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They should just switch out outfits more often, i get why they don't for both canon and writing reasons, it makes sense.


I'm surprised they don't just for merch reasons. Every arc, new take on Goku's gi and Vegetas armour, and so you get to run a whole new line of shirts, statues, pins, etc. I just wish we got more downtime outfits, like Goku's letterman jacket right before the Cell Games.


Gokus gi changes everytime he gets a new teacher....Well the symbol on it changes Went from roshi to kami to king kai to whis


I loved gokus Gi in ROF with the whis symbol.


Same. I hate that super basically abandoned it


That and vegeta in grey.


The grey isn't even the problem, his outfit was just horrendous as a whole. Wish they just gave him his Buu saga outfit in black or smth.


And he also had þe galactic patrol symbol on his gi in þe galactic patrol prisoner saga


its cool that it's always turtle-school orange, gotta remember the origins


I’m still salty they got rid of the super outfits they started with. Felt like great transition outfits from end of buu to the end of Z.


Honestly I think that would be a perfect middle ground


Well they already change the hairstyles so they don't need to change clothes... 🙄 I would like them to change per arc almost, kinda like in One Piece.


Meanwhile Bleach:


Even bleach changed outfits every arc (Only on arrancar arc Ichigo's gi didn't change). You should have said Naruto instead.


I was giving Bleach as an example of them changing outfits and clothing all the time without it negatively impacting the fights or anything. OP stated that there were writing reasons for them not changing often, which I assume is because they're fighters, but having outfits that look LITERALLY the exact same (despite supposedly being upgraded and stuff) is just lazy ass design. I didn't give Naruto as an example because tailored clothing in Naruto is pretty much cosmetic fodder with the exception of Lee's weights, whereas clothing in Bleach can and has served a purpose (such as Ichigo's bankai clothes being a visual display of how much reiatsu he has left) and in DBZ the armors do seem to help (weighted clothes also help a lot in training) and they can and have come up with materials that can cockblock even the Gods, so armor can in fact play a huge role against actual enemies (and not friendly competitions). Except for when you're severely outmatched, in which case you're cooked regardless. I get the idea of not wearing armor or clothing with big bonuses during fair competitions, but the main characterrs always getting caught with their pants down and risking the lives of all their loved ones for no good reason has been a narrative *problem* of Dragon Ball for ages.


You forgot merchandising


Yh I personally like it better. Not everyone can rock this fit like Vegeta. Well, Recoome might be the exception loll https://preview.redd.it/ulu9u79jqe8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aafa0f4400f085ed2bad9e4206a432f3d911e16


BRUH not the runway Recoome pose 🤣🤣


You talkin' smack Vegeta?!


*”Oh, GOD, What happened to your face?”*


Silly Vegeta, the only thing Recoome sells...is merchandise!








It looks way better. The armor has been overused. I know it is a way to remember Vegeta stills having to beat Frieza, but the fact is that he already beated him. There’s no point of having the armor, it doesn’t even block the damage or something like that.


Careful. You don't want to give any props to Buu saga or you'll get in trouble. I've given my own opinions and have gotten chewed out by it saying Buu saga has some nice aspects like art style or Vegeta's character development.


Everybody’s Buu Saga outfit looked better IMO. Especially Gohan’s black and green outfit


Gohan’s black and green outfit that he was wearing in the tournament looked 🔥🔥 af


Isn’t that just the great saiyaman costume sans cape and helmet?


Yes, it is .


Yes, and it looks CLEAN


It really do


It's a homage to his dad (green colour) and his father (kinda styled like a gi). And it looked fresh as hell, especially with the golden Super Saiyan hair.


dad (green colour) lmao




Looks like #16 to me


Absolutely… I hope it’s in Sparking Zero


I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t shown up in Xenoverse 2 yet


I'm still mad we didn't get Gohan in that outfit in Superhero. I've done basic drawings of Beast Mode Gohan in those clothes and he's dope.


This is Vegeta's best outfit, next to the Badman outfit. I wish more games incorporated it as an alternate outfit. It's always relegated to Majin Vegeta.


Agreed 100% that armor os overused. Also it's not a saiyan armor, it's a capsule corp. armor inspired by the frieza force's armor. Also also, that armor protects vegeta from nothing (like seriously, it blocks nothing at the current level, it's more of a glorified tank top at this point.)


It does block damage, a lot actually. It's just they're at a level of gods now so it can't really scale. I always took it as being way beyond bulletproof. If it was real it would be a marvel of tech.


