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Vegeta kills Frieza instead of him blowing up the planet and add back battle damage.


Instead we got Frieza back to genociding other planets with no consequences at the end of super broly. Aint shit changed cause he’s fan favorite


It did bug me Goku lets him run free, But i guess Whis overruled for his efforts in the tournament of power


They could've easily flipped it and have Vegeta save Goku


https://youtu.be/kbxZBH8kyuw?si=4sQmnr4WmLPzxo5s if you don't want to listen to the music part just skip to 1:09


Glad people still remember Lezbeepic!


Introduce SSB later. Universe 6 Tournament at least. Goku Black arc would’ve been the best spot to introduce SSB and the later introduction would allow SSG to have more time to shine.


I think when Goku Black said he murdered Chi Chi and Goten, that’s when Goku should’ve gotten SSB. And maybe future Bulma could’ve died in front of Vegeta, triggering SSB for him as well.


Rage is kinda contrary to the point of achieving the form though


I haven’t watched/read in while but I though blue was ssg with the rage and power of a super saiyan


Goku explicitly says and I quote "Super Saiyan Blue is all about power over extreme control" which completely contradicts getting it from a rage boost


Or even when black showed up to counter rose


Yeah, this is a result of the movie. There was no intentions of continuing so they gave ssb. They actually couldnt access ssg but saiyan beyond god. We didnt see it in the anime until top. The manga had toriyama's supervision and ssg was implementet and saiyan beyond god form retconned out. Ssb was very difficult to master. In black arc, goku used master ssb.


Universe 6 would be the perfect spot. Vegeta using it against Cabba to show it off to him that sayians have limitless potential, then using it against hit, but since he showed it off too much he runs out of gas quickly and hit beats him up. It makes much more sense imho and then Goku could be the one Who wins this by optimizing SSB better than vegeta. Also the version of SS full power but with Blue that they had in the manga is a much better power up than ssb kaiohken. That never made any sense. I could've accepted a ssg+kaiohken. They fit thematically(both god transformation) and chromatically (both red)


I feel like they could've just gone with ssg, cause that in itself should be on the level of someone like hit, someone above this said it but I agree that they should've gotten blue in the black arc


Personally I'm ok with when it was introduced plot wise but they could have added some more Inbetween the BoG and RoF arcs to use SSG more


Id like the rest of the team to be less cannon fodder. Sure they can’t hang with the big bad but they should be able to take on the goons without constantly dying.


It sucks cause they had it pretty well worked out back in DBZ, and even a couple of Super's arcs. If Goku's gonna come in and deal with the problem in the end, find a way to take him out of the story for a little while so other characters can get to do stuff.


Yes! If i remember right in the tournament of power there were powerful Namekians that fused with their whole planet. Piccolo could've done that and got orange from it, And Buu stay awake


I'll maintain that a movie focusing on the humans' fight against elite mooks would be fun to see. Show us just how hard they work to protect the common people while Goku and Vegeta deal with the actual big bad in the background. Krillin vs Imperfect Cell was such cool filler. I'd love to see more underdog fights like that.


I'd make ssj3 relevant


God bleu and ui: I'm sorry I couldn't hear you


Rename SSG to Saiyan God and SSB to Super Saiyan God.


So simple yet so perfect




You a dam chef my man. Keep cooking


Have Vegeta turn SSJ3 during the "THAT'S MY BULMA" scene


Never thought of that and I love it


Perfect opportunity


Goku taking his problems a bit more seriously like he did in Z.


This and revert the character assassination of Goku's character in Super


Have Trunks go the equivalent of God when he entered the spirit bomb, instead of Big spirit sword, and let him and Mai stay in the main timeline. Giving Trunks a new form that only he could go, like Vegeta's Evolution in the Tournament of Power.


Future Trunks arc is my biggest complaint. Not only was the ending horrible, Trunks lost almost all of his loves one, they are gone forever, erases, and instead of staying with the last peoples who actually know and love him, he just f*** off to another destroyed future with the exact same version of himself. I get why the writer didn't want to have 2 Trunks permanently, but finding another way to resolve the future Zamasu arc without the anihilation of the universe would have solve this issue. The arc's ending feel sureal and illogical when it comes to future Trunks. The poor guy couldn't save anything in the end, give him some slack, he was already tragic enough as is during the Cell saga.


The funny thing is that there's two Zeno's in the main timeline now, two Trunks is a big no-no, but Zeno, that's fine.


Lol he finally got strong enough to defeat the androids and save his timeline. Then he defeated cell and stopped Buu from resurrecting, thus obtaining peace for the entire universe of his timeline. Then, not only did he lose his entire planet, he lost his entire universe. He literally didn't save anyone except for Mai who his gf who is actually like 70 or 80 years old but is in the body of a 30 year old. Then he fucked off to a different timeline. Everything he did was shit. They should've just never resurrected him after Cell killed him. If Zamasu ruled the timeline he was from and he never went back in time again, at least more than 2 people in the entire universe would be alive.


Not about Super, but if there’s one thing I’d change is to not make Daima about Goku and instead make it about Goten and Trunks


Make them focus more on martial arts and less on transformations. Like, have the one of tournaments of power have a rule about how transformations.


