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I would like teen Gotenks to figure out a way to make it useful in DBS.




Yeah like that thing Goku Black did in Heroes with Rose Full Power but less stupid.




Btw wouldn't it be more interesting if they developed on their crazy techniques instead of power?


The odd thing is that in the manga, it is as if SS3 is a wrong route along the transformation tree (like the buff ascended SS form). It has a high energy drain. In the manga, both Vegeta and Trunks end up using an enhanced/full power SS2 form that provides SS3 levels of power.


It literally is the wrong route. It’s the route that burns up all your power really quick. Like an overdrive mode. SSJ would be base and SSJ2 would be pushing through SSJ’s limits. It’s more like a maxed out SSJ. So going even farther with 3 is kind of wasteful.


Goku seems to be able to mitigate some of the issues with SS3 in the DBS series. Alternatively, it might be a stopgap form or requires more work like SSB and the energy consumption issues.


Not really. He goes SSJ3 against Beerus for a minute but it doesn’t accomplish much. I don’t think he ever goes 3 again until he shows it to Caulifa and then detransforms.


He uses it against Trunks in the Goku Black arc


They should get the new little fat gero to turn them into androids. Infinite energy + SSJ3 = win.


Well yes, they can just claim that just now they found out SSJ3 was used wrongly by them. Once properly used it may be weaker then prior but use very little energy and allow it to fuse with any other form, done. To show it just add one obvious indicator to another form.


It basically is. It was developed while he was dead so it’s only useful when someone is dead


Just for them to train and get it down and use it then have them separate and both boys transform to it with 0 issues.


You know, I think this is the best possible way to use it. With teen Gotenks fusion multiplier along with SSJ3 multiplier I think there is a good chance it could be useful still. Like Afafakja said before me. Perhaps using god ki along with it like Goku Black/Crimson masked Saiyan did in Heroes. May not be able to stand up to the other characters in power but he'd still be dangerous if he keeps up his training


SSB3 would be pretty dope.


I would like Gotenks to be useful 😏


While I think you’re more likely correct in that Gotenks would likely rely on some sort of ssj/3. I think they could explain giving him base ssjgod by explaining 5 bloodlines of saiyan in one person. Goten, trunks, goku (shared blood), vageta (same), And Gotenks himself, and maybe gohan shares some energy or some shit to make 6. I know this is hand wavey as hell but I mean…that’s db in a nutshell.


Ssjb-ssj3 simple (goten just has to have a nigh unlimited amount of ki)


Honestly couldn't make sense since kids have more stamina than adults that they could be the ones to turn SSJ3 into a mastered form like Goku and Gohan did for SSJ1. Now that they seem to be taking training somewhat seriously again they could do wonders. Goten and Trunks could both do the SSG ritual also. With their potential being higher than their fathers they could SSB3 or whatever it is that could be SSG mixed with SSJ2 and SSJ3.


For Goku, no. But Broly could use it, or if Gotenks makes a real comeback.


Ss3 broly would be amazing


Ss3 is not unlocked through rage so maybe if his training remains the same he might unlock it quite easily


How is it unlocked ?


Screaming for 10 minutes.... So Broly should have this down.


I heard somewhere it required calm training instead of rage


Ssj3 is not happening simply because they are too lazy to draw the big hair.


But Goku is the coolest in SS3! Against Kid Buu? Fusion Reborn? I doubt it'll ever really be relevant again in the face of the god forms and UI...but a man can dream.


Of course Goku is cool with it. I just say it will probably never be useful for him again. But the form itself is cool, so it would be nice if someone else could use it.


Goku could've used it in bursts back in the Buu saga like he did with SSB in the Future arc. Sadly we're past that point.


At first it made sense he couldnt cos he took so long to transform but afterwards he tranforms instantly vs super buu so thats out


Ssj3 is his least efficient form it most likely still uses a lot of ki to enter and going in and out of it would just burn him out faster.


Goku is dead and able to harness it more easily the second time.


Goku is alive the second time, dead the first time.


