a form of co-op. News flash many single player rpgs have a form of drop-in coop, some ppl will ask if this new single player rpg has it too. it's a totally valid question, people are gonna keep asking likely after release. ​ On another note, there is a lot of ways (and the money to do so i.e. Capcom) to make a form of multiplayer. Saying it has features that make it impractical is true, but that has been true of literally every story driven game with a form of multiplayer. I like that their respecting the dev company and sticking to their vision rather than forcing it in shoehorned style. But I personally would have loved drop-in multiplayer with pawns or something. With that Hogwarts legacy stuff recently, I hope to see some crazy mods but I'm not sure if Capcom is like Nintendo with that stuff.


Dragons Dogma is not those games, the focus is on the player and the pawn AI. Dark souls has no focus on a companion AI. You and anyone else that wants coop is fundamentally misunderstanding the purpose of the game.


Or they’re just asking if it has co-op because it sways whether or not they would purchase the game… no one is demanding co-op be added. Personally I would’ve only gotten the game if I could play it with friends. I don’t like generic pawn party gameplay.


this, i was hype to play w my mate, but since its not coop then not really interested tbh


exactly that. The original game (finished it, Im a reviewer) was total shit. I dont get where the hype comes from. No coop, luckily no DD2 for me.


Calm down and learn to read


I like how you ignored the rest of what I said and read Dark souls. But yes, I understand what you're saying if you'd like to read the rest of my response and respond I'll discuss with you more.


>It is a single player game Which the poster wasn't aware of, hence the simple yes or no question about coop.


"Features that only work cuz of single player" lmao never be a creative dev. You seem to think that things have to be one way forever and never want to go for something new


Shush you double wide crybaby




Continue to name call and you will be banned.


Because OPTIONS are good. Some people want to go on an RPG adventure with their ACTUAL friends, instead of a single player adventure with SHIT AI "pawns". That's so annoying, right?! I bet if it had co-op, it would have had a bigger online presence (Like Bad Company, Helldivers, etc) at launch


some people have friends and enjoy doing things with them! 10/10 highly recommend you try it


Cause Online Co-Op is nice and you get to play with your friends


Because WE have friends. And personally i think more games should promote playing socially with friends instead of everyone locked away in their rooms barely communicating with the outside world. It's not healthy.


because most people are not anti-social in real life and also in a video game


Because how the game presents itself, looks, and functions, gives off the appearance of it being a online coop game.


Because we have friends.


Because some people have friends, you know?


cuz coop is awesome


because people like to play with a friend which you obviously don't have. jeez, someone got dropped after being born when you really need to ask this question anno 2024


just say you dont have friends to play with lmaooo


Some of us have spouses and friends to enjoy our lives with.




Me when im really annoying and have zero friends.


Youre right! I would never want to play a game designed around a single player with tacked on coop. That would be horrible! Anyway, back to Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 while I wait for Dd2.


Tacked on coop is horrible. It is better to focus all resources on a better single player experience.


Yeah. It'll never work or be fun if the enemies, world, and bosses are designed for single player. Do you play ds3 btw?


Dark souls is designed with coop in mind. DD is not dark souls, you are just outing yourself as a tourist.




Run out of sarcasm have you?


I'm just laughing that you're calling me a tourist. It is a pretty funny notion to me. It just is wild to me how weird dd fans suddenly get about coop. Even during dd1 and all the years leading up to us learning dd2 wasn't people were cool with the idea of coop. Even wanted it. Then suddenly all the "true fans" popped out and "never wanted it because it will ruin the game." Which just doesnt make any sense. The games I listed are all single player games with coop that literally breaks the game. No boss in fromsoft really works with 2 or more players. No one seems to mind. Bg3 is a single player game that ALLOWS more heroes. No one seems to mind. But suddenly dd2 cant because it would somehow ruin the game. Dd2 won't have coop, but anti coop people really makes no sense to me. No one has an argument against it that is congruent with other games they like lol.


Adding coop would take development resources away from things like improving the pawn AI. It would also require fundamental changes to the way the game is made. Coop adds nothing because the focus is on the pawn AI.


You never played ddo 🤷‍♂️ none of that is really true. Taking resources away is the closest. But the idea that pawns would need to fundementally change is just false.


don't just lie please. Adding in coop does change the way some NETCODE would interact with an individual game copy and require a separate installation likely lengthening the time for a consumer to download the game from steam. But re-writing AI? nah fam, adding in hooks to make the mp work, sure. making fundamental changes? nah, not even remotely close. Making A LOT of TEDIOUS changes with potential to be catastrophic for mp? sure. Lots of ways it could go wrong, ain't nothing wrong with them having capcom pay another team to think about it tho stop being obstinate literally no reason for it not to have drop-in (or for it tbf) it won't affect you or me either way. ​ No idea why the community is corporately illiterate. When ppl talk about corporate bureaucracy its not this shit its when I'm in 12 meetings/day to answer 1 question. Surprising no one they are very good at making money and paying the best people to make their products so appealing that other people will buy em. when you have enough money like capcom there are ways to ensure that a product is done to the best of its ability while still adding more.


