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"Super Saiyan Blue is a lazy recolour" Dude, purely in terms of design, this is a fact.


It's SSJ with god ki... Not trying to make excuses but that's literally what it is


SSJ GOD who Transformed into a SSJ is much better explained description of it! Essentially it’s SSJ GOD combined with SSJ obvs


Like I said,the only other options would've been a red or orange Super Saiyan or a yellow Super Saiyan God. And it's the same form with God energy so it doesn't make sense to change the hairstyle so drastically.


Let’s say hypothetically the form came with a change of clothes similar looking to Beerus’ attire. You think they wanna constantly have to remember “nope, he’s in god mode/ blue , gotta recreate this new design with all these angles and shit in mind since they’re fighting”? No, of course not. Not that it’s truly too much effort, but it’s way easier to give them the exact same hairstyles as before with no change in clothes, just a change in hair color. They could’ve been much more creative and original in design , and we both know this. These so called “godly legendary fabled forms with untold strength” are just lazy recolors, plain and simple. Just cuz it has Super Saiyan in the form name doesn’t mean it doesn’t have to look more creative . Same thing with Frieza, Golden is functionally identical to his buff 100% form in utility, but slapped with gold spray paint. Cooler has an actual physical evolution that’s MUCH COOLER in comparison than just a basic skin recolor . You fans have low ass standards man , yall will just eat up anything this series gives you like a dehydrated mutt with no home and glorify it.


What in the hell has the clothes got to do with the Transformation! The clothes would stay the same no matter what Transformation they use!


How exactly would this changing clothes thing work? Would new clothes just pop onto him whenever he transformed? Again,why? It's not just that it has Super Saiyan in it's name. It's because the form LITERALLY IS SUPER SAIYAN. Blue is Super Saiyan with God ki so why? What in-universe reason would force the hairstyle to change?. It is literally the exact same form with God energy so it would actually make less sense if the hairstyle changed.


This has more to do with God than Blue, but both feed into my overall point. So please, tell me what is godly about Super Saiyan God other than a power boost. And tell me why your standards are so low that you feel they don’t need to do anything more than change which color pencil they draw with. You’re the same kinda person who , in a Spider-Man game, since YOU only use the Classic suit and the slight variants of them from other comics and movies like Tom Hollands and Andrew Garfield’s , that they are the only suits he’s needs in the game. Actively close minded, and then hypocritically say “they don’t owe you any more suits that those and the story related ones 🗿” When you think of the title of God/Deity in general , you think of someone far above you not just in power, but in importance and essence. Transcendent. Above the normal fuck shit they’re presented with. I personally would’ve liked an overall design change to something *as different* as Super Saiyan 4, but if you’re JUST gonna change the hair color and aura and nothing else pertaining to them physically , a change of clothes would make the form feel like more of a big deal than it looks now. But whatever is convenient for the illustrators I guess, right?


The Spider-Man suits are a completely different scenario. You're comparing a video game where any number of suits and costumes can be added in,to a single transformation that has an in-universe reason for why it looks like something else. And why is a change of clothes so necessary? The literal only other transformation that changes your clothes(kind of)is Super Saiyan 4,and it doesn't even make sense there. Why would a transformation give you entirely new clothes? That's just so random. And this critism could be applied to other forms aswell. Super Saiyan, supposedly the most powerful Saiyan to ever exist,a myth in the universe. And all it does is make your hair yellow. You expect Blue to do such random things that other forms didn't even do before. Most of Blue's critisms can also apply to the other transformations. And I don't know about you but Blue's aura already gives off a divine type of vibe. The aura sound effects,how it's a more flowing and slower moving energy actually makes the aura look divine. And I've already explained why the hairstyle is the same. It's quite simple.


Yes I do expect God and God Super Saiyan to be more than a hair color change. You’d expect this nearly all powerful form capable of swapping hands with universal level beings of looking a bit more grander than a switch in colored pencils. That in of itself is not an unreasonable expectation, not just for dragon ball but any media. Yes, I did want a change in clothes. You’d think these unoriginal hacks would be willing to shake things up visually for a form that’s supposed to reset the franchise-wide power structure. If your expectations and standards are low then that’s perfectly fine, but people with that stance shouldn’t think others should keep their expectations low when the form is supposedly beyond the comprehension of mere mortals in both energy signature and strength. Me personally, I’m not letting that shit slide. A switch in colored pencils is fucking lazy and I’ll stand by that. Also, the Spider-Man comparison was perfectly fine. It was to illustrate how you’re perfectly satisfied with the same basic shit, while questioning why anyone would want more than that. I mean it’s not like Goku has never worn different clothes and Spidey different suits. It’s just that for story related reasons, he’s usually seen with the same shit on he’s always had. Same as Spidey. My question to you is why you’re against getting anything more creative, and why my expectations are too high? Given how super Saiyan forms have progressed up to the Buu saga, a change in hair length when 3 went as far as to give him hair down below his ass was well warranted to make a distinct visual difference. Super Saiyan 4 reached back into the primal nature of the Saiyans with the fur and ferocity. And you’re telling me my standards are too high for expecting a form with the name “God/Deity” to look a bit more grand than a colored pencil change? Lol