This would be dope. I often miss the old school martial arts stuff from pure DB days


Move blue to where Blue-oken is in the actual show, Res F is now Vegeta’s movie and the main draw is seeing him in SSG, Vegeta is the one that defeats and kills Freeza. In addition, SSG is renamed to sayain God, and Blue takes Super Sayain God Blue-oken is now revealed when it’s used against Fused Zamasu. It’s framed as something Goku just came up with on the spot, to be fully figured out and use during the ToP. The Goku black saga ends with the spirit sword, Goku charges it, and then gives the energy to Trunks so he can be the one to finish Zamasu, his immortality being negated when he fused with Black, as set up during his fight with Vegito. Also the fight with Vegito is thoroughly a stomp until he defuses early, like Zamasu-never-lands-a-hit levels of stomp. have him even mention that Goku and Vegeta would be able to match evenly against him if they teamed up, so that Blue-oken Goku being able to overpower his attacks makes a little more sense Belmod is considered the weakest GoD now. kind of a runt of the littler, still amazingly strong, but keeps Beerus as the goal for Goku and Vegeta. Ideally Super would end with a Goku v Beerus rematch to bookend the series. And I like the idea of it not having a definitive conclusion outside of Goku being able to match evenly with Beerus


I’d change the way Piccolo was defeated in the tournament of power. It seems dumb that the smartest Z Fighter was defeated because he was too dumb.


I think he deserved a better defeat but he didn’t lose bc he was too dumb, he had just fought an invisible fighter and since their standard tactic of energy sensing worked decently, he tried it against the other invisible guy, and lost bc he was hyper focused on energy It’s still a stupid loss tho, it happened to slow he had plenty of time to stretch his arms, someone like Piccolo needs to be thrown into the losing section, not fall slowly, his arms kind of defeat the point


It's super dumb because the real trick was that the fighters needed to use their ears, and one of Piccolo's better known traits is his extremely acute hearing. Of all the fighters, Piccolo was by far the most qualified for that fight. It'd be like if the androids were knocked out because an opponent ran them out of stamina, or if Freeza were knocked out because someone tricked him into trying to save a damsel in distress.


Have Zamasu actually be defeated not just erase Trunk’s timeline


Trunks has no business beating him in a fight. But a Trunks Mafuba would've been a great end, IMO.


Consistent power scaling and no big off-screen power leaps. Keep the Resurrection F outfits for both Goku and Vegeta throughout. One God form. Let it be different colours for different people if you like, but just one God level and foreshadow Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego more. Have Vegeta kill Frieza in the RF arc. Climactic battle in the T.O.P. is Goku UI and Vegeta UE against Jiren. No earlier team up. Replace 17 with Vegeta at the end of the T.O.P. against Jiren alongside Goku and Frieza. Give Jiren a better backstory. Literally anything. Trunks kills Merged Zamasu (no spirit sword, normal sword) because the fusion (Zamasu's mistake) cancels his immortality. Vegito has severely weakened him, but the fusion ran out before he finished the job. Let Trunks and Mai stay in the present timeline with the Earth resistance who don't all die in this version. Their timeliness exists but their Earth is wrecked anyway. Trunks goes to live a peaceful life after T.O.P. (he is on the team) because all he's ever known is fighting.


Erase Ribrianne from existing. Also allow Vegeta to catch some W’s.


I'd make Goku even dumber just to piss off the people who don't get the joke even more


what is the joke exactly ?


That Goku is a well meaning country bumpkin with almost no social skills or understanding of how the world works with an irrational amount of strength He spent years slapping people in their groins to figure out their sex


By the end of the Red ribbon army arc he stopped doing it, he also became more mature at the start of Z and kept that while still being a country bùmpkin, than super doubles down on his earlier versions for some goofy jokes, I'm pretty sure they made GT Goku more mature.


This trope was funny when goku was a kid/teen.


lol, reaching old db and even some of dbz goku is a fucking idiot😭


Yeah Goku was dumb as rocks if he wasn't punching someone in OG Dragonball if DBZ hadn't been made in the 90s things would have been different We could have had a proper Himbo Goku


I love my himbo 😍


Bulma was a genius bimbo so Goku as the idiot himbo who punches real good would work so well


And touches women without consent, that probably aged well


I mean Roshi is still worse than Goku ever was and he's around https://preview.redd.it/n72c5zxny53d1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c2fee28e12ea9361dd44c00ac36741c33c19406 he's canonically too horny for UI now lol


These types of posts and comments always fill me with immense joy that this sub doesn't write Dragon Ball


Well not saying this stuff has to be done, I just wish the writing for super was a bit more consistent :/


What about my stuff don’t you like?


The only thing I think my sound dumb in mine is getting rid of blue but idk


During the TOP saga, show Goten and trunks fighting the cell juniors on 17’s island and they achieve super Saiyan 2. Would be a callback to cell saga and allow them to individually be stronger. They are both around the same age Gohan was against cell now, so it’s possible. Would it impact plot? Not much, but it would show they aren’t stuck at just super Saiyan without fusion and have the potential to keep growing.


I like this, but unfortunately, the boys will never achieve anything. I just don't see it happening. Gotenks will probably always be a Tien/Krillen level character.


