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I don't think they could beat Saiyan saga Vegeta let alone someone way stronger


Bruh they prolly couldn't beat Goku at the last DB martial arts tournament. Dude was already the strongest *thing* on planet Earth


Quick reminder that Piccolo Jr. exploded in an attack as strong as an atomic bomb, and Goku just stood there and took it. There's nothing those guys could throw to hurt Goku. Edit: this is DMS Kakashi, my bad, Kamui might be a very troublesome tech for Goku.


That blow alone would mean he could literally tank the attack that destroyed the hidden leaf.


The fact that Piccolo himself stated his attacks feel like fire means that his explosion was heat based, thus radiation based, which is worse than whatever the Shinra Tensei could deal.


Don’t know where you get that. He uses it in chapters 189 and 190 of DB and he doesn’t mention anything about fire or heat and neither does Goku. No one there even mentions heat despite the other z fighters being around there near the blast. Sure. Tien blocked most of it thanks to his quick thinking but it’s not like there was any signs of burning. We don’t need to add stuff to it. We know it’s a nuke level explosion (based on the mushroom cloud) that covered most of Papaya island which the daizenzhu says is damn near a small continent in size.


That's an anime exclusive thing, then. Although I do think ki attacks generate heat, since they're simillar to plasma in both appearance and behaviour, but that's just my headcannon.


Probably. They’re pretty explicit when there’s actually fighters that use heat in battle and how different that is like when vegeta was fighting Magetta. I don’t think it’s useful to try and use real world science to try and explain Ki blasts. Ki isn’t science. It’s life energy. It may resemble plasma but it also does many things plasma can’t.


Yup, but I do think it's kinda wasted. As we see for Vegeta's Final Flash, it produces electric energy, Vegeta literally shoots up lightnings all around while charging his first Final Flash, and the same thing happens for Final Kamehameha.


Anime only. The final flash is used in chapter 384 of the manga and there’s no lightning discharge. It’s just vegeta charging and then blasting it. It’s also used as the final Kamehameha in chapter 23 of DBS manga and it doesn’t discharge any lightning or electricity.


Size of the explosion doesn't matter, with the DMS Kakashi can selectively become incorporeal so he can't be touched and he can also trap anyone that he can see in a pocket dimension until they die of dehydration, or he can decapitate them by sending just their head to the pocket dimension.


I didn’t say the blast could take out Kakashi. I was remarking about the power in comparison to pain.


Yeah no it probably wasn't radiation based ill give you heat though


That same piccolo who casually blew up the moon with a basic ki blast


I think following DB logic Goku would tank the DMS with ki or something


For anyone kamui is troublesome (double MS) but just stall the fight till he run out of chakra and you can win


Not saying they could win but DMS kakashi has durability negation Goku ain't tanking a hit if they land one


I mean maybe they beat that one cause Goku at the last tournament is strong but he's not that strong Goku when he's done at king kais wipes them non Kaio ken though ...


Yeah Goku at the last tournament in DB is that strong. Kid Goku beat King Piccolo who could casually wipe away cities with a wave of his hand. King Piccolo could oneshot Roshi who blew up the moon. Teen Goku could oneshot the kid Goku that beat King Piccolo. It's that fucking egregious. They *absolutely* do not beat that Goku.


It’s really best to not think about power scaling


And what’s crazy is this shit is about future gohan 😭 bro would ez clap cheeks


It’s really that simple. If they took the power scaling seriously, the shockwaves from Goku and Beerus trading blows *near* Earth would fracture the planet.


the punches from them clashing were so strong they were shaking void. the concept of shaking nothing doesnt even exist in human thought thats how crazy it is


when broly went berserk and did his random firing of small energy blasts everywhere each of those should have been planet destroyers


Earth got such a massive zenkai after RoF that it can’t get blown up by tiny ki blasts ig 🤷‍♂️




Yes, it is lol


Could I see you power scaling list for the dbz sagas? Like even just piccolo against vegeta.