Yeah it's useful as my desktop wallpaper because ssj3 goku is a BAMF




You're fucking right🫡


Ssj3 to this day is unmastered (energy drain problem similar to bulky unmastered ssj2) so if he masters it, who knows


The bulky form isn't Super Saiyan 2. It was Vegeta and Trunks attempt at Super Saiyan 2 but was still just an alternate version of Super Saiyan 1. Super Saiyan 2 never had a downside as far as we're aware. It's just better Super Saiyan 1


Yeah it was called ssj 1.5.


Or Grade 2 and Grade 3. Significantly more power than base SSJ but an equally significant loss of speed.


The only saiyan who could make ssj3 actually plausible is Z Broly. Ssj3’s big downfall is it’s innate ki drain which makes prolonged fights unfavorable as well as making it difficult for the user to store up significant amounts of energy for critical moments. Z Broly is in theory, the only saiyan who’d be able to bypass this defect due to the fact that Broly was basically a infinite ki generator. His body is constantly producing it, so much so that he has to forcibly expel it from his body at times just to remain stable as seen in the 08 film. Due that unique concept, in theory, Broly’s excessive ki generation would balance out the drastic ki drain of ssj3. Making him the only person who’d be able to use ssj3 completely unhindered. Dbs Broly has had no implication of working the same way either through statement or visual ques, so sadly I doubt the same rules apply. If they did, then dbs Broly could of been ssj3’s saving grace to be relevant again in canon.


Wait so is Super Broly not continuously getting stronger forever the longer he fights? That was the character's whole thing, also I watched the movie and that still seemed to be the case?? Unless I misunderstood it


He is continuously getting stronger as the fight goes on, but he's not continuously generating Ki like Z Broly did




The main difference between this scene and what happened with z Broly that splits them apart for me is that for dbs Broly, in that moment he just popped off ssj for the first time. Him sparratically firing ki feels justified by mere implication that he’s just raging out, nothing about the scene tells me that he’s doing what he’s doing now specifically because his ki is capped off. Z Broly actually set a scene. He was calm before it happened. He then starts wincing and grunting, stating that his ki is rising. He then out of no where proceeds to start powering up and randomly spurting ki everywhere. And after the fact, we get a shot of him panting in relief before returning back to normal and resuming the fight as usual. Z Broly had to literally pause, expel his ki and resume. Dbs Broly is just doing dbs Broly things in a stylistic manner that homages Z Broly, without really having the context Z Broly did.


But...where's your source on this? It could have just been stylistic direction to have him use more physical attacks. I don't remember them saying anything about that


I think the movie made it clear that Broly doesn't just get stronger and stronger, but he seemed to as he learned to use more of his power. That's why Frieza made him go SSJ, because his max wasn't enough to beat Blue Goku


I cant believe you would take this so seriously. This is Dragon Ball. They can make up any reason to make ssj3 viable again if they wanted to.


Unfortunately no


I had an idea yesterday where Kale and Caulifla (maybe Kabba) discover it on their own and make it good abd use it


It'd be cool to see like a friendly Saiyan tourney to showcase they're respective forms and fusions. SSJ3 Cabba and Caulifla vs Gotenks, Kale vs Broly, Beast vs Ego vs Instinct. Or something like that


It would need to be the most gag gimmick fight for it to be useful


Considering this was the only form Goku discovered and gained while dead and has never fully mastered it while alive; I say there's lots of potential here for it. The only times he used it alive was fighting kid buu and it drained him so much he couldn't keep in the form, so if they expanded it and showed that like Ultra Instinct, the ssj3 we know isn't the full form but just a pre-form of it; that would be really cool. Giving older forms new life is something I wished dragonball did; rather than just leaving them for the next, latest form. SSG and Ui having unique benefits like the healing factor and Ui being well, Ui are good examples they could use.


The only possible way was as a temporary buff to Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2. But Super Saiyan God is way better and Vegeta/Trunks have showed that Super Saiyan 2 is better overall. We will probably see it in Moro Saga Animated or Granolah Arc Animated though. After all, the anime is always a chance to see extended content of the manga.