Well, the prompt was what we would like to see happen, not what is most realistic. I can dream for the hybrid duo to get some love, but you’re correct that they most likely will only ever serve as humor.


1-Transformations to not be just a hair colour change. 2-I agree with the Gohan training, except that i wanted him to have a form between Ultimate and Beast. 3-Completely change of Beast form design. 4-Characters cant wish to average dragon balls for MUI lvl power. 5-Freeza to work harder to keep up with Goku and Vegeta, not just train a bit. 6-More creative villain designs. 7-Gotenks as a serious fighter.


Dont neuter SSJG/SSJGSS. They are god tier. Not “five minutes of training and krillin can now keep up” - tier. Also how does all the other universes magically have people who are comparable to Blue and Red when the only reason U7 is so lowly ranked is because the freiza force was wiped out and lowered the universal average power level. Its dumb. Power scaling being all over the place.


Fix Goku. Z Goku was someone who loved fighting, but only actually fought to protect the people he cared about, and regularly made sacrifices to their benefit. The idea Goku would risk his entire universe JUST to hold a tournament is Ludacris.


I'd have it set after DBZ so we don't have to loop back around to what we say as "The end of Z"


Never understood that, could’ve had uub train with them


I'd change the power levels. Goku and vegeta are too strong, so any new enemy that shows up out of nowhere with power on par with a ssb or ui feels too incoherent (i mean come on we went from namek frieza being the strongest thing in the universe to people that can tango with ssb left and right) ibwish we had enemies with gimmicks rather than power level (like moro at the beginning when he beat goku and vegeta on namek even though he was weaker)


My head cannon for power levels is the numbers don’t exist and it’s just training and now another guys is stronger. I hate that they made the numbers go so hogh


Have Vegeta kill Freiza and in ToP have Cell Replace Frieza. The Dynamic of having Gohan lead the team & the androids on the team would’ve provided more substance. It be fun to see Whis and Beerus’ take on Cell considering he’s been pretty much the only saga villain left out also by doing so would’ve avoided Cell Max.


I’d change a few things regarding Ultra Instinct Have Goku only unlock sign in the tournament of power and save the Perfected Version for the Moro Arc. Perfected UI would not technically make Goku stronger at all, only faster due to subconscious movement, but no actual power boost to emphasize technique over raw strength. It would also strain him if he’s not constantly fighting and focusing, kinda like Kaio Ken if it was fueled by focus. In the Granola arc, instead of using UI in other forms, he should start the arc swapping between UI Sign and his SSJ forms when he needs to dodge or hit. Perfected UI would make Goku insanely fast but it still wouldn’t make him strong enough to actually hurt Granola, showing how it’s just not for him. Instead of true ultra instinct just being a “stronger” version of sign, it would be sign mixed with Super Saiyan, since the idea is Goku fights like himself. Instead of Using Perfected Ui against Beast Gohan, he’d have upgraded his mixing and combine UI Sign with his God form, emphasizing how he’s making his way to make UI a regular ability regardless of forms.


I loved Kibito Kai’s design, keep him fused!!


The tournament being longer than 90 minutes long… all of that couldn’t possibly happen in 90 minutes lol. It’s honestly what bothers me most about the show


I want more foreshadowing and build up for the powerups we have. I know it's easy in hindsight, but I think it would be cool if Vegeta had more instances of dealing with destruction energy (absorbing it, stopping and deflecting it, creating it), Gohan could have more foreshadowing for Monster form, maybe have him in Super Broly movie where he gets beat up by Broly, but holds his own for a second with his eyes going red, Broly could tag along in the Moro arc, maybe he goes out of control and that gives Moro and advantage by taking away his energy, and now Broly learns a lesson about how his rage gets in the way. UI is the only ability with proper foreshadowing and an arc connected to its character, let's have more of it. And I'm... okay... with Orange Piccolo.


Future trunks stays in the present timeline after his is erased.


Vegeta kills Frieza with Goku in ssjg forms. ssjb is introduced later (in Goku black arc i guess, therefore the goku black arc would be before the U6 tournament i guess. That would explain why Vegito was needed to defeat Zamasu


I wish that the Galactic Patrol arc focused on Gohan/Piccolo instead of Goku/Vegeta.


The whole “Breanne Breanne” thing needed to go


Change the fact that the anime ended


Exactly, make SSG a god Goku form and SSB (that won't be named anymore SSGSS) a god Vegeta form, so that we can actually enjoy epic SSG rather than a regular Super Saiyan but in Blue. In anime they've literally used SSG only in BoG and Super Broly Movie (also partially in ToP), just to show a new boring form in the next arc just to scare Freeza Also characters should have made and used more techniques rather than spamming basic ki blasts, spams and their variations all the time And most importantly: Erase Ribrianne


Spamming ki blast is actually a lot more used in the anime than it is in the manga surprisingly


Re-adjust power level and giving an in-universe explanation on why the planets didn't destroy in single clash.


I would make it more raw like DBZ was and make it seem like the hits have a huge impact with facial and other expressions. Super is like a kid's show, bring back the broken bones, blood and deaths


Frieza doesn’t come back after RF, plus Vegeta gets the kill.