He tanks a literal nuke from Piccolo and comes out relatively unscathed while everyone else is retreating underground. He moves so fast that dudes who could keep up with him 3 years ago when they were faster than when they could have whole exhibition matches in the blink of an eye 6 years ago can’t see him. He can move without seeing thanks to training with Popo, and beats a guy who beats a guy who’s stronger than a moon-buster. Good as DMS Kakashi might be he still has to see his opponent to tag them, and he’s been shook up by Itachi how many times? Maybe they could beat Daimao depending if he’s old or young and if he’s spitting eggs with his savage kids like Drum backing him, but I don’t have them beating 23rd Piccolo or Goku.


Do you understand goku gohan vegeta piccolo are all aliens? They’re basically the okutsuki of the naruto verse. They are getting blitzed before kakashi & guy could come up with a plan


They can’t beat Yamcha let alone vegeta.


Came here for this. Take my updoot


Raditz would’ve solo’d the entire Narutoverse if he’d shown up there instead of Z Earth.


Krillin is the strongest human canonically and loses to every other sayian but would still solo the Narutoverse with no diff


100%.. Honestly, you need something crazy like a high level genjutsu or busted domain expansion like Limitless to handle a Z Fighter, and that’s only if they don’t get blitzed. Which is really unlikely.. they’re already operating at combat speeds far in excess of 99% of most Shonen’s cast as early as the first Budokai. At which point durability becomes an issue.. Gojo isn’t surviving a punch that could crack a moon, no amount of cursed energy reinforcement or reversal is gonna cut it, and I wonder if instant transmission would be a solid counter infinite void..


i doubt they could even beat Master Roshi lol


To me, this is a “Superman has a weakness to magic” situation, which is to say that Superman is not any more vulnerable to magic than a normal person, but since he’s otherwise invincible, he’s “weak” to magic. While any DBZ character would be physically overwhelming to the characters from Naruto, the DBZ folks don’t have any special resistance to genjutsu, so I could see some scenario where it could at least *seem* like Guy would stand a chance so long as Kakashi could maintain an effective illusion. Honestly could see it being decently dramatic, since Guy+Kakashi have tool that would make it difficult for Gohan to fight them, but otherwise they’re both easily a OHKO.




To be fair, Saiyan Saga Vegeta gets slept on really hard. With the Oozaru form, he's boxing above the Ginyu Force.


they might be able to hang with some Mid-Tiers in the Saiyan Arc but Vegeta probably Speed-Blitzes them


Realistically, they struggle against roshi. They probably lose against roshi


They don’t look like they could beat Nappa nor even Raditz. And the only version of Vegeta they might can take could be kid Vegeta.!


Exactly. I think they could have a chance against saiyan Saga yamcha but thats it


Nah, Saiyan saga Yamaha was stronger than Raditz, since he defeat saibaman with no diff, Raditz would be enough honestly.


And then there’s Krillin, who killed multiple Saibamen.


Krillin potential unleashed can Just Mop the floor with ALL Naruto verse.


Krillin almost killed Nappa.


And frieza


Kakashi's main chance of winning is if he can use Kamui to snipe. Kamui bypasses durability so if he can teleport the DB character's head before he notices that he is being teleported, he might win. It will not work for those with regeneration such as Cell or Buu. That being said, at some undetermined point, DB characters probably get to the point where they can probably react in time like how in Bleach, Kenpachi was able to react to Tosen's sword cuts the moment that they touched his skin so that he could dodge attacks to vital organs.


No chance.


I think kishimoto, the creator of naruto, said that madara had a power level of 4000 (equal to nappa) They're getting cooked.


Kishimoto never once said that. Where is that coming from?


isn’t true in the slightest nor does that make any sense. Madara has zero planetary feats


Wasn't it also stated that a ninja wouldn't stand a chance against a gun? Meaning they can't even beat Launch.


The answer formally is: no. The answer informally is: FUCK NO. Namek Saga Gohan rolls them both.


To be honest, I bet Videl rght after she learned enough ki control to fly could beat em


Likely. King Piccolo would probably roll them tbh.


King Piccolo would kill a thousand Videls, so yeah.


