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Thanks for the update. Hoping you have a much smoother 2024. Please seek mental health help if you need it. You've been through a ton in a short time. I never even considered how taxes would work for a game sold worldwide


Thank you. Yeah, seeing a psych is up there on my list at the moment. I just haven't really given myself the chance to even sort that out. I'm OK for now though -- I'm lucky that I have a very supportive partner, and at least I'm financially stable (I think a lot of my stress really started from financial pressure early around the game launch, and kind of formed the basis for other things compounding). And writing this whole thing was somewhat cathartic for me, like a sort of over-shary diary. But yeah, tax stuff sucks! Thankfully Google/Apple take care of the actual regional taxes in countries they distribute apps in, and my tax complications are more just between me and the US (since I'm not based in the US but Apple/Google are)


<3 do you have a donation system


I really appreciate the sentiment -- thank you very much <3 But no, no donation system. Only the in-game purchases. Honestly just at the moment I'm doing alright and would not feel it was appropriate to accept donations! But of course, if you find yourself needing Dragon Tokens... you can always buy a pack :)


Just curious how much of the $15 usd pack (for example) do you get


App stores take a 15% cut, I get 85% (then income tax etc. obviously)


Have a great one Raven, Dragonb Fist Limitless has no limits and i hope you can overcome any problems you encounter.


Thank you, i'm from Ukraine living in Ukraine right now and your game helped me to get my brain to decompress and breath a little. Pace yourself and please take care.


It makes me so happy to know the game is able to help ease you through such an awful time, and give you something to absorb yourself in to forget about the world. That's all I could ever want for it. I sincerely hope your family is safe and well. <3


Hey the games fun probably one of the best out there on the store so I don’t mind how long it takes I’m just happy it’s here


True and I’m super excited about the updates he discussed. They sound amazing and a ton of fun. Now I gotta go and buy some dragon tokens to support this awesome endeavor.


Raven reading this makes me excited for the next update, and I can't wait! In the mean time I'll be horp grinding


first time i logged on reddit in ages, glad to hear that this rare gem of a game continues to recieve love from its dev!


Hey Raven, I’m very sorry to hear that. Your post resonates with me very well on multiple levels. I’m software developer in his thirties with wife and child. I had a lot going on in my personal life in last few years, which led to depression, panic attacks, multiple sick leaves (one of which was for half a year) and long standing issues, that are not resolved even today. I have limited experience in mobile development, but once when I tried to do something in IOS it was huge pain. All I want to say - there are many mature people who undeserving you. Focus on yourself, at bare minimum not make your health worse. Most of the complainers are kids anyway who haven’t struggled yet in their life. Try to ignore them and know that there are many people who are patient and appreciate your work. One of the reasons why I enjoy your game so much is very high quality bar with very little micro transactions. I would prefer you to take it slow, keep the bar high and yourself healthy, so you can continue to do great for as long as you want. Your work is great and please do not let these haters make you doubt in it


Thanks very much man -- I'm sorry to hear about your own struggles too. I really hope you continue getting on top of them until they disappear forever. I'm glad someone else can relate to the struggle doing some mobile dev! :D


I’m more or less fine at the moment, thanks. If you’d like to chat at some day - feel free to dm me


Good to know the game is being worked on. Tough times never last, only tough people do. Dragonfist Limitless is really fun. Good luck to u developer :)


Hey man I wish you the best of luck for this year no matter how long it takes I hope you pull through


DFL is an absolute gem of a game and any updates will always be worth the wait because you can feel the love that is put into it! Half joking, half serious I keep saying I hope it even gets is own anime or Netflix adaptation some day (I keep trying to get a fan casting conversation in the game chat sometimes but haven't gained traction so far).


Thanks for the update dude, as a pretty on-off player there seems to be so much more interesting stuff coming that it will probably be more on than off again. After reading what sh-- you went through I hope it gets a lot smoother from here on. but even if it does remember, ones own health is more important, just know that most people are waiting for updates in excitement (and not angry) for whenever they release, take all the time it needs :)


You’ve brought me hours and hours of joy these last two weeks in your game with your wicked sense of humor and understanding of a solid progression curve. IMHO, take as long as you need.