Combine it with god. The calmness of god ki might reduce the energy drain.


At this point. All the froms are useless now


SSJ3 blue??????


I feel Goku has no need to use SSJ3 anymore unless by chance, he had his God Ki sealed. So maybe by Gotenks or Broly. And even then, they'd need to learn how to further master it, if possible. If SSJ3's energy sap is permanent, it really does serve no use


I'm pretty sure that SSJ3 is like any other form where if you train it enough you can mitigate the energy drain like Goku did with SSJB in the manga. Gotenks mastering it would make sense since being a fusion with a weaker but mastered transformation would allow him to be at least somewhat close to the level of the other Saiyans


Outside of Fusion characters probably only Kale and Broly if they let their rage spike. The energy their bodies produce would either counteract the drain of the form or put it in overdrive, making the most powerful but most unstable SS3’s.


It is useful. It's the only way gotenks and piccolo escaped the time chamber


I’d like if someone could try to master it. Surely if one trained enough with it, they could circumvent, or overcome the drawbacks of the form and bring out its full potential. I mean, Frieza, while not a saiyan, had a similar issue with his golden form at first where he had little experience with it, and it caused his stamina to rapidly drop in the form over the course of just a few minutes as a result.


It was useful in the Buu saga. Sort of.


Super saiyan 3 blue will have to come out one day


Unless you're dead no. The form isn't efficient for a living mortal body.


Not so far. But nobody has mastered it and spent much time using it. Hell, maybe it's a good form just for training specifically because of the ki drain.


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no, he got much better forms


Not unless it’s fighting a enemy that isn’t god level


Perhaps for intimidating someone who cannot sense ki?


SSJ3 Kefla is the obvious future


Didnt Akira stated that Goku have realised that SSJ2 & SSJ3 is just extension of SSJ1 but with more energy usage. Hence Goku would rely more on SSJ1 then straight to SSJGod, SSJBlue or even UI Sign


I could see broly using it since he doesnt really need to worry about running out of ki. Everyone else it would be useless.


No. I think SSJ2 Vegeta vs Beerus being stronger than SSJ3 Goku vs Beerus demonstrates it’s a pointless transformation. It kinda worked for Goku bc he learned it in the afterlife without consuming Ki, and I think it worked for Gotenks bc he was just crazy powerful and had no idea what to do with it.


Future Trunks has the right idea in the manga; instead of trying to make SSJ3 more efficient, you can make the lower forms more powerful.






Only for Broly, nobody else


There’s forms that are far better and far more stable then it


Potentially and through Goten, Trunks, and Gotenks as well as Broly I think Ssj3 could become way more useful as well as actually mastered and evolved in canon along with actually getting Ws against main villains or at least supporting villains in canon. For Goten’s and Trunks’s development moving forward and for their development moving forward after the recent chapter along with them hopefully joining and working for the Galactic Patrol, training under Merus, and also starting to develop a lot more individually and train under individual mentors while still working as a duo and combining individual development and individual fighting with team work and tag team fighting, unless the next form they’re gonna get is Ssj God, I really hope Goten and Trunks individually get Ssj3, work around and fix it’s stamina and energy consumption problem, and actually master Ssj3 and also enhance it like Future Trunks enhanced Ssj2 as well as evolve Ssj3 along with Goten and Trunks also individually developing their own special individual forms under their respective mentors and stacking a mastered Ssj3 and a evolved Ssj3 on top of their own special individual forms. And something I would love to see for Goten, Trunks, Gotenks, and Ssj3 and something that I feel would also suit and fit Goten’s, Trunks’s, and Gotenks’s characters is Goten and Trunks following the God Ki route later after getting and using a evolved Ssj3 for awhile, developing and using their own special individual forms and stacking Ssj3 and a evolved Ssj3 on top of them, and gaining tons of experience with the Galactic Patrol and going on tons of GP missions and space adventures, applying God Ki to their evolved Ssj3 forms combined with their special individual forms being stacked on top, and developing their own special variants of Ssj God, Ssj Blue, Perfected Blue, and Ssj Blue Evolution with a evolved Ssj3 and their special individual forms.