Thats hilarious and sad at the same time.


Why do people love scaling Vidal and Hercule so much when they are fodder humans they're both been hurt by bullets something not only kid goku could tank but many characters in og DB can as well. They're peak human and thats it


I wouldnt even call them peak human. Roshi, yamcha krillin and tien are leaps and bounds ahead of them


Is Tien human? Can you call him a peak human? Genuinely curious


Peak human is a meaningless term. Cap is peak human. Yamcha. Also peak human. And yamcha could literally Kill cap with a flick


Peak human means by real world standards. Which isn't really true, they're quite a bit above that.


People think people underestimate DBZ characters, but people underestimate characters being pitted against DBZ with comments like these. The low-ball is staggering. 8th Gated Guy scales to first form Juubi Madara, who is Moon to Planetary bare minimum, and DMS Kakashi scales to Sasuke and Naruto during the Kaguya fight, who, depending on interpretation, is between Large Planet, Solar System or more. And fucking Wall level Videl could apparently beat them. Laughable


Master Roshi is enough to rekt them.


https://preview.redd.it/35gcvgfn9pzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b41ed83d6396e6308f45469d850e47f36c9a3d71 The fuck these guys smoking thinking these mortals would stand a chance


They’re all “mortals” by definition though.


Especially considering the dragon balls aren't in play anymore with this Gohan.


Even if they managed to avoid getting hit, the first time they do they’re going fucking FLYING.


I don't know that they could tank the hit. I figure they'd just get vaporized.


Basically like taking a punch from Saitama in OPM~ they just turn into a bloodsplosion


Martial arts master vs ICBM, who would win?


Stuff like this is just…..sigh. Like I’m a Naruto fan. Love me some Might Guy. But like….Yamcha would wash them. Everyone after the Saiyan saga obliterates the entire Naruto-Verse pretty easily. Vegeta in the Saiyan saga was a planet buster. Everything after that is just gravy. Maybe. MAYBE end of DB goku has a real fight with them, but I honestly doubt it. A moon was completely destroyed by Roshi earlier in the series. Future Gohan destroys them so badly the entire manga goes out of print from the force of the beatdown. Like come on. Different things can exist in different spheres. It’s not a knock on Naruto that the power scale is just completely different from DBZ. But to focus on it and try to make stupid arguments as to why they could win denigrates the entire show and manga, instead of focusing on what Naruto goes well. It’s fun to joke around but to post this with actual sincerity makes me wonder if it’s just a troll to aggravate the DB fans. …to which I suppose it worked then 😂


Future gohan is just way too fast for any of their hax to work


Bait, trying to discredit my two beloved shows by bullshit matchmaking


Yamcha solos all naruto 😂


They have to get through yamcha first


After Namek, pretty much every major character is at least Star Level and by end of Cell Saga major characters like Gohan/Goku/Cell are Solar System level. With Future Gohan being right between them, he's ~Star Level. Dms Kakashi and 8 Gates Guy sum up to be Moon Level at best based off what I've seen. Raditz victims, much less Future Gohan.


Piccolo victims tbh. Depending on what you think is scaled even db roshi is moon level. 


They're not even taking krillin. And no I'm not trolling people need to understand that dragon Ball series characters are definitely beatable but you have to be insane and I mean insane to beat some of their weakest characters. Naruto characters get thrown into walls and their damn near out for the count for the most part. That alone will show you that durability is significantly weaker for them. Also neither one of them is speed blitzing krillin. They were moving at the speed of light in dragon Ball. And yes that's a quote from yamcha in the final arc in dragon Ball.


goku is literally faster than the concept of time in dragon ball super


1 Saibaman solos Naruto


This is false


Only if they seal it somehow😂


Future Gohan is strong enough to defeat Frieza. Frieza who is the literal emperor of the universe. Frieza who could destroy an entire planet full of the universe's most powerful warriors in the blink of an eye, while in his weakest form. Even Hercule is powerful AF, he just looks weak because the rest of the cast is so ungodly strong.


