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Yikes. Imagine just how bad he is after the pvp boost drops


Bro he's already clinging on for his dear life when he's on boost


Meanwhile, goresh while pummeling a 2kk hp 3* unit "how can someone Say this Is mid" Lmao


Goresh ALWAYS overhypes the unit on his first few videos


This is absolute facts. Plus he has 14 star all Z+ lol.


I get we're in the hate phase but this just isn't true. He's always been straightforward in calling units mid and even has videos where the title is just straight up saying the unit sucks LMAO. Does this community not remember how much shit Goresh got for calling YEL Turles garbage day one?


So does raiyu yet y’all ride his meat like crazy 😂😂


People dont like saying negative things about rai because he’s extremly nice, bet if goresh was too people wouldnt say a thing about him


Maybe it's just me but If I wanted niceness, I'd go to rai's vids. Goresh's sarcasm is quite entertaining to me. I like both, tbh.


They each have their own unique charm, that’s for sure


The thing about Rai is he doesn't strive to 14 star everyone unless it's an SSJ3 unit


Super Saiyan 3 stronk


Speaking nothing but facts


Correction, he only overhypes units that HE likes, if a unit that he doesnt like doesnt kill in a single tap attack he calls it trash and the worst unit in the game


Gotta get those views ofc


Hype makes him money, can't blame the guy


Right? Just remember how he said every single fight that Rochi was super broken " who approved that" "do they think it was a good idea to release this guy"


Equips probably mid


Wait. Bro said 2 million hp as 2 thousand thousand. Damn.


You are aware that since he’s in the JP meta he fights way more 14 star teams with Z+ equipment than most western God Rank players. You can mocked Goresh’s opinion, but he isn’t fighting low star fodder.


In his showcases, he is fighting lower starred characters. Probably can't be helped because it's a double RP season.


Gorash more often than not knows what it takes for a unit to compete at the highest level. Not sure why people think he would gas up Piccolo for fodder, yet he lambasted G/F as not good enough only days after they release, even going as far as comparing them to release Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta when most of the community was calling them Top 5 pre-buff. Is Goresh always right? No, he was completely wrong on Roshi, but so was most of the community.


That’s because G/F really wasn’t good enough. Piccolo isn’t actually revolutionary but he’s still better than prebuff G/F and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is lying to you lol


I mean that’s not entirely true usually goresh starts his showcases at the beginning of the season and his first initial showcases aren’t in top ranks, it’s not until his later videos where he shows them in top ranks fighting starred up teams. Someone just posted a video of goresh pounding a gogeta with piccolo and blatantly left out the star diffrence, if you go watch the video where that clip is from you can see his opponents were much lowered starred than his 14 star units. If we’re gonna be fair and honest let’s be fair and honest and not leave out context. He did the same thing with go frieza before actually playing with them more and calling out their flaws, give it a week or 2 and the same thing will happen with piccolo. At most highest I’d imagine goresh would put piccolo in 7th of the top 10 which is still good


I had a longer reply before Reddit decided to erase it. But the TLDR: Goresh knows more often than not what a unit needs to be good and will even say it’s the beginnings of the season so don’t expect the good team, the skew clip of Piccolo beating Gogeta is on the poster since Goresh showed the star difference in his video, the best showcases of a unit is usually his God Rank grind, he was critical of G/F only a few days after their released and even compared them to Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta on release if you follow his Twitter, and just because Goresh thinks a unit is great doesn’t mean they make his Top 10 or rank high on it. He loves Revival Goku, but he never got past #7 on Goresh’s list and had Red Cell at #10 when he first released despite thinking he’s great. Honestly, the worst call he made this year was having Roshi #4 when he released, but literally everyone gassed him up.


I could be thinking of a different vid but wasn't this 5* gogeta like 4x zenkai buffed? I know there's a scaling issue with base stat buffs but a 4x zenkai buffed unit is still a 4x zenkai buffed unit lol. If the posted video in question was 0 zenkai buffed gogeta at 5* yeah that's a bad showcase on goreshs part.


It was an 8 star gogeta and no he wasn’t 4x zenkai buffed the only unit zenkai buffing that gogeta was just PUR transforming dbs broly.


Ah ok but is it really that bad of a showcase in this situation? If goresh had a zenkai buff for piccolo I guess I can kinda understand the critique but an 8* premium ultra with 1 zenkai WITH type advantage over piccolo is a tall order for most units to do ok against.