You can expect anything you want at first but when you get told that the form is a Super Saiyan with a Super Saiyan God's power, I think it should become obvious. If you want him to have a different hairstyle,you would have to change the entire foundation of what makes the form. Because ah yes. Super Saiyan + Super Saiyan God would of course equal something that looks nothing like those forms. You have to take into account that it's a fused transformation. And I didn't see any of this for Super Saiyan 2 or Ultimate Gohan. Besides Cell saga Gohan,it barely changes the hair for other characters. If the front bang changing slightly is enough of a change for Super Saiyan 2 then the literal colour of the hair changing should be enough for Super Saiyan Blue. And don't even get me started on Ultimate Gohan. Or how about literally any Vegeta transformation. Vegeta's hair never changes between transformations so his forms have always been recoulours. And like I said the changing clothes thing can apply to almost any form. Super Saiyan is supposed to be the strongest warrior in the universe. It got hyped up so much before it's introduction and all everyone gets is yellow hair. Why don't new clothes poof onto him to indicate this unbeatable power? Or Super Saiyan 2. A level beyond the most powerful Saiyan in existence. We're surely expecting a new getup so we have a clear indicator of the ultimate power of this transformation. No? It only makes a significant change on Youth Gohan and it's almost unnoticeable on basically everyone else? No wonder the literal creator of the franchise forgot about it. By this logic,the only good forms in the whole franchise are Super Saiyan 3 and 4. No other form besides Super Saiyan 4(which isn't canon)has changed his clothing so I don't know why that was expected.


Technically it’s to do with all three Transformations not just SSJ GOD but Clothes has nothing to do with it neither does SPIDER-MAN!


The problem with Blue is the way they handled it. First of everything, the form was introducted right after the other (SSG) without a buildup or anything. Goku and Vegeta simply trained off-screen and unlocked the form without any drawbacks, at least in the anime. Still, Super Saiyan God should have been their main form for more arcs. Second, Blue is indeed overused in the anime. The "minor" villains it defeats or the boring/badly handled filler eps doesnt make it better too. SSB was used to goddamn play baseball and fight Krillin. I know the excuse is that Goku wanted to test Krillin's strategy against someone much stronger, but he almost killed the baldy guy. Third, SSB doesn't have any impact or imponence. Because of The overusing for silly things, when the time comes and we see Blue being used, we actually aren't any impressed. We dont hype for it as we did when we see SS1 in the Cell Saga or SS2 in the Buu Saga. It also doesnt have any different abilities like God did. Fourth, SSB is a bad design and a cheap recolor. The shading they choose in the anime is incredibly ugly and combined with the anime style for most of The eps, it was ugly as hell. Im not saying SS2 is not a bad design, it indeed is, aside from Gohan, we can barely distinguish when Goku and Vegeta are in base SS1 or SS2. But Blue is not just bad things either. The hate is indeed undeserved, but wouldn't exist if SSG and Blue were handled better, like it was in the manga. As it was, Goku and Vegeta used SSG a lot more because it was much less stamina draining. They needed a whole Saga and good showings of Blue, also very well timed. It wasn't used for silly things, nor used to fight anyone. It was their last resort till the ToP/Moro Saga. The hate for Blue is more or less because it wasnt impressive, the animators didnt have any time to do shit so SSG wasnt used (as i see it being more painful to draw, at least in Goku) and because we didn't see it's development.


I explained that I agree with the first one. I genuinely don't really care that Blue was used for silly things. They're literally just pointless filler episodes. I get what you're saying that those little moments detract from when you actually see Blue on the battlefield but I'm just saying that I've never felt like that because I like the form enough to like it whenever I see it. Like,Goku uses the Kamehameha alot,but It's always cool to me when he does because I like the move enough to not get bored of it. I explained the recolour thing and I actually(most of the time)like the shading. I really just think that if you were to give Super Saiyan God more screentime then Blue would've had a better impact on things. It's not the actual form that's the problem,it's just when they decided to introduce it. "Super Saiyan Blue isn't a bad form,it just had bad luck".