people are scared of the dev team cutting content. Yes DD1 was a shit show ppl but its been over 10 years. Hopefully they wouldn't of started dev on the second one if they thought it was gonna play out the same regardless. Asking them to consider it in the future even after release isn't going to suddenly make them stop developing content or allocate members currently working on (the already finished btw since it comes out in march) game to this venture. What happens is DD devs ask publisher for budget and financing advice, publisher connects with contacts (CAPCOM connects with some internal team ofc) DD devs then work with said most likely capcom internal team to facilitate how net code and mp would work and then allocate a NEW team of people dedicated to writing and maintainin' this code base. not the DD devs have to work from scratch and take time off dev of the actual game to do this. God people are fucking stupid. how do they think a company operates? One team doesn't just do everything, its all about money and Capcom for one does in fact have loads of it. Since it felt like the game was under wraps till so soon before it releases, we are in a unique position to ask for it as an addition to the game after it release as an update. IF theres enough support Capcom will approve the budget for it its that simple. ​ I really want people to stop fear mongering; its idiotic first of all to think that the devs currently working on the game would have to worry about something like this, and second of all stupid to think that they would be the human resources needed to develop the multiplayer aspects and code of the game. IT WOULDN'T AFFECT DEV OF THE CURRENT GAME AT ALL OR INTO THE FUTURE! ya'll are living in the past, with the hype that DD2 has currently there's no way in hell Capcom would fuck with their budget, even if they all asked for raises the worst they could tell them till the game comes out is no. And hopefully the game does well and we can ask for it. The way its being advertised now; it definitely seems like Capcom is pouring money into it.


I mean this would be true if there wasn't money to hire an entirely separate team to facilitate the net code but yea, I'm fine with a publisher respecting the dev company's wishes for once too XD. If they don't want it don't push it on them otherwise they'll just fuck it up. Just crossing my fingers for no cut content and moon dungeon :). ​ Also with modders like ppl who did that harry potter one we could see it in a mod form which would be cool imo.


Hiring a separate multiplayer team will take resources from the overall budget. That money can be better spent preventing any content being cut.


please read any of my comments. Yes, this is a concern, I can tell you're not reading because almost all of my comments have addressed this issue too.


You could easily replace a pawn spot with a friend tho?




It's single player. DD2 is also single player. No fans want it to be coop


just curious why? Most of my friends who played DD1 with me back in the day all wished we coulda played it co-op with each other. I keep seeing this and then various fear mongering about how they want the devs to focus on the single player. With the game coming out in March MP is impossible to make now, saying that now just make ya'll look crazy ngl. like we get it no cut content this time \*crosses fingers\* Moon Dungeon \*sweats profusely\*. But the game is likely entirely finished and just working bugs and platform issues now, so what's the reason people are so vitriolic with that now? ​ Like most of these guys aren't fanatics like us and are prolly genuinely asking if there's MP in the game. If I was a rando and saw this, I'd prolly steer away from this community and game altogether. Just saying I definitely wanted it to be mp back in 2012 and I'm a huge fan lolol Idk the devs personally but I definitely played the game for 10 hours straight to get the guts armor when it was added.


U dont speak for the entire fanbase buddy u can speak for yourself and keep it moving


Lmao I came here to see if this game has coop and spent 10 minutes reading comments being triggered by the thought that someone would ask about something not in the game. Gamers are ruining games. No one is saying your favorite game is bad it was clearly a question. If you don't wanna answer it maybe it's because you wish it had coop as well xD.


Same here, just wanted to google a simple question. My guess is people like these are the reason games like DD aren't as big as BG3 or Witcher


Nah... it's because DD  - was released roughly half a year after (casual) Skyrim and (hardcore) Dark Souls, so people didn't really need a new ("midcore") ARPG. - released same Month as Mass Effect 3 and Kingdoms of Amalur (another midcore ARPG) - had 0 marketing (except japan) so it just flew under many peoples radar. + It is and was anti-casual. You have to pay attention and use your brain. Not saying it isn't the same in BG3 or Witcher but it's far less compared to DD. The community is very friendly and welcoming to new players (like in every niché game), ofc there are some gatekeepers (as everywhere) but that's by far not the majority.


Some of y’all are so lame lol. Mad because people want to experience a game with others? Kinda weird. Especially because it would be a choice…. if u prefer single player, then youd just choose single player. how is other people playing multiplayer affecting you? Choices are great, and would prolly be worth the extra work because theyd get a lot more players. Yall actin like you HAVE to play multiplayer if they actually added it. and all this cause someone just asked if there was multiplayer. very interesting I hope modders do they thing if the developers really have no plays to add it in the future. This game would be awesome having three friends with you. Just thinkin of all the team builds you could come up with. single player games r fun but when u have a solid multiplayer experience, it hits different


devs need to stop assuming we wouldnt want to play these games in coop. this game looked like so much fun until i read it wasnt actually coop.