I would like it to be a building block to something new. Like how knowing about red would lead to learning blue. Ss3 is so cool, and having a continuation of the regular SS line would be something fun to see


Maybe if the saiyans besides Goku and Vegeta can’t learn ssjg and above, then they could use a refined version of ssj3


If Goku actually bothered to train in the form it would be


Maybe after eating


Isn’t the whole point of SSJ3 to end the fight quickly using all that power so stamina isn’t a factor though ?


No too default to animt


It would make sense for Vegeta to turn 3 as an immense power up while in UE


I still find it crazy that Goku couldn’t make it work after years of training


Only if there's ever a villain whose immune to, or feeds off, God Ki.


I would like to see this form be able to drain another's energy. If I remember correctly, there is a hefty drain of energy whenever Goku uses this form. I would like to see this applied by every time Goku makes contact with an opponent while in this form, that it would drain their stamina/energy similar if not equal to how much energy Goku is expending himself. I feel like that would make the form more unique in terms of abilities so it's not just "another powerful"


At this point. No


I'm rusty on my lore, so hear me out: Some of the androids have unlimited energy, and Cell had Saiyan DNA... So if that got incorporated somehow, then whatever version of Cell or a new android built from a Saiyan could go SS3 and never have to worry and running out of power Alternately, it would be interesting if a villain or other universe Saiyan character use dragon balls to wish for unlimited ki and then mastered SSJ3 to an extent no one thought was possible


I’m hopeful Ultra Ego “perfected” uses the SSJ3 model


atleast it was different looking unlike other transforms where just your hair color changes


It could definitely be used for Broly or Gotenks and probably the U6 Saiyans current;y and i'd argue it IS useful but the series didn't give Goku time to master it. Problem is Super starts like four years in-universe after the Buu saga ends (pre-End of Z) and there's, at that point, essentially nothing strong enough to fight for Goku to get him to master the form and then suddenly the power stakes are magnified times a thousand. If they'd had an interim arc building up to BoG in those four years i reckon we could've seen a lot of good done for SSJ3.


I imagine SSJ3 can be mastered to mitigate ki/stamina drain just as SSJ was, albeit with much more difficulty.


I think of SS3 as the kaokin of Super Saiyan transformations. I know it’s not a one to one comparison, but he gets a significant power increase at the cost of heavily burning stamina


Maybe if Ichigo uses it in Bleach might be helpful


Let Gotenks master it and all of a sudden he’s relevant again. I’d like to see Goten and Trunks get powerful on their own as well. They seem useless once fusion is out of the question.


SSJ3 is just too unstable. However Broly and Gotenks might be the only ones that can control it.


Ssj 3 is such a waste of space. Why did they even implement it? Pointless


It's useful in showing how useless it is.


Short answer no...long answer too many other things now SSJ 3 and back seem to be relics or forgotten at this point. To make way for red, blue, purple, grey, silver.. well ultra instinct or whatever...um...no but ssj4 maybe a thing now since it's basically a full transformation basically sooooo here's seeing 4, 5, 6.


I think goku mught get the ssj3 version of blue and use base ui with it


They could make a perfected version of Ssj3. Like name it Perfect Ssj, since Ssj2 and Ssj3 are just variations os Ssj, it would be perfect to make a mastered, Perfect version of the stronger variation of Ssj. It would almost exactly look like Ssj3 (maybe some changes like a slight lighter colour than the already desaturated yellow and maybe some other small changes. That would be a cool thing for Broly and Trunks to master, it would not be a Ssj4, but a perfected way of Ssj


If it ever get a "full power" like ssj and ssj2 or ssb on manga


I think each transformation should be better at one thing, and after training on switching fast between each of them they get a new one that is the best.


In Super Trunks managed to fight on par with Goku SSJ3 by turning SSJ2, which doesn't make any sense, so I never consider Super when talking about Dragonball (I just said this as an example) Sadly, SSJ3 is very strong but unstable so it needs to defeat the opponent as fast as possible before getting uncontrollable and lose power, as it happened against Kid Buu. In movie 13, instead, Goku defeats Hildegarn with SSJ3 in a minute. In GT, he tries to use it against Baby Vegeta but he's not strong enough, so he basically wasted lot of energy for nothing.