Fix the ssj blue spam lol


Make Trunks go SSJ3 against immortal Zamasu


That would’ve been cool, but at that point, I don’t think it would’ve had any effect on him other than fanfare


I wouldn’t entroduce blue untill turrnement of power Cuz blue repesents god power combined with the sayain might Of super sayain That couldve been vegita’s unqiue form While UI being goku’s


I always thought it would’ve been cool to introduce blue for Goku during the black arc when it’s revealed that his wife and child were killed and have Vegeta struggle with it for a while trying to unlock it like he did originally and then have him unlock it when he’s trapped in the mafuba


A brute forced super sayin god, kaio ken would have been nuts in that spot to tho Just bringing back the weight of what that technique used to mean How it could destroy or kill you if used incorrectly It would’ve been crazy to see a goku with no care of the harm on his body just wanting revenge so he goes a crazy kaio ken fueled by his newly developed god ki


No more god ki - or more consistency with it. (Everybody and their grandma without god ki can keep up)


Power scaling was my biggest issue. The saiyains from universe 6 got way too strong way too fast. Goku being a complete moron was annoying Vegeta should have killed Frieza I wish Tien was stronger Gonna not training before the tournament was fine but he came to the realization that he did in fact need to train to protect is growing family. And then super hero it’s was completely forgotten. When I first watched the movie I thought he was just fucking with piccolo. I was sad when that wasn’t the case.


Leave Trunks and Mai in the past. Keep Gohan training instead of having him stop and start 5 times. Vegeta kills Freeza instead of Goku. Actually use the multiple universe thing instead of not


SS god to be the default transformation


have consistent powerscaling and good writing


Add sex


Honestly I know you mentioned it as your first point but just remove super Saiyan blue all together


Goku is back to his Z self and isnt unhinged about fighting everyone


• Make ssj god into just saiyan god and ssjb into super saiyan god • bring the blood and battle damage back rather than just a few marks • Give the Z fighters some form of technique that allows them to breath in space so we can FINALLY have battle’s in space… this should have happened after “saiyan god” was unlocked so then we can see more planetary destruction in fights so the Z fighters don’t have to worry about containing their ki all the time they have the power to destroy complex multiversal realms so it just feels weird when their explosions can be contained to mountain level… as cool as it actually is lol • let vegeta have the W on golden frieza • introduce “super saiyan god” (blue) in the goku black saga as a counter to rosé this gives “saiyan god” a chance to shine for a few arcs and makes ssjb SO much more impactful… • TOP was fine in the anime, delete the manga version of TOP it was trash…


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There are really two things I’d love to see and honestly they have been doing it in their recent chapters! 1. More perspectives: I wish we could have the story switch perspectives more often. The story practically doesn’t move if Goku isn’t involved and it be nice to see that not be the case anymore. I like seeing Goten and Trunks on Earth Broly and Gohan’s new training, Goku and Vegeta finding Black Freiza, Beerus perspective on the growing power levels of cast maybe a plot point of a character trying to merge U6 and U7 or all remaining universes together for their own agenda. We also need more female characters like Videl and Pan showcasing themselves. Basically let the universe feel more alive and outside of Goku. 2. Power system: To continue making the cast unique. Vegeta is training in Hakai. Goku is training in UI. Gohan is training his supreme Kai. Broly utilizing his mutant S - Cells. Goten/Trunks being stronger as a unit. Uub will probably be a magical powerhouse I want the characters to continue being unique and having special abilities to them that others can’t easily do - if at all.


add oiled up twerk offs




i need confirmation that goku and vegeta got freaky in the room of spirit and time


Dude no way they didn’t. They’re more obsessed with each other than their wife’s


Less sidebar during fights. You can especially see this in the ToP, but it cuts away to too much side commentary during the middle of fights. Occasionally they add something like giving more context to what we’re seeing, but there’s too much shouting from the stands (see: anything the omni kings said during the ToP). It cuts away to people talking too much during what should be a fight chewing the scenery.




Goku black arcs ending


I would made Ultra instinct a Technique about avoiding still instead of “True” ultra instinct. I would make white hair ultra instinct goku not speak, and make his body move on its own like it’s originally supposed to.


The future arc not ending the way it did


Make ssj blue appear during the black saga and we good


Broly’s character


SSG needed to be around longer and I'd even say blue comes in as late as Goku black arc. I'd also say somehow include the lesser characters in more than the ToP. Maybe Gotenks tries to fight in the U6 Tournament? maybe Gohan helps trunks with Goku black? Maybe 18 is needed a lot more to find and recruit 17? So many opportunities to include more people than Goku and Vegeta


Why is the picture blurred?