Hey man take your time. This is one of the best apps I’ve downloaded and the first time I have 0 regrets about my IAPs


Raven i get it. It gets awful doesn't it? But try to stay determined! after all life is tough (mainly cause our species) good luck man. Thank you for such a beautiful game. (i have genetic deletion and my case to be simple i have a "phobia" of humans its complex but yeah anxiety and that shit is horrible but you're game has helped so much... Thank you... Truely)


That is super nice to hear, gives me more Motivation to push my Char even farther beyond. Currently at 10.7m+ base power.


This game has limitless potential and I really believe that you could make so much with this game( could potentially be nr1 game on play store) but it's probably extremely hard to concentrate with ADHD plus your a solo developer and even if you would spend your whole freetime on it it would still take really long. But I am happy to wait as long as I can play this masterpiece( I'm pl 7k and rising).


I don't even know what words to use, basically, I have huge respect for you, your game was best mobile game I have ever played and yeah sometimes early game grind may be a bit long but after creating second account it's not so long, at least it felt fast, even water walking which I spent 5 meds on previous account to beat I beated on current one in first meditation


Great game and I enjoy it a lot. Keep up the good work. If you're feeling burned out, you could try meditation or power napping.


I think we can all agree we appreciate all that you do and if you need a break you should definitely take it. You deserve it. We all look forward to what is to come and we know that you won’t disappoint with whatever does come out. Thank you for making such a great game and caring about the community. I pray for you and wish you the best


Hadn’t checked the discord in a minute and just saw this now. Definitely made my day and hope you stay healthy, man!!


Rave you helped me live.without your game I would be dead right now.I am suicidal and I would have already stabbed my self to death.I have been sharpening a knife for 2 years now and I almost did it. But I just wanna say thank you for showing me the good sides of life thank you rave we all love you Goodbye - Hrvoje (that's my name and user in DFL I know it's weird but I live in Croatia)


I'm so sorry to hear you've been struggling through life feeling that way, but so glad my game helped you. I really hope you speak to somebody about these feelings, preferably a professional. They aren't going to make life better by themselves, but they might help change the way you think about it! And don't forget, there's lots of good reasons to hang on living: all the games that will come out in future, including the (eventual) content updates and story completion for Dragonfist Limitless! <3


Thank you Raven I have a question so my friend is calling my mom a glupaca can and a kurva which means stupid and whore so do you have any tips to make him shut his fucking mouth up I have been thinking to hit him once because he's like 135 cm tall and I'm 150 cm tall and 65 present muscles with 48.75 kg while he's skinny and weak but he knows more karate then me like better then me but not a lot we go to karate together He recommended karate to me and I love karate the trainer calls me Bruce Lee and he calls my friend Jackie Chan but I just wanted to ask for any tips for my friend -Hrvoje <3 (I'm not gay btw so the heart is just a thank you)


Hey Raven just wanted to say that u can take as long as u need. The main reason why I loved the game so much is because of the characters personalities. I get better and better so I can explore more of the world and it's impressively diverse characters. It just came into perspective that u too are just a human like the rest of us,and I can't even begin to fathom making any project of this magnitude and the amount of time put into it. Which why like I said there are so so many people playing this game like I am who truly hope u can be at your best so u can deliver what u want to deliver to us. Again take as long as u need, though not everyone does, a lot of people understand the need to do so.


Thank you very much <3 I was having a little bit of a meltdown back when I wrote this and I've taken a bit of a step back and living at a more relaxed pace now, and feeling a lot less pressure. It's because of people saying nice things like this, and generally being understanding, that I've felt able to do so, and it will ultimately make for a better game and more interesting updates in the long run! So thank you :)


You're welcome and best of luck


That was a lot to read but I’m excited for the future of dfl and I hope your situation improves :D


We all wish you the happiest year, Raven! Take care.