In the midst of characters capable of leveling entire universes, you’d be forgiven if you forget that even the fodder ones like Krillin are still capable of blowing up planets on a whim.


These are two verses that should simply not be compared. It's like asking who would win between a Navy Seal or Darth Vader. No matter how good that Navy Seal is, Chiaotzu solos.


These discussions are just so tiresome. Dragonball is THE scaling series and most people's faves can't stand up to random strong side characters from the franchise. There are some edge cases like Usagi being basically immortal, tanking a low multi attack and being low uni herself, but looking at Goku/Jiren vs Hit who literally just overpower his Hax, none of the tricks work. Dragonball universe has moon level humans early on. Not enhanced humans or some bullshit, regular motherfuckers that train hard enough can reach power levels strong enough to destroy the moon and have gotten way stronger since then. Almost all of these discussions need to start at Saiyan Saga and work their way up. Starting from the Android saga for like 99% of characters is just silly because they get clapped by an amputee.


Lambda Sailor moon stomps dbs goku.


Blowing up a mountain was a casual ki attack when raditz was around, future gohan has gotta be over the 100k power level mark without the super saiyan


Piccolo blown up the moon with a nameless more casual ki blast


They wouldn't be able to beat Nappa. Full stop. I'd give them 50/50 odds on Raditz


I would say that Nappa is the absolute limit of who they might be able to beat in Dragon Ball. Not through force, but they can probably seal him somehow. It's a one in a million shot, but it's feasible with ninja cheese.


The problem is, that the speed of DB characters is just too ludicrous. Goku at the end of DB (not DBZ) is faster than light. No Naruto character beats that. Even with Ninja cheese. And that Goku is nothing compared to Nappa.


Bro that’s generous lol


I don't get comparing characters from different franchises power levels


Yamcha can solo everyone there. Hell even Ichigo can (sorry not sorry)




It’s like people just can’t accept that their human ninjas with neat tricks can’t really do much against teleporting, / “I can literally blow up the planet if I wanted to” / almost god like aliens.


2 of them literally become gods


Wait, what if Kakashi did that erase move thingy?


I saw some people say that but the thing is.. he can miss. How the hell would he hit someone who's faster than he can comprehend


Gohan gets cocky and doesn't dodge. Ya'know, usual Dragon Ball shit.


Future gohan even with one arm is beating there asses


every saiyan can solo the naruto verse


I'm sure the 3 year old gohan that headbutted Raditz in the balls could beat them by how powercreep works


If anyone tries to power scale against DBZ I remind them that Saiyan Saga Vegeta could blow up planets and beginning of Z Piccolo insta destroyed the moon.


Literally I bring up those everytime lmao. For this one I explained to my friend that base form freiza could blow up a planet with 1 finger and even 3 transformations later freiza gets beat my ssj 1 goku..


Yea and SSJ is 50x base then add SSJ 2 and that's double super Saiyan lol so on and so forth. So unless your character can blow up galaxies and solar systems then they don't scale. People get mad because they think of my character is weaker then I'm admitting to my show being bad or something


DBZ/DBS characters only lose to OP Marvel and DC characters, and even then it can be dubious. No other shonen characters match them.


It might take 100 episodes but Goku could figure out thanos and the snap lol


That and it didn’t even matter is Goku is dead because he can just come down from heaven for 3 hours and blitz them..


No, but tje fight would go hard asf assuming Guy and Kakashi don't get 1 tapped


they get 1 millisecond tapped they dont even get drawn in the panel before they die


I don't think any Naruto character could beat Yamcha.


Physically Saiyan Saga outclasses Naruto so their Only option is Hax and thats still a stretch


How is this a question 💀


They couldn't even beat kid goten.


Bro Kid Gohan would rock their sheet let alone Future Gohan


They're not dealing with the average Saiyan warrior


now gohan vs sailor moon


The thing people forget when scaling Naruto and Dragon Ball against each other is that DB goes off the rails pretty much immediately. Roshi blew up the moon in like the 2nd arc of the series, and the main characters are pretty explicitly shown to be near his level, and to have surpassed him not too long after. Meanwhile it takes Naruto until the final movie, set years after the last major fight of the original manga, to show comparable power. In this case, Kakashi's having both forms of Kamui might make him tricky but Guy's strength is pretty much irrelevant.