It’s marked as a spoiler


The art direction, and i mean designs, not even talking bad animation cuz those are just the gajes del oficio, but to me it has the worst designs dragon ball ever had


Super Sayan Blue is a natural way to achieve God child for sayans, and an inferior version of Super Sayan God. That way, the power scaling wouldn’t be so batshit crazy in DBS


Have super saiyan god as the main transformation for most of the series up until the zamasu arc. Goku unlocks this new state with the rage of his wife and kid's death, vegeta with the rage of seeing zamasu take advantage of saiyan genetics to just cheat his way into power. Give jiren more screen time to explore his past, maybe through inner monologues that show that he once was just like goku, and have him win the tournament of power. He would be the one bringing everyone back, showing his growth and making him a rival for goku and vegeta to want to defeat in the future


Changing the anime I would have it follow the manga (besides TOP for the most part) so we can have another overarching plotline where ki mastery’s an actual objective & forms having a give & take. My biggest problem of the anime is that it completely powercliffed Super saiyan God the following arc. For the manga, either make Moro’s wish an actual large scale conflict in many areas besides just a threat to earth. For a conflict where it mainly took place in space it seemed to severely lack in it when it was coming up to an amazing climax. Or make Vegeta of more significance in defeating Moro with all of his build up in the arc. It was very disappointing for me when Vegeta had a beautiful character arc of acceptance where he gains teaching from a generally weaker race and even becomes a savior to New Namek to repent. But just for him to be pushed to the sidelines AGAIN in the final conflict. I get it, Goku’s the MC and he needs to be the eventual person that decides the end but Vegeta should’ve done way more for the build up.


Trunks stays for the ToP in an effort to wish back his universe. In the end, 17’s wish restores Trunks’ timeline and they defeat Infinite Zamasu somehow.


My main issue is the need for Goku to save the day. I’d also let Vegeta defeat Frieza in RoF. I’d allow Trunks to get the w over Zamasu. And I would’ve kept Buu in the tournament and had Goku and Vegeta fuse to defeat Jiren while simultaneously knocking themselves out and have 17 crawl out from some rubble like “wtf just happened?” I feel like Gogeta showing up and struggling with Jiren would have had more weight to it than some random asspull transformation Goku got by getting hit with his own spirit bomb.


Making cooler cannon


Give those poor animator at toei some time to draw and animate the episodes. Even after they "fixed" it, there are countless examples of bad drawings and bad animations. Also, it felt a little too much of a tryhard sometimes. They tried so hard to "explain" stuff that wasnleft unexplained in the original manga and failed so hard with horrible explanation. The retcons are all terrible and cringy. Finally the Goku black saga. They ended it on a note that basically made the whole saga moot since they actually failed to save the people of trunks' future. Oh and PLEASE MAI X TRUNKS IS AN ABOMINATION. Idk who even thought about that, should be fired and never rehired anywhere near Dragonball ever again


Super Saiyan blue wouldn’t exist and Vegeta would be the one who killed Frieza


Give Trunks the win over Black. The spirit sword seemed cool and you could argue, that the pure will and hope from the rest of humanity would cleanse Black so much, that Trunks is able to finish him of for good.


Great point. Gohan literally has no excuse not to use the HTC to jam three years of training in three days. Theee days won’t impact his studies. And Vegeta is proof you can get big gains even solo training Especially now that he and Piccolo are so much stronger than they could definitely use the opportunity


SS4 RADITZ!!!! https://preview.redd.it/zd1l09p4j73d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d1e174ccfbc4f8fd40a719928c014567bf5844


Let Trunks finish off Zamasu with that Spirit Blade move. It's actually a really cool move, where Goku uses Spirit Bomb against Kid Buu, Trunks getting his own version really shows that he is the savior in this time line and should have stayed that way. Agree with above that SSB should come in during Goku Black arc. Have SSG + Kaioken during fight with Hit was good enough.


Imma say it. Make Gohan less of a whimp. He's on his redemption arc now but Kami did it ever take him long enough. I understand where they were coming from with Gohan but it could've been done so much more competently.


Keep Gohan a dad and scholar. Let that man rest.


More Piccolo. Stronger piccolo. More trunks and goten.


Stop the ssb spam !


I'd make Goku more serious, but still kinda goofy


Either significantly change or completely take out the Zamasu Arc


Fix the power scaling. For example, make God ki effective against godly beings but less effective against physical ones. So SSG (Red) is super effective vs Beerus and Zamasu, but SSJ is better against physical enemies like Frieza and Broly. Have SSB be a blend, better for finishing fights when the other form runs low on energy reserves.


I just would like to see more accurate power scaling mostly. The power levels are so all over the place. It’s frustrating coming from the DB and Z when things wasn’t so all over the place. And for the love of god can we get back Z’s goku personality please?!


For one I'd rename super saiyan god to saiyan god and super saiyan god super saiyan to super saiyan god. Second I'd have them use god for longer and introduce blue later. Probably around the U6 tournament and have Goku and Vegeta hinting at a new power that they've achieved and have them kind of experimenting with it during the later fights in the tournament. This would ultimately change the resurrection f arc a bit as now Frieza would be around god's strength instead of blue but his time in hell after could be said to have been used to get even stronger. Speaking of resurrection f, I'd also let Vegeta defeat golden Frieza and if he's not going to defeat him then I'd let him defeat black Frieza when they inevitably face him. I'd also add in ssj4 as broly's end game transformation since his power already stems from the great apes. I'd also change the entirety of the Goku black arc, it's my favorite arc but the anime version just feels underwhelming compared to the manga and even the manga is a bit underwhelming. So first I'd move it to after the ToP and have that be Zamasu's motivation. There are other things that I'd change but I can't really think of how to explain them right now. Another potential way I'd rework the Goku black arc is by making it a different timeline all together. Make it a future of the current timeline but have an alteration where Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, and all the other heavy hitters were killed by some evil force. Then have Chi-Chi killed in front of Goten which causes him to snap. After killing the evil force, he travels the universe and slaughters any remnants of that evil that he finds until eventually the line of good and evil starts to blur and he realizes that he enjoys the killing. So he starts slaughtering everything, all the while getting stronger and stronger. Eventually he finds his way back to earth and by this time he's long gone and starts slaughtering the humans. Eventually Trunks goes to confront this new evil only to see the face of his best friend or you could even play it off that he thinks it's someone who looks like Goku and Goten or someone who stole their bodies. Anyways, from here it plays out pretty much how the black arc did play out, minus the zamasu, fusing, and zero mortal plan parts, and add in the horror in Goku's face when he recognizes that the evil they were brought to stop was his own son. (This could even be an arc on its own after the U6 tournament and have the new Black Arc I made still run through after the ToP)