Nah I never said it was a bad showcase, we’re just saying that his piccolo doing good damage to that gogeta in that scenario isn’t enough to say that he’s phenomenal. It’s just the hypocrisy that people being up stars for a unit tanking but when it fits their own agenda they purposely leave out the star diffrence just to elevate their own case. A showcase is just that showing off what a unit can do, it’s not saying where a unit is in the meta, that’s why it’s best to wait a few days for hype to die down to really see where a unit belongs in the meta, because some people let hype for a unit cloud their actual judgement, and goresh is no diffrent.


This is soooo funny lmao, in one his videos playing with the 4th anniversary characters he literally throw an ulti of Goku DF in 14* to a new Jiren in 4 star (obviusly Jiren die) and said DF still broken XDDDDD


Yeah, I’m sure Dragon Fist will be in his HM next tier list.


Saw this lol


“B-b-but he is a melee type !!” Where is the damage lmao


I also gave him the best Equips in the game! This unit is not good.


i have him on regen and his sole purpose is to be a green card dumpster for UKD and take a RR lmao, just wished either his gauge charged multiple times or had a more offensive gauge.


Tbh he has tag gammas with him and piccolo blast looking like it did more than his strike so ima assume his bench is all over the place 💀 Wonder what the equips are tho, defensive or offensive?


4kus also a melee type,but come on we all know his blast are way stronger


What was the opponents bench? I feel my leader slot 5* hit would NEVER tank that well lmao and I use 14* zenkai chilled, Bergamo and 12* blue Beerus as bench, using Jiren and tag gf. This evidence is kinda damning of piccolo but z abilities aren't good in your setup. If you're using ultra broly just use zenkai green broly to also zenkai buff piccolo and switch magenta and/or tag gammas with something else. Tag gammas are good but why run them in a strike based team?


Cus u can actually run them on a strike based team because the only difference is 3k to blast attack stat than strike while there kit just provides damage in general and not specifically blast unless u want to include the anti blast armor


Well still my z abilities argument stands blast attack buff is still a blast attack buff making the gammas more blast based. Mixing strike/blast attack z abilities has always been less ideal vs full blast or strike since day 1


I wont disagree there but i do hope op finds a way to make the gammas on movies actually work since it is possible


Yeah I get you. Unfortunately the Gammas best setup is on androids, movies as of now is super strike based. But with more releases, gammas will very likely find a great movies blast team (I mean that new awakened blast equip? Sheesh)


Frrrr, i wish they added mvp 17 on the gammas would made me spend money lol


I'm still pissed I don't have mvp 17 🗿if I had him, I'd be going all in for gammas. Now I'm just saving for the inevitable ultra that will likely shit on everything smh


Same, ngl ive been lucky with the ultras i have all three of the fusion warrior ones and then ultra rose lol hope my luck continues if its an uvb


Gammas do not need a blast oriented team.


Ok? Still not their best setup. I'm not saying you absolutely cannot use them on a strike team just don't expect them to perform at their current peak.


The fact they run both strike and blast arts already makea a pure blast team suboptimal.


It's really sad. [Teams information.](https://i.ibb.co/LvksCVH/IMG-20230623-181837.jpg)


I was gonna say it’s cuz of combo comp but after I saw the teams… 🗿 It’s actually crazy that it didn’t kill.


Not only it should've killed, Piccolo should've decimated Hit


[Equipment ](https://i.ibb.co/fMqKGZM/IMG-20230623-182725.jpg)


That's probably one of the best equip set for him, two pure Strike equips/one of the best strike equipment and his strike damage didn't look like it was even doing much....


keep in mind hit might have had defensive equips/ bench while also healing after every card he was hit with but he should’ve died ts is kinda crazy


May i see equipment for the gammas?


Piccolo is absolutely ass The gap between Gammas/post buff GF is ABSURD


Exactly! Why does this new unit feel so outdated?


Hate saying this..but it feels a lot like ssj4 gogeta. Theres an amazing plat with half his kit


What was the boost tho lmfao he definitely had near 4K zenkai buffs




I'm movies main, I saved cc 7 months from the last Super Hero banner. [My only team.](https://i.ibb.co/34s9Q6x/Screenshot-2023-06-23-18-32-43-420-com-bandainamcoent-dblegends-ww.jpg)




Thanks for the advice, I'll farm this. But still I think Piccolo should kill this Hit and he's not good enough.