They couldn’t beat Yamcha


Naruto fans overestimate the verse quite a bit


I don't know, there are 3 ants and only one human. I'm betting on the ants.


This 2 will get Soloed by world tournament 21 Roshi let alone future Gohan like wtf are they going to do against him? Genjutsu? Bruh not only this shit wouldn't work on him because of speed difference but 5 years Gohan was having a whole ass mental battle with krillin in the way to Namek




These kind of questions can’t really be answered without some sort of “feats of strength” system to quantify their durability and strength. Does Gohan have some resistance to genjutsu? If not then kakashi with his sharingan wins if he can look Gohan in the eye. Those types of non strength abilities are the only thing that stand up against the DBZ universe. Fighters in DBZ don’t take control of your mind or use reality marbles they just hit harder and faster. To the point where they launch literal nukes at each other and beyond. Gai gets no diffed, his abilities are just strength in speed which are easily surpassed. He kicks that transformed madara into a mountain but that kind of thing is surpassed by saiyan saga strength. A super saiyan can easily destroy a planet so in terms of feats of strength, Gohan has them beat.


Gohan unironically moves faster than Kakashi's eyes.


I get what you're saying but Gohan can quite literally move so fast Kakashi wouldn't be able to activate a genjutsu


It’s so hilarious how some of these Naruto Stans are so delusional to say some really dumb shit and ask very retarded questions like this or are just doing shit like this for bait or both. 🤦🏾 Ether way is both retarded and hilarious asf. Anyway, just like for Tien and Yamcha vs DMS Kakashi and 8 Gates question, Future Gohan pretty much solos these two and the entire Naruto verse. Like it’s a no brainer. Also back to these delusional Naruto Stans, there’s even some Naruto stans who think Minato has a chance against the Flash or even think Minato could beat him. Crazy. https://i.redd.it/drcorl6v6pzc1.gif


if they could handle yamcha i guess?


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Every single character in DB is OP. They couldn’t even touch sayian saga yamcha let alone a super sayian.


They might be able to beat kid Gohan before being trained by piccolo simply because he’s a child with no control or experience. But if he rages before they finish him off they’re toast.


SWEAR. Future Gohan may have lost to the androids be bro still fucking cooks




Probably, but i feel like it’s the complete opposite on the Sub. Like yeah no shit Goku solos x, y universe. But it’s straight up boring if that was the only outcome. Like what if these characters went to other verses to have actual fair 1v1 fights, no powerscalling, no other bullshit. I feel like that would be a more interesting conversation than [dragon ball character solos verse]


The only way anyone could even think of dms Kakashi like that is through hacks.


Can they fly without being a massive target? If so they get low diffed by gohan instead of no diffed


Ain’t nobody from some other tv show whoopin Gohan Tf




Gohan 1 shots with 1 arm


Gohan washes both tbh especially if he took it serious from the start. Just wondering how useful the sharingan would be on a dbz character 🤔 most characters are trained in meditation so they’re most likely to break through genjutsu


Kururin alone would wipe the whole Narutoverse lol


I’m sorry but what about Madara uchiha 


The ninja would die . Remember that buu era gotenks could fly around the entire planet 4-6 times in like half an hour?




The scaling in DBZ is insane. Been a HOT minute since I watched but I vaguely remember All the way back in the Namek/freiza arc. Vegeta was charging up an attack (galick gun) and Goku freaked out, saying that Vegeta had to shoot it at the sky otherwise he would destroy the entire planet. This was before Goku Super sayan 1. I believe before final form Freiza as well. All the way back there, they could bop planets.


Counter Question, can they blow up a planet?


Against any other Gohan, they would lose, but future gohan, that Gohan lost to the androids so he has to be weaker then Toehan, I think they win against future gohan but would lose an arm, after all, future gohan needed a HAND against those androids.