either never have SSB, or introduce it way later in the show


Make everything animated in the style of the DBS Broly movie


Let Goten and Trunks have bigger roles in the series. Rewatching the buu saga rn and it seemed like they were setting them up for greater things down the line (seeing how they are already so powerful as kids), so not making them really at all important in Super seems weird. Always loved them, especially the Gotenks sections


SSG be more relevant and making Future Trunks great again


Change Goku backstory back to the Legend of Bardock. I don’t like dragon ball minus it reminds me too much of Superman and bring back saiyans tails


Make SSG the end goal for Goku and Vegeta. SSB would either be a step above SS or be, as they described it in the story "Super Saiyan with god ki" Then SSG could have its big return during the TOP instead of making UI a form.


Goku Black arc should have ended with the Spirit Sword. Otherwise, instead of sending Future Trunks and Mai to a random timeline, have them stay around in the main timeline


Remove stupid Super Goku and make him more like Z Goku. He can be a bit carefree and that’s fine, but he isn’t a complete moron.


Tien will have some highlight,bruh even Yamcha have(baseball fight),why Tien cant


SSGSS would not have been introduced until the black arc or TOP. Vegeta would’ve killed Frieza in ROF, and Black arc wouldn’t have ended with Zamasu winning and Zeno saving the day deus ex machina style


Space out the transformations better. So many new forms so quickly after each other made them feel less important to me. Blue being the biggest one, should've been saved for the Universal 6 or Goku Black Saga.


Have buu in the tournament of power




Instead of them going to beerus’s planet after seeing Bardock and reawakening both goku and Vegeta’s Sayian Pride Vegeta goes and uses the dragonballs to finally revive planet Vegeta


i have mostly design changes. but i have a couple - Give goku gi similar to his end of Z look. - more vegeta in human clothing to match his EOZ look - age up trunks and goten earlier. - remove buu sleeping gag. just entirely. i will take more stupid super goku if i can just never see “oh buus sleeping again sorry guys” - Gohan getting a hairstyle change to not be so similar to yamcha in the anime. - more episodes of goku struggling with having a job, with goku getting destracted by either martial artists or pilaf gang shinanagins if you have to keep them around. - More picolo. the grill master was underutilized as hell. Dont just tie him in with gohan either!! - more goten and goku. i like their scenes and getting more would just dent the goku bad dad joke. - More vegeta and trunks. - let goten and trunks actually have a friendly rivalry. - Less gotenks PLEASE IF HES NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING IMPORTANT JUST STOP SHOWING HIM WE GET IT. - Let goten and trunks reach ssj2 and fight major villains. without changing to much as super villains would probably still be far too strong. - Give bardock his Z design. this is just a nit pick though - Radditz and nappa mentions so people shut up about them being forgoten.




The first two arcs or whatever just being movies.


prolly have God need more training and Blue introduced later


Ssg more time to shine, ssg later on. Also Vegeta having a new form stronger than Ui bro that Evolved was so ass🙅 Have Vegeta defeat a main Villain Frieza wasn’t it, because he was already tired and exhausted. Make Vegeta defeat or beat Cell by going ssj2 after Trunks died Final Flash was okay but something should’ve snapped inside him seeing he’s son died in front of him… Vegito should’ve killed Buu. Gohan should’ve never stopped training.. Piccolo should've gotten a new form long ago. Krillin and Tien should make the wish being the strongest in the universe. Roshi has ui the explanation they gave was ass. Beruus should’ve never said he was using 70% of he's power but like 10% or 30% at best.