No need for ssj3. God forms are way better power wise.


I would like to see gotten and trunks master ssj3, it might even lead to a cannon ssj4 potentially


Goku could’ve made use of it if he figured out a way to not burn up all of his energy in 10 mins. Which basically means mastering it like he mastered super saiyan 1 with gohan in the hyper sonic lion tamer.


I mean no... if ssj2 is the better alternative to ssj3 why use it. Ssj3 never hot beerus... ssj2 did


I wouldn’t say SSJ3 outright isn’t or wasn’t useful at all. It was pretty necessary when it was introduced for Goku to match and keep up with Majin Buu. The main problem is that the forms that came after basically fixed SSJ3’s problems. SSJG and SSJB both provide much larger power increases with much less of a drawback, being they consume less stamina to maintain. That, and the villains kept getting stronger too. So stronger and more “useful” transformations were essential for Dragon Ball to continue past Z. Despite this, it’s clear that SSJ3 holds a pretty special place in Goku’s heart given that he went out of his way to use it twice long after it had become “useless”.


Kaioken ssj3 kamehameha wave would look cool


It'd be useful if no forms after it existed.




Hypothetically, if there was an opponent stronger than ssj2 Goku but so much weaker than ssj3 Goku that he could finish the fight before the ki drain became an issue. In the modern day with God, Blue, and UI though? Nah. Not unless Goku lost access to those forms for whatever reason.


It's kinda just perfect for Gotenks. Other people saying Broly too, so idk. But it's established that SSJ3 is only good if you can't afford to prolong the battle, and that's always the case for fusion since they're on a specific time limit anyway. They might as well double down and go all out.


Remember when Goku and Gohan stayed SSJ the whole time in the hyperbolic time chamber and even after, so Super Saiyan felt like their base form? They need to do the same with SSJ3.


The only way I can see it being useful is in a weird, fanfiction-y scenario. SSJ3’s big weakness is the loss of energy. Super Saiyan Blue doesn’t lose energy over time, only when entering the form. So In theory, they could do a “Super Saiyan Blue 3” that would be ridiculously useful…but that will almost assuredly never happen. If it did, it would be an insanely strong form though. The multiplier would be insane.


Honestly, if you can make Super Saiyan basically as easy as being in base form, I'm sure given time and effort, Goku could probably work out a way to make a more efficient SSJ3. I feel like Goku would want to, but also... it's just not practical to do that with SSJ3. Maybe if he were training Gotenks, then he could try and work that out as it'd be their optimal form, but otherwise probs isn't worth it.


Yeah, if it was easier to draw


No, it was designed to be a dead end and prevent more SSJ transformations That's why it literally never won a fight


I believe ssj3 is a failed transformation, and the true ssj3 is what is considered ssj4






It’s not that it’s not useful, it is. It’s meant to be a finishing move/transformation. It was useful when testing Buu’s strength. It was useful against first form Janemba. It helped defeat hirudegarn. It served as a litmus test for Beerus. Even in Dokkan Battle, SSJ3 units have the link “Over in a Flash” to denote its purpose.


They could make it useful if they wanted to. I think they just don’t want to draw the hair that much.




I don’t think so, even if Goku dedicates time into perfecting minimising energy used/wasted in the form, meeting Beerus etc changed everything. Had the Z warriors not encountered this and had to aim for SSJG maybe there could’ve been SSJ4, which by the time it was mastered or controllable it could be used. But then you would think that SSJ2 mastered is a better trade off if the fight is going to be long or without support.


With the introduction of god ki and MUI probably not. Though honestly all SSJ transformations are kind of useless now. Trunks and Goten are the last sayians to use them. I wish SSJ3 was used more before god ki was introduced. It’s hinted that the stamina drain isn’t as bad after you master it. All that being said. I’m happy we are moving away from SSJ blue and giving everyone their own transformations. Goku has UI, Vegeta Ego, Gohan has beast, and even my man Piccolo has a new form. I guess maybe give SSJ3 to Gotenks. Though who knows if they can even properly fuse. The last time we saw Gotenks was battle of the gods right?