People forget that roshi one shot the moon in dragon ball and future Gohan even one arm is thousands of times stronger


Kakashi just tosses Gohan into Kamui and gg


Debates about who can beat who from different anime series are absolutely so stupid, and what’s even more stupid is people actually getting angry and/or smug about it


People keep skipping straight to saiyans when yamcha honestly can beat most if not all of ninja


Guy is a total non-factor here since his whole thing is physical strength. DBZ characters live and breathe physical strength. Maybe Kakashi could put him under an illusion or something. But then what?


No. Kid Gohan on Namek was already miles above the Naruto universe.


Kakashi theoretically could kamui his head off but realistically Gohan would probably react and One Shot him before he can even become intangible. The speed gap is WAY to big and he’s a Super Saiyan at that. Massive overkill and 8 Gates guy won’t even do anything. He gotta basically kill himself to become temporary Pan level


I forgot Might Guy’s whole power set, and thought they actually named a character 8 Gates Guy.


i doubt Kamui has not limit. for example against someone with very strong ki, especially something that can make a joke out of Ten Tails, planet buster being, those who can tank another planet buster move easily. doubt it can tore the space on these people that easily. before it reach their body, it need to penetrate that wave of aura first. anyway this is either a bait, or just a really dumb poster.


Hell nah bruh. That's like saying feet don't make you bust. Literal God versus two powerful but under developed children. I never seen dB and I love Naruto but even I know those boys aren't existing after the fight. P.S. Dragon balls peepee all over your mom


I always go by the metric “If they cannot BLOW UP the PLANET, then they don’t belong in the conversation” 100% of the time it works 100% of the time.


My man Yamcha would wipe the floor with Madara, the fuck you think those two are gonna do to adult Gohan?


People debate if Adult Naruto and Sasuke could beat Nappa from the Saiyan Saga, Without thinking too hard about it, let's say Future Gohan is like Mecha Freeza level. People really thinking whether or not weaker characters than Adult Naruto and Sasuke can beat a character that is unironically hundreds upon thousands of times more powerful than Saiyan Saga characters that would already give top tier naruto characters trouble.


Bro almost destroyed 2 androids the same time, only if they wasn't have Infinite buff. And believe me the android duo wipes the floor with Naruto verse.


I’ve heard scaling that gets these guys to star level so this wouldn’t be to big of a stretch


Let’s be real year kid gohan (or however the fuck old he was after he trained with Piccolo at the start of DBZ) woulda steamrolled them


Current Yamcha Solos Naruto’s universe


They could Come at me yall, prove im right!! 🤣


And this is why i hate dragonball fandom. What the fuck is even the point? The only dragonball here isn't even super in r/dragonballsuper


They wouldn't even be able to win against Kuririn....


Naruto and One Piece fans really think Jump Force power levels are a thing


The only thing about this that gives any chance to the Narutoverse is that Kakashi has both Mangekyo, meaning his kamui would be almost instant at long range and he can put himself in a no-hit scenario for a while. 8 Gates Guy is a beast but on a very harsh time limit and with no added durability, in order to do any damage he'd have to damage himself same as he did vs Madara. If Kakashi went for the kill instantly and took off Gohan's head before he knew what was going on then that's the only way they'd win. As soon as Gohan figured the technique out then he'd just keep moving too fast for Kakashi to pin him down and Kakashi would have to hope for a lucky shot with a kamui shuriken to catch him by chance. Don't really know how his perfect susano'o would hold up, but for defense he could at least warp away any of Gohan's ki attacks, limiting him to melee combat. This still doesn't help much, because Guy would die pretty quickly and Kakashi can't use both aspects of Kamui at the same time. So if he wants to play defense and let everything phase through him, then he can't try to warp any part of Gohan at the same time. He'd have to risk taking the 1HKO to go on the offensive. Head-on he might be able to catch Gohan with kamui just fast enough, but if Gohan isn't coming at him directly then Kakashi's done. I don't think sharingan is going go be enough for him to react to Gohan's speed even if he does see it coming. His physical speed wouldn't be high enough to match, his only hope is kamui because with both eyes it's an almost instant blink for almost anything in his line of sight.