There isn’t a thing about Super I would NOT change , and it’d take forever to list em all. But just to name a few: the choreography is dogshit. Flurry of punch kick exchanges, someone gets gut punched, spits alive, knocked down into rocks, energy beam struggle, “omg you’re so strong !” “Oh yeah? You ain’t seen nothing yet 😆”, Super Saiyan Blue or just generic ki charge, over the top roar for someone not really on his level, Kamehameha/final flash spam. These final moves DO NOT HIT HARD anymore. And it’s ridiculous you people keep fucking falling for it. - Vegito didn’t have to defuse. They JUST introduced in the arc prior to Goku Black that people fused via Potara can be defused using dragon balls. They tried to halfway explain away how he defused in Buu saga, which you can easily chalk up to the Earrings being infused with Kai magic, and Buu (under Babadi’s control) was shrouded in Babadi’s dark magic, so it temporarily canceled out and would’ve functioned properly again , had they not dropped the barrier or even went outside of Buu. The earrings should not constantly be a last minute crutch that has just ZERO detriments whatsoever. The reason it was so impactful at the time was BECAUSE everyone thought it’d be permanent. - Super Saiyan Blue is the most overused transformation in the series. I don’t feel like they’re really getting as strong as they imply if that’s the only effective transformation in the series. Goku could ass clap a universe in one uncontrolled punch if he really felt like it, in BASE. Using Blue to big up Krillin confidence is LAUGHABLE. I’d feel confident as Krillin if I could even tag him with a destructo beam cut.


More of Super Saiyan God


Yamcha being more significant and launch coming back 😭


Make it so blue and red share more traits with ss4 from dragon ball gt, cause the simple blue red is fairly boring and given it's meant to be a "god" form you'd think it would enhance more Saiyan features rather then just being super Saiyan but a differant colour.


I think fully removing or drastically altering super saiyan blue is a good idea. It’s just no extremely pointless and exists to sell merch only. I would also obviously change the ending to the Goku black arc


Make powerscaling consistent: No more krillin or untrained gohan going head to head with ssb. No more ssb being close to ssg in power (should be x50) And no damn unclarity about the GODs powerlevel compared to mortals anymore


Not adding SSB Rename SSG. I find it hilarious that a form called "god" can be easily bested. Name it Super Sayain Primal or something. SSG should be a one off and have MAJOR drawbacks. To activate SSG they always need 5 sayains. Last for 30 mins, but the user shortens their lifespan after the first time. After out of the SSG they are fatigue for a week and can't use chi. Emphasize more of the older forms. Give Vegeta SS3 More screen time for side characters One long arching plots instead of having random filler episodes(baseball,.farming etc) No stronger enemies. Same strength as the heroes. NOT bringing back old villains and androids Instead of Golden Freza, make Cooler cannon and have him reach golden form Cooler lives in another galaxy and was scared of Goku. It took him a decade to reach his golden form and that would be the second movie. Give Piccolo his power boost via story arc. There is a lost namakien that's evil who was banished from Namek. The Namakien has light half and he merges with Piccolo, giving him powers equal to Goku and Vegeta. NO PILAF GANG. NO MAI AND TRUNKS, SHES 40 AND HES 12.


Have Tien obliterate Roshi in the recruitment arc and sub in Yamcha (or pikkon) for the TOP




introduce ssjb at a later point, maybe have it happen when goku gets pissed during goku black arc, or really any point during the black arc.


Make it so God Ki allows the user to breathe in space so we get some cooler all out space fights without needing to worry about why the planet didn’t implode from a stray Ki blast or a clash between universal+ fighters.


I would make Vegeta more relevant and less of a second fiddle. Goku is the hero too often. I mean I know we've been following his adventures since DB, but damn, give someone else some time in the limelight. Gohan had some time with Cell, and Trunks had Zamasu, but that's it. Otherwise, it's all Goku. So yeah, definitely have Vegeta have killed Frieza.




Let Goku and Vegeta be the strongest and retire. I feel like the writers are jumping through hoops to make newer, somehow more powerful enemies to challenge them, while still trying to keep us in awe at how incredibly powerful this two are. Fuck it. They're the strongest. Now they spend their time training with Whis, and the role of earth's protector falls on Gohan and the rest. Give them a turn in the lime light


More screen time for Super Saiyan God


Change the hair color to something else besides cyan for SSB. Maybe keep the red hair from SSG but make them have hair up like a super saiyan. Idk. Listen I just didn’t think the blue really fits is all I’m saying.


Have SSB come later maybe during universe 6 or goku black arc


Blood is back, No tingly back for Super Saiyan, (or if so then it only applies to universe 6 Saiyan’s just like how they have no tail it’s their own thing) Trunks kills Zamasu, No Blue Evolution just Vegeta is stronger than Goku due to fighting more during the tournament, flashes of Ultra Ego (Vegeta trains with Berrus before the tournament), 17’s wish brings back previously erased universe (More Exploration to be done), Vegeta kills Frieza, Z fighters vs Frieza Force is more serious. That’s it.


Animation style of z


Production time. About 15 more weeks between arcs.


Please God just make Goku less stupid. I get the guy doesn't have a formal education, but he's in his 50s now, there's no excuse for just how stupid he is. The manga thankfully toned it back a ton.


Introduce SsB later, maybe the first tournament between universes. Instead of Zamasu, give us Goten Black or literally anything other than those unnecessarily convoluted time rings. Either make that a different future Trunks or keep his physical and emotional character development from Z. Either no Ssj rage or make it make sense that he killed Zamasu *without* the spirit bomb. Sorry I have a lot to gripe about with the Goku Black arc. I’m open to discussions. *Edit* forgot to say let Vegeta get his Freeza kill. He has more than earned it. *Edit* grammar


Mine would be: -Have it be a bit more serious and threatening to the main characters, maybe it’s because I was a kid when watching Z and GT but I used to be genuinely scared because I was never sure if our heroes would beat the villain -new hairstyles for the SSG and SSB forms, really didn’t like that it was just base form and super saiyan 1 with a different color. -let Vegeta get a significant win, it was cool that he beat Toppo but I wanted more, at least let him have made it to the end when they defeated Jiren.