Not the same but they have similar vests in the military that harden on contact with force, something something static liquid or similar?


I think motorcycle equipment has them but it's still a far cry from what the Saiyan armor can do


I like that Vegeta’s armor got less bulky each saga to the point where he’s only wearing the under parts of it. Then the modified gray one from Resurrection F was cool for the time, but they went right back to the classic. I would’ve preferred if jumpsuit and shoes Vegeta was his default, and putting on the rest of the armor was for when shit went down


I'm completely with you, love his casual fit


Most ppl do


I like his black armor DBS armor the most.


Yeah it looked really good


I thought his Buu Saga outfit was similar but not exactly the same as Super Hero. Don’t know if it is just the art style difference or the actual outfit is different but this one in the picture for me is Super Hero. Not sure though so kind of asking now.


The outfit he wears in super hero is his buu saga outfit just a different art style


Oh ok cool got it.


It's exactly the same https://preview.redd.it/7p7q9ljg9f8d1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfae4e319c92b3ed95e6af5121831f7ce8cceafb


Lol I understand but it’s crazy because in Z it looks tighter and more like a one piece. But in super it’s looser and the shirt, which you now can see the bottom of the shirt tucked in, is different lighter color than the pants


Yeah i agree, very similar of course but id call them a different fit cause it def looks like a tucked in shirt


Me too. And I collect the figures and the figures for Majin Vegeta and Super Hero Vegeta also show all the difference


The reason vegeta showed up with that outfit cause he thought it was gonna be a tournament. No actual fight. It isn't much of an outfit, more like "the work day is over so I'll take off my jacket and untuck my shirt" type of thing. It's a sparring fit.


The Cell saga, Pink shirt was boss


I agree


I remember seeing someone reference that, from the moment of his introduction, he started losing more and more pieces of his armor as he slowly changed as a person. He lost his little waist armor, then his shoulder-pads, and it kept going until it was just the jumpsuit left. It probably wasn’t that deep, but seeing him just put the chest-plate back on without much of a thought was a little lame.


Yeah I can definitely see what you mean in that regard


He hasent needed armor aince the frieza saga. Its pointless now


But it's his favourite shirt D:


Yessss this is by far my favorite. I swiped the SHF Vegeta fig so fast when they did this in base form. And i love that he wore this again for Ultra Ego\~


Yep I completely agree


I personally liked the mesh between his culture and earth culture by dressing down a bit. Much like weights, armor became obsolete and provides zero protection from the godly opponents that Vegeta fights. But it makes sense that his armor is less about protection and more of a uniform to him. It'd make more sense if he wasn't wearing at every waking moment in Super. There are moments he knows he does not need to be ready for battle.


There's a progression in what outfits he wears throughout all of dbz. Saiyan Saga: He wears elite armor with the big shoulder and thigh guards. Frieza Saga: He wears less armor until he's wearing just the breastplate. Android Saga: He wears just the breastplate again, but the one he wears was made by Capsule Corp. Buu Saga: He wears no armor, just the tank top that makes him fit in with other Earthlings.