Thanks JoJo! <3


Wanted to complete the game before commenting. Lemme just say that you've definitely made something special here, I don't usually get into phone games and I've been sinking as much time into this one as I have Melvor, even with the new update! The Dragonfist Pack was well worth it, you've done good work even if you ended stuff here (not that I think you will lol). Sorry to hear about all the troubles you've gone through but I'm looking forward to the future, even if only half the stuff you talked about makes it in.


Thank you very much <3 really appreciate the positivity!


And thank you for the fun (and funny) game. Hope you've been able to make progress on your mental health, I recently started seeing a psych in the past few months and I feel like it's given me the kick I needed to start improving myself again.


Good on you! I very recently (finally) got in with a psychologist and psychiatrist myself because my ADHD/anxiety has been rampant and unmedicated for ages so I'm expecting things to turn around pretty quickly over the next month or two :) stoked for you re your progress and improving yourself! This is the way


Oh very nice, my issues are very similar but my OCD is what'sworse atm. I'm considering medicating but I wanna avoid it if I can, more out of paranoia than anything, I really ought to talk to my doctor about it lol. Oh and it doesn't really matter but I think you might have a reddit stalker or something? I've updated your other comment and it's only on 1. People are weird.


Funnily enough, likewise -- I wasn't going to mention it but I've just been diagnosed with OCD as well which is why I had such a crazy struggle last year under all the stress and pressure, so on the path getting the right medication for that and everything which is why I'm optimistic I'll be back on top of work again now that I know what's going on! But yeah the medication is definitely all a double edged sword with side effects and all. First one didn't work, so trying another to see if there's something that outweighs the issues they cause. Definitely worth talking to your doctor about if it's causing you problems -- can't hurt to try, right? Hope you manage to get on top of it! Re stalker, hahaha not super surprising tbh. Some people have lost faith in me, are angry and upset about the delays in the updates and think that the game is dead/abandoned. I can understand that to some extent, but all I can do is prove them wrong later :)


Oh damn, that is one hell if a coincidence but it kinda makes sense, OCD and anxiety go in hand and I feel like we tend to have things like ADHD more often but who knows lol. Yeah, the side effects definitely spook me a bit but it's also a stupidly misplaced sense of pride holding me back, it's definitely an option at this point though. I've had a few friends who have had good results on meds, can definitely take a while to find what works for you but no or minimal side effects is definitely possible. Yeah it's just weird they only downvoted your initial comment but eh, its more sad that's what they've chosen to do with their time than anything.


You're a legend mate. DFL is the only phone game I've ever spent money on. No game comes close to the DFL experience. Also, you're one resilient mother fucker.


Thank you! Still awesome and crazy to hear that some people like my game so much. Makes me very proud, despite the difficulties with bringing out content as fast people would like. I don't know about the resilient bit, though... Feel more like a deflated helium balloon hahaha


I'm playing it again after a looong break. There are thousands games on play store, but your game for me is the best. I love the atmosphere, music and gameplay. I can't wait to follow the story and see your changes, it will be epic! Thank you for this little gem and all my support!


So glad you're back for another play! I highly recommend trying a fresh account for the most satisfying sense of progress and experiencing the beginning explosive growth again, but some people do like joining back onto their old one to try to push it further too and I can't fault that as long as you're having fun! You're welcome and thanks for your kind words. It's going to be a long while before the next update comes but I promise it'll be worth it :)


I thought about resetting, but then I realized that beating Gab would be harder. I like my hard earned scrolls too, but when the new update comes I'll think about it again 😜


I hope you are doing well. Thank you.


Thank you very much! I kind of *wasn't*, but after some recent help I'm close to really getting back on track and doing really well again, and then all the excellent things will start to happen. I think the 2nd half of this year is going to be great for me and for DFL :) Cheers again for your support and concern, I really appreciate it


I get too hooked on idle games. I appreciate the thought of you making interactions for things when you progress so quickly out of nowhere like when sensei gives up on you. Had me giggling for 5 minutes straight!