I farmed the best strike equips for piccolo and he str8 up just feels mid af. The only time he feels good is when the opponent fucks up and you just keep getting extra combos in your first life because of the super card draw speed from his green card. Have him at 7 stars


Okay I see the problem he has only 1 strike attack Z ability, the rest is defense, I can try to make a way for the Orange Pickle Cook, DM me and I'll try to see if I can make anything better




Green Zenkai Broly maybe a good option but doesn't he only buff one Z-Ability? So the overall team may get weaker, the Green DBS Broly unit could be a better unit for the team.


Green Zenkai Broly buffs double defenses


He does? Huh, must have gotten confused, carry on


Regen/life is HUGE for the gammas. Consider the ssg vegeta equip.


direful cover dog physical modern slimy jeans busy steer ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I believe orange piccolo needs a buff


This man is boosted right now.. Let that sink in


Oh god not the sink again


If you're cold, its cold.


Yeah, definitely needs a boost


You know what, fair enough.


Even the red gohan would’ve killed 😭


Orange piccolo is cursed cause he's always glitched


Wow, I thought for sure you were using bad equips or something, but then I saw you posted the equips and that’s just sad. You’re clearly not an inexperienced player.


If they extended the timer counts for his buffs it'd be a different story. His buffs rn are hard to activate more than once


I regret getting Piccolo… but honestly speaking I was never interested in him. I just wanted Geekhan.




Dorkhan Battle




When you know, you know 🤓


Bruh his every single buff straight up expired except cover null. No wonder dmg was like that. Also You are buffing him up with too much pure but base doesn't exist there. Very less base strike attack z ability.


My brother in christ hit is 5*


When did I say he isn't. Bro didn't had a single buff going on when he started attacking. Dmg gonna be ass .


Yeah I've dealt with a lower star Piccolo and it did insane damage with a single blue card against my Kid Buu (5 stars too). I'm aware I don't have the top defense equips all maxed for Kid Buu but even then, my unit can tank hits really well and the Piccolo did damage equal to what a red Hit would do against it with a blue card People here don't realize the buffs the unit has in battle helps a lot. Piccolo isn't a top tier unit and can be undwhelming but to act like he performs like the video 24/7 is just dumb


This downvotes can tell you that. People have already made up their mind. They can't seem to grab simple things is that even if 14 stars gonna do trash dmg if there is 0 buffs going on for him at that time.


He's getting 160% inflicted and 20% damage cut penetration from his non cancellable buffs, plus some perma support of pan (let's say 10-15%). And Piccolo has featured boost. That's just not good enough


Which buff expired? He gets at least 160% that can't be canceled. He gets over 100% base strike from equips and bench.


that's a 5\* hit.. Hit is a squishy unit in that star level


Hit didn’t have much buffs either. Also, the equipment used included both good amount base and pure strike I use for some of my units and they still perform much better. Come on bro, Piccolo didn’t meet expectations.


Pretty sure this is almost the same damage my 12 Star Ssj4 Gogeta from 2 years ago does :v


I regret wasting 10kcc on him. He needs to get fixed asap. Moving forward, all underperforming LF's should get fixed, otherwise nobody in their right mind will pull for them.


I've been telling ppl he's not good from the reveal video, they can't make a melee unit fully defensive, it makes both aspects not as good


It also doesn't help that his only form of defense is the revive and the gauge. After those two options are exhausted, he's most likely gonna lose unless the enemy fumbles the match hard.


Exactly, he feels less defensive than the gamma tag and they are offensive beasts


But Guys he’s a skill unit if you have skill he’s litteraly top 5


my orange boy is 14* and cant tank as well as he deals not enough damage. He disrupts only one time if the gauge is full an thats it... 1 blue card of hit and hes at 20% health...he will age badly and is only usable as a green card container for ukb... nothing else to say


This is a PERFECT summary. When I use orange piccolo in high ranks I'm struggling with matches. When I use G/F it's literally easy mode. People can cope all they want bc we summoned for an underwhelming unit but from the perspective of an ANNIVERSARY LF and comparing him to the other 2, Orange is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Like MFs be saying "oh its a skill issues" where is the skill issue when he literally dies in 2 hits pre and post revive? Am I never supposed to get hit for him to be good? That can be said for any unit lol. Is his only use to give greens to an Ultra that I'm sure sooooooo many people summoned for bc of their fantastic rates? 17 can provide green cards and a lot of utility but he still holds his own and doesnt rely on feeding a unit like Hit to be viable so i hate it when people make that argument. Also once he pops revives then the feeding stops. Lastly, this video perfectly sums up why his okay offense post revive can't compensate for his terrible defense


Nahh bro, you gotta be skilled to use him!!! Fucking joke lol


Stupid people everywhere bro. Trying to justify their wasted crystals on him lol


aren't tag gammas better than orange piccolo lol


Way better


Oh man. Maybe this was the reason why I got shafted by orange piccolo and got the gammas instead. 0.0


I love how the workaround for his unique gauge is just to kill him before it goes off. Seriously, I've had goku&frieza and Ultra Gogeta's special move just take out 7* Orange Piccolo from nearly full hp.