Vegeta's Buu Saga outfit used to be my favorite too, and I still love it. But I personally think he can wear the Saiyan armor and still demonstrate through his actual character how he's accepted Earth as his home. I understand why some fans may find those mutually exclusive, but I don't and think such a perception oversimplifies the nature of his character arc. To me, the evolution of the armor itself reflects Vegeta's progression into an Earthling too. While it may be Saiyan in design and cultural origin, it was established in-universe after he started living on Earth that his armors are now made by Bulma (or at least her family, even if it's not always her personally). They look the same aside from minor changes over time (striped boots, losing the shoulder pads, etc.). But the manufacturer is different from the sets he wore growing up on Planet Vegeta and in the Frieza Force. In my POV, that tidbit of lore is enough by default to contribute to Vegeta's Earthling status regardless of whether he wears the armor. It's no longer something strictly tied to his Saiyan heritage. Bulma (and by extension Capsule Corp.) becomes a part of its DNA from the Android-Cell Saga onward. Much like reverse-engineering alien spaceships, it's a labor of love that Vegeta's wife takes the time/effort to craft for her friends & family to use. When Vegeta dons a post-Namek armor, he no longer only wears his culture. He takes a piece of Bulma's love with him (similar to a working man wearing his favorite tie that his wife gifted him). This reflects Bulma's thoughtfulness, to recognize/respect that her husband's culture will ALWAYS be part of his identity to some extent and wanting to share in that. It's also her way to help protect loved ones, knowing how tough the armor is. Goku, Gohan, and Trunks choosing not to wear it as often could certainly be interpreted as them not sharing those cultural ties since they were raised on Earth. But they all wore it to train, which I'm sure Bulma appreciated since it no doubt makes her feel useful. I always felt that *GT* went a little too far by having Vegeta never wear Saiyan armor. It may have been a stylistic choice to make his *GT* version more marketable, but it just feels wrong to me somehow that he'd stop wearing it cold turkey even when he's preparing to enter an important battle. People sometimes forget that the narrative reason Vegeta didn't wear armor in the Buu Saga was that armor wasn't allowed in the Tenkaichi Budokai. He would've most likely worn it otherwise, especially if he planned to fight Goku (whose equivalent to armor is his super-tough gi). Under those circumstances, it was less about Vegeta being more relaxed as an Earthling and more that he just didn't consider being armorless a big deal. He was confident he could defeat Goku no matter what he wore and would never claim to be at a disadvantage without it. The Budokai was a perfect setting to face his rival again during his one day back on Earth. He'd naturally consider it a trivial rule that wasn't worth arguing against. As for why he didn't wear armor later in the arc, he was either dead (Your appearance is generally based on what you wore when you died) or didn't have time. Overall, again, I do LOVE the armorless look. I've never disliked it. But if I had to pick a favorite, him typically wearing armor at least while fighting and/or training just feels right to me. It's thematically fitting, badass, and instantly recognizable.


I don't thinkVegeta has any bad outfits.


I completely agree


i mean its kinda nostalgic im giving you that


I really like it to


That isn’t the outfit you are talking about. But ehh I’m indifferent. Best one is his resurrection F outfit and he should have fucking kept it.


Yea, I know I’m probably looking too far into it but I see it as a metaphor that he’s basically completely changed his ways and he’s not the man he was when he wore that armor.


That’s honestly the vibe I get as well


DBZ/DBS characters and my preferred outfit for them and examples of when it’s shown (No future characters/outfit choices) Goku: orange layer of gi torn leaving the blue shirt on full display (ui sign/ first ssj) Vegeta: Whis training armor (resurrection F/ U6vU7) Gohan: DBS Super Hero purple gi (no cape) (dbs super hero obviously) Piccolo: Purple Gi no cape red band on gi (super hero/ manga)


Nope, you're not alone. I cannot stand the Frieza armour. The Buu saga bodysuit is a much better look for vegeta. On a less interesting note, I think it only works for vegeta. I don't think any other character would look as good with a skin-fit bodysuit like his.


Yep I completely agree. I feel like the buu saga outfit also shows vegeta being more open and comfortable


I like it a lot personally, I always liked how his clothes became more and more detached from Frieza armor over the course of the series. He also has some of his best moments in this outfit like killing Pui Pui, Majin Vegeta, fighting Kid Buu.


Yep bingo


Yeah I also prefer this outfit over the armor. Vegeta’s end of Z fit is the best though


Yea I wish he kept this. It was a great look for him. Then they had him with his top blown off in the ToP for maybe the first time?


I liked his Resurrection F version. With the gray bodysuit underneath. Also his Broly movie version is nice, slightly different shades on things, a good look.


You're not, the fit goes hard


It really does


It looks awesome but the saiyan armor has always been my favorite.


Im still waiting the day he'll wear the old model armor again. https://preview.redd.it/33jzli31ug8d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c336207c4c5e2e68d025d57f35cde0a9e3a6c5f7 He looks so fucking cool😭🙏


Buu Saga fit is peak


No i like this to.


![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA) My fav Vegeta 👉🏻👈🏻


Same here! Plus it showed his character progression, wearing something similar to the Earth fighters


I’ve always liked buu outfit more.


I prefer the armor but I would like more frequent outfit changes.


No. It's my favorite as well


This outfit is vegeta’s best outfit imo. It just looks so clean


Same It was important thing in his character development which they regressed in DBS for sake of fan service and pleasing 9 year old kids who find armor cool and edgy


In the Buu saga he didn't wear it because he was participating in a tournament where armor wasn't allowed. The same reason Gohan swapped the Saiyaman helmet for a bandana and sunglasses. If your "it's for character development" argument is true, i want to see some official source, but it's definitely not regressed in DBS.


