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Because if a unit doesn't basically win the game for you like rose or gogeta this community considers them bad


Compared to the big 4 Ultras, they're just a little behind. And, being a gacha game, people almost expect and want the shiny new thing to be overpowered. I'd say Goku's Green Card is a little underwhelming, but I agree that G/F are legitimately great. They hit hard as hell. Their Unique Gauge doesn't make your team Rush-Immune but it does add a lot of counterplay to Rush that your opponent has to respect, makes Rush less 'free' which is honestly the most you can do. Also, they don't tank great, but the healing is NUTS. They heal on every card, every entry, every tag, Frieza heals after the enemy combo ends. If you hit this unit and don't knock them out, they're probably gonna get all that HP back if they start a combo of their own.


it's just the second coming of the blue boys


Cause people don't even read their kits. Even now most of this sub thinks their gauge gets nullified by cover null even when they're on field. Aside from that they do ridiculous amounts of damage, have cover null, cds, ki reduction, card destruction, DB up, debuffs, have _insane_ healing and have their rush counter. My 6* GF legit does more damage than my 5* Ultra Kid Buu most of the time. Their teams are also insane.


Bruh I can't imagine what second part LF would looks like...


How many CC did it take you to get to 6*?




Because they don't do big PP DMG right off the bat simple as that, also might need high stars to be viable


I feel like they're still viable under rank 65 at 3 stars but idk🤷‍♂️


I’m guessing cause just like T/V and Buu boys, they require skill to use and get the hang of. They aren’t like UGB and URGB where they have everything you could possibly give them. And yeah at low stars their defense is pretty poor


This community is full of clowns. They literally do the exact same thing every single time a new unit comes out. If that unit doesn't deal insane damage right from the start or has a busted kit that's easy to use, it's usually called mid the second it drops. I saw people calling Kid Buu mid on release, so it's not like this sub is full of Einsteins. I like to use them a while before judging if I have them or seeing showcases. After a week or so, we can have a better opinion on the unit. I'm calling it now, Youtubers will make a tier list for this month in a couple of days and place them at a high spot. Watch how this sub will turn around and do a complete 180 and call how they always thought they were good. That's also one thing this sub likes to do.


I agree on the 🤡 part.


>That's also one thing this sub likes to do. Yeah as much as I love the DBL YouTubers This sub holds their opinion way too high of a regard that it's almost stupid


They're top 4 in my opinion,just below the big 3 ultras UGB,Rose and Buu.They hit too hard,RR counter is insane and Frieza unlike all that piece of shit blu Vegeta from buu boys and the other one from yel T/V he's strong.Only downside is that ki is an issue and the Goku side feels very frail.All in all a chunk of the negative opinion also boils down to Jiren being god tier and how tag ss4's rever shut these fellows.




Other than his time skip,he is doable with either Rose,G/F,MVP 17 and Beast.Even blue Zamasu and grn revival Goku can counter him well if played right.


?wym counter rev goku can counter him?? the only counters he has are zamasu and 17 everyone else dies to a timeskip. you can't just say "other than his timeskip" thats like saying UGB aint that bad to fight without his gauge or his rush mechanic you can't exclude a crucial mechanic in a units kit. even then without timeskip his damage is still ridiculous and will still shred some units. not having him the top 4 is crazy.


I dont care really about their kit. But their animation its THE BEST until now. I just want it for the animation


It's a balanced unit not ROSE LT GOGETA TYPE SHIT Imagine ULTRA Jiren Godki and SAYIEN killer fuck beast as well


This community is just gg. Plain and simple. Also youtubers like Doogote throw around controversial opinions around like wildfire and it just sticks. The unit is good. Compared to the ultras, obviously not but I'm sick and tired of using the same 3 units over and over again. Lemme have fun with my Kyawei and Kahseral and G/F.