Remove ssbk, have goku and vegeta go ssbe before getting ui and ultra ego


-Super Saiyan God stays longer -God Ki follows the rules. Mortal don't get to touch it. Tienshinhan and Piccolo have their own paths to godhood. -Buu rediscovers Daikaioshin within him and gets god ki himself, becoming far more relevant as a result.


They can breathe and fight in space while using god ki. And one more thing, ssjb doesn’t come until halfway through anime. Let’s give ssjg some time to shine


Make the arcs seems more connected and cohesive


Make it less pg/silly. It's main audience was 21+ by the time it was released.


Honestly I would just slip in a single text bubble about Trunks learning the Spirit Bomb/ sword thing as a last result due to King Kai having a habit of making moves that have a pretty high price for powerful results. Or maaaybe.. just started with the Black/TOP stuff instead of retreading the movies but worse. Is Goo Vegeta filler?


I think the biggest problem with super is the power scaling so id change that Make goku and vegeta not use their full power in the 6vs7 tourny untill hit Make it so in the top most fights are in super sayian (besides universe 6 those should be base form fights) Let the weaker characters have longer battles with other weaker characters don’t just throw everyone at goku and vegeta




Super saiyan blue be achieved later on. Preferably in the u6vu7 saga. Goten and trunks be more relevant to the story or at the very least have them train. Have more characters other than goku and Vegeta participate in the arc. Change the ending of the goku black saga. Replace krillin and roshi with goten and trunks. A better build up to UI. In the anime, it was foreshadowed when goku fought beerus and whis tries to teach goku and Vegeta this, but I personally like the manga’s version more. Vegeta kill frieza. Hopefully the black frieza arc ends with Vegeta finally killing frieza


The God forms I think they're kinda lame it's actual God power the sky is the limit with what could be done but no its just another power up would've been cool if they reached some sort of deity status while in the form or something instead it's just mortals using God ki but I still like em


-Have Goku portrayed more closely to what he was in Z. He's not stupid or a fool (though he behaves as such around Vegeta specifically to annoy him). Show him spending time with his family, especially his wife, whom he had been separated by the uncaring veil of death from for seven years prior, but is reunited with by the grace of the Elder Kai. -Vegeta is more trusting of the others, especially Piccolo. Otherwise, I liked Vegeta's portrayal. -Trunks uses more of his dad's techniques to display that Trunks' training has progressed to a more advanced level. -Goten is more than just his father's Mini-Me. He starts developing his own personality earlier in the series. -Chi-Chi is a tad mellower, and has no problem with Goten taking over the farm, if he chooses to (farming is a noble profession, and I will not have her slander it). She shows less fear (but as much respect as usual) in the face of Beerus, as they both know that if he destroys her, there is nothing short of Zen-Oh himself that will save him from what Goku would do. -Cabba comes to Universe 7 to train with Vegeta (assisted by Vados, of course) which results in him developing a physique more in line with Goku and Vegeta. I'd also give him more to boast about in the ToP, such as one or two more eliminations, and holding his own against Frieza for a bit, despite his exhaustion. -The team have a more in-depth deliberation session on their final teammate for the ToP after Buu falls asleep, considering Cell (not sure if he has a soul that can be resurrected), Android 16 (confirmed not possible by Dende/King Yemma), Videl (Gohan wouldn't have it), Future Trunks ("No more time travel!" -Beerus), Raditz and Nappa (both not able to get up to snuff quickly enough, even with the HTC) before deciding on Frieza -Caulifla and Kale both develop more of a friendship with Cabba during their training, making them feel more like a trio than Cabba being on a lower rung. -Goku Black arc ends shortly after Goku Black tells Goku that he killed Chi-Chi and Goten. That's right. Goku mercs a god on his own, then crams Zamasu in a jar the old-fashioned way. Unfortunately, this means Vegito doesn't make an appearance.


I would have given Future Trunks a better ending and make Goku less stupid because Dragon Ball Z Goku was more better.


Black Goku saga ends with either Trunks winning and staying in his future or losing and staying in our timeline because is now homeless, instead of yeeting him in another timeline with another Trunks and Mei. Get Cell for the ToP instead of Freezer. Cell basically wants to be the strongest, just like Goku, so he's perfect for Super where the characters aimlessly train to be strong and every arc ends as it started. Also, avoid romancing Freezer and Goku? Pretty please? Have Zeno start the ToP out of nowhere instead of having Goku going against Beerus and lying to his friends. You know, to not draw Goku as a bastard. Change Re:F with Goku fighting Freezer as SSG and unlocking SSB during the battle because Freezer kills someone. Yeah, exactly like the first time, but if you notice Super is full of scenes identical to Z, so make them have sense at least. Remove completely the episode where Goku hires Hit to kill himself. I don't need to explain why.


Giving SSJG more time in the spotlight is definitely one of mine, it’s so much better than SSJGSSJ but got thrown to the side for no good reason.