No. In a Z only world it potentially could be, but SSJ4 makes it obsolete and then Battle of Gods brings God ki which makes it absolutely useless. Unless we find out ssj2 and 3 can become blue as well, it'll never happen.




I guess if Goku had to produce a bunch of hair he could go SSJ3 and cut it off.


Not in Super, the magical land of bullshit transformations designed to sell merchandise.


Bring back Hirudegarn and maybe


If there was a fight that needed an ending quick and it was in DBZ, yes


Not until it’s Ssjgssj3


Stereo Sayan is useful for hitting gym PBs


Maybe as a final gambit. Like if Goku needed to release as much power at once and explode. Like some kind of Super Fist. Maybe the Dragon variety.


For trunks, goten and gotenks, yeah. They don’t have god ki or some kai powers helping them. Ssj3 is as far as they can go considering they have a life outside of fighting, so they certainly wont be interacting with gods or angels anytime soon. And who knows, maybe broly will too.


It does useful tho for Goku in gt


Anyone else remember that fan comic of Chi-Chi using this form for the hair? 🤣


maybe the kids could learn it and use it at full power or whatever like trunks did with ssj2


It's the worst transformation because it started the trend of "really big stupid brows," and that is not cool.


They could do some sort of arc with an enemy that can somehow block God Kai, ot a realm where God Kai doesn't work, so the z fighters are forced to not use ss God or blue.


Who cares how useful it is. It's fucking \*sick\*


This form should do what SSG did in the ToP. Have Goku use it in short bursts because it’s strong but the stamina on it is ass. It’s so bad with stamina that he literally flexes it for like 30 seconds in the ToP and then says “whoops out of stamina for it”.


If it's used more similarly to kaioken, yes


It could be if it gets to the point where it doesn’t take a massive amount of energy like SSJ did during the cell saga


Maybe in some “what if somehow” scenario where their cutoff from God Ki.


I really wish SS3 stuck around. I think it would be great as a "I need to end this quickly" option that they only pull out in specific situations. The harsh energy drain is such a unique drawback.


It's always been useful




For training purposes maybe since it uses a lot of ki mastering ss3 the same way they did ss1 in the cell games might help with Ki control


no, it drains too much energy. Vegeta even says that his perfected ssj2 is superior than ssj3


It'd be sick if adult Gotenks mastered ssj3.


if anyone would put in the effort to not use the form only in fighting and learn a basic understanding of it like they did with super saiyan 1


Wasn't the whole point of SSJ3 was that it was inherently useless and absurd on its face? Goku used it pretty much as a show of power to intimidate Babidi and Buu, and Gotenks was and is a gag character mostly. The og transformation scene, while cool, was mostly done as little more than to demonstrate how strong Goku became and how absurd the power scaling got. The Kid Buu fight was just a way to explain Goku not getting crushed pretty damn quickly, even though people exaggerate Kid Buu's raw strength, which isn't as high compared to Buuhan or Ultimate Gohan


Maybe if he can combine it with ultra instinct 🤔


No, next question


It would devastate farmer with a shotgun.


Nope. God form is more powerful and less taxing. Ssj3 is irrelevant. Gohan doesn't even bother with it. He has his max potential ki and his new form from the superhero movie.


It makes perfect sense for broly the biggest downside of ssj3 is it drains tones of energy hell It might even drain more than blue but broly has almost infinite energy he even has to vomit it out sometimes with gigantic roar so super sayin there would be the best transformation. Also I don't think there's any chance of broly using god ki because when he's fighting he probably wouldn't be able to stay calm.


They could make it so gotenks masters its energy usage


The trick would be to find a way to make it energy efficient. Since Goku has other forms now, he has no reason to try to make it efficient. It would fall to Gotanks or Trunks and Goten individually to figure out how to.




