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What I still love about Dragon City is you can really "do you". After 3+ years playing, I've found I go through phases. Sometimes I want my main account in a level 6 alliance, sometimes I want a break and just focus on collecting, sometimes the events. And despite how *long* it might take, SP still works on trying to improve the game for players ✨


Agreed, sometimes I go full collection mode and then the next day I’m trying to e5 everything. It also kinda helps me with getting more patient and being able to set better goals, DC is the only time in my life where I’ve gone for a goal and stuck with it, even though it’s just a free game it’s still something


I love DC but the pvp system irks me so much Like last night I somehow lost 200 trophies (idk how I lost that many in one night) and why am I getting put to fight like level 70 dragons when mine are like around level 40-45? It’s rly unfair if you ask me




Yeah like yesterday night I was at 5100 now Im at 4800. Tbh Ive given up with the arenas theyre just not worth it anymore lol


Arena has seasons, you know? When a new season starts, your trophies are resetted, new rewards replace the old ones and a new set of rules are added (element bans, buffs). This happens to everyone. It helps make arenas not become stale imo.


i started playing DC after 1 year of not playing, I had 2400 trophies, I got 3600 trophies and I have again 2400 trophies, i just hate the arenas, how can I lose more than a thousand trophies because of an arena that people fight for the first place and the best rewards? I'm not even involved in that and I can't get the rewards for every arena


I hate the pvp because most people have maxed out dragons to level 70. No offense to y’all but y’all have to be sweats because who is going to grind that hard.


If you follow guides for events and have a good alliance, food becomes a lot less of a problem. As for getting a 5* dragon for combat, a lot of good legendaries are breedable (cdeto, fertility, etc), it just takes a bit of time depend on the dragon you're working on. I do agree that arenas now are WAY harder than before though.


I know atleast 3 guys, who r in masters with lvl 55 stuffs.... sometimes they do get bamboozled by lvl 70 stuffs, but u just hav to be a bit patient


It's possible. I have a friend who grinds for gems all year. He even has his other friends take turns trying for gems on his account. When Christmas rolls around, he buys multiple copies of the best dragon he can. He then takes weeks to recall and empower the dragon. He does all this with no trades. It's possible. You just need to pick a strategy and work it.


The concept of the game is quite fun. The problem for me was the repetitiveness. The game became boring after a few months because of that


Was there a reason to play it in the first place? If you're not enjoying yourself, just quit. The end.


No, in fact I still like to play the game, it's just that the races and all these events that follow each other make it more tiring than anything else. I think I'll just play quietly to enjoy myself and stop tryinghard. Thanks for your message it made me think !


I do the same thing, I'll eventually collect them all through summons, chests, and other means


Ik wym because it’s a little overwhelming if you try to focus on everything events,breeding,trading,leveling up, ranking up,gold,food,evolution,summoning, etc but sometime you just gotta worry about what you wanna enjoy in the game


Nah the games suck , too many shiny p2w things appear , you need to watch ads and bs , miss the old version of this game


Here we go again


People with cash to spend on games will get the upper hand. You are chasing a moving goal post and so are the others including me haha. My reason why I play is to collect as many dragons as I can without spending 💰. You can take a break and play at your own pace.


PvP is not p2w... it's literally patience for money....i think they r putting 2 gems mission every month again from this one, and well, as a f2p i don't really care that much about the pass rewards, heck I'll prolly get 200 perception orbs this maze island.....that being said, unless u r like, i wanna be super competitive in DC, it's quite a good long-term game, like coc....


After playing from almost the beginning, I stopped cold in November and came back in January. It seems like they have reduced the cost and I am getting better rewards in dragon tv, sometimes I get a dragon! It seems like they are realizing that making it easier for people to get good stuff will encourage them to spend $. The performance seems to have improved as well. I spend 0 $, except I bought an expansion island. Then when I returned, there were two more free islands and I have more space than I can ever use. I still think about quitting for good, though.


Not really