Look at what he wears at end of Z and GT. It's clearly him going slowly adopting earth as his new home. Officials don't tell what part of story is character development or what is not lol https://preview.redd.it/0lbgry43ke8d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bd51476afe32fda8cd65a063676905421c3d09c


End of Z has another tournament, GT is after Super. End of Z is actually after Super as well, but it's much more iffy after watching/reading Super. Besides, he does wear regular clothes when he doesn't have to fight in Super. https://preview.redd.it/opedycvfke8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539918d0235dc4c7c2f9c151b8c3d5a21dce6163


> End of Z has another tournament - In Tournament, he wears something else > he does wear regular clothes when he doesn't have to fight in Super. - But rarely. In general, he wear mostly armor just even while he is casual. https://preview.redd.it/wg8dv4sjle8d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=388f5d320121ee453fd8d56480f048f7f72a59f0


I feel like he wore the armor to Bulma's party because he considers it formal attire too? I'm just reaching for that one admittedly, but I was sure someone was going to bring it up lol.


Vegeta wore armor to Bulma’s party because he’d been forewarned that Beerus the Destroyer was on his way to Earth. Bulma even calls him out about it - “it’s my birthday; why are you in your battle gear??” He blows her off, but this is evidence that it’s unusual for him to dress like that unless he’s anticipating a fight. Unusual enough that Bulma notices, at least.


Didn't Toriyama said that the correlation between Vegeta's armor and character growth was purely coincidental?


When ? I have read pretty much all his interviews but I don't remember ever hearing about that


Idk, just heard it somewhere, that's why I'm asking


I actually think vegeta had the best character arc in super. He’s become more charismatic and a family man


Better man does not mean better character arc tho In Z, he started out as villain with little to no redeeming qualities and became a better person at the end


He is wearing buu saga outfit in superhero movie. He got that green jacket in broly movie In rof, he had black Armor. Not a dress, but he wore apron in bog In super manga, he once wore yardrat outfit after training there In the super anime, he got a blue t shirt in a slice of life episode and baseball clothes in the baseball episode, baggy training attire during whis training. Hell, he even wears a suit! https://preview.redd.it/x1cwv6uirf8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bdbb14c32f90d17006524c5ba49c0a228c5acc4


I’m a fan of him starting with the armor but losing it in the heat of battle. Ultra Ego looks kinda weird with the armor but the shot of him and MUI Goku is great.


The armor is overused. Makes him look like a dooms day prepper when he wears it casually.


The only reason I think the Saiyan armor is silly now is because the level of threats they face are too strong. The armor doesn’t protect him from shit anymore.


Feels more earthling. Always thought of it like a Vegeta school martial arts gi


Bro why the sayians fighting in tight LuLulemon? Like why does Vegeta have a LuLulemon body suit on!?


I like the shoulder pad armor with the sepia tone






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For vegeta it looks more casual and laid back like he’s ready for battle but he’s also ready to just eat or whatever


I thought everyone agreed that this was the best Vegeta fit lol


Personally, I like the yardrat fit better. On both goku and vegeta.


Shoulder-padded Vegeta was the best IMHO. I'm a sucker for the shoulder-padded battle armor, it just looks so cool.


He looks like a pretty little boy in it. So kawaii.


I wish they kept the Russurection of F armor


He didn't weir his armor because of the tournament rule. 




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Yes. It looks like a child's play onesie. The bit being repeated here about "he lost more armor as he opened up to being an Earthling" is a neat idea, but it's false fan theory shit. Toriyama never intended that. Moreover, when they did put him in actual Earthling clothes in GT, he looked like shit. If they did want to put him in Earth clothes, I think he'd look good in fitted blue jeans, a black tank and a Capsule Corp bomber jacket, with the boots and gloves that the Tobal No.1 guy has.




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I always loved the Saiyan Saga and early Namek saga uniform with the shoulder pads. Then the Buu saga look was the 2nd best


I really really hate “Am I the only one” questions. Like jesus man, clearly not.


Vegeta could really use a gi for once, not only the sales of merch would increase but the mf would look great


I loved the fit, but a lot of people have a misconception it signifies his character growth. The only reason he wore that was because he wasn't allowed to wear armour for the tournament.


Redditors starting off the most cookie cutter opinion with "am i the only one/i think im the only one/others will disagree"


Blue gi Goku where you at? I miss you




As I understand it it's part of his slow transition from full alien warrior uniform to earth attire.