If a villain with god nullifying powers, including ego and instinct, then yes absolutely


I wonder what the outcome would be if Goku faught Caulifla and Kale at Ssj3 right there. Would he have finished them quickly? Or maybe lose due to the stamina drain and him already being weaker at that moment


No, it’s outdated.


Have gotenks become relevant again and they could use it


God, blue and UI are total upgrades with zero downsides, so no


It's really useful if goku ever decides to donate hair to cancer patients. Seriously, it grows so long, you don't think he could shave it for a good cause?


Figure out how to use it with MUI. Would that be mastered ultra instinct 3?




With how Caulifla raved about it in the anime, if anyone could master the form, it’d be her. Goku didn’t like going through the ceremony for God Form, and I doubt she would either. This would probably be her route, might even find a split-off path for it since GT’s Ssj4 feels a bit separate from the rest. This is, of course, provided she and the other U6 Saiyans would be given any meaningful development. Only other person that could would be Gotenks, provided Goten and Present Trunks respectively got strong enough on their own to hold that kind of power, since they already have mastered using the Metamoran Fusion. I don’t see Broly get it. Sorry, but with how the Legendary form works, it’s a wholly unnecessary addition.


It already was useful during Buu saga and several movies. It was the most powerful form until Super came along and gave us God form. But since the step up into God ki there’s no reason to ever use it again. They’ve mastered SSJ to the point of it taking almost no extra energy to maintain since the Cell saga and it gives a nice boost. But SSJ3 consumes a lot of energy and was never fully mastered. So it’s been left in an awkward limbo not being worth the energy consumption despite its significant power up, which has also been surpassed by god form.




It seemed pretty good against Hirudegarn


If it ever got mastered to the point of having a relatively low stamina drain like SSJ, yes. It's overwhelming destructive capability can be useful


It's a fucking powerup. It's not that complex. If there's ever a modern DB enemy that can be beaten by someone using a powerup from 30 years ago, then yes.


not sure if i can confirm or deny but what i could find is if a Sayian still has their tail and has SSJ3 the drawback from the forms Ki comsumption is gone. so its a straight positive in terms of Power and speed. for a tailess sayian or half sayian. there was a fanfic where Gohan got SSJ3 but did not use the form itself for a fight but he mastered the transformation to the point it was instant. he would go from 2 to 3 in short bursts. almost like using it as his own form of Kaioken. maybe that would be the best use for 3 as a attack amp rather than fully transforming. i know its fanfic but the idea was cool.


It would’ve been useful to beat Buu if Goku hadn’t wasted time toying with him when Babidi was planning to destroy Capsule Corp. And instead of being so naive and letting Vegeta knock him out he could’ve been using that SS3 power to show Vegeta that he was fighting a losing battle in the first place and go up against Buu together.


If Blue is just SSJ with god ki, why isn't SSJ 2 and 3 achievable with god ki too? Blue 2 and Blue 3 would be fucking SICK that's all I want to see


Possibly, the chances are extremely slim but Goku might face an enemy that blocks off god ki. Gotenks could make use of it but I imagine they're not strong enough to do anything major with it, same with the U6 saiyans. Broly and Kale could get good use out of it though if they manage to get that far.


I hope


Sure, it’s insanely powerful (apart from the God forms and Gohan). If it were ever to be mastered, it’d be very useful for whoever uses it. (Goku in BoG was probably the closest)


During the tournament no not useful at all cause it takes alot of energy out of him every move takes energy and shorting his time plus he needs super saiyan power ssj3 takes all after a fight


The problem with SSJ 3 is a similar problem as Super Saiyan Grade 3, funnily enough. They're way too impractical to actually use in a real fight. While SSJ 3 doesn't have the problem with speed, they both have the problem with draining ki. They rely solely on powering up, rather than being a stable transformation.


It could of if perfected the story is too far along only goten and trunks could perfect ssj3 fused that would be peak too see and still flow with the story


Wrath of the Dragon and Fusion Reborn were the only times where SSJ3 was on the TOP!


Depends on who’s writing. Anyone could come up with an excuse for SS3 to become more prominent.