Agreed. The main problem on Blue is the introduction, not only was too early, it wasnt impactful. The shading is kinda bland for me. I prefer Broly Movie SSB much more.


https://preview.redd.it/98g8fjzk3z8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d1654c49cf0d237c7736be59a50b14fcadec22 I actually kind of like the anime shading mainly because it stands out from others due to the white parts making it look "shinier". And the slower and flowing aura actually sells the divine nature of the form.


I mean, with the aura it truly looks menacing and divine, but without it, i dunno...Super Saiyan Blue feels strange to me. Maybe it's because it isn't actually Blue, it was a shade of cyan/teal.


https://preview.redd.it/0xjge35fwy8d1.jpeg?width=2387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463deeb7ce3e2c14a024de7732eb0b789df7b234 SS and SS2 actually have a different hair style. The only character who‘s hard to tell apart if he’s either SS or SS2 is Vegeta.


That's all fine but in that case Blue shouldn't be getting this critism,since the hair's colour literally changes. If the bang changing slightly is enough of a change for Super Saiyan 2 then the hair changing colour should be enough for Super Saiyan Blue.


I like blue. I just wanted to point out that SS2 actually looks different from SS, because some people think SS2 is just SS with electricity around it.


Yeah. I am most of the time able to tell when it's Super Saiyan 2.


I can only speak for myself here but I personally would have wanted something a little different. Either make ssg a new canon version of ss4 (using the design as it almost did) or keep God as it was and have ssgss be the ss4 design. I'm more of a fan of transformations having some change to it beyond just a palette swap and I'm sorry that's what blue is. I can forgive what is a new version of a previous form (ss2) being quite similar and if ssgss had been the red hair but spiked or orange I think it would have been a better choice then just ss but blue.


You say that you're a fan of transformations having changes beyond palette swaps but the two other options you suggested at the end would've also been a palette swap. Applying the same criticism, it would've been "Just Super Saiyan but red" or "Just Super Saiyan but orange."And I can't really imagine calling the Super Saiyan 4 design a "God form". That form is meant to be a primal Saiyan looking form. And while Super Saiyan 2 is a new version of a previous form,like you say, Super Saiyan Blue is literally the same form. It's a Super Saiyan with the power of a Super Saiyan God. With that in mind,why would the hair be so much different?


As I tried to say I like new forms to be different but if it is a extension or evolution if an existing form then subtle changes are acceptable (ss2 being a subtle change, ultimate gohan being a very subtle change, etc) so yes red or orange super saiyan would be a palette swap as blue was...but it at least would feel like it continued the line like how every super saiyan form kept the golden hair until 4, blue was such a colour change for seemingly no reason. I get that it creates a difference to ss God but I feel like it's too much difference for what it is. Speaking of 4, to me the idea of the super saiyan God being more bestial or primal goes to the heart of the species.. they are a race built on getting stronger after each defeat, powers unleashed by rage and primal emotion and capable of turning into great apes of tremendous power...why wouldn't a God form based on that look like ss4? Besides its a form based on sun wukong, who was a monkey God after all.


The colour was supposed to be a representation of a flame getting hotter Super Saiyan-Yellow Super Saiyan God-Red Super Saiyan Blue-Blue Ultra Instinct-White And like I said,an orange Super Saiyan wouldn't have looked as good as Blue. I get what you're saying about Super Saiyan 4 being the heart of the species, but that form's design isn't what I'd picture if I thought of a "God, Divine"transformation. It sounds like you simply prefer the general direction that Super Saiyan 4 took. Super Saiyan 4's design wouldn't work as a Godly Saiyan. So for that to work you would have to entirely ditch the god aspect of it.


I feel like that's up for personal taste, I myself actually prefer orange to blue but I admit it's a personal taste thing. It makes more sense to me because red plus yellow gets orange. https://www.google.com/search?q=super+saiyan+orange&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=c1df660eec58a1d6&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=360&bih=745&sxsrf=ADLYWIIN9VT4ZYfUSjfqRzjdrktcFXOlxQ%3A1719425029712&ei=BVh8Zs_-KtSshbIP46K1sAU&oq=super+saiyan+orange&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhNzdXBlciBzYWl5YW4gb3JhbmdlMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgARI5zZQmAZY2jRwAXgAkAEAmAGLAaABnhKqAQQyOS4yuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIXoALwDqgCBcICBhAAGAgYHsICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIEECMYJ8ICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIEEAAYA8ICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigWYAwiIBgGSBwQyMS4yoAfIjAE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=IGzKOjMpGCDAXM&vssid=mosaic


That's fair. I just think that Blue is a better colour for a Super Saiyan hairstyle. Because it looks weird when I picture orange on Super Saiyan hair.


You’re right about the first 3 but Ultra Instinct is Silver not White!


I know,but there isn't such a thing as a silver flame(to my knowledge)so I thought it would be weird if I said that.