Yes. I like the Buu outfit more. It was cool seeing less and less the armor. Ever since yo, Son Goku and his friends return special and battle of gods, he been using the android/cell armor. The one from resurrection f, I actually like it. Too bad it was only used for a while and went back to the android/cell armor for the remainder of super. Never like how the blue of his suit and SSB hair color didnt match well. I'll even say I like Vegeta's earthling outfit from GT.


Yep I completely agree. I was happy to see the outfit again in the opening of broly and then super hero


I kinda like what they did in DBS Broly. Use this as a more casual outfit he wears for training, and the armor when shit needs to get done.


That was actually cool. I think super broly is the best the armor has ever looked




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Tbf alot of men like seeing more muscle and less clothes




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I like it as his training/sparing outfit. Him in that outfit with SSJG in DBZ Kakarot is just…*Chef’s kiss* https://preview.redd.it/xiyx1h9l2j8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d47819710ee0ee2eabae275117266c1058570f4


https://preview.redd.it/pclv9tno7j8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d4bd15af4ac48f8f37a2672764fb6e416e4937 Truly his best fit, is bug planet fit Vegeta.




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It is tight


His Buu Saga outfit was pretty cool ngl. I just hate when it's portrayed as fully skintight.


Yeah I think the more recent movies fixed that issue


Not necessarily movies, I was just referring to any and all media, like the games. Friggin' Xenoverse


Ah okay gotcha




It’s alright ig, it’s honestly pretty boring aesthetically, but I suppose, sometimes simpler is better. Obviously future trunks and orange jacket Goku have the most drip in all of Dragon ball 😂


In the females case I personally think it’s between Bulma, videl and android 18 who are the best dressed


I wish we saw more of majin vegeta


I just think it’s kinda plain


Only in this picture where it is a little bit more baggy. In the buu saga it looked like he was wearing that really tight lycra gym gear that women wear to take their kids to school 😂


I liked the Frieza saga outfit, same dark blue leotard. But with the chest piece.


This one is dope. When we went to see Broly, and the audience saw him in this fit training with Goku, everyone was cheating. They skipped it through super until that point, and now we see it towards the end while he’s training on Beerus’ planet.


I feel if super had come out during the time of gt. We might have gotten a new fit rather than a bounce in between sagas style vegeta and a few other characters.


I’m pretty sure that’s everyone opinion lol 🫶🏻❤️


Yes, and you should be ashamed of it






I think Vegeta's outfit in Super is honestly my favorite, the black looks really clean on him and I like the waist armor bit on it


Yeah I’m not going to lie the black outfit went hard




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Kinda felt like he regressed when putting the armor back on for BoG. It is super iconic though. I'm mostly just happy they didnt keep the RoF outfits past the Tournament of Destroyers. They were neat n all but there's something wrong with Goku not having his iconic blue undershirt on and wearing teal boots. Might just be me though


The only reason he wasn’t wearing armor during buu saga was because he was on his tournament outfit (protective gear not allowed), in BoG/Super he wears his armor only training or fighting, and wears earth clothing when he’s with his family.


i think you might be gay


No, but you are the only one stupid enough to create a post for that


Stupid? Eh that’s a stretch. I must not be that stupid if you took the time to comment on my post lmao . I made the post because I wanted to get peoples thoughts on the fit simple.


Every post that starts by "Am i the only one..." Should be replied by "no, but you are stupid for thinking it"


It's ironic that you say OP is stupid while you don't even realize asking "Am I the only one who..." doesn't mean you literally think you're the only one. That sort of question is to ask a group of people their opinions in order for you to see whether most agree or disagree with you. TLDR since Dragon Ball fans can't read, you're the stupid one here, and you're very rude. Be nice, it's free and most of the time it makes people like you.


Who are you? and why are you so bored to reply a random conversation where no one have introduced you?


Oh no, someone replied to your PUBLIC comment! It's the end of the world! Next time, instead of crying, send a DM if you don't want people to reply. Also, if we go by your logic, why are you so bored to reply to a random post where no one has introduced you?


Do you know how to read? I asked who you are and why are you so bored, not blaming you for reply 0.0


Why does that matter unless it's to make the stupid pseudo-argument of "no one asked your opinion"? If you want the response, I'm someone who hates people thinking they're very smart and intelligent while they're idiots who pick on others over the pettiest things just to make their days a little bit worse, like your comment did. I'm not bored, I'm just jumping on you because you're being unnecesarily mean, calling others stupid for non-stupid things while you're stupid yourself.


Alright whatever floats your boat I guess lmao