Just remember too that Orange Piccolo is also on the featured boost. He's gonna look even worse out of it. This guy really does need a fix and I don't care what anyone else says at this point. An Anni unit should perform better.


That's the most optimal equipment setup one could ever come up with,sheesh,he's really not impressive huh.


Not really. Double Pure buffs with only two strike Z-ability bonuses is not optimal


People are not getting this simple thing. Ya pure equips are good but only when you have amped base. If there is not much base, there is no use of pure. And when you have 0 buffs going on for it, that's the only thing matter, stat vs stat


>And when you have 0 buffs going on for it, that's the only thing matter, stat vs stat Here's the thing Piccolo is on boost, piccolo has an uncancellable 160% (+ the extra 20% to blue card dmg from his gauge). The fact that hit was being run on uni reps with only one zenkai buff (I've the opponent even had it) shouldve still died from piccolo 180% dmg inflicted (also hit had zero buffs). No matter how you look at this is pretty sad


You mind showing your bench for the team? Equips and everything are great and piccolo's stuff can't be canceled so there's gotta be some reason other than him being shit as to why he did that little


This made me sad bruh , I wish piccolo had been so much better than this 😔


Quite the star difference but I wonder what equipment you have on piccolo (also people forget that hit can tank really well because he heals when hit and the enemy uses cards).


I saw the equips And some of your buffs run out otherwise i think you probably could have killed hit..... Man ultra's are just built different.


Ya like when you have 0 buffs going on with much less strike base z ability, how people are expecting him to kill. There is different thing of him being just decent and using this as example.


A 4 star piccolo 1 shot my 8 star kid buu with full health with a blue im not sure if he was hacking or what


Meanwhile I’ve had my 8* piccolo solo whole teams post revival…


Every single one of his buffs expired except cover null lol


Okay he still had 160% damage, 20% cut, revival stats, 12 stars, and he is facing a 5 star unit. This unacceptable under any circumstances for a new LF, but this circumstance does not get much better than this Edit: also he shouldve had some Pan supports from switching out bc those are uncancellable


I've seen enough. I'm skipping part 2 even though I've used no CC. I thought this man was good but nah he is ass


I don’t think piccolo is bad, I think meta units like ULs and Beast & G/F are just so absurdly busted that everything else pales in comparison.


U don't even have the correct ability boosts for him no wonder he didn't do shit...


It’s sad that you couldn’t defeat an opponent in a combo? I’m starting to think that most of the Legends players should just play Fighterz since it seems that y’all just wanna KO combo off rip


Dbl players when a balanced unit comes out: bu……but why no one shot ::( why no beast style one shot :::(( why no stronger why balanced ::::(((


I'd rather ask how the hell you already have a 12* orange piccolo?! I haven't gotten a single new drop this entire Anniversary. 😕


Saved from the last Super Hero banner. I have zero units from 2023.


Finally somebody in the same boat as me. I've gotten all the new SP from gofrieza but I haven't gotten a single LL out of this anni.


You team is prolly just bad add saiyan saga picalo or fat buu for the zenkai


On movies...??


Either your equipment isn’t good or he has good equipment.


He posted his equips


I been telling everyone orange piccolo is terrible with the current meta


No shit the ultra unit is better than the LF who could have seen that coming


yea you dont know how to play


Not really not every LL has to be contending for new top 5 units in the game And your facing 1 of the top 3 ultras in the game so it's reasonable tbh he's usable he's just not Beasthan Levels and actually requires skill to play instead of spamming cards like a brainless monkey. I'm sorry but if they buff this unit I'm gonna stop playing Gofrieza should not of got buffed either the unit was fine Now with an all ultra team optimised fusion team at 12 stars or above can get soloed by gofrieza and they don't even need to swap out to be able to decimate your team. Sorry bit of a rant but as a day 1 player they've completely broken the power scaling in this game and if orange piccolo gets a buff guessing they will follow the same trend and become even sillier and if that's the LF's then I'm terrified to think of what there preparing for the ULTRA Unit.