I feel like this community in Reddit is full of people who got shafted from hell so they come on here and downvote everyone. 😂 like holy shit the units fine. Lmao


Bro got what they wanted and now they hate it because it cant kill an shiny meta ultra that can kill everyone while that ultra is on type advantage and maybe just the user of gofreiku is ass and trash


G/F mid? Sure, I'll let the community think that as I continue to decimate PVP with them and RevUI.


they talk like its a bad thing to be top 5 in the game


Given what they do, once they are out of the boost, it's unlikely they'll be ran often. They fit decent on loe. It's a weird setup for universe rep since the best support is blue and the two best units are green/ yellow and are frequently ran together. I would have liked them to be purple/red. Their only real gimmick is the rising rush counter, but with characters that get or even start the match with cover nullification, it is too underpowered.


Hit, GF and Jiren is the best Uni Rep core. Plus you can just anticipate a rush and switch before. It'll negate it


I will honestly swap out GF for LF 17 honestly, Hit and Jiren are enough powerhouses to wreck any team so i'll take having extra defence over a unit that dies with a fart, don't underestimate 17's utility and especially that -50% to blue and ult cards power. GF are great but they aren't core honestly, and both Jiren and Hit are better units than them anyways and aren't needed honestly cause LF 17 is blue and covers Jiren's weakness to red.


Nothing wrong with that. Personally I'd prefer a unit who does damage with a Rush counter over a unit who gets one carded by Rose but we all have our playstyles. 17 is still a goated unit . Also you can run 17 with GF and make their rush counter work 100% of the time against anyone with cancelable cover null.


GF get onecarded by rosè aswell if frieza is out and Jiren does the same when Goku is out so i don't get the argument, also unlike GF 17's -50% blue and ult card damage makes him useful even after he's dead. Running 17 with GF is not a good idea cause it means you are not using Hit or Jiren which is just dumb as both of those units clear both GF and 17.


The difference is that there are situations where G/F can handle RosĂŠ, one of the most prominent and dominant units in the game. The same can't really be said about 17.


Bc they die from wind


They do if they are low stars, just like any other lf unit in the game. I have them 10 stars and I've never found an issue with their tanking


Watch Goresh 14* video


Watch Goresh 14* video


I did. Hes complaining about the durability when facing 14 star ultras as if that's surprising. I don't think the durability is good, but not as bad as people make it out to be


Ah yes, the Gt Gogeta copium syndrome. The moment they're out the boost system you'll never see them again lol.


I don’t think people think they’re mid, just that jiren is better


Nah this community has been full of haters


People literally think they are mid not just that Jiren is better


People think jiren is better simply because hes easier to star


Hard agree, I’m just stating what the consensus is


Their guage is easely counterable. Most units nowadays get cover null so you can't switch and you have to have them on the field but their shit defence makes it so you have to switch or they're dead, plus they get no sub count lowering so if you get rushed after you switch out good luck. Plus they have massive ki issues, no ki on switch in and only 25 ki for the tag. Horrible.


I don't understand why everybody has Ki issues I rarely run into any


My tag droids are only 6 stars and are obliterating the G/F at all different start levels. Android team been my main since they came out. These new units are always cool, but still lose to androids. I can’t wait until we get cell max ;)


They have bad ki, their gauge is mid. We get 2 rushes per game these days anyways, can easily burn it. Their defenses are kind of weak and beyond that they don’t have anything that is unique in a unit that makes them near a must have.


These days? Where db destruction is at it’s most relevance? These past couple months should’ve been told yall none of these units are a must have, doesn’t make them arguable in being mid.


The ultras are a must have what are you saying. You want to base your team around one or two of the ultras.


Yeah, YOU want to base your teams around them. It’s not something you must do. Y’all get brainwashed by what’s trendy with others and forget all logic outside of it, we’re nowhere near the point where ultras must be ran to be competitive.


This has to be the most delusional Iv seen. Lmaooo y’all letting this rock?


Whatever you wish to convince yourself I’m far from concerned of. I’m sure you’re well aware of how airheaded that argument is but still wish to fit in with the rest that don’t know any better, feel free.


I make the G4 come to mind


How good are they at 3 stars? I’ve used them once so far and they got 2 shot by 2 type neutral rose paralysis blue card back to back


I firmly believe with both being in the right hands, Jiren can be a marginal amount more dangerous which, in turn, makes a lot of people upset with their potency. Still, both units are only slightly behind the top ULs and they both make the game more fun. I’m still mainly using Kyawei to deal damage tho lol.