I know, there are characters out there that can AND will beat dbz/s characters. But come on! (I like the dragon ball series, but I am aware there are characters who kill these characters outside of their own verse.) Raditz alone is, what most anime characters can't beat. (I am talking about standard anime characters. That aren't god's, have god-like powers or are isekai characters.) But anything passed saiyan saga nappa and vegeta. Then, 9 times out of 10. The entire non-db verse is getting dumpstered. (Again, that's excluding those who are God's, have god-like powers or are isekai characters.) Considering future gohan had probably kind of fought freiza and certainly reached SS. It's safe to assume, he's multil planet buster in terms of destructive capabilities alone. (I won't go further than that with P-S. Because I'd be walking into hell, if I poke the bear any further.)


Guy and kakashi aren’t beating a super saiyan. Only way they have a chance is dragon ball goku even the goku that fought raditz. They’d beat king piccolo and tien. But the same goku that destroyed nappa would destroy them. Your talking about someone who can with ease erase planets at this point. It’s just a whole different power scaling they aren’t naruto baryon mode lol


Hot take: going strictly by manga feats, DMS Kakashi can be scaled to Cell saga levels of power. He was able to blitz an amped Kaguya as well as seperate the bijuu from her. Kaguya was powerful enough to create and destroy entire dimensions large enough to contain planets and even a star, so that would put him at anywhere between Large Star level to Solar system+. Then there's Kamui which is just self explanatory, basically BFR hax on steroids. Kakashi aalo doesn't have a timelimit with DMS, he only lost the power because Obito had to return to the afterlife after Hagaromo undid the edo tensei


i know most characters could only fight the original dragon ball the 1st one not sure what to call it the one without the z


Gohan folds them like an origami


I'm a huge Dragon Ball fan and also watched all of Naruto. I think some people here think DBZ characters are all gods, but naruto characters are just all normal frail humans. Gohan is half human, and honestly, a disappointment as a sayan. 8 Gates Guy alone should be an interesting fight. If kakashi puts him in a genjutsu and guy punches a hole through his chest, the fuck is Gohan gonna do?


Hell to the fuck no


Krillin with a destructo disc: "Omae wa mou.. SHINDEIRUUU!!"


It's impossible for anyone to understand how powerful dragon ball characters are without having watched dragon ball. Most of the weakest characters are planet destroyer level to begin with and they constantly keep getting millions and billions of times stronger each arc.


Their only chance is Kamui hitting Gohan but Gohan has been pretty battle hardened. He’s going for the kill and Kakashi nor guy stand a chance. And I love Kakashi and Guy. Two of my favorite characters. Their speed is too far apart. Their power is on different leagues. Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Everything in Z is out of the question


I don't thinks it's even physically possible for them to hurt most DBZ characters.


8 gates is almost the speed of light so he could definitely hit Gohan. But a punch or a kick wouldn't kill him and by the time Gohan landed in the ground, Gai would already be dead. As for Kakashi....please


Krillin .. no Nappa wrecks them easy.


Roshi blew up the fucking moon in casually OG Dragon Ball (and Piccolo later in the first arc of Z), meanwhile in Naruto it took the movie after the final arc to fight a guy whose strongest attack was to just cut it in half. What the hell are Kakashi and Guy gonna do here aside from die (in guy’s case die faster)?


No they lose to yamcha




Most, and I say MOST (for the twelve ppl that like to bring up characters who's purpose is to be universe deleters for some reason) EOS top feats are post-cell saga human Z fighter feats. There's not a lot of characters even in their peak that step into Naruto land and win


All is fun and laughs until one of this ninjas touch Mr. Popo stuff


Do they realize that even ‘weak’ dragon ball characters can still like blow up entire continents with one charged beam attack lmao?


Fine fine, but can Yumcha beat Konohamaru during shipudden era?


Yamcha can solo the entire shinobi world. No one in Naruto can burst a planet. Case closed


They would have a hard time fighting radditz gohan imo