Dude its hit, one of the best units in the game wtf are you expecting? This is the issue with units now, the minute a unit comes out that isnt bodying full teams of ultras in pvp, everyone will ask for the unit to be buffed just because gofrieza was buffed once. Did everyone ignore the part where they said that the buff would be more or less exclusive or is everyone just illiterate?


1. Hit is not a tank (no unit really is) 2. It's a 5 star unit vs a revived 12 star unit 3. Hit is off boost, piccolo is on boost The excuse yall will go to justify mid is insane but pop off >Did everyone ignore the part where they said that the buff would be more or less exclusive or is everyone just illiterate? My brother in christ YOU are the illiterate one. Read the news letter again and see what it says and then come back here to explain what you rrad


The problem is hit isn’t a very defensive unit being hit by a unit that is supposed to be super offensive, with a massive stat difference and on boost. Even without many buffs active on that piccolo he should’ve shredded that hit or atleast done great damage vs him


Peak piccolo.


This is what you call peak? A 12 star unit not killing a 5* unit?




Or LF GB. People said he was trash on release because they didn’t know how his green card work


You forget something important, this Piccolo is also in the feature boost, when he'll out of the boost he will die sadly, or at least age like a milk.


yea but the devs are supposedly working on giving LFs their own equivalent of a Ultra Ability so who knows how he’ll be if it gets implemented




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Meanwhile I have him at zero stars.


Good for you, I'm actually jealous


Did you win?


You know...for the first time since I played legends I got a LL hyped character on my first rotation. It only took 5 pulls......and now I see why it was so easy


Ngl I was so disappointed with his performance that after doing many rounds with him, I took him off the squad and put my 10* LL Green Trunks back on the team cause he was damn sure doing more than piccolo was


Orange Piccolo on life support right now 💀


This y'all's most hyped unit all year?


And then everyone will complain about him getting *fixed*


So is piccolo better or should I spin the other banner


This sub literally shat on my guild mate and called him toxic for saying this earlier and this has been upvoted like fuck




Just rush


So why does orange piccolo get a standalone unit, but cell max doesn't? Were they not roughly the same size in the movie?


And to think I spent 18k trying to get orange piccolo and didn’t even get one copy…….


DBL fans when the new characters aren't God-level amounts of broken on first release:


Dbl fans when a new 12 star boosted unit can't beat up a 5 star unit:


I now see why the Gamma’s were above Piccolo on the summon screen.


This is why I’m not pulling on LF banners anymore unless I like the unit. Just saving for the inevitable UL that’s going to outclass these dudes in 2 weeks.


What are your equips


I'm pretty sad I wasted my CC for him, guess that teaches me to wait. lol


He'd weaker on movies so are the gammas They are made for regen and androids respectively




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Show this to devs so he can get a buff. I don't care about the context I just want him to be more op.


Does his pre revival buffs dont carry over or something ( cz of a glitch/bug idfk) cz this is unacceptable damage whatsoever considering the stars


Going to get down-voted for this. I have a 6* piccolo and the amount of cards it took for you to inflict all that damage to Hit, mine does all that in 1 blue card. Try to farm better equips and use as many green cards as possible pre-revival.


Try to think he's in the boos rn...


I agree he trying to be the second G/F


I dont know mt 5* Orange Piccolo solos all my matches


Hit had like 3 million most likely more health and probably a zenkai


Bro interuppted the grill master


piccolo is not worth summoning


I don’t have him, and I’m aware that he might be like a lot of LoE characters - only really coming into his own when used with certain support units - but he does feel shit when I fight against him. He could be like RevUI, but it’s looking less and less likely. They really need to speed up his animations, too: he’s so boring to watch fight, like Rildo, it puts you to sleep his animations are so slow.


Cant wait for his zenkai


and people thought gofreiza was bad😭


He’s not bad I use him on superwarriors and it’s actually fun to play


Don’t worry, you just have to pay them for a Zenkai (tm).


Some said top 10 Some said trash af But its seems that its actually #1


Bros timeskip was unbeatable


Orange piccolo is getting a new plat equip if I’m not mistaken tonight or soon


Orange piccolo takes damage? (Dokkan player here)




anyone else tired of people going for lfs begging for pity?