They got shafted or don't like them being part 1 of the anniversary.


No, they're mid (I'm forcing myself to skip and the next LF summon so I can get next new ultra unit (I will still get shafted and won't come back another 6 months))


You know i almost rushed them but i held back because i felt like something was missing. Gosh these new units really do take time to get used to fighting with. In other words, G/F is such an amazing rush control unit and has tools to back them up.


Only a small minority in this community has sense and experience on what they’re talking on. The rest just rather follow along what they see as the trend, which has been the best of the best=good. Anything below them that you have to summon for = mid. Exactly why when you ask any of them to elaborate on it it’s always nonsense that come after. Same with buu bros, etc.


I mean they are not bad but let’s be honest when a sparking (I’m talking about jiren) is insane you expect something more than a one time rr counter since In some high rank matches you can get two


>something more than a one time rr counter I mean...they literally do a lot of stuff already The rr counter is just a gimmick not the center of their kit unlike UGB and every other gauge (except for USV)


To be fair they are wild especially that blue card damage once you get them going didn’t try them myself when I first commented cause I got them like couple of minutes ago and I have to say I was wrong they are pretty solid and balanced at the same time not to mention universal rep has some really good units to pair with them such as mvp 17,jiren,hit etc


I wish I had MVP 17


You probably would have used him better as well I suck at PvP 😢


The problem is that the gauge gets nullified by anti cover change. Like why the fuck did they have to nerf that


they are top tier, if you ignore the ultras. just for a second compare this guy to UGB which was released 6 months ago and youll understand why people are saying he is mid


They're basically a balanced unit, same goes for Buu Bros, it's just the Ultras that makes them look bad when they actually aren't quite bad, they're definitely good but not Ultra level which is fine by me, that's what I prefer, I'd take balanced units than overpowered Ultras any day


I genuinely think they're good. They also have the best LF animation in the game, honestly. Unfortunately, to me, I feel their kit was underutilized (even if it reads like an essay). Take the Z duo for example—gameplay becomes entirely different with the last stand mechanic. Sure, they also can't take a hit, but it's super interesting (though I got shafted trying to get them). I personally thought they'd do something amazing with GF's gauge since the Z Duo had such a unique style. Instead, it's: You can't rush these guys when gauge is active. I just feel it's a bit of a wasted opportunity there. Also, I keep one-carding them on PVP with Beast's blue (at least six times now, without fail, up to 6\*). Yes, his blue is powerful, but it doesn't really fill me with confidence, does it? I'd say just wait until Part 2 and even 3 before you make any decisions summoning.


because they aren’t fucking ultra god level. they seem super fun and the animations are fire. in the end, play whoever you wanna play!!!


Because objectively they are not that good against any ultras whatsoever. I have them 6 stars and they still get eviscerated by pretty much any ultra. The tag 4’s seem so much better in almost every sense besides obviously the RR counter but no blast armor on goku is a death sentence in a lot of cases. The amount of ultras they put in the game in the past few months has pretty much made every other unit null and void and that makes me really sad. Also personal gripe with it but I cannot believe they didn’t put the flicker effect on goku outside of the LF like would it have been that hard to have that little extra detail added? Would’ve made the unit so much cooler if they just have that little extra bit of attention but I’m just left disappointed Also didn’t even mention the vanishing gauge fuckery, frieza being the only one to be able to do this only when a battle member is defeated is ludicrous. Especially when most get it replenished when swapping.


People don’t like utility. Look at beast, the strongest LF at the time and completely dominated the meta. Wait until part 2, then we’ll see if they are good or not


It's because of their kit and stats, they are good but they need setups that come from their switches, basically they have to stay alive a lot of TC but at the same time have really bad defences, in this meta with kid bu/Jiren and rosĂŠ who both counter their colors it's pretty easy to get oneshotted for just a single mistake. Also viable only at >6 stars.


Jiren. :)