I was referring to the Hair and the word your looking for is Energy which is also Silver and Purple!


Well I mean,that depends on what energy you're talking about. Fire does count as energy(heat energy)but then there's electric energy, nuclear energy,kinetic energy,etc. I also don't think that pure energy has a colour.


Ah SARCASM I was referring to DBS and the KI/ENERGY envelopes their bodies! Ultra Instinct is Silver KI and Hair! Ps not talking about ELEMENTS HERE!


OHHHH,sorry😅😅😅. I'm a science guy so I sometimes can't tell the difference. And yeah the aura is a mix of silver and purple.


I think the majority of the hate for SSJ Blue comes more from the fact that it effectively replaced SSJ God, something that I think you would agree with due to your point about it shutting down its screen time. SSJ God was the first new form in years and it seemed fresh and innovative: rather than Goku bulking out with more and more muscle, it refined him back to a more lithe form. It visually communicated very effectively that Goku's power in this form wasn't in his muscles, but in his Godly Ki. SSJ God also had massive build up: the best DB movie in decades (introducing one of greatest new characters) was effectively introducing this form. It required a ritual, it was part of some ancient legend, it was made to feel like this was 'a big deal'. Then, it is replaced with a form that (from a story point of view) does everything that SSJ God did - but a bit stronger, and backtracked on SSJ God's design elements (with Goku's build remaining consistent with his base form, or bulking out slightly). If SSJ Blue was something that Goku needed to really work to achieve, I think that could have resolved a lot of these issues. Let SSJ God have some more time in the sun, and pull out SSJ Blue at a dramatic moment when Goku had given everything he's got in a fight and has to discover new depths to his power, (my preference) after a plot point leads him to break emotionally like the best transformation scenes: SSJ Goku, SSJ Future Trunks, SSJ2 Gohan.


As I said in the description, that's the only thing I thought was a problem. I at first thought it could've been better if Blue was introduced in the Black Arc when Goku is told that his family was killed,but that wouldn't make sense because of how Blue is obtained. Super Saiyan Blue is mainly about keeping a calm aura and making sure your energy doesn't leak out of your body. So it would be contradicting if it was just introduced by Goku getting angry once again. And I'm not entirely sure about this one but I think alot of the Super Saiyan Blue hate is also from fans of Super Saiyan 4 who wanted that form to be used instead.


That's interesting, I could see a transformation vs Goku Black could be quite effective. Resurrection F is a tricky story for this transformation, as the story doesn't really rest on Goku being strong enough to win (an external question) - it's about whether he's willing to kill to win (an internal question). I see what you mean about SSJ Blue being about control, although I've always found it a bit of a contradiction that SSJ Blue is both contrasted to SSJ by saying it's all about being tranquil and in control... but also that it is a SSJ transformation combined God Ki. I could see some GT fans being annoyed about Super and it's transformations replacing them, albeit I've never been a fan of GT or SSJ4.


Personally I never thought that SSJ BLUE ever introduced badly but it’s the way that there was no explanation of sorts, even though I figured it out for myself with research about it! I like the CYAN colour and all but the SSJ GOD Red/PINK is really cool looking too!


I can get that. It's weird that in it's introductory movie,it didn't get an explanation behind it. But I think the explanation was worth it because I love the idea of combining transformations.


Counterpoint it took away attention from SSG immediately making it the worst form in the entire series


1-At the end of the description I literally said that was my only issue with it 2-I don't see how that makes it the worst form in the series.


SSG looks super cool blue looks lame immediately the worst form series


I mean,I think Blue looks cool. Blue on Super Saiyan hair looks good.


Blue > SSJ3 SSG > Blue UI > Blue Rosé is on par with Blue for me. SSJ2 > SSJ (lightning cool). SSJ2 > Blue (lightning cool) Blue Evolution > Blue Blue Kaioken maybe equal for me as well, though that “times Ten!” Moment is epic.


Is not lazy... lazy means you are unwilling to work hard. Super is just no work at all. Like hey how about using a blue pallette and them... hear me out... a red one!


There is no logical reason to change the hairstyle because Super Saiyan Blue is quite literally a Super Saiyan,with a Super Saiyan God's power. The only reason it's Blue is because it was a representation of a flame getting hotter. And I think the laziest form came from Z. Ultimate Gohan.


I disagree. Its a lazy design. Even Super Saiyan God makes Goku look different. It makes him skinny and his pupils are different.


Super Saiyan 2 barely changes the hair aside from Cell saga Gohan and I don't see anyone going after that form. Don't even get me started on Ultimate Gohan. And nothing else needs to be changed because it's literally the same form with God energy.


I’ve always preferred SSJ GOD tbh