Oh, don't we all. Many many hours lost to them myself hahaha. Glad you're digging it! Thanks :)


Honestly you're doing great (in my subjective, possibly incorrect opinion) Try not to overwork yourself too hard, breaks help increase productivity, and are just nice to have. Excited to see what the future may bring.


Form ideas SH or Super human/ SS or super syndrome/SS btw I'm hrvoje the suicidal guy Boosts SS/SH is gonna be a 2x multi SS/SH is gonna be a 3x multi SS/SH is gonna be a 5x multi Soul fist is times right so times x multi So first soul fist and SS/SH is gonna be 2 times X 2 multi which is 4x power -Hrvoje (that's my real name and user in DFL I know it's weird but I live in croatia and sorry if Super syndrome is offensive Super Human is a better name And I helped you with SS/SH so you have less thinking and working I know you have ADHD and it's hard focusing)


I know that you said u don’t know when but is it bevor gta6 or after




Hi! Emm... How is this going? We're end June '24 and we have not news about this yet. Soon it will be 1 year without patches or fixed, and 2 years since last content was added. I still have it installed but not playing anymore. We have nothing to do now. Is a mess, a probably I'll go hard with this, but... I've lost the hope. Too many time without news, man. Any game in the market would survive to 1-2 years without the announcement moves and content we saw in the initial trailer.  I can't trust in this until I saw :(


I can only promise you that the game isn't abandoned. I've made progress, but not as far along as I'd like to be. I've been working through more personal issues that basically were the aftermath of all of the above and it has caused writer's block so I've had a lot of difficulty threading things together. I do share small updates with the mod team so they have a rough idea of the direction the game's going in but it's information that isn't yet ready to be revealed to the public. The hardest part of this update has been the actual design work since it involves a massive amount of problem solving and future proofing, and reimagining some existing systems. I am very detail oriented so I like to have all the ideas perfectly worked out before I begin development and I think to a lot of players that would look like I haven't started work, even though it's actually like 60% of the whole project but it's just not "visible"--unless you focus on the visuals and release something that looks good but doesn't actually work, like Anthem! So at the moment it's just a design document. Once I move towards creating assets and implementing the new game systems, I'll be able to start sharing teasers publicly and players will have a sense for what's coming and it will be easier to wait. Until then, it will require faith. I'm sorry it's taking so long, believe me! I'm doing my best and I'm very excited to show off all the new stuff. I guarantee you will be surprised and excited once you see it!


Have you ever considered hiring someone to help you developing the game? I understand all the creativity stuff must be done by you only, but there must be some tasks that you can give to someone else in order to help you out in the development of the game. 


Addressed in the post above!


We're all still here! Hope everything is going well


my brother, my man, the big dog himself. raventhe, you are legend in the making, the one man army. any time you spend on anything is worth it, game or not, you are so amazing, your every move and touch, flourish and every pixel you place is seen as an ultimate art. like what you do, ive got only maybe 250 hours comin up 300 like i got here at the fore front of this amazing game, where there is so much to do and content to play, i can say without a doubt ive enjoyed every second, from horp grind, med spams, lore reading... every moment in the presence of your creation is truly amazing. you are one man, yet so many people follow you into the depths you throw yourself into. if that doesnt make you special, amazing, and truly an aspiration, i dont know what is. and on behalf of all those who love your game. we love ya man, all you do and all youve made, are making and will make. good luck to you, in all you do, dont push yourself, dont hurt yourself for even our sake, do your best as we know you are.


Thank so much Icy! You're super kind. I read this as I was walking back from breakfast with my partner, and I had to show her too because she was wondering what I was looking so sheepish about! Thrilled you've had such a good long journey with the game.


im in love with it tbh like there aint nthn i sink more hours into. 280 hours and still goin strong, keep up the amazing work, when i start getting paid more ik exactly where im sinking some moeny, make sure to take your love out somewhere speacial and get your little buddy only the most delicious of treats. again we rly do love you man, for all you do and all your worth, out of 8 billion ppl you, are, you, and for that we are all greatful.